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seo Several sample Google Mashup Editor applications 2013

Seo Master present to you: By DeWitt Clinton, Google Developer Programs

Now that the wraps are off of the Google Mashup Editor, we've begun to invite members of the public to participate in the beta. If you haven't received an invite yet, please hang tight; the interest has been flattering and we're sending out the invites in batches.

While you are waiting for your invite to arrive, the Google Mashup Editor team has posted several sample mashup applications to get you started, some developed by the team, and some developed by you. One of our favorites is the SF Giants baseball mashup, notable in part for integrating multiple data sources with just a handful of simple commands. Don't forget to view the source and see how it's all put together.

Check out the FAQ and follow along on the Google Mashup Blog. See you there!2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: First date with the Googlebot: Headers and compression 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

googlebot with flowers
Name/User-Agent: Googlebot
IP Address: Verify it here
Looking For: Websites with unique and compelling content
Major Turn Off: Violations of the Webmaster Guidelines
Googlebot -- what a dreamboat. It's like he knows us <head>, <body>, and soul.  He's probably not looking for anything exclusive; he sees billions of other sites (though we share our data with other bots as well :), but tonight we'll really get to know each other as website and crawler.

I know, it's never good to over-analyze a first date. We're going to get to know Googlebot a bit more slowly, in a series of posts:
  1. Our first date (tonight!): Headers Googlebot sends, file formats he "notices," whether it's better to compress data
  2. Judging his response: Response codes (301s, 302s), how he handles redirects and If-Modified-Since
  3. Next steps: Following links, having him crawl faster or slower (so he doesn't come on too strong)
And tonight is just the first date...

Googlebot:  ACK
Website:  Googlebot, you're here!
Googlebot:  I am.

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Connection: Keep-alive
Accept: */*
From: googlebot(at)googlebot.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

Website:  Those headers are so flashy! Would you crawl with the same headers if my site were in the U.S., Asia or Europe? Do you ever use different headers?

Googlebot:  My headers are typically consistent world-wide. I'm trying to see what a page looks like for the default language and settings for the site. Sometimes the User-Agent is different, for instance AdSense fetches use "Mediapartners-Google":
  User-Agent: Mediapartners-Google

Or for image search:
  User-Agent: Googlebot-Image/1.0

Wireless fetches often have carrier-specific user agents, whereas Google Reader RSS fetches include extra info such as number of subscribers.

I usually avoid cookies (so no "Cookie:" header) since I don't want the content affected too much by session-specific info. And, if a server uses a session id in a dynamic URL rather than a cookie, I can usually figure this out, so that I don't end up crawling your same page a million times with a million different session ids.

Website:  I'm very complex. I have many file types. Your headers say "Accept: */*". Do you index all URLs or are certain file extensions automatically filtered?

Googlebot:  That depends on what I'm looking for.

If I'm indexing for regular web search, and I see links to MP3s and videos, I probably won't download those. Similarly, if I see a JPG, I will treat it differently than an HTML or PDF link. For instance, JPG is much less likely to change frequently than HTML, so I will check the JPG for changes less often to save bandwidth. Meanwhile, if I'm looking for links as Google Scholar, I'm going to be far more interested in the PDF article than the JPG file. Downloading doodles (like JPGs) and videos of skateboarding dogs is distracting for a scholar—do you agree?

Website:  Yes, they can be distracting. I'm in awe of your dedication. I love doodles (JPGs) and find them hard to resist.

Googlebot:  Me, too; I'm not always so scholarly. When I crawl for image search, I'm very interested in JPGs. And for news, I'm mostly looking at HTML and nearby images.

There are also plenty of extensions (exe, dll, zip, dmg...), that tend to be big and less useful for a search engine.

Website:  If you saw my URL, http://www.example.com/page1.LOL111, would you (whimper whimper) reject it just because it contains an unknown file extension?

Googlebot:  Website, let me give a bit more background. After actually downloading a file, I use the Content-Type header to check whether it really is HTML, an image, text, or something else. If it's a special data type like a PDF file, Word document, or Excel spreadsheet, I'll make sure it's in the valid format and extract the text content. Maybe it has a virus; you never know. If the document or data type is really garbled, there's usually not much to do besides discard the content.

So, if I'm crawling http://www.example.com/page1.LOL111 with an unknown file extension, it's likely that I would start to download it. If I can't figure out the content type from the header, or it's a format that we don't index (e.g. mp3), then it'll be put aside. Otherwise, we proceed indexing the file.

Website:  My apologies for scrutinizing your style, Googlebot, but I noticed your Accept-Encoding headers say:
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

Can you explain these headers to me?

Googlebot:  Sure. All major search engines and web browsers support gzip compression for content to save bandwidth. Other entries that you might see here include "x-gzip" (the same as "gzip"), "deflate" (which we also support), and "identity" (none).

Website:  Can you talk more about file compression and "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate"? Many of my URLs consist of big Flash files and stunning images, not just HTML. Would it help you to crawl faster if I compressed my larger files?

Googlebot:  There's not a simple answer to this question. First of all, many file formats, such as swf (Flash), jpg, png, gif, and pdf are already compressed (there are also specialized Flash optimizers).

Website: Perhaps I've been compressing my Flash files and I didn't even know? I'm obviously very efficient.

Googlebot:  Both Apache and IIS have options to enable gzip and deflate compression, though there's a CPU cost involved for the bandwidth saved. Typically, it's only enabled for easily compressible text HTML/CSS/PHP content. And it only gets used if the user's browser or I (a search engine crawler) allow it. Personally, I prefer "gzip" over "deflate". Gzip is a slightly more robust encoding — there is consistently a checksum and a full header, giving me less guess-work than with deflate. Otherwise they're very similar compression algorithms.

If you have some spare CPU on your servers, it might be worth experimenting with compression (links: Apache, IIS). But, if you're serving dynamic content and your servers are already heavily CPU loaded, you might want to hold off.

Website:  Great information. I'm really glad you came tonight — thank goodness my robots.txt allowed it. That file can be like an over-protective parent!

Googlebot:  Ah yes; meeting the parents, the robots.txt. I've met plenty of crazy ones. Some are really just HTML error pages rather than valid robots.txt. Some have infinite redirects all over the place, maybe to totally unrelated sites, while others are just huge and have thousands of different URLs listed individually. Here's one unfortunate pattern. The site is normally eager for me to crawl:
  User-Agent: *
  Allow: /

Then, during a peak time with high user traffic, the site switches the robots.txt to something restrictive:
  # Can you go away for a while? I'll let you back
  # again in the future. Really, I promise!
  User-Agent: *
  Disallow: /

The problem with the above robots.txt file-swapping is that once I see the restrictive robots.txt, I may have to start throwing away content I've already crawled in the index. And then I have to recrawl a lot of content once I'm allowed to hit the site again. At least a 503 response code would've been temporary.

I typically only re-check robots.txt once a day (otherwise on many virtual hosting sites, I'd be spending a large fraction of my fetches just getting robots.txt, and no date wants to "meet the parents" that often). For webmasters, trying to control crawl rate through robots.txt swapping usually backfires. It's better to set the rate to "slower" in Webmaster Tools.

Googlebot:  Website, thanks for all of your questions, you've been wonderful, but I'm going to have to say "FIN, my love."

Website:  Oh, Googlebot... ACK/FIN. :)

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Useful information you may have missed 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: When we launched this blog in early August, we said goodbye to the Inside Google Sitemaps blog and started redirecting it here. The redirect makes the posts we did there a little difficult to get to. For those of you who started reading with this newer blog, here are links to some of the older posts that may be of interest.

Webmaster Tools Account questions

And you can always browse the blog's archives .this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Safely share access to your site in Webmaster Tools 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: All

We just launched a new feature that allows you as a verified site owner to grant limited access to your site's data and settings in Webmaster Tools. You've had the ability to grant full verified access to others for a couple of years. Since then we've heard lots of requests from site owners for the ability to grant limited permission for others to view a site's data in Webmaster Tools without being able to modify all the settings. Now you can do exactly that with our new User administration feature.

On the Home page when you click the "Manage site" drop-down menu you'll see the menu option that was previously titled "Add or remove owners" is now "Add or remove users."

Selecting the "Add or remove users" menu item will take you to the new User administration page where you can add or delete up to 100 users and specify each user's access as "Full" or "Restricted." Users added via the User administration page are tied to a specific site. If you become unverified for that site any users that you've added will lose their access to that site in Webmaster Tools. Adding or removing verified site owners is still done on the owner verification page which is linked from the User administration page.

Granting a user "Full" permission means that they will be able to view all data and take most actions, such as changing site settings or demoting sitelinks. When a user’s permission is set to "Restricted" they will only have access to view most data, and can take some actions such as using Fetch as Googlebot and configuring message forwarding for their account. Restricted users will see a “Restricted Access” indicator at various locations within Webmaster Tools.

To see which features and actions are accessible for Restricted users, Full users and site owners, visit our Permissions Help Center article.

We hope the addition of Full and Restricted users makes management of your site in Webmaster Tools easier since you can now grant access within a more limited scope to help prevent undesirable or unauthorized changes. If you have questions or feedback about the new User administration feature please let us know in our Help Forum.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Using the robots meta tag 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Recently, Danny Sullivan brought up good questions about how search engines handle meta tags. Here are some answers about how we handle these tags at Google.

Multiple content values
We recommend that you place all content values in one meta tag. This keeps the meta tags easy to read and reduces the chance for conflicts. For instance:


If the page contains multiple meta tags of the same type, we will aggregate the content values. For instance, we will interpret


The same way as:


If content values conflict, we will use the most restrictive. So, if the page has these meta tags:


We will obey the NOINDEX value.

Unnecessary content values
By default, Googlebot will index a page and follow links to it. So there's no need to tag pages with content values of INDEX or FOLLOW.

Directing a robots meta tag specifically at Googlebot
To provide instruction for all search engines, set the meta name to "ROBOTS". To provide instruction for only Googlebot, set the meta name to "GOOGLEBOT". If you want to provide different instructions for different search engines (for instance, if you want one search engine to index a page, but not another), it's best to use a specific meta tag for each search engine rather than use a generic robots meta tag combined with a specific one. You can find a list of bots at robotstxt.org.

Casing and spacing
Googlebot understands any combination of lowercase and uppercase. So each of these meta tags is interpreted in exactly the same way:

<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOODP">
<meta name="robots" content="noodp">
<meta name="Robots" content="NoOdp">

If you have multiple content values, you must place a comma between them, but it doesn't matter if you also include spaces. So the following meta tags are interpreted the same way:


If you use both a robots.txt file and robots meta tags
If the robots.txt and meta tag instructions for a page conflict, Googlebot follows the most restrictive. More specifically:
  • If you block a page with robots.txt, Googlebot will never crawl the page and will never read any meta tags on the page.
  • If you allow a page with robots.txt but block it from being indexed using a meta tag, Googlebot will access the page, read the meta tag, and subsequently not index it.
Valid meta robots content values
Googlebot interprets the following robots meta tag values:
  • NOINDEX - prevents the page from being included in the index.
  • NOFOLLOW - prevents Googlebot from following any links on the page. (Note that this is different from the link-level NOFOLLOW attribute, which prevents Googlebot from following an individual link.)
  • NOARCHIVE - prevents a cached copy of this page from being available in the search results.
  • NOSNIPPET - prevents a description from appearing below the page in the search results, as well as prevents caching of the page.
  • NOODP - blocks the Open Directory Project description of the page from being used in the description that appears below the page in the search results.
  • NONE - equivalent to "NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW".
A word about content value "NONE"
As defined by robotstxt.org, the following direction means NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW.


However, some webmasters use this tag to indicate no robots restrictions and inadvertently block all search engines from their content.

Update: For more information, please see our robots meta tag documentation.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Discover your links 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Update on October 15, 2008: For more recent news on links, visit Links Week on our Webmaster Central Blog. We're discussing internal links, outbound links, and inbound links.

You asked, and we listened: We've extended our support for querying links to your site to much beyond the link: operator you might have used in the past. Now you can use webmaster tools to view a much larger sample of links to pages on your site that we found on the web. Unlike the link: operator, this data is much more comprehensive and can be classified, filtered, and downloaded. All you need to do is verify site ownership to see this information.

To make this data even more useful, we have divided the world of links into two types: external and internal. Let's understand what kind of links fall into which bucket.

What are external links?
External links to your site are the links that reside on pages that do not belong to your domain. For example, if you are viewing links for http://www.google.com/, all the links that do not originate from pages on any subdomain of google.com would appear as external links to your site.

What are internal links?

Internal links to your site are the links that reside on pages that belong to your domain. For example, if you are viewing links for http://www.google.com/, all the links that originate from pages on any subdomain of google.com, such as http://www.google.com/ or mobile.google.com, would appear as internal links to your site.

Viewing links to a page on your site

You can view the links to your site by selecting a verified site in your webmaster tools account and clicking on the new Links tab at the top. Once there, you will see the two options on the left: external links and internal links, with the external links view selected. You will also see a table that lists pages on your site, as shown below. The first column of the table lists pages of your site with links to them, and the second column shows the number of the external links to that page that we have available to show you. (Note that this may not be 100% of the external links to this page.)

This table also provides the total number of external links to your site that we have available to show you.
When in this summary view, click the linked number and go to the detailed list of links to that page.
When in the detailed view, you'll see the list of all the pages that link to specific page on your site, and the time we last crawled that link. Since you are on the External Links tab on the left, this list is the external pages that point to the page.

Finding links to a specific page on your site
To find links to a specific page on your site, you first need to find that specific page in the summary view. You can do this by navigating through the table, or if you want to find that page quickly, you can use the handy Find a page link at the top of the table. Just fill in the URL and click See details. For example, if the page you are looking for has the URL http://www.google.com/?main, you can enter “?main” in the Find a page form. This will take you directly to the detailed view of the links to http://www.google.com/?main.

Viewing internal links

To view internal links to pages on your site, click on the Internal Links tab on the left side bar in the view. This takes you to a summary table that, just like external links view, displays information about pages on your site with internal links to them.

However, this view also provides you with a way to filter the data further: to see links from any of the subdomain on the domain, or links from just the specific subdomain you are currently viewing. For example, if you are currently viewing the internal links to http://www.google.com/, you can either see links from all the subdomains, such as links from http://mobile.google.com/ and http://www.google.com, or you can see links only from other pages on http://www.google.com.

Downloading links data
There are three different ways to download links data about your site. The first: download the current view of the table you see, which lets you navigate to any summary or details table, and download the data in the current view. Second, and probably the most useful data, is the list all external links to your site. This allows you to download a list of all the links that point to your site, along with the information about the page they point to and the last time we crawled that link. Thirdly, we provide a similar download for all internal links to your site.

We do limit the amount of data you can download for each type of link (for instance, you can currently download up to one million external links). Google knows about more links than the total we show, but the overall fraction of links we show is much, much larger than the link: command currently offers. Why not visit us at Webmaster Central and explore the links for your site?
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Best uses of Flash 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

We occasionally get questions on the Webmaster Help Group about how webmasters should work with Adobe Flash. I thought it would be worthwhile to write a few words about the search considerations designers should think about when building a Flash-heavy site.

As many of you already know, Flash is inherently a visual medium, and Googlebot doesn't have eyes. Googlebot can typically read Flash files and extract the text and links in them, but the structure and context are missing. Moreover, textual contents are sometimes stored in Flash as graphics, and since Googlebot doesn't currently have the algorithmic eyes needed to read these graphics, these important keywords can be missed entirely. All of this means that even if your Flash content is in our index, it might be missing some text, content, or links. Worse, while Googlebot can understand some Flash files, not all Internet spiders can.

So what's an honest web designer to do? The only hard and fast rule is to show Googlebot the exact same thing as your users. If you don't, your site risks appearing suspicious to our search algorithms. This simple rule covers a lot of cases including cloaking, JavaScript redirects, hidden text, and doorway pages. And our engineers have gathered a few more practical suggestions:

  1. Try to use Flash only where it is needed. Many rich media sites such as Google's YouTube use Flash for rich media but rely on HTML for content and navigation. You can too, by limiting Flash to on-page accents and rich media, not content and navigation. In addition to making your site Googlebot-friendly, this makes you site accessible to a larger audience, including, for example, blind people using screen readers, users of old or non-standard browsers, and those on limited low-bandwidth connections such as on a cell phone or PDA. As a bonus, your visitors can use bookmarks effectively, and can email links to your pages to their friends.
  2. sIFR: Some websites use Flash to force the browser to display headers, pull quotes, or other textual elements in a font that the user may not have installed on their computer. A technique like sIFR still lets non-Flash readers read a page, since the content/navigation is actually in the HTML -- it's just displayed by an embedded Flash object.
  3. Non-Flash Versions: A common way that we see Flash used is as a front page "splash screen" where the root URL of a website has a Flash intro that links to HTML content deeper into the site. In this case, make sure there is a regular HTML link on that front page to a non-Flash page where a user can navigate throughout your site without the need for Flash.

If you have other ideas that don't violate these guidelines that you'd like to ask about, feel free to ask them in the Webmaster Help Group under Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking. The many knowledgeable webmasters there, along with myself and a cadre of other Googlers, will do our best to clear up any confusion.

Update: See our additional blog posts about Flash Indexing at Google.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo The Developer Sandbox, now with Video Interviews! 2013

Seo Master present to you: The Developer Sandbox was a new addition to this year's Google I/O. The Sandbox featured a diverse range of developers and apps, all with one thing in common -- they've all built applications based on technologies and products featured at I/O. The Sandbox was very popular with attendees and saw a lot of foot traffic throughout both days of the event. Sandbox developers welcomed the opportunity to interact with fellow developers, discuss their products and answer questions.

We interviewed these developers about their apps, the challenges they faced and the problems they solved, and finally their learnings & hopes for web technologies going forward. We also asked these developers to create screencast demos of their apps, much like the demos they gave to people visiting their station during I/O.

These video interviews and demos are now available in the Developer Sandbox section of the I/O website. Each developer has their own page with a brief description of their company, their app, and their interview video (if one was filmed) and screencast demo video (if available). For instance, here's a video interview with Gustav Soderstrom of Spotify, who walks us through a demo of their Android app and then talks about the platform and why Spotify chose to develop their app on Android.

Are you building an app on one of Google's platforms or using Google APIs? Please send us a video about your company and your app and you could be featured on Google Code Videos. Click here for the submission form and guidelines.

Each Sandbox developer page also features a Friend Connect gadget that allows anyone visiting the page to sign in with their Friend Connect id and leave comments & feedback. It's a great way to continue the conversation or to ask questions if you did not get a chance to meet them at I/O.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Increase SEO Tips on Google images 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Increase SEO Tips on Google images Here I will not discuss Anti-war Penguin Penguin or the way, as I'm not an expert though it was:) on learn!.. This time I will discuss a simple way to display the image Posting in Google search results.
How to Display a Picture Posting at Search Engines for better SEO Gooogle
It's been quite a lot written on websites or blogs, but there are several ways that can't/error. This is the result of the edit itself meskpin cuman little "could be important". Why should display the picture Posting in SE?
  • In the eyes of Google image search friendly +.
  • Of course the answer is Interesting
  • Interesting in see
  • Are Neatly
  • Interesting in a click
The Visitor Can Go Up Slowly. Why?This way also the SEO techniques that are clearly very highly recommended by Google, and obviously also to generate visitor thousands say we are currently based in the SE google. If Google says "A" clear system of eating Algorithms Robotnya is written "A". and anyone who says "A" on her blog it will be quickly identify by the Robot. and will be in a better position to lift over ...:) OK here's how to display images in Google search engine Postings specifically using Blogspot.The First StepInsert the following CSS code above the code] =] = > </b: skin > This CSS code its:
.hrecipe{font:10px oswald;} #hrecipe-1{float:letf; width:100px; padding-height:5px} #hrecipe-2{float:right; width: auto;}
The Second Step

Code <body> and paste the following code just below the code <body>
<div itemscope="itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Recipe"></div>  

The third step
Locate the following code < h3 class = ' post-title entry-title ' > If there isn't, perhaps the template code agan-agan utilize ("class" or h1 < < h2 class ").
If it is found, then replace it with the following code: 

<span itemprop='itemreviewed'><span itemprop='description'><h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>  

Don't forget to close the HTML code above to avoid error with this cover </span> </span>

For more details about the code will look like this: 

<span itemprop='itemreviewed'><span itemprop='description'>
<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>
<b:if cond='data:post.link'><a expr:href='data:post.link'><data:post.title/></a>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>

Now find the code < data: post. body/>, for this code sometimes totaling 2-3 even 4 code-code-
If you've been to try agan-agan select code sequence is at no. 2, then put the following code underneath the code < data: post. body/>

The code follows: 

<div class='hrecipe'>
<div id='hrecipe-1'>
<img class='photo' expr:alt='data:post.title' expr:src='data:post.thumbnailUrl'/></div>
<div id='hrecipe-2'>
<span class='item'>
<span class='fn'>dns.kardian
By <span class='author'><b><data:blog.title/></b></span><br/>
Published: <span class='published'><data:post.timestampISO8601/></span><br/>
<span class='summary'><data:post.title/></span><br/>
<span class='review hreview-aggregate'>
<span class='rating'>
<span class='average'>4.5</span>
<span class='count'>11</span>
If all is applied, check the result in the best hxxp://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets

2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: To infinity and beyond? No! 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: When Googlebot crawls the web, it often finds what we call an "infinite space". These are very large numbers of links that usually provide little or no new content for Googlebot to index. If this happens on your site, crawling those URLs may use unnecessary bandwidth, and could result in Googlebot failing to completely index the real content on your site.

Recently, we started notifying site owners when we discover this problem on their web sites. Like most messages we send, you'll find them in Webmaster Tools in the Message Center. You'll probably want to know right away if Googlebot has this problem - or other problems - crawling your sites. So verify your site with Webmaster Tools, and check the Message Center every now and then.

Examples of an infinite space

The classic example of an "infinite space" is a calendar with a "Next Month" link. It may be possible to keep following those "Next Month" links forever! Of course, that's not what you want Googlebot to do. Googlebot is smart enough to figure out some of those on its own, but there are a lot of ways to create an infinite space and we may not detect all of them.

Another common scenario is websites which provide for filtering a set of search results in many ways. A shopping site might allow for finding clothing items by filtering on category, price, color, brand, style, etc. The number of possible combinations of filters can grow exponentially. This can produce thousands of URLs, all finding some subset of the items sold. This may be convenient for your users, but is not so helpful for the Googlebot, which just wants to find everything - once!

Correcting infinite space issues

Our Webmaster Tools Help article describes more ways infinite spaces can arise, and provides recommendations on how to avoid the problem. One fix is to eliminate whole categories of dynamically generated links using your robots.txt file. The Help Center has lots of information on how to use robots.txt. If you do that, don't forget to verify that Googlebot can find all your content some other way. Another option is to block those problematic links with a "nofollow" link attribute. If you'd like more information on "nofollow" links, check out the Webmaster Help Center.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo 11 Tips to boost up the most complete SERP and Page Rank Website 2013

Seo Master present to you:
11 Tips to boost up the most complete SERP and Page Rank Website- Here are ways to raise PageRank and SERP's website:
11 Tips to boost up the most complete SERP and Page Rank Website
1. Choose a Domain in accordance with the Target Keyword.

This is actually a simple way in which we select the domains that have a direct relationship with keyword hounded. Example: If I want to create a blog with categories of self development for better (to be better self) the optimization of the seonya would be easier if my blog domain also contains the elements of the word ' self ' be better as bebetterself.com or betterself.com the following extensions such as .info, bebetterself bebetterself.org, bebetterself.net, and so on.

2. Choose the appropriate CMS website.

For those of you who currently intend to build a web site, would be faced with a software question what should we choose as a CMS for a website to be built. To choose the product or the right CMS and software to suit your needs is not easy. We need to identify what exactly is needed so that the selected CMS products not less or exceeds the required standard. So far there are three popular CMS and friendly to search engines i.e. blogspot, wordpress, and joomla. For me personally the best wordpress fixed because it provides thousands of themes and hundreds of thousands of plugins that accommodate all of our needs.

3. Choose a Template Blog SEO Friendly.

Let's just say we've made a blog, the next step is to choose a template blog seo friendly. Blog Template is said to be seo friendly if it has a high rate of speed in loading the blog. It would be better if the postings are on the left, because the loading process on his blog starting from the section headers, post, sidebar, and footer section. Make sure tags H1, H2, H3, and H4 neatly arranged in the template and do not have the HTML code that is broken. If we use a free template by others, do not remove the credit links in the footer usually are. In addition to not appreciate the work of making the blog template, the template is probably not functioning optimally. We can also mengcompress template code like CSS in order to more quickly in the process of loading. Blog loading speed is one of Google's PageRank gives assessment of our blog. My own sebelumnta use templates from elegant themes the tidalforce have seo without the need for external plugins. But now I try to design its own theme and seo friendly.

4. Add the META tags of the Blog.

Very important to always install the META tags on your blog template. META tags is important to inform search engines about the data of our blog. A Meta Tag is a tag which serves to give a description or explanation about our blogs to the search engines. Each search engine has a spider bot, e.g. Google bot, yahoo bot, MSN Bot, etc. Spider bot is tasked to locate a variety of information on various sites, be it to clarify or seek new information and give it to the search engines. Search engines use this data to display the snippet search when search engines display the page of our blog.

5. Create a SiteMap Blog.

Make a blog sitemap to the search engines especially Google can index the latest posts of each blog simply by visiting the sitemap. This process will be faster and more efficient than when Google robots have to check each blog page. We can make use of Googlewebmastertools, Bing and Yahoo Webmastertools for installation of sitemap. If you have difficulty in making a sitemap, try searching for the information on the site that provides tutorials sitemap blog installation, or it could be using a website sitemap generator tools automatically of course in a way that is easier and faster. I myself use Wordpress SEO from YOAST and Sitemap Generator for. Other than for the purposes of Sitemap index search engine also can we use to list the contents of the website.

6. Write a basic Article.

Before writing the main article, write a basic article on our blog first. This basic article is often also called the data a website/blog. An example of this article, such as about the blog or about Us, privacy policy, terms of use, disclaimer, welcome to this blog, keyword to this site, and other descriptions about our blog.

7. Use Internal links and make the sitelink blog.

Optimization for internal links is quite easy. Try to inbound links (links to our blogs) is greater than the outbound links (links from our blog to another url), as well as use the internal link ratios 3: 1. Where each article contains 3 1 link with Anchor Text keywords to the homepage. After that immediately put the sitelink blog at googlewebmastertools. Submit all articles on the basis of sitelink. Sitelink functionality is to enable visitors to find important pages/main or most frequently visited by visitor blog.

8. start writing articles and pay attention to SEO.

Write articles regularly and always diligent in updating. Try to choose 1 topic with as much detail as possible. Example Your sports blog, because there are various types of sports the focus on more specific content, such as soccer, table tennis, swimming, boxing, etc. While continuing to write main article, immerse yourself in the science of seo. To protect the article from a copy-paste action, we can put the script function mendisable function right click of the mouse. But I am personally less comfortable in this way because it makes it difficult for the reader to quote our writing.

9. Increase the number of Visitor.

It was not easy to increase visitor traffc, everything it takes perseverance and patience. Many ways or tips that can be done, including by registering blog to search engines google, yahoo, bing, etc. also submit Web site to the open directory such as digg, delicious, technorati, demoz, and others. also take advantage of social networking such as facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest, and youtube.

10. install the Widget Important Blog.

Do not forget to install the widget is important to blogs such as PageRank and Alexa Rank badges. info. If our blog site is still new, it is likely the code to display the badge of PageRank is not yet available because the blog is still in the status NA (Not available), please wait about 3-7 days. And when you put a widget Alexa Rank, do not be surprised and embarrassed when it turns out your blog still ranks a dozen million, because it was reasonable for the new blog ' born '.

11. Locate as many Backlink and submit pings.

One of the factors that influence the PageRank of the blog is the number of backlinks, the more the backlinks that point to our blog, Google will ' leering ' your blog as one of the site's importance and quality. Try to get a backlink from blogs that domain berpagerank is higher than your blog, because it can raise the PR your blog quickly. Backlinks can be obtained from the link exchange/blogroll and commented on other blogs are often also referred to as BW (Blog Walking). Things are no less important in seo optimization is utilizing services such as ping Services website googleping.com, pingler, pingoat, totalping, fastping, bulkping and others.


12. Snstall the social sharing on our blog so that visitors can share our links to social media. Another important thing is to use the plugin or method that does not burden the loading time of your website because most media plugin sosia using javascript and css additions usually weigh our website loading time. On my own blog I provide social share to facebook, twitter, google, linkedin, digg, stumbleupon, and viadeo.

While this is enough so that I can describe about how to raise the index SERP and page rank website.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tips Make Blog SEO Friendly 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Tips make the Blog SEO FriendlyTips make Blog SEO Friendly-For the blogger I will give you tips and tricks to make the blog into seo friendly. Beriktu Tips based on my experience and never done before and in my opinion proved to be influential improve blog traffic.

1. Make a Original article
For this one it has been discussed in various SEO articles that every Blogger should make its own article or do not copy articles from other blogs. I also used to be so often copy the articles from other blogs, but after I realized that copy articles from other blogs that actually makes us considered one eye blog by the owner of the article results of their hard work to go around we take and publish without your knowledge. Despite our mediocre article but there's always a sense of pride to be the work of us.

2. Make a Different Title
Try each one of us make the article title should be different and unique to Google search later in the blog we will appear at the top.

3. Trick Post good articles
In the matter of the post we should be smart-smart look for a topic that is being discussed or lively topics most often look for someone else. Use BOLD or on the key words in our posts so fast terindex. Sisipkanlah the post title or keyword by using the link to be directed to our posts, this trick often used by a number of bloggers great and proven.

4. install the Meta Tag SEO Friendly
The function Meta tags in the template is a very important role in SEO. Because if our benar2 powerful meta tags then the Google search engine will index our blog easy with keywords that are installed in our meta tag, every 1 sentence typed in search engines is a description of our blog google will index our blog to appear in search engines, although there is no title that fits in our blog with the title you typed in search engines.

5. Expand the backlinks
A Backlink is also one thing to note in the blog. Although I also do not understand what kegunaanya, but after I search more about Backlinks I eventually find the answer that serves to index our blog name although in the search engine that is presented is another person's blog. It means if we have a lot of backlinks then chances our blog appears in search engines is greater because our name will also appear, although other people blog terindex in Google, it is because the blog had a backlink to our blog so our blogs to gain advantage from the backlink.

6. install the Sitemap in Google Webmaster
why this is required, because the role of sitemap we became key to the google index easier every article title. So each word diketikan in the search engines if it has to do with our blog we'll blog in the index by google.

7. Social Bookmarking
Check our article on the site submit social bookmarks such as Cross. me, infogaul, facebook, Twitter, etc. because its function is to raise the backlink, Visitor, and certainly to fast on Google, because terindex these sites very easily in the index by goole so if our article many views on these sites then the quality of our blog will be raised to strengthen them in the google search engine for the estimate. And don't forget to frequently play to someone else's blog and coment by using our url to getting a backlink from them.

8. Install the Sitelink
Maybe this one is forgotten in the SEO techniques kdang is there, but I think this technique is also an important part of blog to seo friendly, by installing a sitelink our articles will increase the SEO by entering some keywords that dpasang in sitelink

9. Pray
Multiply pray to God and parents. because without him we would not be able to do anything. keep the spirit and hard work in order to get good results.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tech Talk Videos from Google I/O 2013

Seo Master present to you: This year's Tech Talk sessions at Google I/O cast light on a few key ingredients necessary for developing great software and applications, including faster methods and techniques, a re-envisioning of how to do things better, down to a robust architecture that is designed to scale and sustain. At the same time, developers themselves need to successfully manage the growth of new ideas in a collaborative environment, while remembering to put the user and customer first.

Kicking off Tech Talks at Google I/O this year, Steve Souders challenged developers to build faster, high-performing websites and presented a few best practices and tactics to these ends. Dhanji Prasanna and Jesse Wilson revealed the fast, lightweight Guice framework and how it is used at Google to power some of the largest and most complex applications in the world. Dion Almaer and Ben Galbraith walked the audience through the Bespin project at Mozilla Labs in their session, expanding on the project's core motivation to re-envision how we develop software and to provide pointers on what it takes to build bleeding edge applications for today's browsers. Jacob Lee unveiled the architecture behind Mercurial on BigTable, a new version-control component of Project Hosting on Google Code that was built to host hundreds of thousands of open source projects.

Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman ran a duet of talks that turned the focus from the tools to the developer. First, they discussed the myth of the "genius programmer" in the social dynamics of collaborative software development. In a subsequent session, they talked about the lost art of putting the user first and "selling" the software in an exciting and honest manner through usability and uncomplicated design. Keeping with the focus on developers and what motivates developers to action, we invited Brady Forrest to run an Ignite session at Google I/O, featuring nine speakers with deeply interesting perspectives on technology. Topics ranged from growing up a geek, big data and open source, and the law of gravity for scaling, to life as a developer at the frontlines with a humanitarian agency.

Update: David actually used a brush, not a pen. We thought adding a thumbnail of his work would help him forgive our mistake :)

We also wanted to share one of our favorite tidbits from Google I/O -- a series of ink on paper portraits by David Newman, an ex-courtroom sketch artist (now enthusiastic technologist!). David put his brush to paper at the conference floor and drew wonderful sketches of a few of the folks at I/O - we're delighted to share a few of his portrait sketches.

We hope you enjoy this year's interesting combination of perspectives at the Google I/O Tech Talks series, now available online. Watch the blog next week as we bring live more videos and presentations from the breakout session tracks at Google I/O!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Free Simple Adsense Blogspot Templates 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Free Simple Adsense Blogspot Templates - This is a simple adsense blogspot template-inspired theme wordpress Adsense-id themenya v3. This template is not terllau is similar but I think it was good enough for the user application's blogspot, especially those who are bermaian google adsense.

Please sorry if there's less templatenya or slightly invalid and loading time, just below the display template which I'll share at this time:

Free Simple Adsense Blogspot Templates
Home Page

Free Simple Adsense Blogspot Templates
Single Page / Post Page

Its features include:
  • ads ready
  • seo ready, suport H1, H2, H3
  • breadcrumb index
  • related post
  • light load (I think)

Please do not Delete Footer template "Free Simple Adsense Blogspot Templates", this work of someone who has left him with difficulty and distributed free of charge for you.  
2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: Workin' it on all browsers 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
To web surfers, Google Chrome is a quick, exciting new browser. As webmasters, it's a good reminder that regardless of the browser your visitors use to access your site—Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.—browser compatibility is often a high priority. When your site renders poorly or is difficult to use on many browsers you risk losing your visitors' interest, and, if you're running a monetized site, perhaps their business. Here's a quick list to make sure you're covering the basics:

Step 1: Ensure browser compatibility by focusing on accessibility
The same techniques that make your site more accessible to search engines, such as static HTML versus fancy features like AJAX, often help your site's compatibility on various browsers and numerous browser versions. Simpler HTML is often more easily cross-compatible than the latest techniques.

Step 2: Consider validating your code
If your code passes validation, you've eliminated one potential issue in browser compatibility. With validated code, you won't need to rely on each browsers' error handling technique. There's a greater chance that your code will function across different browsers, and it's easier to debug potential problems.

Step 3: Check that it's usable (not just properly rendered)
It's important that your site displays well; but equally important, make sure that users can actually use your site's features in their browser. Rather than just looking at a snapshot of your site, try navigating through your site on various browsers or adding items to your shopping cart. It's possible that the clickable area of a linked image or button may change from browser to browser. Additionally, if you use JavaScript for components like your shopping cart, it may work in one browser but not another.

Step 4: Straighten out the kinks
This step requires some trial and error, but there are several good places to help reduce the "trials" as your make your site cross-browser compatible. Doctype is an open source reference with test cases for cross-browser compatibility, as well as CSS tips and tricks.

For example, let's say you're wondering how to find the offset for an element on your page. You notice that your code works in Internet Explorer, but not Firefox and Safari. It turns out that certain browsers are a bit finicky when it comes to finding the offset—thankfully contributors to Doctype provide the code to work around the issue.

Step 5: Share your browser compatibility tips and resources!
We'd love to hear the steps you're taking to ensure your site works for the most visitors. We've written a more in-depth Help Center article on the topic which discusses such things as specifying a character encoding. If you have additional tips, please share. And, if you have browser compatibility questions regarding search, please ask!

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo How to Increase Blog Traffic With a Simple Logic 2013

Seo Master present to you:
How to Increase Blog Traffic With a Simple Logic- Let me pour my logic on this beloved Forum. Earlier I said the science of SEO are many and can also cause we could not understand and either a science where we should use. So many were plunged into the abyss.
How to Increase Blog Traffic With a Simple Logic

Before it's actually about the placement of the keywords, many argue, including me, that keyword in the content is important, whether it is bold, underline, italic. But is it as important as that? Here I answer based on my logic. If one of the best spicy-spicy criticized.

The placement of the actual Keyword is in the Title and description are not Content? And please laboured to create a unique description, because visitors other than reading the title they will read the description, and also don't take a description of the content if there is no containing keywords.

Remember this only as an opinion. Example: see the following image area with the keyword "AMD Turbo Dock Technology"

When people type in a keyword in the search engine, then it will automatically Google or search engines will thicken your related Keywords generated searches, and it was only done in a title and description rather than content.

Therefore I say put or do keywords in the titile and descriptions without having tired-tired of nge-bold, underline and italic keywords in content.

And from the pictures to note clearly and thoroughly, the keyword is in the title if there is the same in the description will automatically be bold by SEmesin search. Instead, as much as any description that exists but there is no word that is similar to the title and until the end there will be no thickening that occurs in the description. And thickening that is done automatically in search results that is a keyword (Keywords).

The description will appear in the search results just 160 words, so what if more? More than 160 said it's not a problem, because later there will be a (...), and keep the keywords you enter in the description is not in excess of 160 words.

Many Thanks –

Although this technique is very good (in my opinion) but don't forget tetetap note the SEO Onpage and Off Page SEO. For onpage SEO you can use Blogspot SEO Template (Blogspot users special)
2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: New parameter handling tool helps with duplicate content issues 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Duplicate content has been a hot topic among webmasters and our blog for over three years. One of our first posts on the subject came out in December of '06, and our most recent post was last week. Over the past three years, we've been providing tools and tips to help webmasters control which URLs we crawl and index, including a) use of 301 redirects, b) www vs. non-www preferred domain setting, c) change of address option, and d) rel="canonical".

We're happy to announce another feature to assist with managing duplicate content: parameter handling. Parameter handling allows you to view which parameters Google believes should be ignored or not ignored at crawl time, and to overwrite our suggestions if necessary.

Let's take our old example of a site selling Swedish fish. Imagine that your preferred version of the URL and its content looks like this:

However, you may also serve the same content on different URLs depending on how the user navigates around your site, or your content management system may embed parameters such as sessionid:

With the "Parameter Handling" setting, you can now provide suggestions to our crawler to ignore the parameters category, trackingid, and sessionid. If we take your suggestion into account, the net result will be a more efficient crawl of your site, and fewer duplicate URLs.

Since we launched the feature, here are some popular questions that have come up:

Are the suggestions provided a hint or a directive?
Your suggestions are considered hints. We'll do our best to take them into account; however, there may be cases when the provided suggestions may do more harm than good for a site.

When do I use parameter handling vs rel="canonical"?
rel="canonical" is a great tool to manage duplicate content issues, and has had huge adoption. The differences between the two options are:
  • rel="canonical" has to be put on each page, whereas parameter handling is set at the host level
  • rel="canonical" is respected by many search engines, whereas parameter handling suggestions are only provided to Google
Use which option works best for you; it's fine to use both if you want to be very thorough.

As always, your feedback on our new feature is appreciated.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Add Divider(line) Between Posts in Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Another interesting Hack for Blogger is How To Add Divider Between The Blogger Posts?Adding Divider between the posts is nothing else it will just add an image which will clarify the posts i.e One can easily navigate any post.Actually by default Blogger template has a Line which divides the post but isn't that Looking Bore? Of Course its Boring then don't waste your time,this is the time to make your Blog Creative and Attractive.

First Of all you have to find a Picture which you want to use as a divider e.g in Our Case we have the below image which we will use to add divider b/w the Posts.
You can host your Divider image in any hosting such as tinpic or Photo Bucket etc.

How To Add Divider(line) Between Posts in Blogger

  • Go To Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML
  • Search for this Code
.post { margin:.5em 0 1.5em; border-bottom:1px dotted $bordercolor; padding-bottom:1.5em; }

  • Now Replace the Above Code with The Below Script and if you are interested in Changing the divider image just change the URL and Do This Step

.post {
background: url(http://i36.tinypic.com/xqid55.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: bottom center;
margin:.5em 0 1.5em;
border-bottom:0px dotted $bordercolor;

  •  Replace the Red URL mentioned with your Own Divider image url
  • If you want to Change "Padding-Bottom" increase or decrease the value in Black Bold Script

2nd Method For Adding Divider Between Posts in Blogger

If The Above Method is not working in your Template,then you have to use this method which is very easy !
  • Go To Blogger Dashboard
  • Click on Template
  • Edit HTML
  • Now Search for the below Script
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

  • Now Copy the below Script and Add it below the above Script
<center><img height='30' src='divider image url'/></center> 
Tip:- If you want to increase the Divider height Change 30 to the Desired value,and Add Divider image url in the script and that's it!

So What's Up:- This was an awesome trick,it is ideal for bloggers to add this divider image between the posts.It will help their visitors to easily navigate the blogging contents.Share your ideas with us , stay Blessed Happy Blogging!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google PageRank update 2013 News. 2013

Seo Master present to you:
PageRank is one of the factors webmasters considers in measuring their progress. Newbies are so obsessed with this PageRank thing that they Check PageRank almost weekly although they are familiar with the fact that its not gonna change until the next PageRank update. 
Google Page Rank update 2013

Google has updated PageRank quarterly in the year 2012: 

▌ 7 February 2012 

▌ 2 May 2012 

▌ 2 August 2012 

▌ 7 November 2012 

The only update in this year has been on 

▌ 4 February 2012. 

Going by the trend, the next update would have been in the 1st week of May. However, there is no still sign of it.

Google has updated it at a consistent base in the last year. There are predictions all over the internet with PageRank update rolling in the last week of June, still no one is sure of it. 

Now what if Google do not updates PageRank this quarter? 
This may provide a relief to blogs that have used black hat SEO and link building strategies like buying backlinks. However, for a small publisher like me and thousands other who are practicing healthy link building strategies,  its a sad news. An increase of 0 to 1 in PageRank is really a motivation to small bloggers. The delay or cancellation of Update this quarter will only make us wait for another 3 months to measure the progress. 

Hoping for the next update to roll out soon. Fingers crossed. !! 

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Top Security Applications For The IPhone 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Top Security Applications For The IPhone
The iPhone is one of the most impressive devices that has been released in the history of electronics, so it's natural that people would turn to the device for more and more of their daily tasks. However, as users have bitten into this Apple device for everything from gaming to online banking to productivity, hackers have seen an opportunity to gain access to secure information.

iOS has a powerful native security system, but it's difficult for the company to keep up with threats from hackers and malware developers. Apple's focus is simply not on competing with malicious users. Luckily, there are companies who are engaged in just that sort of competition, allowing you to stay ahead of security threats. Here are four applications you can use to secure your iPhone.

Find My iPhone:

This free application may well be the best way to secure the physical elements of your iPhone. You can: find exactly where your device is if it seems to be lost or stolen; send a message to the device remotely, asking anyone who finds the device to call you; have an alarm played on the device (even if the phone is on silent mode or has been powered down); and remotely lock or even wipe the system clean.

Find My iPhone is also great for parents seeking a way to keep tabs on their children. With a few simple steps, the tracking feature can be activated, which displays the precise location of the cell phone on a map, pinpointed through both GPS and cell tower triangulation.

Mobile Malwarebytes:

The name "Malwarebytes" is familiar to most PC users, but the company has developed an antivirus solution for the iPhone. While there is a paid version of this application, it offers only a small selection of added features (with real-time protection being the most notable extra). The free version of the app gives unlimited use and offers powerful protection its own. This application is a great way to safeguard yourself against rootkits, keyloggers, Trojan horses, or other malicious code.

Malwarebytes has an excellent reputation as being able to find malware that other software misses, so its new iPhone version is a welcome addition.

Mobile Active Defense:

Mobile Active Defense offers powerful preventative maintenance by filtering your email messages. The goal is to prevents spam emails from ever reaching your inbox. Not only does this spare you the headache of spam, it also filters out emails that contain security risks such as attached viruses or links to malicious websites or phishing scams. Mobile Active Defense touts the brag-worthy statistic of over 100 updates to their database each day.

Webroot Mobile:

For those who are bad at keeping up with virus definition downloads, or who just don't have the space to spare on their iPhone, Webroot offers an innovative solution. By moving their virus definitions to the cloud, Webroot offers virus protection instantly and without the need for any definition updates, making it a great fit for the mobile environment.

Another benefit to Webroot's offering is that it does not slow down the devices it is installed on, as all of the actual "meat" of the program resides on cloud servers.

Whether you're looking to safeguard your iPhone against theft, viral attack, or hacking, these apps will provide the protection you need. As more money is made daily through hacking efforts, including mobile pickpocketing, it pays to have several layers of protection at the same time.

Of course, the best defense is to stay informed, so iPhone users should regularly read tech and security sites, such as ZDnet, on a regular basis.

Author Bio:
John Dayton assists with structural failure analysis. He has secured servers for companies around the world.
2013, By: Seo Master
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