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seo Template Blog SEO Friendly Black Line Editable (Bisa diedit) 2013

Template Blog SEO Friendly Black Line Editable yang bisa diedit ini saya buat untuk menanggapi banyaknya komentar yang meminta agar template SEO friendly itu bisa diedit dengan lebih leluasa. Sayangnya semua komentar tidak bisa saya publikasikan karena bahasanya tidak baku. Jadi template blogspot bernama "Black Line" ini sekedar upaya saya mencoba menampung aspirasi teman-teman blogger.

seo Code Search: Improved browsing and new search operators 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Software engineers who work with huge code bases always wish searching thousands lines of code and navigating through the file and code structures was easier. They may use powerful IDEs for the local sources on their development workstations, but until recently they have been unable to efficiently browse huge amounts of the open source code in repositories and archives on the Internet. The latest Google Code Search updates add a few features that improve code browsing and searching. The first one is Code Outline which shows you the structure of code written Java, C, C++, C#, Python, JavaScript and Pascal. You can find it under a new "Outline" tab next to the existing "Files" tab.
The second feature we added allows you to click on include and import statements in Java, C, C++ and Python code and jump directly to the included file, if it is in the same package. In the case where the included file comes from a third-party library or, say, from Linux headers, a search is performed for the included file in the indexed code base.

But what if the include list is too large and you can't guess where a class or method is defined? To help we added two new search operators, class: and function: which allow you to restrict your regular expression to the names of classes and functions only. Together with the package: operator and new radio button "Search in ..." that restricts search to the files from the specified package, these are powerful ways to find exactly what you are looking for. Compare the results of searching for "Shell" in the whole code base with the results of searching for class:Shell inside SWT.

We continue improving Code Search and look forward for your feedback at our discussion group.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo QR Codes now available on the Google Chart API 2013

Seo Master present to you:

You can easily render 2D bar codes, known as QR Codes, with the Google Chart API, along with pie charts and bar graphs. If you haven't seen a QR Code before, you are looking at one on the right hand side (To see more, do an image search for "QR Code".)

QR Codes are a popular type of two-dimensional barcode. You can encode URLs, contact information, etc. into a black-and-white image like the one on the right. A QR-Code-enabled device can later scan the image and read back the original text. Learn more about QR Codes from Google Print Ads. If you don't have a reader Google also offers a QR Code decoder library: Zebra Crossing (ZXing).

This is how you can creating these with the Google Chart API:

Simply, there is a new chart type, qr, with attributes to tell the service what to produce:
<text> is text for the QR code. This must be url-encoded in UTF8. Note the space between hello and world is written as %20 in the following example.
<output> optionally specifies how the text is encoded into bytes in the QR Code. If this is not specified the default of UTF-8 is used. Available options are: Shift_JIS, UTF-8, or ISO-8859-1.

For the details, please read the full documentation.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Free Download Private Firewall 7 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Free Download New Private Firewall 7 For Windows.
Disini saya mau berbagi bagi software gratis nih, ternyata Aplikasi ini sangat baik dan sangat dianjurkan untuk mempertahankan Dekstop sampai Server bagi yang memakai Windows mau itu Windows XP, Windows Vista, dan Windows 7.

Aplikasi ini bisa memblock, mendeteksi, dan mengkarantinakan beberapa kegiatan yang mencurigakan untuk menyerang beberapa Sistem di dalam Hardisk kita. aplikasi ini bisa mendeteksi beberapa serangan seperti, Haking, Phising, Malware dan kegiatan kegiatan yang mencurigakan lainnya. Sehingga para Penguna PC pribadi, serta IT manager mau itu Perusahaan kecil, Perusahan menengah dan beberapa Perusahaan besar secara efektif dan aman menggunakan Aplikasi Private Firewall 7 ini.

Silahkan Download Disini
File 7.5MB
Support : WinXP, Vista, dan 72013, By: Seo Master

seo Easy Way To Add Friends To Your Facebook Group Just One Click 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Hi friends, now i share a useful trick for your Facebook group. It is very simple trick to add friends to your Facebook group just one click with Mozilla Firefox.

Download Firefox : Click here

Log in your Facebook account.

  • Make Sure Bookmark Bar is visible. If not visible then right click on the top of Firefox and select "Bookmarks Toolbar".

  • 'Drag and Drop' the below image to your bookmark bar. This will create a bookmark “Entertainment” in the bookmark bar.

  • Go to the Facebook Group where you want to add your friends.

  • On Groups page Click “Entertainment” bookmark

  • Wait for few seconds

  • This will start adding your friends in that Group.

 It is working .......................

Special thanks to Pankajrock

2013, By: Seo Master
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