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Seo Master present to you: RubyConf 2006 wrapped up this weekend with presentations from four of the GSoC students who worked with Ruby Central, Inc. this summer. Jason Morrison has posted the slides detailing his work on Type Inference for Ruby Development ToolsKevin Clark discussed his work on mkmf for Rake, and Jeffrey Hughes covered his port of Ruby to the Symbian OSGregory Brown has also posted the slides from his presentation on Ruport, reporting functionality within Ruby.

Congratulations to all of Ruby Central's GSoC mentors and students, and many thanks to Gregory for the report from RubyConf!
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Last week Google hosted the first-ever summit for Subversion developers. It was quite a remarkable event - the Subversion project was founded over six years ago and most of the developers had never met in person! Thirty of us gathered at Google's headquarters in Mountain View for three days, where we talked about the future of SVN: how our merge-tracking feature is coming along, how to implement difficult new features like 'obliterate', a new repository design, and whether the next generation of Subversion should have decentralized features. You can ogle various notes and photos on our shared blog.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: In case you're curious about some of the folks behind Google Summer of Code and project hosting, Chicagoist just posted an entertaining interview with our three Chicago-based engineers; here's a snippet:
Chicagoist: We had no idea that Google had a Chicago office. What does this part of the Google empire do out here in the Midwest?

Brian Fitzpatrick: You are in good company because most of the world and Google has no idea that there's a Chicago office. This office is mostly salespeople who sell Google ads to Fortune 1000 companies. The three of us are just an engineering enclave off in the corner.

Jon Trowbridge: We're the guys who didn't want to move to California, basically.

Ben Collins-Sussman: Because of the team we're on, they're tolerant of us working here. It's not a general thing that happens with Google. Usually when you get hired, you're expected to move to an engineering office. The big offices are in California or New York.

(photo credit: David Reid)2013, By: Seo Master
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