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seo How To Add Mashable WordPress Style Social Subscription Form To Blogger/blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Adding Mashable WordPress Stylish Social Subscription Form Blogger/blog

This Tutorial All About How To Add Mashable WordPress Style Social Subscription Form To Blogger/blog.i Will Try that how we can Add This own blogger and Blog.
How To Add Mashable WordPress Style Social Subscription Form To Blogger/blog

Five Easy Steps Follow
  • Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
  • Click the drop-down menu and select "Layout".
  • Click on an "Add a Gadget" link.
  • Scroll and find "HTML/JavaScript".
  • Copy the code below and paste it inside the "Content Box".
<!--WordPress Style Social Subscription Form By www.www.matrixar.com-->

.Subscribe-BH h6{
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<p style="display:none;">Email Subscription box by<a href="http://www.www.matrixar.com/">Imtiaz Ahmed</a></p>

<div class="Subscribe-BH">

<h6 class='title'>Subscribe Now!</h6>

<div class="count">
<span class="bigcount">
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</span>  Learn Pro Tricks daily </div>

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<ul class="social">

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<div class="emailsub">
<div class="emailicon">
<p style=" width:240px;
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: normal;
font-family: Helvetica, Arial;
">Receive Quality Tutorials Straight in your Inbox   by submitting your Email ID below.</p>

<div class="email">
<form action="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="window.open('http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=imtiazbloggertrick', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true" class="emailform">

<input type="hidden" value="Bloggerheroe" name="uri" />
<input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US" /> <input type="text" onblur="if (this.value == &quot;&quot;) {this.value = &quot;Enter your email...&quot;;}" onfocus="if (this.value == &quot;Enter your email...&quot;) {this.value = &quot;&quot;}" value="Enter your email..." name="email" class="emailinput" /> <input type="submit" class="emailbutton" value="Submit" title='' /></form></div></div></div>
<!--WordPress Style Social Subscription Form By www.www.matrixar.com-->

Make these Some important changes This Code.

Please Change Only Highlights Codes Such as imtiazbloggertrick  and  itsimtiazforum

i Hope You Are Done It.. 2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Add Stylish Animated Blogger Recent Posts Widget 2013

Seo Master present to you: Adding Stylish Animated Blogger Recent Posts Widget

In This Post I Will help You How Add Recent post Widgets in Blogger/Blog Templates.This Tutorial all About blogger recent post.
How To Add Stylish Animated Blogger Recent Posts Widget

Three Easy Steps Follow.
  • Log in to blogger Design > Page Element. 
  • Click Add Gadget and select 'HTML/Javascript 
  •  Now Paste Below code.

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>    
    <style type="text/css" media="screen">     
    #spylist {    
    padding:0px 0px;     
    font-size:10px;  }

    #spylist ul{     
    list-style-type: none;     
    padding: 0px 0px;     
    margin:0px 0px;     
    #spylist li {     
    background: #1ed2f2;
    list-style-type: none;
    margin:0 0 5px 0px;
    padding:5px 5px 1px 10px !important;
    -webkit-transition:all 0.2s ease;-moz-transition:all 0.2s ease;-o-transition:all 0.2s ease;border: 0 none !important;-webkit-border-top-left-radius:40px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius:40px;-moz-border-radius-topleft:40px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright:40px;border-top-left-radius:40px;border-bottom-right-radius:40px;

    #spylist li:hover {
    background: #84f6f5;


    #spylist li a {    
    margin:0px 0px;     
    padding:0px 0px 2px 0px;     

    #spylist li img {     

    font-family:Tahoma,Arial,verdana, sans-serif;     
    padding:0px 0px;     
    margin:0px 0px;     
     <script language='JavaScript'>

    imgr = new Array();

    imgr[0] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";

    imgr[1] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";

    imgr[2] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";

    imgr[3] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";

    imgr[4] = "http://i43.tinypic.com/orpg0m.jpg";
    showRandomImg = true;

    boxwidth = 255;

    cellspacing = 6;

    borderColor = "#232c35";

    bgTD = "#000000";

    thumbwidth = 70;

    thumbheight = 70;

    fntsize = 12;

    acolor = "#666";

    aBold = true;

    icon = " ";

    text = "comments";

    showPostDate = false;

    summaryPost = 40;

    summaryFontsize = 10;

    summaryColor = "#666";

    icon2 = " ";

    numposts = 5;

    home_page = "http://www.matrixar.com/";



    <div id="spylist">
        <script src='http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/708209/scriptabufarhan/recentspy/recentpostthumbspy-min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
    </div><a style=" float:right;font-size:8px; color:#3B78CD; text-decoration:none;" href="hhh">Blogger widget</a>

  • Now After paste above code  
  • Replace http://www.matrixar.com/ with your Site URL 
  • Now save your HTML/Javascript'. 
i Hope You are done it. 2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cara Mudah Mengganti Password GMAIL Google 2013

Cara mudah mengganti password gmail Google - Setelah anda membuat gmail tentunya anda ingin agar akun anda ini tetap aman dari jangkauan para pembobol data di luar sana. Sebenarnya tidak ada jalan yang 100% bekerja untuk masalah yang satu ini, tapi satu hal yang bisa kita lakukan adalah dengan rutin mengubah password.

Perlu dicatat bahwa password yang sudah pernah digunakan sudah tidak


9 FAKTOR OPTIMASI SEO ONPAGE UNTUK BLOG - Apakah saudara punya blog yang sepinya minta ampun? Sudah capek blogwalking tapi pengunjungnya cuma segitu saja. Apakah anda bingung kenapa tidak ada sumbangan dari Search Engine seperti Google? Pertanyaan ini banyak dialami mereka yang baru pertama kali mencoba untuk blogging. Jadi mari kita coba melihat seberapa "cantik" blog anda di mata Google.


BLOKIR KLIK KANAN, TOMBOL, DAN SOROT TULISAN DICABUT - Setelah menerima beberapa masukan dari beberapa teman blogger (bahkan senior blogger) di form komentar, juga beberapa keluhan pengguna yang terhormat, dan makian dari tukang copas tidak tahu malu. Maka penggunaan fitur blokir klik kanan, tombol, dan sorot tulisan pun diputuskan untuk dilepas.....

Alasannya sederhana saja, pengunjung

seo [Download] Samsung PC Studio Free 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Samsung PC Studio

Samsung PC Studio Full

Here are some key characteristics of "Samsung PC Studio":

attachment manager:
· Allows you to select the attachment type for PC to telephone attachment.
· The connection types: USB, Bluetooth, Infrared or Serial.

Manage notes:
· organise short notes and multimedia notes.

organise contacts and more:
· permits you to get personal data kept in the Phone, such as phonebook and organizer and to add new data or delete and edit the saved data.

· Allows you to synchronize personal facts and figures facts and figures saved in the Phone and the facts and figures kept in the PC's individual facts and figures administration program.

move documents:
· Allows you to browse multimedia files kept in the Phone in the windows browser and to download files or to upload PC documents to the telephone.

Manage internet connections:
· permits you to get access to the Internet utilising the connected telephone as a modem apparatus.

create multimedia notes:
· create your own multimedia note and drive through your teleteletelephone.

Drag & Drop:
· All the chosen contents can be easily transferred amidst widgets and icons on the screen by pull & fall

very simple Start:
· very simple Start runs automatically when a wireless phone is attached to New PC Studio.
· It helps you step-by-step move or synchronize content amidst PC and mobile teletelephone.

revise melodies data:
· revise various melodies data like artist, genre, reconsider and etc. on newspapers supervisor widget.

Share content on the world wide web location (To Web):
· mail content of photos and videos to the web sites such as Flickr and YouTube by Drag&Drop.


· CPU : Pentium 600 MHz processor or higher (recommended)
· smallest memory(RAM)size : 512MB
· Free hard drive space : 200MB
· attachment methods : USB twisted cord or Bluetooth

Download : Samsung PC Studio

2013, By: Seo Master

seo [Download] Adguard Web Filter 5.5.590.3465 Crack 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Adguard Web Filter 5.5.590.3465

Adguard Web Filter 5.5.590.3465 Full Version

Here are some key characteristics of "Adguard Web Filter":

· Adguard eliminates antagonising publicity, reduces the sheet stacking time and saves your traffic.
· It works with all foremost browsers: Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.
· It blocks video ads, wealthy media and other non-standard types of ads. stops following by ad systems and counters.
· Adguard begins working right after setting up, requires no added preconfiguration and is frequently updated.

· Pentium 60 Mhz
· 16 MB ram
· 1 MB of free disk space

· 14 days trial 

Download : Adguard Web Filter 5.5.590.3465 Crack Serials Patch Keygen
 2013, By: Seo Master

seo [GET] Clickbank Cash Tsunami 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Clickbank Cash Tsunami

Clickbank Cash Tsunami

Let us show you how to make large sums of money without any investment needed.

Because of the no investment needed policy, you can spend a couple of hours a day on this at home after your 9-5 job and you’ll start seeing some very nice results.

In essence it’s a copy and paste research work, very simple and the more hours you put in the more dollars you will see on your monthly paycheck from Clickbank.

Download : Clickbank-cash-part1
Download : Clickbank-cash-part2
2013, By: Seo Master

seo [GET] Offline Email Doctor 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Offline Email Doctor

The Entire Offline Email Doctor System Is A 100% No Brainer Method. It Is A Method That Is Ideal For Any Newbie Offline Consultant Wanting To Make Money In This Field. This WSO Has The Perfect Solution You Can Provide For Business Owners, In Any Niche!

Offline Email Doctor

In the Swipe Files I show you EXACTLY what to say and how to go about getting these offline clients. These are easy to use Swipe files that will get your foot in door!

In this WSO I also show you how to implement this system, and take it one step further using a SECRET SOURCE - this secret source is a HUGE TIMESAVER and will amaze you..

Download : offline-Email-doctor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo [GET] 500 Subscribers Per Day Method 2013

Seo Master present to you:
500 Subscribers Per Day Method

500 Subscribers Per Day Method

The way he tells you to build your list! is a bit different from what other people on this forum do! I am very glad that i logged into the warrior forum this night and spotted this wso in the special offer section! For me this is the best wso in a long time! It is straight to the point! especially when your into list building! Super Great! Thumbs UP!!!! This could be the turning point for Me! hahaha! Greetings Gothilda

Download : 500-Subscriber
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add Floating Vertical Bar With Share Buttons To Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:
You may come across many blogs where a vertical floating bar with share button is present at the left side or right of the blog posts.This Floating Vertical Bar is actually a blogger widget which helps the blogger to get more Facebook page likes,twitter tweets,and stumbles etc.This widget is very useful for visitors to easily share your blog/website contents.This widget is already posted by many bloggers but actually that is static or something else,but the widget we are going to share is Floating Vertical Bar with The Beautiful Share Buttons.
Add Floating Vertical Bar With Share Buttons To Blogger
image Source Making Different

How To Add Floating Vertical Bar With Share Buttons To Blogger

Adding Vertical Floating Bar with Social Buttons To Blogger is very easy.You have to Copy a snippet of Code,and then you should have to add it into the HTML/JavaScript Box.However let's take a look on these steps.
  • Visit Blogger.com and sign in there.
  • Now Visit Blogger Dashboard.
  • Click On Layout
  • Now Click On Add a Widget/Gadget
  • Now a Box will popup 
  • Select HTML/JavaScript
  • Now Copy the Below Script and paste it into HTML/JavaScript Box.
<a href='http://www.matrixar.com'><img alt='Floating Vertical Bar With Share Buttons widget by ThatsBlogging' src='http://www.matrixar.com/_rKG-ziTSNUQ/TQ5eV0U0EiI/AAAAAAAACik/xo2eFaDbfrE/s1600/best+blogger+tips.png'/></a><div class="addthis_bar addthis_bar_vertical addthis_bar_large" style="background:#98A2A7; border: 1px solid #000000; top:120px;left:50px;">             <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">                 <span><a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="box_count"></a></span>                 <span><a class="addthis_button_tweet" tw:count="vertical"></a></span>                 <span><a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:size="tall"></a></span>                 <span><a class="addthis_counter"></a></span>             </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js"></script>

  • Now hit save and that's it !

Live Demo Of Vertical Bar with Social Share Buttons  

Tip For Bloggers:- Adding To many JavaScript Widgets will surely make your website/blog speed slow,so be careful,don,t add extra and useless JavaScript widgets To You Blog.Some Blogger just want to decorate his/her blog like bride.But actually its a great foolishness,because simplicity its self is beauty :)
What's Up:- You Add This To your Blog?You Already added this?You don,t want to add this to Your Blog?Any Question Related this Post?Ask Freely ,stay blessed,Happy Blogging.

Add Floating Vertical Bar With Share Buttons To Blogger
Last Reviewed by Iftikhar uddinon June 24 2013
Rating: 5
2013, By: Seo Master

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المصدر: المصفوفة

seo Top 10 social bookmarking site - seo tips 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Contact the site is primarily a social bookmarking.There are various categories of people. Many of the issues they are writing a paper. Pictures to share with all of friends.Different people share the links to various web sites.There exists a lot of traffic.You can join in here. I made ​​some friends. They share the link to your web site. From there, a lot of traffic coming to your web site.Join more days to get a good rank on the site.
I'll show you some of the site's name.

2. http://www.folkd.com/
3. http://blinklist.com/
4. http://www.plurk.com/

1. http://www.del.icio.us
2. http://www.fark.com
3. http://www.furl.net
4. http://www.bloghop.com
5. http://www.digg.com
6. http://www.palbe.net
7. http://www.icerocket.com
8. http://www.newsvine.com
9. http://www.stumbleupon.com
10. http://www.authorcontent.com

This is Top 10 social bookmarking site list . There are also thousands of sites. You can bring them into the traffic. thanks 
Our next lesson directory submission 
2013, By: Seo Master

seo What is Forum posting ? - seo optimization 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Forum posting is a very important issue for seo optimization. If you can do it right, the visitor will find many search engines as well.I was on here posting forum will discuss. The forum is a place to discuss. Where people discuss on various topics. A question, the answer to all the readers.All through the discussion forums on this site, your web site via the link, you will find a lot of traffic. They also increase your earnings.
Let's see how it goes. Enter the site as a forum forum.digitalpoint.com. Then the member. They know all the rules. You have to comply with the rules. With the daily running of their stay. 30 after posting a link to your Web site's URL.

The more days to get better ranked member of the forum. Forum postings as you can, you will get higher traffic.You can also increase your revenue.For more information visit our site daily.
Our next lesson is 
2013, By: Seo Master

seo 10 basic tips for SEO 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Monitor where you stand

You won't know if your SEO efforts are working unless you monitor your search standings. MarketingVox suggests that you keep an eye on your page rank with tools like Alexa and the Google toolbar. It's also important to check your referrer log regularly to track where your visitors are coming from and the search terms they're using to find your site, according to PC World.


You should be conscious of placing appropriate keywords throughout every aspect of your site: your titles, content, URLs, and image names. Think about your keywords as search terms -- how would someone looking for information on this topic search for it?
The title tag and page header are the two most important spots to put keywords, PC World notes.
BEWARE: Putting ridiculous amounts of keywords on your site will get you labeled as a spammer, and search engine spiders are programmed to ignore sites guilty of "keyword-stuffing." Be strategic in your keyword use.

Link back to yourself

There is probably no more basic strategy for SEO than the integration of internal links into your site -- it is an easy way to boost traffic to individual pages, SEO Consult says.
You should make it standard to link back to your archives frequently when creating new content. MarketingVox advises that you also make the anchor text search-engine-friendly: "The more relevant words point to a page, the more likely that page is to appear in search results when users run a query with those terms."
As with all other SEO approaches, be sure your links are appropriate, and be careful not to cross the line into excessive linking -- you don't want your visitors to get annoyed.

Create a sitemap

Adding a site map -- a page listing and linking to all the other major pages on your site -- makes it easier for spiders to search your site.
"The fewer clicks necessary to get to a page on your website, the better," advises MarketingVox.

Search-friendly URLs

Make your URLs more search-engine-friendly by naming them with clear keywords.
SEO Consult explains: "For instance, it’s easy to understand what ‘www.puppyfun.co.uk/puppyhealth/vitamins’ would contain. It’s less easy to understand if the in-house classification system of the business is used, for example ‘www.puppyfun.co.uk/11789/s201.htm’. A dynamic URL is similarly off-putting, even if it contains recognisable words: ‘www.puppyfun.co.uk/search/?s=”health”’.

Avoid Flash

Flash might look pretty, but it does nothing for your SEO. According to the Search Engine Journal, "Frames, Flash and AJAX all share a common problem – you can’t link to a single page... Don’t use Frames at all and use Flash and AJAX sparingly for best SEO results."
"If you absolutely MUST have your main page as a splash page that is all Flash or one big image, place text and navigation links below the fold," the post continues.

Image descriptions

Spiders can only search text, not text in your images -- which is why you need to make the words associated with your images as descriptive as possible.
Start with your image names: adding an "ALT" tag allows you to include a keyword-rich description for every image on your site. Perfect Optimization explains an easy way to do this.
The visible text around your images is valuable for SEO: MarketPosition suggests adding captions to all your pictures and being descriptive with the text in immediate physical proximity to your images.


Your content needs to be fresh -- updating regularly and often is crucial for increasing traffic.
"The best sites for users, and consequently for search engines, are full of oft-updated, useful information about a given service, product, topic or discipline," MarketingVox explains.
One way to ensure that your site gets new content on a frequent basis is to integrate a blog. "Get the owner or CEO blogging. It’s priceless!" the Search Engine Journal suggests. An executive blog is an excellent way to reach out to your clients, create more opportunities for internal and external linking, while giving your site a more personal voice.

Social media distribution

A CEO blog is just one element of social media distribution, an important SEO strategy according to SEO Consult. You should be distributing links to fresh content on your site across appropriate social networking platforms.
Whether displayed on your company's account, or recommended, re-tweeted, and re-distributed by someone else, this strategy exponentially muliplies the number of places where visitors will view your links.

Link to others

An easy way to direct more traffic to your site is by developing relationships with other sites.
PC World suggests that you personally ask the webmasters of well-respected sites if they'll include a link to your site on theirs. Be sure to return the favor -- then everyone wins!
Make certain that your partner has a good web-reputation, of course. MarketingVox warns against getting tied to a "link farm" whose bad SEO habits could bring you down.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Fridaygram: forests, skies, sunken wrecks 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

You know Street View as the cool Google Maps feature that gives you a peek at your destinations as you map them out. This week, Street View went off-road – way off, all the way to the Amazon Basin. Instead of streets, the Street View team photographed forests, villages, and rivers. The team used more than 50,000 photos to build the Amazon views, and the scenery is much more beautiful than most streets.

Tributary of the Rio Negro - View Larger Map

Speaking of places where there are no streets, take a look (and a listen) to this video of a day in the life of a Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) during a Space Shuttle launch. The video includes a 720p HD version, and the audio was cleaned up by Skywalker Sound to make it sound its finest.

Finally, check out these photos of the sunken Titanic published by National Geographic. This completes our tour of land, air, and sea. Now you can go and enjoy the outdoors yourself!

Once a week we post a Fridaygram, which has little to do with developer announcements and is just for fun. Each Fridaygram item must pass only one test: it has to be interesting to us nerds. Special congrats to the team at Skywalker Sound for resisting the urge to add anything to the SRB video.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Finding sites linking to your blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Finding sites which are linking to your blog is an easy thing. Everyone is interested in knowing which are the top inbound links for their blog and more linking to your sites means there are more ways of you to be discovered and more links on internet which redirects to your blog after a click. There are two ways which I use to find the Inbound links to my blog. 
  • Through Google Search. You can use the feature [link:<your blog address>] to find out the sites which have links to your blog. This is the basic and by far mostly used method. No need to account set up somewhere or to install any widget. Finding the inbound links is through this method as simple as Google search.
After performing the search, all the places are listed which directs to your blog. This is a better way of keeping records of how much you have inbound links. Getting good inbound links will increase your blog's ranking through search engines. 
  • Through Webmaster tool. Login to your Google webmaster account, Go to Traffic > Links to your site. You will get the 
  1. Total number of Links.
  2. Who links you the most.
  3. You most linked contents.
  4. How your data is linked. 
This is of my blogs stat of inbound links. 

On one hand, Direct Google search is a quick way of getting the inbound links to your website blog, while webmaster tool provides a detail to it. Both these ways are a good of Finding sites which are linking to your blog. They will help you in keeping track of it. More sites linking to your blog, its better. 


2013, By: Seo Master


Seo Master present to you:


Microsoft new big thing windows 8 said to the most secure operating system ever created by the Microsoft, by adding bulk of new tools and features. Despite of this we can crack windows password without any 3rd party tool. Although there are many tools available in the market to reset password but we will tell you the easier way and it take only ten using built in trouble shoot tools and some few directives of command prompt.


The trick was found Reboot.pro user Jamal Naji. We will discuss the trick how to do reset password in details.Windows crack comes down to just replacing the Ease of Access centre app (this process is called utilman.exe) with another copy of a Command Prompt file (cmd.exe).

WINDOWS 8 LOGIN PASSWORD HACKWhen you able to swap the System Recovery and rebooted, Windows 8 logins screen will be seen again. On login screen click the Ease of Access button shows on the bottom-left corner of the screen. When you click the Ease of Access button command prompt window will open,the command prompt has full admin privilege,means that will grant you full access to edit or modify many things like other users’ passwords.Reboot and restore both exe file to their previous states and With in ten minutes you crack windows which is the most secure windows of Microsoft  to date said by the Microsoft vice president during media breifing about windows 8.

This windows crack is not only work with windows 8 but also work for windows 7,xp and other windows version.Surprisingly Microsoft did not create any patch to secure this security hole until now.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo USB Safely Remove Full Version With Crack and Serial Key 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Friends, This is a software to manage USB devices plugged into your computer ,you can unplug your USB devices safely, easily and quickly without fear of damage and missing data on your USB device due to improper eject. USB Safely Remove will show you programs which prevent the device stopped and let you close these programs or just the files they opened on the device. This is a wonderful software. but also a paid software. You can download USB safely remove 5.2 from this site without any payment. Downloading link below. After download Read notepad file carefully. Use it and enjoy ………….

USB Safely Remove Full Version With Registration Key (www.matrixar.com)


Download USB Safely Remove Full Version With Crack And Serial Key: Click here (Alternate Link) OR Click here 


After cracking use Username & Registration key. If not  you can’t get a full version…..



User name : ADMIN@CRACK

Registration key (choose one):




Leave a comment if links are broken………… Download and enjoy……….

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Class projects and science on Google Code 2013

Seo Master present to you:

I'm always tickled when someone finds a creative use for one of our products that never even occurred to me. So when George K. Thiruvathukal told me that he is having his Open Source Practicum students use Google Code to host their projects for his class this semester, I had one of those "Why of course!" moments.

George is a Computer Science professor at Loyola University of Chicago (my alma mater!) and he felt that using Google Code would be an ideal way to introduce his students to open source best practices, software development tools, and collaborative software development at the same time--a perfect match for a class on writing open source software. He also had his students label their projects with comp412.cs.luc.edu, so he just has to search for label:comp412.cs.luc.edu on Google Code and he can quickly find out what his students have been up to (although maybe that's not so good if anyone has been procrastinating!).

But George had some other ideas--he also wrote an article for Computing in Science & Engineering (CiSE) magazine called Project Hosting: Expanding the Scientific Programmer's Toolbox (pdf). His article encourages scientists to consider sharing software in the manner that open source communities do, and he uses Project Hosting at Google Code as an example of how to do it.

I think that these are both great ideas and we'd love to see more classes and scientists using Google Code for their open source work. If you're using Google Code for something interesting or unusual (and open source!), be sure to let us know.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google makin serius dengan over optimasi seo 2013

Sejak awal dan pertengahan maret 2012 pihak google makin serius mengawasi website atau blog yang terlalu over optimasi. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa salah satu pegawai google kaspar szymanski yang khusus mengawasi aktivitas spam juga sudah mewanti-wanti akan kegiatan kontes seo yang terlalu menggunakan real keyword atau yang dipakai umumnya oleh pencari info di google.Namun google juga tidak bisa

seo Google Adsense Account Approval Fast Trick 2013 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Google Adsense Account Approval Fast Trick 2013
Google Adsense Account Approval Fast Trick 2013

Today we Will Learn How To Approved Google Adsense account.

  • Simple 5 Steps Only

  1. Create g mail Account
  2. Go To This Site Dockstock.com
  3. Create Free account
  4. Upload PDF Files 5 to 6
  5. Now apply Adsense
With In 2 Hours your Account Will b Approved.

i Hope dear Friends You Understand.

Join Me On Facebook

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Add Your Blog to Google Search Engine for Better Traffic 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Among all the search engine google is the best in all aspects. It’s user & number of indexed page is higher than the others. If you submit your blog to google search engine it will be helpful for your blog to generate more traffic. Here I will informed you about the very simple process of adding your blog to google search engine. Steps are as Bellow:

1.      Open Google Search Page & Type "google blog submission" then press enter.


2.      You will see the result shown in above picture. Click in this link of the image.


  1. You will see the result like the above image. Put your blog URL in Your blog's address box & Click the Submit Blog Button. After that you will get a message "Thanks for sharing your Blog".
  2. You are Done!!! 

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Now You Can Watch TV, Anytime...Anywhere! 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Entertainment has changed considerably over the years, with technology taking on many different forms. The Internet is being used to earn an income, play games and research anything your heart desires. You can easily download programs and applications that promise to improve your lifestyle and of course stores offer their products, at any hour of the day or night. Television still commands a huge chunk of our time, so it is not surprising that we can either stream or watch recorded programs on our personal computer.


           Because our busy lifestyles may not always allow us the time to sit in front of the television, not to mention the different shows that come on at the same time, colliding with each other, most of the major networks have made it possible for viewers to watch TV shows on their websites. This opportunity to watch TV on your PC requires nothing but an Internet connection.

Scanning the globe:

           We all enjoy having choices when sitting down to watch TV and that is probably why there are so many cable channels available to us. Part of the problem with many channels is that we have to settle down and make a choice as to which one to watch. WWITV.com is one of those television opportunities where the choices are extensive, covering many countries, not just stations and requires nothing more than an Internet connection.

More opportunities:

            Another option that requires nothing but a computer and an Internet connection (preferably wide band) is Hulu.com. Since 2007, this television alternative has taken Internet TV one step further and also offers full length movies. The basic FREE service provides viewers with many television shows, however, some of the most popular television shows, require that you pay a nominal monthly fee.

Streaming it:

           Television fanatics will probably appreciate the option provided by WatchTVonPC.tv, if nothing else, the choices are endless. With upwards of 12,000 channels to choose from, all for a one time fee of less than $100.00, viewers can get rid of their expensive cable bill and watch streaming television from all over the world. There will be some software to install and the moment your membership is accepted (when payment is received) you will be well on your way to watching TV on your PC.

Free and clear:

          The final option we will consider today is an external TV tuner. This little invention starts from around $30.00 and can easily get up to $200.00. The basic equipment comes with a USB connector on one side and the ability to attach an antenna on the other. The initial cost may seem a little high, but when you realize that you will no longer have to pay for cable, it will all make sense.

Author Bio:

This has been a guest post from Jayvee at Australia's TV on PC website. if you'd like to know more about how to watch telvision shows on your computer, check it out!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google Through Google Webmaster Tools 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Submitting sitemap to Google is the best way to increase your traffic. It means to send request to search engine for the indexation of your blog's all posts and pages in search engine. Google is the most popular search engine and number of WebPages indexed by Google is uncountable. To make Google find, index and rank your site you need to submit your sitemap of your site to Google Webmaster Tools. Google Webmaster is a good SEO tool you may know. You could also keep track of your sites statistics with the help of Google Webmaster Tools. As a new blogger you may not know how to submit your blogger sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools. Here I am trying to show how you can submit your Blogger blog to the giant search Engine – Google through Google Webmaster Tools.

Steps are as Bellow:

  1. Sign in to Webmaster Tools with your Gmail id and password.

Google webmaster tools
Google Webmaster Tools
  1. Click on any of your blog which's sitemap you want to submit.
  2. Click 'Optimization' and then go to 'Sitemaps'.
  3. Click on "Add/Test Sitemap".
    Add sitemap
  4. Use http://YOURBLOGNAME.blogspot.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 as your blogger sitemap; where red section is the name of your blog.
  5. Copy and paste the blue section of your sitemap in the space provided.
  6. Click on Submit Sitemap and refresh the page. You are done!!!
Sitemap of your Blog is submitted to google through google webmaster tools. Your webpages are now submitted and waiting to be indexed.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo UIP คือ อะไร ? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
วันนี้เรามาพูดถึงเรื่อง UIP คืออะไร กันดีกว่าเข้าใจว่ายังมีหลายคนที่ยังไม่รู้ และอยากจะรู้ หรืออาจจะมีบางคนที่รู้แล้ว แต่อาจจะลืมไปแล้วก็ได้ วันนี้เลยถือโอกาสทบทวน หรืออธิบายสั้นๆง่ายครับ ว่า UIP ย่อมาจาก Unique IP หรือไม่ก็ UIP หมายความว่า ตัวบ่งชี้ปริมาณ หรือจำนวนผู้เยี่ยมชมเว็บไซต์ โดยการประมวลจาก IP Address ของผู้เยี่ยมชมเว็บไซต์ที่ไม่เหมือนกันในช่วงเวลาหนึ่งๆ เช่น จำนวน IP Address ของผู้เยี่ยมชมเว็บไซต์ที่ไม่ซ้ำกันในเวลา วัน เดือน ปี ตามลำดับ ซึ่งจะได้จำนวนรวม หรือตัวเลข ผู้เยี่ยมชมเว็บไซต์ไกล้เคียงกับความเป็นจริงมากที่สุด เช่น UIP รายวัน มีค่า 200 คือ ตัวเลข IP ของคนเข้าเยี่ยมชม หรือแวะเวียนมาดูเว็บไซต์ไม่ซํ้ากันในวันนี้ 200 คน เป็นต้น2013, By: Seo Master


Cara memasang lagu di blog yang otomatis diputar sebenarnya sangat mudah. Lagu atau musik yang terpasang ini tentunya akan menjadi bentuk ekspresi dari sang blogger. Hanya saja perlu diperhatikan ukuran dari halaman blog anda. Jangan sampai halaman blog anda menjadi terlalu berat.

Tapi sebelum anda melakukan itu sebaiknya buat pertimbangan juga apa itu tidak mengganggu pengunjung blog anda

seo Google: Sorry We Accidentally Penalized Your Site 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Yesterday, Digg was completely delisted from Google's search index. Some thought it was an issue with their robots.txt file, some thought it was a Google bug and some had no idea what to think.
What was it? Google accidentally penalized the whole site. Yes, it was an accident.
Matt Cutts, Google's head of search spam, said on Hacker News, "we were tackling a spammer and inadvertently took action on the root page of digg.com."
Google released an official statement as well:
We're sorry about the inconvenience this morning to people trying to search for Digg. In the process of removing a spammy submitted link on Digg.com, we inadvertently applied the webspam action to the whole site. We're correcting this, and the fix should be deployed shortly.
Shortly after, someone responded to Matt on Hacker News asking, "if this would happen to a less popular site, what chances does a site-owner have of getting attention to this problem, and getting it fixed?"
Forum discussion at Hacker News.
2013, By: Seo Master
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