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Seo Master present to you:

After blogger updated their interface, they added more useful features such as edit Meta tag modify crawlers and indexing, add authors, etc. This post I'm going to show you how to use blogger new crawlers and indexing feature effectively for improve your blogs SEO. Login for your Blogger dashboard and under configurations > search preference you'll find all of the new Search engine optimization options that is added by Blogger team. You need to enable all of the configurations 1 by 1. Here some very useful process I have presented for you.

1. How to Add Description Meta Tag in Blogger Blog:

This is an important part of SEO for Blogspot blog. To finish this perfectly just followmy instruction step by step.

2. How to Add Meta Tag to Blogger Blog:

Meta tags are small html codes which you place in blog html to help search engines to easier index your blog. Put this following 3 lines code after this (<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>) code. Then Save it.

<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>

3. How to Setup a Custom robots.txt in Blogger Blog:

Robots are some specific instructions which allow or disallow search engines from crawling a particular page or post on your site. Follow this instruction to setup it.
  • Login to your Blogger account.
  • Choose your blog.
  • Click Settings.
  • Click on Search Preferences.
  • In Crawlers and indexing You will see Custom robots.txt
  • Now click Edit and Select Yes.
  • A new text area will come. Put this code in it.

Robots.txt Type 1

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Sitemap: http://www.example.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated

Note: Don't forget to change the www.example.com with your blog address or custom domain.

If you want search engine bots crawl most recent 500 posts then you should need to use following robots.txt type 2.

Robots.txt Type 2

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /b
Allow: /

Sitemap: http://www.example.com /atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500

Note:Don't forget to change the www.example.com with your blog address or custom domain.

4. How to Add Custom Redirects in Blogger Blog:

This redirect option is used to redirect a One Page to Another Page. This Redirection is called 302 Temporary Redirection and redirection is sent through HTTP Headers. Add your redirect pages by going to Custom Redirects tab.

Related Search:

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Today we are excited to make the Google Friend Connect API available to developers. Google Friend Connect lets a site owner instantly awaken and strengthen the community that visits their web site.

Friend Connect has enabled tens of thousands of sites like naturalnews.com, and millions of blogs like paulocoelhoblog.com, to build their communities. Now, we are pleased to open up the service to the broader development community. With Google Friend Connect, two of our primary goals are to:
  • Make it easy for every site owner to add Friend Connect to their site, regardless of their technical capabilities. We do this by letting site owners simply paste snippets of code into their websites' HTML to instantly provide social capabilities on their sites.

  • Be open by letting visitors control their own data and freely share it with sites and services as they see fit. Services that are currently integrated with Friend Connect include OpenID providers like Yahoo!, social network providers like Twitter, and update aggregators like Plaxo Pulse.

The combination of ease and openness puts visitors and site owners in full control of their social information, activities, and relationships throughout the web. As a developer, the Labs release of our API lets you:
  • Use JavaScript APIs to integrate social flows and data directly within your page's markup, via the OpenSocial standard specification.

  • Use REST APIs to integrate your existing login systems, registered users, and your existing data with new social data and activities. These APIs are also part of the OpenSocial standard.

In addition, we have used the APIs to build open source plugin samples that integrate into popular commenting and content systems including WordPress, Drupal, and phpBB.

This release is documented in code.google.com. To take advantage of the the API on your site, go to www.google.com/friendconnect and visit the "for developers" section to grab the snippet that enables the new API on your site.

We're looking forward to hearing your feedback, and to seeing how the development community will combine their creativity, Google Friend Connect, and these APIs to enrich the open social web. Make sure to check out Google I/O on May 27 - 28 where you can meet the engineering team and learn more about the Google Friend Connect API.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Identity thieves, send out thousands of fake emails daily, claiming that they are representing certain official entities. So take care if you receive emails saying they are from some government agency or department, as it may be that these emails are part of phishing schemes.

Phishing typically is when someone sends you emails with "bad" links in them. When you click on these links you get redirected to a "fake" site which is an exact mirror of the official site. Here you are then prompted to submit some confidential information. This information that you provide is then used to log into your real account leaving you totally clueless as to what happened. You should be aware that companies rarely communicate via email if it is in relation with sensitive account information. If they do, it is typically in response to an email that you have sent them.

OK, so what exactly can I do to protect myself against identity thieves on the web?
  1. Simple, just do not be gullible. These guys strike when you least expect it, so always be on the lookout for suspicious looking emails.
  2. If you receive a suspicious mail, don't fill out any forms requesting sensitive personal information. In fact, do not do anything. Verify whether the email is legitimate or not. Nowadays, most agencies or companies are listed on the web. Their contact information readily is available. With this information at hand you can verify whether or not any communications you received are legitimate.
  3. Don't click on or save attachments that come with suspicious emails. Delete these files immediately. Alternatively, if you have a good anti-virus, scan the attachments first before opening.
  4. Update regularly. Windows posts updates almost daily, especially security patches. Make sure you have your settings set that you can download these automatically. I know it's a pain and eats away at your bandwidth and RAM. But I like to think that it's better to be safe than sorry!
  5. Even though you should never take action on suspicious sites or emails, be sure to watch out that the address bar starts with "HTTPS". This means that the page is encrypted and should be secure. If there is no "HTTPS" then leave at once.
Unfortunately no Anti-virus software can protect you against phishing schemes.

In conclusion, if you keep these tips in mind when receiving strange suspicious emails you should be fine. And remember to always be awary of phishing schemes.
2013, By: Seo Master
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