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seo List of Free Hosting Sites 2013

Seo Master present to you:
List of Free Hosting Sites 

List of Free Hosting Sites :

1. WebNG.com 

2.  ZeroCatch 

3. 3owl.com 

4. Zero USA 

5. 0zed.com 

6. Nokly 

7. Host-Ed.net 

8. ias3.com 

9. ServersFree 

10. FreeHostingNoAds.net 

11. Batcave.net 

12. BlackAppleHost.com 

13.  WebFreeHosting.net 

14. Orgfree.com 

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How the bar chart was reinvented to renewed notoriety 2013

Seo Master present to you:

When we launched the Visualization API we wondered, which new visualization types will the developers out there come up with? Which one will be successful? Will we quickly see the long tail of visualizations being developed?

Visualizations, as with many other things, follow a rule we know very well at Google: Their distribution is such that there are a few visualizations at the 'head', which get the majority of usages, and then there is a long tail of special visualizations, that by virtue of their subject matter or type, get little overall use.

Take for example the ubiquitous line chart vs the radar chart:

Line charts are extremely useful in visualizing continuous changes over time or other factors, and as such are used for data sets ranging from displaying financial results, to the growth of germs on petry-dishes to following presidential candidates' accumulation of votes. You'll find line charts in almost every type of presentation, even in cartoons:

On the other hand, radar charts are relatively rare and most people have never encountered one, unless they happened to have taken an advanced university course in Marketing, for example.

Obviously there are highly specialized visualizations that are extremely common. For example, the 2-hands clock view, is one of the most wide-spread used visualization to display time. Yet, many visualizations have been developed for specific use in specialized fields of study, or work.

As such, you can imagine we had a fun time betting on which visualization will come out and which will catch on. Some of the bets in the team were made on us first seeing specialized visualizations. Perhaps a network diagram. Others, had bet on seeing new, high end, pivoting and data drill-down, slice-and-dice wizardry. Who won? Apparently we all lost our bets.

It seems the common straightforward visualizations can be reinvented with a just few simple changes to make them immensely powerful - and fun - as visual tools. Enter, the Bar (or Column) Chart and the Piles of Money visualization:

By altering the standard visual design of the bars (or columns) as wide lines, or rectangles and simply converting them to an image of a growing pile of money, the Piles of Money chart has rocketed to the top five most popular visualizations used over the Visualization API. This simple change can provide the same insight as any bar chart, yet when used on data sets related to cost, revenue or any other financial measurement, it becomes a fun, engaging chart, not derogating in any way from its original purpose and actually adding additional emphasis that the subject matter is money.

The Bars of Stuff chart was added just after Piles of Money, and provides the same treatment to the horizontal bar chart as Piles of Money did to the vertical bar chart. Users can choose on of several cool visual designs, like chocolate, cute worms, etc to be used instead of the bars.

I can't wait to see someone take the idea behind Piles of Money and advance it to the next step: create a visualization in which the user can visualize bars of anything they want by choosing the image to be integrated into the visualization: Piles of Boxes, Piles of Shoes, Bars of Soap.

To see all of the Visualization API's current list of visualizations by Google and the community, check out our gallery.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series: A Common API for Web Storage 2013

Seo Master present to you: On April 7th, Google launched a new version of Gmail for mobile for iPhone and Android-powered devices. We shared the behind-the-scenes story through this blog and decided to share more of our learnings in a brief series of follow up blog posts. Over the last few weeks we've talked about how to use the AppCache functionality of HTML5 to launch an application offline. We discussed the impact that AppCache can have on your mobile web applications, as you enable users to launch your app faster in the face of flaky or slow internet connections. This week, I'll talk about how we're using both HTML5 Structured Storage and the Google Gears Database to make devices tolerate flaky network connections.

Although these technologies allow web applications to cache user data on the mobile device and perform data modifications locally, HTML5 Structured Storage uses an asynchronous model, where the Google Gears Database uses a synchronous model. This difference makes it difficult to develop an application on top of both platforms. We dealt with this problem by creating the Web Storage Portability Layer (WSPL) for Gmail. Coming soon under a liberal open source license to code.google.com/p/webstorageportabilitylayer, WSPL provides a common API that supports an identical asynchronous programming model for both platforms by using a worker thread in Gears. Let's take a look!

The WSPL consists of a collection of classes that provide asynchronous transactional access to both Gears and HTML5 databases. It can be used to execute nested statements within callbacks, create statement templates, and optionally control the synchronous/asynchronous modes of the Gears Database Wrapper. There are five basic classes.

google.wspl.Statement - A parametrizable SQL statement class
google.wspl.Transaction - Used to execute one or more Statements with ACID properties
google.wspl.ResultSet - Arrays of JavaScript hash objects, where the hash key is the table column name
google.wspl.Database - A connection to the backing database, also provides transaction support
google.wspl.DatabaseFactory - Creates the appropriate HTML5 or Gears database implementation

Let's take a look at how we can use this API to perform a simple query, starting with the creation of a Database. Note that you'll need to provide a URL to the worker file hosted from your domain.

var database = google.wspl.DatabaseFactory.createDatabase('db name', 'http://yourdomain/dbworker.js');

You can then execute SQL statements without worrying about the specifics of HTML5 and Gears. Refer to the recent blog posts about AppCache to find steps you can follow to see your database contents using sqlite3.
var statement = google.wspl.Statement('SELECT col from test_table;');
database.createTransaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeAll([statement], {onSuccess: function(tx, resultSet) {
// Statement succeeded.

for(; resultSet.isValidRow(); resultSet.next()) {
}, onFailure: function(error) {
// Statement failed.
}, {onSuccess: function() {
// After transaction commits, before any other starts.
}, onFailure: function(error) {
// After transaction fails, before any other starts.
I've found that using the Gears database asynchronously will nicely split up the JavaScript execution, allowing event handlers and other code to execute between the callbacks. This can improve the responsiveness of your application if you're using long transactions. You can also use SQL triggers to avoid the read-modify-write pattern that causes "ping ponging" between threads -- either the main thread and Gears worker or the main thread and the HTML5 SQL thread.

That's all I'll show you for now, but you can look for more details about the Web Storage Portability Layer at Google I/O, May 27-28 in San Francisco where we'll be presenting a session on the architecture of a generic application using HTML5. We'll also be available at the Developer Sandbox and are looking forward to meeting you in person. Stay tuned for the next post where we'll talk about improving the performance of HTML5-based web applications.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Unmatched Ad Request in Google AdSense. 2013

Seo Master present to you:
If you are an AdSense publisher and monitoring your account regularly, you must have noticed "unmatched Ad Request". You can view it under Performance report > Bid type. 

What is Unmatched Ad Request basically? 
When a user visits your site or blog with AdSense Ad units, these Ad units sends a request to AdSense to display a relevant ad to the visitor. If there are no ads returned for this request, it is counted as unmatched Ad request. The ad units are then shown as blank spaces. 

The problem is not that you are getting Unmatched Ad Requests. The real trouble is that some publisher will have more of these requests than others. The chances of earning from these ad requests are NIL since there are no ads served and there is no clicks or impressions pay. 

Reasons for higher unmatched ad requests. 
  • Using link units on site. If you are using link units on a blog/site, there will be higher unmatched ad requests. This is due to the fact that a matched ad request for a link unit is counted only if a visitors click on them. Since there are hardly any clicks on link units these days, these all are counted in unmatched ad requests. 
  • Poor content. Chances are that your content is not receiving enough bidders due to poor quality contents. No one want to show ads on a web blog with low or bad quality contents. So, may be you are not getting enough ads as per ad requests. Some ad requests don't have ads to display. 
  •  Blocked list. If you block half of the advertisers, how could you fulfill all the ad requests your blog generates. So be careful about that. 
  • Unusual ad size. Square or rectangle and more frequently used ad sizes have more bidders and hence lower unmatched requests. Don't go for any unusual ad sizes. 

Although you know now what may be the reason for unmatched ad requests, you can hardly take any steps to shield yourself. Almost everyone keeps their filter list small. If you are approved by AdSense, there is almost negligible chances of poor quality content. And since Google is the leader in publishing-advertising market, number of bidders in most cases will never run out for an ad space. 

How to utilize unmatched ad requests to your benefits.?
This is where back up ads come into the picture. While creating ad unit, Google asks for back up ads in case there is no ads to display. Link one such another ads from any other publishing network you are using. This is the most you can do with unmatched ad requests. 

At last, you don't need to really worry about unmatched ad requests unless you are earning from AdSense. There is no any such negative aspects of it, and there is hardly anything you can control. You can at most write quality contents to attract maximum bidders, use more obvious ad sizes, keep your filter list small. 


2013, By: Seo Master

seo Using the Google Static Maps API and HTTP Geocoder to power Lonely Planet's mobile travel guide 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. Today's post is a guest post written by Ken Hoetmer of Lonely Planet.

Lonely Planet has been using Google Geo APIs since 2006 - you can currently find them in use on destination profiles at lonelyplanet.com , in our trip planner application , in our hotel and hostel booking engine , on lonelyplanet.tv , and in our mobile site, m.lonelyplanet.com . I could talk for hours about any of these sites, but in preparation for Google I/O and my talk at the Maps APIs and Mobile session, I'll spend this post discussing our use of the Google Static Maps API and the HTTP geocoding service on m.lonelyplanet.com.

Our mobile site's primary feature is highlighting points of interest (POIs) around you, as selected by Lonely Planet. The site is browser based and targeted at a baseline of devices. This accessibility is great for on the road, but because of this choice, we can't obtain precise user locations via a location API. Instead, we've asked our users to self-select their location by entering it into a free form text field when they first arrive at the site. This location is then posted to our server, geocoded on the back end by forwarding the text to the Google HTTP geocoding API, and then used to either set the user's location or return a list of options for disambiguation.

Knowing the user's position, we then forward the position and a radius in kilometers to our Content API's POI proximity method, returning a list of points within range, in order of proximity. Once we have the POIs, we need to present them on a map, relative to the user's location. This is where the Google Static Maps API comes in. We can't rely on the availability of Flash, JavaScript, and Ajax, but the Static Maps API enables us to serve a JPEG map by simply providing our list of POI geocodes, a few bits about labeling markers, and a height / width (which we calculate per device by querying screen sizes from WURFL) as query parameters to a URL. Below the map we put a few links for switching the map between (road)map, satellite, hybrid, and terrain base maps.

That gives us a basic map, but what if the user wants to look a little farther to the north or east? To enable this, we augmented the map with a lightweight navigation bar (north, south, east, west, zoom in, zoom out), with links to new static maps that represent a pan or zoom action. Here's how we generated the links:

Let's say our page has a static map of width w pixels, height h pixels, centered at (lat,lng) and zoom level z.
$map_link = "http://maps.google.com/staticmap?key={$key}&size={$w}x{$h}&center={$lat},{$lng}&zoom={$z}";
Then, we can generate north, south, east, and west links as follows (this example assumes the existence of a mercator projection class with standard xToLng, yToLat, latToY, lngToX routines):
// a mercator object
$mercator = new mercator();

// we'll pan 1/2 the map height / width in each go

// y pixel coordinate of center lat
$y = $mercator->latToY($lat);

// subtract (north) or add (south) half the height, then turn
back into a latitude
$north = $mercator->yToLat($y - $h/2, $z);
$south = $mercator->yToLat($y + $h/2, $z);

// x pixel coordinate of center lng
$x = $mercator->lngToX($lng);

// subtract (west) or add (east) half the width, then turn back into a longitude
$east = $mercator->xToLng($x + $w/2, $z);
$west = $mercator->xToLng($x - $w/2, $z);
So that our north, south, east, west links are:
$north = "http://maps.google.com/staticmap?key={$key}&size={$w}x{$h}&center={$north},{$lng}&zoom={$z}";
$south = "http://maps.google.com/staticmap?key={$key}&size={$w}x{$h}&center={$south},{$lng}&zoom={$z}";
$east = "http://maps.google.com/staticmap?key={$key}&size={$w}x{$h}&center={$lat},{$east}&zoom={$z}";
$west = "http://maps.google.com/staticmap?key={$key}&size={$w}x{$h}&center={$lat},{$west}&zoom={$z}";
Of course if you're serving a page knowing only a list of points and their geocodes, then you don't have a zoom level value for calculating the map links. Thankfully, mercator projection implementations often offer a 'getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds)' function, which serves this purpose (create your bounds by finding the minimum and maximum latitudes and longitudes of your list of geocodes). If your implementation doesn't provide this function, it's not complicated to write, but I'll leave that to the reader (hint: find difference in x and y values at various zoom levels and compare these to your map width and height).

As mentioned earlier, I'll be joining Susannah Raub and Aaron Jacobs to delve deeper into maps and mobile devices at Google I/O. In addition, Matthew Cashmore (Lonely Planet Ecosystems Manager) and I will be meeting developers and demoing our apps in the Developer Sandbox on Thursday, May 28. We'd love to meet you and we'll be easy to find - simply follow the noise to the jovial Welshman.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Symphony Tablet XplorerT8i Specification 2013

Seo Master present to you:
World most popular mobile manufacture Symphony is going to introduce their brand new exclusive tablet Xplorer T8i. Hope this tablet is going to be a hot item in the present tablet market place. This tablet will come in market soon. Here we just share the tablet specification and we will share the review and price soon.

1. Operating System: Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

2. 8” IPS XGA Capacitive Touch

3. XGA Display

4. Camera:5MP+2MP

5. 1 GHz Processor (Duad Core)

Symphony Tablet XplorerT8i
6. RAM 1 GB & ROM 4 GB

7. Battery 4700 mAh

8. 3G Network,EDGE,WiFi,GPS

9. Audio Video & call recorder

10.Bluetooth: v3.0

9. Angry Birds, Highway rider, Facebook, Youtube, Android Market(Play Store),
Temple Run, Nimbuzz, Gmail, Skype, Office suite, Dictionary

10. GPS, G-Sensor

11. 2G Network: GSM 900/1800/1900MHz

12. 3G Network: WCDMA 850/2100MHz
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Translate Tips and hints, Secrets, and also Unseen Techniques 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Besides knowing how to voicing a variety of language features of Google translate ' pay attention ' is pretty amusing and pleasant. There are a bit of methods and unseen secrets.

Google translate is a translator program that a lot people use today. Google translate has serious benefits as a translator from one language to a second. Choice of assorted languages is pretty complete. This application has also various sorts of features that could supplement its effectiveness, one of the additional present features that it is capable to read what we write in the text box. There is a tiny icon below the text box that whenever we simply click it, we will listen the voice of somebody who will be voicing this kind of language text similar that we write in the text box. 

Apart from having the ability to voicing various language features of Google translate ' take advice ' is pretty enjoyable and pleasant. Occasionally it made me laugh with the translation voice I heard through the icon ‘listen’. And lately I found an assortment of tricks and unseen top secret of Google translate. I got a couple of secrets that I have tried and it’s quite fun and entertaining. You may also check it out, attempt these methods and observe the outcomes below: 

Google Translator

Beat boxing machine

The most famous Google translate trick is the beat box sound. If you type the code below, try to translate and listen it into German language, you will hear beat box sound if you click the ‘listen’ icon that change to ‘beat box’. You can combine multiple codes below to generate a variety of beat box sound as for an example: zk zk bschk bschk pv pv bschk bk zk zk bk tk bschk bk kt vk kttp bschk bk bk th bschk bschk bschk kttp.

zk = suspended cymbal
bschk = snare
pv = brush
bk = bass
tk = flam-1
vk = roll tap
kt = flam-2
kttp = flam tap
krp = hi hat tap
th = better hi hat
thp, ds = instant rimshot

Machine sound

Type this into textbox and change the language into Serbian then click the “listen’ icon: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

See what happened.

Justin Bieber fact

Try type this (or copy paste): Will Justin Bieber ever hit puberty
- chose to translate the language from English to Vietnamese
- Then copy-paste the Vietnamese words and put into the text box
- translate it from Vietnamese to English
- see the result

Take a dirty picture for me

Try type this (or copy paste): Take a dirty picture for me
- chose to translate the language from English to French
- then copy-paste the French words and put into the text box
- translate it from French to English
- see the result

Men do the cooking

Try type this (or copy paste): men are men and men do the cooking
- chose to translate the language from English to Ducth
- then copy-paste the Dutch words and put into the text box
- translate it from Dutch to English
- see the result

Do you like me idiot?

Try type this (or copy paste): Do you like me idiot?
- chose to translate the language from English to Hungary
- then copy-paste the Hungary words and put into the text box
- translate it from Hungary to English
- see the result

Do not see idiots movie

Try type this (or copy paste): Do not see idiots movie
- chose to translate the language from English to Tamil
- then copy-paste the Tamil words and put into the text box
- translate it from Tamil to English
- see the result


Try type this (or copy paste): Pikachu
- chose to translate the language from English to Arabic
- then copy-paste the Arabic words and put into the text box
- translate it from Arabic to English
- see the result

Transformer The Game

Try type this (or copy paste): Optimus prime
- chose to translate the language from Latin to English
- see the result


2013, By: Seo Master

seo Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia adalah merupakan sebuah merek korek api berisi gas buatan negara Indonesia, yang telah memenuhi kualitas standar yang telah diakui resmi yaitu standar nasional Indonesia (SNI), yang membidik pasar anak muda, pria dewasa, hingga kalangan profesional, dengan mengutamakan kenyamanan, keamanan, stabilitas dan performa, di dalam penggunaan sehari-hari. Sebagai korek api gas buatan Indonesia, Korek api gas Fighter berprinsip “Standard is not enough” karena memang keinginan mereka untuk menjadi lebih dari sekedar standar terutama di dalam menjaga mutu produk. Dan semuanya itu di buktikan melalui sejumlah produk mereka yang memperhatikan setiap detail, demi kenyamanan setiap pengguna korek api gas Fighter.  Tidak salah lagi, jika anda ingin membeli korek api gas, pilihlah korek api gas yang terbaik dan nyaman digunakan yaitu Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia.
Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia
Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia
Adapun bukti bahwa produsen korek api gas Fighter Indonesia sangat memperhatikan detail dan kualitas adalah mereka di dalam memproduksi korek api gas fighter memiliki ukuran yang jelas dan silakan dibuktikan. Adapun ukuran standar korek api gas yang berkualitas adalah:
  1. Tinggi api harus lebih dari 100mm untuk korek api yang memiliki pengaturan gas
  2. Volume lebih 85% dari kapasitas volume tangki bahan bakar
  3. Tangki & segel penutup yang dipasang harus aman untuk menahan kebocoran gas atau minimal tidak melebihi 15mg / menit
  4. Korek harus mampu menahan posisi jatuh dari ketinggian 1,5M tanpa mengakibatkan tangki pecah
  5. Mampu menahan suhu 65°c selama 4 jam
Seluruh hasil produksi dari korek api gas fighter Indonesia memiliki ketepatan ukuran seperti standar di atas. Korek api gas Fighter sangat memperhatikan aspek kualitas dan desain. Bahkan segala hal telah mereka pikirkan sejak awal. Mereka sangat concern dan ingin berbeda dengan yang lain. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya fakta:
  • Inovasi produk yang berkelanjutan, yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan pasar.
  • Beberapa produk yang bisa digunakan untuk keperluan aktifitas pemasaran dari suatu brand, ataupun aktifitas branding.
  • Printable. Anda dengan mudah menyematkan logo atau merk usaha anda
  • Dua pilihan warna; hitam dan putih.
  • Kualitas bara api yang lebih baik.
  • Tersedia banyak pilihan produk, dengan harga yang bervariatif dan sangat terjangkau.
  • Korek api gas asli buatan Indonesia.
  • Telah mendapatkan sertifikasi SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia)
Dengan adanya sejumlah fakta di atas, korek api gas Fighter berkeyakinan bisa sepenuhnya mendapatkan sambutan yang positif di Indonesia bahkan menguasai pangsa pasar korek gas yang ada di Indonesia. Untuk mewujudkan misi ini, mereka menawarkan kesempatan yang luas bagi seluruh pihak untuk bergabung mengembangkan bisnis bersama dengan menjadi agen, retailer maupun kerjasama "branding" atau di kenal dengan istilah "branding cooperation" yaitu kerjasama penyematan logo atau merk perusahaan anda untuk kepentingan promosi perusahaan. Hal ini akan memberi kesan eksklusif dan berkelas. Terlebih yang mereka ciptakan adalah suatu maha karya dengan tingkat ketelitian dan kualitas yang tinggi. Pilihan terbaik ini hanya ada dari sebuah produk korek api gas yaitu Fighter Korek Api Gas Indonesia.
Korek api gas fighter ini dipersembahkan oleh PT Lintas Cindo Pratama, Surabaya, Indonesia. Selain korek api gas, mereka juga menyediakan beberapa produk sejenis seperti korek api kompor, pematik gas, korek api bara dan korek api senter. Selain Fighter, mereka juga memiliki merk paten seperti sonic, terra dan razor. Dan untuk menghubungi pihak penyedia korek api gas fighter silakan hubungi alamat di bawah ini.
Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia
Alamat komunikasi Fighter Korek Api Gas Indonesia
Akhir kata, melalui artikel ini saya mengajak seluruh pihak untuk menggunakan produk berkualitas terbaik dan hasil produksi bangsa Indonesia. Jika ingin membeli korek api gas, pilihlah Korek Api Gas Fighter Indonesia.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo What To Keep In Mind When Buying A New Cell Phone Or Mobile Device 2013

Seo Master present to you:

What To Keep In Mind When Buying A New Cell Phone Or Mobile Device
Image Credit: freedigitalphotos
There are so many kinds of cell phones and mobile devices on the market that it can be extremely challenging to figure what kind you want and what is a good price for this type of item. Intelligently programmed cell phones are among the most widely recognized type of cell on the market and with good reason – it’s also one of the best. Cell phones are now such a commonly used item that it can actually be difficult to remember when they were rare, bulky and barely functional. Compare the primitive cellular phone devices of the 1980’s with those of 2013, and it is easy to see how quickly progress has come about.

Getting an Intelligent Device

Some types of cellular phones are actually a type of computing system on a telephone rather than just a phone. These phones feature many upgraded technologies including cameras, web browsers, wireless data transmitting capacity and even mobile and high speed broadband. Depending on the phone carrier, these new phones may be able to feature magnificent imaging and photography options, much larger and longer lasting batteries and super sensitive touchscreens. This means that you need to see what is new on the market before you buy or you might miss out.

Getting a Good Deal and Good Phone

Since any kind of cell phone or mobile device requires an investment, it is important to make a good choice that will help make your life easier and not a financial burden. Look for a carrier has become a leader in wireless technology and smart technology as this means you will have access to the latest and most innovative products. The means of communication have changed, but the need for a quality phone provider has not.

When looking for your next cell phone, be sure to carefully weigh your options. There are literally almost unlimited options available to you, but you don’t want to get stuck with functions or features you don’t need and end up paying for. Consider how much you use your phone, whether it is for work or personal use, and what functions you absolutely need to have. After you determine this, you can determine what extras to add to that. This will help you make sure you have a fully functional phone that will not cost an exorbitant price.

When it comes to staying up with the latest technology and the latest trends in cell phones and mobile devices, computational cell phones can make a big difference in the convenience and functionality overall.

Author Bio:
Stephanie Frasco is the Community Manager for MyReviewsNow.net -- the #1 Social Shopping Website online!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Add Signature After Blog Posts 2013

Seo Master present to you:

If you have a blog, you may be wondering how to add your signature after every post on your Blogger or Blogspot blog. This simple tutorial will show you how to do it in just a few easy steps! :)

Hit Expand Widget Templates

1. Find this: Copy html script placed below this line.

<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>


<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>



a) If only one person is writting as an author. (Copy)
<img src='url_of_your_signature_image' style='border:0px;'/>
Replace red color with Your signature URL .

b) If more then one are authors then (Copy)

<b:if cond='data:post.author == &quot;Author1Name&quot;'>
<img src='url_of_author1_signature_image' style='border:0px;'/>

<b:if cond='data:post.author == &quot;Author2Name&quot;'>
<img src='url_of_author1_signature_image' style='border:0px;'/>
If you have more number of authors, you can repeat the blocks accordingly (here i have mentioned 2 blocks[blue and brown] one for each of the two authors).Codes should be edited with the author names and the signature image urls.

5. Save your template
2013, By: Seo Master

seo List of High Page Rank Do Follow For Building Your Backlink 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We have endless number of dofollow forum,the ones listed above have engaging number of audience and members.Do you know of any other dofollow forum that can make the list?then share them with us using the comment form below

http://dofollowforums.org                  PR2
http://www.addthis.com/forum          PR8
 http://chronicle.com/forums/               PR8
 http://forum.meebo.com                       PR7
http://forum.joomla.org                         PR8
 http://forums.cpanel.net                        PR7
 http://forum.siteground.com                PR8
 http://forums.mysql.com/                    PR7
http://forums.cnet.com                        PR7
http://www.bookforum.com                PR  7 
http://flybase.org/forums                    PR6 
http://forums.miranda-im.org               PR5 
http://openebook.org/forums               PR6 
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2013, By: Seo Master

seo Most efficient Cars and trucks Ever 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Most reliable cars - in the first person:

This is the first article that I write in the first person. Reason being, I don’t like writing articles in the first person, because they are not always well received by the larger part of the writing community; however, the narratives that I’m going to be telling here are somewhat personal in nature, so they do sit well being written in the first person. Furthermore, I didn’t use any statistics to back anything up, only tales and stories that have been handed down to me by my family, friends and acquaintances. There is also a certain amount of freedom writing in the first, that you cannot not get when you write in the third person as most articles and essays are usually written in....

I’ll say this for myself:

I’ve owned many vehicles - when I say many I mean a lot - Mercury, Chevrolet, Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Infiniti, Lexus and Jaguar. The worse motor products I’ve ever owned (personally speaking) have been Fords (Mercury included, since they are a Division of Ford....). I owned a Thunderbird once. I loved the way my T-Bird looked. It was a 1991 year model. I was so dismayed, that I finally got rid of it with only 28k miles on the odometer. My first car was a Mercury Marquis - loved the car, as I’ve always liked big cars, even when I was in my early twenties. So you can use me as an example the next time someone tells you that young people do not like big cars. Anyway, it was a used 1979 Mercury Marquis. The car had a great deal of electrical problems, but I’ve always shown mercy towards this car, because, after all, this is the only car I’ve ever owned that I didn’t purchase brand new. Surprisingly enough, the Chevy products that I’ve owned have all been inexpensive and above par, so there goes the wrong stigma that Americans don’t make reliable cars. - As for Nissan, Toyota, Infiniti and Lexus, I’d recommend them to anyone, as they are all outstanding vehicles. I love - love European cars (especially English cars), so I recently bought a Jag, this is the first Euro product that I’ve purchase, but it’s too early to tell just how this car is going to hold up?

1. Honda

Don’t know what it is about Honda’s, but everyone and their grandmother that has ever owned one has nothing but great things to say about the product. Civics and Accords seem to get the highest praise of any vehicle ever - “I have 350K miles on my Civic/Accord, and all I’ve ever had to do is change oil, tires and a few minor things, but I love my Honda!” - These are the usual narratives that you hear from Honda owners.

2. Toyota

Toyota products do not fall far behind. Even after all the recent problems they were reported as having, people still purchase Toyota, and most have good things to say about the product. Corolla’s are one of their top sellers, and there are people that have over 300k miles on their Corolla and the cars are still going strong.

3. Nissan

People that have owned Altimas and Maximas have usually nothing but very positive things to say about them.

4. Subaru

The great thing about Subaru is their all-wheel drive systems. It’s not unusual for people who’ve owned Subaru to go back for seconds, even thirds - Subaru owners love their vehicles.

5. Ford

Ford makes exceptional trucks, and many Ford truck owners have nothing but high praises to say about their vehicles.

6. Chevy

Chevrolet has been around for a long time, and therefore has many followers.

7. Dodge

- Again trucks....

8. Volvo

People love their Volvo’s, especially baseball mom types....

9. Hyundai

Another car that people seem to like very much - Hyundai has come a long way since its inception back in the 80’s.

10. Kia

Last, but not least on the list. Hope you may enjoy this article. We will share more article regarding autos. However, this post was written by our guest author Alex.
2013, By: Seo Master
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