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من جدة

جدة هي محافظة سعودية بمنطقة مكة المكرمة غرب المملكة وتقع في منتصف ساحل البحر الأحمر الشرقي، تلقب بعروس البحر الأحمر وتعد العاصمة الاقتصادية والسياحية للمملكة العربية السعودية تشتهر بكثرة ناطحات السحاب فيها وتعد الأولى من حيث مشاريع الابراج وناطحات سحاب. يبلغ عدد سكانها حوالي 3.430.697 نسمة، تعتبر جدة ثاني أكبر مدن المملكة العربية السعودية بعد العاصمة الرياض.
تعود نشأة مدينة جدة إلى ما يقارب 3000 سنة على أيدي مجموعة من الصيادين كانت تستقر فيها بعد الانتهاء من رحلات الصيد، ثم جاءت قبيلة قضاعة إلى جدة قبل أكثر من 2500 سنة فأقامت فيها وعرفت بها. التحول التاريخي لمدينة جدة كان في عهد الخليفة الراشدي عثمان بن عفان عام 647 م عندما أمر بتحويلها لميناء لاستقبال حجاج البحر المتجهين لأداء الحج في مكة المكرمة. لا تزال جدة إلى اليوم المعبر الرئيس لحجاج البحر والجو والكثير من حجاج البر.
نمت جدة بشكل سريع خلال العقدين الأخيرين من القرن العشرين مما جعلها مركزا للمال والأعمال في المملكة العربية السعودية ومرفأ رئيسيا لتصدير البضائع غير النفطية ولاستيراد الاحتياجات المحلية تملك مدينة جدة مكانة اقتصادية كبيرة جداً مما جعل المستثمرين ياتون إليها من جميع أنحاء العالم ويوجد الآن في مدينة جدة ما يقارب 135 ناطحة سحاب تحت البناء كما يوجد فيها مقرات البنوك العالمية
خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة


CARA MENGETAHUI DAN MELAPORKAN ARTIKEL YANG DICOPAS - Sejak menuliskan masalah DMCA notice, ada beberapa teman blogger yang bertanya bagaimana cara mengetahui konten kita yang dicopas orang lain. Sebenarnya saya sendiri memakai program buatan teman. Sayangnya ini bukan sesuatu yang bisa diketahui umum. Jadi saya mau membagi cara manual yang bisa anda pergunakan untuk mengetahui artikel blog

seo Ignite at Google I/O 2010! 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Ignite will be at this year’s Google I/O! Last year, we had talks on big data, cartography and DIY devices -- a "typical" Ignite line-up. This year, our line-up includes folks like Cheezburger CEO, Ben Huh, and digital artist, Aaron Koblin. However, we also want you! We want to hear your cool ideas, hacks, how-to's, and war stories.

Each Ignite talk is 5 minutes long -- with 20 slides and only 15 seconds a slide (they auto-advance) -- and I'll be hosting the talk at I/O. If you’re not sure what to talk about, watch Scott Berkun's excellent How and Why to Give an Ignite Talk.

Submit your talk by March 31st, and we’ll announce the selected speakers on April 3rd. Those who are chosen to give an Ignite talk will receive a free ticket to Google I/O.

If you need further inspiration, you can watch any of the hundreds of Ignite videos at Ignite Show.

By Brady Forrest, O'Reilly/Ignite


2013, By: Seo Master

seo Happy 5th Birthday Google Code! 2013

Seo Master present to you: How time flies! It was about five years ago that we launched Google Code to the world. When we launched Google Code, we wanted to make code.google.com a great resource where developers could learn about our vision for open source and the open web. We started in 2005 with a handful of our own open source projects, links to just eight APIs and an announcement of the first ever Google Summer of Code, our now-annual program that introduces university students to open source development. By 2006 our API list had grown to 21, in 2007 there were 37, and today our collection of more than 60 APIs receive over four billion hits per day. Check out the changing face of Google Code below -- from 2005, 2007 to the present.

With the meaning of open in mind, Google Code set out to foster best practices in developer documentation, build a community around web and open source development and demonstrate the power of Google technologies. Over the past five years code.google.com has come a long way from eight APIs, maturing into a destination for developers to explore our growing family of APIs and developer products, whether they speed up the web, alleviate cross-browser issues, make hosting web applications easy and scalable or make the web a more social place.

Google Code has also become an interactive place to share ideas. Not only can developers prototype their work in a Code Playground, they can also use Project Hosting on Google Code, a fast, reliable and easy way for developers to host all kinds of open source projects. Today, there are more than 240,000 projects registered, with commits coming in at about 17,000 per day...about 1 every 5 seconds. We also host 800 open source projects of our own, including four projects (Android, Chrome, Chrome OS and GWT) with over a million lines of code each.

It’s been an amazing five years, but there’s still a lot of work ahead. We’re dedicated to helping the developer and open source communities thrive in as many ways as we can. To celebrate our birthday and thank everyone for supporting code.google.com over the years we’re rolling out a new, faster Subversion server, which will double the source code storage for Project Hosting on Google Code from 1GB to 2GB. Happy coding!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add Recent Comment Widget To Your Blogger Blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:
recent comment widget for blogger
Comments are the most important part of any blog or website. It helps you to form a community or relation with your blog followers. It lets your visitors to give feedback or ask any question on you blog post in form of comments. In this tutorial i will teach you to Add Recent Comment widget to your blogger blog. It shows most recent comments on your blog along with the post link on which comment have been posted and name of user who commented. This will let you know about new and most recent comments on your blog and allow you to easily reply to those comments. This widget is coded in Javascript and styled with CSS. You may customize the widget according to color scheme of your blog template. So lets get started.

How To Add Most Recent Comment Widget To Blogger Blog ?

1. Go to blogger Dashboard > Layout
2. Now click on Add Gadget and Select Html/Javascript
3. Paste the code given below in it.
<script style=text/javascript src="http://helplogger.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/recent comments widget.js"></script><script style=text/javascript >var a_rc=5;var m_rc=false;var n_rc=true;var o_rc=100;</script><script src=http://www.matrixar.com/feeds/comments/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentcomments ></script>
<span id=mbw-cr><a href=http://www.matrixar.com>Recent Comments Widget</a></span><style type=text/css> .rcw-comments a {text-transform: capitalize;} .rcw-comments {border-bottom: 1px solid #666; padding-top: 6px!important; padding-bottom: 6px!important;} #mbw-cr {font-family: Arial,Tahoma;font-size:8px;padding-top:6px;display:block;} </style> 
4. Make following changes to the above code. 
  • Replace http://www.matrixar.com with your blog url.
  • Change #666 to change color of border (line below each comment)
  • Change solid to dotted to make the border dotted
5. Save it and you will have Recent comment widget on your blog.

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2013, By: Seo Master

seo Adsense Ad Code Converter 2013

Seo Master present to you:

This tool automatically converts javascript ad code into the correct format so you can embed it directly into your new xml Blogger template. It’s perfect for converting AdSense, AdBrite, Chitika or any other javascript ad code you may have.

Instructions: paste your Adsense code in the empty box and then press on the "Convert" button.2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to put Adsense ads on Blogger/Blogspot 2013

Seo Master present to you:

If you want to earn money from your site/blog, Google Adsense is the most popular service to monetize your blog or website content. When implemented, Adsense will display targeted Google ads on your blog and they can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis.
Of course, to display ads on your site, you should first Sign Up to Google Adsense program.

Before adding your ads, keep in mind that Adsense allows only up to 3 ad units, 3 link units and 2 search boxes per page.

In this tutorial i will show you the three ways you can add Adsense ads to your blog.

1. Adsense Gadget

Use this method to add ad unit as a widget, in places outside the blog post area. You can position it by simply dragging it in Page Elements, just like any other widget. To add the Adsense Gadget, go to:

1. Blogger Dashboard >> Design >> Page Elements >> click on the "Add a Gadget" link
2. From the pop-up window, select AdSense Gadget:

3. Configure ad format and colors.
4. Click Save and you're done.

2. Inline Ads

This will display an ad unit at the end of each post. To show ads between posts:

1. Go to Design > Page Elements and click the Edit link in Blog Posts gadget box.

2. Check the "Show Ads Between Posts" box.

3. Configure ad frequency, ad format, and colors. Live preview is provided beneath the settings.
4. Click Save.

3. Adsense code

The most notable benefits of using this method are:
  • You can place ad anywhere in your blog
  • You can add the code anywhere in your blog template - in your post content or page.
  • To find out which format perform the best, custom channels will help you to track the performance of specific groups of ad units.
  • You can choose types other than ad unit i.e. link unit, search box.
To create an ad unit:
1. Go to Google Adsense website.
2. Click on My ads tab, go to Ad units and then press on the "New ad unit" button.

3. Choose your ad type, choose format and colors and assign channels.
4. When you have finished editing, click on the Save and get code >> button and copy the code provided.

To add an ad unit to your blog, you have the following options:

  • Paste the code in a HTML/Javascript gadget
  • Paste the code in a blog post or page, or
  • Paste the code direct in your template. (if you choose this option, first you should convert adsense ad code)

If you have any more questions, leave a comment below.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Fridaygram: observing origami, beaming neutrinos, getting results 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

Google provides many different services and products, but the ones I hear about most from my non-technical friends and family are search (of course) and Google doodles. This week’s cool doodle celebrated the work of origami master Akira Yoshizawa, generally recognized as the inventor of modern origami. Yoshizawa worked at a factory before deciding to spend all his time on origami. In a different era, if we were very very lucky, maybe he would have been a doodler and come up with something like this.

From folding paper to folding space: researchers at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory used neutrinos to send a message through matter to a detector located 1 km away in a cavern. Because neutrinos rarely collide with other particles, the message was able to pass through the Earth successfully. The team used a binary code to send the word neutrino to the other side. And once again, science fiction becomes fact, sort of.

Speaking of binary code, here’s something you can try over the weekend: on google.com, sign out of your account (temporarily, of course) or click Hide personal results, then search for binary and see how many results you get.

Once a week we post a Fridaygram, in which we take a break from the real news and have some fun. Each Fridaygram item must pass only one test: it has to be interesting to us nerds. And by the way, it looks like we've made another great nerd movie recommendation this week.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Top 3 marketing tools for a blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:
What should I do to get good rank for my blog? What are the top 3 marketing tools for my blog? The question always remain in a blogger mind. Its with me also. Marketing strategy has changed a lot and keeps on changing but the best top 3 marketing ways remains the same. Marketing means reaching to your audience as much as possible and the best ways remains the same. 

  • Social Media. Social Media Marketing is the best and fastest way of reaching to your audience. Be it Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus or Pinterest (the list varies according to one's choice and preferences), they are the best way to promote your blog to a larger mass. Some likes, +1s and shares can get you a lot of traffic and Social media marketing is at No.1 in the list of Top 3 marketing tools for a blog. However, the only thing it requires is 'Active participation'. 

  • Guest Blogging and Comments. Guest blogging includes writing for another blog of your Niche. Most people allows a link back to your own blog thus you always have a chance of a visitors reading that particular post on the blog you wrote for. However, you should always stick to write for a blog of better ranking than yours. Commenting on other blog is like putting your links to a higher ranking website and getting consistence traffic. It may be less but its consistence. A link remains on website unless it is removed. Unlike Social Media , it don't requires active participation and link building for a couple of months through this month can get you a small but consistent traffic. And it don't need explicit marketing. Just while going through websites of your Niche, asking some questions and leaving your backlink is enough. This method is on No.2 in the list of Top 3 marketing tools for a blog. 

  • E-mail delivery. E-mail delivery means you sending a copy to your reader in the form of a mail. The best part is people always open E-mails and ignore level is much less in comparison to Social Media. Chances are that 9 out 10 people will go through your blog by this method. For this method, you need to build a email database with ids of those who are interested in your blog. You can do it by asking people directly, putting a 'subscribe' button or organizing events on social media or on your blog itself. Its a great method and is at No.3 in the list of Top 3 marketing tools for a blog. 

You can a find a way of subscribing to this blog in the right corner of the blog. If you are reading me, you are interested in my blog. Make sure you receive the latest updates and posts in your email by subscribing with your email id. 

The list contains more ways. But these are basic strategy for marketing a blog. Their importance never will change and will never degrade. They remains the Top 3 marketing tools for a blog. 

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Best Practices for User Authentication 2013

Seo Master present to you: By now, many of you have seen our recent announcement regarding 2-step verification for Google Accounts. It’s an optional way of protecting your Google Account from unauthorized access, providing a level of security beyond that of a password alone. The initial announcement did not detail the impact enabling 2-step verification has on programmatic account access from code written against one of Google’s official APIs. We want to go into some more detail regarding the implications of 2-step verification on various authentication (and authorization) techniques, and offer best practices that you as a developer should follow.

There are three forms of authentication supported by almost all of Google’s APIs. AuthSub and OAuth (either version 1 or the newer OAuth 2) are similar web-based authentication mechanisms in which the user logs in on a web page hosted by Google. The other approach to authentication, ClientLogin, relies on your application soliciting the user’s account address and password, and then sending that information to Google.

If your code uses AuthSub or OAuth, then you don’t have to do anything special to accommodate users who have opted-in to 2-step verification. The web-based login flow currently allows users to enter both their normal passwords as well as the additional verification code, and this extra step is transparent to you as the developer.

ClientLogin, however, does not fare as well for accounts that have 2-step verification enabled. There is no concept of an additional verification code in the ClientLogin process, and a user’s account address and password are no longer sufficient for authenticating them once 2-step verification is turned on. If you make a ClientLogin authentication request for such an account, you’ll get back an HTTP 403 error response from our servers with the following in error included in the response body:


There are two solutions to these failed ClientLogin attempts. The first solution, which does not require changing any existing code, is to ask your users to generate an application-specific password and to provide that, instead of their Google Account passwords, when making your ClientLogin request. You can point your users to this article for a full explanation of how application-specific passwords work.

The second, and recommended, solution requires some work on your part as a developer: moving away from ClientLogin completely, in favor of OAuth 2. If your code runs as part of a web application, then OAuth 2’s web-based login flow is trivial to integrate. Even applications that are installed on a user’s computer or other device can leverage OAuth 2, though. This guide explains how to launch a web browser to handle the login process, and then redirect control back to your application.

While it may take some effort to migrate your code away from ClientLogin, your users will be grateful that you did. Even those who haven’t enabled 2-step verification will benefit from entering their credentials on a web page accessed via HTTPS and hosted by Google, as opposed to sharing their password information directly with your third party code.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Windows 7 Logon Background Changer 1.5.2 Free Download 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Friends, This is a funny and useable software for your windows 7. It change your windows log on background with one click. It works with Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise and Starter, in x86 or x64 (32 or 64 bits). It also works on Windows Server 2008 R2 (but you are not supposed to customize a server). You can select a picture from your personal gallery, then click on apply button. Then restart your computer, It will change your windows logon background theme with your image. You can download free from this site. Software all credits goes to julien-manici. Download and enjoy…..

Win7LogonBackgroundChanger_1_5_2 free download from (www.matrixar.com)

Download Windows 7 Logon Background Changer 1.5.2: Click here (Alternate Link) OR Click here





Special Thanks To: Julien-Manici

Leave a comment….. If links are broken…………………………….


2013, By: Seo Master

seo Beaware Of Viruses On Social Networking Sites! 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Facebook and other social networking sites can be great tools to help you stay connected with friends and family but beware! Just because the url says Facebook does not necessarily make it safe to do all it has to offer. Increasingly people are getting infected from viruses and malware installing games, quizzes, and other rogue apps from social networking sites. The viruses or malware spread by posting to your friends wall and soliciting them to install it as well.

The best plan of action is to use these social networking sites without installing any 3rd party games, apps, or quizzes. This ensures that you will be protected from most threats. However if you have a computer that is used by everyone in the family and you have teenagers that might not follow these simple rules then it is important to have security software to block these threats from entering your computer.

More and more people are using Facebook and other social networking sites at the workplace which increases the risk of spreading viruses at the workplace. Many businesses have had to block Social networking sites altogether to stop the infections and lost productivity to these services.

Security programs such as Microsoft Security Essentials can help stop the viruses and malware before you get infected instead of having to remove them after the damage has already been done. Malicious Software Removal costs are higher after you have been infected.

Behavioral steps you can take to avoid getting a Virus or Malware. Avoid Facebook quizzes and games that can give you a Virus or Malware. Stay away from sites that look shady or want you to install something to run if you are not sure of how legitimate they are.

Do not open attachments even from friends unless you are expecting a particular file from them. Many times the virus will attach itself to your contact list and send emails out to everyone appearing as if they came from you. The best rule of thumb is to never open emails that look like they are from unfamiliar people.

Stop using and downloading anything from peer to peer networks these services are loaded with viruses and malware. Use the latest Firefox or Google Chrome browsers they help to keep viruses and malware out of your computer much better than Internet Explorer.

If the virus or malware you have does not let you install or download anything then boot up your computer in safe mode to allow you to download and install the proper virus removal and malware software. Instructions for booting your computer into safe mode are listed below.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cara Mengatasi Pencuri Artikel Dengan DMCA Notice Berfungsi Baik! 2013

Cara Mengatasi Pencuri Artikel Dengan DMCA Notice Berfungsi Baik! -  Walaupun saya tidak menyukai ini, tapi pada akhirnya saya benar-benar harus melakukannya. Sejak Agustus 2012 saya sudah membahasakan niat saya ini, tapi karena belum terlalu mendesak jadi saya masih berusaha bertoleransi. Hanya saja seminggu terakhir ini aktifitas copy paste sudah sangat parah, dan saya terpaksa memulai DMCA

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الله على جمالك ياعروسة البحر الاحمر

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المصدر: المصفوفة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers

جمال جده كما يراة القادم الى جده
خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

seo How to Write Title Tags For Search Engine Optimization(SEO) | SEO Tips 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Today we're going back to basics! And nothing is more basically important to a site than properly written title tags. You know the ones that used to appear in the little blue bars in your browsers. Most modern browsers try to hide these, though that doesn't stop them being helpful!

So what is a title tag? Why is it important to SEO, and how do you write the darn things?

Meta Tags:

First let's talk about meta tags. Meta elements are HTML or XHTML elements used to provide information about a web page for the search engines and website users.

Such elements must be placed as tags in the head section of a HTML document. These elements are the:

  • Title Tag
  • Description
  • Keywords (No one uses these anymore and you can get spam "points" for overuse on Bing, so just forget them. If you have keyword stuffed "spammy" ones, you probably want to fix those.)

What is a Title Tag?

Title tags are part of the meta tags that appear at the top of your HTML inside the < head> area. Think of title tags like the title of the chapter of a book. It tells people and search engines what your page is about.

Title tags are also part of what makes people decide whether to visit your site when it shows up in the search results. The title tag should contain important keywords to help the search engine determine what the page is about.

Write title tags for humans; format them for search engines.

NOTE: Every experienced SEO has their own unique methods to doing this, so I'm going to give you best practices along with some of my methods. However, there are a million ways to write a title tag.

What Does the Title Tag Look Like?

The title tag looks like this in your HTML code:

<title>Important Words Go Here</title>

Here is how title tags appear in a browser that uses the bar to display title tags (other browsers might only use the tab space or not show them at all):
Title Tags in Browser Bar

Finally, here's where Google shows the title tag:

Title Tags in Google Search

REMEMBER: A title tag is THE MOST IMPORTANT SINGLE TAG in your page. It tells the search engines what your page is about. It is still vitally important to your SEO strategy.

Quick Checklist

When you're writing your title tag what do you need to know? Here's a quick checklist with some tips on how to write optimized title tags:

Length: Title tags should be a maximum of 70 characters long, including spaces.
Keyword Placement: Your most important words (keywords) need to be first in your title tag, with your least important words being last in the title tag (most to least). However, if you're working in a language that reads right-to-left, then it is reversed, and it would be least important to most important.
Keyword Separation: Use pipes | to separate important (keyword) phrases (no commas, underscores, dashes or any other punctuation unless the keyword is written that way).
Wording: Keep your important phrases short and simple. Leave out words that would make it read like a sentence. (e.g., and, if, but, then, etc.)
Company Name: If your company name is not part of the important (keyword) phrases, put it at the end of the title tag; if it is part of your important words, put it as the first words in the title tag. Some SEOs will tell you to leave it out. You can leave it in for branding purposes – so people will see the brand and click. This isn't valid for all sites.
DON'T DUPLICATE Title Tags: They must be written differently for every page. Don't mass replicate your title tags.
Make It Relevant: Title tags must be written to be descriptive of the content on the page. (e.g., the About Page would be:
About | Important Keywords | Company Name


Important Keywords | About Us | Company Name.

Google & Title Tags

Sometimes Google doesn't like your title tag. In fact, sometimes Google thinks it can pick a better one, so it will rewrite the tag for you. There are several places it might get this information, most of them you won't prefer to one you crafted yourself.

While there isn't any assurance your title tag won't be replaced, make sure you write a title tag that is page related, content descriptive, short and sweet, and not keyword stuffed. This is your one defense.

Keyword Stuffed Title Tags

You've probably come across badly written title tags that try to rank for everything or repeat a word over and over. Keyword stuffing is the worst offense when it comes to title tags.

Say your site is trying to rank for Blue Bells and Yellow Bells. Many times you will see the main keyword repeated multiple times across the title tag. It might appear like this:

Blue Bells, Yellow Bells, All Types of Bells | Bells Bells and More | Doors.com

This is bad title tag writing. You don't need to repeatedly write the keyword. Google especially can pick up the keywords like your eyes can read them, so you would best to rewrite this as

Blue & Yellow Bells | Doorbells | Doors.com

We removed the extra words, combined the products (if possible you would split these products to separate pages, a blue and a yellow, but this isn't always feasible or desirable) and added a category keyword which would appear in the middle of the title tag on all doorbell related page titles, then end it with the domain name (again this is for branding purposes – there are also good reasons to not do this, it depends on the SEO).

Now our title tag is short, sweet, simple, and to the point. We have also categorized it and added in branding for good measure.

We also took out the word "and" and replaced it with an ampersand (&) so that you don't accidentally relate the two items and make Google think you want people who are looking for Blue AND Yellow Bells.

And there you go, a basic lesson in title tag writing. This can be the most challenging and fun part of any SEO's work! Or should that be "Inbound Marketer's" work?

Some Title Tag Writing Examples

Let's look at a few examples of writing title tags with actual examples.

If your important words (keywords) were "Charlie Sheen" and "Winning" your title tag would be written in that order:

Charlie Sheen Winning

Charlie Sheen would be the first words in the tag.

Now what if we had more than one set of words? What if my keywords were "Charlie Sheen Winning" and "Tiger's Blood"? Your title tag would still be written with "Charlie Sheen Winning" as the first words in the tag. Then you would add a pipe | and "Tiger's Blood" as the second phrase:

Charlie Sheen Winning | Tiger's Blood

Don't use hyphens, underscores, commas or any other type of character – just pipes.

Now what if we had more than one set of words and a company name we were not worried about optimizing for (the company name was not part of the reputation issue). If my words were "Charlie Sheen Winning" and "Tiger's Blood" and "CBS", you would separate these three phrases with pipes, with CBS last and farthest from the beginning, which Google sees as the least important phrase:

Charlie Sheen Winning | Tiger's Blood | CBS

The company name can be repeated in every title tag as long as it as not part of the important words and appears at the far right end of the title tag.

What about sentences? Couldn't you just write a sentence such as "Charlie Sheen Says Winning And Tiger's Blood And Gets CBS Riled Up"? You could, but those extra words like "says", "and", and "riled", dilute your important words and make them less important to content, so best to keep it short, simple, and clear. Leave out the extra words.

Title Tag Writing Pop Quiz!

When using strict SEO principles. Which are the BEST title tags for the important (keywords): (pick 2) "Charlie Sheen" "Winning" "Howard Stern Show" when optimizing (trying to rank for) the words "Charlie Sheen (1) Winning (2)"

  1. Charlie Sheen Winning on the Howard Stern Show
  2. Howard Stern Show & Charlie Sheen | Winning
  3. Charlie Sheen is Winning Points on the Howard Stern Show
  4. Charlie Sheen | Winning | Howard Stern Show
  5. Charlie Sheen and Howard Stern Winning the Show
  6. Winning | Charlie Sheen on the Howard Stern Show
  7. Charlie Sheen Winning | Howard Stern Show

Doesn't matter as long as the words are all there

If I were writing this, the correct answer would be No. 4.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Remove "Powered By Blogger" Attribution from Blogger? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Blogger Attribution
As many of you know that Blogger is completely developed in XML (Extensible Mark Up Language). Blogger has its own XML codes which you can use to add elements or to remove elements. Those who make Blogger templates must know XML. There are many attributes or links on default blogger templates which sometimes people don't want to see on their blogs. And one out of those links is "Powered By Blogger" Attribution which appears in every blogger default template at the footer.

So today, we will find the easiest and quickest way to remove this link.


  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Now click on your Blog Title.
  3. Navigate to Template tab.
Blogger Template
Note: Before editing your template, you may want to save a copy of it. Back Up Your Template.

4. Click on Edit HTML button.

5. Click Proceed button to continue.

6. Now you have to find the code of attribution element. Search for the code snippet similar to below in the template,
<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>

7. Now alter the attribute locked value to false in the line of code, which cause element unable to remove.
i.e: <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='false' title='' type='Attribution'>

8. Now you will able to remove attribution element. But still you won't be able to add any element to your page footer. So you need to change another line of code to allow adding elements to footer. Find the code snippet similar to below from the template.
<b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='no'>

9. Now change attribute value showaddelement to yes as below,
<b:section class='foot' id='footer-3' showaddelement='yes'>

10. Now Save template.

Blogger Layout

11. Navigate to Layout tab from left pane.

12. Find Attribution element bottom of the page.

Blogger Attribution Element

13. Click on Edit link correspond to the Attribution element.

14. Now click Remove button on pop up window.

15. Now Attribution element has been removed. You can add another element using bottom Add a Gadget link to add custom attribution or any other element.

16. Click Save arrangement button.

Enjoy :-)

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Disable lightbox in blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:
disable lightbox in blogger
Blogger also provides lightbox for viewing images.But if you take one image,it will open and the whole pictures in the page are listed ,Sometimes it may be a good feature also a bad feature.Here is a Simple trick to disable lightbox in blogger.

  • Go to Settings->Formatting (as shown in figure)
  •  You see a Option Showcase images with Lightbox select No.
  • That all.No longer Light box appear in your blog.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Vertical Social Media Sharing Buttons Widget For Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Vertical Social Media Sharing Buttons Widget For Blogger
Blogging becomes interesting when people share your content on different social media sites and other websites with friends. In order to share your content on social media sites by visitors; you need to add some beautiful and smashing social sharing widgets. If your widget is looking attractive and catches people's attention then your content might get shared by visitors. For this purpose, there has been a huge number of Blogger widgets and plugins by different designers. Today, I would like to share a floating social sharing widget with you which scrolls down automatically when visitors scroll down the page. You can see this widget on my blog. The same widget I'm sharing with you.

The Benefits of This Widget:

There are many advantages you can get by using this widget on your blog. The first benefit is that you can have all social sharing buttons in a single widget and also one can send your content to someone via email by using this widget. The second benefit is that this widget don't have loadable JavaScript or jQuery codes so it can easily be loaded by browser and also it scrolls down automatically and user can observe sharing your content somewhere, while visiting your blog.

How to Add Social Media Floating Widget to Blogger?

The process of adding this widget to your blog is simplest. You need just to follow below steps:

1. Open Blogger
2. Go to Layout
3. Add a Gadget
4. Add HTML/JavaScript
5. Copy the below code and Save

<div <!–sidebar floating share buttons code start–>
#pageshare {position:fixed; bottom:15%; left:10px; float:left; border: 1px solid black; border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;background-color:#000000;padding:0 0 2px 0;z-index:10;}
#pageshare .sbutton {float:left;clear:both;margin:5px 5px 0 5px;}
.fb_share_count_top {width:48px !important;}
.fb_share_count_top, .fb_share_count_inner {-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}
.FBConnectButton_Small, .FBConnectButton_RTL_Small {width:49px !important; -moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}
.FBConnectButton_Small .FBConnectButton_Text {padding:2px 2px 3px !important;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;font-size:8px;}
<div id='pageshare' title="Apply this Widget on your website or Blog">
<div class='sbutton' id='gb'><script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:like layout="box_count" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like></div>
<div class='sbutton' id='rt'><a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="UmarKhaleeq">Tweet</a><script src='http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js' type="text/javascript"></script></div>
<div class='sbutton' id='gplusone'><script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script><g:plusone size="tall"></g:plusone></div>
<div class='sbutton' id='su'><script src="http://www.stumbleupon.com/hostedbadge.php?s=5"></script></div>
<div class='sbutton' id='digg' style='margin-left:3px;width:48px'><script src='http://widgets.digg.com/buttons.js' type='text/javascript'></script><a class="DiggThisButton DiggMedium"></a></div>
<br/><div style="clear: both;font-size: 9px;text-align:center;"><a href="http://www.matrixar.com/2013/03/vertical-social-media-sharing-buttons-blogger.html">[Get This Widget]</a><font></font></div></div>
<!–sidebar floating share buttons code end–></!–sidebar></!–sidebar>

6. Save Arrangement


The floating is set to left side of your blog, if you want set it for right side of your blog then simply change the bolded  float:left property to float:right.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo 300 Web 2.0 Links with High PR 2013

Seo Master present to you:

                                                           List of Web 2.0 Sites










2013, By: Seo Master
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