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seo Script effect snow for blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Add descriptions to Labels
This is an improved version from previous Code1k.com code, Script effect snow for blogger. This version of snow will fall and left in a period when falling to the bottom of the web page, without delay and without embedded link snowflake image file to avoid image links die. This version is more smooth effect snow will fall and feel simmer as true, on the other hand is no longer embedded image should not be afraid the links die and not depend on the coordinates of the mouse pointer.The code is very suitable to decorate website / Bloggercho Christmas.

DEMO On Blog

Log in to your Blogger account
On your Blogger Dashboard, click on the "Layout" link

This will take you to the "Page Elements" tab. Decide where you want to insert the statistics widget and click on the "Add a Gadget" link accordingly.

Scroll down the list and find "HTML/ Javascript" and click on the "+" button

This will open the "Configure HTML/ Javascript" window. In the title section, please type "Blog Statistics" or "Blog Information" or "Blog Data" or any other title as you may wish
In the content section, please copy & paste the following code:

<script type="text/javascript">
var BaoTuyet1k=(function(window,document){this.flakesMax=60;this.flakesMaxActive=60;this.animationInterval=40;this.excludeMobile=true;this.flakeBottom=null;this.followMouse=true;this.snowColor='#fff';this.snowCharacter='&bull;';this.snowStick=true;this.targetElement=null;this.useMeltEffect=true;this.useTwinkleEffect=false;this.usePositionFixed=false;this.freezeOnBlur=true;this.flakeLeftOffset=0;this.flakeRightOffset=0;this.flakeWidth=5;this.flakeHeight=5;this.vMaxX=2.5;this.vMaxY=2.5;this.zIndex=100000;var s=this,storm=this,i,isIE=navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i),isIE6=navigator.userAgent.match(/msie 6/i),isWin98=navigator.appVersion.match(/windows 98/i),isMobile=navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/i),isBackCompatIE=(isIE&&document.compatMode==='BackCompat'),noFixed=(isMobile||isBackCompatIE||isIE6),screenX=null,screenX2=null,screenY=null,scrollY=null,vRndX=null,vRndY=null,windOffset=1,windMultiplier=2,flakeTypes=6,fixedForEverything=false,opacitySupported=(function(){try{document.createElement('div').style.opacity='0.5';}catch(e){return false;}
return true;}()),didInit=false,docFrag=document.createDocumentFragment();this.timers=[];this.flakes=[];this.disabled=false;this.active=false;this.meltFrameCount=20;this.meltFrames=[];this.events=(function(){var old=(!window.addEventListener&&window.attachEvent),slice=Array.prototype.slice,evt={add:(old?'attachEvent':'addEventListener'),remove:(old?'detachEvent':'removeEventListener')};function getArgs(oArgs){var args=slice.call(oArgs),len=args.length;if(old){args[1]='on'+args[1];if(len>3){args.pop();}}else if(len===3){args.push(false);}
return args;}
function apply(args,sType){var element=args.shift(),method=[evt[sType]];if(old){element[method](args[0],args[1]);}else{element[method].apply(element,args);}}
function addEvent(){apply(getArgs(arguments),'add');}
function removeEvent(){apply(getArgs(arguments),'remove');}
return{add:addEvent,remove:removeEvent};}());function rnd(n,min){if(isNaN(min)){min=0;}
function plusMinus(n){return(parseInt(rnd(2),10)===1?n*-1:n);}
this.randomizeWind=function(){var i;vRndX=plusMinus(rnd(s.vMaxX,0.2));vRndY=rnd(s.vMaxY,0.2);if(this.flakes){for(i=0;i<this.flakes.length;i++){if(this.flakes[i].active){this.flakes[i].setVelocities();}}}};this.scrollHandler=function(){var i;scrollY=(s.flakeBottom?0:parseInt(window.scrollY||document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop,10));if(isNaN(scrollY)){scrollY=0;}
screenX2=parseInt(screenX/2,10);};this.resizeHandlerAlt=function(){screenX=s.targetElement.offsetLeft+s.targetElement.offsetWidth-s.flakeRightOffset;screenY=s.flakeBottom?s.flakeBottom:s.targetElement.offsetTop+s.targetElement.offsetHeight;screenX2=parseInt(screenX/2,10);};this.freeze=function(){var i;if(!s.disabled){s.disabled=1;}else{return false;}
for(i=s.timers.length;i--;){clearInterval(s.timers[i]);}};this.resume=function(){if(s.disabled){s.disabled=0;}else{return false;}
s.timerInit();};this.toggleSnow=function(){if(!s.flakes.length){s.start();}else{s.active=!s.active;if(s.active){s.show();s.resume();}else{s.stop();s.freeze();}}};this.stop=function(){var i;this.freeze();for(i=this.flakes.length;i--;){this.flakes[i].o.style.display='none';}
s.events.remove(window,'scroll',s.scrollHandler);s.events.remove(window,'resize',s.resizeHandler);if(s.freezeOnBlur){if(isIE){s.events.remove(document,'focusout',s.freeze);s.events.remove(document,'focusin',s.resume);}else{s.events.remove(window,'blur',s.freeze);s.events.remove(window,'focus',s.resume);}}};this.show=function(){var i;for(i=this.flakes.length;i--;){this.flakes[i].o.style.display='block';}};this.SnowFlake=function(parent,type,x,y){var s=this,storm=parent;this.type=type;this.x=x||parseInt(rnd(screenX-20),10);this.y=(!isNaN(y)?y:-rnd(screenY)-12);this.vX=null;this.vY=null;this.vAmpTypes=[1,1.2,1.4,1.6,1.8];this.vAmp=this.vAmpTypes[this.type];this.melting=false;this.meltFrameCount=storm.meltFrameCount;this.meltFrames=storm.meltFrames;this.meltFrame=0;this.twinkleFrame=0;this.active=1;this.fontSize=(10+(this.type/5)*10);this.o=document.createElement('div');this.o.innerHTML=storm.snowCharacter;this.o.style.color=storm.snowColor;this.o.style.position=(fixedForEverything?'fixed':'absolute');this.o.style.width=storm.flakeWidth+'px';this.o.style.height=storm.flakeHeight+'px';this.o.style.fontFamily='arial,verdana';this.o.style.overflow='hidden';this.o.style.fontWeight='normal';this.o.style.zIndex=storm.zIndex;docFrag.appendChild(this.o);this.refresh=function(){if(isNaN(s.x)||isNaN(s.y)){return false;}
s.o.style.left=s.x+'px';s.o.style.top=s.y+'px';};this.stick=function(){if(noFixed||(storm.targetElement!==document.documentElement&&storm.targetElement!==document.body)){s.o.style.top=(screenY+scrollY-storm.flakeHeight)+'px';}else if(storm.flakeBottom){s.o.style.top=storm.flakeBottom+'px';}else{s.o.style.display='none';s.o.style.top='auto';s.o.style.bottom='0px';s.o.style.position='fixed';s.o.style.display='block';}};this.vCheck=function(){if(s.vX>=0&&s.vX<0.2){s.vX=0.2;}else if(s.vX<0&&s.vX>-0.2){s.vX=-0.2;}
if(s.vY>=0&&s.vY<0.2){s.vY=0.2;}};this.move=function(){var vX=s.vX*windOffset,yDiff;s.x+=vX;s.y+=(s.vY*s.vAmp);if(s.x>=screenX||screenX-s.x<storm.flakeWidth){s.x=0;}else if(vX<0&&s.x-storm.flakeLeftOffset<-storm.flakeWidth){s.x=screenX-storm.flakeWidth-1;}
if(storm.useTwinkleEffect){if(!s.twinkleFrame){if(Math.random()>0.9){s.twinkleFrame=parseInt(Math.random()*20,10);}}else{s.twinkleFrame--;s.o.style.visibility=(s.twinkleFrame&&s.twinkleFrame%2===0?'hidden':'visible');}}}};this.animate=function(){s.move();};this.setVelocities=function(){s.vX=vRndX+rnd(storm.vMaxX*0.12,0.1);s.vY=vRndY+rnd(storm.vMaxY*0.12,0.1);};this.setOpacity=function(o,opacity){if(!opacitySupported){return false;}
o.style.opacity=opacity;};this.melt=function(){if(!storm.useMeltEffect||!s.melting){s.recycle();}else{if(s.meltFrame<s.meltFrameCount){s.meltFrame++;s.setOpacity(s.o,s.meltFrames[s.meltFrame]);s.o.style.fontSize=s.fontSize-(s.fontSize*(s.meltFrame/s.meltFrameCount))+'px';s.o.style.lineHeight=storm.flakeHeight+2+(storm.flakeHeight*0.75*(s.meltFrame/s.meltFrameCount))+'px';}else{s.recycle();}}};this.recycle=function(){s.o.style.display='none';s.o.style.position=(fixedForEverything?'fixed':'absolute');s.o.style.bottom='auto';s.setVelocities();s.vCheck();s.meltFrame=0;s.melting=false;s.setOpacity(s.o,1);s.o.style.padding='0px';s.o.style.margin='0px';s.o.style.fontSize=s.fontSize+'px';s.o.style.lineHeight=(storm.flakeHeight+2)+'px';s.o.style.textAlign='center';s.o.style.verticalAlign='baseline';s.x=parseInt(rnd(screenX-storm.flakeWidth-20),10);s.y=parseInt(rnd(screenY)*-1,10)-storm.flakeHeight;s.refresh();s.o.style.display='block';s.active=1;};this.recycle();this.refresh();};this.snow=function(){var active=0,used=0,waiting=0,flake=null,i;for(i=s.flakes.length;i--;){if(s.flakes[i].active===1){s.flakes[i].move();active++;}else if(s.flakes[i].active===0){used++;}else{waiting++;}
if(active<s.flakesMaxActive){flake=s.flakes[parseInt(rnd(s.flakes.length),10)];if(flake.active===0){flake.melting=true;}}};this.mouseMove=function(e){if(!s.followMouse){return true;}
var x=parseInt(e.clientX,10);if(x<screenX2){windOffset=-windMultiplier+(x/screenX2*windMultiplier);}else{x-=screenX2;windOffset=(x/screenX2)*windMultiplier;}};this.createSnow=function(limit,allowInactive){var i;for(i=0;i<limit;i++){s.flakes[s.flakes.length]=new s.SnowFlake(s,parseInt(rnd(flakeTypes),10));if(allowInactive||i>s.flakesMaxActive){s.flakes[s.flakes.length-1].active=-1;}}
storm.targetElement.appendChild(docFrag);};this.timerInit=function(){s.timers=(!isWin98?[setInterval(s.snow,s.animationInterval)]:[setInterval(s.snow,s.animationInterval*3),setInterval(s.snow,s.animationInterval)]);};this.init=function(){var i;for(i=0;i<s.meltFrameCount;i++){s.meltFrames.push(1-(i/s.meltFrameCount));}
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2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Change Twitter Color 2013

Seo Master present to you:


Now i share a simple trick to change Twitter color scheme to anything you want using a colour selector. Follow this instructions and apply this.


color my twitter





  • Install Color My Twitter by clicking the colored button « Install now ».




Install for Google Chrome.


Install for Mozilla Firefox.


Install for Apple Safari.


Install for Internet Explorer


  • Follow browser’s instructions.


  • Restart your browser.



Twitter color changer pink


  • To change color click on top right white arrowand click ‘Color My Twitter’ item.


  • A colorpicker appears top left. Use cursors and arrows to choose
    your favorite color. Your Twitter instantly changes!


Twitter color changer


  • Click on « Finished »... That’s it!





Special Thanks to








2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Change Facebook Color 2013

Seo Master present to you:


Now i share a simple trick to change Facebook color scheme to anything you want using a colour selector. Follow this instructions and apply this.



Facebook color changer example






  • Install Color My Facebook by clicking the colored button « Install now ».




Install for Google Chrome.


Install for Mozilla Firefox.


Install for Apple Safari.


Install for Internet Explorer


  • Follow browser’s instructions.


  • Restart your browser.



facebook color change to pink


  • To change color click on top right white arrowand click ‘Color My Facebook’ item.


  • A colorpicker appears top left. Use cursors and arrows to choose
    your favorite color. Your Facebook instantly changes!


facebook color changer


  • Click on « Finished »... That’s it!





Special Thanks to











2013, By: Seo Master

seo Email your friend without mail address!!! 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Hope you all are fine. Today we are going to learn a funny think How to email without mail address. Hope you may enjoy this.

We everybody have an email id. But sometimes we have to send email but don’t want to give email address to receiver. So, this post is for them. Ok. From now we will send email without email id. Let’s see…

Go to this link: http://www.note2email.com

Write receiver’s email id into Email Address, email subject to title and your message to main point and select a logo of the form and click on send it button.
Your email has send.

Receiver will see note@note2email.comthis email address as sender.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Blogger How 1 - Register and Start Your First Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you: Blogger How is Blogger Tutorial Series from How We Blog. In this series, I will guide you step by step building your first blog with Blogger, spread it to the world, and then you can earn money from it.

The first post of this series:

Blogger How 1 - Register and Start Your First Blogger

Blogger (a.k.a Blogspot) is a professional blogging platform by Google. Blogger offers many professional features to its users. With Blogger, you can fully customize template and your post. Blogger is one of the best search engine optimized platform that support by Google itself. Blogger is free, fast and stable for everyone. And that's why I write tutorial about Blogger first (and Wordpress after that).

Register Google Account and Sign In 

You need a Google Account to sign in and use Blogger at http://www.blogger.com. If you don't have one, click Sign Up button at right up corner, then choose your Gmail user name (it will be your Google Account too), fill in all the field then click Next step to finish the registering.
Register a Google Account
Register a Google Account
Read more »2013, By: Seo Master

seo Manfaat Google Plus Untuk Blog dan SEO 2013

Manfaat Google Plus untuk blog dan SEO sedang menarik perhatian saya. Sudah bukan rahasia lagi bahwa Google menggunakan sinyal jejaring sosial sebagai salah satu sinyal positif untuk SEO suatu blog. Tentu saja dalam hal ini Google lebih berharap bahwa Google Plus kelak yang menjadi penyumbang terbesar sinyal itu dan bukannya facebook.

Saya punya rencana untuk bereksperimen dengan Google +

seo Using CSS3 Filters to Image 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Add descriptions to Labels
Filter effects are a way of processing an element's rendering before it is displayed in the document. Typically, rendering an element via CSS or SVG can conceptually described as if the element, including its children, are drawn into a buffer (such as a raster image) and then that buffer is composited into the elements parent. Filters apply an effect before the compositing stage. Examples of such effects are blurring, changing color intensity and warping the image. Although originally designed for use in SVG, filter effects are a set a set of operations to apply on an image buffer and therefore can be applied to nearly any presentational environment, including CSS. They are triggered by a style instruction (the ‘filter’ property). This specification describes filters in a manner that allows them to be used in content styled by CSS, such as HTML and SVG. It also defines a CSS property value function that produces a CSS <image> value.

CSS3 Filters are a pretty exciting prospect for us Web Designers as they make effects that we typically associate with Photoshop, possible to apply in the browser with ease. Assuming across-the-board support eventually arrives, we can wave goodbye to countless annoying sprites for simple hover effects and instead, replace this tedious process with a single line of simple CSS.
The basic filters as listed in the W3C Draft are as follows: grayscale, sepia, saturate, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, brightness, contrast,blur, drop-shadow, custom.

Code: apply this hack manually by adding below CSS code just above/before ]]></b:skin> tag in your template,

img {

img:hover {

img {
img:hover {

img {

img:hover {

Hue Rotate
img:hover {


img {

img:hover {


img {

img:hover {

Hue-rotate and Animate

@-webkit-keyframes hue { 
100% { -webkit-filter:hue-rotate(360deg); }

img:hover {
-webkit-animation:hue 1s linear infinite;

Grayscale and Brightness

img { 
-webkit-filter:grayscale(1) brightness(-0.4);

img:hover {
-webkit-filter:grayscale(0) brightness(0);



Grayscale is a very basic effect that I think we would see a lot more of if we could achieve it with a single line of CSS rather than having to use a sprite image.





Grayscale and Brightness

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Random Hacks of Kindness #2 - Come hack for humanity! 2013

Seo Master present to you: On the weekend of December 4 and 5, hackers will gather in cities around the globe to create software solutions that make a difference.

Google, Microsoft, The World Bank and Yahoo! are inviting software developers, independent hackers and students to participate in Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK #2) next weekend.

RHoK brings together volunteer programmers and experts in disaster response for a two-day hackathon to create software solutions that focus on problems related to disaster risk and response. It is an opportunity to meet and work with top software developers and disaster experts, to create and improve open source applications that enable communities to recover from disasters, and to possibly win prizes.

Examples of previous hacks include the “I’m OK” app from RHoK #0 in November 2009, which was used during the response to recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, and the landslide prediction tool “Chasm,” winner of RHoK #1 in June 2010.

RHOK will be held simultaneously in many locations around the world. The five main stages will be in Chicago, Sao Paolo, Aarhus, Nairobi and Bangalore; and there will be over a dozen satellite events in other global cities. To find a location near you, see the latest list on the RHoK website.

Join us on December 4th and 5th, and visit www.rhok.org for more information.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Free Mobile Recharge using Amulyam,Embeepay,Way2sms,ULtoo 2013

Seo Master present to you:
free recharge amulyam airtel idea bsnl vodafone ultoo embeepay
Here i am going to say about free recharging sites in internet.Are you wasting money by making recharges,Then here is the time for changing that. There are many sites provides Free Recharge and many of that are fake and some them are good and we can trust.
One of the site is

Update [19-06-2013]:  I noticed another site providing FREE Recharge its Laaptu. We can trust this site. It providing QUIZes, REFERALS for earning free recharge. A new feature Laaptu providing is it gives 2Rs. for each referal.
Update [8-1-2013]: I noticed that I couldn't get any recharge amount from Embeepay and mcent so I have removed it from the following list. The following sites are real and we can trust because I am earning free recharge from these sites.
     There are many other sites for online recharge, some of them that i used are listed follows
    Amulyam gains popularity in India in recent two years and very popular service among Indian mobile users. Amulyam has many ways to get talktime in our wallet. They provides emails of advertisers that sends to us and each opening of the mail will get .25ps in the wallet. They provide 2-3 advertisement mails every day. When the wallet reaches Rs.10 you can make recharge. Another way for increase the earnings in the wallet is to play and create contest or quiz. Playing contest will give .25ps and creating contests make you to earn high. Create a quiz with 10 questions will get you Rs.5. For Approved questions will get 50ps per question.
    Another way is to purchase air tickets and buying things it will offer you Rs. 500 instantly. Also you can refer friends and make money. Each referral will get you Rs. 1.
    Embeepay is a Facebook Application it provides points  and when we sign up it gives 100 points. 30 points will give you 10Rs top up and 150 points will give you 50Rs Recharge.300 points will give you 100Rs
    ULtoo provides free sms and get talktime to your account by sending sms.

    Click here to get Rs.2 on your wallet instantly in amulyam

    Click here to get 100points on Embeepay instantly

    Click here to get Rs.2 on your wallet of ULtoo

    Click here to get Rs.1 on your wallet of Way2sms

    I hope this article will help you better.

    2013, By: Seo Master
    Powered by Blogger.