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Seo Master present to you:
Google is one of the most trusted names in the world mobile industry today. Google’s software is immensely popular among small and large enterprises of the world. Promoting a smooth and efficient flow of work, the Google apps have generated attention among business owners, clients, and customers at cost effective rates.

Listed below are few reasons why startups and established businesses should deploy Google mobile apps:

Don't Miss: 15 Useful Google Tricks

1. Streamlining internal communication:

             Gmail is one of the most efficient ways of communication known to organization workforce and individuals. Since Gmail is browser based and one does not have to install any software for utilizing its benefits, workers can remain connected to their mails and access or share anything from there without the need of Wi-Fi or internet connectivity (this is known as Gmail Offline). Installing the Gmail app ensures integration of chat features which leads to quick delivery of messages in real time; the threaded conversation feature on the other hand helps users to simplify the process of message exchange. In reality, Google’s Gmail app helps businesses to cut down its internal telephony system costs.

2. Syncing events and meetings:

             The Google calendar application has made it possible for employees of a business house to eliminate the possibility of a missed meeting or slip up in the project completion date. The syncing of meeting dates or the day of any other official event to the Google calendar app means that an employee will receive notifications of important announcements and upcoming events directly in his/her Gmail inbox. An advanced feature of the calendar app allows employees to use color codes for distinguishing between different tasks and be notified if there is a change from the original schedule.

3. Improving the quality of business collaboration and project management:

              The Google Docs app allows employees of a business unit to edit documents and also share them with the rest of the workforce without having to email an attachment of the same document to each worker. This Google application is extremely beneficial for businesses of all sizes and types because it reduces the risk involved in misplacing important documents which otherwise have to be distributed within the organization. Moreover, Google Docs makes sure that latest versions of files are available to the workforce immediately after they are updated.

4. Sharing details and knowledge about the organization and promoting its services:

             The Google Sites app is a software that provides tools for the creation of a basic site that will help a business unit to share details of its products and services with an extended audience base and thus promote its brand. Businesses can create both public domain sites and private internet hubs for the company and its employees respectively using the tools available under the Google Sites application. This leads to the creation of a site which is comparable to the wiki system, since it helps the business to organize all its files; therefore, presentations, calendars, and all other important documents can now be stored in a central location.

The above were some of the most prominent Google applications which have contributed to the increased productivity of businesses worldwide. These apps have also made work for the business workforce easier by allowing them to concentrate upon business matters that require more attention in order to ensure mobility.


Author Bio:
The Author is associated with a trusted mobility consultant firm in India, with headquarter in Dallas has experienced team of mobile app developer. The app developers Dallas has created more than 300 applications for clients from various industry verticals.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

We are very fortunate at Google to have amazing people come in to speak to us on many interesting topics. We record these talks and make them available on Google Video.

We recently added a feature on the Google Code website that displays recent videos from our tech talk series.

You could do this directly using the Video Bar or the Video Search Control which have wizards to make implementation trivial.

In our case, we wanted to make the bottom right portlet fit in with the look and feel of the rest of the site, so we decided to go a little more low level.

The the AJAX Search API the actually act of searching happens in the Searchers set of JavaScript classes. We used the GvideoSearch class which extends the base GSearch functionality to work with Google Video.

The resulting code was simple. At its heart we:
  • Told the searcher to give us the most recent searches via videoSearch.setResultOrder(GSearch.ORDER_BY_DATE) (as opposed to the default 'most relevant' setting)
  • Told the searcher that we would handle generating the HTML ourselves via videoSearch.setNoHtmlGeneration()
  • Do the work of creating the HTML from the results after the results come back. We track this with videoSearch.setSearchCompleteCallback()
When the search returns the results are put into a results[] array. These results are GvideoResult JavaScript objects with properties that we can then query, such as the published date, content snippet, title, duration, video URL, and the thumbnail image.

We used this to dynamically create the HTML and then inserted it into the DOM with innerHTML.

var result = videoSearch.results[x];
var nicerDate = new Date();
nicerDate.setTime(Date.parse(result.published ));

var dateFormatted = (nicerDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + nicerDate.getDate()
+ '/' + nicerDate.getFullYear();

output += '<div class="featured"><div class="project"><div '
+ 'class="screenshot"><a href="' + result.url
+ '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' + result.tbUrl + '" alt="'
+ result.titleNoFormatting + ' Screenshot" width="129" height="110" '
+ '/></a></div><div class="info"><div '
+ 'class="name"><a href="' + result.url + '" rel="nofollow">'
+ result.titleNoFormatting + '</a></div><div '
+ 'class="author videodateformat">Recorded on ' + dateFormatted
+ '</div><div class="duration">Duration: '
+ parseInt( result.duration / 60) + ' mins</div></div><p '
+ 'class="videosnippet">' + result.content
+ '</p></div></div>';

A bit ugly, I know. If we wanted a cleaner approach, we could have used DOM methods directly, or we could have created this using a JavaScript Template package.

What is important to know, is that the AJAX Search API is a powerful beast. On the one hand you can run a wizard and get results that you can copy and paste onto your web pages. On the other hand you can get low level and query the backend which returns simple JSON for you to manipulate.

The AJAX Search team seems to release something new on just about a weekly basis, so subscribe to the Google AJAX Search API Blog to follow along.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Agar Blog Tidak Disable Adsense - Suatu hal yang paling menyenangkan ketika kita berusaha membangun blog sebaik mungkin untuk mendaftarkan ke google adsense. Pengalaman penulis pada saat itu menggunakan blog gratisan, dan dengan diisi konten yang benar-benar original beserta SEO dalam artikelnya. Ketika didaftarkan ternyata tidak bisa alias ditolak, karena harus menggunakan domain TLD.

Agar Blog Tidak Disable Adsense

Menulis konten sudah 6 bulan, masih saja belum diterima, jengkel iya, tetaapi tetap semangat, ketika itu, mencoba cara lain menggunakan web orang, namun masih belum tahu ternyata harus verifikasi di webnya. Aduhh, akhirnya memberanikan diri dengan mengganti domain, parahnya karena memang masih awam dan amsih baru didunia perbloggeran, ketika mengganti domain, blog yang tadinya PR 2 dan memiliki alexa langsing berubah jadi semula, walaupun demikian tetap mencoba untuk mendaftarkan adsense.

Nah, pada saat mendaftar blog yang sudah diganti domainnya, ternyata diterima, terobati sudah walau blog kembali seperti semula Pagerank dan alexanya trafficnya tetap dong banyak. Senengnya sangat seneng, tetapi belum puas, karena ada yang namanya PIN adsense, untuk verifikasi alamat agar kalau PO bisa ambil earningny. Ternyata pin nya masih nunggu lama, setres ngeblog, pas saat setres eh datanglah pak pos mengantar surat yang berisi pin dari google, senengnya minta ampun dahsyat sekali.

Lalu, langsung saja verifikasi gak pake lama. Pokoknya seneng banget, semangat ngeblog dengan konten original lagi. Setelah iklan ads terpasang beberapa bulan, sering ngecek earning, hahaha, alhamdulillah bertambah. Sudah 6 bulan bermain adsense, eh ternyata blog yang aku pasangi ads disable. Apa penyebab blog disable adsense?

Didalam penelusuran ternyata dalam blogku ada tulisan atau artikel yang berbau "dew*sa" padahal kontennya tidak mengandung "por*no" sungguh aneh bin ajaib. Lantas saya dendam untuk membuat blog yang benar-benar melanggar TOS google dan saya pasangi iklan ads, eh ternyata awet bin makjedut. Heran gue?

Setelah sedikit demi sedikit saya pahami ternyata ada trik sederhana Agar Blog Tidak Disable Adsense:

1. Hilangkan atau hindari kata-kata yang mengandung "adu*t" jika konten keseluruhannya bukan membahas adu*t" atau "dew*sa". Mengapa? ibarat air putih terlihat tidak bening jika ada setetes saja air oli.
2. Ikuti saran goggle, ternyata google itu baik, ketika ada konten yang mengandung TOS, biasanya secara otomatis langsung jadi draft. Jadi jangan sekali-kali dipublish lagi walalupun viewnya banyak dengan kata kunci tersebut.
3. Ternyata, jika blog kita melanggar TOS, tetapi judul kontennya tetap berulang-ulang seperti pembahasan yang lalu, lebih bertahan lama, walaupun memang pada akhirnya di disable, tetapi sampai saat ini salah satu blog ku yang melanggar TOS tetap aman sentausa dan sudah PO.

Artinya adalah jika google tetap disable yang original, maka jangan takut untuk membuat yang berlawanan dengan TOS. Itu pengalamanku. Nanti aku buatin ebooknya, asalkan di share dulu artikel ini. :P

Sekian pembahasan dari Agar Blog Tidak Disable Adsense. Semoga Anda berani menerapkannya, yang terpenting pahami ketiga hal tersebut.2013, By: Seo Master
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