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seo WindowBuilder becomes new open source project with major code contribution to Eclipse Foundation 2013

Seo Master present to you:

When Google acquired Instantiations in August 2010, everyone knew about our Java Eclipse products. Shortly after we joined, we talked about how best to help developers now that we are part of Google. We have always wanted to get these tools in more developers’ hands. So, back in September we decided to give them away for free! The community response has been fantastic. With that done, we asked ourselves, how could we make a good thing even better? How about by open sourcing the code and creating two new Eclipse projects!

Today we are announcing Google’s donation of the source code and IP for two of these products to the open source community through the Eclipse Foundation. This donation includes WindowBuilder, the leading Eclipse Java GUI Designer, and CodePro Profiler, which identifies Java code performance issues. Specifically, the WindowBuilder Engine and designers for SWT and Swing. All in all, this is a value of more than $5 million dollars worth of code and IP.

The Eclipse Foundation’s Executive Director, Mike Milinkovich, states that, “this is clearly a significant new project announcement, and very good news for Java developers using Eclipse. It has been impressive to see the continued growth and popularity of WindowBuilder, as this product has always filled a much needed gap in the Eclipse offerings. We look forward to it appearing in an Eclipse release soon. We’re very pleased with Google’s generous support of Eclipse, and the Java developer community around the world.”

One of the exciting aspects of innovating in the open source arena is that customers benefit from a full community. We are very excited to see the diverse collection of companies and individuals that have already expressed an interest in contributing to these projects. Commercial level support is important to many customers. Genuitec, makers of MyEclipse, intends to offer commercial support for the various WindowBuilder based products including the SWT, Swing Designer and even the GWT Designer from Google. Please sign up on the Genuitec site for more information. Similarly, OnPositive intends to offer commercial support for CodePro Profiler, as well as lead as the committers on the Eclipse Community Project. Sign up on the OnPositive site for more information.

"Genuitec is pleased to offer commercial support for WindowBuilder-based products - Swing, SWT and GWT - in early 2011 for companies who wish to continue a paid support contract once their Google support expires. We've been involved with the Eclipse Foundation since the beginning, so we are very familiar with these products. Thus, providing commercial support for this product line is a natural fit for us," said Maher Masri, President of Genuitec.

“Over the years OnPositive has built up unique experience with the CodePro Profiler and we are excited to offer commercial support for it. Google’s donation ensures that Java developers can build faster applications,” said Pavel Petrochenko, President of OnPositive.

WindowBuilder is regarded as the leading GUI builder in the Java community (winning the award for Best Commercial Eclipse Tool in 2009). It includes powerful functionality for creating user interfaces based on the popular Swing, SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit), GWT (Google Web Toolkit), RCP and XWT UI frameworks.

CodePro Profiler
CodePro Profiler is an Eclipse-based Java application profiling tool that helps developers identify performance issues early in the development cycle and find CPU and algorithmic bottlenecks, memory leaks, threading issues, and other concurrency-related problems that can slow down an application or cause it to hang.

Both WindowBuilder and CodePro Profiler will become Eclipse projects in the first half of 2011. Once each one is set up as a project and available for download from the Eclipse site, the products will be accessible to use as open source code under the the standard Eclipse license. I am looking forward to leading the WindowBuilder project.

If you have any questions, you can learn more at this FAQ or we look forward to hearing from you on the forums.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Visualization API Library now available for Google Web Toolkit 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We're happy to announce the Google Visualization API Library for Google Web Toolkit (GWT). This has been a requested addition to GWT for some time now on the developer forum and we are excited to make it available.

You can now utilize the visualization and reporting capabilities of the Google Visualization API while writing native Java code for your GWT applications and enjoy the best of both worlds. The library includes wrappers for many of Google's visualizations, such as Bar Chart, Annotated Time Line, Map, Motion Chart, Organizational Chart and many others. We have marked all the visualizations that are currently supported by this library in the Visualization Gallery.

The library also includes classes that enable you to easily wrap any existing Visualization API-compliant visualization in GWT so that you can access it from Java complied by the GWT compiler. So if you want to wrap your own visualization or the nifty Piles of Money visualization, you can easily do so.

Lastly, the library includes a class that makes it easy to write new visualizations in GWT-compiled Java and make it available as JS for general use in the Visualization API. This is cool if you've been itching to contribute new visualizations but prefer coding in Java.

Here is example code that draws the well known Annotated Time Line chart in Java using the new Visualization API Library:

UPDATE: Changed the code font size to fit on one line so you can copy & paste

package com.blogpost.client;

import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.AjaxLoader;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.DataTable;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.Query;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.QueryResponse;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.Query.Callback;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.visualizations.AnnotatedTimeLine;

public class BlogPost implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
AjaxLoader.loadVisualizationApi(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Query query =
query.send(new Callback(){

public void onResponse(QueryResponse response) {
if (response.isError()) {
Window.alert("An error occured: " + response.getDetailedMessage());

DataTable data = response.getDataTable();
AnnotatedTimeLine.Options options = AnnotatedTimeLine.Options.create();
RootPanel.get().add(new AnnotatedTimeLine(data, options, "800px", "400px"));
}}, AnnotatedTimeLine.PACKAGE);

This code draws the same visualization that can be seen in the example for Annotated Time Line in the Visualization Gadget Gallery. Both get their data from Google Spreadsheets, only this code does so in Java instead of Javascript or as a Gadget.

Enjoy!2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google APIs Client Library for Java: now with OAuth 2.0 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Yaniv Inbar, Google APIs Client Team

During Google I/O 2011, we announced a major milestone by releasing the Beta version of the open source Google APIs Client Library for Java. This release included service-specific libraries and samples for Google APIs, built on our new client library generation infrastructure. Since that version 1.4 launch, we’ve been comfortable enough with the stability and features of the library that we want you to start building real production Java 5, Android, and Google App Engine applications and send us your feedback.

Today we are announcing a new milestone for the Java client library. With the version 1.5 release, we’re making available the open source Google OAuth Client Library for Java in Beta, with support for both OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0. OAuth is an open standard for allowing a client application to securely gain access to a user’s private data stored on Google without ever asking for their password. Most Google APIs support OAuth 2.0, and we want to encourage adoption of OAuth 2.0 more widely on the web. That’s why we built this library to work with any API on the web -- not just Google APIs -- that comply with the OAuth specifications. Our current implementation of OAuth 2.0 is based on draft 10, but we will update it soon to the final draft, once it becomes an official standard. We encourage you to try it and send us your feedback.

Here is an example of how easy it is to use the OAuth 2.0 library to make a request using the library for the Google+ API (check out more samples):
// Set up the HTTP transport and JSON factory
HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();

// Set up OAuth 2.0 access of protected resources
// using the refresh and access tokens, automatically
// refreshing the access token when it expires

GoogleAccessProtectedResource requestInitializer =
new GoogleAccessProtectedResource(accessToken, httpTransport,
jsonFactory, clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken);

// Set up the main Google+ class
Plus plus = new Plus(httpTransport, requestInitializer, jsonFactory);

// Make a request to access your profile and display it to console
Person profile = plus.people().get("me").execute();
System.out.println("ID: " + profile.getId());
System.out.println("Name: " + profile.getDisplayName());
System.out.println("Image URL: " + profile.getImage().getUrl());
System.out.println("Profile URL: " + profile.getUrl());
Finally, we are making available a Beta version of the open source Google HTTP Client Library for Java. This is the common HTTP client library that the above two libraries are built on, and is built to work with any API on the web. It features a pluggable HTTP transport abstraction that allows it to work seamlessly on any of the supported Java platforms, support for efficient JSON and XML data models for parsing and serialization, and a pluggable JSON and XML parser so you can use whatever works best for you. Please try it and send us your feedback.

We are looking forward to finding out what you can build using these libraries on Google APIs. Please let us know how we can make the libraries easier to use and better suited for your needs.

As we announced at Google I/O 2010, we've been developing APIs that can provide descriptions of themselves via metadata. This new technique makes it easier to create and maintain client libraries that support more languages, work with more APIs, and are easier to use than ever before. This post announces one of several recent major milestones for our client libraries.

Yaniv Inbar is a Senior Software Engineer and Technical Lead of the Google APIs Client Libraries & Tools team. He is the lead developer of the open source Google APIs Client Library for Java. Yaniv has worked at Google for 5 years, and has a total of 12 years industry experience as a software engineer.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Relaunches Instantiations Developer Tools - Now Available for Free 2013

Seo Master present to you:

(Cross-posted from the Google Web Toolkit blog)

In early August, Google acquired Instantiations, a company known for its focus on Eclipse Java developer tools, including GWT Designer. We're happy to announce today that we're relaunching the following former Instantiations products under the Google name and making them available to all developers at no charge:

  • GWT Designer
    Powerful Eclipse-based development tools that enable Java developers to quickly create Ajax user interfaces using Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

  • CodePro AnalytiX
    Comprehensive automated software code quality and security analysis tools to improve software quality, reliability, and maintainability

  • WindowBuilder Pro
    Java graphical user interface designer for Swing, SWT, GWT, RCP, and XWT UI frameworks

  • WindowTester Pro
    Test GUI interactions within Java client rich applications for the SWT and Swing UI frameworks

Now that these products are available again, we hope you’ll start using them within your GWT projects. Meanwhile, our next step is to more deeply unify them into the GWT family of tools by blending the fantastic Instantiations technology into the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE). So, there’s much more to come, including things we’re pretty sure you’ll like, such as UiBinder support in GWT Designer.

You can download any of the tools from the GWT download page. If you have questions or comments we’d love to hear from you. The best place to discuss the tools above is at http://forums.instantiations.com. As always, continue to discuss GWT and GPE at the main GWT Group.

We would love to stay in better touch with you as we have more news about how we are integrating the Instantiations products into the Google Web Toolkit suite. Sign up if you’d like to receive email updates on these products and other developer tools.

2013, By: Seo Master
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