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seo How To check | Stop | Secure that Your Computer Hacked or Not 2013

Seo Master present to you:

How To check | Stop | Secure that Your Computer Hacked or Not

  The Computer hackers can the cause serious damage to most of computer and may be your personal information. 

Hacking can mean the number of things but the computer hacking is a basically when someone accesses into your computer or may be its resources. Without your permission and then initially may be without your knowledge. Computers can be the hacked without leaving any evidence behind that. As the home user and you can always find out that if you have been hacked by the black hat hackers because the black hat hacker either wants keep using your personal computer resources or may be want to harm the computer. As the black hat can try to access your computer.

How To check | Stop | Secure that Your Computer Hacked or Not

So as I am security Researcher it’s my duty to stop the black hat hacker from the unethical work and also inform to the people about the all activity of those person. So here is simple trick that how you can check your computer that may hacked by hackers. So let’s start follows the some step .then you can easily check your computer is hacked or not. The lots of technique to stop the black hat hacker. So for my reader I am sharing simple technique so let’s start.
Technique # 01
Look for the extra folder like right click on the hard drive and check that how much your hard drive is used. If your computer is compromised by hacker  so the will see your memory lost mean that your pc may be being used to the file sharing .so now check your folder then you will see the some folder with the large memory.
Technique # 02
Check the user. Just Go to the Control Panel and then click on the "Users." So if may be any extra users have been added so may be your computer is hacked or if the some user password changed and then it’s confirm that your computer was hacked.

how to hack computer latest method

Technique # 03
Find out that if your security has been off .so check this Go to the Control Panel then look to see if the firewall turned off sometime or always and your ant virus is on and may be window update off so then your computer is hacked.
Technique # 04
Finally in last try to runs your antivirus and other software like remove to spyware. If your computer is hacked so it show the lot of spyware


computer with ip address | how to hack pc with ip address

So finally some technique that how to stop the hacker’s from this activity .
STEP # 01
Open your command prompt the type netstat –b so its simple show you that some IP address associated with the all program engaged with the internet then The list will be update every five seconds and then simple giving you the real-time look IP addresses your computer is the sending information to and then Look for the IP addresses or may be program names that you cannot identify. So take the screen shot. And save it in your computer.
STEP # 02
Then you can Type tracert like "tracert" like below its give you all the information about the IP address like name and internet service provider .
STEP # 03
So finally Shut down the computer. And then Contact the ISP company and give the IP address and and alert your all the problem.so then may take action.

if you like then comment below.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Increase Facebook Page Like | Post Like Free just in 10 Minute 2013

Seo Master present to you:

 How To Increase Facebook Page Like | Post Like Free just in 10 Minute

Facebook is the leading social network which is among top 10 website .so its global rank is 2. So the most of the user want to some trick how to use it , how to increase page like ,how to increase post and lot more .so then you can share your link to your friends and family and then you request that Please like my page so its very difficult for you so here it’s very simple trick how to increase a page, post and photo like increase. So then lets start.

What is addmefast?

Addmefast is a promotional website so that user can increase Facebook like , Facebook followers , Facebook post like , Facebook post share and lot more

How to use this method and increase Facebook likes.


Signup a free account and go to addmefast and register yourself with the correct email address because the addmefast verify your account from your email. go to the website.

How To Increase Facebook Page Like | Post Like Free

Step # 02:

Then this is a important step sing in to your account then you have get more point to increase you points these point help to increase your like and the more you can earn point .  The extra point like you will get
Following the list service

1.      1.   Facebook Likes
  1. Facebook Subscribers
  2. Twitter Follow
  3. Google Plus Circle
  4. Google Plus one
  5. YouTube Subscriber
  6. YouTube Views
  7. Pinterest Followers
  8. Sound Cloud
  9. Stumbleupon Followers
And lot more .like below .

increase free facebook twitter google+ followers and likes


Adding Facebook Page or other Site so Now when you have some amount of earned points then you will add your Facebook Page , subscriber , Facebook post like and Facebook post share  etc etc . So click on the  Add Site/Page  and present on the left side of your Screen.

increase followers and likes facebook twitter google+ free

  1. Type; in the section select on which social website’s you want to get the followers since you are using it to increase the Facebook likes so then you will select ‘Facebook Likes’ then you can select anything according to your choi
  2. Title; Enter a title of your page. It’s your choice to take any tittle.
  3.  Site/Page URL; insert the URL of Facebook page or its your choice 
  4.  CPC; Here you have to select that how much point’s you want to give the person who will like your page or post. If you select 1 to 4 then your page like very slowly and if you select 5 to 10 then increase you like faster.
5.      All Done; Now Save it and you have done all steps completely after few hours you will see that increase in your Facebook likes. Don’t worry that your point is finish then you can earn the more point by liking other pages. so continue starting  and increase your page like
      So if you any problem or any query so then ask me .thanks for reading.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How to make window XP SP 2 | SP 3 Genuine Free 100% Working 2013

Seo Master present to you:
How to make window XP SP 2 | SP 3 Genuine Free

How to make window XP SP 2 | SP 3 Genuine Free 100% Working.

 Most of my Reader ask me that how to make window XP Genuine free . in my previous How To Make Window 7 Is Genuine 100 % Working Trick  article. so now today i am sharing that how to make window XP genuine and lets start

This is a best method for XP SP 2 if you are running XP SP 3 so then try to use 2ndmethod
So then just follow the simple instruction.

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1. Click to the start and then run and paste this regedit then ok

2. In a regedit simple you go to the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >.>SOFTWARE >.>Microsoft >.>WindowsNT >.>CurrentVersion >>WPAevents 

3. then on a right panel just double click in a OOBETimer

4. So in the opened window just delete all value and click OK then shut the regedit 

5 then go again in start > run and paste this code in the run field

 %systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a

6. In a window that opened and choose a option... yes I wish to make a window genuine (or similar to this )

7. then in the next step just click in the button and that says you change product key (or similar to this)

8- In the next step, click in the button that says CHANGE PRODUCT KEY ( or something similar ) and in a  next step paste this genuine key


then click on the update

9. then click to update button the just activation will return on one page than click on remember me later and then finally restart window again

1o in the last step restart window and go again in start > run and then paste this again one time

%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a

So finally the message appear your window is activated

How to make Windows XP Genuine (2nd Method)

How to make window XP SP 2 | SP 3 Genuine Free 100% Working

This is a another method to make your window is genuine so lets start
        1.      Go to the start and then run and type regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >SOFTWARE >Microsoft >WindowsNT >CurrentVersion>>  WPAevents

        2.      Then double click on the OOBETIMER 

        3.      Then select all and delete it 

        4.      And then so the WPAEVENTS

    5.     Go to the permissions > system > Deny full control
         6.      So then finally apply yes

So that’s it’s your window is genuine so if you can reboot your machine so then its better for you

IMPORTANT NOTE : This is just for educational purpose . Don't try to use illegal purpose.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo command prompt Hacks | Tricks |Secret in Window 7| xp | Vista | 8 2013

Seo Master present to you:

command prompt(cmd) Hacks | Tricks |Secret in Window 7| XP | Vista | 8

Command Prompt is the one of most powerful tools for the  Windows so in easy word it’s a GUI based operating system .most of the people ignore that but  with the help of command prompt you can do many think like hacking .so here are some most used full command’s .
Open your command prompt  then Go window then search simple cmd

 1.Watch THE ASCII version of a Star Wars movie

command prompt Hacks | Tricks |Secret in Window 7| xp | Vista | 8
so for all who are big fan of star wars movie, so then it’s simple trick just enter in the command prompt then just type telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl.

2. Know your IP add, DNS Server add and a lot more

with the help of Command Prompt you can easily fine the IP ,DNS server , host name , node type IP routing and wins proxy just type the ipconfig /all

3. Know that if the any neighbors are using your Wi-Fi connection

You can find with the help of command prompt that someone using your internet follow these step
Command Prompt can let you know if someone is connected to your Local Area Connection and then using it. Just follow the steps. 

1) Open the browser and visit a or its depending on your router ip. 

2) Then Find a tabs that are mentions with the “Attached Device” or  like similar.

3) Now you can find the IP address,the computer name, and the MAC add 

4 ) now finally you can Compare it with those displayed by router in Step 2.then If you are notice that someone strange devices so  then you’re neighbor has been using your internet .so then in this case change your setting like password

4. If hacker is hacking your computer so the Trace the Hacker

If you are interested to find that hacker so then using the command prompt you can find the hacker so then just execute netstat –a so then it will show the computer name that was connected with your computer . so now you can find the person easily.

5. Use Abort a Command

If you any command can be stopped so then just enterctrl + C then you can change you line easily.

command prompt Hacks | Tricks |Secret in Window 7| xp | Vista | 8

6. Hack the Prompt Text.

if you interested to hack the command prompt title so then its easily hacked
just enter the prompt like this prompt hacked by Noman Ramzan

7. Customize your Command Prompt Title Bar 

So know you want change the command prompt title so its very easy just enter the title
Like title Noman Ramzan

8. Some Function From the Command Prompt

So this is just function from the command prompt like just go in the command prompt and then left click on that then you can see that there are some function like Mark, copy, select, paste and find so with the help of this function you can copy, select, mark and paste easily

9. Get help for the command prompt

Well let’s say you don’t know about the some command of this so then you can take simply you enter the cd/? For help so then work easily

10. Chat with your Friends with Command Prompt 

Hello my reader now you can chat with your friends easily with this simple trick . so then you just need you friend IP and your command prompt
1.     Open the office word or notepad  and paste this code

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

      2.     Now save this file with the “messenger.bat” then open your command prompt.
      3.     Drag the file (.bat file) over to the CP and then press enter.
      4.     So then CP show you the messenger and user
      5.     So in the user field you just enter your friend IP
      6.     So after that just enter you message want to send your friend

So this is a simple trick to chat with the command prompt so start chatting with him or her 

There are also lots of commands of the CP so INS SHA ALLAH i will try to define in my next article.
Thanks for the reading if you have any problem so then you can ask me .
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Amazing Simple Computer | Internet Latest Tips And Tricks 2013

Seo Master present to you:

  Amazing Simple Computer | Internet Latest Tips And Tricks 2013 Free


Yes Now you can run’s the multiple Firefox inside Firefox .
its really Easy to use try it on your Mozilla Firefox its Really Awesome just insert the url in you Firefox browser


Computer | Internet Latest Tips And Tricks

 Above Picture show Firefox within Firefox .


Just Within a time limit click start > run:-
and then Just Type:
shutdown /a

and Finally  Press Enter...
here you Done that no force shutdown by  a virus . 


There is awesome trick its simple 6 step

·         Insert the Coin

·         then Dial 0## CELL NUMBER *(star)

·         Then Call Unlimited you can

·         And if you want so Disconnect

·         the Coin Comes Out it and take it

·         Finally Go Home With the Smiling :D



Computer | Internet Latest Tips And Tricks


If you want to go anywhere and you want to do the shutdown you computer with the timer so here is simple trick
Go start > Run
Type code: at 02:00 shutdown –s

IF you want to off this then
Type code : shutdown -a

Computer | Internet Latest Tips And Tricks

  Open a notepad or word then paste this Code

Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text","Talk it")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

So then save the file with (.vbs) and then it will create a vbscript
So then it will prompt for you a text when you open the file and give any input 


2013, By: Seo Master

seo Amazing Mozilla Firefox Tips and Tricks To Improving Your Browsing Experience 2013

Seo Master present to you:

  Mozilla Firefox Tips and Tricks latest 2013

The Mozilla is use very common browser now a days  its best for the exploitation (hacking ) today I  am share some very useful tricks  .Here are some simple tricks which I gathered from different website . 
latest free firefox tips n tricks



a. Type “about:config” into the address bar of Mozilla firebox and the press enter. And find some code 
b. now Alter the entries as follows: 
Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true” then
Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true” 
 set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 29 or 30. This means it will make 29 or 30 requests at once.

C.In the last step right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and then set its value to “0″.And then finally This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives so then the browser execute it

2. Enable Pipelining feature easily

Pipelining is a feature which has been designed to improving  the page loading time so then. To enable it, open about:config and set following step:
network.http.pipelining (Now it to true to enable pipelining J)
network.http.proxy.pipelining (Now Set it to true to enable pipelining to proxy server J)
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests (Now Set it to 1 to 8  to have maximum of  1 to 8 

pipelining requests at once. So Now You can choose values between 1-8)

3. Specify browser cache folder location

When you open a website in Firefox,so then Firefox stores the required data in its cache folder in anywhere  so that it can load the same web page faster when you open it again in future any time. If you want, you can specify a  location to store the cache files so is easy. 

Open about:config and then add new String preference browser.cache.disk.parent_directory. So Now set its value to your desired location for example E:\Cache.

best internet browser tips

4. So Now Specify Firefox memory cache usage

By default, Firefox dynamically utilizes the memory cache base on the amount of  Our system memory J. So The To specify a fixed amount of memory cache so then open about:config and add new Integer preference this browser.cache.memory.capacity and set its value like this:
-1 : (Default) Set memory cache dynamical 0 : No memory cache’s Numbers : Memory size in KB, For example 512
We can also disable memory cache completely by setting the preference browser.cache.memory.enable to The false.

5. Now Learn Some Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts for Faster Browsing and Save the time

 1.Use The Ctrl+Shift+Hand Ctrl+Shift+B to History Library Respectively and Open Bookmark
 Now This is very useful for the  quickly getting access to all Our bookmarked items.

2.You can Use Keyboard Space bar to Scroll Fast
To quickly go through the contents of the webpage, use your keyboard Space bar to skip to a next reading space on that web page.  Now Each skip begins from a last line in the previous space so that we can track where you stop and continue from there where we can start .
So then now To return to the previous reading space, hit Shift + Space bar. So This will take you to the previous reading space And ending in the top most of line of the page you returned from it .

3. Locate Words and Phrases(Search) More Easily on Our Webpage
Use Ctrl+F to open the Find box to the bottom of Our browser and then enter a word or phrase, which you can found  and Firefox will highlight the word or phrase easily  wherever it occurs on that web page in any where.

5. IF you Use Ctrl+Shift+Deleteto Quickly Clear The Browsing History
This shortcut will be immediately pop out a New window for you to clear Our recent browsing history.

6.Use Ctrl+Tab to Skip from One Tab to WITH Another Tab and Ctrl+(1-9) to Move to Specific Tabs on Our Browser where we want to go.
. Use Ctrl+T to Create New Tabs and Ctrl+N to Start New Windows

7. Use Shift+Ctrl+T for “Undo Close Tab” and  then Ctrl W to Close an open Tab
Whenever you accidentally close the Tab, use Shift+Ctrl+T to reopen the previous tab. You can press Shift+Ctrl+Tif we want to open a lot of tab mean several times to continue to reopen previous closed Tabsso then Similarly, we can quickly close any Tab with aCtrl W. Also, we can use Ctrl+Shift+W or Alt+F4 to  the Close Firefox Windows.
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So, the final Firefox is actually easier browser to use other browser. You don’t necessarily need to know all the shortcuts. You Basically only need to learning a couple of them so that you find highly useful and use them the regularly.
If you know of any other the highly useful Firefox tips or tricks .i haven’t mentioned, feel free to add to the list. We will welcome additions to these tricks  in my blog Comments section below.

try this is tricks and please share this Article with you're Friends 
2013, By: Seo Master
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