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seo Cara Blog Sangat Cepat Terindeks Google 2013

Cara blog sangat cepat terindeks Google sebelumnya pernah saya bahas. Kalau belum baca bisa buka artikel berjudul Bagaimana Cara Artikel Terindeks Lebih Cepat?. Dengan tips di dalam artikel tersebut, artikel di blog anda bisa terindeks dalam waktu 1-2 hari. Tapi banyak yang tidak puas dengan kecepatan segitu, dan maunya terindeks seketika itu juga.

Apakah bisa? Bisa-bisa saja. Pada tahun

seo Cari Uang di Internet Semakin Mudah dengan Google Analytic 2013

Sebelumnya saya sudah menuliskan dalam artikel cari uang di internet semakin mudah dengan SEO bahwa pengunjung dari Google itu lebih mudah untuk diubah menjadi konsumen atau pembeli. Kenapa? Karena sejak awal mereka membuka Google, mereka memang sudah mencari produk yang kita tawarkan. Tinggal seberapa mampu anda meyakinkan mereka untuk membeli dari anda.

Adik saya mempunyai sebuah blog

seo Bagaimana cara menggunakan Google Analytic? 2013

Bagaimana cara menggunakan Google Analytic? Google Analytic adalah salah satu tools yang bisa memberikan anda akses yang sangat baik untuk melihat aktifitas di blog anda. Masalahnya adalah banyak blogger yang tidak tahu bagaimana cara menggunakannya. Jadi kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang manfaat Google Analytic.

Saya anggap saudara sudah mempunyai akun Google Analytic. Jika belum maka

seo Bagaimana cara jadi juara satu halaman pertama google? 2013

Menjadi juara satu pada halaman pertama Google sepertinya sudah menjadi cita-cita luhur bagi para blogger. Tentu saja menjadi juara satu di halaman pencarian Google bisa mendatangkan banyak pengunjung. Bagaimana pun Google adalah situs nomor satu di dunia yang bisa mendatangkan pengunjung ke blog anda.

Sebelum memulai usaha anda untuk menjadi juara satu di halaman Google, sebaiknya anda

seo Bagaimana Cara Melakukan Riset Kata Kunci? 2013

Jika anda serius melakukan blogging dan sangat berharap bisa mendapatkan banyak pengunjung, maka melakukan riset kata kunci adalah suatu keharusan. Ini adalah satu dari beberapa elemen penting dalam membangun blog yang dicari banyak orang. Jadi mari kita lihat bagaimana cara melakukan riset kata kunci blog anda.

Artikel ini merupakan penjelasan yang lebih terperinci dari artikel sebelumnya

seo Check List SEO bagi Pemula / Newbie 2013

Banyak blogger yang ingin blognya terpampang di Google, tapi kebingungan. Akhirnya mencari panduan sana sini, dan bukannya mengerti malah tambah bingung. Mudah-mudahan checklist SEO ini bisa membantu para Newbie untuk lebih terarah dalam membangun blognya. Apa saja itu? Mari kita lihat.

Jika saudara adalah blogger pemula, maka harap diperhatikan bahwa dalam artikel ini ada banyak link menuju

seo Bagaimana keluar dari sanksi hukuman Google Penguin? 2013

Sudah empat minggu sejak Google meluncurkan update Algoritma Penguin. Google sepertinya cukup puas karena algoritma yang melawan spammer ini terus menunjukkan performa sesuai tujuan pembuatannya. Tentu saja di sisi lain, website yang terkena serangannya sibuk mencari cara keluar dari sanksi hukuman Penguin.

Penguin benar-benar difokuskan untuk melawan "black hat webspam". Walaupun demikian

seo Apa itu Web Spam di mata Google? 2013

Saat ini sedang diluncurkan Algoritma Google terbaru 2012, yaitu Google Penguin. Algoritma ini ditambahkan untuk mendeteksi halaman-halaman web yang tergolong spam. Mungkin ada yang masih bingung apa Spam itu? Spam adalah segala kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk menaikkan peringkat blog dengan cara tidak wajar

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Web Spam?

Mari kita bahas satu persatu...

Kualitas isi

seo Algoritma terbaru Google Penguin beraksi, Waspadalah! 2013

Google kembali meluncurkan algoritma tambahan untuk melengkapi algoritma sebelumnya. Setelah Panda, sekarang menyusul algoritma penguin. Apa fungsi dari algoritma terbaru 2012 bernama penguin ini? Lalu apakah blog anda terkena pengaruhnya? Jika ya bagaimana mengatasinya? Mudah-mudahan pembahasan berikut bisa sedikit memberi pemahaman tentang si penguin ini.

Google telah mengumumkan bahwa

seo Berapa banyak pengunjung yang anda butuhkan? 2013

Trik mudah SEO kali ini sedikit menyinggung masalah bisnis online. Jika anda bermimpi mendapat penghasilan dari blog anda, maka ada beberapa hal yang harus anda perhatikan. Faktor yang terpenting di antaranya adalah jumlah pengunjung. Anda jangan bermimpi menghasilkan uang dari bisnis online jika pengunjung blog anda tidak memadai.

Pasti banyak yang berkata bahwa pertanyaan di atas adalah

seo Cara Membuat Template Blog SEO Friendly 2013

Cara Membuat Template Blog SEO Friendly - Saat ini sudah banyak beredar template blog yang SEO friendly, hanya saja banyak orang tidak suka dengan desain template yang tersedia.... Kalau sudah begitu...ya apa boleh buat, sekalian saja buat template blog SEO friendly sendiri....

Berhubung banyak teman-teman blogger yang tidak tahu caranya, jadi di sini saya akan membagi beberapa tips. Hanya

seo Bagaimana Cara Artikel Terindeks Lebih Cepat? 2013

Bagaimana cara agar blog terindeks oleh Google dengan sangat cepat? Kenapa penting bagi blog untuk terindeks dengan sangat cepat? Bagi anda yang mengandalkan berita-berita yang sedang trend untuk mendapatkan traffic, terindeks dengan sangat cepat akan memberikan keuntungan tersendiri. Trik berikut ini akan membantu blog anda terindeks dengan sangat cepat.

1. Gunakan Google Webmaster Tool

seo Cara Pasang Meta Description, Title Tag, dan Heading Tag Berbeda tiap artikel 2013

Title Tag, Heading Tag dan Meta Description harus berbeda untuk setiap postingan. Tulisan ini adalah update dari artikel sebelumnya tentang memasang title tag dan meta description pada tampilan lama blogger.com (blogspot). Berhubung editor lama akan segera dinonaktifkan dan banyaknya keluhan bahwa metodenya merepotkan, maka mari kita belajar cara memasang title tag dan meta description yang

seo Compare Website Hosting to Discover the Details 2013

Seo Master present to you:
You will discover many people who evaluate web page serves to discover the details and understand which of them are the most useful and which of them will be perfect for their requirements and needs. So when people evaluate web page serves, you will see a couple of evaluation websites which come under regular research. We’d, in the following sections, take a look at a few of these organizations.

Web talk is a organization which people talk about and often adore once they evaluate web page serves. The evaluation offered by this website is considered as very efficient as well as very authentic. They are also very appropriate within their opinions and help people choose services. They evaluate web page serves, have conversations and run information appropriate to hosts, e-commerce systems, opinions from the provider, the net industry, etc.

Web dork is yet another popular web page. It is well known for its real and neutral recommendations of various assistance organizations. The initial aspect about web dork is the fact that all of the opinions in the customers that you will see here about assistance organizations will not constantly be positive and you will also have some severe feedback offered by these customers about different assistance organizations. This shows one aspect without a doubt that these feedback are authentic and are generally not modified. This assures the visitors gets to know of the disadvantages of various assistance organizations which consequently can help the consumer to create better choices.

CNET is an extremely famous information broadcaster although not most people know that they’re good at looking at web page assistance organizations too. They are considered as more efficient mainly due to the large position and brand value it’s. Very few looking at websites have such huge position.

The Whir is yet another organization which resources opinions on web page assistance organizations together with information, tips along with other appropriate information. It’s basically a web page of dedicated and enthusiastic people which is most unlikely that you would run into fake or hard to depend on attractions on this web page.

There’s another web page known as discover my web host which is considered as probably the most professional evaluation websites of all of them. Each organization that is being obtained with this website are authentic ones and also the evaluation provided by them can also be very critical and thorough in research.

When you are going to search for websites which evaluate web host assistance organizations, try to go through opinions offered by organizations that are separate and have no organization using the analyzed organization.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Why Social Media Is Better than Search Engine Optimization? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Great content = Quality Traffic = More Sales

When you want to get more visitors to your website contents, you need to have more online visibility either in public networking or in Google.

Getting visitors from Google is never an easy task especially when you don’t know how to effectively optimize your contents for the google.

Indeed seo is good, but when you don’t where to place your desired search phrases, density of search phrases, you won’t get much visitors.

Because, you need to compete with hell lots of bloggers out there to get better look for engine optimization visitors to your websites. Most new bloggers think that inserting the same search phrases again and again can improve their look for visitors to their websites, but it’s wrong!


In this Google panda and penguin world, you simply can’t expect great visitors from look for engine optimization bots if you repeat the same search phrases again.

You need to properly know your before write your websites, then use RELEVANT search phrases (not inserting the same search phrases again and again), you can expect good results from the google in the long run.

Don’t expect look for visitors flowing through your blogs immediately after writing an article in your website, look for engine optimization visitors does take time to reach your website. “Patience is the key to get more look for visitors to your websites (through look for engines).

Why Social Media websites are better to targeted visitors your blogs?

Major public press websites like Facebook or myspace, twitter and Google+ can quickly create major impact on your websites once you have great following and online reputation on public press websites, because most bloggers spend “quality time” on public press websites like Facebook or myspace to draw other influencers attention.

When you share great contents with attention grabbing headlines, you can definitely build loyal audience around your blogs.

“To bring customers from public press websites like Facebook or myspace, you have to have quality, relevant and problem solving contents on your blogs”.

You need to focus on a SINGLE problem on your each of your websites to quickly create great impact on your website, and try to spend quality time on public press websites to connect, share and promote other people’s contents.

Building online reputation through public press websites, you NEED to wait for few months, because you simply can’t expect quick results on public press websites.

What are the best Social Media websites to focus on as a blogger?

It is a good question when you are reading something like this post (to bring visitors from most used public press websites to your website posts).

3 major public press websites to focus on:

1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Google+

Facebook traffic: Driving public press websites especially like Facebook or myspace was considered as a waste of time, but after creating the blogs on Social press websites, most bloggers came to know how important it is to bring customers from Facebook or myspace. 

You can use Facebook or myspace groups, Facebook or myspace ads and/or Facebook or myspace promotion campaigns to build quality audience around your websites.

I will be covering how to bring customers from twitter to your websites in next posts… so, hang on to know how to drive public networking visitors to your websites.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Kenapa Artikel Berkualitas Sangat Penting? 2013

Pernah dengar istilah "Content is king"? Menurut saudara mengapa kualitas artikel sangat penting? Sederhana saja, Kualitas itu penting karena dicari oleh banyak orang. Produk apapun itu selalu berpusat pada masalah kualitas.

Siapapun anda, jika menjadi blogger untuk menghasilkan uang, maka pasti butuh trafik. Salah satu kriteria utama yang sering disebut para master dan blogger yang sudah

seo Best seo tips 2013

Seo Master present to you:

To get rapidly top position in look for website search engine optimization result you must need to boost your website. Today for all of you I am providing some best seo tips.

1. Focus on 5-20 main/related look for phrases under your entire Web page.

Example: assume this site look for term “link building resource” now I should keep this look for term many other page in this site.

2. Style look for phrases. That means which one is your focused look for term try to keep that look for term strong, and italic labels throughout your Web pages.

Example: you can see this content focused look for term is “Best seo tips” that’s why I did strong and italic that look for term in second line of this content. This is known as design of look for term.

3. Link out. Google give more importance to Websites that weblink to other relevant sites, especially if they are local to your city or state, or industry.

Example: assume if I give one weblink to SEO studying relevant other website Top 10 Best SEO studying website . This is known as weblink out.

4. Make back-link from look for term relevant site. For this you can ask the right people to weblink to you. You also can get back-link from thoughts publishing, from publishing and buying weblink.

Example: assume my look for term relevant another website is www.letstalkseo.com. Now if this website provides me one weblink than this is more important to Search engines or other look for website search engine optimization.

5. Make SEO-friendly URLs.

This is known as SEO helpful URLs.

For More Please Visit http://www.matrixar.com/ and get SEO updates.

Thank You
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Squidoo Lenses: Beneficial for SEO? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Squidoo Lenses allows you develop webpages or “lenses” around subjects about which you're enthusiastic. A good zoom contacts can load up a amazing quantity of information onto one page; it can also let you develop hyperlinks to your website from a very well-known place on the web. So are they value developing for SEO?

That's a query that came up lately on our SEO Talk forum; you can examine out the line yourself. It got a lot of our associates discussing. So what's the consensus? As you'd anticipate, it's complex.

Many Squidoo Lenses hyperlinks are no adhere to. Because of this, they're not going to complete backlinks to your website, so they won't help your place in Search engines. Now this doesn't instantly mean your hyperlinks in Squidoo Lenses will be nofollowed; the website seems to use some kind of formula to figure out whether it will create your hyperlinks no adhere to or dofollow, and whether your zoom contacts will be “featured.”

Does this mean that Squidoo Lenses hyperlinks aren't valuable? Well, this will depend. Keep in mind that you're trying to place in Search engines to bring guests to your website. If guests toSquidoo Lenses find your zoom contacts and adhere to your backlink to your website, think what? You're getting guests. The larger query is whether the guests you get from Squidoo Lenses is value the attempt you need to put into your zoom contacts to get it observed.

Squidoo contacts may also have requirements beyond developing guests. They can add a little variety to your weblink information, and create it appear more natural to Search engines. Again, though, you need to consider whether it's value the work. Keep in mind, by the way, that even once your zoom contacts does get observed, you'll need to keep operating on it here and there (and including clean content) to sustain your place. It might create a lot more feeling to implement that attempt to your own website.

One of our SEO Talk community associates opined that Squidoo Lenses contacts are “best used to help develop an viewers that would be willing to weblink to your main website. But this can be done with the same quantity of attempt by offering a visitor weblog to a person's website that has a large following already. And this type of weblink will have a lot of SEO value.”

Long-time SEO Talk community participant prasunsen summarized the problem nicely: “In exercise most Squidoo Lenses contacts are nearly useless because they have no power. If by any opportunity your zoom contacts becomes well-known and draws hyperlinks, then fantastic. Most don't. And if yours does, you are still wanting to develop...authority for a person's sector (squidoo.com), not yours.”

What do you think? Have you designed any Squidoo lenses? Did they execute as you hoped? You can examine out the line and be a part of the conversation!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Publish to Social Systems by Speech Certain Processing Published 2013

Seo Master present to you:
The technique described goes beyond just twitter content to publishing other types of public networking sites, with a transformation of the verbal concept to written text. It includes linking to the service through pre-designated telephone figures, and it allows someone to make a concept, modify it, choose a place to publish it, and affiliate it with a particular individual and consideration. It also allows someone to find other material relevant that that concept, choose individuals, pay attention to other information on the online community, rate and indicate information as important or as trash.

While this certain processing, and the conditions that cause to the development of the technique behind it jumped out of a disaster of interaction in The red sea, it’s possible that it could be useful to a wider audience:

  •     When there is no entry to a pc or pc network
  •    When writers do not have the pc knowledge to publish straight to a public network
  •    When it’s incorrect or undesirable to publish because of a small display or key pad or a complicated terminology program makes entering difficult
  •    Where the person publishing is more relaxed using a mobile cellphone than a computer
  •    Where program accessibility or entry to the online community is disturbed by being clogged or blacked out

The verbal material that is transformed to written text to be published to a online community through conversation identification might be strained is some ways, such as for copy or penalized material. The concept published to such material on a online community might also be or consist of a weblink to an sound concept.

The certain processing provides a reasonable amount of details over how such a program might work, and how someone might be able to make content by speech and communicate with other material on a online community.

Will we see something like this springtime up on Search engines Plus sometime in the near future?
2013, By: Seo Master

seo 10 Excellent Link Building Practices 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Link-building is hardly something you learn instantaneously. It needs specialised understanding and SEO knowledge in order for a plan to be executed successfully. Sticking to the following ten best methods for quality weblink developing will boost your backlinks:

1. Modify Your Anchor Text

Search Applications still intensely think about SERP’s towards the anchor-text of hyperlinks to your web page. Core written text should always indicate the content. By changing your anchor-text, you will keep your website extremely appropriate and extremely rated.

2. Powerful Links

Incorporate your link-building technique throughout your website, not simply to one or two pages. A typical weblink design reveals hyperlinks to various locations of the website. However, there is no regular deep weblink rate. Most websites act differentially. For example, weblogs usually have more deep hyperlinks than the common family name website.

3. Indirect Linking

Link developing achievements can also be reinforced by using an indirect weblink technique. Instead of completely directing hyperlinks to your web page, it’s also helpful if you increase websites that weblink to you.

4. Make NoFollow as Dofollow links

The no-follow feature of a weblink has been designed to tell google that a particular weblink should not give any credit to the connected website. Even though no-follow hyperlinks do not complete any juice, you should develop a healthy back-link framework to your website.

5. Build Links on High, Medium and Low PR websites

Remember Best Practice Concept #1, alter anchor text? The same idea relates to link-building on a range of PR websites. Power hyperlinks are great, but a mix of everywhere PR websites is the way to go.

6. Clean Out Your Link Growth

Effective link-building should be a workshop, not a competition. It is essential to balance the amount of hyperlinks you obtain daily.

7. Increase Your Links and Link Mentions

Strategic link-building is not an all or nothing undertaking. So why would you put all your common egg in one basket? Make hyperlinks and propagate your weblink refers to across the on the internet scenery.

8. Use Different Methods

Devise a ideal link-building plan that guarantees your objectives are in line with reality. Consider a top position with a long-tail search term mixture. It could be way more successful than trying to capture for the celebrities.

9. Exercise the Conversation

For good positions, industry relevance is the key to achievements. Make sure that you and your website are heard from. Pay attention and interact with in the on the internet discussion.

10. Run, Don’t Walk From SEO Junk-Havens

Today, weblink farming and plenty of weblink internet directories are mostly considered useless. Don’t search for achievements in spam-havens or link-exchange systems. When you are ready to integrate link-building into your Natural Look for effort, you need to search for advice from with experts who understand link-building best methods.
2013, By: Seo Master
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