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seo Google Fusion Tables API 2013

Seo Master present to you: Today I'm excited to announce that Google Fusion Tables is releasing its own API.

What is Fusion Tables? A product launched recently in Google Labs, Fusion Tables is a free service for sharing and visualizing data online. It allows you to upload data, share and mark up your data with collaborators, merge data from multiple tables, and create visualizations like charts and maps.

Do you have data you need to share with other organizations? In Fusion Tables, you can share all or part of a table with other people. Does your data mean more when seen together with other datasets you don't own? By merging your data with other people's shared tables, you can see the whole picture in one place, discuss the data in embedded comments, and mark up the data with your collaborators. Fusion Tables keeps track of who contributed each part of the data and who has permission to edit.

Watch Circle of Blue's video description of how they use Fusion Tables to combine and visualize water data.

Often the real meaning and potential impact of a database can be hidden behind all the raw names and numbers, but a well-chosen visualization can bring the data to life. Fusion Tables has automatic data visualization built in: we've integrated with the Google Maps API and the Google Visualization API so you can view your data in maps, motion charts, and graphs. All of these can be embedded in your webpage, your Google Site, your blog...any Web page you want! The visualizations even update automatically as data is updated or corrected. Embed the visualization once, and the latest version will always be shown automatically.

Let other people help spot outliers and unexpected values in your dataset by linking them directly to data that is filtered, aggregated, and visualized for various angles of examination. Fusion Tables' data discussion features help you gather feedback from your community.

Is your dataset active, always changing? Is it being collected right now on cell phones or websites? With the new Fusion Tables API, you can update and query your dataset in Fusion Tables programmatically, without ever logging in to the Fusion Tables website. The API means you can import data from whatever data source you may have, whether a text file or a full-powered data base. On the more exotic side, imagine you're collecting data via survey software on GPS-enabled cell phones, as the Open Data Kit project is doing. Open Data Kit uses Google App Engine and the Fusion Tables API to instantly map locations of survey results.

Are you a data exhibitionist? Put your data in Fusion Tables and make it available for the world to see! Fusion Tables will maintain your attribution as your data participates in other tables, enforce your choices about sharing and exporting the data, and invite Google Web Search to index the table.

Fusion Tables allows datasets to play together in a safe, collaborative, and privacy-controlled environment. We can't wait to hear about the amazing things you will make happen with Fusion Tables.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Visualization API Library now available for Google Web Toolkit 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We're happy to announce the Google Visualization API Library for Google Web Toolkit (GWT). This has been a requested addition to GWT for some time now on the developer forum and we are excited to make it available.

You can now utilize the visualization and reporting capabilities of the Google Visualization API while writing native Java code for your GWT applications and enjoy the best of both worlds. The library includes wrappers for many of Google's visualizations, such as Bar Chart, Annotated Time Line, Map, Motion Chart, Organizational Chart and many others. We have marked all the visualizations that are currently supported by this library in the Visualization Gallery.

The library also includes classes that enable you to easily wrap any existing Visualization API-compliant visualization in GWT so that you can access it from Java complied by the GWT compiler. So if you want to wrap your own visualization or the nifty Piles of Money visualization, you can easily do so.

Lastly, the library includes a class that makes it easy to write new visualizations in GWT-compiled Java and make it available as JS for general use in the Visualization API. This is cool if you've been itching to contribute new visualizations but prefer coding in Java.

Here is example code that draws the well known Annotated Time Line chart in Java using the new Visualization API Library:

UPDATE: Changed the code font size to fit on one line so you can copy & paste

package com.blogpost.client;

import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.AjaxLoader;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.DataTable;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.Query;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.QueryResponse;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.Query.Callback;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.visualizations.AnnotatedTimeLine;

public class BlogPost implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
AjaxLoader.loadVisualizationApi(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Query query =
query.send(new Callback(){

public void onResponse(QueryResponse response) {
if (response.isError()) {
Window.alert("An error occured: " + response.getDetailedMessage());

DataTable data = response.getDataTable();
AnnotatedTimeLine.Options options = AnnotatedTimeLine.Options.create();
RootPanel.get().add(new AnnotatedTimeLine(data, options, "800px", "400px"));
}}, AnnotatedTimeLine.PACKAGE);

This code draws the same visualization that can be seen in the example for Annotated Time Line in the Visualization Gadget Gallery. Both get their data from Google Spreadsheets, only this code does so in Java instead of Javascript or as a Gadget.

Enjoy!2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing Powerful Visualizations for your server-side data 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Today, we're publicly documenting the Google Visualization API's open-wire protocol, thus dramatically expanding the capabilities of this API beyond what had been available since we first launched in March of this year. Organizations can now expose their server-side data, such as in SQL databases and even in Excel spreadsheets, and display this data through visualizations from our growing directory. This flexibility makes it possible to connect easily almost any data source to a wealth of 40+ visualizations, including standard pie and line charts and complex heat maps and motion charts.

To make it even easier for developers to get started, we have documented an open-source Python library that enables any Python developer to quickly start using the API. What we find particularly cool about this library is that it also runs on Google's AppEngine. You don't even need to be an owner of your own servers to expose your data: You can place it on AppEngine and use the Visualization API to expose your data in meaningful, insightful ways in dashboards and reports. Expect to see additional server-side tools for the Visualization API in the near future.

Moreover, this week at the Dreamforce conference, Salesforce announced they've created tools, including code snippets and API harnesses, to make the Google Visualization API even easier to use. Salesforce customers can now quickly and easily add dashboards and custom reporting applications over their Salesforce data and publish these on any webpage. ISVs and BI firms such as Panorama and Conceptual Clarity, who are already marketing their powerful reporting tools over Google Spreadsheets using the Visualization API, now have access to Salesforce customers. The icing on the cake: since they use the Visualization API, they can address this new market without adding new code to their existing applications.

To learn more about how to implement your data store as a Visualization API data source, by checking out our documentation.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Simple Graphics Calculator Using the Visualization API and the Scatterchart 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We recently came across a great use of the Visualization Platform. In fact, this is something that we never thought the platform would be used for.

Steve Aitken, a developer contributing to the Visualization Developer Group, created a simple graphics calculator for Javascript-supported math functions that plots functions using the Google Visualization Scatter Chart. Here is a screenshot of a simple calculation of -sin(2x):

Steve has been kind enough to share the code with us (even though it was originally written for his girlfriend). A slightly modified version is pasted below:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["scatterchart"]});
function drawChart(equation,xmin,xmax, numPoints, pointSize) {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('number', 'x');
data.addColumn('number', 'y');
var step = (xmax-xmin) / (numPoints-1);
for(var i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
var x = xmin + step * i;
with(Math) {
var y = eval(equation);
document.getElementById("chart_div").innerHTML = "";
var chart = new google.visualization.ScatterChart(
chart.draw(data, {width: 600, height: 400, titleX: 'X',
titleY: 'Y', legend: 'none', pointSize: pointSize});

equation: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<input id="txteq" type="text" value="-sin(2*x)" />
<br />
minimum value(x): &nbsp;<input id="txtmin" type="text" value="-3.14" />
<br />
maximum value(x): &nbsp;<input id="txtmax" type="text" value="3.14"/>
<br />
Precision (number of points): &nbsp;<input id="precision" type="text" value="1000"/>
<br />
Point size: &nbsp; <input id="pointSize" type="text" value="2"/>
<br />
<input id="Button1" type="button" value="Draw Graph"
parseFloat(document.getElementById('txtmin').value, 10),
parseFloat(document.getElementById('txtmax').value, 10),
parseInt(document.getElementById('precision').value, 10),
parseInt(document.getElementById('pointSize').value, 10))" />

<div id="chart_div"></div>

We thank Steve for the inspiration and would love to see more creative uses of the platform from you.

The Visualization Team

2013, By: Seo Master

seo DataView Makes Working with Visualizations Even Easier 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Visualizations are usually nifty, small pieces of code that make our data come alive. In order to live in peace on the web, they need to be streamlined and compact.

At times, these visualization applications are a product of a creative designer who publishes their work for free for all of us to use. Often these designers do not have the time and resources to deal with data input structures.

Therefore, when integrating with a specific visualization, we often need to format the DataTable just right, so it fits the way the visualization expects to get the data. Say as an example, a first column needs to be of type date, the second a number and the third a text comment. What if our DataTable is not in that exact format? What if we want to create several visualizations over the same data source? To date this required manipulating the DataTable to fit the particular visualization and made the API a bit less flexible.

To make fitting data to the visualization even easier and simpler, and the Visualization API even more flexible, we've borrowed from the well-known SQL concept of Views and created our own DataView. Today, with Google Visualization's DataView you can reorder columns and "hide" a column such that the view includes only the columns you need to visualize. And, the DataView stays fully synchronized with the DataTable at all times, so any change to the underlying DataTable is reflected in the DataView.

Let's see a simple example that demonstrates this.

The following code creates three charts from a DataTable. The data displayed is yearly results for the imaginary Acme Rail company. We display a table, a bar chart and a BarsOfStuff chart. The BarsOfStuff chart is used because we are showing data for Acme Rail, and we thought it'd be cool to use the little trains in the chart:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://visapi- gadgets.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/barsofstuff/bos.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://visapi- gadgets.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/barsofstuff/bos.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["barchart","table"]});


// Initialize the DataTable
function drawData() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Line');
data.addColumn('number', 'Revenue');
data.addColumn('number', 'Expenses');
data.addColumn('number', 'Commuters');
data.setValue(0, 0, 'NorthEast');
data.setValue(0, 1, 38350);
data.setValue(0, 2, 15724);
data.setValue(0, 3, 1534);
data.setValue(1, 0, 'Cross-Pacific');
data.setValue(1, 1, 25740);
data.setValue(1, 2, 12613);
data.setValue(1, 3, 1170);
data.setValue(2, 0, 'Midwest');
data.setValue(2, 1, 11550);
data.setValue(2, 2, 4389);
data.setValue(2, 3, 660);
data.setValue(3, 0, 'Pan-America');
data.setValue(3, 1, 21720);
data.setValue(3, 2, 9774);
data.setValue(3, 3, 362);

//Draw the charts
var table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table_div'));
table.draw(data, {showRowNumber: true});

var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(data, {width: 400, height: 240, is3D: false, title: 'Acme Rail Yearly Performance'});

var stuffoptions = {title: 'Acme Rail Commuters by Line'};
var stuffchart = new BarsOfStuff(document.getElementById('stuff_div'))
stuffchart.draw(data, stuffoptions);


<div id="table_div"></div>
<div id="chart_div"></div>
<div id="stuff_div" style="width: 400px"></div>
The result looks like this:

The problem is that BarsOfStuff is a cool chart, but it is very simple. It can only accept a single data series in the format: [Series Title; Series Value].

Notice that right now the chart compares revenue per rail line, but we wanted it to display the number of commuters per line (as the title suggests).

How can we fix this? With DataView it is a simple matter of adding two lines of code and pointing the BarsOfStuff chart to the DataView instead of the DataTable. We add:
        var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);
And initialize the BarsOfStuff chart with the DataView:
        stuffchart.draw(view, stuffoptions);
And we get:

Voila! The BarsOfStuff chart now shows the data we wanted it to visualize - commuters per rail line.

Yet another new feature to make developing complex dashboards with Google Visualization even easier is the clone() method, used to clone a DataTable instead of constructing a new copy from scratch.

We're working on making the DataView even more powerful, and of-course, working on other features and additions to the Visualization platform.

For more information on Google Visualization, check out our developer documentation pages.

Happy visualizing!2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Visualization API now in PHP 2013

Seo Master present to you: By Nir Bar-Lev, Product Management

Here at the Google Visualization HQ we focus hard on making the Visualization API the easiest and simplest platform for visualizing and reporting data on the web.  We're always excited to see the community uptake and develop our product, making it even more useful and accessible to other developers. One such initiative is the PHP wrapper class that Thomas Schaefer wrote for the Visualization API.

The class wraps the API and enables PHP application developers to quickly integrate visualizations into their code. Thomas even published reference applications that enable you to  get started even quicker.

We love your work Thomas, keep it up!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Visualization API Expanding Beyond Google Spreadsheets 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We are excited to announce that we are opening up the Google Visualization API beyond Google Spreadsheets and adding more capabilities for developers. Earlier at the Google I/O developer conference, we launched several new features of the Google Visualization API:
  • A JavaScript interface to create add-hoc data tables on the client. This way, visualizations are not limited to server-side data sources living on the Google cloud. Data from any source can now be visualized using the visualizations created by Google and the community.
  • The new interface allows developers to create non Gadget-ized visualizations. With this new option, developers can embed visualizations directly into a web page and have those interact with the page. Of-course, Gadgets have significant advantages related to syndication. They are also the option of choice when looking to include visualizations in popular “containers”, such as Google Spreadsheets, iGoogle, etc. The Google Visualization API will continue to support both flavors of its API going forward. Visualizations can easily be created and then be wrapped by a thin Gadget wrapper. This allows for maximal exposure and use of the visualization in as many use cases as possible.
  • The AJAX API introduces another cool new capability: we are introducing a common event model to allow for visualizations to communicate with their host web-page and with other visualizations. With this event model web page authors and developers can create complex dashboards from several visualizations, all associated and context-aware.

As part of the event model, we are introducing a generic select event. Developers can introduce their own events for their visualizations. We plan on adding more generic events that the community chooses and aligns around – ultimately creating a robust event model for visualizations and dashboards.

You can read more about these cool new additions on the Visualization API website. Browse the new visualization gallery to see the visualizations we have already posted over the new JavaScript interface and and take look at code examples to get started with your own.

We would love to hear more from you on these new additions. Tell us what you think and engage with the rest of the community on the API’s community group page.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Bringing Visualizations One Step Closer to Developers 2013

Seo Master present to you: At Google, many teams use the Visualization API to create charts and visualizations of their data - both for external and internal products.

The Visualization API wire protocol has been made available publicly so that anyone can connect their data on the web to the list of powerful visualizations available (from Google and third parties) since late last year.

However, internal developers at Google had access to our complete code base for implementing data sources with full query capabilities and more. We felt that the whole web community should also enjoy the same benefit, so yesterday we released a full open source Java library that lets developers expose their data (publicly or to select users) for visualizations, charts and dashboards with a fraction of the effort required previously. This is the first complete free Java package for implementing a Visualization API data source - complete with a full implementation of the API's query language - and it joins our growing list of other tools and data source implementations by third parties and Google.

While we were at it, we also took the opportunity to bring our developer community many more goodies. Most notably:
  • We're launching new versions of the wire protocol and query language, including improved security features for sensitive data.
  • We're launching a generic image chart that provides access to all our popular Chart API's charts and their options through the simple but robust Visualization API JS interface (without the limitation on data quantity imposed on the Chart API URL length limitation).
Check out the full list of new stuff on our What's New page.

We will be reviewing the Java library and many of the new features in our sessions at Google I/O. If you can't make it be sure to check out our full documentation, where we will also post the videos from the sessions.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Visualizing Your Cloud’s Data 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. Today's post is a guest post written by Jesse Lorenz from Salesforce.com.

Many companies are storing their data in the cloud, and they are looking for ways to gain insight to this data. The Google Visualization API is a great way to do just that, which is why salesforce.com has built a set of Google Visualization components for Force.com. These components enable Force.com customers and partners to quickly embed sophisticated reporting and analysis functionality in to their Force.com applications. You can even use the Annotated Time Line visualization to visualize your sales progress:

The Google Visualization component project is one of the most popular projects on developer.force.com/codeshare. Force.com partners have already begun to leverage the components to build new business intelligence apps so that Force.com users can quickly generate reports and dashboards that provide them with new insight to their data.

If you’d like to learn more about embedding Google Visualizations into your Force.com applications, this tutorial is the best place to start. It contains a walk-through of how to get started as well as links to sample code for all of the supported components. The project is open source and everyone is encouraged to contribute!

Salesforce.com will be co-presenting a session at Google I/O that will discuss how to embed the power of the Google Visualization API in Force.com business applications, and how to turn a Force.com application in to a Google Visualization data source. We hope to see you there! To learn more about developing applications on Force.com, go to developer.force.com.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How the bar chart was reinvented to renewed notoriety 2013

Seo Master present to you:

When we launched the Visualization API we wondered, which new visualization types will the developers out there come up with? Which one will be successful? Will we quickly see the long tail of visualizations being developed?

Visualizations, as with many other things, follow a rule we know very well at Google: Their distribution is such that there are a few visualizations at the 'head', which get the majority of usages, and then there is a long tail of special visualizations, that by virtue of their subject matter or type, get little overall use.

Take for example the ubiquitous line chart vs the radar chart:

Line charts are extremely useful in visualizing continuous changes over time or other factors, and as such are used for data sets ranging from displaying financial results, to the growth of germs on petry-dishes to following presidential candidates' accumulation of votes. You'll find line charts in almost every type of presentation, even in cartoons:

On the other hand, radar charts are relatively rare and most people have never encountered one, unless they happened to have taken an advanced university course in Marketing, for example.

Obviously there are highly specialized visualizations that are extremely common. For example, the 2-hands clock view, is one of the most wide-spread used visualization to display time. Yet, many visualizations have been developed for specific use in specialized fields of study, or work.

As such, you can imagine we had a fun time betting on which visualization will come out and which will catch on. Some of the bets in the team were made on us first seeing specialized visualizations. Perhaps a network diagram. Others, had bet on seeing new, high end, pivoting and data drill-down, slice-and-dice wizardry. Who won? Apparently we all lost our bets.

It seems the common straightforward visualizations can be reinvented with a just few simple changes to make them immensely powerful - and fun - as visual tools. Enter, the Bar (or Column) Chart and the Piles of Money visualization:

By altering the standard visual design of the bars (or columns) as wide lines, or rectangles and simply converting them to an image of a growing pile of money, the Piles of Money chart has rocketed to the top five most popular visualizations used over the Visualization API. This simple change can provide the same insight as any bar chart, yet when used on data sets related to cost, revenue or any other financial measurement, it becomes a fun, engaging chart, not derogating in any way from its original purpose and actually adding additional emphasis that the subject matter is money.

The Bars of Stuff chart was added just after Piles of Money, and provides the same treatment to the horizontal bar chart as Piles of Money did to the vertical bar chart. Users can choose on of several cool visual designs, like chocolate, cute worms, etc to be used instead of the bars.

I can't wait to see someone take the idea behind Piles of Money and advance it to the next step: create a visualization in which the user can visualize bars of anything they want by choosing the image to be integrated into the visualization: Piles of Boxes, Piles of Shoes, Bars of Soap.

To see all of the Visualization API's current list of visualizations by Google and the community, check out our gallery.2013, By: Seo Master

seo New Chart Options for the Visualization API 2013

Seo Master present to you: The Visualization API is about charts and visualizations, so we try to push out new features and options to our growing list of charts every several weeks or so.

Here are a few examples of recently launched charting options and additions:
  • Lots of customization options for the Table visualization, so you can customize it any way you want. You can even make it look as ugly as this:

  • The popular Motion Chart has become even more interactive and appealing, now with zoom option, bars, and an option to save and restore the chart state.

    This way you can track your data over time with the default bubble view:

    Or dynamically switch to a bar view when it makes sense:

  • Plus, we've made all of our charts and visualizations easier to share with others through the toolbar helper element that enables you to export your data in a variety of formats, or embed the visualization in another page through a simple user oriented UI:

Check out our What's New page from time to time to see other new features we've added to the API.

At the upcoming Google I/O developer conference, we'll give in-depth sessions on creating Visualization API data sources, using the Visualization API with GWT, and more. We look forwarding to seeing you there!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Developer Preview Releases for the Visualization API 2013

Seo Master present to you: By Nir Bar-Lev, Google Product Management

We are now offering Visualization API developers an opportunity to preview upcoming release candidates.  Developers can opt in to these bleeding-edge builds simply by changing one line of code when loading the Visualization library.

Developers can use these release candidates as an opportunity to see what new features being developed, test upcoming changes in their applications in advance, and provide the Google team with valuable feedback on the Visualization API discussion group.

More details of the new process can be found in our Release Notes documentation.  And please be sure to check out all the available visualizations and new Tools Gallery while you're there.

We hope to see you at Google I/O in May where we will be hosting several sessions to teach you how to be more productive than ever with the Visualization API.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Announcing Google Chart Tools 2013

Seo Master present to you: A good chart can tell a story, such as depicting when you get home on Saturday night by plotting your tweet patterns along the week.
A good chart can take an elusive concept and clarify it in a visually appealing manner. This ingenious XKCD strip uses a pie chart, a bar chart and a recursive scatter plot, to demonstrate the concept of self description.

Whether you need a simple line chart, an interactive Geo Map or a complex Motion Chart , Google can help you add live charts to your web page using our Chart and Visualization APIs. Both of these APIs are free and simple to use, however they each have distinct advantages:

1. The Chart API provides Image Charts which are rendered by a Google chart server in response to a simple URL request. Image Charts are fast to render and can be easily emailed and printed. In addition to the extensive gallery of charts, this server now also provides dynamic icons, QR codes, and math formulas.

2. The Visualization API provides Interactive charts which are rendered on the browser using a Google developed JavaScript library. Interactive charts trigger events, providing tool-tips and animations. In addition to a rich gallery of charts, this tool can also read live data from a variety of data sources such as Oracle PL/SQL or Google spreadsheets.

We have discovered that developers occasionally need some help in navigating between the many options and distinct advantages of Image Charts and Interactive Charts, and therefore decided to bring the two APIs under one new framework which we call the "Google Chart Tools". We've accordingly renamed the APIs to Image Charts API and Interactive Charts API and created a simple side-by-side comparison page which you might find useful in choosing which chart tool is better for you.

Image Chart: Oceans of the world

Interactive Chart: Oceans of the world

We hope to meet you in person at Google I/O this May. In our Google Chart Tools I/O session we plan to present many of our new features including dynamic icons, which helped us plot our version of the recursive XKCD chart below:

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Visualization API interactive samples in the AJAX APIs Playground 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We all know that writing code based on existing code snippets is faster and quicker than starting from scratch. It's also a great way to ramp up on new tools or APIs you may be less familiar with.

That's way we decided to provide a whole bunch of interactive code samples for the Google Visualization API in Google's recently launched AJAX APIs Playground.

These code samples run the gamut from specific visualizations like for the Motion ChartAnnotated Time Line (used in Google Finance) or Geo Map to covering specific Visualization API topics like event handling and placing data source requests.

The Playground enables you to change the sample code, re-run it, and see the results in real time. You can export your code, save it, and also get a full HTML source. In fact, for most of your programming needs, this tool is all you'll ever need to write, debug and integrate visualizations from the Visualization API into your web pages.

We hope you enjoy the added productivity and wish you happy visualizing!
2013, By: Seo Master
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