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seo Tips Membuat Halaman PDF Anda SEO Friendly 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Tips Membuat Halaman PDF Anda SEO FriendlyTips Membuat Halaman PDF Anda SEO Friendly-Ada kebingungan yang umum tentang bagaimana mesin pencari memperlakukan halaman PDF di situs. Beberapa pemasar percaya bahwa SEO dan PDF tidak kompatibel atau situs web tidak dapat peringkat tinggi dengan PDF-halaman pada tuntutan kompetitif.

Jadi untuk pertanyaan jika Google dapat mengindeks Adobe PDF ada jawaban yang pasti: Ya, itu bisa. Tapi itu benar-benar tidak suka. Dokumen PDF tidak memiliki struktur tag HTML yang menginformasikan Google tentang apa itu dan membantu untuk peringkat konten untuk target kata kunci . Jadi file PDF membingungkan mesin pencari Google yang pada gilirannya cenderung menggunakan keyword dan teks-berat dokumen melalui PDF yang. By the way, itu juga yang terjadi dengan Adobe Flash.

Yang benar adalah bahwa mesin pencari dapat mengindeks PDF dan bahkan mengenali link dalam PDF-dokumen. HTML-halaman tidak memiliki prioritas sementara peringkat. 
Dalam pencarian sempit dan kurang kompetitif dokumen PDF benar-benar dapat mencapai puncak Google.

Secara struktural, karena itu, penggunaan Adobe PDF akan mengarah pada kata kunci ekor panjang, untuk lebih kompetitif kata kunci ekor pendek perlu menggunakan HTML.

Jadi PDF-format benar-benar tidak yang terbaik untuk optimasi SEO. Namun demikian PDF baik dipindai oleh mesin pencari dan dalam kasus tertentu itu adalah format yang paling cocok untuk memecahkan masalah. Misalnya, jika Anda menjual peralatan, akan lebih mudah untuk menyimpan buklet instruksi dalam PDF karena Anda dapat menempatkan file download ke situs Anda. Format PDF ini juga berguna untuk berbagai direktori. File dalam format ini dapat dibuka pada sebagian besar perangkat dan pada hampir setiap komputer dan isinya akan terlihat sama di mana-mana. 
Alasan utama untuk peringkat miskin halaman PDF adalah bahwa mereka tidak dioptimalkan untuk pencarian. 
Jika Anda menggunakan konten pada halaman dalam PDF-format nasihat berikut akan membantu Anda:

1. Gunakan file teks PDF

Search engine mampu mengenali teks. Dengan gambar-gambar itu akan menjadi kurang jelas. Jadi pastikan bahwa file PDF Anda berisi teks biasa, bukan kata-kata dalam bentuk gambar. Jika dokumen yang akan dikonversi ke halaman target situs dipindai menggunakan alat khusus untuk mengkonversi dokumen ke teks.

2. Meresepkan judul

Search engine memperhatikan tag 'title'. Anda dapat meresepkannya di properti dokumen. Juga pada properti Anda dapat menetapkan kata kunci dan informasi tentang penulis. Para ahli belum sepakat apakah yang terakhir sifat ini berpengaruh pada peringkat, namun, setidaknya, tidak akan ada dampak negatif.

3. Mengatur SEO-friendly URL / nama file

Biasanya nama file PDF menjadi bagian dari URL, sehingga memberikan dokumen nama yang sederhana, yang akan berisi kata kunci.

4. Gunakan metode standar SEO

Jangan lupa tentang standar metode SEO . Tempatkan link internal ke halaman PDF untuk memberi mereka kredibilitas. Tempatkan link dari halaman PDF Anda ke halaman lain yang relevan. Jangan lupa tentang kata kunci, optimasi gambar, dan konten berkualitas tinggi.

5. Kurangi ukuran file

Ukuran besar file akan memuat lebih lambat, berdampak negatif pada perilaku pengguna dan peringkat. Gunakan fitur-fitur khusus yang akan mengurangi ukuran PDF.

6. Menghindari duplikasi konten

Ketersediaan versi HTML dan PDF dari konten yang sama dapat berguna kadang-kadang, tapi hanya jika Anda mengambil tindakan untuk mencegah masalah dengan duplikat konten. Ingatlah bahwa Anda mungkin menerima duplikat, jika Anda men-download ulang PDF, mengubah nama file dan URL.

7. Jangan menyimpan file untuk membaca dalam versi Acrobat 

Simpan file PDF dalam Acrobat versi lama karena banyak pengguna mungkin tidak memiliki versi terbaru dari Reader. Hal ini tidak mungkin bahwa seseorang akan memperbarui program untuk membaca halaman Anda.

8. Menulis perlindungan

Jika tidak ada yang dapat meng-upload file Anda ke situs tersebut dan mengubahnya sesuka hati (termasuk mengedit link).

Meringkas harus mengatakan bahwa meskipun fakta bahwa mesin pencari menangkap halaman PDF, webmaster masih menyarankan untuk menggunakan HTML jika memungkinkan. Pengguna digunakan untuk mereka dan merasa saat bekerja dengan mereka lebih nyaman. Selain itu, lebih mudah untuk menambah fungsi HTML interaktif dan sosial. Jadi penggunaan PDF di situs ini hanya sesuai pada beberapa kasus:

Anda memiliki banyak halaman PDF, yang pengguna menemukan berharga;
Halaman PDF Anda sulit untuk mengkonversi ke dalam halaman HTML setara dan nyaman;
Situs ini memiliki konten dimaksudkan untuk cetak atau men-download (manual, booklet, formulir untuk mengisi dengan tangan, dll);
Rasio biaya-manfaat tampaknya tidak masuk akal. Misalnya, Anda memiliki hanya beberapa halaman PDF dan Anda tidak ingin membuang-buang waktu atau uang mengkonversi mereka ke HTML.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Hashtag di Facebook 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Hashtag di Facebook-Hashtag, yang telah lama di mana-mana dengan Twitter sebagai cara untuk tweet kelompok dalam percakapan tertentu, dan juga telah digunakan oleh Google+ dan,, sekarang Facebook milik Instagram. Ini akan segera membuat sebuah penampilan di jaringan sosial terbesar, Facebook.

Hashtag di Facebook

Kemarin, Wall Street Journal mengungkapkan bahwa Facebook bekerja pada menambahkan hashtags ke dalam layanan mereka sebagai cara untuk percakapan grup, mengutip orang-orang yang tidak disebutkan namanya akrab dengan proyek. Sumber-sumber tidak dapat memberikan masukan apapun pada saat hashtag dapat membuat penampilan atau bagaimana versi final mungkin bekerja, tetapi implikasi dan kemungkinan penggunaannya sangat dapat mempengaruhi bagaimana jaringan mengumpulkan dan menyajikan informasi.

Dari sudut pandang presentasi konten, penggunaan hashtags oleh Facebook bisa menyajikan pandangan tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari tren saat ini terlihat, konten bersama dan percakapan. Sementara kedua Twitter dan Google + cukup transparan dan bahkan mempromosikan trending topics, pada saat itu sangat sulit, jika bukan tidak mungkin, untuk mendapatkan nuansa untuk hari-hari tren Facebook . Tapi apa mungkin halaman yang trending topic ini terlihat seperti? Karena fitur privasi Facebook, para pemenang terbesar di sini mungkin menjadi berita yang berhubungan dengan halaman Fan berbagi konten dan mencari visibilitas meningkat. Selain itu, pengguna yang memungkinkan komentar profil mereka menjadi publik atau secara manual memilih ke halaman hashtag bisa memberikan percakapan real-time seperti Twitter. Kita juga bisa melihat penggabungan konten Instagram, seperti Facebook telah membuat jelas mereka ingin memberikan pengalaman visual yang kaya bagi pengguna mereka.

Ini akan memberikan pengguna Facebook pandangan yang lebih holistik percakapan tren dan memberi mereka lebih banyak alasan untuk tetap masuk ke Facebook dan berbagi konten mereka telah menemukan. Ini mungkin juga melayani tujuan yang lebih besar dari keinginan Facebook untuk menciptakan bagi pengguna mereka "koran pribadi", yang Mark Zuckerberg mencatat selama presentasi dari tata letak berita terbaru feed.

Tapi bagaimana dengan pengguna yang mungkin memiliki pengaturan privasi mereka pada profil mereka diatur untuk akses publik melarang? Bagi para pengguna, hashtag tersebut bisa sangat mudah dimasukkan ke dalam baru Cari Grafik dan memungkinkan mereka untuk menemukan teman-teman dan koneksi menggunakan bahwa hashtag untuk bergabung dalam pembicaraan. Hal ini juga bisa membuat posting dikelompokkan dalam news feed mereka jika ada kepentingan yang cukup untuk menjamin itu.

Hashtags juga bisa menjadi rejeki nomplok bagi peluang iklan baru untuk bisnis dan, tentu saja, pendapatan Facebook. Facebook telah membuatnya sangat jelas bahwa pengguna dan halaman fan dapat membayar untuk memastikan konten mereka dilihat oleh khalayak yang lebih luas, dan hashtags bisa kesempatan lain untuk mendapatkan posting disponsori menjadi berita pengguna feed berdasarkan tag mereka telah digunakan. Jika ada topik hashtag permanen halaman, posting disponsori bisa memastikan bahwa link selalu di bagian atas halaman tersebut, sehingga meningkatkan kemungkinan klik. Hashtags juga bisa digunakan sebagai metrik menargetkan dalam iklan lebih standar mereka tepat rel banner.

Facebook juga bisa memasak cara yang sama sekali baru untuk menggunakan dan berinteraksi dengan hashtags yang belum terlihat pada jaringan lain sosial. Hal ini tentu bisa dipertaruhkan jika Facebook akhirnya mengadopsi hashtags setelah bertahun-tahun penggunaan sosial, itu akan menjadi seperti apa yang telah kita lihat belum.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Install Blogger Template 2013

Seo Master present to you:
How To Install Blogger Template

Installing Blogger Template is a simple Process,but new bloggers sometime take a wrong step and as a result they lose their all blog posts/content.In this regard i will share some tips about how to install a blogger template.Installing any blogger template to blog is not a great deal,but the thing is How much you are smart?So Uploading Template to blogs just require some steps which are mentioned below.

  1. Backup :- The main thing is whenever you want to upload/install a template to your blog,must backup your Blog template,if you not may be you lost your blog posts.Now How To Backup Blogger Template it will be explained below.
  2. Extracting Blog template and uploading to blog.
  3. Editing and installing.
  4. Never Remove CopyRights

How To Backup Blogger Template

  • Visit Blogger dashboard.
  • Click On Template (See image below)
  • See here and there, you will see Restore/Backup at the left most of your PC Screen(Shown Below)
How To Install Any Blogger Template
  • Now Click On Download Full template
  • Now you will see a file in Downloads Directory (something like template12344.xml) and that's it.

How To Install Blogger Template 

  • Visit Blogger Dasbaord
  • Then Click on template
  • And Now Click On Back/restore
  • A Box will popup
  • Click on Chose File
  • Now Select the .XML File of template and hit upload
  • That's it,you have uploaded the template :D.
Extracting Template from RAR:- You may have seen that usually bloggers upload template in RAR Files,so now you have to extract the template from RAR.For Extracting follow the below steps.
  • Click On Template(which is in RAR File)
  • Now Right Click on filename.xml and click on Extract,then select Desktop and now you will see that file has been extracted to the Desktop.

Can I Remove Copyrights?

Template Authors waste too much time on designing a template,and another thing they are allowing you to download the template for free.So as a Credit award them with the footer link of their blog.If you remove Copy Rights  they can surely report your blog to DMCA and as a result your blog will be deleted in 24 hours.So Be Care full,always be original,never edit or copy.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Elegant Style Blogger Template 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you:
You may have seen many Blogger Template such as magazine style or gallery style,but today i have found a fantastic Elegant Style Blogger Template.Elegant Style Blogger Template has 3 columns layout along with 3 columns footer.This template is white and clean style template,it has beautiful one right sidebar.This template has built-in top page navigation menu.Also this template has social share buttons which will help you to increase your Social status.This template is SEO Ready,and ads Ready Template.It has beautiful white color background which makes it more awesome template.It works with all type of browsers.

Features of Elegant Style Blogger Template

  • SEO Ready
  • Ads Ready
  • White Background
  • Top Navigation menu
  • 3 Columns Layout
  • 3 Columns Footer
  • One Right Sidebar
  • Social Share buttons
  • Works with all browsers
  • Elegant Style
  • Professional Look

Extra Information About Elegant Style Blogger Template

Elegant Style Blogger Template is designed by o-om.This template is specially designed for Tech and Blogging Blogs.Elegant Style Blogger template is a new unique blogger template,having professional look along with many features.This template has cool white background which will attract the visitors attention,and will force them to not leave your blog.

How To Install Elegant Style Blogger Template 

If you want to install this template to your blog,so follow the below easy steps :)

  •  Go To Blogger.com >> Then Click On Template as shown Below in the picture
  •  Now Click On Restore/Backup as shown in the below picture.

      •  Now a Box will pop up >> Click on Chose a file >> And Select the .xml file from the specific directory >> And hit upload,that's it :).

      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo How To Add All Alexa Widget to your Blog/Website 2013

      Seo Master present to you:
      How To Add All Alexa Widget to your Blog/Website

      This Tutorial We Discuss How To Add Alexa All Widget In Blogspot Blo And Website Its So Simple And Easy Only Copy Code Given Below And put Where You Want To Add This.Below you Can see All Alexa Widgets Given You Can Chose Any One and Put Your Bloger And Wordpress Website.

      How To Install Alexa Widgets On Blogspot/Blogger?.

      • Choose a widget style first Given Below.
      • Copy the one code of that widget.
      • Paste it into your notepad And Word...
      • Replace My blog Highlight URL with yours.
      • Go to >> Blogger Dashboard >> Layout.
      • Click on Add a Gadget tab.
      • Select "HTML/JavaScript"
      • Paste the code and save it.

      Alexa Site Rank Widget : Code 1

      <center><a href="http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.matrixar.com/">
      <script type='text/javascript' src='http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/s/a?url=http://www.matrixar.com/'></script>

      Alexa Site Rank Widget : Code 2

      <center><a href="http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.matrixar.com/">
      <script type='text/javascript' src='http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/s/b?url=http://www.matrixar.com/'></script>

      Alexa Site Rank Widget : Code 3

      <center><a href="http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.matrixar.com/">
      <script type='text/javascript' src='http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/s/c?url=http://www.matrixar.com/'></script>

      Alexa Site Rank Widget : Code 4

      <center><a href="http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.matrixar.com/">
      <script type='text/javascript' src='http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/t/b?url=http://www.matrixar.com/'></script>

      Alexa Site Rank Widget : Code 5

      <center><a href="http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.matrixar.com/">
      <script type='text/javascript' src='http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/t/a?url=http://www.matrixar.com/'></script>

      Alexa Site Rank Widget : Code 6

      <center><a href="http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.matrixar.com/">
      <script type='text/javascript' src='http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/t/c?url=http://www.matrixar.com/'></script>

      How Customization This Code.

      Now replace Highlight Code Every Code http://www.matrixar.com/ with your own blog URL

      • Finally save your widget and you are done It.


      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo Add Stylish Multi-Tabbed widget to Blogger Sidebar 2013

      Seo Master present to you:
      Add Stylish Multi-Tabbed widget to Blogger Sidebar

      This Tutorial We Discuss How Add pure Css Stylish multi Tabbed Widget In Blogspot Blog.its Amazing Stylish Tabbed Css Stylish,we Genrate Pure Css And Working 100% Sure its Working.When You start This And done So appear 3 Tebbed Widget.You can add own Documents and news,Or Bio author In This Tebbed Widget.Mostly People Add facebook Like Box And Follower Box In this Tabbed.i Hope You Understand About How We Can Use This,its Easy And Simple just When Put your Blogger Dont Try Changing Css Code Only Highlight code you will be Change,and Add you Widget in The Tabbed  .so lets move To tutorial how Add this ,just Follow Below Given instructions.you can see Below,And will be Done This Easy.you can see Malti Tabbed Widget In live DEMO given Below.

      LIVE Preview & Demo:


      Follow These Steps:

      • 1. Go to Design >> Page Elements >>  Add a gadget, then choose >>  HTML/JavaScript
      • 2. Paste Below code Empty inside It.
      • 3. Code is Below.

      <script type='text/javascript'>
      function NewBloggerTips_oom(NBTID, id)
        var NewBloggerTips = document.getElementById(NBTID);
        var NBTs = NewBloggerTips.firstChild;
        while (NBTs.className != "NBTs" ) NBTs = NBTs.nextSibling;
        var NBT = NBTs.firstChild;
        var i   = 0;
          if (NBT.tagName == "A")
            NBT.href      = "javascript:NewBloggerTips_ubah('"+NBTID+"', "+i+");";
            NBT.className = (i == id) ? "Active" : "";
        while (NBT = NBT.nextSibling);
        var Halamans = NewBloggerTips.firstChild;
        while (Halamans.className != 'Halamans') Halamans = Halamans.nextSibling;
        var Halaman = Halamans.firstChild;
        var i    = 0;
          if (Halaman.className == 'Halaman')
            if (Halamans.offsetHeight) Halaman.style.height = (Halamans.offsetHeight-2)+"px";
            Halaman.style.overflow = "auto";
            Halaman.style.display  = (i == id) ? 'block' : 'none';
        while (Halaman = Halaman.nextSibling);
      function NewBloggerTips_ubah(NBTID, id) { NewBloggerTips_oom(NBTID, id);
      function NewBloggerTips_inisial(NBTID) { NewBloggerTips_oom(NBTID,  1);
      div.NewBloggerTips div.NBTs {
      height: 24px;
      overflow: hidden;
      div.NewBloggerTips div.NBTs a:hover, div.NewBloggerTips div.NBTs a.Active {
      background-color: #eee;
      div.NewBloggerTips div.Halamans {
      clear: both;
      border: 2px solid #f4f4f4;
      overflow: hidden;
      background-color: #ffffff;
      div.NewBloggerTips div.Halamans div.Halaman {
      height: 100%; padding: 0px;
      overflow: hidden;
      div.NewBloggerTips div.Halamans div.Halaman div.Alas {
      padding: 3px 5px;
      div.NewBloggerTips div.NBTs a {
      border-left:1px solid #eee;
      border-right:1px solid #eee;
      border-top:1px solid #eee;
      border-boNBTom:0px solid #eee;
      float: left;
      display: block;
      width: 95px;
      text-align: center;
      vertical-align: middle;
      height: 24px;
      padding-top: 3px;
      text-decoration: none;
      font-family: "Arial", Serif;
      font-size: 11px;
      font-weight: 900;
      color: #000000
      <form action="NewBloggerTips.html" method="get">
      <div id="NewBloggerTips" class="NewBloggerTips">
      <div style="width: 300px;" class="NBTs"> <a>Tab 1 Title</a> <a>Tab 2  Title</a> <a>Tab 3  Title</a></div>
      <div style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" class="Halamans">
      <div class="Halaman">
      <div class="Alas">
      Tab 1 content goes here</div>
      <div class="Halaman">
      <div class="Alas">
      Tab 2 content goes here</div>
      <div class="Halaman">
      <div class="Alas">
      Tab 3 content goes here</div>
      <small><a style='margin-left:10px;align:right;' href='http://www.matrixar.com/' target='_blank'>Multi-Tabbed Widget</a> | <a href='http://www.matrixar.com/' target='_blank'>IBT</a></small>
      <script type="text/javascript">Tips_inisial('NewBloggerTips');</script>

      How Customization This Code:

      • Replace Tab 1 Title, Tab 2 Title, Tab 3 Title with you Tab Title Any.
      • Replace Tab 1,2,3, Content goes here with your widget code Such As like Box..ETC....
      • Change width: 300px; height: 300px; with your need.
      • If You Want To change Background Color of Multi-Tabbed widget : Replace #ffffff with you favorite color.

      Done This And Save...If You like This So Feedback in Comments.
      Join This Group.....


      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo [GET] The $497 Secret to Profitable Products FAST 2013

      Seo Master present to you:
      The $497 Secret to Profitable Products FAST

      The $497 Secret to Profitable Products FAST

      Download : the $497 Secret to Profitab…zip

      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo [GET] 1 Day from Idea to Page 1 – Real Time Video 2013

      Seo Master present to you:
      1 Day from Idea to Page 1

      Glimpse How very simple It Is To proceed From listing A domain to grading on the 1st Page of google and Bing within 24 Hours!

      Everything is revealed as I proceed from a blank hosting account to a location with 10 pages indexed in Google in 18 minutes.

      inside 12 hours, I was on the first sheet of Google and Bing!

      This location features 5 products from amazon that variety in cost from $500 to $40,000. And I even disclose the accurate goods.

      These techniques can be utilised for any site in any Niche.

      Download : The Power of Affiliate Conq…zip

      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo [GET] A Changing Standard for SEO Spam - Google Penguin, Link Penalties & Declining Leniency 2013

      Seo Master present to you:
      A Changing Standard for SEO Spam

      When you gaze at over 250,000 connections from Penguin-penalized sites, you discover a thing or two. We put together a report founded on an investigation of a lot of links, and discovered that:

      While folks like to depict google as fumbling their anti-spam efforts and missing numerous offenders, the big G may simply be prioritizing.
      Google is evolving less and less tolerant of link spam. So there’s no “safe” amount of manipulative connections in your profile.
      You need to talk to your SEO bureau or professional. Find out what kind of connections they’ve been supplementing. If they’re manipulative in any way, realise: You are at risk of a penalty.

      No sermon here: Do what you feel is right for your business. But do it with an eyes-open comprehending of the risks. If you desire to glimpse the details, check out our new report, “A altering Standard for SEO Spam.” No e-mail needed, no cords attached:

      Download : google-declining-spam-toler.zip

      2013, By: Seo Master


      Cara agar blog muncul di Google sebenarnya membutuhkan proses yang agak kompleks. Walaupun saya sudah berkali-kali mengusahakan penjelasan yang sederhana dan mudah dimengerti, tetap saja masih banyak yang terkendala dalam eksekusinya.... Mudah-mudahan penjelasan yang ini bisa lebih dipahami banyak orang.

      Secara sederhananya yang anda butuhkan agar blog muncul di Google itu cuma 3 hal, yaitu

      seo A new look for the Google Code homepage 2013

      Seo Master present to you: We've been working with our user experience team to help our users discover relevant and timely developer product information faster on the Google Code homepage. Where it previously required several clicks to find the latest product news and announcements on the Google Maps API blog, for example, the newly redesigned homepage now surfaces this information at a glance. The new homepage will be updated regularly with our latest product news, coding tips, developer profiles, videos, and cool examples. See the screenshot below for an example or visit Google Code now for the latest updates.

      Be sure to subscribe to our new aggregate Google Code: News Feed in your favorite feed reader to receive all the Google developer updates as they happen.

      And please tell us what you think about the new homepage.

      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo Blink: A rendering engine for the Chromium project 2013

      Seo Master present to you: Author PictureBy Adam Barth, Chromium team

      Cross-posted with the Chromium and Open Source blogs

      WebKit is a lightweight yet powerful rendering engine that emerged out of KHTML in 2001. Its flexibility, performance and thoughtful design made it the obvious choice for Chromium's rendering engine back when we started. Thanks to the hard work by all in the community, WebKit has thrived and kept pace with the web platform’s growing capabilities since then.

      However, Chromium uses a different multi-process architecture than other WebKit-based browsers, and supporting multiple architectures over the years has led to increasing complexity for both the WebKit and Chromium projects. This has slowed down the collective pace of innovation - so today, we are introducing Blink, a new open source rendering engine based on WebKit.

      This was not an easy decision. We know that the introduction of a new rendering engine can have significant implications for the web. Nevertheless, we believe that having multiple rendering engines—similar to having multiple browsers—will spur innovation and over time improve the health of the entire open web ecosystem.

      In the short term, Blink will bring little change for web developers. The bulk of the initial work will focus on internal architectural improvements and a simplification of the codebase. For example, we anticipate that we’ll be able to remove 7 build systems and delete more than 7,000 files—comprising more than 4.5 million lines—right off the bat. Over the long term a healthier codebase leads to more stability and fewer bugs.

      Throughout this transition, we’ll collaborate closely with other browser vendors to move the web forward and preserve the compatibility that made it a successful ecosystem. In that spirit, we’ve set strong guidelines for new features that emphasize standards, interoperability, conformance testing and transparency.

      To learn more about Blink visit our project page.

      Posted by Ashleigh Rentz, Editor Emerita2013, By: Seo Master

      seo Add AdSense Ads To Blogger Header 2013

      Seo Master present to you:
      Add AdSense Ads To Blogger Header

      You want to Earn more money?You want to increase your AdSense revenue?If yes then you are at the right place.Here we have found an awesome way via which you can add your Google Adsense Ads To Blogger Header.Previously we have shared an article about "How To Add Adsense inside Blogger Posts".But here we have a new way which will help you to boost your AdSense Earning.This trick can be done by adjusting/modifying header of the template to give you the option of adding 2 or more widgets in the header zone.

      How To Add AdSense Ads To Blogger Header 

      Adding Adsense in Blogger Header Above Title is very easy,you just have to edit your blog template and after that you have to change the header widgets option i.e how many widgets you want to display on Header Area.
      • Go To Blogger.com >> Click On Template >> Edit HTML and Proceed it
      • Now Search for the below Code/Script(by Pressing CTRL+F)
      <div class='region-inner header-inner'>
      • If you haven't found the above try finding the below Script
      <div id='header-wrapper'>
      • Now when you found any one of the above Codes,immediately below you will find the below Script/Code
      <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
      • Replace the above Code with the below Code/Script or just change the green values
      <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='3' showaddelement='yes'>
      • Now take a preview and hit save template,that's it.

      How To Add Adsense ad unit Above The Blogger Header

      • Go To Blogger Dashboard
      • Click On Layout
      • And Now You will see an option of adding new widget in the header as shown
      • Now Just add AdSense ad from the Box,and wait for 5 minutes,Adsense Ads will dance on the blog header.
      So What's Up:- Adding Google Adsense To Blogger Header is a new way to boost AdSense Revenue.You can place any type of ad unit (that's your choice).I Hope you will must like this trick.If you have any question,feel free to ask.Stay Blessed,Happy Blogging.

      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo Ways to promote your blog 2013

      Seo Master present to you:

      People often want to reach to maximum people through their blog and there are various ways to promote your blog and reach to maximum people. Here is a list of ways in which you can promote your blog and get some traffic. Although these steps looks basic and already over-written on internet, they still are the best steps to get traffic. 

      • Quality content. Write good quality content. No one want to read useless crap articles and posts with lots of spelling and grammar mistakes. Read before you write. Don't copy paste others work. The best way of creating an article is to think what you as a reader wants to read and thus creating the content for the reader. The more you get traffic, chances are that you will earn more if you have monetized your blog.
      • Follow SEO practices. Try to follow some of the search engine practices. Search engines are the primary sources of traffic to your blog and keeping them in mind while writing content is a good way to attract readers. Use keywords in your title, in your posts and use pictures with alt tag to get discovered in even Google image search. 
      • Update regularly. The more content you have, the more traffic you will get. Chances of your blog being discovered is more if you have more content. A blog with 100 articles is more likely to have more visitors than another blog with 10 articles as there is more to read in the first one. Write regularly. In beginning, it can an article a day and later on you can publish article on weekly basis. Its your wish and convenience.
      • Connect to social media. Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter can get you a huge lot of targeted audience to your blog. Connect to them, make a page for your blog, a community and ask your friends to join. Post links of your articles regularly. Most of the traffic for my blog comes from social media marketing. You can find various articles regarding promotion of your blog on various social media on this blog. I have written some articles on them. 
      How to Get huge traffic from twitter
      Facebook marketing for your blog
      Google Plus Marketing for your blog

      • Submit your blog to blog directories. Is your blog listed to technorati.com or bloggers.com? They can be a great way to promote your blog. Your new contents are regularly and automatically updates on their listing and they are hub for bloggers. Submit your blog their. 
      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo Google Developer Products Help WhiteHouse.gov Connect With America 2013

      Seo Master present to you: Last Thursday was a momentous day for citizen participation in government. As you may have heard, President Obama hosted the first online Town Hall meeting with questions submitted and voted on via the internet. The Developer team at Google is honored that two of our technologies, App Engine and Google Web Toolkit, played a role in making this possible.

      Google Moderator, built with App Engine and Google Web Toolkit, allows users to submit and vote on questions collaboratively. Originally developed for Google company meetings, it's now available for anyone to use -- but being featured on WhiteHouse.gov offered an unprecedented level of potential traffic and attention. We are thrilled that, thanks to scalable hosting provided by App Engine, Moderator successfully handled traffic from tens of thousands of simultaneous visitors.

      During the 48-hour open voting period, the site peaked at 700 hits per second, and 92,934 people submitted 104,073 questions and cast 3,605,984 votes. In total, over one million unique visitors visited the site before the town hall. Even while the site was featured on major news outlets and even the Google homepage the other 50,000 apps built on App Engine were fully supported and experienced no adverse effects.

      Since the front-end of Moderator was written using GWT, most user interaction with the site was handled via AJAX requests made from the browser to the server. This enabled a very responsive UI while at the same time keeping bandwidth down. It also made it easy to make some last-minute adjustments to the UI, while ensuring that the JavaScript was compatible with all browsers and all platforms.

      As would be expected when a website is utilized by the White House and is featured in the media, there were dramatic, and sometimes unforeseen, upswings in traffic. The graph below shows some of the major surges in load to which App Engine adapted. Conventional web hosting strategies demand the pre-provisioning of enough servers to handle load. Sometimes, as was the case with Moderator on WhiteHouse.gov, accurate traffic estimates can be difficult to develop ahead of time. Fortunately, since Moderator runs on App Engine, all servers and resource allocation were handled automatically. With App Engine, you never need worry whether you've set up enough machines...we'll automatically spin up new servers as traffic grows.

      If you haven't tried App Engine yet, we encourage you to join the 150,000 developers who have already built highly scalable web applications on top of Google's computing infrastructure. To learn more, visit code.google.com/appengine/ and make plans to attend our sessions at I/O at the end of May.

      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo Google Cloud Storage: high performance that just works 2013

      Seo Master present to you:

      By Navneet Joneja, Product Manager,
      and Ville Aikas, Technical Lead

      When evaluating options for cloud storage, customers often wonder, "How can we optimize our storage to get the highest performance possible?". We believe you shouldn't have to, so we do all the optimization for you – enabling you to focus on your application instead of the minutiae of storage optimization.

      The performance of cloud storage services (and indeed most web services) depends on two main factors: the network that moves the data between us and the end user, and the performance of the storage service itself.

      1. Network

      When you make a request to Google Cloud Storage, one of the key determinants of performance is the network path between you and our servers. This path is critical because if the network is slow or unreliable, it doesn’t really matter how fast the backend is.

      There are two main ways to make the network faster:
      • Serve the request from as close to the user as possible
      • Optimize the network routing between the end-user and the service, including avoiding pockets of network congestion and minimizing the number of network hops between the user and the service.
      2. Storage

      The other component of system performance is how quickly our servers process your request. The data needs to be managed optimally and once an end-user’s request reaches our servers, we need to serve the request as fast as possible. In a sense, Google Cloud Storage is a gigantic filesystem: authorization checks need to happen, the object in question needs to be looked up, and the data requested needs to be read from the physical storage medium and transferred to the end user, all as efficiently as possible.

      So, how do we make sure your requests are served as fast as possible?
      • Google Cloud Storage is built on Google’s proprietary network and datacenter technology. We’ve spent more than a decade building out proprietary infrastructure and technology to power Google’s sites (after all, we believe that fast is better than slow). When you use Google Cloud Storage, the same network goes to work for your data.
      • We replicate data to multiple data centers and serve an end-user’s request from the nearest data center that holds a copy of the data. We also offer a choice of regions (currently U.S. and Europe) to allow you to keep your data close to where it’s most needed. We then take this one step further. When you upload an object and mark it as cacheable (by setting the standard HTTP Cache-Control header), we automatically figure out how best to serve it using Google’s broad network footprint, including caching it closer to the end-user if possible.
      • Finally, you don’t need to worry about optimizing your storage layout (like you would on a physical disk), or the lookups (i.e. directory and naming structure) like you would on most file systems and some other storage services. We take care of all the "file system" optimizations behind the scenes.
      In other words, when you store your data on Google Cloud Storage, we do all the background work to make it fast so that you can focus on your application.

      Navneet Joneja loves being at the forefront of the next generation of simple and reliable software infrastructure, the foundation on which next-generation technology is being built. When not working, he can usually be found dreaming up new ways to entertain his intensely curious almost-two-year-old.

      Ville Aikas likes to work on tools and services that make developers lives easier and "just work". When not busy cranking out code, he loves to play soccer with his kids, build robots and watch F1.

      Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
      2013, By: Seo Master

      seo PreVogue Blogger Template 2013 2013

      Seo Master present to you:
      PreVogue Blogger Template is a new Professional Blogger Template,designed by KickBlogger .PreVogue Template has 2 columns layout along with beautiful one right sidebar.It has amazing about me widget at the header position which makes it the beautiful template.This template has 3 columns footer.It has built-in social share buttons,this template works with all type of browsers.You can Download it free from our Blog.
      PreVogue Blogger Template 2013

      Credit Goes to Btemplates.com

      PreVogue Blogger Template Features

      • 2 Columns Layout
      • 3 Columns Footer
      • White
      • Green
      • 1 Right Sidebar
      • Social Share Buttons
      • Beautiful About me Widget
      • Popular Post widget
      • Cool Fonts
      • Search Box
      • SEO Ready
      • Works with all type of browsers

      Installing PreVogue Blogger Template

      •  Go To Blogger.com >> Then Click On Template as shown Below in the picture
      •  Now Click On Restore/Backup as shown in the below picture.

          •  Now a Box will pop up >> Click on Chose a file >> And Select the .xml file from the specific directory >> And hit upload,that's it :).

          So What's Up:- Did You Like This Template?Of Course this is a new beautiful Professional Look Template,its author is KickBlogger.I will suggest this template for Tech Blogs,however you can use it for any type of blog.Must pass comments,And feel free to ask any question.Stay Blessed !
          2013, By: Seo Master

          seo What is PTC sites?Earn money by Clicking 2013

          Seo Master present to you:

          paid to click

           Mаnу individuals ar аѕkіng аnd looking hоw to earn cash on-line, i\'m аlѕо gеttіng plenty оf mail frоm individuals аѕkіng аbоut on-line cash creating technique, as mаnу оf уоu individuals knоw thаt thеrе ar plenty оf strategies thrоugh whісh an individual саn mаkе smart cash. these days i\'m giving уоu оnе оf thе straightforward concepts thrоugh whісh уоu individuals саn earn an honest quantity оf cash, wіthоut investment a cent.

          PTC (Paid to click website).

          PTC website ar ѕаmе lіkе Google Adsense or Clicksor, however thе main distinction іѕ thаt PTC website рrоvіdеѕ direct user to аnу web site in a very short amount оf time
          for gеttіng high Alexa rank, Thе corporations thаt unremarkably advertise on PTC sites ar Hyip (high yield investment program), affiliate merchant, Traffic exchange corporations, internet sites lіkе GMI etc. therefore thеу receive smart quantity оf visitant to thеіr product or web site in a very short amount оf time. Interested individuals purchase or invest in thаt project аnd therefore thrоugh thіѕ method thе corporations as wеll as thе members earn cash.

          Now i\'m gоіng to share thе brіеf data on PTC sites:

          Whаt Iѕ PTC?

          PTC (Paid to click) іѕ merely {an internet|an on-line|a web} business structure thаt generates online traffic frоm individuals trуіng to earn cash from home. Paid-To-Click, or just PTC websites, act as middlemen bеtwееn publicist аnd user; thе publicist wіll pay money for showing ads on thе PTC data processor, аnd an area оf thіѕ payment gоеѕ to thе audience whеn he views thаt advertizement. Whеn bесоmіng a member оf PTC sites, уоu аlwауѕ hаvе thе chance to bесоmе AN affiliate or a merchant on thе web site. Thе publicist wіll pay thе PTC data processor owner, thеn thе PTC data processor wіll pay you, еvеrуоnе іѕ a champion. Thе publicist gеtѕ mоrе guests to іtѕ website, thе PTC web site аnd уоu generate financial gain.


          A PTC (Paid to click) іѕ an internet site thаt pays for hіѕ registered members for thе ads thеу click аnd read for ѕоmе time (30-60 second) on a commonplace.

          I hope thе nеxt image wіll offer уоu smart construct hоw it work:

          what is paid to click

          Hоw It Work?

          1)First уоu nееd to register уоurѕеlf on thе PTC web site

          2)After Registration Log in to уоur account уоu wіll ѕее a nеw window thаt wіll show thе detail оf уоur account.

          3)On thе face уоu wіll ѕее a class wіth thе nаmе оf read ads or surf ads.

          4)Click on thе ad class, a nеw window wіll арреаr thаt wіll show dіffеrеnt ads frоm dіffеrеnt publicist.

          5)Now уоu nееd to click on оnе ad аnd popup nеw menu wіll be open thаt wіll show thе publicist web site, уоu wіll nееd to attend аnd ѕее thаt ad frоm 10-30 ѕесоnd (Note: Dо nоt open аll ads at once).

          6)With thіѕ wау оf ѕееіng ads уоu wіll gеt one cent for еvеrу ad уоu watch.

          7)After уоu hаvе dоnе it уоu саnnоt click thеm any longer. Yоu muѕt nееd to attend for twenty-four hours. Thеn уоu саn merely јuѕt click уоur browse ad website аgаіn аll ads whісh ar аvаіlаblе to јuѕt click for you.

          8)Better wіll be if уоu rent or refer оthеr individuals, thrоugh thіѕ technique уоu wіll earn an honest quantity оf cash in a very short fundamental measure (Below a brіеf data іѕ аvаіlаblе аbоut referral).

          Hоw wіll I earn cash аnd hоw muсh I саn earn?

          It іѕ tough to produce an explicit quantity, уоur financial gain wіll be established by уоur capability to easily click on thе аvаіlаblе links frequently аnd уоur capability to encourage оthеr individuals to be an area оf thе PTC website undеr уоu (referrals). In PTC persistence іѕ thе main key.

          Yоur Clicks Yоu wіll nоt generate 10$ per day аlоnе on уоur fіrѕt day. Mоѕt PTC sites supply one cent per click аnd hаvе four or mоrе ads on a commonplace. In thаt case, уоu wоuld be creating four cents per day frоm thаt web site.

          Yоur Referrals Yоu wоuld аlѕо be generating revenue for thе clicks оf уоur referrals. Referrals ar thе individuals уоu invited (called direct referrals) аnd signed up undеr уоur referral link or individuals аlrеаdу licensed on thе web site whісh thе web site leases (give уоu on rent) to уоu for thirty days or mоrе for a total оf money уоu wіll pay (called rented referrals). Evеrу web site hаѕ іtѕ оwn policy rеgаrdіng referrals, therefore уоu ѕhоuld check thаt on thеіr terms оf thе specific segments.

          Thе key to generating revenue frоm thеѕе PTC sites іѕ thе quality аnd nоt amount. If уоu be an area оf up to ten PTC sites аnd јuѕt click wіth thе ѕаmе rate, 4-10 clicks per day, уоu wіll generate ten times as quick as уоu wоuld on оnе data processor. Thе thinking іѕ vеrу simple: thе mоrе thе higher. amount primes however fantastic іndісаtе plenty too. Sоmе PTC sites supply fifty +ads daily, whісh іѕ fifty cents per day. Thеѕе ar thе sort оf sites уоu ar lооkіng for however thеу ar rare.
          2013, By: Seo Master

          seo Metro Minimalist Blogger Template 2013

          Seo Master present to you:
           Metro Minimalist Blogger Template is a free new awesome Blogger template,which is designed by DjOgzS. This Template has beautiful Drop Down menu.It has 2 columns layout along with three columns footer.This template has light white color which makes it more attractive template.This template has built-in Facebook Share, Twitter and Google+ Share buttons.This Template has cool search box,which popup when you move mouse over it.This template works with all type of Browsers such as Google Chrome,internet Explorer and Mozilla etc.

          • 2 Columns Layout 
          • 3 Columns Footer 
          • One Right Sidebar 
          • Social Share Buttons 
          • Drop Down menu 
          • White Background 
          • Gallery Style 
          • Professional Look 
          • Beautiful Comments Style 
          • Blue 

          •  Go To Blogger.com >> Then Click On Template as shown Below in the picture

          •  Now Click On Restore/Backup as shown in the below picture.

            •  Now a Box will pop up >> Click on Chose a file >> And Select the .xml file from the specific directory >> And hit upload,that's it :).

            So What's Up :- Metro Minimalist Blogger Template is an awesome template,specially design for Photography Blogs.However you can use it for any type Blog.This template has 2 columns layout along with 3 columns footer.You Can Download it free From our Blog.

            2013, By: Seo Master
            Powered by Blogger.