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seo HTML5 Rocks! 2013

Seo Master present to you: The term "HTML5" covers so many different topics that developers have a hard time getting up to speed on all of them. Some APIs and features are part of accepted standards, while some are still a work in progress. Additionally, there are a number of great resources out there, but most are still very hard to find. As announced on the chromium.org blog, Google is releasing a new developer resource dedicated to all that is HTML5, HTML5Rocks.com.

The site is broken up into four main sections:

Interactive Presentation
The presentation everyone is talking about! An interactive slide deck written entirely in HTML5 which demonstrates many of HTML5’s features. It even includes inline examples you can tinker with.

HTML5 Playground
The best way to learn this stuff is to try it out. The Playground is a sandbox area for editing and experimenting with live samples.

We're launching the site with an initial set of nine tutorials covering a bunch of different areas. We’ll continue to add more over time based on your input.

We've hand-picked some of our favorite tools, reference material, and sites; all generated by the online community. Do check them out. They’ll come in handy when developing your next web app.

We hope HTML5Rocks will help developers put HTML5 to use in the real world, today. We’d love to hear your thoughts on improving the site! Send us a tweet at @ChromiumDev or post to the Chromium HTML5 group with requests for content.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Fridaygram: Loon balloons, black holes, browser games 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

This week we announced Project Loon, a cool and kind of crazy project that launches Internet-connected balloons and shares their connection with people below on Earth. These are not your typical birthday balloons: they’re 15 meters wide, and they rise to an altitude of 20 km, where winds carry them around the world. Software computes where the balloons should go to provide the best network coverage, and the balloons are then steered and moved as necessary.

Sailing along in the stratosphere is an essential aspect of Project Loon. The stratosphere is far above general air traffic and weather, so Loon balloons don’t have to worry about that. On the other hand, the environment is not friendly, with thin atmosphere and -50°C temperatures. But because the balloons are designed for these conditions, they can survive happily.

Moving further away from Earth, all the way to deep space, astronomers have found 26 new black holes right here in the neighborhood, in the Andromeda galaxy next door. Scientists using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory detected the black holes by observing telltale bursts of X-rays as the black holes ingested the outer atmosphere of ordinary stars. And this is just the start: there are likely thousands more black holes in Andromeda. So if Internet balloons ever make to Andromeda, we now know some places to avoid.

Finally, if you’re looking for something fun to do this weekend, you can spend time with a trio of nifty Chrome Experiment games released over the past couple of weeks: Roll It is a classic boardwalk game with the modern twist of using your mobile device as a controller, Racer builds a race track and soundtrack from several mobile devices put together, and Cube Slam lets you play an old-school arcade game over the Internet with friends (and if you have no friends, you can play against a virtual bear). Have fun!

From distant galaxies to ursine videogame opponents, Fridaygram rolls wide and deep. We cover fun stuff that isn’t always directly related to writing code, just in case you need an end-of-week break. If you’re having too much fun with our trio of games and you want to learn something instead, you can read about how we built each of them: Roll It, Racer, Cube Slam.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Developers Live: our first year 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Louis Gray, Program Manager, Google Developers Live

One year ago, we took the magic of Google I/O and brought it home with Google Developers Live (+GDL)  - engaging with our developer community all year round, live, from our offices around the world. Nearly 1,000 videos and several million views later, we’ve seen you connect with Googlers and industry experts every day, gaining knowledge, sharing insights, and getting feedback on how to create incredible apps and leverage Google’s tools.

Thanks to the combination of Google+ Hangouts and YouTube Live, you can now see our engineers face to face and gain up to the minute insights on +Android+Google Chrome+Google Cloud Platform, and many more.

But Google Developers Live is not just all Google products, all the time. It’s an interactive platform for innovative applications, design wizards and entrepreneurs. We’ve hosted initiatives like Women Techmakers, Google Top Geek from Mexico City, Android Design In Action and Root Access, and we hear directly from the minds behind applications many of us use every day.

It was on GDL where we saw Google Fellow +Sebastian Thrun introduce a new HTML5 course on Udacity. GDL debuted the Mirror API for +Project Glass. And it was on GDL where we first demonstrated YouTube API v3, went behind the scenes with Santa Tracker, and answered questions on the Blink rendering engine.

And when we returned to I/O last month, it was Google Developers Live with wall-to-wall broadcasts, featuring exceptional guests like Megan Smith of Google[x], Bradley Horowitz of Google+ and Hiroshi Lockheimer and Hugo Barra of Android.

While we love the live interaction, Google Developers Live is more than just live. Our archives make it easy for you to watch on your own schedule - in any order, on any product.

Although GDL is only a year old, we’re now broadcasting from Mountain View, New York, Sydney, Tokyo, Milan, Moscow, Buenos Aires, and many places around the world, to bring you the latest Google tools for developers in your time zone, in your language. And we’ve got a lot more planned. So make sure you don’t miss a show, by subscribing to Google Developers on YouTube and staying tuned to https://developers.google.com/live/.

+Louis Gray is a Program Manager on Google's Developer Relations Team, running Google Developers Live. He believes life is but a (live) stream.

Posted by +Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Working with Chrome's file browser handler 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Jeremy Glassenberg, Platform Manager, Box

This post is part of Who's at Google I/O, a series of guest blog posts written by developers who appeared in the Developer Sandbox at Google I/O 2011.

During the day 2 keynote of Google I/O, I was excited to see Box's integration with the Chromebook's file browser handler getting demoed on the big stage. The integration makes local files and files you encounter on the web easily accessible to cloud services inside Chrome OS.

Chrome's file browser handler utilizes the new HTML5 file system API, designed to enable web applications to interact with local files. This API lets web applications read files, edit files, and create new files within a designated local space on a user's machine. This includes creating binary files for application data, and in Box's case, accessing user-created files to let people easily move their content to the cloud.

As mentioned during the Google I/O keynote, the integration between Box and the Chrome OS file browser handler only took our team a weekend to build. We were able to build the integration quickly because of the simplicity of both Chrome's file browser platform and Box's API, both of which were designed to make content integrations like this easy for developers to implement.

In this case, the Quick Importer tool from the Box API made the entire development process just a few steps:

1. We created a Chrome extension manifest to work with Box.
"name”: "Box Uploader",
"file_browser_handlers": [
"id”: "upload",
"default_title": "Save to Gallery", // What the button will display
"file_filters": [
2. In the Chrome manifest, we specified the relevant file types to which the service applies. In our case, that's most file types, as seen below. Specialized services may just want certain types, such as images for Picasa.
"file_browser_handlers": [
"id": "upload",
"default_title": "Save to Box",
"file_filters": [
3. With some JavaScript code connecting to the file browser handler, we set up a way to upload files through Box’s Quick Importer.
var fm = new FileManager();
fm.uploadServer = 'https://www.box.net/<...>';

if (bgPage && bgPage.filesToUpload.length) {
var entry;
while(entry = bgPage.filesToUpload.pop()) {
entry.file(function(file) {
That's actually all there was to the integration.

Once the file is uploaded to the Box API's Quick Import URL, our page is displayed to authenticate the user, to let the user select a Box folder to save the file, and then to upload the file.

While such an integration can be customized through our API, our Quick Import provided an easy and fast means to connect the platforms. Developers can customize the integration by using direct calls to our API, and take advantage of additional features such as automatic sharing, if they prefer.

Thanks to the simplicity of Chrome's file browser handler and some extra tools in the Box API, our development time was very short (just a weekend), but it could have actually been even quicker. We had a couple of unusual complications that weekend:

1. The Google Chrome team was still experimenting with the file browser, so development from both sides was happening in parallel, which can be a bit tricky. Now that the file browser has been thoroughly tested, you should have an even easier time.

2. I took my girlfriend out a couple times, since her final exams were coming up soon afterward. I love you, Hayley!

Once the content has been uploaded to Box, it’s accessible to many Google services, including Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, through additional integrations on our site with Google Apps. Ah, the wonders of open platforms.

Jeremy Glassenberg is the Platform Manager at Box, where he oversees partner integrations, API and platform product management, and Box’s community of several thousand developers. In addition to managing Box's developer platform, Jeremy is a part-time blogger at ProgrammableWeb, and a contributor to several open-source projects.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tech Talks and Fireside Chats at I/O 2010 2013

Seo Master present to you: Today we’re releasing videos from the Tech Talks and Fireside Chats at I/O 2010. A look back on each track:

Tech Talks:

From new programming languages to venture capital to 5-minute lightning talks, the Tech Talks track at I/O was a veritable potpourri of geeky goodness.

You can find videos and slides for the Tech Talks on the linked session titles below:

  • Go programming - The Go programming language was released as an open source project in late 2009. Rob Pike and Russ Cox discussed how programming in Go differs from other languages.

  • Opening up Closure Library - Closure Library is the open-source JavaScript library behind some of Google's big web apps like Gmail and Google Docs. Nathan Naze talked about the library, its design, and how to integrate it in with your setup.

  • Optimize every bit of your site serving & web pages with Page Speed - Richard Rabbat and Bryan McQuade talked about Page Speed, an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on which allows web developers to evaluate and improve the performance of their web pages.

  • SEO site advice from the experts - Matt Cutts, Greg Grothaus, Tiffany Lane, and Vanessa Fox offered SEO feedback on a number of actual websites submitted by the audience.

  • Beyond design: Creating positive user experiences - John Zeratsky and Matt Shobe shared their tips on how to keep users coming back to your applications through a positive user experience.

  • How to lose friends and alienate people: The joys of engineering leadership - Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman regaled the audience with tips on how to lead vs. manage.

  • Ignite Google I/O - Brady Forrest and Ignite returned to I/O with an awesome line-up of speakers - Ben Huh, Matt Harding, Clay Johnson, Bradley Vickers, Aaron Koblin, Michael Van Riper, Anne Veling, and James Young.

  • Technology, innovation, computer science, & more: A VC panel - This year was the first time that we had investors/VCs speaking at I/O. Albert Wenger, Chris Dixon, Dave McClure, Paul Graham, Brad Feld, and Dick Costolo (moderator) debated hot tech topics including betting on start-ups with non-technical founders and open vs closed platforms.
The Tech Talk videos are also available in this YouTube playlist.

Fireside Chats:

In the 9 fireside chats at I/O this year, Google teams were eager to talk about the latest ongoings with their respective product areas, as well as spend most of the time on audience Q&A.

This year, we decided to record fireside chats because we know how popular they are not just with I/O attendees, but everyone interested in hearing from the engineers behind our products. You can find videos for the fireside chats below:

These videos can also be found in this Fireside Chats YouTube playlist or the YouTube playlist for each session track. (ex. the two Android Fireside Chats are also in the Android playlist)

On Monday, we’ll be posting the last batch of I/O videos from the Geo, Google APIs, and Google Wave tracks. Stay tuned!

Posted b2013, By: Seo Master

seo A classic boardwalk game rolls from your phone to your computer—using only your browser 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Pete LePage, Developer Advocate and Boardwalk King

Cross-posted from the Chromium Blog

Last week we launched Roll It, a Chrome Experiment that links phones to computers and gets people out of their chairs and swinging. We wanted to share how we built a physical game experience with no dedicated hardware. It requires just the web, your computer and a phone.

Here’s a look at the APIs and browser-based features we used to create it.

Roll It is a three-dimensional (3D) experience, from the swing of your phone’s accelerometer right up to the virtual models rendered on your computer’s HTML5 Canvas. On the phone side, we hooked into browser events like DeviceOrientation and DeviceMotion to detect the speed and direction of a swing. On the computer side we rendered our scene using Three.js and plugged in Physijs to add physics to the ball and environment.

To sync the phone to the computer we employed WebSockets which enable rapid two-way communication between devices via a central server.

For extra stability we built our backend on Google Cloud Platform:
We couldn’t have brought this experiment to life without a great team. The theme for Roll It was composed by Mr. Tim Healey. Legwork Studio developed the interfaces and game environment, and teamed up with Mode Set for the development.

To dig deeper into the technology behind Roll It, check out the HTML5 Rocks Case Study, or join the team for a Google Developers Live event this Friday, June 7, 2013 at 5pm GMT for an in-depth discussion.

Pete LePage is a Developer Advocate on the Google Chrome team and helps developers create great web applications and mobile web experiences.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Chrome at Google I/O 2010 2013

Seo Master present to you: We kicked off Day 1 of Google I/O this year by highlighting the progress of the web platform.

The Day 1 keynote included a number of exciting announcements and demos from the Chrome Team. To demonstrate the power of building with HTML5, Sundar Pichai invited on stage a number of Chrome partners, including Clicker who demonstrated the power of video and highlighted one of the big open questions for the web: the need for a freely available, high quality video codec for the tag. With the support of Mozilla, Opera, and Adobe, we announced the launch of the WebM Project, which makes a high quality video codec freely available to everyone.

We also announced the upcoming Chrome Web Store, which will launch later this year to help make great web applications more discoverable. We showed how rich web apps and content like Sports Illustrated will be discovered, launched, and even purchased from the Web Store when it launches later this year.

In addition to our keynote announcements, the Chrome Team also led a number of sessions throughout both days of the conference, focusing on Chrome, HTML5, and the web as a platform.

Here’s a recap of what was covered in our sessions:
  • Beyond JavaScript: programming the web with native code - Although JavaScript performance is rapidly increasing, there are still applications for which native code is a better choice. Learn about Native Client and how you can use it to build rich applications with all of the advantages and power of the web.
  • Chrome Extensions - how-to - Google Chrome shipped an extensions API in version 4.0. Since last year, new capabilites have been added to the extensions framework, and many people have already written powerful extensions with minimal effort. Find out how to write an extension, and what's coming next in Chrome Extensions.
  • HTML5 status update - Where is HTML5 today? What new features are now broadly supported, what features are on the horizon, and what features are on the chopping block? How do we decide what to implement, what to propose, and what to drop? Find out.
  • Developing web apps for the Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome is a powerful platform for developing web apps. With Chrome web apps, we're making it easier for users to discover and use these apps. Learn how to build and sell apps for the Chrome Web Store.
  • WebM Open Video Playback in HTML5 - The new open VP8 codec and WebM file format present exciting opportunities for innovation in HTML5 . In this session, you'll see WebM playback in action while YouTube and Brightcove engineers show you how to support the format in your own HTML5 site.
  • Google Chrome's Developer Tools - In this session we'll give an overview of Developer Tools for Google Chrome that is a part of the standard Chrome distribution. Chrome Developer Tools allow inspecting, debugging and tuning the web applications and many more. In addition to this overview we would like to share some implementation details of the Developer Tools features and call for your contribution.
  • Developing With HTML5 - This session covers the HTML5 APIs available to Google Chrome and Google Chrome OS applications and Google Chrome extensions. Learn how to design web applications for a Google Chrome OS netbook using the latest web technologies.
  • Using Google Chrome Frame - Google Chrome Frame brings the HTML5 platform and fast Javascript performance to IE6, 7 & 8. This session will cover the latest on Google Chrome Frame, what it can do for you and your customers, how it can be used, and a sneak peak into what's planned next.

In case you couldn’t attend in-person, all the links above include videos and slides from each session. You can also find all the Chrome session videos on this YouTube playlist. Thanks to everyone who showed up this year and made Google I/O such a great event.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google I/O: Now online, starting with all things Client 2013

Seo Master present to you: The Google Client Team had an exciting and inspiring two days last week at Google I/O. We had the opportunity to talk to developers and have insightful conversations on what we're doing in the realm of HTML 5, Chrome, V8, Native Client, and 3D graphics on the web.

Today we're excited to reflect on these conversations at I/O, and kick off a series of videos and presentations from Google I/O. Starting with the Client track today, session videos and presentations from I/O will be posted online over the course of the next seven days and free to the world, on the Google I/O website.

Chrome: Extensions, Internals, V8 and more

Aaron Boodman gave a great talk on creating extensions for Chrome, and built several extensions live during his talk. I think this reflects our commitment to make it easy to build extensions, and I hope that developers -- not only those in the room, but those around the world who watch the recorded video of Aaron's talk -- will be inspired to create great extensions.

Darin Fisher delved into Chrome internals, managing to cover large swaths of Chrome code, philosophy, and lore without breaking a sweat. Darin's talk is a great way for developers to see that Chrome is more than just a fast browser with a slick UI -- we believe that developers at I/O came away realizing that there is a lot going on behind the scenes that sets Chrome apart.

Mads Ager talked about V8, walking attendees through the reason Google decided to build a new JavaScript engine, how some of the internals of V8 work including hidden classes, inline caching and garbage collection, and recent improvements made to further speed up JavaScript execution in V8. We were glad to present a thought-provoking session for developers, as attendees left the session with impressed and contemplative looks on their faces.

HTML5, Native Client, O3D and moving the web forward

Matt Papakipos, in addition to making an appearance in Wednesday's keynote, gave a great talk on where Chrome is, with respect to HTML5 and the open web platform. He explored what the platform means for developers, how they can use it, as well as the vision going forward. Matt delivered this talk to a packed room - attendees were spilling out to the aisles and doorways in our largest session room at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. We're thrilled and humbled that developers are as excited as we are about the web platform and where we are taking it.

At the session on Native Client, Brad Chen got developers excited about the possibility of running native code as part of their web applications. Brad gave a comprehensive low-down on how Native Client works, and how it can be used to further strengthen the platform and move the web forward.

Vangelis Kokkevis and Gregg Tavares gave a talk on bringing 3D graphics to the web via O3D. Vangelis started the presentation with an overview of the O3D project and its goals and highlighted some its most significant features. Gregg then took over and demonstrated how, in a few simple steps, one can go from a blank HTML page to the beginnings of an entertaining mini-game with only a handfull of calls to the O3D API.

In addition, Henry Bridge led a panel with developers from Large Animal and Crazy Pixel, sharing insights about developing 3D graphics applications using O3D and getting developers excited about 3D on the web. You can also view sandbox video interviews with these two developers (Large Animal, Crazy Pixel) in the Developer Sandbox section, along with many other developers.

Browsers and standards development

To give developers more insight into how standards development and implementation in browsers work, we put together a panel with Jonas Sicking from Mozilla, Charles McCathieNevile from Opera, and myself, moderated by Mike Schroepfer (formerly of Mozilla now at Facebook). At this session, we talked more about the vision advanced by various browsers, and deliberated questions on where the browsers and the web are going.

Beyond the sessions, I/O provided the Client team the opportunity to interact with developers through Fireside Chats, where developers freely asked a broad range of questions. We also staffed Chrome Office Hours, where I/O attendees could stop by with their burning questions about the browser and chat with the team. We got developers excited about Chrome extensions, HTML5, <video>, O3D and more at the the Client developer sandbox pod.

All in all, we're thrilled to have spent two days with developers in conversation about Chrome, the web platform, and a shared future that we are all working so hard to create. We're excited to now bring these conversations to a larger community of developers with our I/O session videos and presentations. If you like, drop us comments through the Google Friend Connect gadget we have enabled on the session web pages - we'd be delighted to hear from you.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Now open source: 20 Things I Learned about Browsers and the Web 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Min Li Chan, Google Chrome Team

Late last year, we released an illustrated online guidebook for everyday users who are curious about how browsers and the web work. In building 20 Things I Learned about Browsers and the Web with HTML5, JavaScript and CSS with our friends at Fi, we heard from many of you that you’d like to get your hands on the source code. Today, we’re open sourcing all the code for this web book at http://code.google.com/p/20thingsilearned, so that you can use and tinker with the code for your own projects.

20 Things I Learned was celebrated this year as an Official Honoree at the 15th Annual Webby Awards in the categories of Education, Best Visual Design (Function), and Best Practices. For those of you who missed our initial release last year, here’s a quick recap of the APIs behind some of the web book’s popular features:
  • The book uses the HTML5 canvas element to animate some of the illustrations in the book and enhance the experience with transitions between the hard cover and soft pages of the book. The page flips, including all shadows and highlights, are generated procedurally through JavaScript and drawn on canvas. You can read more about the page flips on this HTML5rocks tutorial.
  • The book takes advantage of the Application Cache API so that is can be read offline after a user’s first visit.
  • With the Local Storage API, readers can resume reading where they left off.
  • The History API provides a clutter-free URL structure that can be indexed by search engines.
  • CSS3 features such as web fonts, animations, gradients and shadows are used to enhance the visual appeal of the app.

With this open source release, we’ve also taken the opportunity to translate 20 Things I Learned into 15 languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Tagalog.

We hope that web books like 20 Things I Learned continue to inspire web developers to find compelling ways to bring the power of open web technologies to education. 20 Things I Learned is best experienced in Chrome or any up-to-date, HTML5-compliant modern browser. For those of you who’ve previously read this web book, don’t forget to hit refresh on your browser to see the new language options.

Min Li Chan is a Product Marketing Manager on the Google Chrome Team and the project curator/author for 20 Things I Learned about Browsers and the Web.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Chrome Experiments at Google I/O 2013

Seo Master present to you: Google I/O is well underway, and we're excited that we've been able to highlight some Chrome Experiments at the event. During the keynote on Wednesday, we opened with the following video. Matt Waddell from our Developer team composed the music playing in the background. We're posting a subtitled version of the video, so you can enjoy the song in all it's HTML5 glory.

We've loved the experiments we've received so far and encourage you to check out the ones listed below:
We're continually updating Chrome Experiments to feature new and crazy JavaScript experiments, so keep submitting!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Dreams in 3D: a WebGL experience for the modern browser 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Ricardo Cabello (aka Mr.doob), Google Data Arts Team

Last August, we released “The Wilderness Downtown”, a music experience that brought together HTML5 and JavaScript, as well as the Google Maps and Street View APIs. Today, we’re excited to introduce our newest project, “3 Dreams of Black”, made with WebGL, HTML5 and JavaScript, and designed for modern browsers like Google Chrome. We previewed this music experience yesterday with web developers at Day 2 of the Google I/O keynote.

“3 Dreams of Black” takes you on a journey through three dream worlds constructed through a combination of rich 2D drawings and animations interwoven with interactive 3D sequences. Throughout various points in these dream worlds, you can grab your mouse and guide the protagonist’s point of view through the experience. This music experience also includes a 3D model creator that allows you to create your own relics and contribute to the shared collective dream. “3 Dreams of Black” is written and directed by Chris Milk, and developed with a few folks here at Google.

In creating “3 Dreams of Black”, we’ve had the opportunity to build many tools, libraries, and models. We’ve fully opened up the source code and made it available for web developers to tinker with us at www.ro.me/tech. In addition to the code, a few other highlights include eight WebGL demos, a fun model viewer for interacting with some of the animals from the web experience, and the Three.js 3D library used for building the experience. In addition, a big part of the project was to define a good pipeline for getting all the animals and environment models right in WebGL -- for this, we extended Blender with custom plugins so we could manipulate and export the data with ease.

“3 Dreams of Black” is set to the song “Black” off the album ROME, presented by Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi, featuring Jack White and Norah Jones on vocals, to be released soon on the record label EMI. Because it’s built in WebGL, it requires a WebGL-supported browser like Chrome, and Windows Vista / Mac OS X 10.6 and above to help ensure that your computer has the necessary and up-to-date graphics drivers. We hope you’ll take a moment to dive into the experience and the developer resources at www.ro.me

Ricardo Cabello is a designer/developer in the Google Data Arts Team. He is the creator of several popular Chrome Experiments, including Google Gravity, Ball Pool, and Harmony.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo A new kind of computer: Chromebook 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Linus Upson, Vice President of Engineering, and Sundar Pichai, Senior Vice President, Chrome

Cross-posted from the Official Google Blog

Update 5/11 3:00 PM: Added video of keynote

A little less than two years ago we set out to make computers much better. Today, we’re announcing the first Chromebooks from our partners, Samsung and Acer. These are not typical notebooks. With a Chromebook you won’t wait minutes for your computer to boot and browser to start. You’ll be reading your email in seconds. Thanks to automatic updates the software on your Chromebook will get faster over time. Your apps, games, photos, music, movies and documents will be accessible wherever you are and you won't need to worry about losing your computer or forgetting to back up files. Chromebooks will last a day of use on a single charge, so you don’t need to carry a power cord everywhere. And with optional 3G, just like your phone, you’ll have the web when you need it. Chromebooks have many layers of security built in so there is no anti-virus software to buy and maintain. Even more importantly, you won't spend hours fighting your computer to set it up and keep it up to date.

At the core of each Chromebook is the Chrome web browser. The web has millions of applications and billions of users. Trying a new application or sharing it with friends is as easy as clicking a link. A world of information can be searched instantly and developers can embed and mash-up applications to create new products and services. The web is on just about every computing device made, from phones to TVs, and has the broadest reach of any platform. With HTML5 and other open standards, web applications will soon be able to do anything traditional applications can do, and more.

Chromebooks will be available online June 15 in the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy and Spain. More countries will follow in the coming months. In the U.S., Chromebooks will be available from Amazon and Best Buy and internationally from leading retailers.

Even with dedicated IT departments, businesses and schools struggle with the same complex, costly and insecure computers as the rest of us. To address this, we’re also announcing Chromebooks for Business and Education. This service from Google includes Chromebooks and a cloud management console to remotely administer and manage users, devices, applications and policies. Also included is enterprise-level support, device warranties and replacements as well as regular hardware refreshes. Monthly subscriptions will start at $28/user for businesses and $20/user for schools.

There are over 160 million active users of Chrome today. Chromebooks bring you all of Chrome's speed, simplicity and security without the headaches of operating systems designed 20 to 30 years ago. We're very proud of what the Chrome team along with our partners have built, and with seamless updates, it will just keep getting better.

For more details please visit www.google.com/chromebook.

Watch the keynote here:

Linus Upson is Vice President of Engineering and Sundar Pichai is Senior Vice President, Chrome

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cooliris builds visual search for Chrome with next-generation web APIs 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Austin Shoemaker, CTO, Cooliris

This post is part of Who's at Google I/O, a series of guest blog posts written by developers who are appearing in the Developer Sandbox at Google I/O.

At Cooliris, we develop media applications targeting two broad categories – web applications that run in any standards-compliant web browser, and native applications that target specific platforms with tailored user experiences (e.g. iOS, Android, Windows, Mac OS X).

When we developed the Cooliris Extension for Google Chrome, we set out to create an efficient and visually stunning media browsing experience for the web. To deliver on this promise, we developed a native runtime specialized for multiple operating systems and browsers. While we were delighted with the result, the cost of developing native code for multiple platforms was significant. Ideally we could target a single cross-platform API that provided the performance, flexibility, and native feel of platform-specific code.

The new generation of high-performance graphics APIs supported by Google Chrome enables developers to create cross-platform web applications with a presentation layer that looks and feels more like a native application. Our latest Chrome extension, Image Search by Cooliris, leverages these APIs to provide an immersive visual search experience. The following technologies were key to making this product possible:
  1. WebGL: The ability to render our user interface with OpenGL ES enabled us to recreate our original 3D Wall experience without the use of plug-ins. Because it is a web standard, our extension is already available on both Windows and Mac versions of Google Chrome with no additional effort on our part. The new requestAnimationFrame API enables the app to render frames only when the display refreshes, significantly improving performance and power usage.
  2. Google Image Search API: The AJAX search API brings a rich source of relevant content into the wall. Users begin typing in the search box and instantly see results appear on the wall, allowing for effortless discovery and navigation.
Now that we have built the Image Search by Cooliris extension, we are using next-generation web APIs to push the envelope even further. LiveShare, our next-generation communication platform, is built to take advantage of these capabilities from the beginning – for example, the demo of our upcoming product built on WebGL already uses Chrome's file drag-and-drop API to optimize upload performance.

We have never been more excited about the potential of the web platform to deliver great applications – with HTML5, WebGL, and other emerging standards, it has become possible to create products that rival the performance and user experience of native software.

Come see Cooliris in the Developer Sandbox at Google I/O on May 10-11.

Austin Shoemaker is CTO and co-founder of Cooliris. Austin studied Computer Science at Stanford and leads product development for the Cooliris platform. Previously, Austin worked at Apple developing consumer applications.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Working offline with Cloud9 on Google Chrome 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Rik Arends, CTO of Ajax.org / Cloud9 IDE

This post is part of Who's at Google I/O, a series of guest blog posts written by developers who are appearing in the Developer Sandbox at Google I/O.

Cloud9 is an online IDE for JS, Python, PHP and Ruby development. By placing all your code in the cloud, you can access your code anywhere, anytime and on any device. But what if you’re not online?

Working with web applications offline has been a difficult problem to solve. Traditional web applications required all the logic for HTML generation and user interaction to be located on a remote server. The "go offline" feature in some of the earliest browsers was hardly more than caching static content and could not deal with much interactivity.

Since the advent of AJAX, many websites and apps have moved to using JavaScript heavily on the client side, providing a much richer and smoother user experience. Now the ability to run a web application in full offline mode is within reach.

Cloud9 IDE is one such application. Built from the ground up to have the user interface running in the browser, the server application provides Cloud9 with WebDAV for file I/O, and APIs for project provisioning and authentication. For a rich offline experience, we would need to make the WebDAV API somehow available offline.

The first step in Cloud9’s offline experience has been to implement the HTML5 offline manifest, also known as Application Cache, to make sure the application loads smoothly while offline. The next step is to provide offline workspace synchronization using the new API provided in Google Chrome for local file system I/O. The Chrome file system implementation, based on the current W3C working draft, allows web applications to have access to the device (through a sandboxed file system). So even if you are marooned on a distant planet and disconnected from the collective, you can still work on your code.

Getting access to the local file system is very easy. The API method to call is the obviously named webkitRequestFileSystem, which takes options to create either a temporary or permanent file system, and to define the size of the sandbox location. The difference between temporary and permanent is quite clear, with temporary acting only as a cache: the files may disappear when the browser needs to free up disk space. Once the file system has been successfully created, you can do all the operations you expect, such as creating, deleting, copying, and moving files and directories.

More information on the full HTML file system API can be found at HTML5Rocks, which includes a detailed entry on what types of file system operations you can achieve with the API.

We are showcasing this feature at Google I/O, and will release this feature later this month on http://c9.io. We are working on creating a nice integration with Google App Engine too, so you can develop and deploy entirely online.

Update 5/11: Corrected information about temporary files; removed paragraph about having to start the browser with a special flag.

Come see Cloud9 in the Developer Sandbox at Google I/O on May 10-11.

Rik Arends has been a developer for 15 years and now manages the development team behind Cloud9 IDE.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Calling all JavaScripters: submit your Chrome Experiments for Google I/O! 2013

Seo Master present to you: We launched Chrome Experiments last month to feature some of the crazy things that are now possible with JavaScript. Since then, a number of developers have submitted additional experiments, many of which have made us smile -- take a look at a few of them.

In May, we're going to feature Chrome Experiments during Google I/O, our largest developer event (May 27 - 28), as well as on the Google Code blog.

So if you haven't already started experimenting, here's your chance to create something cool, fun, or quirky with JavaScript. Please submit it by May 26th. We'll reveal the top ten experiments here on the Google Code Blog during Google I/O.

Happy experimenting!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add SPDY support to your Apache server with mod_spdy 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Author Photo
Author Photo

By Matthew Steele and Bryan McQuade,
PageSpeed Insights Team

At Google, we strive to make the whole web fast. Our work in this area includes PageSpeed, Google Chrome, and the SPDY protocol, among other efforts. In December of 2011, to make it easy for you to enable the SPDY (pronounced "SPeeDY") protocol on your sites, we released an early beta of mod_spdy, an Apache module that adds SPDY support to the Apache HTTPD server. We’ve spent the last few months working with our early adopters to fix bugs and tune performance of the module. Today, we’re launching a version of mod_spdy that we encourage you to try on your web server.

Installing mod_spdy

To install mod_spdy on your Apache 2.2 server, simply download the appropriate mod_spdy Debian or RPM package for your platform, or compile from source. Once installed, your Apache server will begin using SPDY to communicate with SPDY-compatible browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Android, and recent versions of Firefox). SPDY runs over HTTPS, so any HTTP (non-HTTPS) traffic on your site will not be affected by mod_spdy. Further, since SPDY requires server-side support for the NPN TLS HTTPS extension, which is not available in most current Apache environments, a version of mod_ssl with NPN support is included with the mod_spdy packages.

Enabling SPDY for your site improves performance in several ways:
  • The server and browser can compress HTTP headers, saving bytes on the network.
  • Multiple resource requests can be multiplexed over a single TCP connection, saving connections on the network.
  • The browser can request all page resources at once instead of a few at a time, which reduces the number of network round-trips needed between server and client.
We've tested mod_spdy using locally-mirrored pages from popular websites, and have seen significant speedups compared to serving via plain HTTPS – comparable to the gains that Google’s own servers achieve by using SPDY – with no extra configuration and negligible effect on Apache’s CPU and memory usage. In extreme cases, for example, pages with many small resources, we’ve seen mod_spdy reduce load times by more than 50%.

How mod_spdy works in Apache

Implementing SPDY in Apache posed several interesting challenges. For example, multiplexing is an important performance feature of SPDY which allows for multiple requests in a single SPDY session to be processed concurrently, and their responses interleaved down the wire. However, due to the serialized nature of the HTTP/1.1 protocol, the Apache HTTP server provides a one-request-per-connection architecture. Apache’s connection and request processing normally happens in a single thread, like so:

single thread

This works well for HTTP, but it presents a problem for multiplexed protocols like SPDY because in this flow, each connection can only process one request at a time. Once Apache starts processing a request, control is transferred to the request handler and does not return to the connection handler until the request is complete.

To allow for SPDY multiplexing, mod_spdy separates connection processing and request processing into different threads. The connection thread is responsible for decoding SPDY frames and dispatching new SPDY requests to the mod_spdy request thread pool. Each request thread can process a different HTTP request concurrently. The diagram below shows the high-level architecture.

multiple threads

Happily, all this is almost completely invisible to users and server administrators alike--you can continue to use your existing Apache modules and configurations.

Download mod_spdy for your platform and give it a try, and let us know what you think on our mailing list. mod_spdy is an open-source project and we welcome contributions. We are continuing to add new features, tune performance, and improve support for up-and-coming versions of the SPDY protocol.

Matthew Steele and Bryan McQuade are Software Engineers on the Google PageSpeed Insights Team in Cambridge, MA. When not working on mod_spdy, they focus on developing tools to help site owners understand how to speed up their sites.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Fridaygram: Chrome tools, Goldberg machines, Lehrer songs 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

If you use Google Chrome and you like to live on the edge, you might want to try Google Chrome Canary. There's a new version of Chrome Canary pretty much every day, and it gets the latest features. Of course, because it's built every day, sometimes it’s not very stable and it falls right off the leading edge it's balanced on. That’s why, for safety, you can install and run the stable version of Chrome alongside the Canary version.

Recent Canary builds have added cool new features to the developer tools section of Chrome. Specifically, you can now test mobile environments by simulating different screen sizes and by emulating touch events using the mouse. These features are on the Settings page of developer tools.

If you haven’t visited Chrome's developer tools before, you might be pleasantly surprised at all the nifty things available there. To get to developer tools, click the Wrench in Chrome, then choose Tools > Developer Tools. Have a look around – if you need a guide, see the documentation.

Some developers make hardware too, and a bunch of them competed in this year’s Rube Goldberg Machine Contest at Purdue University. The winning team broke a record – their own record – by building a machine that takes 300 steps to inflate and pop a balloon. When you consider that 14 people spent 5000 hours on this project, you realize the power of creativity mixed with craziness.

Finally, take a moment to celebrate Tom Lehrer's birthday week by listening to some of his classic tunes. As a math professor / musician / parodist, nobody expresses the spirit of Fridaygrams better than Tom Lehrer.

Fridaygram posts are just for fun. They're designed for your Friday and weekend enjoyment. Each Fridaygram item must pass only one test: it has to be interesting to us nerds. Disclaimer: we do not advocating poisoning pigeons, whether in the park or elsewhere.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Monster Mesh - A Google Chrome Experiment 2013

Seo Master present to you: Over the past year or so, my contributions to Google Chrome have mostly been behind the scenes: improving our base libraries, security, stability, and performance. But recently, I made an addition to Chrome Experiments, a site we just launched today. With the Monster experiment I had a chance to step back from working deep within Google Chrome's C++ code, and give my right brain a little exercise.

Since web browsers don't currently support native 3D graphics, the basis for my experiment is a custom 3D rendering engine written in JavaScript. It uses some pretty intense numerical computations to project the 3D shapes into a 2D image, like your eye would. These are then drawn to the screen using the HTML5 canvas element. This process is a similar concept to early 3D game engines, before accelerating graphics cards handled the work.

JavaScript wasn't originally designed with intensive mathematical computation in mind; the real trick is not in writing the engine, but making it perform well in the high-level language running in your browser.

Compared to creating the 3D model beforehand and embedding the data in the application, Monster creates the mesh using software algorithms in real time while the demo runs. This has some nice advantages like decreasing download time, but it requires even more processing power to draw every frame.

Here's what it looks like in action:

The demo starts with a simple cube, but as it progresses, the cube is smoothed and pulled apart to become exponentially more complex. The values used in these operations are varied over time, creating an animation that brings the monster to life. Anytime during the demo you can hit 'p' to pause, and explore the scene with your mouse. With a bit of careful programming (ok, a lot) and the performance of V8, it's possible to do all this work and still generate smooth and consistent graphics.

So give it a try and take a look through the other Chrome Experiments on the Google Chrome Blog. If you've made something interesting with JavaScript please submit it, too. We'll be highlighting more experiments and holding sessions Google Chrome at Google I/O on May 27 - 28 in San Francisco.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Meet the web platform again for the first time 2013

Seo Master present to you: By Alex Komoroske, Product Manager

Cross-posted with the Chromium Blog

A few weeks ago one of my developer friends was gushing about the capabilities of his favorite native platform. After every point I felt obliged to point out that the web platform either already had or was actively developing precisely the same capabilities—and then some. He was incredulous. "Prove it," he said.

So I pulled together a few of my favorite examples from the cutting edge of the web platform and recorded three screencasts to help my friend—and others—meet the web platform again for the first time.

The first video, Building on Foundations, goes over how the web platform has been fixing various historical shortcomings and building upon its core strengths, like complicated graphical effects, composability, and advanced text layout.

The next video, Learning from Other Platforms, reviews how the web platform offers new capabilities inspired by successes on other platforms with things like push notifications, payment APIs, and web intents.

The last video, On the Cutting Edge, demonstrates some of the new tricks the web platform is learning, like webcam access, powerful audio APIs, and complicated 3D graphics.

If you're interested in learning more about the technology behind any of the demos, check out the Meet the Web Platform companion guide.

I hope these videos capture your imagination and begin to show what is possible on the web platform. The web platform is evolving at an enormous pace, and I just can't wait to see where it goes next!

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Finding success in the Chrome Web Store 2013

Seo Master present to you: Chrome Web Store logoEven though the Chrome Web Store launched in the US just a few months ago, some developers are already seeing great results. From games to productivity apps, the store has helped all kinds of web applications grow.

Our friends from World Golf Tour, Sliderocket, Wikinvest, Todo.ly and Springpad share their experiences with the Chrome Web Store through five brand new case studies. While each of these developers has a unique view point, some common themes have surfaced:
  1. The Chrome Web Store can help you acquire more users really fast: For example for Todo.ly, users of the Chrome Web Store app account for more than 50% of the web site’s traffic.
  2. Chrome Web Store users are very engaged with apps: Springpad and Wikinvest report that Chrome app users spend up to 100% more time interacting with the app, than a typical visitor spends on their regular website.
  3. You can improve the monetization of your app through the Chrome Web Store: Premium apps like the World Golf Tour and Sliderocket report significantly higher conversion rates for Chrome app users than the rest of the user base and a growing percentage of business leads originating from the store respectively.
  4. Posting your app in the store requires relatively little effort: The app publishing process in the store is smooth and required little to no custom work for all the developers, profiled in the case studies.
If you are interested in publishing your app in the Chrome Web Store or learning more about how the Chrome Web Store can help your business, explore our developer documentation and join us in our developer forum.

2013, By: Seo Master
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