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seo New Google Analytics, Dashboard, Real-time, Social Media, Site Speed, Custom Reports. 2013

Seo Master present to you:
New Google Analytics, Dashboard, Real-time, Social Media, Site Speed, Custom Reports. 

Have you switched to the new Google Analytics?
New Google Analytics Introduction
The new Google Analytics (v5) has been made available to all users.
Access the new Google Analytics through:
Google Analytics Report Finder allows you to view reports that are available in the new Google Analytics accounts:
The new Google Analytics offers new Overview Reports that each includes 3 sections:
  • Timeline
  • Aggregate Metrics
  • Reports
Google Analytics Dashboards
Google Analytics dashboard can show preview of your most importantGoogle Analytics Metrics.
In the new Google Analytics, dashboard reports are widget-based and highly customizable with 4 types of widgets:
  • Metric
  • Pie Chart
  • Timeline
  • Table
    Google Analytics New Version Dashboard
The new Google Analytics allows creating up to 20 custom dashboards per profile. For example, you can create a SEO dashboard showing organic search engine traffic sources, SEO keywords, top landing pages from SEO traffic.
Google Analytics Real-time Dashboard Report
The real-time report is available on the dashboard. With the real-time dashboard report, you can:
  • Monitor real-time traffic when new online marketing campaigns are launched to ensure campaign tracking is correctly set up.
  • Measure the immediate impact of social media marketing campaigns, including new Twitter tweets and new blog posts.
For now, no other Google Analytics reports are available as real-time reports.
Google Analytics Site Speed Reports
Setting up the site speed report in your Google Analytics account will allow you to monitor your website’s loading speed and optimize website page load time for both PPC and SEO.
Google Analytics site speed report takes samples of your site visitors andshows the percentages of visitors who opened your web pages under average load time, more or less the average load time, and above average load time, with goal conversions.
Google Analytics Social Media Reports
Social Media Reports that can track Google +1, Twitter Tweets and Facebook Likes are available in the new Google Analytics:
  • Social engagement
  • Social actions
  • Social pages
Google Analytics Map Overlay Reports
Besides the US, state/province/region breakdowns are available for other countries of the world in Map Overlay Reports of the new Google Analytics.
Google Analytics Multi-channel Funnels
Google Analytics attributes all goal conversions to the last click by default.
Google Analytics Multi-channel Funnels offers 5 reports with insight into the full path to conversion over a 30 day period, from the first click to the last click of multiple traffic sources that have led to conversions.
Kenshoo Search offers path-to-conversion tracking by keyword by traffic sources that is very similar to Google Analytics multi-channel funnels.
Link Multiple Adwords to One Google Analytics
Previously only one Google AdWords account is allowed to link to one Google Analytics account. Now multiple AdWords accounts can be linked to one Google Analytics account, with auto-tagging.
Linking all your Adwords account to your Google Analytics account allows you to track Adwords PPC keyword conversions in the one Google Analytics account.
Google Analytics Custom Reports
New features for the Custom Reports are available in the new Google Analytics:
  • The Custom Reports tab
  • Building a custom report
  • Getting the right data
  • Organizing your report with Flat Table report and Explorer report tabs
  • Sharing your custom reports
  • Finding a home for your old custom reports
Additional new features that are also available in the new Google Analytics:
  • Simplified custom report builder
  • More metrics and dimensions
  • Custom navigation
Google Analytics Premium
Google Analytics Premium is the paid version of Google Analytics:
With Google Analytics Premium, you can:
  • Avoid sampled data.
  • Get to use up to 50 custom variables that will allow complex segmentation.
  • Pay 150,000 USD in the US, 150,000 CAN in Canada or 90,000 GBP in the UK per year to use one of the top web analytics tools that are on the same level with the world’s top web analytics tools: Adobe Omniture’s SiteCatalyst and IBM’s Coremetrics.
  • Get dedicated technical supports including implementation consultation, tagging audit, live webinar training, and phone and email support.
Google Analytics Premium allows:
  • Up to 1 billion hits per month.
  • Faster, intra-day data report processing.
  • Data collection up-time of 99.9%, reporting up-time of 99% and on-time data freshness of 98%.
2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: Adding associates to manage your YouTube presence 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster level: All

Many organizations have multiple presences on the web. For example, Webmaster Tools lives at www.google.com/webmasters, but it also has a Twitter account and a YouTube channel. It's important that visitors to these other properties have confidence that they are actually associated with the Webmaster Tools site. However to date it has been challenging for webmasters to manage which users can take actions on behalf of their site in different services.

Today we're happy to announce a new feature in Webmaster Tools that allows webmasters to add "associates" -- trusted users who can act on behalf of your site in other Google products. Unlike site owners and users, associates can't view site data or take any site actions in Webmaster Tools, but they are authorized to perform specific tasks in other products.

For this initial launch, members of YouTube's partner program that have created a YouTube channel for their site can now link the two together. By doing this, your YouTube channel will be displayed as the "official channel" for your website.

Management within Webmaster Tools

To add or change associates:

  1. On the Webmaster Tools home page, click the site you want.
  2. Under Configuration, click Associates.
  3. Click Add a new associate.
  4. In the text box, type the email address of the person you want to add.
  5. Select the type of association you want.
  6. Click Add.

Management within YouTube

It’s also possible for users to request association from a site’s webmaster.
  1. Log in to your YouTube partner account.
  2. Click on the user menu and choose Settings > Associated Website.
  3. Fill in the page you would like to associate your channel with.
  4. Click Add. If you’re a verified owner of the site, you’re done. But if someone else in your organization manages the website, the association will be marked Pending. The owner receives a notification with an option to approve or deny the request.
  5. After approval is granted, navigate back to this page and click Refresh to complete the association.
Through associates, webmasters can easily and safely allow others to associate their website with YouTube channels. We plan to support integration with additional Google products in the future.

If you have more questions, please see the Help with Associates article or visit our webmaster help forum.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Pemakaian Anchor Text 2013

Seo Master present to you: Teks pada halaman website yang jika diklik akan membawa kita ke tempat lain di namakan Anchor text, bisa lokasi tertentu pada halaman yang sama, bisa halaman lain pada website yang sama, atau halaman di website lain. Pada umumnya anchor text berupa tulisan berwarna biru dan bergaris bawah. Jika kita menggerakan mouse melewati teks tersebut, maka bentuk cursor akan berubah. Jika di klik akan membawa kita ke lokasi lain. Dengan canggihnya teknologi pengembangan website, teks warna biru dan bergaris bawah sudah tidak merupakan patokan lagi karena ada teknik-teknik yang bisa mengendalikan tampilannya.

Dalam SEO tutorial ini penggunaan kata kunci sebagai anchor teks wajib hukumnya. Hal yang penting dari anchor text adalah penggunaanya memungkinkan kita mendapatkan dua manfaat sekaligus dari keyword yang kita pilih. Ketika crawler mesin pencari membaca anchor teks tersebut di halaman website, dia akan mendeteksi bahwa teks tersebut mengandung link. Link tesebut memberikan indikasi kepada mesin pencari mengenai isi halaman yang dituju dan relevansinya dengan halaman dimana anchor text tersebut berada. Jadi jika kita menggunakan keyword pada anchor text, kita akan mendapatkan dua manfaat ranking keyword untuk halaman tempat anchor text tersebut berada, dan ranking keyword untuk halaman tujuannya.

Tentu ada pengecualian dari konsep tersebut. Dalam SEO selalu ada pengecualian. Penggunaan keyword dalam anchor text yang berlebihan justru dapat menyebabkan mesin pencari mengurang ranking website kita, atau bahkan sama sekali memblokir website kita dari hasil pencarian secara keseluruhan. Optimasi yang berlebihan jika kita berulang-ulang menggukan anchor text dengan keyword yang sama, tanpa ada variasi.

Teknik yang sering dipakai adalah jika kita memilih keyword yang terdiri dari dua kata, maka kita menggunakan masing-masing kata dalam anchor text yang berbeda sendiri-sendiri, dan dilakukan secara berulang-ulang, dengan tujuan agar mesin pencari memberikan ranking yang tinggi untuk keyword tersebut. Dengan mata pengunjung, biasanya ini jadi terlihat janggal. Meskipun sempat ada banyak kisah sukses dengan menggunakan teknikSEO seperti ini, untuk saat ini sebaiknya dihindari, karena algoritma mesin pencari telah memiliki kemampuan untuk mendeteksi hal seperti ini.

Praktek yang paling tepat adalah dengan menempatkan anchor text yang menggunakan keyword, dalam paragraf yang memiliki isi yang relevan. Dalam hal ini, nilai anchor text sama pentingnya dengan teks pada paragraf di sekitarnya. Perhatikan juga bahwa halaman atau website yang dituju juga harus relevan, sedapat mungkin keyword yang dipergunakan pada anchor text terkandung dalam

Contoh implementasi teknik SEO ini dapat diliat pada blog. Umumnya pada tulisan yang ditampilkan di halaman blog akan ada anchor text yang mengandung kata kunci, yang menuju ke halaman lain yang isinya relevan dan judulnya mengandung kata kunci. Penempatannya dapat dalam bentuk referensi kontekstual dalam kalimat, maupun dengan daftar-daftar tertentu, misalnya daftar tulisan paling populer, atau daftar tulisan yang paling banyak dikomentari. Isi dari daftar-daftar tersebut memiliki link ke halaman lain yang isinya relevan. Hal lain yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah dengan menyusun sitemap. Sitemap umumnya merupakan daftar judul halaman yang merupakan achor text, juka di click akan membawa ke halam yang judulnya terdaftar disitu. Dari sisi SEO, disitulah letak manfaat sitemap.

Kesimpulannya meskipun keyword dan anchor text nampak seperti sesuatu yang sama sekali berbeda, pada kenyataanya keduanya memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat, terutama jika dilihat dari sinergi keduanya dalam mendongkrak ranking website kita.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Optimalisasi SEO blog 2013

Seo Master present to you: Ini adalah 8 tips SEO dari sekian banyak tips dari para master SEO yang memberikan gambaran untuk mengoptimasi blog anda untuk dapat meroket naik pada ranking search engine.

Huruf tebal. Gunakan tag <> dan </> pada keyword anda pada tiap-tiap halaman. Jangan terapkan pada setiap keyword yang ada, satu ada dua udah cukup.

Kedalaman link. Pastikan anda memiliki link masuk ke halaman/postingan anda sebanyak mungkin. Apakah yang diberitahukan kepada search engine ketika situs/blog lain memberikan link ke halaman/postingan berbeda pada blog anda? Jawabannya adalah bahwa situs blog anda punya banyak konten yang berharga.

Newsletter. Tawarkan postingan anda kepada publisher ezine yang mengarsipkan ezine mereka. Link-link di sana terus aktif selama bertahun-tahun dalam arsip mereka.

Pertama datang, pertama dilayani. Jika memiliki link image pada bar navigasi merupakan suatu keharusan, sertakan pula link yang berupa teks. Bagaimanapun juga, anda mesti pastikan link teks tampil pertama kali pada source code, karena robotnya search engine akan mengikuti link pertama yang ditemui menuju halaman tertentu. Mereka tidak akan mengikuti link tambahan pada halaman yang sama.

Pertukaran kontets. anda pasti udah pernah dengar tukaran link, hal yang kurang bernilai. Tukaran artikel mirip dengan tukaran link, hanya saja lebih bernilai/berguna. anda memposting artikel orang lain dengan link back kepada blog mereka. Mereka juga membuat postingan artikel anda dengan juga menyertakan link back ke situs/blog anda. Kedua pihak memiliki konten, kedua pihak mendapatkan link berkualitas tinggi (high quality links).

Judul untuk link. Link juga bisa diberi judul. Hal ini tidak hanya memberikan gambaran kepada pembaca kemana anda membawa mereka, tetapi search engine juga memanfaatkannya untuk mengukur relevansi suatu halaman.

Hati-hati Menggunakan anchor teks. Jangan berlebihan dengan anchor teks. anda engga mau semua inbound link terlihat sama, karena akan terlihat merupakan suatu hal yang sudah terotomatisasi – suatu hal yang gak disukai mbah Google. Gunakan URL anda suatu ketika, dan di kesempatan lain gunakan nama perusahaan anda misalnya, “Tempat Belajar Ngeblog”, “Banyak tips ngeblog menarik” juga bisa, “Ngeblog itu menguntungkan” pada waktu lainnya, dll.

Peta situs (sitemap). Situs/blog besar butuh sitemap, yang harusnya dihubungkan ke / dari setiap halaman pada situs/blog. Hal ini akan membantu robot search engine menemukan setiap halaman dengan hanya dua kali sentuhan. Situs/blog kecil pun butuh sitemap, ini dinamakan bar navigasi.
2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: Viva, Webmasters in Vegas 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Thanks for visiting us at WebmasterWorld PubCon in Las Vegas couple weeks ago. Whether it was at the panel sessions, the exhibitor hall, or the Safe Bets event, we had a blast meeting you and sharing with you the many Google products that are available to webmasters to enhance and drive traffic to your site. For those who weren't able to join us, here are answers to some of the top questions that we heard:

Q: How do I increase the visibility of my site in search results?
A: There are many factors that can impact visibility of your site in search results. We outlined just a few tips that can make a big difference to increasing your site's visibility in Google search results. First, you should ensure your site has quality content that is unique. Second, have quality sites link to your site. Third, submit a Sitemap to let us know about all the URLs on your site. Fourth, sign up for a webmaster tools account to get information how about Google sees your site, such as crawl errors, indexing details, and top queries to your site. Lastly, you can visit Webmaster Central and Webmaster Help Center for more webmaster related questions and resources.

Q How much do I have to pay to create a Google Custom Search Engine?

A: Nothing -- it's free. In addition to being able to create your own custom search engine on your site, you can make money on your site using AdSense for Search.

Q: Why is it better to create gadgets rather than create feeds?
A: First, gadgets are much more flexible. As a publisher, you control the format of your content. Second, gadgets are by nature more interactive. They can be built with flash, HTML or AJAX, and are generally much more interesting than feeds. Finally, your users can customize a gadget to their liking, making your content a lot more targeted.

Q: What is this new ad placement feature for AdSense and how come I don't see it in my account?
A: Ad placements are publisher-defined groups of ad units that advertisers will see when searching for places where they can target their ads. If you don't yet see it in your AdSense account, it's because we've been slowly rolling out this feature to everyone. This exciting feature will be available to all publishers in the next few weeks, so be sure to keep an eye out.

Q: What's the easiest way to put a searchable Google Map on my web page?
A: Use the Map Search Wizard to design a Google Map for your page. The wizard will write all of the code for you; all you need to do is copy and paste the code into your web page, and your users will see your location on a map.

For more information about Google products for webmasters, you can check them out here:
We also wanted to share some photos from PubCon. If you look closely enough, you may be able to see yourself.

Thanks for stopping by, on behalf of the 25 Googlers in attendance!this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo How To Detect A Keylogger Is Installed On Your Computer 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Keyloggers are spy software’s that trace our password ,history etc. and it send to hackers email. Now i share how we detect that from a computer . I will give you some links to download anti-keyloggers and Keylogger detector .

Anti keyloggers

It help to find keyloggers and delete it from your computer.Cyberhawk and Kasperky does a good job in this area. Also check anti-spy.info.

More examples:

Use special tools

Freeware on demand keylogger scanner.

Freeware antikeylogger that block hook based keyloggers as well as screen captures. For Windows XP.

PSMAntiKeyLogger is a real-time protecting software which protects you against Keyloggers. No scanning is needed.

I Hate Keyloggers
Freeware antikeylogger that block hook based keyloggers. For Windows 2000 and XP.

Keyloggers have the capability that they hide them self from the user but are active in the background. There are some shortcuts that are used to see them live on screen.

For example : Ctrl + Alt + X or Ctrl + Alt + Wondows Key + X or desktopshark etc.


2013, By: Seo Master

seo Bagaimana Cara Meningkatkan Alexa Rank? 2013

Bagaimana Cara Meningkatkan Alexa Rank? - Saat menuliskan artikel ini sebenarnya Alexa rank saya terancam drop. Soalnya dalam 5 hari terakhir rupanya backlink saya disedot juga oleh sesama penyedot backlink. Jadi saat ini saya sibuk berbenah dulu di backlink. Selain itu saya juga sekalian melakukan restrukturisasi pada kategori blog.

Tapi tidak apa-apa jika kita membahas sedikit tentang

from web contents: Request visitors' permission before installing software 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: (Cross-posted on the Google Korea Blog)

Webmaster Level: All

Legitimate websites may require that their visitors install software. These sites often do so to provide their users with additional functionality beyond what's available in standard web browsers, like viewing a special type of document. Please note, however, that if your site requires specific software for your visitors, the implementation of this software installation process is very important. Incorrect implementation can appear as though you're installing malware, triggering our malware detection filters, and resulting in your site being labeled with a 'This site may harm your computer' malware warning in our search results.

If using your site requires a special software install, you need to first inform visitors why they need to install additional software. Here are two bad examples and one good example of how to handle the situation of a new visitor to such a site:

Bad: Install the required software without giving the visitor a chance to choose whether or not they want to install the software.

Bad: Pop up a confirmation dialog box that prompts the visitor to agree to install the software, without providing enough detail for the visitor to make an informed choice. (This includes the standard ActiveX control installation dialog box, since it doesn't contain enough meaningful information for a visitor to make an informed decision about that particular piece of software.)

Good: Redirect the new visitor to an information page which provides thorough details on why a special software installation is required to use the site. From this page the visitor can initiate the installation of the required software if they decide to proceed with installation.

Has your site been labeled with a malware warning in our search results due to a poorly implemented software installation requirement? Updating the installation process to ensure that visitors are fully informed on why the installation is necessary, and giving them a chance to opt out, should resolve this issue. Once you've got this in place, you can go to Webmaster Tools and request a malware review to expedite the process of removing any malware warnings associated with your site in Google's search results.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Fridaygram: Street View in the sky, robot carp, restored shuttlecraft 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By +Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

This week we launched Street View images showing what it’s like inside (and outside) the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. We love taking Street View places it’s never been, and now we’ve added two firsts: the first collection in the Arab World, and the first one to feature a skyscraper.

As if it’s not enough to visit the 163rd floor of the world’s tallest building, or ride an elevator traveling at 22 mph, we thought it would be fun to send our Street View camera outside the 73rd floor in a maintenance unit for a breathtaking view of the surrounding cityscape. So don’t miss that view, as long as you’re OK with heights.

We go from high above the Earth to under the sea for news of the world’s first robot carp. A team of scientists in Singapore studied these freshwater fish and designed an autonomous underwater exploration vehicle. They plan to use this robofish to study tight spaces in underwater places, such as pipelines or the lost city of Atlantis. The researchers used cameras to record carp doing their thing, then created a mathematical model of carp movements to trigger actuators in their robot.

Finally, let’s journey beyond even the Burj Khalifa, out into (pretend) space, where the Galileo Shuttlecraft served Captain Kirk and the crew of the U. S. S. Enterprise in the original Star Trek universe. This prop was originally considered too expensive for the production company to build, so Federation personnel had to make their way to and from planets by transporter instead. But the craft was eventually built and appeared midway through the first season, in 1967 (or stardate 2821.5, if you prefer). In the years since then, the ship has deteriorated. But now Star Trek fans and a shipwright are restoring the Galileo to its original glory, to be enjoyed by fans everywhere. Magnifico!

Whether on the surface of the Earth, way down below the ocean, or in space, Fridaygram is always your ticket to fun nerdy stuff. Speaking of space (and Star Trek), it looks like Voyager 1 has still not left the solar system, although it has entered a previously unknown area, far out there. This weekend, go and explore something new on your own!
2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: An update on spam reporting 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: (Note: this post has been translated into English from our German blog.)

In 2006 one of our initiatives in the area of communication was to notify some webmasters in case of a violation of our Webmaster Guidelines (e.g. by using a "particular search engine friendly" software that generates doorways as an extra). No small number of these good-will emails to webmasters have been brought about by spam reports from our users.

We are proud of our users who alert us to potential abuses for the sake of the whole internet community. We appreciate this even more, as PageRank™ (and thus Google search) is based on a democratic principle, i.e. a webmaster is giving other sites a "vote" of approval by linking to it.

In 2007 as an extension and complement of this democratic principle, we want to further increase our users' awareness of webmaster practices that do or do not conform to Google's standards. Such informed users are then able to take counter-action against webspam by filing spam reports. By doing so a mutually beneficial process can be initiated. Ultimately, not only will all Google users benefit from the best possible search quality, but also will spammy webmasters realize that their attempts to unfairly manipulate their site's ranking will pay off less and less.

Our spam report forms are provided in two different flavors: an authenticated form that requires registration in Webmaster Tools, and an unauthenticated form. Currently, we investigate every spam report from a registered user. Spam reports to the unauthenticated form are assessed in terms of impact, and a large fraction of those are reviewed as well.

So, the next time you can't help thinking that the ranking of a search result was not earned by virtue of its content and legitimate SEO, then it is the perfect moment for a spam report. Each of them can give us crucial information for the continual optimization of our search algorithms.

Interested in learning more? Then find below answers to the three most frequent questions.

FAQs concerning spam reports:

Q: What happens to an authenticated spam report at Google?
A: An authenticated spam report is analyzed and then used for evaluating new spam-detecting algorithms, as well as to identify trends in webspam. Our goal is to detect all the sites engaging in similar manipulation attempts automatically in the future and to make sure our algorithms rank those sites appropriately. We don´t want to get into an inefficient game of cat and mouse with individual webmasters who have reached into the wrong bag of tricks.

Q: Why are there sometimes no immediately noticeable consequences of a spam report?
A: Google is always seeking to improve its algorithms for countering webspam, but we also take action on individual spam reports. Sometimes that action will not be immediately visible to an outside user, so there is no need to submit a site multiple times in order for Google to evaluate a URL. There are different reasons that might account for a user´s false impression that a particular spam report went unnoticed. Here are a few of those reasons:

  • Sometimes, Google might already be handling the situation appropriately. For example, if you are reporting a site that seems to engage in excessive link exchanging, it could be the case that we are already discounting the weight of those unearned backlinks correctly, and the site is showing up for other reasons. Note that changes in how Google handles backlinks for a site are not immediately obvious to outside users. Or it may be the case that we already deal with a phenomenon such as keyword stuffing correctly in our scoring, and therefore we are not quite as concerned about something that might not look wonderful, but that isn't affecting rankings.
  • A complete exclusion from Google´s SERPs is only one possible consequence of a spam report. Google might also choose to give a site a "yellow card" so that the site can not be found in the index for a short time. However, if a webmaster ignores this signal, then a "red card" with a longer-lasting effect might follow. So it's possible that Google is already aware of an issue and communicating with the webmaster about that issue, or that we have taken action other than a removal on a spam report.
  • Sometimes, simple patience is the answer, because it takes time for algorithmic changes to be thoroughly checked out, or for the externally displayed PageRank to be updated.
  • It can also be the case that Google is working on solving the more general instance of an issue, and so we are reluctant to take action on an individual situation.
  • A spam report may also just have been considered unjustified. For example, this may be true for a report whose sole motivation appears to attempt to harm a direct competitor with a better ranking.

Q: Can a user expect to receive feedback for a spam report?
A: This is a common request, and we know that our users might like verification of the reported URLs or simple confirmation that the spam report had been taken care of. Given the choice how to spend our time, we have decided to invest our efforts into taking action on spam reports and improving our algorithms to be more robust. But we are open to consider how to scale communication with our users going forward.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: SEO Starter Guide updated 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Webmaster Level: Beginner

Update on October 3, 2010: We have fixed the issue causing the highlighted text to be obscured on Linux PDF readers.

About two years ago we published our first SEO Starter Guide, which we have since translated into 40 languages. Today, we’re very happy to share with you the new version of the guide with more content and examples.

Here’s what’s new:
  • Glossary to define terms throughout the guide
  • More example images to help you understand the content
  • Ways to optimize your site for mobile devices
  • Clearer wording for better readability
You may remember getting to see what Googlebot looks like in our “First date with Googlebot” post. In this version of the SEO Starter Guide, Googlebot is back to provide you with some more SEO tips.

You can download the new version here [PDF]. Entertain and impress your friends by leaving a printed copy on your coffee table.


this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: +1 reporting in Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster level: All

It’s been a busy week for us here at the Googleplex. First we released +1 buttons to Google search sites globally, then we announced the beginning of the Google+ project.

The +1 button and the Google+ project are both about making it easier to connect with the people you trust online. For the +1 button, that means bringing advice from trusted friends and contacts right into Google search, letting the users who love your web content recommend it at the moment of decision.

But when you’re managing a website, it's usually not real until you can measure it. So we’re happy to say we’ve got one more announcement to make -- today we’re releasing reports that show you the value +1 buttons bring to your site.

First, +1 metrics in Google Webmaster Tools can show you how the +1 button affects the traffic coming to your pages:

  • The Search Impact report gives you an idea of how +1‘s affect your organic search traffic. You can find out if your clickthrough rate changes when personalized recommendations help your content stand out. Do this by comparing clicks and impressions on search results with and without +1 annotations. We’ll only show statistics on clickthrough rate changes when you have enough impressions for a meaningful comparison.
  • The Activity report shows you how many times your pages have been +1’d, from buttons both on your site and on other pages (such as Google search).
  • Finally, the Audience report shows you aggregate geographic and demographic information about the Google users who’ve +1’d your pages. To protect privacy, we’ll only show audience information when a significant number of users have +1’d pages from your site.
Use the +1 Metrics menu on the side of the page to view your reports. If you haven’t yet verified your site on Google Webmaster Tools, you can follow these instructions to get access.

Finally, you can also see how users share your content using other buttons besides +1 by using Social Plugin Analytics in Google Analytics. Once you configure the JavaScript for Analytics, the Social Engagement reports help you compare the various types of sharing actions that occur on your pages.

  • The Social Engagement report lets you see how site behavior changes for visits that include clicks on +1 buttons or other social actions. This allows you to determine, for example, whether people who +1 your pages during a visit are likely to spend more time on your site than people who don’t.
  • The Social Actions report lets you track the number of social actions (+1 clicks, Tweets, etc) taken on your site, all in one place.
  • The Social Pages report allows you to compare the pages on your site to see which are driving the highest the number of social actions.
If you’re using the default version of the latest Google Analytics tracking code, when you add +1 buttons to your site, we automatically enable Social Plugin Analytics for +1 in your account. You can enable analytics for other social plugins in just a few simple steps.

Social reporting is just getting started. As people continue to find new ways to interact across the web, we look forward to new reports that help business owners understand the value that social actions are providing to their business. So +1 to data!

UPDATE: 7/11/11 1:44pm PST, corrected references to the social plugin analytics feature.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Google launches new developer education programs 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Wesley Chun, Developer Relations

We are very excited to welcome more than 5,000 developers to Google I/O this week. As we celebrate new product launches, and share knowledge during sessions, codelabs, Sandbox demos and office hours, we don't want to be limited to exchanging information with our developers only three days a year. In this spirit, we took the first step last week, launching Google Developers Live, a place for developers to connect face-to-face with Google engineers as well as each other in a live setting. However, real-time is not always the most convenient, so to address this, we’re announcing two more programs: Google Developers Academy and Google Developers University Consortium.

Google Developers Academy is a new program that provides training materials on Google technologies. Developers will learn and solidify their skills on many of our developer tools and APIs. We've launched with courses covering a variety of services like Google App Engine, Google Drive, YouTube, and our many advertising APIs. This is just the start, as we'll add new lessons regularly.

Google Developers University Consortium is a collaborative community of academics who use Google's tools and developer platforms for instruction and research. We are providing teachers and researchers with a platform to share their materials and communicate freely with other faculty worldwide. This is a great place for the academic community to make announcements about their work, highlight successes, publish research, exchange content, and share their enthusiasm and knowledge with each other.

By providing more learning tools and interaction platforms for the global community, we are building and enhancing the skill set of today's and tomorrow's Google developers and helping them build the next generation of awesome apps!

If you're attending Google I/O, please stop by our booth in the Google TV lounge right across from the GDG Tattoo table.

Wesley Chun is author of the bestselling Core Python books and Developer Advocate at Google, specializing in cloud computing & academia. He has over two decades of programming, teaching & writing experience, and was one of the original Yahoo!Mail engineers. Wesley loves traveling worldwide to meet Google developers; follow him on Google+ and Twitter.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo More innovation from African developers 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Chukwuemeka Afigbo, Outreach Program Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa

Cross-posted from the Google Africa Blog

Developers play a crucial role in making the Internet relevant for Africans. This is why fostering a vibrant African developer ecosystem is very important to Google. Developers and tech entrepreneurs from across the continent joined thousands of their peers from all over the world to explore the latest tech innovations at Google I/O 2013 in San Francisco. Several of them were members of the Google Developer Groups in countries such as Algeria, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Kenya, Republic of Congo, Togo and Uganda.

Hassan Nsubuga, Lead for GDG Mbale,Uganda with Google SVP Vic Gundotra at Google I/O

Luckily, participation was not limited to those who could make it to San Francisco’s Moscone Center. Developers back home were also able to get in on the action with more than 67 I/O Extended parties hosted by Google Developer Groups and Google Student Ambassadors across the continent where talks were streamed live to an excited audience.

Away from the excitement of I/O ‘13, it has been a busy year for many African developers and tech startups. We added six new apps to our African case studies page:

  • Maji Dashboards and Virtual Kenya from Upande: websites that utilize the power of Google’s Geo tools to make information about Kenya readily accessible for better decision making, development planning, and education.
  • ReadyCash from Parkway Projects: a home grown mobile money service from Nigeria with an app that leverages the power of the Android platform to integrate a unique QR code based payment system.
  • Matatu is an Android version of a local card game from Uganda.
  • ASiM, developed by Olivine Technology, is a real time inventory management solution with an Android client and App Engine backend.
  • Asa: an Android tablet app by Nigeria’s Genii Games that brings the magic of African folktales to children of all ages.
Asa (African Folktales)


Remember AfriNolly – winner of 2011 Android developer competition? The app by Fans Connect Online now has over 2 million downloads across several platforms, with a new Android version support for 11 languages launched in May 2013. The Fans Connect Online team also ran a contest for African short films and created a radio show focused on the African film industry.

Keep an eye on our case studies page to follow the exploits of these and many more developers in Africa, as they continue to innovate with Google APIs and platforms.

Do you feel your app should be featured here? Let us know!

+Chukwuemeka Afigbo is a Program Manager in the Sub-Saharan Africa Outreach Team. He is passionate about making the internet more relevant to Africans. He is also an avid football (soccer) fan.

Posted by +Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: iGoogle Gadgets for Webmaster Tools 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Update: The described feature is no longer available.

When you plan to do something, are you a minimalist, or are you prepared for every potential scenario? For example, would you hike out into the Alaskan wilderness during inclement weather with only a wool overcoat and a sandwich in your pocket - like the naturalist John Muir (and you thought Steve McQueen was tough)?

Or are you more the type of person where even on a day hike, you bring a few changes of clothes, 3 dehydrated meals, a couple of kitchen appliances, a power inverter, and a foot- powered generator, because, well, you never know when the urge will arise to make toast?

The Webmaster Tools team strives to serve all types of webmasters, from the minimalist to those who use every tool they can find. If you're reading this blog, you've probably had the opportunity to use the current version of Webmaster Tools, which offers as many features as possible just shy of the kitchen sink. Now there's something for those of you who would prefer to access only the features of Webmaster Tools that you need: we've just released Webmaster Tools Gadgets for iGoogle.

Here's the simple process to start using these Gadgets right away. (Note: this assumes you've already got a Webmaster Tools account and have verified at least one site.)

1. Visit Webmaster Tools and select any site that you've validated from the dashboard.
2. Click on the Tools section.
3. Click on Gadgets sub-section.
4. Click on the big "Add an iGoogle Webmaster Tools homepage" button.
5. Click the "Add to Google" button on the following confirm page to add the new tab to iGoogle.
6. Now you're in iGoogle, where you should see your new Google Webmaster Tools tab with a number of Gadgets. Enjoy!

You'll notice that each Gadget has a drop down menu at the top which lets you select from all the sites you have validated to see that Gadget's information for the particular site you select. A few of the Gadgets that we're currently offering are:

Crawl errors - Does Googlebot encounter issues when crawling your site?

Top search queries - What are people searching for to find your site?

External links - What websites are linking to yours?

We plan to add more Gadgets in the future and improve their quality, so if there's a feature that you'd really like to see which is not included in one of the Gadgets currently available, let us know. As you can see, it's a cinch to get started.

It looks like rain clouds are forming over here in Seattle, so I'm off for a hike.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Fresher query stats 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Query stats in webmaster tools provide information about the search queries that most often return your site in the results. You can view this information by a variety of search types (such as web search, mobile search, or image search) and countries. We show you the top search types and locations for your site. You can access these stats by selecting a verified site in your account and then choosing Query stats from the Statistics tab.

If you've checked your site's query stats lately, you may have noticed that they're changing more often than they used to. This is because we recently changed how frequently we calculate them. Previously, we showed data that was averaged over a period of three weeks. Now, we show data that is averaged over a period of one week. This results in fresher stats for you, as well as stats that more accurately reflect the current queries that return your site in the results. We update these stats every week, so if you'd like to keep a history of the top queries for your site week by week, you can simply download the data each week. We generally update this data each Monday.

How we calculate query stats
Some of you have asked how we calculate query stats.

These results are based on results that searchers see. For instance, say a search for [Britney Spears] brings up your site as position 21, which is on the third page of the results. And say 1000 people searched for [Britney Spears] during the course of a week (in reality, a few more people than that search for her name, but just go with me for this example). 600 of those people only looked at the first page of results and the other 400 browsed to at least the third page. That means that your site was seen by 400 searchers. Even though your site was at position 21 for all 1000 searchers, only 400 are counted for purposes of this calculation.

Both top search queries and top search query clicks are based on the total number of searches for each query. The stats we show are based on the queries that most often return your site in the results. For instance, going back to that familiar [Britney Spears] query -- 400 searchers saw your site in the results. Now, maybe your site isn't really about Britney Spears -- it's more about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And say Google received 50 queries for [Buffy the Vampire Slayer] in the same week, and your site was returned in the results at position 2. So, all 50 searchers saw your site in the results. In this example, Britney Spears would show as a top search query above Buffy the Vampire Slayer (because your site was seen by 400 searchers for Britney but 50 searchers for Buffy).

The same is true of top search query clicks. If 100 of the Britney-seekers clicked on your site in the search results and all 50 of the Buffy-searchers click on your site in the search results, Britney would show as a top search query above Buffy.

At times, this may cause some of the query stats we show you to seem unusual. If your site is returned for a very high-traffic query, then even if a low percentage of searchers click on your site for that query, the total number of searchers who click on your site may still be higher for the query than for queries for which a much higher percentage of searchers click on your site in the results.

The average top position for top search queries is the position of the page on your site that ranks most highly for the query. The average top position for top search query clicks is the position of the page on your site that searchers clicked on (even if a different page ranked more highly for the query). We show you the average position for this top page across all data centers over the course of the week.

A variety of download options are available. You can:
  • download individual tables of data by clicking the Download this table link.
  • download stats for all subfolders on your site (for all search types and locations) by clicking the Download all query stats for this site (including subfolders) link.
  • download all stats (including query stats) for all verified sites in your account by choosing Tools from the My Sites page, then choosing Download data for all sites and then Download statistics for all sites.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Google Developer Day coming to a city near you in 2011 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Monica Tran, Developer Marketing Team

As Vic Gundotra announced previously, Google Developer Day (GDD) will be coming to eight cities in 2011. Please save the date, as we prepare to bring our world tour of GDDs to a city near you.

  • September 16: Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • September 19-20: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • October 10: Moscow, Russia
  • October 18: Prague, Czech Republic
  • November 1: Tokyo, Japan
  • November 8: Sydney, Australia
  • November 13: Tel-Aviv, Israel
  • November 19: Berlin, Germany
Google Developer Days are a chance to learn about our latest developer products and meet the engineers who work on them. As in years past, we will have an application process when registration opens, so stay tuned, as we will continue to bring you updates on this blog.

In the meantime, get the conversation started with our official Google Developer Day 2011 hashtag, #gdd11.

In the past four years, Monica Tran has been around the world, working as a Product Marketing Manager in Mountain View, London, and Tokyo. After a good run on Google I/O, Monica is back to lead the charge on Google Developer Day, happening in 8 cities worldwide in 2011.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Why I Buy A Health Insurance? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
A fair number of people in the US have convinced themselves that they don’t need to purchase health care insurance or want its financial protections. Therefore, they do not understand why they should have to buy it.

These people are upset because beginning in 2014, they will be required by law to purchase health insurance or be financially penalized.

Many of them have managed to get by in the past because they have not had health problems, feel they can use Emergency Rooms if serious problems arise or have been able to rely on family members to help them out financially when they get sick.

Some of them may feel they cannot afford to purchase medical coverage.

Others simply do not want to spend the money to buy it.

No matter how such people feel, it is obvious that they are being unrealistic and unfair about their attitudes because the bottom line is that everybody needs to buy health insurance!

Avoiding The Purchase Of Health Care Insurance Creates Many Problems

Many of these individuals have good health histories.

They have never been seriously ill or had to face the financial consequences that come with poor health.

They do not understand (or do not want to understand) that their failure to address their health care responsibilities damages the finances of other people and also has the potential of taking their own lives.

Many assume that because they've never been sick, they will always be healthy.

These are the types of attitudes and thoughts that ruin lives.

Someone commented recently that it is their own business if they choose not to buy health insurance.


If people don't protect themselves with insurance, who do they think pays when they get sick? Do these people think it is fair to put their personal burdens into the wallets of their fellow citizens?

Interestingly, it is these same people who are screaming the loudest about how unfair the AHA is when it is obvious that they are the very reason the law is requiring all citizens to purchase health insurance!

Health Care Insurance Is Your Only Protection Against Financial Ruin

One day a student of mine came limping into class just before the end of the lunch hour.

I asked him what was wrong, and he begged me not to share what he was about to tell me.

He had rheumatoid arthritis.
He was 14 years old. His parents did not think he would need insurance because he was young and seemed healthy. Once he got sick, insurers refused to cover him because of his “preexisting” condition.

His parents had to file for bankruptcy because of their mistaken attitudes.

The point of this story is that illness does not discriminate.

It strikes people of all ages, and it can show up at any time.

Using youth or current good health as reasons to avoid purchasing health insurance is a serious mistake that impacts many people in addition to the person who assumes he is safe.

In this particular situation, if the AHA had been in force, the parents would have been able to purchase coverage for their son even after he became ill.

Furthermore, they would already have had it because of the legal requirement to purchase it.

Medical care Is Expensive, And Health Care Insurance Pays The Bills

Making wrong assumptions about your health or ignoring potential health problems can be costly and deadly mistakes.

Without the financial protection that comes with having medical coverage people do not get the kind of good care and medication they need when health problems arise.

Doctors do not work for free, and medicine can be very expensive.

Emergency Room care is good for health problems such as broken legs or heart attacks, but if you have Cancer an ER can only offer temporary relief.

You should never count on using Emergency Rooms as substitutes for ongoing, appropriate medical care.

  1. If you cannot afford to pay for the best surgeons, you likely will have serious and sometimes deadly problems following operations.
  2. If you cannot afford the thousands of dollars some medications cost, you will suffer terribly and possibly will die.

This may be blunt, but it is fact.

Honorable Recommendation:

1. Steps to make a Motorcycle Accident Insurance Claim 

2. What Is An Insurance Score?

3. Fire Insurance Tips

4. The Right Way To Sell Insurance

5. Cheap Bike Insurance Without Deposit

Without Health Care Insurance, Your Finances And Your Health Are Not Safe

There are people all over this country who suffer every single day with diseases too horrible to imagine.

These are diseases that aren’t going away and cannot be fixed.

You may be thinking right now that this is very sad and that you are sorry so many people are sick, etc.

That is not what I want you to be thinking.

I want you to be thinking that these situations and worse could happen to you at any time, in any place and without warning.

The only one who can protect your health and your finances from such illnesses is you.

You do it by purchasing good health insurance.

So when the AHA becomes fully implemented in January of 2014, make sure you buy the best policy you can afford.

There are many reasons for spending your money on health care insurance, not the least of which is that It is the smartest and most responsible thing you can do to protect your health and your finances.
2013, By: Seo Master
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