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Seo Master present to you:
Have you hopped on the blog bandwagon in 2013? So many people have. They blog about personal finance, puppies, making money online, restaurant websites, and more.

There are millions of blogs out there - and it’s not like blog creation isn’t going to stop anytime soon. This makes your blog a tiny spec on a large radar of blogs.

So how do you get noticed?

            90% of starting a blog is simply keeping up with content - generating a list of ideas, writing, and editing. Many new bloggers think simply posting more content would get them to blog stardom, but the it gets you nowhere. You try a couple posts a week - or even daily posts for a couple of months. Ghosttown.

If you just write more, people won’t come.

Yeah, it’s harsh. But, it’s the truth.

         Simply writing makes it increasingly hard to get anyone to look at your blog. To get someone to spend a couple of minutes out of their hectic day to read your new post is more challenging than figuring out what flavor of ice cream to get at Baskin Robbins. (Ok, both are tough)

Why aren’t you getting more readers to your blog?

It’s simple. And it’s one word: PROMOTION.

That’s right! Promotion.

Prospective readers don’t know they have to look for your content because you’re not letting them know it’s there.

Lucky for you, you can get your content noticed in 5 easy steps. You’ve just got to be willing to do them! Here we go...

Promote Your Blog in 5 Easy Steps:

1.) Build a social media following (before you share)

             Starting a Twitter account or Facebook page from scratch is not an easy task. You’re in the single digits for followers for quite sometime. This means you’ve got to manually build your following. Start with friends and family, then move on to industry contacts, press, and locals who are active in social media. Make sure your account is active with tweets and posts so people know what you’re all about. Then, start promoting your content over social media.

2.) Start Making Friends - locally and online

             Social media activity leads to meeting people locally and exchanging emails with those farther away. Take advantage of these relationships and brainstorm ideas of how you can help each other out. This is the foundation of your network. Cherish it and nurture it.

3.) Promote Their Content First

            Before you ask for anything from your new network, do something for them, Read their content, share it on social media, comment, and get involved in the discussion. You could also offer to guest post (bloggers always need more content!). Doing things for them first sets you up for the “if I scratch your back, you scratch mine” mentality. You’ll get a big reward from these mutually-beneficial relationships.

4.) Spread the World About Your Content

            Now, it’s your turn. You’ve writen an amazing piece of content. You think this is the ticket to get your blog noticed? Then it’s time to call on your network. Send it to friends, family, and colleagues who you believe will get value out of your post and ask them to share it. You’ll get more traffic and strengthen your relationship. Congrats - Your viral snowball has just begun!

5.) Rinse and Repeat

           Many people share the same content (with different headlines and calls to action). This means promotion is never ending. In fact, it’s probably more important than actually writing content. Keep a log of the relationships you’ve built and who you haven’t followed up with in a while. Send them a quick note to see how you can help promote them - then get them to share your content. See how the cycle repeats?

Starting a blog isn’t easy. You’ve got to do a lot just to keep it populated with content. But that’s only half the battle. Promotion is where you should spend the bulk of your time. With these tips, you’ll have more readers - and subscribers - to your blog in no time.

Author Bio:
            Michael Adams is the Marketing Manager at Fourtopper. Fourtopper builds results-driven websites for restaurants by bringing more to the table. Follow them on twitter, too.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Now you'll be able to earn few cash on-line by exploitation Shortening URL service. There area unit several such services however the simplest one that i like to recommend is adf.ly. I in person used this service for 6 months and earned  some cash.You can earn couple of dollars by exploitation this URL shortening service.

earn money from adf.ly


There area unit several such services on the market however principally don't seem to be consistent in paying the users on time.adf.ly is extremely abundant consistent in paying their users on time and pays
reasonable quantity of cash for clicking on your short urls.
 they assert that you just will earn $4 per a thousand clicks .They additionally undertake referral system.Whenever an individual refers you ,you will get 2 hundredth of his or her financial gain.

METHOD TO EARN cash exploitation ADF.LY:

1.Register in adf.ly.


2.Then if you would like to post any URL. Shorten it and so post wherever you would like to post your URL.

3.Enter your URL and click on on shrink...
As shown in image....

TIPS to induce additional CLICKS ON YOUR URLS:

1.The best place to post your urls area unit blogs,youtube and forums.
2.Youtube is that the best place to induce additional clicks on your shorten urls.
 3.If you have got great things simply prepare a video and transfer it to youtube and post your URL within the description of the video.

 be at liberty to depart a comment if you have got any doubt.

Thank you.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
  1. Initial project planning: Meet with an SEO expert. Pay them for their time. Have them map out when and how the SEO team should be involved in development.
  2. Information architecture: Before you create your new site map, pick your keywords and verify that they matter. Organize your keywords into topics. Be sure your architecture reflects this. Remember, this isn't just how search engines see your site. It's how people look for you, too.
  3. Tools selection: If you're using a shopping cart, content management system or something else, make sure they support SEO. And no, I don't mean "SEO friendly URLs" or other trite sales speak you'll hear. I mean that these tools support unique title tags, correct semantic markup and won't turn your web site into a pile of search-repellent spaghetti.
  4. Content: Let the expert help you structure and write great copy that'll also get the search engines' attention.
  5. Design: As your creative team gets to work, get your SEO expert to have a glance at the design. You don't want to take, say, headings and turn them into graphical text. The SEO can work with the designers and help them find the best balance. She may know a thing or two about image replacement and other tricks that can help create a beautiful, search-friendly site, too. Like Askbazar.com
  6. Mockup: Sooo many companies ignore this. Have a truly great XHTML coder create templates for each unique page layout on your site. Then have your expert review for potential issues. This will make your developers' lives much, much easier, because they won't have to become HTML producers.
  7. Development: Make sure the SEO team has access to the site-in-progress. They'll watch for alarm bells like uneditable title tags, straying from the mockup or hacked-up code.
  8. Pre-launch: The SEO expert can use whatever tools they have to 'crawl' your site, checking for busted links, search engine roadblocks, etc..
  9. Pre-launch, 2: The expert will give you a set of 301 redirects to set up, so that critical link authority isn't lost.
  10. Launch: The SEO expert will join you in biting collective fingernails.
  11. Post launch: Now the expert will start working on the stuff most people consider 'search engine optimization' - link building, tracking metrics, content optimization, strategy, etc..


2013, By: Seo Master
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