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Seo Master present to you: Yesterday (20th March 2013), as I noticed, the count number of Feedburner Subscriber is turned to zero instead showing the correct number. And if you login to Feedburner Dashboard, you will see all channel subscriber have gone zero. The Feed Stats Dashboard also show 0 Subscriber with 0 Reachability.

Not only today!

Look at image below, it has happened before. In 19th Feb 2013 and 8th March 2013, the feed count number had turned to zero for two days. So, it seems the Feedburner service is not as stable as before.
 The Feed Stats Dashboard also show 0 Subscriber with 0 Reachability
The Feed Stats Dashboard also show 0 Subscriber with 0 Reachability

Read more »2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

I got to meet developers in Colorado this week. Working from the Google Boulder office with its fun climbing wall (*so* Boulder) was a treat, and there were several API announcements that were really exciting.

First of all we had the YouTube API update. The new APIs for YouTube are very broad. Not only do you have new access via AtomPub (e.g. to upload), but you can now have fantastic control of the player with a very simple JavaScript API.

In a matter of minutes I was able to create a simple HTML little language that allows me to annotate my YouTube videos with a table of contents that jump to the correct place.

To listen to the great new features, listen in below:

Then we had the rash of new AJAX APIs.

Google AJAX Language API:

The AJAX Search and Feeds team is happy to announce a new member to their API family -- the Language API. This new API boasts two functions, language translation and language detection - which cover 13 languages and 29 translation pairs.

All this with a couple of simple JavaScript calls such as this:

google.language.translate('Gato', 'es', 'en', function(result) {

Google Visualization API:

We are excited to launch the Google Visualization API, a new API designed for visualizing structured data. The API adds the ability to send queries to data sources and process the response. The first data source that already supports this API is Google Spreadsheets. We are also launching a set of visualization gadgets that use this API.

With this API, you can read data from a data source that supports the API. You can read an entire table, or you can run a query on the data source using the API's query language. The query response is an easy to process data table designed to simplify data visualization. It includes both the underlying values and the formatted values, column types, headers and more.

Staying with visualization and charting... we had a great response to the initial Google Chart API launch, and the team came back with new features allowing very cool new graph types, and lifting the limits on chart calls.

All of these APIs share the same property of doing their thing very well, and providing a simple API to the developer. I hope you will agree, and if not, let us know what you need!

In the land of Google Gears, a couple of external libraries were features. Malte Ubl provided a nice little abstraction for cross domain messaging which uses HTML 5 postMessage(), else Gears, else a browser hack to make the beast work on all browsers.

That is for Worker pools, and with the Database API we saw Aptana releasing an update to their server-side JavaScript database API allowing you to use the Gears API on the server.

Google Code itself got some love. We have improved performance on the site and Jacob Moon shared how we did so.

Then we added an interactive developer guide that allows you to try code on the fly as you go through the GData JavaScript API. It feels good to be able to massage and play as you go.

Finally, we announced Google I/O which is "a two day developer gathering on May 28th & 29th in San Francisco. The purpose of the event is to bring developers together to learn about products, tools, and techniques which are moving the web forward as a platform." If you would like to mingle and join Google engineers, and other Web luminaries as we discuss how to move the Web forward, join us!2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Ilya Grigorik, Developer Advocate and Web Performance Engineer

At Google we want the whole web to be faster, and there is no better way to achieve this goal than through helping our partners, both commercial and open-source, to deliver web optimization products to their users and clients. The PageSpeed Optimization Libraries, which are developed as part of our Make the Web Faster initiative, are a cornerstone of this strategy, enabling a growing list of products and integrations, developed both inside and outside Google.

SiteGround, a popular web hosting provider, announced mod_pagespeed support to their customers: "SuperCacher plugin is the first and only plugin that fully integrates Google’s mod_pagespeed with cPanel. Simply put, mod_pagespeed speeds up your site and reduces page load time automatically, with no additional knowledge required on the users’ side. It also optimizes your website for mobile view and for better browser rendering."

SiteGround PageSpeed control panel

With SiteGround, you can enable PageSpeed optimizations on your site with one click. Then, you can hand-tune and configure your site to match your specific needs through advanced customizations provided by mod_pagespeed.

However, that’s not all. The portfolio of PageSpeed integrations continues to expand:
  • The We-AMP team has announced a beta release of IISpeed, which enables PageSpeed web content optimization within the Microsoft IIS web server. "IIS and ASP.NET are very popular technologies on the web, powering millions of websites, and we are excited to bring the full power of PageSpeed optimization to the Windows platform," said Otto van der Schaaf and Kees Spoelstra.
  • Thanks to open-source contributions, mod_pagespeed is now integrated with CPanel and WHM, an easy-to-use server control and management panel for web hosts and website owners.
  • Google Chrome has adapted PageSpeed to power the recently announced Chrome data compression proxy, which significantly reduces data usage and speeds up page load times on cellular networks.
To find out how to leverage PageSpeed on your site or service, or how to integrate the open source PageSpeed Optimization Libraries into your own product, visit the PageSpeed site.

Ilya Grigorik is a Developer Advocate and Web Performance Engineer at Make the Web Faster.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
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