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seo Make your websites run faster, automatically -- try mod_pagespeed for Apache 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Last year, as part of Google’s initiative to make the web faster, we introduced Page Speed, a tool that gives developers suggestions to speed up web pages. It’s usually pretty straightforward for developers and webmasters to implement these suggestions by updating their web server configuration, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and images. But we thought we could make it even easier -- ideally these optimizations should happen with minimal developer and webmaster effort.

So today, we’re introducing a module for the Apache HTTP Server called mod_pagespeed to perform many speed optimizations automatically. We’re starting with more than 15 on-the-fly optimizations that address various aspects of web performance, including optimizing caching, minimizing client-server round trips and minimizing payload size. We’ve seen mod_pagespeed reduce page load times by up to 50% (an average across a rough sample of sites we tried) -- in other words, essentially speeding up websites by about 2x, and sometimes even faster.

(Video comparison of the AdSense blog site with and without mod_pagespeed)

Here are a few simple optimizations that are a pain to do manually, but that mod_pagespeed excels at:

  • Making changes to the pages built by the Content Management Systems (CMS) with no need to make changes to the CMS itself,
  • Recompressing an image when its HTML context changes to serve only the bytes required (typically tedious to optimize manually), and
  • Extending the cache lifetime of the logo and images of your website to a year, while still allowing you to update these at any time.

We’re working with Go Daddy to get mod_pagespeed running for many of its 8.5 million customers. Warren Adelman, President and COO of Go Daddy, says:

"Go Daddy is continually looking for ways to provide our customers the best user experience possible. That's the reason we partnered with Google on the 'Make the Web Faster' initiative. Go Daddy engineers are seeing a dramatic decrease in load times of customers' websites using mod_pagespeed and other technologies provided. We hope to provide the technology to our customers soon - not only for their benefit, but for their website visitors as well.”

We’re also working with Cotendo to integrate the core engine of mod_pagespeed as part of their Content Delivery Network (CDN) service.

mod_pagespeed integrates as a module for the Apache HTTP Server, and we’ve released it as open-source for Apache for many Linux distributions. Download mod_pagespeed for your platform and let us know what you think on the project’s mailing list. We hope to work with the hosting, developer and webmaster community to improve mod_pagespeed and make the web faster.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Turbocharging web sites with new PageSpeed Service optimizations 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Rahul Bansal and Kishore Simbili, PageSpeed Team

We spend a lot of time working to make the web faster. Last year, we introduced PageSpeed Service, an online service that automatically speeds up loading of web pages.

We are constantly working on new optimizations (rewriters) that can make pages load even faster. Along these lines, we are introducing a new rewriter called "Cache and Prioritize Visible Content". This rewriter enables users to start interacting with the web page and consuming the content much sooner. It accomplishes this by optimizing the page as a whole using the following web page-aware techniques and with minimal configuration needed:
  • Make HTML cacheable. Typically, most web pages are not cached because they contain small amounts of personalized information or other non-cacheable data. This rewriter separates the non-cacheable portions from the HTML and enables caching for the rest of the content on PageSpeed servers. When the page is loaded, PageSpeed servers send the cacheable parts immediately while non-cacheable parts are fetched from the origin server & patched into the browser later.
  • Prioritize visible content rendering. Rendering of a modern web page requires several network resources, but not all of them are needed right away. This rewriter automatically determines and prioritizes the content that is above the fold of the browser, so that it doesn’t have to compete with the rest of the page.
  • Defer Javascript. JavaScript execution is deferred until page load so that it doesn’t block rendering of visible content.

Early deployment of these techniques has shown significant improvements in user-perceived page load times. Below is a filmstrip view that compares the loading of pages on Power Line, a US-based political commentary website.

Joe Malchow, Publisher of Power Line says "With this rewriter the most important bytes, our content, load first and fast. To our readers, Power Line appears to be completely instantaneous, prompting deeper and lengthier reading sessions and more profound engagement with the site."

This rewriter works best when the page content is mostly generated on the server rather than via Javascript and only small portions of it are personalized. To see how this rewriter would benefit your site, you can check it out here. If you are satisfied with the results, you can sign up for PageSpeed Service here. If you already use PageSpeed Service, you can find more details about enabling this rewriter here. This rewriter will also be available to App Engine users of PageSpeed Service in the near future.

Rahul Bansal and Kishore Simbili are Software Engineers on Google’s PageSpeed Team in Bangalore, India, which is dedicated to making the web faster.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Page Speed Service: Web performance, delivered. 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Ram Ramani, Engineering Manager

Update 7/29/11: We were notified of a bug in the measurement tool that sometimes causes incorrect measurements. If your results indicated a slowdown on your pages, please run the tests again, and make sure you specify a fully qualified domain such as www.example.com. We apologize for any inconvenience and confusion this may have caused.

Measurement tests run for bare domains (such as example.com, without the prefix www) previously indicated that pages were loading more slowly, rather than speeding up, when using Page Speed Service. The test results page now prominently notifies you of this when you visit this page, if this error applies to you. Please check your old measurement results page if this bug applies to you. Running the tests again with the fully qualified domain such as www.example.com usually fixes the issue and gives you the correct measurement.

Two years ago we released the Page Speed browser extension and earlier this year the Page Speed Online API to provide developers with specific suggestions to make their web pages faster. Last year we released mod_pagespeed, an Apache module, to automatically rewrite web pages. To further simplify the life of webmasters and to avoid the hassles of installation, today we are releasing the latest addition to the Page Speed family: Page Speed Service.

Page Speed Service is an online service that automatically speeds up loading of your web pages. To use the service, you need to sign up and point your site’s DNS entry to Google. Page Speed Service fetches content from your servers, rewrites your pages by applying web performance best practices, and serves them to end users via Google's servers across the globe. Your users will continue to access your site just as they did before, only with faster load times. Now you don’t have to worry about concatenating CSS, compressing images, caching, gzipping resources or other web performance best practices.

In our testing we have seen speed improvements of 25% to 60% on several sites. But we know you care most about the numbers for your site, so check out how much Page Speed Service can speed up your site. If you’re encouraged by the results, please sign up. If not, be sure to check back later. We are diligently working on adding more improvements to the service.

At this time, Page Speed Service is being offered to a limited set of webmasters free of charge. Pricing will be competitive and details will be made available later. You can request access to the service by filling out this web form.

Ram Ramani is an Engineering Manager on the Make the Web Faster Team in Bangalore, India. He is a believer in "Faster is better".

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo EdgeCast Networks makes the web faster with Google’s mod_pagespeed 2013

Seo Master present to you:
by Joshua Marantz, Google PageSpeed Team, and Hayes Kim, EdgeCast Networks

At Google we want the whole web to be faster. We've built a fast browser, improved image encodings, developed better network protocols, and provided PageSpeed tools and optimization libraries. In November 2010, we launched mod_pagespeed, an open-source Apache module that speeds up web sites by rewriting HTML, JavaScript, CSS and images to reduce size, eliminate HTTP requests, and improve browser performance.

mod_pagespeed adoption is growing rapidly. Now EdgeCast Networks, one of the world’s largest CDN operators, has integrated mod_pagespeed into the core of its content delivery network and is making it available as an option in its Application Delivery Network (ADN) service offering.

Hayes Kim, EdgeCast Senior Product Manager, had this to say: "Edgecast has integrated mod_pagespeed alongside our HTTP engine and deployed this to our ADN edge locations worldwide. Our solution enables optimizations in real-time and local to the end user, leveraging the full compute capacity of our edge nodes. We leverage the local edge caches for the unoptimized resources and then cache the subsequent optimized resources processed by mod_pagespeed. EdgeCast's integration can speed up millions of websites either served directly by EdgeCast or indirectly through hosting providers using our technology."

Hayes says that early results show up to a 77% pageview performance improvement when leveraging the ADN service with mod_pagespeed, and a 33% performance improvement from mod_pagespeed alone.

Gogotech, an e-commerce solution provider, has been evaluating EdgeCast's ADN and edge optimizer services, with promising results so far. "This solution looks to be a strong contender for further improving our offerings to Gogotech clients, and we are looking forward to seeing it develop," said Alex Bolduc, IT Director at Gogotech.

The following images and this video show how mod_pagespeed and EdgeCast's ADN are speeding up a Gogotech site.

comparative graph showing improvement with pagespeed

You can find more details about EdgeCast's mod_pagespeed integrated offerings here. And you can find information on Google’s PageSpeed technologies and tools here.

Joshua Marantz is a Software Engineer on Google’s Pagespeed Automatic team in Cambridge, MA, which is dedicated to making the web faster for everyone. Josh has been working on making software run fast for several decades, at Google and before that on accelerated chip simulation.

Hayes Kim has over eleven years of product development and leadership experience in online advertising, e-commerce, web acceleration, and social media. At EdgeCast, Hayes manages the development of the core HTTP technology that powers the CDN and Application Delivery Network.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Make your website faster with PageSpeed Insights 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Author Photo

By Libo Song and Bryan McQuade,
PageSpeed Insights Team

A year ago, we released a preview of the PageSpeed Insights Chrome Developer Tools extension, which analyzes the performance of web pages and provides suggestions to make them faster. Today, we’re releasing version 2.0 of the PageSpeed Insights extension, available in the Chrome Web Store. PageSpeed Insights analyzes all aspects of a web page load and points out the specific things you can do to make your page faster. For instance, PageSpeed Insights can inform you about an expensive JavaScript call that blocks the renderer for too long, remind you about that new photo on the front page of your web site that you might have forgotten to resize or optimize, or recommend changing the way you load third-party content so it no longer blocks the page load.

PageSpeed Insights for Chrome is a Developer Tools extension that analyzes all aspects of the page load, including resources, network, DOM, and the timeline. If you're already familiar with the Developer Tools, you'll find that PageSpeed Insights integrates with a toolset you're already using.

Using technologies like Native Client, PageSpeed Insights is able to run the open-source PageSpeed Insights SDK securely and with the performance of native code. Leveraging the Insights SDK enables the Chrome extension to automatically optimize the images, CSS, JavaScript and HTML resources on your web page and provide versions of those resources that you can easily deploy on your website.

We hope you’ll give PageSpeed Insights for Chrome a try and start optimizing your web pages today. We’d love to hear from you, as always. Please try PageSpeed Insights for Chrome, and give us feedback on our mailing list with questions, comments, and new features you’d like to see.

Libo Song and Bryan McQuade are Software Engineers on the Google PageSpeed Insights Team in Cambridge, MA. They focus on developing tools to help site owners understand how to speed up their sites.

Posted by Ashleigh Rentz, Editor Emerita
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Page Speed for ads and trackers 2013

Seo Master present to you: At Google, we're passionate about making the web faster. To help web page owners optimize their pages for speed, we open-sourced the Page Speed web performance tool a year ago. Today, we're excited to launch a new Page Speed feature: Page Speed for ads, such as display and rich media ads, and trackers, also known as analytics.

Page Speed now enables developers to run a performance analysis of the ads, the trackers, or the remaining content of the page. Web developers can use Page Speed to determine how ads and trackers impact the performance of their web pages, and ad and tracker providers can use this feature to tune their services for speed.

For instance, when analyzing an example web page, Page Speed displays several suggestions that we can apply to make the page faster:

But which of these suggestions applies to the content on the page that we authored? Which apply to the ads and trackers? Using the "Analyze"menu, we can determine that, in this example, the ads are contributing to slowing down the page:

When we switch to analyze the content of the page, the score for the page improves to 93. We can in this case enable compression for the resource that is served uncompressed currently.

We hope that you try these and other new features and rules of Page Speed and find them useful to further optimize the speed of your web pages.

Please share your experience using this new feature in our discussion forum.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Speed up your sites with PageSpeed for Nginx 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Jeff Kaufman, Software Engineer, Make the Web Faster Team

When we released mod_pagespeed in 2010, we gave webmasters a way to speed up their sites without needing to become web performance optimization experts. As an Apache module, however, it was unavailable to sites running Nginx, the popular high performing open source web server that powers many large web sites. Today that changes: we're releasing PageSpeed Beta for Nginx, aka ngx_pagespeed.

Running as a module inside Nginx, ngx_pagespeed rewrites your webpages to make them faster for your users. This includes compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript, extending cache lifetimes, and many other web performance best practices. All of mod_pagespeed's optimization filters are now available to Nginx users.

ngx_pagespeed logo
After three months of alpha testing on hundreds of sites, ngx_pagespeed has proven its ability to serve production traffic. It's ready for beta, and it's ready for you to start using it on your site.

MaxCDN, a content delivery network provider, recently published a blog post on their experience testing ngx_pagespeed: “With PageSpeed enabled, we shaved 1.57 seconds from our average page load, dropped our bounce rate by 1%, and our exit percentage by 2.5%. In sum, we squeezed out extra performance with nothing but a few extra lines in our nginx config files... We are continuing to test the module with the PageSpeed team, and our goal is to make it available across our CDN and to all of our customers – stay tuned!”

ZippyKid, a popular WordPress hosting provider, is also one of the early beta testers of ngx_pagespeed: “PageSpeed for ZippyKid is the world’s first WordPress optimization service powered by ngx_pagespeed, designed to automatically apply web performance best practices to deliver fast WordPress sites. Our benchmarks indicate that PageSpeed for ZippyKid will deliver up to a 75% reduction in page sizes and a 50% improvement in page rendering speeds.”

Development of ngx_pagespeed is open source, with contributions by developers from Google, Taobao, We-Amp, and many other individual volunteers. Thanks everyone for helping us reach the Beta milestone!

To start using ngx_pagespeed, follow the installation instructions on GitHub.

Jeff Kaufman works on PageSpeed, an open-source server module that helps make the web faster, and is interested in experiment measurement. He also plays for contra dances, organizes other dances, and blogs about dancing, giving, and tech.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo PageSpeed Service makes mobile sites faster 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Ram Ramani, Engineering Manager

PageSpeed Service (PSS) is an online service to speed up the rendering of your web pages by rewriting and serving them through Google. While PSS’s optimization techniques benefit most platforms and browsers, today I’d like to focus on some of the PSS rewriters that are especially effective on mobile web pages. PageSpeed Service optimizes the web pages in such a way that users can start viewing and interacting with your pages as soon as possible.

Prioritize Critical CSS: To avoid page reflows, modern browsers do not render pages until the CSS is downloaded and parsed. These CSS files are often tens of KBs because they include all the styles needed for the entire site. These blocking requests are especially bad on mobile devices, where network round trip times are high. The Prioritize Critical CSS rewriter speeds up rendering by identifying the minimal CSS required to render that page and including it in the HTML file. This not only saves an extra round trip to download additional files but also reduces the CPU consumed by the browser. Finally, a reference to the original CSS file is included at the end of the page to lazy-load the non-critical CSS.

Defer JavaScript: The HTML specification requires the browser to stop, download, and execute each synchronous JavaScript file before proceeding to build and render the page - this requirement can significantly slow down rendering. PSS circumvents this behavior by rewriting the HTML to defer execution of all JavaScript until after the page is first rendered. This benefits pages that are mostly rendered via HTML markup rather than JavaScript.

Optimize Images: Mobile screens are almost always smaller than their desktop counterparts. Large, high quality images translate to excessive bytes on the wire, slowing down page loads. PSS can resize images on the server to fit required dimensions and re-compress them to the optimal format, without perceptible visual loss. For very large images above the fold, PSS can also inline a low quality preview image for initial rendering. Once the rest of the page content loads, it is replaced by the original image, creating a seamless experience. Furthermore, images below the fold can be lazy-loaded, which prevents them from competing with the rest of the page load.

PageSpeed Service includes several rewriters that speed up the rendering of web pages. Using PageSpeed Service, the mobile pages of TopNewsToday and Net1News are now 61% faster and 68% faster respectively. Alex Tsvetanov of TopNews Today says, “With Google PageSpeed Service, we increased our unique visitors and total pageviews by 100%, while reducing our bounce rate by 30%”. Massimo Romanello, CEO of Net1News says, "Thanks to Google PageSpeed Service, we have been able to reach 200,000 unique daily visitors with the same existing infrastructure and have made our site one of the quickest in the news sector".

PageSpeed takes just a few minutes to set up and requires no code changes on your site. Check out how much PageSpeed can speed up your site. I encourage you to try out these features by signing up for PageSpeed Service and letting us know what you think at page-speed-service-discuss@googlegroups.com.

Ram Ramani is an Engineering Manager on the Make the Web Faster Team in Mountain View. He is a believer in "Faster is better".

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add SPDY support to your Apache server with mod_spdy 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Author Photo
Author Photo

By Matthew Steele and Bryan McQuade,
PageSpeed Insights Team

At Google, we strive to make the whole web fast. Our work in this area includes PageSpeed, Google Chrome, and the SPDY protocol, among other efforts. In December of 2011, to make it easy for you to enable the SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY") protocol on your sites, we released an early beta of mod_spdy, an Apache module that adds SPDY support to the Apache HTTPD server. We’ve spent the last few months working with our early adopters to fix bugs and tune performance of the module. Today, we’re launching a version of mod_spdy that we encourage you to try on your web server.

Installing mod_spdy

To install mod_spdy on your Apache 2.2 server, simply download the appropriate mod_spdy Debian or RPM package for your platform, or compile from source. Once installed, your Apache server will begin using SPDY to communicate with SPDY-compatible browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Android, and recent versions of Firefox). SPDY runs over HTTPS, so any HTTP (non-HTTPS) traffic on your site will not be affected by mod_spdy. Further, since SPDY requires server-side support for the NPN TLS HTTPS extension, which is not available in most current Apache environments, a version of mod_ssl with NPN support is included with the mod_spdy packages.

Enabling SPDY for your site improves performance in several ways:
  • The server and browser can compress HTTP headers, saving bytes on the network.
  • Multiple resource requests can be multiplexed over a single TCP connection, saving connections on the network.
  • The browser can request all page resources at once instead of a few at a time, which reduces the number of network round-trips needed between server and client.
We've tested mod_spdy using locally-mirrored pages from popular websites, and have seen significant speedups compared to serving via plain HTTPS – comparable to the gains that Google’s own servers achieve by using SPDY – with no extra configuration and negligible effect on Apache’s CPU and memory usage. In extreme cases, for example, pages with many small resources, we’ve seen mod_spdy reduce load times by more than 50%.

How mod_spdy works in Apache

Implementing SPDY in Apache posed several interesting challenges. For example, multiplexing is an important performance feature of SPDY which allows for multiple requests in a single SPDY session to be processed concurrently, and their responses interleaved down the wire. However, due to the serialized nature of the HTTP/1.1 protocol, the Apache HTTP server provides a one-request-per-connection architecture. Apache’s connection and request processing normally happens in a single thread, like so:

single thread

This works well for HTTP, but it presents a problem for multiplexed protocols like SPDY because in this flow, each connection can only process one request at a time. Once Apache starts processing a request, control is transferred to the request handler and does not return to the connection handler until the request is complete.

To allow for SPDY multiplexing, mod_spdy separates connection processing and request processing into different threads. The connection thread is responsible for decoding SPDY frames and dispatching new SPDY requests to the mod_spdy request thread pool. Each request thread can process a different HTTP request concurrently. The diagram below shows the high-level architecture.

multiple threads

Happily, all this is almost completely invisible to users and server administrators alike--you can continue to use your existing Apache modules and configurations.

Download mod_spdy for your platform and give it a try, and let us know what you think on our mailing list. mod_spdy is an open-source project and we welcome contributions. We are continuing to add new features, tune performance, and improve support for up-and-coming versions of the SPDY protocol.

Matthew Steele and Bryan McQuade are Software Engineers on the Google PageSpeed Insights Team in Cambridge, MA. When not working on mod_spdy, they focus on developing tools to help site owners understand how to speed up their sites.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo CSS: fast to load, easy to maintain 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Matt Atterbury and Joshua Marantz, Pagespeed Automatic Team

Fast web pages are important, but so are maintainable ones. For example, CSS @import helps web designers modularize the implementation of their sites. The drawback to using @import is performance. Each @import is a new HTTP request, and every level of @import costs an additional serial round-trip between browser and server, since the browser does not know the URI of the imported CSS file until it downloads, parses, and executes the file that’s importing it. Here’s a waterfall diagram of a simple HTML page that uses @import to load a CSS file that includes a background image:

Web designers deserve the same benefits enjoyed by programmers, who get to use optimizing compilers and other tools to employ modularity without sacrificing performance. Driving toward this goal, we recently announced mod_pagespeed, which supports the new feature flatten_css_imports.

Using this feature, the same web page is automatically optimized by flattening the imported CSS files into their parent. This reduces the number of HTTP requests, and more importantly, the number of serial round trips. In this case, the small background image also got inlined into the combined CSS file, reducing the serial round-trip count by 2:

This feature is especially useful to WordPress users with child themes that override their parent theme (http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes) because that feature uses @imports. But every web page and web user benefits from CSS that’s fast and well-structured, so if you’re an Apache administrator, download mod_pagespeed today and read more on our code site.

Matt Atterbury and Joshua Marantz are Software Engineers on Google’s Pagespeed Automatic team in Cambridge, MA, which is dedicated to making the web faster for everyone. When not coding, Matt is probably on his bike. Josh has been working on making software run fast for several decades, at Google and before that on accelerated chip simulation.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo SiteGround, IISpeed and Google Chrome make the web faster with PageSpeed 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Ilya Grigorik, Developer Advocate and Web Performance Engineer

At Google we want the whole web to be faster, and there is no better way to achieve this goal than through helping our partners, both commercial and open-source, to deliver web optimization products to their users and clients. The PageSpeed Optimization Libraries, which are developed as part of our Make the Web Faster initiative, are a cornerstone of this strategy, enabling a growing list of products and integrations, developed both inside and outside Google.

SiteGround, a popular web hosting provider, announced mod_pagespeed support to their customers: "SuperCacher plugin is the first and only plugin that fully integrates Google’s mod_pagespeed with cPanel. Simply put, mod_pagespeed speeds up your site and reduces page load time automatically, with no additional knowledge required on the users’ side. It also optimizes your website for mobile view and for better browser rendering."

SiteGround PageSpeed control panel

With SiteGround, you can enable PageSpeed optimizations on your site with one click. Then, you can hand-tune and configure your site to match your specific needs through advanced customizations provided by mod_pagespeed.

However, that’s not all. The portfolio of PageSpeed integrations continues to expand:
  • The We-AMP team has announced a beta release of IISpeed, which enables PageSpeed web content optimization within the Microsoft IIS web server. "IIS and ASP.NET are very popular technologies on the web, powering millions of websites, and we are excited to bring the full power of PageSpeed optimization to the Windows platform," said Otto van der Schaaf and Kees Spoelstra.
  • Thanks to open-source contributions, mod_pagespeed is now integrated with CPanel and WHM, an easy-to-use server control and management panel for web hosts and website owners.
  • Google Chrome has adapted PageSpeed to power the recently announced Chrome data compression proxy, which significantly reduces data usage and speeds up page load times on cellular networks.
To find out how to leverage PageSpeed on your site or service, or how to integrate the open source PageSpeed Optimization Libraries into your own product, visit the PageSpeed site.

Ilya Grigorik is a Developer Advocate and Web Performance Engineer at Make the Web Faster.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing Page Speed mobile analysis, on Google Chrome for Android 2013

Seo Master present to you:

By Libo Song and Matthew Hillyard, Software Engineers

Nearly a year ago, we launched Page Speed for Chrome, which has enabled Chrome users to get Page Speed performance suggestions to make their desktop sites faster. Today, we are releasing an update to Page Speed for Chrome that supports mobile Page Speed analysis via Chrome for Android. With Page Speed for Chrome and Chrome for Android, you can perform Page Speed analysis on the mobile version of your web pages, as they are loaded in the Chrome for Android mobile browser.

Many web sites serve mobile-specific versions of their pages. Often, the mobile pages have very different Page Speed scores and Page Speed reports from their desktop counterparts. Page Speed on Chrome for Android makes it easy to analyze both the desktop and mobile versions of your web pages, so you can be sure that your pages load faster for the users of both your desktop and mobile sites.

When analyzing the mobile version of pages, Page Speed for Chrome tunes its analysis to reflect the unique performance characteristics of mobile devices and networks, suggesting the optimizations that will have the biggest impact on reducing load times for your mobile users. Using the powerful Chrome Developer Tools Extension APIs, Page Speed for Chrome can identify renderer performance optimizations that are especially relevant on mobile, such as removing unnecessary reflows and finding long-running scripts that slow down your pages. Page Speed for Chrome will also automatically minify and optimize your HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and image files and make them available for you to download, so you can easily deploy them on your web server.

To get started using Page Speed on Chrome for Android:
  • Follow the instructions to install the Page Speed for Chrome extension on your desktop Chrome browser.
  • Enable remote debugging in Chrome running on your Android device.
  • Navigate to the remote Chrome Developer Tools page in your desktop browser (localhost:9222) .
  • Select one of the Chrome tabs running on your Android device.
In addition to the full Chrome Developer Tools, you will see Page Speed in the Developer Tools panel. Click the Page Speed icon to switch to the Page Speed tab, then click Run Page Speed to generate mobile Page Speed suggestions for the web page that’s loaded on your Android device.

Page Speed screen shot

We hope you’ll give Page Speed for Chrome on Android a try. Please send us feedback via our discussion list and let us know what features you’d like to see us to add next. You may also be interested in watching our recent Google I/O talk on Page Speed performance best practices for mobile web sites.

Libo Song is a software engineer at Google Boston working on the Page Speed team to make the web faster.

Matthew Hillyard worked on the Page Speed team as an intern. He has since graduated with a Master’s degree in computer science from Johns Hopkins University and currently is a software engineer on the Google+ team.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
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