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seo Increased code search coverage, now with Git and Mercurial support 2013

Seo Master present to you: Ali Pasha

At Google Code search, we've seen distributed version control systems get more popular. Linux has been using one for several years and several large open source projects have migrated to using one in the last few years. In recognition of that, we are now announcing that we crawl Git and Mercurial repositories.

For Git, we now crawl repositories hosted by several public git hosting sites including GitHub and repo.or.cz. In addition to that, we also crawl Android, Chromium and Linux code.
For Mercurial repositories, we now crawl most popular open source repositories including Mozilla, JDK, and NetBeans.
Finally, we have also extended coverage to support Codeplex: System.ServiceModel package:codeplex.com

Feel free to provide feedback to let us know how we're doing.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tell us about the code on your site with Code Search Sitemaps 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We've heard from a number of site owners who want to make sure their public source code is searchable via Google Code Search. To help with that, we extended the Sitemap Protocol to support code files. This makes it possible to specify all the code files on your site, as well as the programming language and software license for each file.

To get started, check out the new Code Search tags for Sitemaps. For complete software packages that are archives (.tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, or .zip), you can create a packagemap file to describe all the individual code files in each package. For example:

  <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"


Once you've created your Sitemap, post it to a public URL on your site and then be sure to submit it through Google Webmaster Tools.

We hope this effort will help make even more code accessible and useful for developers. Let us know what you think. There's still a lot more code out there, so we'll keep working on improving Google Code Search as a tool for finding it.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Code Search: Improved browsing and new search operators 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Software engineers who work with huge code bases always wish searching thousands lines of code and navigating through the file and code structures was easier. They may use powerful IDEs for the local sources on their development workstations, but until recently they have been unable to efficiently browse huge amounts of the open source code in repositories and archives on the Internet. The latest Google Code Search updates add a few features that improve code browsing and searching. The first one is Code Outline which shows you the structure of code written Java, C, C++, C#, Python, JavaScript and Pascal. You can find it under a new "Outline" tab next to the existing "Files" tab.
The second feature we added allows you to click on include and import statements in Java, C, C++ and Python code and jump directly to the included file, if it is in the same package. In the case where the included file comes from a third-party library or, say, from Linux headers, a search is performed for the included file in the indexed code base.

But what if the include list is too large and you can't guess where a class or method is defined? To help we added two new search operators, class: and function: which allow you to restrict your regular expression to the names of classes and functions only. Together with the package: operator and new radio button "Search in ..." that restricts search to the files from the specified package, these are powerful ways to find exactly what you are looking for. Compare the results of searching for "Shell" in the whole code base with the results of searching for class:Shell inside SWT.

We continue improving Code Search and look forward for your feedback at our discussion group.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Improvements to Google Code Search 2013

Seo Master present to you:

When I first came to Google, I was curious (and anxious) to learn what project I'd be working on. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I'd be helping build Google Code Search. I felt like a penguin assigned to work on Herring Search -- even more so because the project involved searching with regular expressions, a non-trivial problem to get right. We launched Code Search last October, enabling search over billions of lines of public source code. Today we made some updates to Code Search that will hopefully make it even easier to find the code you're looking for.

First, we've expanded our crawl to include not just complete archives and repositories, but individual code files and sample code snippets from webpages as well. Now when you search for things like [LFractalCanvas] or [nph-refresh], you'll have a better chance of finding what you want. Second, we've made a few ranking adjustments, such as putting class and function definitions closer to the top for a lot of searches. Lastly, Code Search is now available in domains outside the United States, from my home country of Poland, to Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Russia, and Spain, to name a few.

We hope you'll continue giving us feedback on ways to improve Code Search. There's a lot of code out on the web, and we've still got a lot of work left to make it all accessible and useful for developers everywhere.2013, By: Seo Master
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