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seo Best 12 SEO Tips: Helps in Powerful Search Engine Optimization 2013

Seo Master present to you:

There are lots of SEO tips for search engine optimization. But you have to find out first which tips are more effective, more logical. If you understand this then it will be easier for you to proceed. Don’t be upset. Be patience; give a lot of time to make your dream true regarding effective SEO. Here I will try to find out the best SEO tips shortly for your better understanding. These are as follows:  

1. Write Unique Quality Content:

“Content is king”. So make sure that your content is superior.  If you are able to write quality content then it will help you to drive traffic to your blog. Maintain an assortment of new and fresh content. Fresh & quality content will make your blog more reliable among your readers. So, content should be must unique & Fresh.

2. Create Unique Keyword Phrase:

Always create a great, unique keyword phrase & convoy every page on your website with a keyword phrase. This will be definitely helpful for you.

3. Optimize Your Keywords:

Make sure that you have optimized your keywords that rank higher. Only choose popular keywords. Take help from google adwardsor from other useful tools. Keyword density is another important thing that you have to optimize also. Keep your keyword density at a good percentage in your site which does not split the rules or article writing.  

4. Use Keyword Phrase in Title Tag:

Title is one of the most important things of a website. Make sure that you use your keyword phrase in the title tag. Using your popular keywords in the title tag will get your
blog in the search engines easily.

5. Use Keyword in Your URL:

When someone search anything, search engine find it by the help of URL. If your URL is SEO friendly & you use keyword properly then it will be easier for search engine to identify your blog post in the light of keyword of your URL.

6. Domain Name Selection:

This is a technical issue. Get a domain name that is highly related to your topics. This is definitely a great way to optimize.

7. Make your website accessible:

Make your website accessible. The more accessible your site is to search engine spiders
and screen readers, the higher a rank it will receive.

8. Get Inbound links:

Get inbound links by asking for them from other people. This will increase traffic.

9. Get Links From .edu & .govt Sites:

If possible, get links from reputed educational and governmental sites. Because these links are very much popular by search engines. Try to get all your links from reputable sites.

10. Get Backlinks from Similar Sites:

Get backlinks from sites similar to yours content. It may create by commenting blogs of related niche.

11. Post Frequently:

Don’t be upset. Write content and publish frequently. It will help you a lot for better SEO.

12. Create a Sitemaps and Submit it:

Search engines appreciate sitemaps, so create one and submit it to different search engine and don’t forget to update it whenever you add a new post to your website. Submit your blog to top Web Directories (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc). For generating site map freely you can use http://www.xml-sitemaps.com.

Every blogger should follow the above tips for powerful search engine optimization. These have many benefits which will be proved when you will apply in your blog.

Related Topics You May Like:
  1. How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog.
  2. Meta Tag in Blogger Platform.
  3. Top 5 White Hat SEO Techniques.
  4. Top 25 Ways to Get Quality Backlinks.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Add a Vintage Style to Images In Blogger using CSS 2013

Seo Master present to you: To get that vintage Instagram effect for your pictures you don't have to use a program, now you can use CSS and get a similar result! We will apply a shadow inside the image, add a border, we will put a color in it, and on top of our image, we will add another semitransparent image with a grunge style that will give a vintage touch.

You can see the example in this picture below, moving the cursor changes to normal but keeps the edge.

vintage images blogger

Obviously there will be images that will fit better these effects than others, but regardless of that we do, there should be made a few observations:
  1. It is made with CSS styles so as some of you might already know, it will not recognize browsers, specifically Internet Explorer, so using IE browser does not show any effect.
  2. Hovering around the image will change with a transition effect, but only in Firefox.
  3. The images are not centered, you will have to align to left (default), or right.
Having clarified the above, let's start adding the CSS code to our template.

Adding a Vintage Effect to Blogger Images

Step 1. Go to Template > Edit HTML

Step 2. Select the "Expand widget templates" box

 Step 3. Search for the following piece of code:


Step 4. Just above it, add the following CSS code:

/* Vintage Images
----------------------------------------------- */
.vintage img {
.vintage {
border:10px solid #000;
position: relative;
float: left; /* Change to right if you want the images to be aligned to the right */
margin-right: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.vintage:before {
content: "";
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
background-color: rgba(255,102,0, 0.6); /* sepia */
background-size: cover;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 50px #000, inset 0 0 50px #000, inset 0 0 50px #000;
-moz-transition: all 1s;
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
-o-transition: all 1s;
transition: all .1s;
.vintage:hover:before {
background: none;
-moz-transition: all 1s;
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
-o-transition: all 1s;
transition: all .1s;

Note: In the first code, you see in bold the line that corresponds to the color of the image, you can change it to any other color, these are some examples of traditional vintage:

background-color: rgba(0,0,255, 0.5); /* blue */
background-color: rgba(0,255,0, 0.5); /* green */
background-color: rgba(0,255,255, 0.5); /* cyan */
background-color: rgba(255,0,0, 0.5); /* red */
background-color: rgba(255,0,240, 0.5); /* violet */

If you want the image to not change to its original state on mouse hover, then remove the last code:

.vintage:hover:before {
background: none;
-moz-transition: all 1s;
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
-o-transition: all 1s;
transition: all .1s;

Step 5. After you've made your changes, click on Save Template

Step 6. Finally, add this code inside your posts each time you want to apply the vintage effect to an image (switch to HTML tab if you want to use this code inside your post)

<div class="vintage">
<img border="0" src="URL of the image" /></div>
<div style="clear: both;"/>

And add the URL of the image to where is the text in blue.

And that's it, with this little experiment you can have your vintage-style images using CSS only. Enjoy!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Agar Konten Cepat Terindeks 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Agar Konten Cepat Terindeks - Sungguh membuat malas sekali jika sudah susah payah menulis artikel atau konten panjang dan lebar. Sialnya, konten berkualitas yang kita tulis belum sama sekali terjamah oleh pengunjung. Apalagi konten yang dibuat menurut kita adalah konten yang ditulis dengan hati untuk memberikan manfaat kepada pengunjung atau pengguna online.

Agar Konten Cepat Terindeks

Merugikan sekali, jika konten yang banyak, namun satu pun belum ada yang terindeks dalam mesin pencarian. Bagaimana tidak membuat hati lemah, konten hanya dibaca pemiliknya sendiri. Oleh sebab itu, pembahasan kali ini insyaAllah akan mengakhiri keluh kesah Anda ketika Anda membuat konten.

Konten yang berkualitas namun tidak terindeks adalah masalah besar dan harus diatasi. Bagaimana cara agar  konten cepat terindeks..

- Tulis Konten Minimal 300 kata

Konten berkualitas bukan konten yang asal nulis atau abal-abal, melainkan harus menggunakan kata-kata panjang. Konten yang sedikit, bisa saja terindeks namun tidak secepat konten yang disi artikel dengan kata-kata panjang. Buatlah artikel minimal 300 kata.

- Banyak Keyword Bayangan

Keyword bayangan adalah kata kunci berulang-ulang dengan kata bolak balik. Jika kata-kata selalu sama bisa jadi dianggap spam. Namun gunakan keyword bayangan, agar google mengindeksnya semakin banyak. Sebelum menulis, pahami dulu ciri-ciri kata kunci yang tepat, untuk mengisi konten Anda. 

Misalkan saja Anda akan membuat postingan dengan judul "Bagaimana Agar Postingan Terindeks?" nah, pada isi konten sebaiknya ada beberapa keyword yang sama dengan kata berbeda, seperti:: Tips postingan terindeks, agar konten mudah terindeks oleh google, trik konten masuk ke dalam mesin pencari, dsb.

- Ping

Setelah selesai membuat konten, hendaknya mengisi label dengan kata kunci yang sesuai dengan isi konten. Setelah itu ping di layanan pingler.com atau yang lainnya. Yang di ping jangan url home page melainkan postingan yang sudah dipublish.

- Bookmark

Bokkmarking fungsinya untuk memperkuat dan mempercepat konten ada di mesin pencari, bisa juga postingan akan berada di urutan teratas. Bookmark postingan kelayanan bookmark yang terpercaya menurut Anda.

- Social Media

Social media merupakan alat pelengkap kedua setelah bookmark, postingan yang Anda sebar di media social seperti facebook, juga akan mempengaruhi indeksitas konten.

Demikian pembahasan tentang "Agar Konten Cepat Terindeks." Semoga bermanfaat bagi Anda semuanya dan salam blogger.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing the Google Contacts Data API 2013

Seo Master present to you:

A common contact list has helped power applications like Gmail, Google Reader, and Google Calendar. And now, with the launch of the Google Contacts Data API, we're opening up this contact list to your applications as well.

Based on AtomPub, the Contacts API can be used to safely read, create, edit, and delete contact information stored with Google, all while keeping users' passwords private via delegated authentication and authorization. Learn the details from Sebastian Kanthak in his announcement post on the Google Data APIs blog, and join the conversation on the Contacts API Group.2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to Add a Widget Below First Post in Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you: This tutorial will show you how to make a gadget/widget to appear just below the first Blogger post.

First, you must understand that the usual gadgets provided by Blogger can be added only in the areas where the design section permits. Still, we can show any element, for example, an AdSense ad, an image, a flash file, a video etc.

So what we will do in this tutorial is to display an item under the first post, this means that it will not be visible below the other entries. This is great when you use any automatic summary, although it is not a requirement.

widget below post
Well, this is easy to do and we will use the isFirstPost conditional tag for that element to show it under the first entry.

Adding An Element Below First Post

Step 1. First, go to your Blogger Template and click on the Edit HTML button:

Step 2. Check the "Expand Widget Templates" box:

Step 3. And find this line:

<b:include data='post' name='post'/> 

Step 4. Just below it add this code:

<b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>
<div align="center" style="margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:10px;">
Here goes the code of the element you want to show


- The bolded text indicates to where you should paste the code of the element (eg. AdSense ad, a widget). 

- In red are the top margins (margin-top) and the bottom margins (margin-bottom), this is in case you want the element to move towards or away from the entries, also you can add any style like a background color, border etc..

Step 5. Preview to make sure everything is okay, then Save your Template.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Code Conversations Episode 1 - Chris DiBona on Google's Open Source Programs 2013

Seo Master present to you:

"Code Conversations" is a new series of videos intended to film casual conversations with notable Google developers and legends in the technology field. No agenda, no topic... just thoughts. This video is the first episode of this series, in which Chris DiBona, our intrepid open source programs manager talks to Stephanie Liu of the Developer Team about his "sweet goatee" in the Chrome Comic. He also explains why Google open sourced Chrome and Android and why we didn't do it sooner. He also touches on why much of Google's software isn't open sourced.


Chris DiBona is the open source programs manager at Google, where his team oversees license compliance and supports the open source developer community through the release of open source software projects and programs such as the Google Summer of Code. Before joining Google, Chris was an editor at Slashdot, has edited the books Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution and Open Sources 2.0: The Continuing Evolution and formerly co-hosted the FLOSS weekly with Leo Laporte. His personal blog is called Ego Food.

Stephanie Liu is a Programs Manager on the Developer Team here at Google.

We'll be checking your comments on this post for feedback and ideas for future Code Conversations.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Social Media Marketing a necessity for a blog? 2013

Seo Master present to you:

The question is "Is  Social Media Marketing necessary for blog promotion"? The answer is not absolute but relative. It depends on the age of the blog, the contents, and the blogger himself. Social Media can drive you a lot of traffic if used in right way and consistently. You may have to spend daily time on it. But The problem with social media marketing is that you will get traffic only till you are actively posting your links and sharing them with others. The day you stop doing all, your visitors from these places start decreasing. Lets have a clear discussion about it. 

  • Social Media like Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the best way to earn visitors for a new created blog. For a fresh blog, less optimized for Search Engines, and with low Page Rank and Search Engine Rank, the chances for being discovered in a search Engine is less. So the chances of visitors are less. In these cases, Social Media may prove you a way to earn visitors and increase your page rank. 
  • Social Media provide a place to connect to a specific audience. Creating a page on 'Body building' will help you connect to the people who are interested in it. Thus, you may get some consistent visitors to your blog by Connecting to these peoples.
  • Although it may be a source of traffic, but its requires an active participation. As long as you are active, you will get traffics. Thousands of crores of links are posted daily, and a lot of people are there to replace you and your blog. You need to be active on daily basis and that's require a huge time. 
  • Many pro Bloggers concentrate on Search Engine Optimization rather than social media marketing. SEO ensures that your blog is listed in better ranking on search engine and help you get consistent traffic without the need of any marketing and active participation. 

Conclusion is, although Social Media does provide a platform for audience building, it must not be the only way of getting traffic. Along with Search Engine Optimization, Link building and Increasing content quality and quantity, Social media marketing provides a good way of socializing your blog in the people of you blog niche. However, you must not depend on Social Media solely. 


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2013, By: Seo Master

seo Describe Make a Money 2013

Seo Master present to you:


Direct Methods

1. PPC Advertising Networks

Google AdSense is the most popular option under this category, but there are also others. Basically you need to sign up with the network and paste some code snippets on your website. The network will then serve contextual ads (either text or images) relevant to your website, and you will earn a certain amount of money for every click.

The profitability of PPC advertising depends on the general traffic levels of the website and, most importantly, on the click-through rate (CTR) and cost per click (CPC). The CTR depends on the design of the website. Ads placed abode the fold or blended with content, for instance, tend to get higher CTRs. The CPC, on the other hand, depends on the nice of the website. Mortgages, financial products and college education are examples of profitable niches (clicks worth a couple of dollars are not rare), while tech-related topics tend to receive a smaller CPC (sometimes as low as a couple of cents per click).

The source of the traffic can also affect the overall CTR rate. Organic traffic (the one that comes from search engines) tends to perform well because these visitors were already looking for something, and they tend to click on ads more often. Social media traffic, on the other hand, presents terribly low CTRs because these visitors are tech-savvy and they just ignore ads.

List of popular CPC advertising networks:

2. CPM Advertising Networks

CPM advertising networks behave pretty much as PPC networks, except that you get paid according to the number of impressions (i.e., page views) that the ads displayed on your site will generate. CPM stands for Cost per Mille, and it refers to the cost for 1,000 impressions.

A blog that generates 100,000 page views monthly displaying an advertising banner with a $1 CPM, therefore, will earn $100 monthly.

CPM rates vary with the network, the position of the ad and the format. The better the network, the higher the CPM rate (because they have access to more advertisers). The closer you put the ad to the top of the page, the higher the CPM. The bigger the format (in terms of pixels), the higher the CPM.

You can get as low as $0,10 and as high as $10 per 1,000 impressions (more in some special cases). CPM advertising tends to work well on websites with a high page views per visitor ratio (e.g., online forums, magazines and so on).

List of popular CPM advertising networks:

3. Direct Banner Advertising

Selling your own advertising space is one of the most lucrative monetization methods. First and foremost because it enables you to cut out the middleman commissions and to determine your own rates. The most popular banner formats on the web are the 728×90 leaderboard, the 120×600 skyscraper, the 300×250 rectangle and the 125×125 button.

The downside of direct banner advertising is that you need to have a big audience to get qualified advertisers, and you will need to spend time managing the sales process, the banners and the payments.

Related links:

4. Text Link Ads

After Google declared that sites selling text links without the nofollow tag would be penalized, this monetization method became less popular.

Many website owners are still using text links to monetize their sites, though, some using the nofollow tag and some not.

The advantage of this method is that it is not intrusive. One can sell text links directly through his website or use specialized networks like Text-Link-Ads and Text-Link-Brokers to automate the process.

Text link marketplaces and networks:

5. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a very popular practice on the Internet. Under this system you have a merchant that is willing to let other people (the affiliates) sell directly or indirectly its products and services, in exchange for a commission. Sometimes this type of advertising is also called CPA (cost per action) or CPL (cost per lead) based.

Affiliates can send potential customers to the merchant using several tools, from banners to text links and product reviews.

In order to find suitable affiliate programs you can turn to individual companies and publishers like Dreamhost and SEOBook, or join affiliate marketplaces and networks.

List of popular affiliate marketplaces and networks:

6. Monetization Widgets

The latest trend on the web are widgets that let you monetize your website. Examples include Widgetbucks and SmartLinks. Some of these services operate under a PPC scheme, others behave like text link ads, others yet leverage affiliate links.

Their main differentiator, however, is the fact that they work as web widgets, making it easier for the user to plug and play the service on its website.

List of companies that provide monetization widgets:

7. Sponsored Reviews

PayPerPost pioneered this model, with much controversy on the beginning (related to the fact that they did not require disclosure on paid posts). Soon other companies followed, most notably Sponsored Reviews and ReviewMe, refining the process and expanding the paid blogging model.

Joining one of these sponsored reviews marketplaces will give you the opportunity to write sponsored posts on a wide range of topics. Not all bloggers are willing to get paid to write about a specific product or website (because it might compromise the editorial credibility), but the ones who do are making good money out of it.

If your blog has a big audience you could also offer sponsored reviews directly, cutting off the commissions of the middleman.

List of sponsored reviews and paid blogging networks:

8. RSS Feed Ads

With the quick adoption of the RSS technology by millions of Internet users, website owners are starting to find ways to monetize this new content distribution channel.

Feedburber already has its own publisher network, and you can sign-up to start displaying CPM based advertising on your feed footer. Bidvertiser recently introduced a RSS feed ad option as well, with a PPC scheme.

Finally, some blogs are also opting to sell banners or sponsored messages on their feed directly. John Chow and Marketing Pilgrim are two examples.

Related links:

9. Sponsors for Single Columns or Events

If you website has specific columns or events (e.g., a weekly podcast, an interview series, a monthly survey, a special project) you could find companies to sponsor them individually.

This method increases the monetization options for website owner, while giving advertisers the possibility to target a more specific audience and with a reduced commitment.

Mashable illustrates the case well. They have several advertising options on the site, including the possibility to sponsor specific columns and articles, including the "Daily Poll" and the "Web 2.0 Invites."

Problogger also runs group writing projects occasionally, and before proceeding he publicly announce the project asking for sponsors.

10. Premium Content

Some websites and blogs give away part of their content for free, and charge for access to the premium content and exclusive tools.

SEOMoz is a good example. They have a very popular blog that gives advice and information on wide range of SEO related topics. On top of that visitors can decide to become premium members. It costs $48 monthly and it grants them access to guides, tools and other exclusive material.

11. Private Forums

While the Internet is populated with free forums, there is also the possibility to create a private one where members need to pay a single or recurring fee to join.

SEO Blackhat
charges $100 monthly from its members, and they have thousands of them. Obviously in order to charge such a price for a forum membership you need to provide real value for the members (e.g., secret techniques, tools, and so on).

Performancing also launched a private forum recently, focused on the networking aspect. It is called The Hive, and the monthly cost is $10.

These are just two examples. There are many possibilities to create a private and profitable forum, you just need to find an appealing angle that will make it worth for the members.

List of popular forum software:

12. Job Boards

All the popular blogs are trying to leverage job boards to make some extra income. Guy Kawasaki, ReadWriteWeb, Problogger… you name it.

Needless to say that in order to create an active and profitable job board you need first to have a blog focused on a specific niche, and a decent amount traffic.

The advantage of this method is that it is passive. Once you have the structure in place, the job listings will come naturally, and you can charge anywhere from $10 up to $100 for each.

List of popular job board software:

13. Marketplaces

Sitepoint is the online marketplace by excellence. Some websites and blogs, however, are trying to replicate that model on a smaller scale.

Depending on your niche, a market place that allows your visitors to buy, sell and trade products could work well. Over the time you could start charging a small fee for new product listings.

The problem with this method is that there are no standard software on the web, so you would need to hire a coder to get a marketplace integrated into your website.

You can see an example of a marketplaces being used on EasyWordpress and on Mashable.

14. Paid Surveys and Polls

There are services that will pay you money to run a small survey or poll on your website. The most popular one is called Vizu Answers.

Basically you need to sign up with them, and select the kind of polls that you want to run your site. Most of these services operate under a CPM model.

15. Selling or Renting Internal Pages

Million Dollar Wiki made this concept popular, but it was being used on the web for a long time around (check Pagerank10.co.uk for instance).

These websites sell for a single fee or rent for a recurring fee internal pages on their domain. Usually they have either high Pagerak or high traffic, so that people purchasing a page will be able to benefit in some way.

Implementing this method on a small blog would be difficult, but the concept is interesting and could be explored further.

16. Highlighted Posts from Sponsors

Techmeme probably pioneered this idea, but somehow it has not spread to other websites. The tech news aggregator displays editorial posts on the left column, and on the sidebar they have a section titled "Techmeme Sponsor Posts."

On that section posts from the blog of the advertisers get highlighted, sending qualified traffic their way. Considering that the monthly cost for one spot is $5000 and that they have around 6 sponsors at any given time, it must be working well.

17. Donations

Placing a "Donate" link or button on a website can be an efficient way to earn money, especially if your blog is on a niche where readers learn and gain value from your content.

Personal development and productivity blogs, for instance, tend to perform well with donation based systems (one good example being Steve Pavlina).

A small variation of this method appeared sometime ago with the Buy Me a Beer plugin. This WordPress plugin enables you to insert a customized message at the bottom of each article, asking the readers to chip in for a beer or coffee.

18. In-text Adverting

In-text adverting networks like Kontera and Vibrant Media will place sponsored links inside your text. These links come with a double underline to differentiate them from normal links, and once the user rolls the mouse over the link the advertising will pop. Should the user click on it the site owner will make some money.

Some people make good money with this method, but others refrain from using it due to its intrusiveness. It is also interesting to note that very few mainstream websites have experimented with in-text advertising.

19. Pop-ups and Pop-unders

Pop-ups are a common yet annoying form of advertising on the Internet. If you are just trying to make a much money as possible from your website, you could experiment with them.

If you are trying to grow the traffic and generate loyal visitors, however, you probably should stay away from them. Just consider the hundreds of pop-up blockers out there: there is a reason why they are so popular.

Ad networks that use pop-ups:

20. Audio Ads

Also called PPP (Pay Per Play), this advertising method was introduce by Net Audio Ads. the concept is pretty simple: play a small audio advertising (usually 5 seconds) every time a visitor enters into your website. The user should not be able to stop it, creating a 100% conversion rate based on unique visitors.

The company is still rolling tests, but some users are reporting to get from a $4 to a $6 CPM. Regardless of the pay rate, though, this is a very intrusive form of advertising, so think twice before using it.

21. Selling the Website

Selling your website could be your last resource, but it has the potential to generate a big sum of money in a short period of time.

Market places on online forums like DigitalPoint and Sitepoint are always active with website buyers and sellers. Keep in mind that they most used parameter to determine the value of a website is the monthly revenue that it generates, multiplied by a certain number (the multiplier can be anything from 5 to 30, depending on the expectations of the seller, on the quality of the site, on the niche and other factors).

Some people also make money trading and flipping websites. They either create them from scratch or buy existing ones, and after some revamping they sell them for a profit.

Related links:

Indirect Methods

22. Selling an Ebook

Perhaps one of the oldest money making strategies on the web, using a website to promote a related ebook is a very efficient way to generate revenue.

You could either structure the website around the book itself, like SEOBook.com, or launch the ebook based on the success of the website, like FreelanceSwitch did we the book How to be a Rockstar Freelancer.

Related links:

23. Selling a Hardcover Book

Many authors and journalists leverage their blogs or websites to sell copies of hardcover books. Examples include Guy Kawasaki, Seth Godin and Malcolm Gladwell.

While most of these people were already renowned authors before they created their website, one could also follow the other way around. Lorelle VanFossen did exactly that with her Blogging Tips book. First she built her authority on the subject via her blog, and afterwards she published the book.

List of self publishing and publishing services:

24. Selling Templates or WordPress Themes

As more and more people decide to get an online presence, website templates and WordPress themes become hotter and hotter.

On this segment you have mainstream websites like TemplateMonster, as well as individual designers who decide to promote and sell their work independently.

Brian Gardner and Unique Blog Designs are two examples of websites that make money with the sales of premium and custom WordPress themes.

25. Offering Consulting and Related Services

Depending on your niche, you could make money by offering consulting and related services. If you are also the author of your blog, the articles and information that you will share will build your profile and possibly certify your expertise on that niche, making it easier to gain customers.

Chris Garrett used a similar strategy. First he created a highly influential blog on the blogging and new media niche, and afterwards he started offering consulting services to clients with related problems and needs.

26. Creating an Email List or Newsletter

Email lists and newsletters represent one of the most powerful marketing and money making tools on the Internet. They offer incredible conversion rates, and the possibility to call people to action in a very efficient way.

Creating a big list is a difficult task though, so if you have a popular website you could leverage it to increase the number of subscribers on your list.

Yaro Starak is a famous Internet marketer, and if you visit his blog you will notice that right on top he has a section encouraging visitors to subscribe to his email newsletter. Yaro generates five figures in revenues each month from his email newsletters, proving that this method works.

List of software to manage email newsletters:

27. Mentoring programs

People are willing to pay for someone or something that will teach them and give them knowledge (as opposed to mere information). Education is one of the biggest industries in the world, and the online landscape behaves in a similar way.

Creating a mentoring program related to the niche of your website could be very profitable if you manage to structure and promote it adequately. There is a wide range of media and tools that you can use to deliver the information, from text articles to audio and video lessons.

Brian Clark leveraged the success of Copyblogger to launch a mentoring program teaching people how to build membership and how to sell content online. The program is titled Teaching Sells, and it costs $97 monthly. Sounds expensive, but they have over 1,000 members.

28. Creating a conference around the website

If your website takes off and becomes an authority on its niche, you could create a conference around it. Depending on the size of your audience, the event could attract thousands of people, and you could make money directly from conference passes and sponsors.

Search Engine Land, for instance, created a series of conferences that visit several cities on the United States and on other countries as well. The conferences are called Search Marketing Expo, and the tickets and passes cost thousands of dollars.

2013, By: Seo Master
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