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Seo Master present to you:
An alarming majority of internet users are either ignorant or careless about the prevalence of threats in the worldwide web. Whenever something goes wrong in their computer, they immediately dismiss it as an episodic malfunction that will not cause serious damage.

Those who are aware of malware infiltration only wait for their entire system to crash before they seek repairs and avail the aid of antivirus protection software.

Cyber criminal activities are not performed by bored high school students during summer breaks - they are attacks by underground organizations, hackers, and hacktivists who intend to cause mayhem in large corporations and governments. Those who target individuals are no less malicious, as they can now install a virus into your computer that will open a backdoor for them to gain administrative control over your entire system.

Accounts will be hacked, confidential documents will be stolen, and worse, webcams will be turned on to spy on you and your family.

Gaining a thorough awareness of these grave threats and the damages they can cause will help a lot in preserving your privacy and your security.

Introducing Malware:

Malware, for starters, is short for malicious software. It is a collective term for every kind of harmful software created and launched with the intention of vitiating people through the internet.

The most infamous categories under it are viruses, worms, Trojan Horses, spyware, and rootkits.

We will discuss their mode of penetration and the variety of ways they can endanger you.


Its name can give you a very clear summation of its behavior. This internet pest is an extremely common, self-replicating malware. Because it can be acquired nearly everywhere in the web, it may give you the impression that is something you can easily pluck off your skin and thrown outdoors. We are warning you to alter that mindset.

Worms can enter your computer and remain undetected for months long. After some time, it will begin to delete your files, slow down your programs, instigate avenues for other malwares to pass through, and even create backdoors for hackers.

Prevention is better than cure, especially in this case, because it forces your infected gadget to suffer a slow dead with an impact you will certainly be in agony from.

Worms attach themselves to files and are efficiently spread through mass mailing. Be careful what you open in the internet.


You must have heard about the ILOVEYOU bug, the Chernobyl, the Melissa and many more that have caused companies millions of dollars during their debut and their succeeding hype.

The most notorious of its kind steal the contact information of an infected computer's address book, whether through MS Outlook or email accounts, and sends themselves as attachments with a luring prompt that have fooled many people.

It is a difficult malware to get rid of, as it clings stubbornly to every removable hardware plugged into an infected gadget.

Viruses behave in a slightly similar manner to worms; they will infect files and slow down your computer beyond usage. Reprogramming will require that all your files be deleted, because they are probably contaminated with the virus you acquired.

Trojan Horses:

This malware initiated the most serious cases of infiltration through trickery. Once it gets inside, like it did in Troy as told by Homer, defeat will be a difficult ending to avoid. Plenty of victims have felt the melancholy that had befallen the Trojans upon realizing that they have been fooled into letting the enemy in.

On the outside, it will appear as an inoffensive photo, document, or application, mimicking authentic ones in its presentation. Your war starts the moment you make the mistake of clicking its ploy. Although it does not self replicate, which is fortunate for us, it does deploy an army of worms and viruses that ensure little chance of survival on your part.

These malware will almost always cost you your files, and eventually your gadget.


The previously mentioned malwares can enhance the destructive forces of Rootkits, as it is created by cyber criminals to gain complete control over its target's computer.

The complexity of its design makes its creators difficult to locate. With control over numerous infected computers, hackers will have an easier time tormenting others as much as they wish to do so.


This is the least malevolent malware of the bunch. Spywares usually cause annoyance with the way it can reprogram your applications and encourage the appearances of pop-ups. When this happens, antispyware software is a suitable solution.

Safety Measures:
  • Antiviruses do a great job at keeping malware at bay and your gadgets from crashing.
  • Be extra cautious with the files you download, and get applications only from trusted websites. If you do simply as you will in the internet, even the best antimalware software cannot save you from corruption.

Author Bio:
Author is a computer professional and blog writer who basically writes on various computer security topics. He brings many interesting reviews about the latest antivirus protection software and inform readers about the best free antivirus software for their computer protection.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
page peel for blogger
You may saw this awesome trick used by many professional and other Websites/Blogs.This Page peel is used to Show ads ,this page peel attract Blog visitors and they may have the tendency to click on ad and your earnings increases.Also this page peel can be used to increase your Subscribers.Here I am going to show you how to add a page peel trick to Blogger blog.

Click the link below to view demo

Step 1: Add jQuery plugin (if your blog have a jquery plugin,ignore this step)
  • Copy the below code inside <head>
<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>

Add page peel effect to blogger blog 

Step 2 : 
  • Go to Design->Edit HTML
  • Copy and paste the below code above </head>
<style type='text/css'>
img { behavior: url(iepngfix.htc) }
#pageflip {
position: absolute;
right: 0; top: 0;
float: right;
#pageflip img {
width: 50px; height: 52px;
z-index: 99;
position: absolute;
right: 0; top: 0;
-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
#pageflip .back-img {
width: 50px; height: 50px;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
right: 0; top: 0;z-index:98;
background: url(http://www.matrixar.com/-ozIbZSc4kLo/T1SpesMOYpI/AAAAAAAAAKM/NtX4Wf48t_o/s200/rss+netoops+blog+page+peel.png) no-repeat right top #fff;
</style><a href='http://www.matrixar.com'><img src='http://www.matrixar.com/-RikrI-c_pyQ/T2DTcP6aMvI/AAAAAAAAAL0/H6v7PVoHM_w/s1600/1x1juice.png'/></a><script type='text/javascript'>
//Page Flip on hover
$(&quot;#pageflip&quot;).hover(function() {
$(&quot;#pageflip img , .back-img&quot;).stop()
    width: &#39;307px&#39;,
    height: &#39;319px&#39;
    }, 500);
    } , function() {
    $(&quot;#pageflip img&quot;).stop()
    width: &#39;50px&#39;,
    height: &#39;52px&#39;
    }, 220);
    width: &#39;50px&#39;,
    height: &#39;50px&#39;
    }, 200);
Step 3:
<div id='pageflip'>
<a href=' http://feeds.feedburner.com/NetOopsBlogTips '><img alt='netoops blog' src='http://www.matrixar.com/_1fRuBdlSpLw/TJcc3k62mWI/AAAAAAAAAps/uSj6nCe_CB4/s1600/page_flip.png'/></a>
<div class='back-img'/>
Change can the RED highlighted text with url image url that you want,else leave it default(needn't change)
Change the BLUE highlighted text with your feed URL or place your advertisement
  •  Save the Template
You are done..! If any problem persists please do comment.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Most of the business owners find it tough to compete with their competitors in search advertising because they think that their budget allocation is low against the amount competitors spend. We can't play down these apprehensions since budget is the primary component that defines the fate of a PPC campaign. If you are facing financial crunch in continuing your campaign, this article is quite helpful. Although good budget allocation helps to gain results more quickly, there are a number of ways in which you can enjoy the same amount of benefits in lesser budget.

# Don't Always Target On Higher Ad Positions:

This is the common perception among the advertisers that only top three positions in Google are clicked by the users. This isn't true at all. On a number of occasions I have observed that adverts in position 4 and 5 still get traffic in much lower Cost-Per-Click.

# Use Specific and Long-tail Keywords:

Use of specific and long-tail keywords becomes mandatory if your AdWords budget is extremely low and limited. Specific long-tail keywords with 3+ words have ability to describe your service well. For example, if a person is looking for SEO services in India, will rely more on the phrase 'SEO Services India' rather than a keyword 'SEO'.

# Specific Campaigns For Major Keywords:

I frequently perceive that business owners create single campaign to hold the pulse of all the campaigns together. This is probably the biggest mistake they do. The major flaw that it brings is grouping of all the campaigns under single budget cap. If you fit highly popular, but low-converting keywords within your PPC campaign, chances are bright that these keywords will obtain traffic very quickly compared to high-converting keywords. Not only it hurts your conversion measures, but puts huge burden on the budget allocated for the budget.

# Get The Maximum Advantage of Reporting:

One more thing that may help you gain good results in low-budget is the use of AdWords reporting tools. Edwards is equipped with a very competent reporting system that helps identify the cities and states your traffic is coming from. This is the best tool to maximize your conversion rate with a low-budget. Don't lose heart if you have lesser amount to invest in the campaign. Just follow the practices I have mentioned above and see the change.

One more thing that may help you gain good results in low-budget is the use of AdWords reporting tools. Edwards is equipped with a very competent reporting system that helps identify the cities and states your traffic is coming from. This is the best tool to maximize your conversion rate with a low-budget. Don't lose heart if you have lesser amount to invest in the campaign. Just follow the practices I have mentioned above and see the change.
2013, By: Seo Master
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