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seo Fridaygram: more in maps, Voyager goes on, forecast humor 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

While many of us have been on vacation recently, our maps team has been keeping the world informed with new features and data for travelers and locals. Just in the past couple of weeks, there’s a bunch of new stuff, including:

Auckland map
  • Voice-guided, turn-by-turn directions and live traffic info added for thousands of towns in India as part of Google Maps Navigation (Beta).
  • Biking directions in New Zealand. Plus, bicycle people can use Map Maker to add or edit bike lane and trail information.
  • New street view images for more than 150 university campuses, adding to more than 100 that were already available.
Maybe the Maps folks are taking holidays after all. It’s just that they’re mapping the places they visit.

Speaking of traveling and mapping, no human-made object has traveled farther from Earth than Voyager 1. Now 35 years and two days into its journey, Voyager is nearing the edge of the solar system. We Fridaygrammed about that once before, and we told you that Voyager was leaving our system soon, but now it looks like Voyager is taking its sweet time in departing, and it might be two to three more years before it exits into interstellar space. We’ll keep on top of this story for you.

Voyager is going where no one has gone before, and the man who introduced us to that phrase received his own quiet tribute earlier this week from the U.S. National Hurricane Center. Nicely done, Forecaster Cangialosi. (And we’ve done our own tribute in today’s Google Doodle.)

Code: the final frontier. These are the posts of the Google Developers Blog. Our mission: to seek out Google developer news, except on Fridays, when random nerd fun takes over. Your mission: have a great weekend!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Weekly Google Code Roundup: Learning to Remember The Milk offline, flying over Earth, and searching your feeds 2013

Seo Master present to you:

On the back of the stream of developer releases last week, we had some interesting activity in the community, and from our own product teams.

Omar Kilani, of the Remember The Milk team, did a fantastic, thorough write-up of his experience getting his product working offline with Gears. The article moves past an introduction to delve into the design decisions around an offline-capable architecture, and user messaging and presentation of state. We learn why Omar decided to go with the explicit offline mode, and then the five steps to offline conversion.

The Google Mashup Editor team has also been churning out new features based on your feedback. As a developer you can now enable public read only $user feed so that applications can share $user feeds to create social applications, edit XML, CSS and HTML files uploaded into the editor, work with Gadget files, and much more.

The cool easter egg of the week goes to the flight simulator that is in the most recent Google Earth application. There is something special about flying around the grand canyon, or over manhattan. Give it a try.

Flying is cool, but we all love searching. The Google Reader team released the much anticipated feature of being able to search across your feeds. If you knew that you had read about something a few days ago but couldn't find it, now you can.

Sharing is a kin to searching, and the Google Book Search, which had a significant Ajax facelift a year ago, has joined the two. A summer intern added the ability to save snippets from public domain books, and embed them to your website. It is as simple as selecting the text you want, and how you want to show it (an image of just text).

Featured Media

Mark Stahl, tech lead of the Google data APIs, talked to us about GData, the history behind it, the parts and pieces, and how people are implementing applications on top of it.

Quicksilver is a keyboard-driven launcher that is the first application that I install when I get a new Mac. Nicholas Jitkoff, creator of Quicksilver, is a Google employee on the Mac team, and they finally got him to talk all about Quicksilver: past, present, and future.

Mark Utting came to talk about Model-Based Testing and he compares two different kinds of test model: black-box models and white-box models.

As always, check out the latest tech talks, subscribe to the Google Developer Podcast and visit the Google Code YouTube channel.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Winners of the Google I/O Develop for Good global hackathon 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Anna de Paula Hanika, Google.org

Cross-posted with the Google.org Blog

This year during Google I/O more than 30,000 developers gathered at 350+ I/O Extended events in 172 countries around the world. While they came together to see the Nexus 7 unveiled and a death-defying Project Glass demo, we invited them to participate in the Develop for Good hackathon. Over the past couple of months we’ve been reviewing submissions and today are proud to share the winning team in each category.

Google Green - Help us all be a little bit greener!

A team from the GDG Karachi Extended event in Pakistan developed a concept for ‘Green It’ — a Google+ based app that would allow users to report local environmental concerns, gain validation of the issue via nearby smartphone users and aggregate reports in a public online interface. Users would be encouraged to participate through a rewards system.

screen shot

Google Ideas - Conflict reporting for blackout situations in repressive regimes

A team from the San Francisco Extended event developed a product concept for Silent Lens; an Android application which would allow citizens to safely send encrypted image-based messages over multi-modal ad-hoc mesh networks. The app would allow citizens to anonymously report issues or violence in repressive regimes when other phone or Internet connections may be temporarily limited, or intermittently severed.

Google Politics & Elections - Citizen Engagement for Politics & Elections

A team from the Lagos GDG I/O Extended event at the Co Creation Hub in Nigeria built a prototype for Assembly Bills — a web based platform that can help Nigerian citizens provide input on legislative bills and policy remotely, without having to fly across the country to the capital of Lagos to provide input in person, as is currently necessary. Keep an eye out for their new site!

Winning teams received tickets to attend I/O 2013, along with the honorary title of "Google Developer for Good, 2012". Congratulations to the winners, and a huge thanks to all participants for their hard work. We look forward to seeing the winning teams build out their ideas!

Anna de Paula Hanika is a Product Marketing Manager on the Google.org team, currently focused on Google's Green and Giving efforts, and all things related to using technology to make the world a better place.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Sign up with Google using OpenID 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Some websites use the OpenID standard so that users don’t even need to type a password to sign in. While Google does not yet support the usage of OpenID for replacing passwords on its own sites, we are involved in the OpenID community’s efforts to research how to best implement that type of support.

As a next step in those community efforts, we announced today the use of OpenID for the Google signup process.

Currently, Google only offers this feature for Yahoo! users. However, as it is based on an Internet standard, we plan to use it in the future with other email providers that add support for this usage of OpenID and related standards like OAuth, such as in the Microsoft Live identity APIs.

Other websites that need to verify a user’s email address can also implement this technique using Yahoo!’s OpenID API. In addition, it can be used to verify the addresses of Gmail and Google Apps users because those email systems expose the necessary APIs for OpenID. For example, Plaxo is one of the many websites that takes advantage of this feature of Gmail and Yahoo! Mail.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo 5 hal penting untuk jadi jagoan seo 2013

Optimasi artikel atau seo blog kita harus membutuhkan sarana komputer, lebih bagus lagi komputer sendiri atau laptop. Hal ini saya alami sendiri di mana hampir semua artikel kontes yang saya ikuti melorot posisi serpnya.

Itulah kenapa saya jarang ikut kontes seo, baru2 ini aja ikut lagi karena kepancing jiwa seo ane. selain lawan rata2 master seo, biasanya mereka di lengkapi sarana pc atau

seo Misteri Lagu Karlmayer (Suara Perusak otak ) 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Karlmayer adalah suara/simfoni/musik yang dapat mempengaruhi otak manusia. Suara tersebut konon dapat menghancurkan mental manusia dan membuat manusia gila. Suara tersebut adalah “sound pollution” atau suara yang bising dan membuat pusing. Tidak ada unsur gaib sama sekali di dalam suara ini. Tergantung dari “segaib” apa pemikiran orang yang mendengarkan suara ini. konon suara ini digunakan untuk menginterogasi seseorang agar ia mau mengaku karena pusingnya dengan suara ini. Dampak yang sering terjadi adalah paranoid, migrain, dan sakit telinga.

Peringatan: Bila terjadi sesuatu terhadap mental Anda, segera dengarkan lagu-lagu selow ataupun melow, usahakan lupakan suara-suara yang Anda dengar tadi.

Dampak yang mungkin adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Sakit telinga, ini yang paling sering.
Tentu saja anda akan mengalami sakit telinga, karena frekuensi suara ini hampir mendekati gelombang ultrasonik

2. Pusing/migrain
Ini juga sering Jika anda mendengarkan suara ini dengan volume yang cukup tinggi, dampak ini tak terhindarkan

3. Tercantol di otak.
Ini cukup sering terjadi, Anda menjadi memutar-mutar melodi ini terus menerus di kepala anda tanpa kemauan anda sendiri. Jika ini terjadi pada anda, bacalah peringatan diatas.

4. Menjadi paranoid.
Jika anda tidak kuat tetapi memaksakan mendengarkan sampai habis, ini dapat menjadi kemungkinan. setiap anda kemana-mana anda selalu curiga, selalu celingak celinguk kiri kanan belakang, seperti ada yang mengawasi anda. pada tahap parah akan terjadi halusinasi mendadak.

5. Gila, Anda bisa saja menjadi gila.
Jika anda tidak kuat mendengarkan suara ini, tetapi anda dipaksa untuk mendengarkannya/menonton videonya berkali-kali dengan volume yang besar, mungkin ini akan terjadi pada anda.

6. Tidak terjadi apa-apa
Jika anda sudah memiliki pengalaman gaib yang banyak, atau anda tidak memiliki rasa takut, walaupun anda mendengarnya berkali-kali, anda tidak akan mengalami efek apa-apa, tetapi tidak terhindarkan efek kesatu dan kedua.

Konon bila mendengarkan suara ini/menonton videonya 10 kali secara terus menerus, mental anda akan rusak. Silahkan buktikan sendiri. Admin tidak bertanggung jawab atas efek yang terjadi.


- Lupakan video/suara yang anda serap
- Dengarkan lagu-lagu slow/mellow
- Jangan menonton film horror untuk beberapa minggu


Download Lagunya Full Versi Free "Klik Disini"
1. Anda akan mendengar anak kecil yang tertawa cekikikan centil, dengan suara yang sangat cempreng, diiringi dengan suara erangan seperti senandung.

2. Suara cekikikan tadi berubah menjadi suara jeritan yang sangat amat melengking, dengan suara yang sangat tinggi hampir mendekati batas ultrasonik. Disinilah biasanya telinga anda menjadi sakit, tetap diiringi suara cekikikan-cekikikan.

3. Suara jeritan dan erangan tadi berhenti dan menjadi suara anak kecil yang sedang bersenandung dan bernyanyi-nyanyi melodi tanpa lirik.

4. Suara tersebut makin keras-makin keras, dan ada suara wanita menjerit dan tiba-tiba suara menjadi suara yang sangat berisik (seperti TV yang bersemut tetapi dengan volume yang sangat tinggi) hati-hati yang memiliki penyakit jantung, ini dapat menjadi sangat mengejutkan.

5. Suara bising tersebut berhenti, lalu suara perempuan yang cekikikan dan bersenandung terdengar lagi. kali ini diiringi suara perempuan yang menangis.

6. Suara-suara tersebut berpadu menjadi sangat bising, disini biasanya anda akan merasa pusing. suara-suara tersebut semakin keras dan akhirnya diiringi suara TV bersemut tadi yang juga semakin membesar.


Hanya gambar-gambar yang aneh dan menyimpang. Anda tidak perlu takut, karena gambar-gambar di video ini tidak ada yang menyeramkan. Hanya menyimpang dan cenderung “aneh” dan berlawanan dengan pemikiran rasional anda. Pertama adalah gambar dua bayi yang bergandengan, lalu pada detik ke 17 menjadi gambar ladang bunga. tentu ini berlawanan dengan akal sehat, yang membuat persepsi anda menjadi “aneh” membuat anda menjadi cenderung takut. ladang bunga ini berubah-ubah warna. lalu muncul gambar ladang bunga lainnya dan berubah-ubah warna, pada detik ke 48 akan sedikit mengejutkan, yaitu gambar badut yang menyeringai. sampai akhirnya menit ke 1:14 muncul gambar sebuah topeng jepang.
lalu sampai saat itu akan terus meneur gambar ladang bunga yang beruba-ubah warna dan terbalik-terbalik. menit ke 1:58 akan muncul gambar seseorang yang berwarna warni. lalu dari menit 1:59 sampai habis adalah gambar-gambar bermacam-macam yang relatif sangat aneh dan menyimpang. ada beberapa gambar lukisan dan semuanya itu sama sekali tidak menyeramkan.
  2013, By: Seo Master

seo Download Award Keylogger - Free Cracked Full Version 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Award Keylogger is fast, invisible and easy-to-use surveillance tool that allows you to find out what other users do on your computer in your absence. It records every keystroke to a log file. The log file can be sent secretly with email or FTP to a specified receiver. Award Keylogger can also detection specified keywords and take a screenshot whenever one is typed, displaying findings in a tidy log viewer. It causes no suspicious slowdowns and takes very few system

Download Award keylogger: Click here

Award Keylogger key  : Click here

Unzip password: suryadewa.com

Configure your e-mail setup Click here

After installing  Keylogger sent  updates to your email.


2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cara Mencari Blog DoFollow Berpage Rank Tinggi 2013

Seo Master present to you: Inilah Cara Mencari Blog Dofollow paling mudah yang akan dibagikan pada belajar seo kali ini. Dengan tips sederhana ini kamu tidak perlu lagi repot-repot googling hanya sekedar mencari blog dofollow ber-page rank untuk blogwalking atau ngisi komentar. Dengan tool alat pencari Blog dofollow ini kamu bisa mencari blog yang relevan dengan blog kamu untuk berkomentar dalam rangka mencari backlink atau one way link. bahkan dengan tool kecil ini kamu bisa mensortir blog ber-PR tinggi. Asyik kan..!
Yang akan aku share kali ini adalah sebuah tool/software yang secara otomatis akan menemukan blog dofollow dan mengindexnya berdasarkan page rank sesuai dengan keyword yang anda masukkan. Dengan memasukkan keyword yang anda inginkan (tentunya sesuai dengan tema blog kamu) tool ini akan mencari blog dofollow dan menampilkan hasilnya dengan segera. kamu tinggal pilih saja blog mana yang ingin kamu komentari.

Langsung saja DOWNLOAD DI SINI

Cara pakenya gampang sekali, kamu cukup ketikan keyword yang relavan dengan blog kamu. nanti akan muncul alamat url yang relevan dengan keyword tersebut. lalu kamu buka alamat blog yang telah ditemukan tadi trus berkomentar deh sepuasmu.. gampang kan!

Dengan tool pencari blog do follow ini usaha anda untuk menembus 10 besar google dan meningkatkan page rank akan semakin mudah saja!

2013, By: Seo Master
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