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seo HTML5 + Quake II 2013

Seo Master present to you: In case you missed it on the Google Web Toolkit Blog, check out this HTML5 port of Quake II. (Yep, that is a browser pushing 30 frames per second)

For more info, read the full post on the GWT Blog.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Monster Mesh - A Google Chrome Experiment 2013

Seo Master present to you: Over the past year or so, my contributions to Google Chrome have mostly been behind the scenes: improving our base libraries, security, stability, and performance. But recently, I made an addition to Chrome Experiments, a site we just launched today. With the Monster experiment I had a chance to step back from working deep within Google Chrome's C++ code, and give my right brain a little exercise.

Since web browsers don't currently support native 3D graphics, the basis for my experiment is a custom 3D rendering engine written in JavaScript. It uses some pretty intense numerical computations to project the 3D shapes into a 2D image, like your eye would. These are then drawn to the screen using the HTML5 canvas element. This process is a similar concept to early 3D game engines, before accelerating graphics cards handled the work.

JavaScript wasn't originally designed with intensive mathematical computation in mind; the real trick is not in writing the engine, but making it perform well in the high-level language running in your browser.

Compared to creating the 3D model beforehand and embedding the data in the application, Monster creates the mesh using software algorithms in real time while the demo runs. This has some nice advantages like decreasing download time, but it requires even more processing power to draw every frame.

Here's what it looks like in action:

The demo starts with a simple cube, but as it progresses, the cube is smoothed and pulled apart to become exponentially more complex. The values used in these operations are varied over time, creating an animation that brings the monster to life. Anytime during the demo you can hit 'p' to pause, and explore the scene with your mouse. With a bit of careful programming (ok, a lot) and the performance of V8, it's possible to do all this work and still generate smooth and consistent graphics.

So give it a try and take a look through the other Chrome Experiments on the Google Chrome Blog. If you've made something interesting with JavaScript please submit it, too. We'll be highlighting more experiments and holding sessions Google Chrome at Google I/O on May 27 - 28 in San Francisco.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Meet the web platform again for the first time 2013

Seo Master present to you: By Alex Komoroske, Product Manager

Cross-posted with the Chromium Blog

A few weeks ago one of my developer friends was gushing about the capabilities of his favorite native platform. After every point I felt obliged to point out that the web platform either already had or was actively developing precisely the same capabilities—and then some. He was incredulous. "Prove it," he said.

So I pulled together a few of my favorite examples from the cutting edge of the web platform and recorded three screencasts to help my friend—and others—meet the web platform again for the first time.

The first video, Building on Foundations, goes over how the web platform has been fixing various historical shortcomings and building upon its core strengths, like complicated graphical effects, composability, and advanced text layout.

The next video, Learning from Other Platforms, reviews how the web platform offers new capabilities inspired by successes on other platforms with things like push notifications, payment APIs, and web intents.

The last video, On the Cutting Edge, demonstrates some of the new tricks the web platform is learning, like webcam access, powerful audio APIs, and complicated 3D graphics.

If you're interested in learning more about the technology behind any of the demos, check out the Meet the Web Platform companion guide.

I hope these videos capture your imagination and begin to show what is possible on the web platform. The web platform is evolving at an enormous pace, and I just can't wait to see where it goes next!

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo 1-up for web games 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By David Glazer, Engineering Director, Google+

Hundreds of millions of users are already having fun playing games on the web. With GDC going on this week (#googlegdc), we wanted to give you an update on our efforts to improve the web ecosystem for game developers.

New technology capabilities

With HTML5, WebGL, and WebRTC, the browser has evolved into a feature-rich gaming platform. We are working closely with all browser vendors to further improve the web’s capabilities with new HTML5 APIs such as Gamepad, Mouse Lock, and Fullscreen.

Native Client (NaCl), a technology that enables console quality games in the browser, is also gaining traction. Starting today, the BlitzTech Gaming engine and the Havok Physics Engine have announced NaCl support, complementing a rich ecosystem of game middleware. Some of the latest games that take advantage of NaCl’s capabilities are Zombie Track Meat, Eets Munchies, Go Home Dinosaurs, Dark Legends, Air Mech, and Ubisoft’s From Dust. You can see an early preview of them at our GDC booth.

Improved distribution and monetization

Using social information in game play allows users to connect in more meaningful ways and developers to build even more compelling games. Google+ games continues to grow and attract exciting new games, including the exclusive launch of the epic fantasy title Kingdom Age last week. To help social game developers reach more users globally, all Google+ games will soon be available in the Chrome Web Store, providing an audience of hundreds of millions of users.

In addition, our In-App Payments solution recently added support for more currencies and optimized the payment flow to enable higher conversions.

Visit us at GDC and on the web

To get started working with us, you can now access a new site, developers.google.com/games, that pulls together all our technologies to help you build, distribute, promote, and monetize your games. And for those of you attending GDC this week, stop by our developer day and our booth. We are looking forward to continuing our collaboration with the gaming community and bringing the best games to hundreds of millions of Internet gamers.

David Glazer, Engineering Director for Google+ .

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing Technitone: Showcasing the Web Audio API, multiplayer and live in WebGL 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Paul Irish, Chrome Developer Relations

The Web Audio API, currently available in Chrome, provides a considerable amount of aural power to developers interested in integrating audio into their apps and games. Low latency audio playback, audio generation and realtime effects are available with a sensible API in Chrome stable.

We worked with gskinner.com to develop Technitone, a web audio experience that lets you join other players to plot tones on a grid, construct melodies and modify the output with a robust toolset of effects.

technitone logo

Click on over and poke around.
  • Your tone samples can come from your own recordings, or any of the available samples.
  • The left side Tools panel offers realtime audio filters, like echo reverb and pitch shift.
  • We keep you connected to other players in realtime using WebSockets and Node.js.
  • You can drop into solo mode or invite your friends to join you in a session.
  • Get inspired by others’ audio creations in the gallery.
If you’re interested in the techniques and software behind the project, take a look at the case study with plenty of sample code and demos on HTML5 Rocks: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/casestudies/technitone/

Paul Irish helps developers build compelling apps for the web on the Chrome Team. He also works on HTML5 Boilerplate, Modernizr, and many bits and bobs of open source code.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Building Web Apps? Check out our Field Guide 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Pete LePage, Developer Advocate

Yesterday, the Chrome Developer Relations team launched several new resources, including the Field Guide to Web Applications. It’s a new resource that is designed to help web developers create great web apps. We’ve heard loud and clear from users that they want more and better web apps, and we hope this new field guide will enable you to create those web apps. Our fictitious author Bert Appward guides you through topics like the properties of web applications, design fundamentals, tips for creating great experiences, and a few case studies that put best practices to use. Whether you're building your first web app or are just looking for ways to improve your existing apps, I hope you'll find the field guide useful.

We built the field guide to embody the principles and best practices that it preaches. We stepped away from the normal webpage look, and instead designed the experience around a field guide. We used many CSS3 features like box-shadow, opacity, multiple backgrounds and more to provide a rich, visual experience. To make sure that it worked offline, we used AppCache and other than some URL rewriting techniques, didn't use any server-side code. We used the HTML5 History API to maintain page state even though everything is served from a single HTML page. We've started working on a new case study about the field guide, so check back soon for that!

Pete LePage is a Developer Advocate on the Google Chrome team and works with developers to create great web applications for the Chrome Web Store. He recently helped launch the +Chrome Developers page on Google+.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo A fresh new look for HTML5Rocks.com 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Eric Bidelman, Senior Developer Programs Engineer, Google Chrome Team

Over the past year, HTML5Rocks.com has become a top destination for developers craving to learn more about HTML5. Today, we have over 60 articles and tutorials covering the latest HTML5 tech, published by 30 contributors from around the world! We've worked hard to bring great content to the site as quickly as possible, but it's been challenging to consolidate so much information as HTML5 continues to push the web forward and evolve at an accelerated pace.

HTML5 Rocks logo

Today, we're launching an updated HTML5Rocks with better tools for finding content, including an edgy new look and "rocking" logo. As our content expands, finding things becomes more important. To address this, we've created "persona pages" with catered content in 3 different verticals (Games, Business, Mobile). If you're one of those developers, finding content relevant to you should now be a snap. We've also consolidated many of the different components (Updates, Studio, Playground) into the main site and have deeply integrated the HTML5 technology classes to bring a better identity to the content.

All in all, it's a little bit Punk and a little bit Rock and Roll.

Lastly, if you're interested in contributing to the site, it's an open source project and we'd love to have your expertise. See our contributors guide.

Eric Bidelman is a Senior Developer Programs Engineer on the Google Chrome Team and a core contributor to html5rocks.com. He is the author of the book Using the HTML5 Filesystem API.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Udacity HTML5 Game Development course now live 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Peter Lubbers, Program Manager, Google Chrome Developer Relations

We just launched our new Udacity HTML5 Game Development course (CS255). This course focuses on building a game in JavaScript and is taught by Colt McAnlis (Developer Advocate, Chrome Developer Relations), Peter Lubbers (Program Manager, Chrome Developer Relations), and Sean Bennett (Architect, Udacity). Yep, these guys:


This Thursday, February 14th at 10:30 a.m. PST we are hosting an introductory Google Developers Live session with special guest Sebastian Thrun (Udacity's CEO). In this session we will tell you all about the content of the course and and we will answer your questions live. Make sure you add this live event to your calendar and tune in on Thursday: http://goo.gl/ffs8s (you can ask and vote for your questions there, too).

We have a series of exciting initiatives that we are organizing in parallel. First, we’ll be running a study group for the first several weeks of the course. The study group will be hosted at Google’s San Francisco office, and Colt, Peter, and Sean will be there to answer any questions you might have and to help you out with the course material. If you don’t live around San Francisco, or can’t make it for whatever reason, don’t worry, because we’ll be livestreaming and recording these study groups.

cars with Udacity and HTML5 license plates

In addition to the study group, Udacity is also organizing an exciting contest focused around the course. The goal of this contest is to build your own game using the knowledge and skills you've gained from the course. You can sign up for the course here and tune into GDL on Thursday to find out more about it.

Peter Lubbers is a Program Manager on the Chrome Developer Relations Team, spreading HTML5 and Open Web goodness. He is the founder of the San Francisco HTML5 User Group--the world's first and largest HTML5 meetup with over 6,000 members. Peter is the author of "Pro HTML5 Programming" (Apress) and, yes, his car's license plate is HTML5!

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing "Find Your Way to Oz", a new Chrome Experiment 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Max Heinritz, Associate Product Magician (Manager)

Cross-posted with the Chromium Blog

Today we unveiled "Find Your Way To Oz", a new Chrome Experiment inspired by the upcoming feature film Oz The Great and Powerful. Developed by UNIT9, this experiment brings together Disney’s unique storytelling tradition and the power of the web platform, allowing users to interact with the web in a completely new way.

The desktop version of "Find Your Way To Oz" uses many of the open web’s more advanced features:
  • Immersive Graphics: The experiment uses WebGL for the main 3D environment, CSS3 features such as CSS Transitions for various visual embellishments, and GLSL shaders for the tornado’s ominous look and feel.

  • Rich Audio: As the user explores the experiment, the 3D sound dynamically adapts thanks to the Web Audio API. The same API powers the experiment’s music composing section.

  • Camera-based interactions: Through WebRTC’s getUserMedia API, users can become circus characters or record their own mini-movies.
The experiment’s mobile web version also uses cutting-edge web technologies. These include graphics features such as accelerated 3D transforms and sprite sheets as well as mobile hardware features like camera, multi-touch, gyroscope and accelerometer. Together they create an experience that can normally only be found in native apps.

To learn more about how this experiment was built, read our technical case study and join us for a Google Developers Live event on February 11th at 11 a.m. GMT where we’ll be talking to the team behind the project. Alternatively, use Chrome’s developer tools to see how the experiment works on your own, perhaps finding in the process your own path to the yellow brick road.

Max Heinritz is an Associate Product Manager on the Chrome Web Platform team. He's helping the web reach its potential to become the universal application platform. On the weekends you can find him exploring the Northern California wilderness.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Angry Birds Chrome now uses the Web Audio API 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Fred Sauer, Developer Advocate

Cross-posted with the Google Web Toolkit Blog

Last week Angry Birds for Chrome was updated to use the Web Audio API for all its in-game audio for Chrome users, which means Chrome users get the full Angry Birds experience, without any plugins. The Web Audio API supports a wide variety of use cases, including the high fidelity and low latency requirements of games. Users of other supported browsers will still get sound via Flash or HTML5 audio.

How does this cross-browser audio magic work? As you may have seen or heard, Angry Birds was in no small part made possible by the cross-platform open source PlayN library. When building for the HTML platform, PlayN in turn relies heavily on Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to delivery a highly optimized web experience for users, and on gwt-voices to easily deliver a cross-browser audio experience.

The responsibility of choosing the appropriate audio API for the game's sound is (mostly) left up to gwt-voices, which chooses the audio API that will give the best experience. If you'd like to hear how other audio APIs perform, you can ask gwt-voices to try to use the Web Audio API, Flash, HTML5 Audio, or even native audio. Your mileage will vary by browser and platform and which plugins you have installed. Also, gwt-voices will select the best available fallback, if the desired audio API is not going to work at all in your environment.

Want to learn more? Check out the Web Audio API tutorial and don't let those pigs grunt too much.

Fred Sauer is a Developer Advocate at Google where most of his time is devoted to Google App Engine and Google Web Toolkit. He is the author of various GWT related open source projects including gwt-dnd (providing in browser Drag and Drop capabilities), gwt-log (an advanced logging framework) and gwt-voices (for cross browser sound support). Fred has dedicated much of his career to Java related development, with an increasing focus on HTML5.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add HTML5 Mp3 Music Player To Your Blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Blogger html5 music player
Isn't it be cool to have a tune played when someone visit your websites or blog. Specially if your blog is about songs, music, movies and videos then it would be cool to play music automatically when visitors visits your websites. In this tutorial i will show you how to add a HTML5 mp3 music player to your blog. This mp3 player comes with features such as adjusting volume, play and pause button etc. It works on mostly all browsers except some lower version of internet explorer.

Live Demo (Check Below)

How to add HTML5 Mp3 Player ?

    1. Go to blogger Dashboard  > Layout
    2. Then Click on Add Gadget
    3. Select HTML/Javascript
    4. Copy the below code and Save it. (Any one of 3)

  • Code For Normal Mp3 Player
<audio controls="controls"><source src="www.matrixar.com" autoload="true" autoplay="true" hidden="true" type="audio/mp3" /></source></audio>

  • Code to play Automatically
<audio controls autoplay="controls"><source src="www.matrixar.com" autoload="true" autoplay="true" hidden="true" type="audio/mp3" /></source></audio>

  • Code to play music again and again (Looping)
<audio controls loop="controls"><source src="www.matrixar.com" autoload="true" autoplay="true" hidden="true" type="audio/mp3" /></source></audio>
    Note: Replace www.matrixar.com with url of mp3 file you want to play. The url     will end with  .mp3

    5. Now you have working  HTML5 Mp3 player on your blog.
    6. Place this widget where you want it to appear on your blog.

Have any question ?

If you have any problem implementing HTML5 Mp3 player to your blog or have any other question or suggestion then leave a comment below. I will be glad to help you. Don't Forget to subscribe, +1 on google+ and like us on Facebook.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Extensibility + new HTML and JavaScript APIs for Google Chrome 2013

Seo Master present to you: Today's new stable release of Google Chrome for Windows includes a bundle of browser goodness, including extensions and new HTML and JavaScript APIs.

Extensions -- previously available on Google Chrome for Windows on the beta channel -- and are now available to all users. Extensions enable you to provide additional functionality not just on your site, but to bring content and functionality from your site into the browser regardless of what sites the user has open. Google Chrome extensions use the same multiprocess technology that makes the browser fast and more secure, so that extensions won't crash or slow down your browser.

In addition, we're excited to introduce a number of new HTML and JavaScript APIs in Google Chrome, including the Web Storage and Web SQL Database APIs, WebSockets, and more. For more details about these APIs, read further on the Chromium Blog.

If you have questions about the extensions APIs, the extensions discussion group continues to be the best place to get answers. For the new HTML and JavaScript APIs, check out the newly created Chromium HTML5 group. And for those of you who are interested in attending Google I/O, check out the current list of Google Chrome sessions.

2013, By: Seo Master
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