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seo Google DevFest Tour - save the date 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Christine Songco Lau, Developer Relations

Last year, the Google DevFest Tour gathered thousands of developers collectively around the world. Attendees heard from peers in the community already running their businesses on the Google platform. Googlers working on various Google developer products and APIs were on hand to talk about the latest and greatest, with best practices on how to improve the quality of web and mobile apps.

To continue giving you the opportunity to interact with us and get feedback, we’ve decided to announce another tour, in addition to the recently announced Google Developer Days. We’ve updated the 2011 DevFest site with tour cities and dates. We will continue to update the site with more detailed information such as venue location, agenda, and registration.

Please remember that space is limited at each location. We cannot guarantee that everyone will be able to secure a spot. We highly recommended you register early and check back for event updates. We'll email confirmations, which you can then use as your tickets to these events.

See you at DevFest!

Christine Songco Lau works with developers in Southeast Asia and on various global developer events such as Google I/O & Google DevFests. Christine likes to travel, scuba dive, and snowboard in her spare time.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Seo for Firefox Addon 2013

Ok guys, for this time I wanna share addon that I think useful for seo world, I just copy and paste this article from seobook. Set up your free SEO Book account, and you will get this tool + 2 other SEO tools valued at over $300 for free. Already have an account? Log in and your installation link will appear in the place of this message. Why Do Over 500,000

seo Register now for Google Developer Day Czech Republic 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Monica Tran, Developer Marketing Team

Registration is now open for Google Developer Day in Prague, Czech Republic. Check out the website for the latest updates to the agenda. To register, visit the home page and click on the blue “Register Now” button.

Mark your calendars. Registration for our last GDD events, in Germany and Israel, will open on September 15th.

In the past four years, Monica Tran has been around the world, working as a Product Marketing Manager in Mountain View, London, and Tokyo. After a good run on Google I/O, Monica is back to lead the charge on Google Developer Day, happening in 8 cities worldwide in 2011.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Fridaygram: Live, Tatooine, Sky Bikes 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PictureBy Ashleigh Rentz, Google Developers Blog Editor Emerita

It’s been two months since we wrapped up Google I/O 2012, and there’s been no shortage of topics for Google’s developer advocates to discuss with the community afterward! Google Developers Live opens the door to two-way communication all year long by hosting online office hours sessions, but it also offers other viewing opportunities like interviews with community figures and tech-centric reviews of Android games. With over 100 new episodes recorded for posterity since I/O, chances are good that we’ve all missed something fascinating. Why not flip backward through the events calendar this weekend and see what’s been happening in our studios?

While our own cameras are focused on earthly developers, NASA has their sights on the skies. This week, astronomers discovered a new binary star system with multiple planets circling those stars. One of these planets with two suns is even within the habitable zone. It may not be in a galaxy far far away, but the similarities to Tatooine are still fun to speculate on.

Finally, this week’s addition of bicycle navigation to Google Maps for Android is welcome news to we pedal-powered commuters, but the stakes have been raised... A team at University of Maryland recently built a new human-powered helicopter, and videos of the test flights are now making the rounds on YouTube. It’ll be an awesome day when Google Maps helps me find my way to work pedaling one of those!

Each week, we bring you a Fridaygram full of interesting things that help keep your weekend geekarific. Ashleigh is our editor emerita who comes back to visit when Scott takes some time away from the office. This week, we join many others around the world in saying a somber farewell to Neil Armstrong, an inspiration to us all.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Haruskah langsung ping post terbaru 2013

Trik seo kali ini mungkin berbanding terbalik dari tutorial seo sebelumnya mengenai ping setelah posting artikel, begitu juga tips seo dari para senior blogger.
Yah ini berdasarkan pengalaman penulis setelah membandingkan antara ngeping artikel setelah publikasi artikel baru atau jangan.
Begini sob, saya melakukan perbandingan posting dari artikel yang terdahulu hingga terbaru pada tanggal 30

seo A new Objective-C library for a new generation of APIs 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Greg Robbins and Tom Van Lenten, Software Engineers

Four years ago, we introduced an Objective-C library for Google Data APIs. At first, it supported a scant three services - Google Base, Calendar, and Spreadsheets. Perhaps more surprising is that it was written just for Mac applications; the iPhone SDK was still a year off. In the years since, the library has grown to support 16 APIs, and has been used in many hundreds of applications. In a fine example of unforeseen consequences, most of those applications run not on the Mac but on iOS.

The Google Data APIs were built on XML and the Atom Publishing Protocol, a reasonable industry standard for the time. But mobile, low-power, and bandwidth-limited computers are now the biggest audience for client software. Across the Internet, XML and AtomPub have given way to the lighter-weight JSON data interchange format.

Other fundamental changes have also shifted the API landscape. Password-based authentication is being supplanted by the more secure and flexible OAuth 2 standard. The number of APIs has grown dramatically, making it impractical to hand-craft data classes for all APIs and all languages. When services offer API improvements, developers want access to those changes as quickly as possible.

To support this evolving world, we are introducing a brand new library for Cocoa developers, the Google APIs Client Library for Objective-C. The library supports recent Google JSON APIs, including Tasks, Latitude, Books, URL Shortener, and many others. It is designed to make efficient use of the device’s processor and memory, so it’s a great fit for iOS applications.

The new library includes high-level Objective-C interfaces and data classes for each service, generated from the Google APIs Discovery Service. This lets the library model data not just as generic JSON dictionaries, but also with first-class Objective-C 2.0 objects. The classes include properties for each field, letting developers take advantage of Xcode’s code completion and syntax and type checking.

Here’s how easy it is to use the library and the new Google Books API to search for and print the titles of free ebooks by Samuel Clemens:
#import "GTLBooks.h"

GTLServiceBooks *service = [[GTLServiceBooks alloc] init];

GTLQueryBooks *query =
[GTLQueryBooks queryForVolumesListWithQ:@"Mark Twain"];
query.filter = kGTLBooksFilterFreeEbooks;

[service executeQuery:query
completionHandler:^(GTLServiceTicket *ticket,
id object, NSError *error) {
// callback
if (error == nil) {
GTLBooksVolumes *results = object;
for (GTLBooksVolume *volume in results) {
NSLog(@"%@", volume.volumeInfo.title);
The library supports Google’s partial response and partial update protocols, so even items of data-rich APIs can be retrieved and updated with minimal network overhead. It also offers a simple, efficient batch model, so many queries can be combined into one http request and response, speeding up applications.

When we introduced the previous Objective-C library, it was with this assertion: When you trust your personal data to Google, it's still your data. You're free to edit it, to share it with others, or to download it and take it somewhere else entirely. We hope the new library and Google’s growing collection of APIs help iOS and Mac developers to keep that principle meaningful for many years to come. You can start using the Google APIs Client Library for Objective-C by checking it out from our open-source project site and by subscribing to the discussion group.

Since Google I/O 2010, we've been developing APIs that can provide descriptions of themselves via metadata. This new technique makes it easier to create and maintain client libraries that support more languages, work with more APIs, and are easier to use than ever before. This post announces one of several recent major milestones for our client libraries.

Greg Robbins writes code to connect Mac and iOS apps to Internet services. He chases dogs in the morning, and bugs in the afternoon.

Tom Van Lenten is a Software Engineer on the Google Chrome team. He is also hooked on the Google Toolbox for Mac open source projects.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google @ GDC Online Oct. 10th-12th 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Amy Walgenbach, Developer Marketing

This year at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) Online we have organized a Developer Day on Oct. 10th full of Google information for game developers. It will feature hardcore technical information on Google products and platforms delivered by Google engineers and developer advocates. We’ll discuss the latest projects we’re working on and how our online technologies can help you better create, distribute, and monetize games that reach a larger audience than ever before. We’ll present everything from how developers can build hardware accelerated 3D games for the browser with WebGL to the game framework used to bring Angry Birds to the Web.

In addition to the Developer Day, we will also have a booth on the Expo floor on Oct. 11th-12th where we’ll have representatives from the Chrome Web Store, Native Client, WebGL, App Engine, Google+, In-App Payments, Google TV, and AdSense/AdMob demoing technologies and platforms for game developers. Come by booth 503 to try out Google products and ask questions, or hang out in our Google TV lounge.

For more information on our presence at GDC Online, including session and speaker details, please visit http://www.google.com/events/gdc/2011. Hope to see you in Austin!

Not able to attend GDC? Check out Google Game Developer Central to get an overview of Google products and services that are particularly relevant to game developers.

Amy Walgenbach is the Product Marketing lead for the Google+ platform and leads developer marketing for games at Google.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo A well earned retirement for the SOAP Search API 2013

Seo Master present to you: There’s a time for everything in life: a time for playing, learning & growing up; a time for maturing, working & performing, and a time for retiring, relaxing & handing the reigns over to the next generation. This is true for products too, and this is why, six months ago, we announced our Labs program for Google Code. This program provides clear distinction between graduate developer products where you’ll find mature products with transparent deprecation policies which you can count on for the long run, and labs developer products where you can explore our newest products and get started with them early.

As we also said in that announcement, the time has come for the SOAP Search API to retire – the new generation is around, has graduated, and has largely taken over already as a better and more versatile solution for the vast majority of use cases. In the spirit of our deprecation policies, we’ve continued to support the SOAP Search API since its deprecation in 2006, but we wanted to remind you that it is finally sunsetting. That had been planned for today, but we thought we'd give the few of you still using it another week to be prepared, so we'll be shutting it down on September 7th instead.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cara Mengoptimalkan Image Untuk Seo 2013

Seo Master present to you: Ternyata banyak juga yang harus anda optimasi agar situs Anda muncul di daftar 10 besar google dan mesin pencari lainnya. Salah satu yang akan dibahas pada postingan kali ini adalah Cara mengoptimalkan image untuk Seo. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa bagian terpenting untuk optimasi Seo adalah Teks, Anda juga harus mengoptimalkan image. Banyak mesin pencari memiliki alat pencarian gambar, dan mesin pencari sering menemukan gambar melalui keterangan yang ada pada image (menggunakan standar "image of x" query). Tanpa mempertimbangkan banyaknya pencarian image, berarti Anda meninggalkan sebuah kesempatan yang dapat menarik trafik ke situs Anda. Berikut Trik Optimasi Image Agar Seo Friendly.

Saya mengasumsikan bahwa Anda tahu cara menyisipkan gambar dan menambahkan tag yang sesuai, sebagai berikut:


Sebuah gambar bukanlah sebuah kata, meskipun sebuah image bisa mewakili berjuta kata. Tapi mesin pencari tidak akan bisa membaca image kecuali text yang menjadi keterangan atau kata kunci dari gambar tersebut. Karena itu Anda harus berpikir tentang beberapa kata kunci yang dapat menjelaskan gambar. Kemungkinan besar, Anda memiliki gambar yang sesuai untuk postingan Anda. Maka, kata kunci yang anda pakai untuk artikel anda bisa juga anda gunakan untuk image.
Keywords untuk image ditempatkan dalam alt tag, menunjukkan tentang apa gambar itu. Teks kemudian dapat digunakan oleh mesin pencari untuk menganalisis apa gambar itu, dan dapat ditempatkan dalam area gambar hasil.
Nearby Teks

Seperti judul, teks dekat gambar dapat meningkatkan citra peringkat untuk kata kunci tertentu. Anda seharusnya tidak meletakan gambar terlalu dekat dengan teks lain, agar tidak berpotensi meningkatkan jumlah kata kunci yang terkait dengan gambar.

Link Teks dan Judul

Buatlah sebuah link dari image tersebut ke url lain, dengan menggunakan tag a href, dan di url lain tersebut buatlah link ke halaman yang ada image tadi. Dan peringkat untuk halaman tersebut akan meningkat sebagai hasil dari  "incoming" link dan kata kunci tambahan di dalam konten. Judul untuk link (anchor text) sebaiknya sama dengan judul post.

Mudah Di Load

Menggunakan image yang mudah diloading akan menguntungkan Anda karena akan mengurangi waktu buka halaman Anda dan tidak akan memakan waktu lama bagi mesin pencari untuk mengindeks konten Anda. Ingat bahwa gambar dengan format JPG dan PNG adalah format utama yang ditemukan dalam halaman-halaman gambar mesin pencari. Sedangkan format GIF untuk animasi harus dibatasi agar tidak memberatkan loading page.

Ukuran image harus ditempatkan dalam kode gamabr agar browser lebih cepat merender gambar dan ini memberikan kemungkinan yang lebih besar bahwa image anda akan ditempatkan di halaman depan google.


Mengoptimalkan gambar untuk web seharusnya menjadi hal pertama yang Anda lakukan ketika menempatkan gambar ke konten Anda. Keyword yang berhubungan dengan gambar dapat sangat meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung ke blog Anda, bahkan jika mereka tidak mencari konten Anda.

Itulah Cara mengoptimalkan image untuk seo dan ini adalah aspek tersembunyi SEO yang dapat menambahkan kata kunci ke konten Anda, untuk menciptakan sebuah blog dengan hasil pencarian yang lebih relevan dan menarik lebih banyak pengunjung.
2013, By: Seo Master
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