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seo 2008 Year in Review 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Before looking back on this past year, we'd like to thank the developer community for your involvement and enthusiasm in 2008. Without you none of our accomplishments would've been possible and coming to work would not have been nearly as rewarding or exciting.

In 2008 the developer team at Google made it significantly easier for developers to build increasingly sophisticated web apps. Looking back, some of the most notable events from the last year include the App Engine launch, GWT 1.5 launch, Chrome launch, AJAX Language API launch, AJAX Libraries API launch and the broad adoption of OpenSocial.

We also worked hard to make it simple to integrate and extend Google applications through the launch of the You Tube API, Visualization API, Maps for Flash API, Finance API and Custom Search API.

We were also really happy to participate in the Open Handset Alliance where we saw the announcement of the Android Developer Challenge winners, the Android 1.0 SDK launch, and the first app downloads in the Android Market.

Our favorite part of 2008, however, was interacting with you at Google I/O and at Developer Days. These events allowed us to meet inspirational developers in 15 countries around the world who are building fantastic applications.

In 2009, we look forward to building products to make the web better and that let you, the developer community, build better apps on the web. We are already excited about seeing you at events next year.

Happy Holidays from the Google Developer Team.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Web Toolkit out in the wild 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Since Google Web Toolkit (GWT) launched, there have been many rich, robust Ajax applications which developers have told us they wouldn't have been able to build without GWT. We're thrilled to hear that GWT has increased productivity for developers and helped them to improve performance of their AJAX apps. On that note, we'd like to introduce you to 4 developers across a diverse range of web apps -- all of which were built with GWT. Whether you're new to GWT or not, these developers share some great insight into how they used GWT, what they like and would like to see from GWT, and finally their own learnings from building with GWT.

These developer videos, as well as descriptions of other GWT-built apps, are available here: Who's Using GWT. And if you're interested in the latest on GWT, check out the Official Google Web Toolkit Blog.

*Viewing tip: While we've embedded the videos here, we highly recommend watching them directly on YouTube and choosing the "watch in HD" option.

GoGrid is a cloud computing infrastructure service provider which enables you to deploy and scale load-balanced cloud server networks via a multi-server control panel. GoGrid was recently named Best In Show at LinuxWorld 2008. "We wanted to build a thick client inside the browser... GWT is very powerful and has increased our productivity greatly... We're able to build a very complex, rich, UI application quickly and easily." - Justin Kitagawa, GoGrid

Lombardi Blueprint is a business process mapping and diagramming tool. "We don't have to worry about all the browser quirks that you fight with when you're writing in pure javascript. We just write in the language that we like to use and they take care of all the difficult bits for us." - Alex Moffat, Lombardi Blueprint

scenechronize is a production management web application for film, television and commercials. "We chose to use GWT because it allowed us to write in Java which opened up a wide range of tools available for Java-based apps.... Because GWT supports multiple browsers, we're able to write our app so it looks and works the same across 4 major browser types." - Rob Powers, Scenechronize

Whirled is a social virtual world website which includes multi-player games. "We used GWT to build the social networking website part of Whirled, and it's done a lot of the heavy lifting for us... Whirled is now about 60K lines of code just for the client. Being able to enforce the same kind of engineering discipline that we do everywhere else has been a huge help." - Michael Bayne, Whirled

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Visualization API Library now available for Google Web Toolkit 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We're happy to announce the Google Visualization API Library for Google Web Toolkit (GWT). This has been a requested addition to GWT for some time now on the developer forum and we are excited to make it available.

You can now utilize the visualization and reporting capabilities of the Google Visualization API while writing native Java code for your GWT applications and enjoy the best of both worlds. The library includes wrappers for many of Google's visualizations, such as Bar Chart, Annotated Time Line, Map, Motion Chart, Organizational Chart and many others. We have marked all the visualizations that are currently supported by this library in the Visualization Gallery.

The library also includes classes that enable you to easily wrap any existing Visualization API-compliant visualization in GWT so that you can access it from Java complied by the GWT compiler. So if you want to wrap your own visualization or the nifty Piles of Money visualization, you can easily do so.

Lastly, the library includes a class that makes it easy to write new visualizations in GWT-compiled Java and make it available as JS for general use in the Visualization API. This is cool if you've been itching to contribute new visualizations but prefer coding in Java.

Here is example code that draws the well known Annotated Time Line chart in Java using the new Visualization API Library:

UPDATE: Changed the code font size to fit on one line so you can copy & paste

package com.blogpost.client;

import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.AjaxLoader;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.DataTable;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.Query;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.QueryResponse;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.Query.Callback;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.visualizations.AnnotatedTimeLine;

public class BlogPost implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
AjaxLoader.loadVisualizationApi(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Query query =
query.send(new Callback(){

public void onResponse(QueryResponse response) {
if (response.isError()) {
Window.alert("An error occured: " + response.getDetailedMessage());

DataTable data = response.getDataTable();
AnnotatedTimeLine.Options options = AnnotatedTimeLine.Options.create();
RootPanel.get().add(new AnnotatedTimeLine(data, options, "800px", "400px"));
}}, AnnotatedTimeLine.PACKAGE);

This code draws the same visualization that can be seen in the example for Annotated Time Line in the Visualization Gadget Gallery. Both get their data from Google Spreadsheets, only this code does so in Java instead of Javascript or as a Gadget.

Enjoy!2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Web Toolkit 2.0 - now with Speed Tracer 2013

Seo Master present to you: Tonight at a Google Campfire One we released Google Web Toolkit 2.0, aiming to do two main things for developers:
  • Make it easier to build faster apps
  • Speed up the overall development cycle
This is a very exciting release because it's the cumulation of a year and a half working with teams like Google Wave, AdWords, and Orkut (among many others inside and outside of Google) to evolve GWT to meet the needs of today's web applications. There are many features and improvements, but let me call out three which we're especially excited about.

Faster Apps

Introducing: Performance profiling with Speed Tracer
The first thing you'll notice in 2.0 is that we've added a new tool called Speed Tracer. Speed Tracer is a performance profiler for Google Chrome that allows developers to see what's going on in a way which hasn't been possible before. We've worked closely with the Webkit community to add instrumentation in the browser to enable developers to gain deep insights into how code behaves, uncovering problems which have been hidden up till now.

Introducing: Incremental app download with code splitting
Another feature we've added into Google Web Toolkit is developer-guided code splitting. Code splitting allows a developer to split up their application for much, much faster startup times. Imagine if you have a settings page that users go to once a week. Why download that JavaScript when the application starts up? With code splitting, your users download just the JavaScript they need to get started.

Faster Development

Introducing: Declarative UI with UiBinder
UiBinder is a new declarative UI framework in Google Web Toolkit which enables rapid design iteration and a clean separation between presentation layer and application logic.

Dive into the details and more features in GWT 2.0.

2013, By: Seo Master
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