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Sekarang ini banyak sekali tools yang memudahkan kita mencari backlink ke sosial bookmark dan tentunya meringankan dalam pencarian backlinks. Saat ini social monkee menurut saya masih yang terbaik dalam hal submit ke sosial bookmark. Semua sobat blogger indonesia pasti sudah pada tau dengan social monkee right?, link building melalui sosial monkee juga terlihat natural.Tapi indonesia sudah kadung

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seo New Features and Tools in Bing Webmaster Tool 2013

Seo Master present to you:
With merger of Bing and Yahoo we lost very good link analysis tool (Yahoo! Site Explorer). Now with new look and user experience Bing has reintroduced that tool in its webmaster tool. Go and explore new tools under diagnostics & tools section of bing webmaster tool. Bing has introduced these new tools which are useful for any SEO:

Link Explorer (beta): Just like yahoo site explorer you can check backlinks of any website.

SEO Analyzer (beta): This tool generates SEO reports for websites which are verified by the account you are currently logged in with.

Fetch as Bingbot (beta): See your website as seen by the crawler of bing (Bingbot).

More information can be found at Bing Webmaster Community Blog
2013, By: Seo Master

seo What Does Search engines Know About Me? 2013

Seo Master present to you:

It is no key that Look for engines is constantly on the gather plenty of information from customers. If you have compensated even a little bit of interest, you probably observed that Look for engines knows the sites that you have already frequented. Look for engines actually knows quite a bit about your online browsing routines. There is a way to see exactly what they think of you. Just go to your Look for engines Dash panel to find out where you have been categorized. According to Look for engines they allow you entry to this gathered information in an make an effort to provide visibility and control. By verifying in with their Ads Choices Administrator you can see how they have your online actions described. You do have the choice to opt out if you do not want Look for engines to use your details to focus on ads to your passions.

Google uses the biscuits stored on your internet browser to use your own preferences to focus on ads. This of course is supposing that all the sites you check out are in your passions. On my part, it seemed fairly precise except that many of the sites I frequented were for research and not really of any individual interest. They also had my sex and age completely incorrect, but at least the age difference was related.

All of your queries are signed by Look for engines. It is possible for Look for engines to figure out your governmental and spiritual preferences, sex-related direction, financial or medical conditions based on your latest queries. It is apparently all confidential though, so we should be secure. But when looking is performed especially if signed on to a Look for engines consideration like Googlemail, this could all be gathered. The IP deal with that is associated with every search is known for sure. Their authorities state that details is all anonymized in 9 to 18 several weeks based on what type of information was gathered, but your individual search details can sit there for a significant period.

Google gathers a lot of different kinds of details based on your actions while signed in to Look for engines records like Googlemail and Google+. They can monitor your nation of property, deal with details and anything you simply select. After you get into looking question, it will log every site that is frequented from the search website outcomes. All of your concerns are known along with the time frame and time you explored. They also history any ads that you click on. This is all just firstly. You can see much of the details that Look for engines has accumulated from your online actions through Look for engines Dash panel, but you can also perspective the lately released “account action review.” This will display all your logins for the past 30 days and this contains any nations you have been in, internet explorer you have used and various systems as well as how much you used different services.

This details is “safe” with Look for engines since it cannot be acquired by an outside third celebration without a guarantee in the US. But there is no way to power them to discuss all the details that they have stored on you. EU people on the other hand, can pay a small fee and provide an itemized ask for to acquire any details that Look for engines as stored on their individual consideration.

When your information is stored on Look for engines there are several ways that they may use it. First they will put all of your private details together in one place. When you discuss your e-mail with someone else they can see any of your openly noticeable information details. Your information image will appear on any consideration that is connected to Look for engines. As described above your details to focus on ads to your queries. Look for engines may discuss some large aggregated anonymized information with their associates, such as promoters and marketers. But they will not discuss any private details with other events.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to avoid SEO over optimization of your blog? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Doing SEO is excellent but there is very little distinction between SEO and SEO over look for engine optimization.SEO allows a lot to get you in the top ten outcomes of Google and if you do SEO over look for engine optimization than it tosses your blog/website out of look for outcomes .So,there is very slim part between SEO and SEO over look for engine optimization.Well,In this content,I will stroll you through How to prevent SEO over look for engine optimization of your blog?
Where the restrict of SEO over look for engine optimization crosses:-

Over Optimization Penalty
According to various specialist that informs when  the restrict of SEO passes across  and they are recruited as follows’:-

 Tossing too many look for phrases.
Exchanging too much hyperlinks.
Using inexpensive techniques as entry passing.
Duplicity i.e… Duplicating others material.

How to prevent SEO over optimization:-

1. Preventing common keyword and key phrase sector name: - It could be quickly recognized as copying the name of any big product by maintaining the little manufacturers name like as big product.

2. Preventing modifying the “home anchor” written text as most effective keyword:-It is done where house weblink is textual and had been enhanced with goofy look for phrases that is not associated with your Market.

3. Prevent using techniques and cheats:-In purchase to improve look for results leading to number of strikes but when user areas on web page,they cannot find right material. Google prevents  these techniques and tips as soon as they comes into knowledge and sometimes if these  are conducted on a large could also be called as fraud and will deindex your website.

4.  Preventing unrelated data and duplicity:-It is like breach of rule in which material of a particular website is duplicated by another website to be able to gain advantages but it comes under the groups of being disloyal and forgery and when google knows about it ,they significantly decrease your positions if two webpages of same website have same material.Also,the website owner gives DMCA notice to your web hosting to remove that material .

5. Prevent entry webpages and invisible text:-These methods were typical before Google presented web pagerank criteria these were a typical exercise and in the past it was not regarded as wrong exercise whereas entry web page has no significance for people these were specially engineered for look for engines. Their use is  to technique users to enter the website .

6. Preventing too much keyword and key phrase solidity and keyword and key phrase stuffing:-It is also regarded as a malpractices that is extreme use of look for phrases, In this the SEO professionals basically do is to  use the look for phrases in question throughout the writing suspiciously often this was done to get instant advantages to clients by seo professionals.

Steps taken by Google to stop SEO over optimization

Google recently stated to punish those who are deliberately spoiled in SEO over look for engine optimization. The nature of charge depends upon malpractices conducted.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Ms to Opera Users: Search engines Monitored You, So Try Bing 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Ms is using the excellent charged against Look for engines for its Opera comfort gaffe to entice Opera customers to use Look for engines.

The company has added a 'Privacy Protection' page to Bing's website, and there it informs anyone that will pay attention that a few months ago Look for engines was penalized $22.5 million by the FTC.

Google was monitoring Opera customers through what it called an error. It was penalized a relatively little bit and guaranteed not to do it again.

This was a while ago, but if you are Ms and are desperate to get individuals to use your Look for engines alternative, well, things like that don't matter.

"If you are a Opera user, Look for engines may have recently monitored you even though it guaranteed it would not. Want to do something about it?" flows the sprinkle on the Look for engines web site. "Stop looking with Look for engines and begin looking with Look for engines. Better yet, make Look for engines your home-page and begin every search with Look for engines."

Clicking on the big, lemon "Try Bing" button releases looking about Look for engines, Opera, and the FTC excellent.

Earlier this month Ms started what it calls "Bing It On." This recognizes it ask visitors to pit Look for engines vs. Look for engines outcomes in a best of five sequence. Bing's disagreement is that its outcomes will be quicker and more precise and is willing and give individuals a free Console or comparative components award if it is proven wrong.
2013, By: Seo Master


Seo Master present to you:

When someone wants some details concerning something, he creates an discovery on net. He types a keyword and key phrase on the google look for web page and then queries web page gathers the record of web websites where that word are available and an prolonged record seems on your screen. Most of the customers choose the greatest most web site hyperlinks as they seem to be the major appropriate to the keyword and key phrase that he uses. Here the work of SEO will be recognized clearly.

Net is large foundation where numerous websites are there. Several websites should be associated with the keyword and key phrase that the individual is entering however all aren't proven on the primary page of net. This is often because of the lack of search engine optimization. The place that doesn't get enhanced cannot entice the google look for web page and therefore continues to be on the lower position. Low position indicates that it'll not get adequate traffic but also. Best SEO solutions are cost-effective to boost a web page with the assistance of methods and resources.

This is often a advertising strategy and but also called seo. SEO is applied as a brief type of seo. The methods applied in this service sleek the success of web page o realize the place from version similar websites when the look for question is created. Therefore it indicates you'll get a high position on google look for web page and better the position, larger the benefit as customers can improve. Search web page tests the place and gathers the data that is there and SEO organizations build use of this.

It items the place with which indicates full and necessary details and provides it on net. Search phrases, hyperlinks are completely placed on completely different websites and this allows for the robots to spider and track hyperlinks. Your solid job will be to go looking a real SEO like Webmatrix INC. it's but also one in every of the most effective SEO Company. Webmatrix INC Seo Services will assist you plenty in acquiring a raise to your web page and improve its position.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo 12 Must Use Free Firefox Addons for Search Engine Optimizers (SEO) 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Search engine optimization is used to make any website visible and improve its ranking in search engines. But before SEO implementation search engine optimizers need to audit the website and know its present status. SEO strategy may vary from website to website and business to business. For doing SEO we need help of certain tools, here you can find some useful and free firefox add-ons for SEO’s.
Read more »2013, By: Seo Master

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Seo Master present to you:
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Download : sedemon-v1.0.4.3.zip 2013, By: Seo Master
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