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seo Code Review: Friend Connect, App Engines kick in, Flash-y maps, and documenting the Open Web 2013

Seo Master present to you:

With Google I/O around the corner on May 28-29th in San Francisco, you can feel excitement bubbling within the Google Developer Programs team and beyond.

We had another Campfire One this week, and this time the team introduced Friend Connect, a way to easily add social features to your website using open protocols such as OpenID, OAuth, and OpenSocial APIs. Below is a short walk through:

The previous Campfire One was held to announce Google App Engine, and the engines continue to roar. If you are a Mac user, you may be interested to view the native App Engine Launcher, which allows you to manage your work form a UI that you know and love.

You will want to be able to write a scalable application, and Ken Ashcraft has written up some tips to do just that.

Finally, Guido van Rossum wrote a version of Mondrian, the code review system that he wrote for Googlers, that works with Subversion.

The Geo teams also had some interesting releases. First we had the long awaited official Flash API, and then we saw the new ability to find photos and Wikipedia content right in the Maps UI.

If you really liked the My Map editing tools that were made available on the Google Maps destination site, you will be happy to know that a quick polyline.enableDrawing(); will turn it on for your own mashup, hanks to new API support.

Google Doctype is a bold new undertaking spearheaded by the prolific Mark Pilgrim. Doctype aims to build a test-driven reference to the Open Web. Mark "humbly offers this fledgling encyclopedia under a Creative Commons Attribution license, and we invite the web developers of the world to contribute to it."

When you think of developers around the world, you think of translation. The AJAX Language API can now piggy back on Google Translate adding 10 new languages.

I have been having a great deal of fun with the translation API; translating Twitter on the fly, and more importantly having bookmarklet that can translate any selected text on a page.

I will finish up with some interesting thoughts on ipv6 and the new Google Reader version for iPhone.

As always, listen in to the Google Developers channel, and I hope to see a bunch of you at Google I/O. If you can't make it, be sure to follow us on Twitter as we discuss the event in real-time.2013, By: Seo Master

seo วันวิสาขบูชา 2013

Seo Master present to you:
วันนี้พักเรื่อง SEO มาพูดถึงวันสำคัญทางศาสนา เนื่องจากศาสนาพุทธเป็นศาสนาประจำชาติของเราวันนี้จึงมีความสำคัญเป็นอย่างมาก วันวิสาขบูชา หรือการบูชาในวันเพ็ญขึ้น 15 ค่ำ เดือน 6 วันวิสาขบูชา เป็นวันสำคัญที่เกี่ยวข้องกับพระพุทธเจ้า 3 ประการคือ เป็นวันประสูติ คือเกิด เป็นวันที่ตรัสรู้เป็นพระพุทธเจ้า คือสำเร็จ และปรินิพพาน คือ ดับ เกิดขึ้นตรงกันทั้ง 3 คราว วันนี้เป็นวันหยุดราชการด้วย เกือบแทบทุกวัดจะมีการจัดกิจกรรมในวันวิสาขบูชากันด้วยครับเพื่อนๆพี่ที่ว่างจากธุรกิจหน้าที่การงาน วันนี้ก็มาทำบุญกันนะครับ ช่วงเช้าอาจจะมีการทำบุญตักบาตร หรือเข้าวัดถวายสังฆทาน ปล่อยนกปล่อยปลา รักษาศีล ฟังธรรมเทศนาที่วัด หรือจะบำเพ็ญสาธารณประโยชน์ต่างๆ  บริจาคทรัพย์เพื่อการกุศล พัฒนาวัด เป็นต้น ในช่วงค่ำพุทธศาสนิกชน จะนำดอกไม้ธูปเทียนเพื่อไปเวียนเทียนรอบพระอุโปสถภายในวัด หาวัดใกล้ๆบ้านทำบุญกันนะครับ พี่น้องชาวไทย2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Publish Your Blog Posts To Your LinkedIn Profile 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Connect your blog to your LinkedIn profile and get the most of your relationships. Blog Link helps you and your professional network stay connected. Blog Link automatically pulls in the latest blog posts from around your network so you can stay up-to-date on the latest posts from your trusted connections. Stay informed by adding the Blog Link app today!


Log in your  Linkedin account  & Click here 






Install this application and see instruction.





Are you happy?  If not comment below

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Facebook Auto Like Bomb 2013

Seo Master present to you:

This script allows you to 'Like Bomb' a Facebook friend, or 'Like' everything on their profile page and flood them with notifications. It's a good way to show that special someone that you like them a lot. Several times over. A link should appear above the "Post "box.

Works in Firefox and Chrome.


Before hit Like Bomb :




After hit Like Bomb:







Click here : Install




// ==UserScript==
// @name AutoLikeBomb
// @description This script will add a link to your friends' pages to "Like" everything on their profile page and flood them with notifications. Now updated for Timeline.
// @author Mark ReCupido, Brian Ciaccio
// @namespace AutoLikeBomb
// @include https://www.facebook.com/*
// @include http://www.facebook.com/*
// ==/UserScript==

window.addEventListener("load", CheckForLikeBombLink, false);
window.addEventListener("click", CheckForLikeBombLink, false);

function CheckForLikeBombLink()
var likeCount = 0;
ProfileActions = document.getElementsByClassName("uiList uiListHorizontal clearfix fbTimelineComposerAttachments uiComposerAttachments");
if (ProfileActions[0].lastChild.id != "LikeBomb")
ProfileActions[0].innerHTML += "<li class=\"plm uiListItem uiListHorizontalItemBorder uiListHorizontalItem\" id=\"LikeBomb\"><span><a class=\"uiIconText attachmentLink normal\" tabindex=\"0\" href=\"#\"><strong>Like Bomb</strong></a></li>";
if (ProfileActions[0].ownerDocument.title == "Mark ReCupido")
alert('Oh no you don\'t.');
likestoclick = document.evaluate('//*[@name="like"]', document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);

for (var i = 0; i < likestoclick.snapshotLength; i++)
alert('Like Bomb Magnitude: ' + likeCount);
likeCount = 0;
}, false);

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Send free SMS in Pakistan - Send free SMS worldwide 2013

Seo Master present to you:


Send Free SMS to any network in Pakistan. 2way SMS in Pakistan. Send SMS to your Friends, Family and Loved ones, Instant delivery, All networks in Pakistan supported, Mobilink sms,Ufone sms,Telenor SMS, Warid SMS, Zong Free SMS, PTCL Wireless Sms, Vfone SMS.


Click here





Enjoy yourself !

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Get started with App Engine for PHP: scalable, secure and reliable 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Andrew Jessup, Product Manager

Cross-posted from the Google Cloud Platform Blog

At Google I/O, we announced PHP as the latest supported runtime for Google App Engine in Limited Preview. PHP is one of the world's most popular programming languages, used by developers to power everything from simple web forms to complex enterprise applications.

Now PHP developers can take advantage of the scale, reliability and security features of App Engine. In addition, PHP runs well with other parts of Google Cloud Platform. Let's look at how this works.

Connecting to Google Cloud SQL from App Engine for PHP

Many PHP developers start with MySQL when choosing a database to store critical information, and a wide variety of products and frameworks such as WordPress make extensive use of MySQL’s rich feature set. Google Cloud SQL provides a reliable, managed database service that is MySQL 5.5 compatible and works well with App Engine.

To set up a Cloud SQL database, sign into Google Cloud Console - create a new project, choose Cloud SQL and create a new instance.

After you create the instance, it's automatically associated with your App Engine app.

You will notice Cloud SQL instances don’t need an IP address. Instead they can be accessed via a compound identifier made up of their project name and instance name, such as hello-php-gae:my-cloudsql-instance.

From within PHP, you can access Cloud SQL directly using the standard PHP MySQL libraries - mysql, mysqli or PDO_MySQL. Just specify your Cloud SQL database with its identifier, such as:

$db = new PDO(

foreach($db->query('SELECT * FROM users') as $row) {
echo $row['username'].' '.$row['first_name']; //etc...
Methods such as query() work just as you’d expect with any MySQL database. This example uses the popular PDO library, although other libraries such as mysql and mysqli work just as well.

Storing files with PHP and Google Cloud Storage

Reading and writing files is a common task in many PHP projects, whether you are reading stored application state, or generating formatted output (e.g., writing PDF files). The challenge is to find a storage system that is as scalable and secure as Google App Engine itself. Fortunately, we have exactly this in Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

The first step in setting up Google Cloud Storage is to create a bucket:

With the PHP runtime, we’ve implemented native support for GCS. In particular, we’ve made it possible for PHP’s native filesystem functions to read and write to a GCS bucket.

This code writes all prime numbers less than 2000 into a file on GCS:


$handle = fopen('gs://hello-php-gae-files/prime_numbers.txt','w');

fwrite($handle, "2");
for($i = 3; $i <= 2000; $i = $i + 2) {
$j = 2;
while($i % $j != 0) {
if($j > sqrt($i)) {
fwrite($handle, ", ".$i);

The same fopen() and fwrite() commands are used just as if you were writing to a local file. The difference is we’ve specified a Google Cloud Storage URL instead of a local filepath.

And this code reads the same file back into memory and pulls out the 100th prime number, using file_get_contents():


$primes = explode(",",

echo "The 100th prime number is ".$primes[100];

And more features supported in PHP

Many of our most popular App Engine APIs are now supported in PHP, including our zero-configuration Memcache, Task Queues for asynchronous processing, Users API, Mail API and more. The standard features you’d expect from App Engine, including SSL support, Page Speed Service, versioning and traffic splitting are all available as well.

Open today in Limited Preview

Today we’re making App Engine for PHP available in Limited Preview. Read more about the runtime in our online documentation, download an early developer SDK, and sign up to deploy applications at https://cloud.google.com/appengine/php.

Andrew Jessup is a Product Manager at Google, working on languages and runtimes for Google App Engine.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Margahayuland 42 Tahun Membangun 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Margahayuland 42 Tahun Membangun - Bukan waktu yang singkat bagi Margahayuland untuk menjadi Perusahaan Property Terbesar di Indonesia, di awali dengan niat dan kesungguhan yang gigih dan di awali dari dalam keluarga, menjadikan Margahayuland semakin kokoh hingga ke 42 Tahun Membangun Perusahaan Property yang terpercaya dan terkokoh dalam skala Nasional serta dimata Internasional.


Pada 11 Februari 1971 merupakan awal didirikannya Perusahaan Property dengan nama PT. Margahayu Raya didalam ruang lingkup keluarga, yakni oleh Nyonya Hj. Djoeliah Purwita (alm), Bapak H. Ma'sum Sudrajat (alm) dan Bapak Drs. H. Jajat Prianta Purwita MBA. Tidak langsung fokus untuk pembangunan property melainkan dimulai dari bisnis bidang jasa kontruksi dan perdagangan umum. Setelah 6 tahun berlalu sejak tahun 1979, barulah difokuskan untuk berbisnis perumahan atau property dan nama perusahaan menjadi Margahayuland Grup, jadi lahirnya Margahayuland Grup secara resmi pada tahun 1979 yang sebelumnya menggunakan nama PT. Margahayu Raya.

Disaat itu pula sejak lahirnya Margahayuland Grup mengembangkan perusahannya dengan membangun 40.000 unit perumahan di wilayah Bandung, Karawang, Bekasi, Cirebon dan Bogor. Sampai pada tahun 2007 bisnis property ditingkatkan menjadi pembangunan rumah bertingkat (bangunan bertingkat tinggi), apartemen, komersial, dan hotel di seluruh wilayah Jakarta, Bandung dan Bali. Sungguh permulaan yang benar-benar menggelegar yang disongsong oleh Margahayuland.

margahayu land


Tidak usah tercengang melihat kesuksesan Margahayuland, karena perusahaan property satu ini konsisten dengan visi dan misinya. Apa saja Visi dan Misi Margahayuland?


Menjadi Perusahaan property Nasional terkemuka dan terpercaya yang focus pada pengembangan bisnis menguntungkan melalui Konsep, Desain, Teknologi yang inovatif dengan mengutamakan nilai tambah dan kepuasan bagi para Stakeholder.


1. Mengembangkan suatu Portfolio Bisnis yang menguntungkan melalui Unit-Unit Bisnis Strategis (SBU) dengan menerapkan Konsep, Desain, dan teknologi yang Inovatif.  
2. Mengelola bisnis secara profesional yang bertumpu pada kekuatan Organisasi, Sistem, dan Sumber Daya Manusia.  
3. Meningkatkan kesejahteraan para Stakeholder yang mengarah pada peningkatan motivasi kerja, komitmen, dan pelayanan unggul. 

Tidak hanya visi dan misi yang diperjuangkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas perusahaannya, melainkan juga dengan prinsip perusahaan yang dikenal dengan Discipline (D iscipline I ntegrity S mart C ommitment I nnovation P assion L eadership I nfluence N etworking E xellence). Dilengkapi pula dengan Tagline "For a Better Commitment" serta Motto: We Grow - We Build - We Care

We Grow In - Business, Project, Asset, Profit

We Build  Brand, People, Network, Communities

We Care Customer Oriented, Customer Satisfaction, Trustworthy, Intimacy


Bukan hanya sekedar angka saja yang terlihat dari pembangunan 40.000 unik property, melainkan ada bukti dari semua itu yang benar-benar telah dibuktikan oleh Margahayuland sebagai perusahaan property berskala Nasional. Ada beberapa pengalaman dalam pengembangan Perusahaan Margahayuland.

Pertama, adalah pembangunan bangunan baik yang bertingkat ataupun yang tidak untuk instansi pemerintahan, seperti di dinas P dan K, PT. Telkom, DOLOG, BULOG, dan berbagai instansi lainnya.

Kedua, Membangun dan meningkatkan Jalan dan jembatan milik dinas Bina Marga Jawa Barat, agar semakin luas dan memadai bagi pengguna jalan, seperti pada Jalan Banjaran, Jalan Kopo, Jembatan Cicangkorah dan masih banyak lainnya.

Ketiga, Jika Anda mengetahui monumen Bandung Lautan Api di lapangan tegallega, Monumen itulah yang dibangun oleh Margahayuland.

Keempat, Pembangunan Proyek Komersial seperti Metro Trade Center.

Kelima, dan bangunan-bangunan real estate lainnya yang memiliki bangunan bertingkat tinggi.

Itulah sebagian kecil pengalaman Margahayuland dalam mengembangkan perusahaan Property mulai sejak lahir sampai ke 42 tahun sekarang ini.


Atas konsistensi visi dan misinya, serta memperjuangkan mottonya, dan juga pengalaman yang sangat mencengangkan membuat Margahayuland mendulang berbagai prestasi dan medali, diantaranya addalah sebagai berikut:

1. Simple Housing Development Achievement of the First State (Bank Tabungan Negara).

2. European Gold Star for Quality (CIEMIP, Spanyol)

3. The Gold Cup for "Leading Enterprises", (CIEMIP, Spanyol)

4. Exemplary Housing Development Company in Bandung (PT. Papan Sejahtera)

5. Simple Healthy House Construction pioneer (Departemen Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah RI)

6. Karya Madya Simple Housing Development (Departemen Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah RI)


Adapun produk yang dikembangkan oleh Margahyuland pada Margahayuland 42 Tahun Membangun adalah sebagai berikut:

1. The Mansion

the mansion
Terlihat dari namanya saja sudah jelas jika property the mansion adalah berstruktur seperti property tionghoa, artinya adalah struktur properti yang dibangun memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik, yang memiliki energi ala tionghoa dan berdasarkan pada prinsip kecerahan dan tranparan. Sehingga property the mansion cocok untuk ditempat tropis, karena property ini tetap memberikan kenyamanan dan kesejukkan tersendiri.

Lokasi dan Kantor Pemasaran The Mansion 
Komplek The Mansion
Jl.Cikajang Raya
(022)70088890, 70088891

2. De Marrakesh

de marrakesh
Nama yang indah yang berlandaskan pada bangunan negara timur tengah, yakni Maroko. Dengan design rumah seperti di timur tengah akan memberikan daya tarik unik bagi yang menempatinya, karena akan terasa seperti hidup di timur tengah. Kelebihan lain dari De Marrakesh adalah tersedianya tempat ibadah Masjid, serta dilengkapi pusat perbelanjaan dan pandangan arsitetik taman Thematcic.

Lokasi dan Kantor Pemasaran De Marrakesh 
Alamat Kantor Pemasaran Kami :
Jl. Derwati – Ciwastra, Bandung
Telp. (022) 7533535

3. De Griya

de griya
Berbeda dengan dua produk Margahayuland diatas tadi, De Griya adalah property yang dibangun diatas wilayah bebas banjir, sehingga suasana asri dan nyaman serta terhindar dari banjir akan membuat hidup lebih fresh dan enjoy. Selain itu, property ini sangat cocok untuk investasi, dikarenakan memiliki nilai plus, seperti konsep desain yang asri.

Lokasi dan Kantor Pemasaran De Griya 
De Griya Ruko Blok A24 No.1-2
Jl. Telagasari-Kosambi Klari, Karawang
Telp. (0267) 43 7777 , 474 70 70

Itulah sebagian dari produk Margahayuland yang sudah dikembangkan di Indonesia, jadi Anda bisa memilih sesuai ketertarikan dan kebutuhan Anda, dan yang pasti, property dari Margahayuland adalah property terbaik dan ternyaman.

Tidak diragukan lagi, jika Anda memilih property, baik untuk bisnis Anda ataupun untuk koleksi pribadi, pilihan utama harus melihat apakah property yang kita pilih adalah milik Margahayuland? Jika iya, segera dapatkan property tersebut, karena kualitas dan kuantitasnya sangat terjamin, ditinjau dari penghargaan dan pengalaman Margahayuland 42 Tahun Membangun.

margahayuland peduli
Apakah Margahayuland dikenal karena Ia adalah Perusahaan Property Terbesar? tentu tidak sekedar itu, Margahayuland juga memiliki kepedulian terhadap sesama, terutama peduli terhadap korban banjir. Seperti yang pernah dilakukan pada tahun 2012, dengan nama Margahayuland Peduli, memberikan pelayanan dan pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis pada korban banjir.

Untuk Kontak Margahayuland, Anda bisa menghubungi salah satu kontak dibawah ini:


Jl. Soekarno-Hatta No.638 Bandung Indonesia 40292
Telp. (022) 756 2088Fax.  (022) 756 2085


Menara AnugrahKantor Taman E3.3 Unit A3Jl. Mega Kuningan Lot 8.6-8.7Setiabudi-Jakarta 12950
Telp. (021) 578 52540Fax.  (021) 578 52541

Demikianlah artikel yang penulis muat sebagai salah satu partisipasi Margahayuland 42 Tahun Membangun - Uuntuk lebih lengkapnya silahkan Anda mengunjungi website Margahayuland di www.margahayuland.co.id. Semoga bermanfaat dan salam sukses.

SEO Kontes Margahayuland SEO Kontes Margahayuland
2013, By: Seo Master

seo New Contact Form widget for blogger. 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Someone told me that "Blogger has introduced a new Contact Form Widget". So, I checked it within minutes. And I find it simple yet extremely useful to connect to people in personal. 

Now, First thing is "how to add the contact form widget to your blog". 

Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Layouts -> Add a widget. 

Select More gadgets in the left panel, and Add a Contact Form

After adding it to your blog, it will look like: 

Here, I have provided the Title, Anything personal? Write here. You can put whatever you want. 

Now, whats the benefits after all? Why anyone should care about it? 
  • First of all, anyone who wants to interact with you and not finding any platform to do so, its a great way. 
  • Its a great way of accepting guest posts. You don't need to ask people to email you. Just make a page for guest post submission, and add the widget to that page. 
  •  You can ask for ads through this contact form. "You wanna place your ads on this blog? Contact here.." -- something like this. 
  • May be more. 
The only worst part of this widget is its so-simple unattractive design. Its lame actually. If you are already using it, share your opinion. We will love to read it.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Could Computers Ever Replace Schools? 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Most children studying in western schools will use a computer at some point in their education. In fact, online education is now actually part of the curriculum with a class dedicated to learning computer skills – IT.

More and more schools are dropping the chalk and picking up the mouse to integrate online with learning, but could computers ever really replace institutionalised schooling?

Most universities have some kind of portal that acts as a hub. Which usually includes taught materials, relevant information and timetables – these hubs could almost eliminate the need to go to the class at all.

If each student had a computer in class, it could save universities a lot of money that they would normally spend on huge lecture halls and projector screens – but would each student learning through a computer really make for interactive education and could this filter through the chain down to primary education?

Long Distance

Online learning allows for long-distance learning, meaning that location would no longer be an issue for people that live in remote areas.

Free Education

The first thing most people do when they want to find something out is Google it. The amount of information on the internet is absolutely staggering and there is actually a growing trend of teachers and academics breaking away from traditional methods of teaching and uploading educational and engaging videos online. With themes ranging from algebra to aeronautical engineering, millions of people are tuning in to learn online. If this trend continues, there would be no limit to the amount of people being taught at one time and new students could access the videos whenever they like as the videos would remain online.

What’s stopping it?

All of this sounds great, so what is it that hasn’t allowed for this to happen already?

Well, of course, a computer could never really replace the benefits of physically being taught by a teacher and interacting with other children in class.

A lot of a child’s experience of discipline comes from being taught at school. Learning that you have to listen, learning that you must let others talk, patiently waiting for your turn to talk and hearing other people’s ideas all comes when being taught in class.

This allows a child to develop a lot of their characteristics, traits and life skills that they may not achieve by being taught by a computer and a mouse all day.

Author Bio:
Rich finds the development of computers and internet devices interesting as he works for a company called Case Comms that installs Industrial Routers
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Get started with Google Cloud Datastore - a fast, powerful, NoSQL database 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Chris Ramsdale, Product Manager

Cross-posted from the Google Cloud Platform Blog

At Google I/O, we announced Google Cloud Datastore, a fully managed solution for storing non-relational data. Based on the popular Google App Engine High Replication Datastore (HRD), Cloud Datastore provides a schemaless, non-relational datastore with the same accessibility of Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud SQL.

Cloud Datastore builds off the strong growth and performance of HRD, which has over 1PB of data stored, 4.5 trillion transactions per month and a 99.95% uptime. It also comes with the following features:
  • Built-in query support: near SQL functionality that allows you to search, sort and filter across multiple indexes that are automatically maintained 
  • ACID transactions: data consistency (both Strong and Eventual) that spans multiple replicas and requests 
  • Automatic scaling: built on top of Google’s BigTable infrastructure, the Cloud Datastore will automatically scale with your data 
  • High availability: by utilizing Google’s underlying Megastore service, the Cloud Datastore ensures that data is replicated across multiple datacenters and is highly available 
  • Local development environment: the Cloud Datastore SDK provides a full-featured local environment that allows you to develop, iterate and manage your Cloud Datastore instances efficiently 
  • Free to get started: 50k read & write operations, 200 indexes, and 1GB of stored data for free per month  

Getting started with Cloud Datastore 

To get started, head over to the Google Cloud Console and create a new project. After supplying a few pieces of information you will have a Cloud Project that has the Cloud Datastore enabled by default. For this post we’ll use the project ID cloud-demo.

With the project created and the Cloud Datastore enabled, we’ll need to download the Cloud Datastore client library. Once installed, it’s time to start writing some code. For the sake of this post, we’ll focus on accessing the Cloud Datastore from a Python application running on a Compute Engine VM (which is also now in Preview). We’ll assume that you’ve already created a new VM instance.'
import googledatastore as datastore

def main()
Next include writeEntity() and readEntity() functions:
def WriteEntity():
req = datastore.BlindWriteRequest()
entity = req.mutation.upsert.add()
path = entity.key.path_element.add()
path.kind = 'Greeting'
path.name = 'foo'
message = entity.property.add()
message.name = 'message'
value = message.value.add()
value.string_value = 'to the cloud and beyond!'
except datastore.RPCError as e:
# remember to do something useful with the exception pass

def ReadEntity():
req = datastore.LookupRequest()
key = req.key.add()
path = key.path_element.add()
path.kind = 'Greeting0'
path.name = 'foo0'
resp = datastore.lookup(req)
return resp
except datastore.RPCError as e:
# remember to do something useful with the exception pass
First create a new file called “demo.py”. Inside demo.py, we’ll add code to write and then read an entity from the Cloud Datastore.  Finally we can update main() to print out the property values within the fetched entity:
def main()
resp = readEntity();

entity = resp.found[0].entity
for p in entity.property:
print 'Entity property name: %s', p.name
v = p.value[0]
print 'Entity property value: %s', v.string_value
Before we can run this code we need to tell the SDK which Cloud Datastore instance we would like to use. This is done by exporting the following environment variable:
~$ export DATASTORE_DATASET cloud-datastore-demo
Finally we’re able to run the application by simply issuing the following:
~$ python demo.py
Besides the output that we see in console window, we’re also able to monitor our interactions within the Cloud Console. By navigating back to Cloud Console, selecting our cloud-datastore-demo project, and then selecting the Cloud Datastore we’re taken to our instance’s dashboard page that includes number of entities, properties, and property types, as well as index management, ad-hoc query support and breakdown of stored data.

And that’s really just the beginning. To fully harness the features and functionality that the Cloud Datastore offers, be sure to check out the larger Getting Started Guide and the Cloud Datastore documentation.

Cloud Datastore is the latest addition to the Cloud Platform storage family, joining Cloud Storage for storing blob data, Cloud SQL for storing relational data, and Persistent Disk for storing block data. All fully managed so that you can focus on creating amazing solutions and leave the rest to us.

And while this is a Preview Release, the team is off to a great start. As we move the service towards General Availability we’re looking forward to improving JSON support, more deeply integrating with the Cloud Console, streamlining our billing and driving every bit of performance that we can out of the API and underlying service.

Happy coding!

Chris Ramsdale has worked extensively in the mobile space, starting as a Software Engineer at Motorola in 1997, and then joining local start ups as a Tech Lead and Product Manager. Chris is currently a Product Manager for Google Cloud Platform focused on developer tools and platform services like Google App Engine and Google Cloud Datastore.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Publish Blog Posts In your Facebook Fan Page –Via RSS Feed 2013

Seo Master present to you:

It Is a simple process to add our blog content to Facebook fan page . First you log in  Your facebook account .Then Click here


You Will reach  below page




click : beta.rssgraffiti.com


See the instruction and click allow button. After that u reach:  http://beta.rssgraffiti.com/#_=_




Click “Add new Publishing Plan “




Enter a name which you Like to use and click  “Create publishing Plan”

After that click add new button. Then popup a window like below. Add your RSS FEED address OR Twitter username placed blank space.




Click “Add Source” Button




Edit feed setup and save it.


Go to target and select  your page.






Edit your settings and save it. Click  OFF button to ON


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Do you have any problem?  comment below  this post. Thanks

2013, By: Seo Master