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seo New Blog Pinging Website List 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you:
If You Want To Ping Your Blog. Then I Have Write Many Best Blog Pinging Website Here. Ping Your Blog Now In Free......
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Top U.S.A free classified sites list updated May 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you:
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Create and design SEO-Friendly URL Structure 2013

Seo Master present to you:

best seo friendly url structure  :

seo friendly url structure

One of the most basic search engine optimization techniques is in using SEO-friendly URL structures. A good structure can help the indexation process of your website, but, unfortunately, there are plenty of websites that use incorrect, suboptimal URLs. In this article we take a look at the various elements of a URL and how we can create a structure that will help us rank as highly as possible.

Mind File Extensions
URLs that end in .html are favored by search engines. There are exceptions to this so make sure that you know your system well and that it’s friendly with search engine requirements.

Spammy URLs
If you still have certain doubts about your URL, go to a resource like seomoz.com There are spam detection tools that will help weed out things like spam words, and give you tips on hyphens, sub domain depth, domain length and digits. Again, all of this information is freely available online.

Hyphen vs. Underscores
The websites that contain an underscore in their URL are starting to become scarcer. The general belief now is that a user who is doing a Google search for “blue widget” will get better results from http://www.blue.com/blue-widget thanhttp://www.blue.com/blue_widget. Times change, and these protocols change as well.

Re-writing Your URLs
Lots of URLs that used to contain characters like &, +, =, _, $ and % are being overhauled to include more user- and search engine-friendly forward-slashes. This can get tricky, but there are plenty of tools out there to help facilitate this. Some are free open-source tools, and some are fee-based. The technical term is a “URL Mod-Rewrite” and this can easily be done via the .htaccess file on most servers.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Webmaster Tools 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Webmaster Tools Google Webmaster Tool
Webmaster Tools Google Webmaster Tool
Webmaster Tool is free provided by Google with an easy way to make your site more Google SEO friendly. Webmaster tool help you to show you, when Google last visited your website, help you diagnose problems, and give more info to us to help improve website's visibility in our search results.
Advantages of Webmaster Tool:

In these articles, we will discuss about the benefits and features of webmaster tool given below:
Google better crawl your site
Google give details info on, how we crawl Info and index your site.
Crawl Info: when Googlebot last visited. Googlebot has successfully accessed your home page.
Indexing Stats: Pages from your site are included in Google's index.
Web Crawl Errors: At the time of crawling your website Google found few errors in the urls and provides you the info following given below:

  • Errors for URLs in Sitemaps
  • HTTP errors
  • Not found
  • URLs not followed
  • URLs restricted by robots.txt
  • URLs timed out
  • Unreachable URLs
Use the Settings page to provide Google with information about your site and preferences. This will help us improve how we crawl and index your site.
  • Geographic target: If your website targets visitors in a particular location then this is useful to determine how your site appears in our country-specific search results and also improve our search results for geographic queries.
  • Preferred domain: The preferred domain is useful for you, how Google would like used to index your site's pages.
  • Image search: This option is useful to include your website in Google Image Labeler .
  • Crawl rate: We can set the crawl rate and Google recommend that you set a custom crawl rate only if you're experiencing traffic problems with your server.
In this we have three options and get info about web crawl, mobile crawl and content analysis.

  • Web crawl: In this we will get the information on errors and problems encountered by Google's crawlers while accessing pages on your site.
  • Mobile crawl: In this we will get the detailed information on errors and problems encountered by Google's crawlers while accessing pages on your site created specifically for viewing on mobile cell phones.
  • Content analysis: In this we will get the detailed information related to content of the WebPages like Meta description, Title Tag and non indexed content issues. These issues won't prevent your site from appearing in Google search results, but paying attention to them can provide Google with more information and even help drive traffic to your site.
In this we have four options and get info about Top search query, Googlebot see, crawl stats and index stats.

  • Top search queries: Impressions lists the top 20 searches in which your site appears, while Traffic shows which queries generated the most clicks.
  • What Googlebot see: The listed word or phrase is the anchor text of a link to your site. This information provides good insight into how your site is seen by others.
  • Crawl stats: These statistics provide information for those pages for Google has indexed and crawled. The PageRank distribution reflects all crawled pages in your site, not just the home page.
  • Index stats: You can use our Advanced Search page to find out how your site is indexed. Below, we've done some of these searches for you.

  • Subscriber stats: If your site publishes feeds of its content, this page will display the number of users who have subscribed to these feeds using Google products such as iGoogle, Google Reader, or Orkut.
In this we have 3 options and get info about internal links, external links and Sitelinks.

  • Pages with external links: provides a list of pages that have links pointing to them from other sites and we can download the links.
  • Pages with internal links: provides a list of pages that have links pointing to them from other internal pages.
  • Sitelinks: Sitelinks are additional links Google sometimes generates from site contents in order to help users navigate your site. Google generates these Sitelinks periodically from your site's contents.
After creating a sitemap then, we have to submit. Sitemap helps us to make sure that Google knows about all the WebPages, including URLs that may not be still indexed by Google's when they normal crawling process. After you submit a Sitemap, you'll be able to see if there are problems with it or its URLs.
In this we have six options and get info about Analyze robots.txt, Manage site verification, Generate robots.txt, Remove URLs, Gadgets and Enhance 404 pages.
  • Analyze robots.txt: Use this tool to test your robots.txt file to see if you're blocking Googlebot from files or directories.
  • Manage site verification: Use this page to reverify all currently verified owners of this site.
  • Generate robots.txt: The Webmaster Tools robots.txt generator lets you easily create a robots.txt file in which you can specify any bots you don't want to crawl your site, as well as allowing or blocking access to specific files and directories on your server.
  • Remove URLs: Remove content from the Google index, including expediting that removal. Before you begin, you must make sure that Google and other search engines will not crawl the content you want to remove from our search results.
  • Gadgets: Use Google Webmaster Tools from your own homepage. Get errors, statistics, details about your site, and more on iGoogle.
  • Enhance 404 pages: Help users who receive a Page Not Found error find the information they need and so they can modify the error. 
2013, By: Seo Master

seo History of Sitemap, Sitemap Format 2013

Seo Master present to you:

History of Sitemap, Importance of Sitemap, Sitemap Format, Sitemap Submission Search Engines
Sitemaps protocol gives a information to search engines about URLs that are available for crawling. A Sitemap is a format of XML file and save as .xml. Sitemap file contain the list of URLs for a website. Sitemap allows webmasters to include information about each URL: when it was last updated, how often it changes, and how important it is in relation to other URLs in the site.
History of Sitemap:
  • Google first introduced Sitemaps 0.84 in June 2005 so any one can publish lists of urls.
  • Google, MSN and Yahoo announced joint support for the Sitemaps protocol in November 2006. The schema version was changed to "Sitemap 0.90", but no other changes were made.
  • In April 2007 - Ask.com and IBM announced support for Sitemaps. Also, Google, Yahoo, MS announced auto-discovery for sitemaps through robots.txt.
  • In May 2007 - the state governments of Arizona, California, Utah and Virginia announced they would use Sitemaps on their web sites.
Sitemap Format:
The Sitemap Protocol format consists of XML tags. The file itself must be UTF-8 encoded.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"
<loc> http://online-seo-information.blogspot.com/</loc>
The following table lists the Sitemap submission URLs for several major search engines:
Search engineSubmission URLHelp page
Googlehttp://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ping?sitemap=How do I resubmit my Sitemap once it has changed?
  • http://search.yahooapis.com/SiteExplorerService/V1/updateNotification?appid=SitemapWriter&url=
  • http://search.yahooapis.com/SiteExplorerService/V1/ping?sitemap=
  • Does Yahoo! support Sitemaps?
    Ask.comhttp://submissions.ask.com/ping?sitemap=Q: Does Ask.com support sitemaps?
    Live Searchhttp://webmaster.live.com/ping.aspx?siteMap=Webmaster Tools (beta)
    YandexSitemaps files
    Sitemap limits:
    Sitemap files have a limit of 50,000 URLs and 10 megabytes per sitemap. Sitemaps can be compressed using gzip format. Multiple sitemap files are supported, with a Sitemap index file serving as an entry point for a total of 1000 sitemaps.
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Robots.txt 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    Meta Robots Tags, About Robots.txt and Search Indexing Robots
    User-agent: *
    Because nothing is disallowed, everything is allowed for every robot.
    User-agent: mybot
    Disallow: /
    mybot robot may not index anything, because the root path (/) is disallowed.
    User-agent: *
    Allow: /
    For all user agents, allow.
    User-agent: BadBotAllow: /About/robot-policy.htmlDisallow: /
    The BadBot robot can see the robot policy document, but nothing else.All other user-agents are by default allowed to see everything.This only protects a site if "BadBot" follows the directives in robots.txt
    User-agent: *Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    Disallow: /tmp/
    Disallow: /private
    In this example, all robots can visit the whole site, with the exception of the two directories mentioned and any path that starts with private at the host root directory, including items in privatedir/mystuff and the file privateer.html
    User-agent: BadBot
    Disallow: /

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /*/private/*
    The blank line indicates a new "record" - a new user agent command. All other robots can see everything except any subdirectory named "private" (using the wildcard character)
    User-agent: WeirdBotDisallow: /links/listing.htmlDisallow: /tmp/
    Disallow: /private/

    User-agent: *
    Allow: /
    Disallow: /temp*
    Alllow: *temperature*

    Disallow: /private/
    This keeps the WeirdBot from visiting the listing page in the links directory, the tmp directory and the private directory.
    Allother robots can see everything except the temp directories or files,but should crawl files and directories named "temperature", and shouldnot crawl private directories. Note that the robots will use thelongest matching string, so temps and temporary will match the Disallow, while temperatures will match the Allow.
    Bad Examples - Common Wrong Entries
    use one of the robots.txt checkers to see if your file is malformed
    User-agent: googlebot
    Disallow /
    NO! This entry is missing the colon after the disallow.
    User-agent: sidewiner
    Disallow: /tmp/
    NO! Robots will ignore misspelled User Agent names (it should be "sidewinder"). Check your server logs for User Agent name and the listings of User Agent names.
    User-agent: MSNbot
    Disallow: /PRIVATE
    WARNING! Many robots and webservers are case-sensitive. So this path will not match any root-level folders named private or Private.
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /tmp/
    User-agent: Weirdbot
    Disallow: /links/listing.html
    Disallow: /tmp/
    Robots generally read from top to bottom and stop when they reach something that applies to them. So Weirdbot would probably stop at the first record, *.
    Ifthere's a specific User Agent, robots don't check the * (all useragents) block, so any general directives should be repeated in thespecial blocks.
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Google Friendly Websites Guidelines, Tips on Google Friendly Web design 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    Google Friendly Websites Guidelines
    In before article I have give information on webmaster guidelines - general design, technical, and quality guidelines and now this articles related to creating a Google-friendly site.
    Important Factors for creating a Google Friendly Site:
    Provide the information for which visitors are looking:
    • Provide high-quality and unique content to visitors.
    • If the webpage’s contain unique and important information then, you receive more visitors and entice webmasters to link to your site.
    • Providing a helpful, rich and unique content to your web pages help to rank well in all search engines and you can occupy the top 10 position.
    • Make sure that, the content related to the keyword and target the those words which are mostly searched by the visitors.
    Linking with other Websites:
    Links help, crawlers to find your site and provide greater visibility in our search results.

    • At the time of calculating the page rank Google give importance to the back links and text related to link.
    • Google counts the number of link a page receives as part of its PageRank assessment,
    • Algorithms can find the difference in natural links from unnatural links.
    • Natural links develop dynamic nature of the web when other sites find your content valuable and think it would be helpful for their visitors. Unnatural links to your site are placed there specifically to make your site look more popular to search engines.
    • Only natural links are useful for the indexing and ranking of your site.
    Make your Site Easily Accessible:
    • Create a website with a logical link structure. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link.
    • Use a text browser, such as Lynx, to examine your site. Most spiders see your site much as Lynx would.
    • Avoid using JavaScript, cookies, session IDs, frames, DHTML, or Macromedia Flash keep you from seeing your entire site in a text browser, then spiders may have trouble crawling it.
    Avoid the following things:
    • Don't Use unrelated keywords in Html pages.
    • Don’t use "cloaking".
    • Don't feel obligated to purchase a search engine optimization service. Some companies claim to "guarantee" high ranking for your site in Google's search results. While legitimate consulting firms can improve your site's flow and content, others employ deceptive tactics in an attempt to fool search engines.
    • Don't use images to display important names, content, or links.
    • Search Engine crawler doesn't recognize text contained in graphics.
    • Use ALT attributes if the main content and keywords on your page can't be formatted in regular HTML.
    • Don't create multiple copies of a page under different URLs.
    • Using Robots.txt file to block from search engines and not to index.
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo On Page SEO Factors | On Page Optimization Services | On Page Optimization Tips 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    Types On Page SEO Factors and Optimization Tips
    Types On Page SEO Factors and Optimization Tips
    Search engines are constantly improving their algorithm so they can provide more relevant results. A relevant site is one that provides quality content for its readers so after you have chosen your keyword phrases build the content of your pages around those keywords.
    On page SEO means the code page optimization so, in this phase, you should pay special attention to the following:
    Title Tag Optimization:
    The title tag is one of the most important factors in achieving high rankings in top search engines. A title tag is essentially an HTML code that creates the words that appear in the top bar of your Web browser. Usually, the Title Tag is the first element in the <Head> area of your site, followed by the Meta Description and the Meta Keywords Tags. These are the general rules you should follow when optimizing your title tag:
    • Use in your title maximum 3 keyword phrases and 100 characters
    • If possible , don’t use stop words like “a, and, or”
    • Avoid spam: don't repeat the same keyword in your title more than twice; it's considered spam. Also, some engines penalize for using all CAPS.
    Meta Description Tag:
    The META description tag describes your site's content, giving search engines' spiders an accurate summary filled with multiple keywords. The META description tag should contain multiple keywords organized in a logical sentence.
    • Place the keywords phrase at the beginning of your description to achieve the best possible ranking.
    • Many SE's use this to describe your site so make sure you not only repeat each of your keyword phrases (max 3) at least once but make this a true representation of the page that the visitor will be viewing, and try to keep it under 255 chars.
    The Meta Keywords Tag:
    The Meta keywords tag allows you to provide additional text for crawler-based search engines to index along with your body copy. The Meta keywords tag is sometimes useful as a way to reinforce the terms you think a page is important for on the few crawlers that support it. For instance, if you had a page about penis pills -- AND you say the words SEO Articles at various places in your body copy -- then mentioning the words "SEO Articles" in the meta keywords tag MIGHT help boost your page a bit higher for those words. You should include up to 25 words or phrases, with each word or phrase separated by commas.
    Here is an example of what a simple basic header should look like:
    <head> <title> SEO Articles</title>
    <meta name="Description" content="Online info on seo articles.”>
    <meta name="keywords" content="seo, seo tips, seo articles and seo guide”>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    Body text Optimization:
    This is what your surfers will actually see when coming to your site. There are many issues to consider when placing keywords in the text of your pages. Most search engines index the full text of each page, so it's vital to place keywords throughout your text.
    These are general rules that everyone should follow:
    • Make sure your main page have your main keywords.
    • Use H1, H2...H6 tags in the article.
    • Bolding and italicizing your keywords at least once.
    • When creating your content pages, keep the following four concepts in mind: Keyword prominence, Keyword proximity, Keyword density and Keyword frequency.
    Anchors and Links:
    Anchor text is that portion of a hyperlink that is viewed by a user on a webpage (The Clickable text).The keywords in anchor text enhance the relevance of the target page pertaining to the keywords used.
    For example, if your keywords phrase is “SEO Articles” and you have a link with anchor text “Read all about SEO Articles here” on a page, pointing to another page about SEO articles "here" to the anchor text content URL whereas the best way is to link “SEO articles”. You can also locate (or insert) important keyword phrases in your page’s natural text and link it to relevant target pages of your site. The target page’s name should include in it, if possible, your keywords. This is how a hyperlink code looks like:
    < a href=”target-page.html”>SEO</a>
    Frames, Java scripts, Flash:
    Avoid using frames, java scripts and flash, they are not spider able from the search engines. Navigation (Internal Linking):
    The navigation structure of your site is important because it is through your navigation that the search engine spiders are able to access all of your web site's content. For sites with a small number of pages you should have every page of your site linked to every other page of your site. This can be done by having a left/right side menu or by putting a link to every other page on the bottom of your page. 
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo 3 Steps To obtaining many Backlinks To Your web site completely FREE 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    Link Popularity
    as you recognize plays a giant half in your websites ranking inside the Search Engines.

    So, the fundamental breakdown is, the a lot of links pointing to your web site, the upper up the search engines can rank your web site.

    More importantly though is obtaining those High PR websites linking back to yours.

    The question at hand is... "How am i able to get those High PR links while not having to shop for High PR links and/or pay countless hours surfing the online for link partners with the doable potential of being denied?"

    And as webmasters, we will not afford to waste time, particularly if your beginning out on an area time basis.

    We should utilize each minute we will to obtaining the foremost out of our efforts.

    So with that being said, i am aiming to divulge to you the 'Back Door' strategy i exploit for obtaining those High PR links to your web site completely FREE and have them begging you to come back back.

    And the cool issue is that this may be done following these three steps i am close to mention therefore listen as a result of if you are doing simply this, you may not solely get many backlinks to your web site, you may additionally get a whole bunch, if not thousands of Targeted guests to your web site at identical time...

    ...all for FREE!

    Are you ready?

    Good, as a result of i'm.

    Step #1. initial you need to write a piece of writing.

    The first step is to jot down an connected article regarding your Product or Service that attracts the reader in and gets them to click through to your web site once they end reading it to seek out out a lot of regarding you and your Product or Service.

    Now, your most likely wondering why you have got to jot down a piece of writing.

    Well, it's real straightforward usually because what does one get to place at the tip of your article?

    Your 'Resource Box' along with your web site info and most significant of all... your URL pointing back to your web site.

    So when somebody chooses to publish your article in their newsletter or on their web site, blog or article directory, they have to add your 'Resource Box' along with your web site info and URL.

    I know a number of you're saying... "I do not know a way to write an article" ... well, your not alone.

    Here are a couple of resources I've place along for you therefore you'll get the fundamental plan of How-To structure your articles with ease or get some other person to jot down them for you.

    The first is a piece of writing I wrote known as... THE seven Step Formula For Writing POWERFUL Articles In but An Hour.

    It will show you How-To structure your articles for simple writing. http://www.internetwondersezine.com/article_11.html

    The second resource is Elance.com - http://www.elance.com - that is largely an area where you'll go and submit a project by class and freelance writers, etc. can then bid on your project. you decide the winner and you set the budget.

    This will get you started within the right direction.

    Remember, your article is that the Nuts and Bolts of this 'Back Linking' strategy, therefore confirm you place some effort into it to urge it the maximum amount exposure as doable.

    Step #2. Submit your article to Article Directories.

    This is subsequent step and a vital one at that as a result of this is often where your article or articles are aiming to get picked up by web site homeowners and/or ezine publishers who are in constant would like of contemporary, quality info to feed their audiences hunger for info.

    There are actually many Article Directories out there and thousands of ezine publishers probing for quality content on a day to day. And if they opt for your article for publication, they have to embody your 'Resource Box' along with your websites info and URL.

    It's all regarding the numbers. The a lot of Article Directories and websites you submit your articles to, the a lot of potential Backlinks you will get to your web site.

    And since Article Directories have recently adopted RSS(Real straightforward Syndication) technology into the combo your articles can even get a lot of mileage while not you lifting a finger, making even a lot of Backlinks to your web site.

    More on RSS in a very minute.

    Are you setting out to see the ability behind writing your own articles.

    I hope so.

    Step #3. produce your own RSS Feed for your articles.

    This last step may be a terribly Powerful step yet.

    What you wish to try to to is ready up your own RSS Feed for your articles.

    Now, if you do not understand what RSS is here's the fundamental definition...

    RSS is by definition - an acronym for 'Real straightforward Syndication' or 'Rich website Summary', and the .XML extension is that the format used for distributing your news headlines via the online, that is understood as 'Syndication.

    'Syndication' is where the TRUE power of RSS is unleashed, obtaining your message or info across the online in an immediate to websites, subscribers and/or readers who subscribed to your RSS Feed.

    The easiest means for you to try to to this is often to line up your own Blog either through...

    Wordpress.org - http://www.wordpress.org

    Or through...

    Blogger.com - http://www.blogger.com

    Wordpress may be a very little a lot of advanced therefore i like to recommend if you do not have alot of expertise with Blogs or putting in scripts that you simply go created a Blogger blog which is able to solely take you but five minutes to try to to.

    I'm simply providing you with some choices, that's all.

    Once you have created your Blog the sole issue left for you to try to to is add you articles.

    TIP: confirm you hyperlink your URL and use Anchor Text along with your most targeted keywords. By doing this the Search Engine spiders can rank your web site higher underneath that keyword term you specify in your Anchor Text.

    After you have added your articles all you have got to try to to now could be submit your new RSS Feed to RSS Directories and RSS Search Engines.

    Here's a couple of resources for you to urge started with.

    Ping-O-Matic - http://pingomatic.com

    RSS prime fifty five - http://www.masternewmedia.org/rss/top55

    That's it.

    Now i do know I dumped alot of knowledge on you inside this text therefore simply take it Step-By-Step as a result of once you implement it properly it'll profit you for years to come back with Backlinks to your web site and FREE targeted traffic via the Search Engines, web site homeowners and eZine Publishers.
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    The engine promoting SEM search (Search engine marketing) is that the set of promoting activities to attain sure objectives within the search engines (Search engine: search engines), each by improving the visibility of an internet site among the results of organic positioning, each the acquisition of sponsored links or the mixture of each methods or alternative campaign-related advertising and pay per click circuits.
    The SEM may be a set of methodologies geared toward improving the ranking of a website within the pages of the search engines or, in any case to enhance accessibility through search engines.

    The SEM (Search engine marketing) additionally refers to the profession and work undertaken by consultants SEM optimization comes have websites of their purchasers so as to enhance the amount of visits and outcomes or the design of campaigns advertising based mostly on keywords.

    The objective of search engine promoting SEM are:
    - Increased visits to obtain:
    - Increase the talents of the users of a specific web site
    - Increased contacts.
    - Increased sales.
    - Search and investigation of recent potential customers.
    - Growth of the mark.
    - Strengthened whole or web site. 
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Do Link Building strategies boost your Off-Page SEO? 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    I’m sure many people know about SEO (especially bloggers). SEO is nothing but search engine optimization which includes On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. Today we are going to discuss about the strategies and tactics to gain off-page SEO naturally.

    What is Off-Page SEO?

    Off-Page SEO can also be known as as backlink developing or connecting. It is nothing but the attempt done outside of your sector to get more visitors and to get extremely rated in google. This can be done by interlinking the content or offering backlinks on others weblogs.

    How to Boost your Off-page SEO?

    There are hell lots of ways to boost your off-page SEO. We are now going to discuss the top 4 link building strategies which boost off-page SEO:

    1. Creating Good Content

    Always keep in mind that your website position doesn’t depend on the number of the inbound hyperlinks or quantity of the inbound hyperlinks to your website but also the excellent of the inbound hyperlinks provided. Adofollow backlink from a reputed weblog or a university website will certainly help you in getting high excellent hyperlinks and also helps you in improving your online search results positioning. But before getting hyperlinks from other sites, summaries the following –
    • Must be relevant to your site niche
    • Should be highly ranked
    • The amount of traffic
    SEO Tip: There is also a chance of getting quality backlinks if you create a quality content as the fellow bloggers link back to you.

    2. Building Good Relationship

    There are many ways of building relationship with fellow bloggers. You can start commenting right now to build good relationship with them. You can follow your fellow bloggers on social networks like Facebook, Twitter , Pinterest and Google Plus to stay in touch.
    And how does developing good connection with other weblog writers help you in website position and power ranking? Well, everybody knows that when you become well-known people start viewing your website. They opinion back on your website and this way your traffic improve with the enhancement in jump rate. Try to join in boards appropriate to your website market.

    3. Offering Guest Posts on Blogs

    It’s the best and flexible way of getting quality backlinks on high page ranked and authority ranked websites. They also drive potential users to your blog and if you are an internet marketer and selling some product then it can benefit you well.
    Guest Blogging a blog produces quality back links directing to your site which results in great position and great online search engine power and also it continues almost permanently . Most of the Pro Bloggers will be busy in doing marketing and other stuff and they can easily agree to your guest content if you have ability as a copywriter.

    4. Interlinking Your Previous Posts

    I’ve seen many bloggers asking “how to reduce bounce rate of my blog?” Well the answer is simple. Try to interlink your older posts which are relevant so that you can drive some traffic to the older posts and this way the bounce rate will be reduced. If you don’t interlink your older posts the number of page views will be reduced which also reduces your ranking and traffic.
    Not only hyperlinking older posts but also you can use widgets and plugins like nRelate to display the articles similar to it or in same category.
    SEO Tip: Always try to give an outbound link your fellow blogger if the article is under same niche/topic. By doing this you can expect the same from him.

    What’s next?

    I’m sure there are lots more methods and tactics to boost off-page SEO so share your experiences and let me know if there are more strategies which can improve off-page SEO easily.
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo How To Increase Your Visitors With Pinnable Images 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    Pinterest is a great way to drive an insane amount of traffic to your website, but the key is making images on your website “pin-worthy”. While there’s no shame in pinning your own images, the real cherry on the top will be having your visitors pin the images onto their own boards.
    Before you add the Pinterest button next to the Facebook and Twitter buttons, there are a few things you should consider to make your website’s images more pinnable.

    1. Find An Eye-Catching Background Image

    There are a few ways to find good images, including taking your own or using images with a Creative Commons license. I run a parenting blog, and if I want to write a post about a recipe I can easily take a few pictures of the meal as it’s being prepared. If you don’t have the luxury of providing your own pictures, there are plenty of websites that have images you can use. Here are a few of my favorites:
    You should also consider the dimensions of the photo when you’re selecting one to use. I tend to notice vertical images on the Pinterest home page over square or horizontal images, and the maximum horizontal width that Pinterest will show is 554 pixels. Anything wider will be automatically re-sized. Data from Dan Zarrella reveals that taller images are actually more repinnable. I found the photo below on Wikimedia Commons, and will show you the steps that I take to edit in the following steps.


    2. Edit The Image

    Once you have your background image, use a photo editor to give it some pizzazz. PicMonkey.com is a free editing tool, and there are various filters and effects you can give your photos. If you weren’t able to find a narrow image, you can simply crop the photo to the dimensions you want.You can also add text to the image, like the title of the blog post, the name of the product, or something clever that will draw some clicks.

    Picmonkey Picture Editing

    3. Add The Image To Your Content

    If you’re working with a blog post, you’ll want to scatter these pinnable images throughout the content. Ideally you should have the main title card, or the image with the title of the post, at the beginning of the article, and a few smaller images spread out between the paragraphs. Since every website is a different case, see which method works best for you: aligning the content around the images, or placing the images in the empty spaces around the text.
    How to Make Pinnable ImagesSince your goal is to drive traffic to your website, don’t give it all away in your image. Give people a reason to click!

    Think of your image as the front of your home. It it looks warm and inviting, they’re more likely to come in and have a cup of tea. With pin-worthy images on your website, existing visitors will have another opportunity to engage with your brand, and new visitors will hopefully discover a reason to come back.
    Picture credit: Jeancaffou
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Top 10 Ways to Make Press Releases More SEO Friendly 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    If you are thinking to sell products or services on the internet or seeking to start a company or seeking to make your existing company a achievements, submitting efficient Media Launch or PR is essential. For guaranteed achievements you need to maintain a good on the internet image that can be made possible by hiring efficient Media Launch solutions. In order to obtain the right kind of media coverage and popularity you should seek the services of efficient press release submission Services in Indian.For efficient company promotion and product exposure, you should seek the services of efficient press release submission solutions which will ensure that your product is being promoted and promoted in the best way. Today internet promotion is a valuable part of the overall on the internet promotion strategy, and therefore, many onlinepress release submission Services Delhi and other places in Indian are coming up that offer efficient press release submission as well as press release submission solutions.

    The popularity of a press release lies in the answer to the question that whether it is SEO friendly or not? Writing SEO friendly PR is crucial in the process of link building.
    Here are top 10 ways to make your PR SEO friendly:
    1) Use language that makes sense
    Use quality content and make sure to find out the common phrases typed in search engines by your audience to search for you and your competitors. Make sure to use these phrases in PR.
    2) Use key words
    Make sure to use keywords in your headlines. Analyze your keywords before you begin writing your PR.
    3) Bold critical words and phrases
    Just like highlighting keywords is important, similarly secondary keywords and phrases must also be highlighted and must include a link to additional information. Links offer readers a choice to look for additional information.
    4) Research free SEO tools
    Since, SEO is an ongoing process, so don’t feel contented that you are aware about what it is. Make sure to research online for latest trends and write accordingly.
    5) Make Use of Anchor Links
    Make sure to include anchor links along with your keywords as this will increase the chance to drive viewers back to your Website.
    6) Optimize first 250 words
    The first 250 terms of your PR are essential as they play an important part to make interest in people else you might reduce a audience if your content is not exciting.
    7) Patience
    Be patient because just like writing is an evolving skill, similarly it takes time to learn SEO.
    8) Get Feedback from Customers, Journalists and Bloggers
    Inquire your customers, industry bloggers and journalists as to what they commonly search for as their realistic feedback will help improve your content.
    9) Multiplicity of Keyword
    Use your keywords more than once in your PR such as in title, headlines of sections, as well as in sentences.
    10) Write Interesting Content
    Make sure to present content that interests your audience.
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo How to avoid SEO over optimization of your blog? 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    Doing SEO is excellent but there is very little distinction between SEO and SEO over look for engine optimization.SEO allows a lot to get you in the top ten outcomes of Google and if you do SEO over look for engine optimization than it tosses your blog/website out of look for outcomes .So,there is very slim part between SEO and SEO over look for engine optimization.Well,In this content,I will stroll you through How to prevent SEO over look for engine optimization of your blog?
    Where the restrict of SEO over look for engine optimization crosses:-

    Over Optimization Penalty
    According to various specialist that informs when  the restrict of SEO passes across  and they are recruited as follows’:-

     Tossing too many look for phrases.
    Exchanging too much hyperlinks.
    Using inexpensive techniques as entry passing.
    Duplicity i.e… Duplicating others material.

    How to prevent SEO over optimization:-

    1. Preventing common keyword and key phrase sector name: - It could be quickly recognized as copying the name of any big product by maintaining the little manufacturers name like as big product.

    2. Preventing modifying the “home anchor” written text as most effective keyword:-It is done where house weblink is textual and had been enhanced with goofy look for phrases that is not associated with your Market.

    3. Prevent using techniques and cheats:-In purchase to improve look for results leading to number of strikes but when user areas on web page,they cannot find right material. Google prevents  these techniques and tips as soon as they comes into knowledge and sometimes if these  are conducted on a large could also be called as fraud and will deindex your website.

    4.  Preventing unrelated data and duplicity:-It is like breach of rule in which material of a particular website is duplicated by another website to be able to gain advantages but it comes under the groups of being disloyal and forgery and when google knows about it ,they significantly decrease your positions if two webpages of same website have same material.Also,the website owner gives DMCA notice to your web hosting to remove that material .

    5. Prevent entry webpages and invisible text:-These methods were typical before Google presented web pagerank criteria these were a typical exercise and in the past it was not regarded as wrong exercise whereas entry web page has no significance for people these were specially engineered for look for engines. Their use is  to technique users to enter the website .

    6. Preventing too much keyword and key phrase solidity and keyword and key phrase stuffing:-It is also regarded as a malpractices that is extreme use of look for phrases, In this the SEO professionals basically do is to  use the look for phrases in question throughout the writing suspiciously often this was done to get instant advantages to clients by seo professionals.

    Steps taken by Google to stop SEO over optimization

    Google recently stated to punish those who are deliberately spoiled in SEO over look for engine optimization. The nature of charge depends upon malpractices conducted.
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo A List of All On-Page and Off-Page SEO Optimization Steps 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    1. Website analysis = A web page research is a must for every webmaster and if you are an SEO you must know how to do a site's research. A web page research is more than a guidelines in which you examine if everything performs excellent and according to strategy or not like material, development, competitors etc.

    2. Keyword Research = Market research is necessary for a website. It helps in getting right chosen search phrases which will help you to get only the site visitors from google.

    3. Bold, Italic effect to main keywords = These labels reveals the focus given to a particular term. This type od labeling allows the crawlers to realize that what the proprietor want to tell the individual and what are the primary key factors of the material displayed in that web page, for which it would have greater position in SERP outcomes.

    4. Canonicalization = Url Duplicacy, if not fixed then can damage your website. It happens because one do not markets the needless page that show the same information which is somehow considered as copy information by search engine optimization crawlers.

    5. Competition Analysis = It is must to comprehend the industry and your opponents. One has to create some programs to top the achievement that can only occur after doing the competitors research about the every phase they have taken so far and potential upcoming programs, this allows a lot to execute better in the marketplace.

    6. CSS Validation = You web page must look excellent not from outside but also from within to the crawlers which spider your website, so create sure that you have 100% appropriate CSS, so confirm it CSS validators.

    7. Google Base Feeds = Better known as FeedBurner, It will help you to have more members from search engines audience which results in more and better visitors.

    8. H Tags Optimization (Eg: H1, H2, H3) = A significant aspect of SEO, which allows you to create the spiders realize that what is more essential in your web page and what is less.

    9. HTML Code Clean Up & Optimization = HTML also needs to be boost to offer maximum outcomes, one must not create a web page complete of requirements, try to create them as little as you can so that the fill time can get better and this also allows in position better in SERP outcomes.

    10. Image Optimization = It is the term for use alt labels effectively. Using alt labels with every picture will help you to get visitors from picture look for as well.

    11. Hyperlink Optimization = The anchor-text used to make backlinks of your website always helps you to position better for those core text messages, so try to use search phrases as your anchor-text to make links, internal or exterior.
    12. In depth site Analysis = A deep analysis of your own website is necessary to do. It helps you to detect all the errors and other malfunctioning in your site.

    13. Link Validation = All the links must be correct and must not be broken.

    14. Meta Description Tags Optimization = You Meta data help you to position better but you must also know that how to control them as there are some restriction and guidelines that you must adhere to to get highest possible advantages from it. 

    15. Meta Keywords Tags Optimization = Just Like Meta Information labels Meta Search phrases tag is also essential most of the individuals believes that it does not help in any way but it really does.

    16. Navigation & Design Optimization = Your Navigation bar or any other navigation system must be good and user friendly, with it a good design which attracts the eye of the user is must.

    17. PR Sculpting = It’s a way to get PR from the websites which already have good PR. One can have the PR juice from good ranking websites by having 

    18. Robots.txt Optimization = It a file which tell the search engine bot that which place to crawl and which to not.

    19. Text Modification Optimization = Text optimization also plays important role in ranking better in SERP. One must apply the keyword density rule to gain more benefits from their site.

    20. Title Tag Optimization = A title is most important tag, a good not only attracts the users but also the search bots. 

    21. URL Rewrite = URL reword helps one to improve the exposure of their site by making url easy to understand in individual terminology which are strongly suggested by google as well.

    22. W3C Validation = With help of W3C you can validate your website to make sure that it is up to dated and working fine according to the latest rules of programming.

    23. Broken Links Checking = It’s necessary to discover out every mistake in your web page even if it is a damaged weblink. These types of mistake can occur internal or on the outside which may cause to bad popularity from both customers and crawlers.

    24. Directory Submissions = Directory Submission will help you to set the category of your website and to get good free one way backlinks which will help in faster indexation of your website.

    25. Extraction of Site Url’s ( Link Level Depth) = It helps in detecting the duplicacy of title and meta tags of those pages.

    26. Internal Link Structuring = Internal link structure refers to a structure which let you link the other pages of your website with any other relative pages, these also may serve as backlinks.

    27. Link Building ( Link Bait ) = It is a procedure of a reciprocal linking with websites which already have good PR to share the link juice.

    28. One way link (PR4 or Greater) = This steps may include all of the off page optimization steps to get one way backlinks, sometimes they are paid and sometimes they are free.

    29. Site Back-links count = Try to get more backlinks everyday, more backlinks means better ranking and more traffic which leads to more income.

    30. Local Search Engine Optimization = If your business is local then Local search engine optimization can help you a lot. Submitting in local directories and search engine apps will increase your chances to appear more in a local search.

    31. Customer Review Submission = This is just like the recommendations but on a huge, it contains recommendations, reviews from customers, their feedback etc. You can display this on many webpages of your website which will improve consumer's believe in in you. 

    32. h card Integration = hCard is one of several open microformat standards which helps in representing vCard properties and values in semantic HTML or XHTML.

    33. Testimonial Submission = Try to get more testimonials from some reputed customers of your which will increase your goodwill.

    34. Local Search Engine Optimization = This helps in getting better response from internet users if you have a local business. It is helpful for small businesses like shoe makers, restaurants, pizza shops, marts etc.

    35. Google Webmaster Tools account setup & monitoring = It will help you to understand the flaws and errors in your website with many other facilities to be used to make your website a better one.

    36. Installing Usability Tools on Website = If there are any tools that can be used by your customers, please provide it to them.

    37. Optimization for Multiple Browsers = Making a website look good in all of the web browser is necessary because you don’t want to lose your user just because your layout does not open correctly in some browser.

    38. Article Submission = It helps in having a good backlink and also some visitors from good article websites.

    39. Blog Comment on Relevant Blogs = Commenting on relevant blogs, increase your popularity as well as provides good backlinks, just make sure that you do not spam.

    40. Blog Designing for the website = A blog of your website must look attractive as well it also must be similar to your website, so that the user may not get confused about its ownership.

    41. Classified submission = It is a free facility given my many websites mostly forums to promote your website, products on it or any service that you provide for free, but please just don’t spam there.

    42. Creating Promotional pages on hubpages, squidoo, etc = Hub pages are good sources to attract more users, keeping the relevancy of the content you submit there can bring more users to your website.

    43. Face Book Twitter Marketing = Social Media Marketing (SMM) with Social networks like Facebook and Twitter can also help you to spread the word about your website.

    44. Integration of page bookmarking tools = You can also bookmark your bookmarks like creating a linkwheel between them.

    45. Integration of page sharing tools = Sharing tools help you to increase your link popularity through those users who like to share the info with other with help of your sharing tools.

    46. Paid Submission = One good sites people usually get compensated hyperlinks on focused webpages from where they get back-link, PR juice and traffic as well.

    47. Photo Sharing = Sharing images on websites like flickr, photo bucket etc helps to increase traffic through image searches.

    48. PPT Submission = Uploading PPT presentation or pdf files with good knowledge also attracts the users eyes.

    49. Press Release = Any small or major change must be released in market to aware your customers, Press release do this work.

    50. RSS Feeds = RSS supply allows audience to study your material without any elegant structure and aggravating ads and many customers use different RSS supply internet directories to find the material that they like to study and these website also keep a record of your every single publish which also matters as inbound links.

    51. Social Bookmarking = Bookmarking is one of the best way to get good one way dofollow backlinks all you need a good list of bookmarking websites.

    52. Video Submission = A good video can make a huge effect on your user, submitting to video websites like YouTube, MetaCafe, Vimeo etc can bring more targeted traffic.

    53. Article Writing = It is the same as blog writing but article you write can also be submitted in other article websites or article directories.

    54. Blog Writing = By providing good content to users that they like to read about your website, your service or your product, whichever the case is keeps your users stay in your contact.

    55. Press Release Writing = Press release helps one to look like more profession, press release helps in spreading the word about your site or 

    56. Website Spell Check = One must keep their content correct even from the point of view grammar rules.

    57. XML Site Map Creation & Submission = XML sitemap helps bots to crawl your website without tackling any difficulties usually created by JavaScript, HTML error and other malfunctions.

    58. HTML Sitemap for users = HTML sitemap helps user to find out all the links available on a website and they can go at the desired place.

    59. Log file analysis = By maintaining a a record of who is arriving and when is arriving you can provide content or do SEO according to that area. It also helps in monitoring the inbound of search website optimization crawlers and you can know that when to anticipate them again.

    60. Google, Yahoo & Bing Site Map Creation = XML sitemaps helps in getting site indexed much faster by letting the bot to know about all the urls of your website.

    61. Deep Indexing Recommendations = Deep indexing helps to get more backlinks from your own website, though as internal links they still help a lot.

    62. Check Search Engine Road Blocks = Check if there is any problem for robots to crawl your website, you can check it through use of fetch as bot from Google webmaster tool.
    2013, By: Seo Master
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