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Seo Master present to you: More than 4,000 developers will be joining us at Google I/O on May 19-20, and if we had the capacity, we’d host many more. In order to give the entire developer community a chance to participate live, we're happy to announce that both keynote presentations will be streamed live. To watch, just go to http://www.youtube.com/GoogleDevelopers at the start of the keynotes each day. We recommend watching on a high-speed connection for the best quality.

Here’s the schedule for the keynotes at I/O — it’s also available on our agenda page:
  • Day 1 Keynote: Wednesday, May 19, 9:00 -10:30am PT
  • Day 2 Keynote: Thursday, May 20, 8:30-10:00am PT
Both keynote sessions feature exciting new technologies, so be sure to mark your calendars!

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Professional Blogs have a flood of Comments,reading these comments one can slip into the bottom,then scrolling to Top via mouse or pad is lil bit boring,in this regard we can solve this Problem by using jQuery in Blogger.Adding Go To Top or Scroll to Top Button will help your visitors to easily navigate the Blog Content,Specially when there is alot of Contents or users comments.These Buttons have beautiful fade in and out Effect,it float in the blog and when one click the upper button it slides to the top of blog,and if one click the bottom button it floats to the bottom of the blog.
Just Scroll below and see ;)

How To Add Go To Top and Go To Bottom Buttons To Blogger

  • A Box Will Pop,Select HTML/JavaScript
  • Now Copy the below Script and paste it into the Box
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" > /*********************************************** * Scroll To Top Control script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com) * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Project Page at http://www.dynamicdrive.com for full source code ***********************************************/ var scrolltotop={ //startline: Integer. Number of pixels from top of doc scrollbar is scrolled before showing control //scrollto: Keyword (Integer, or "Scroll_to_Element_ID"). How far to scroll document up when control is clicked on (0=top). setting: {startline:100, scrollto: 0, scrollduration:1000, fadeduration:[500, 100]}, controlHTML: '<img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg7dxONU7s1G8dfySBSCoXbI0GqCBQ-MXeTLFVdSP609pl6yNcjNYKyTnRA7sDTcvVMt4nBrNC0vb4Sl5sklP_AZknUA7BxEbLysjX96yCGoGiH2Pd9F7sJC6nAVdZjWpk4CerzXJEZyoI/h120/scroll-to-top.png" />', //HTML for control, which is auto wrapped in DIV w/ ID="topcontrol" controlattrs: {offsetx:5, offsety:5}, //offset of control relative to right/ bottom of window corner anchorkeyword: '#top', //Enter href value of HTML anchors on the page that should also act as "Scroll Up" links state: {isvisible:false, shouldvisible:false}, scrollup:function(){ if (!this.cssfixedsupport) //if control is positioned using JavaScript this.$control.css({opacity:0}) //hide control immediately after clicking it var dest=isNaN(this.setting.scrollto)? this.setting.scrollto : parseInt(this.setting.scrollto) if (typeof dest=="string" && jQuery('#'+dest).length==1) //check element set by string exists dest=jQuery('#'+dest).offset().top else dest=0 this.$body.animate({scrollTop: dest}, this.setting.scrollduration); }, keepfixed:function(){ var $window=jQuery(window) var controlx=$window.scrollLeft() + $window.width() - this.$control.width() - this.controlattrs.offsetx var controly=$window.scrollTop() + $window.height() - this.$control.height() - this.controlattrs.offsety this.$control.css({left:controlx+'px', top:controly+'px'}) }, togglecontrol:function(){ var scrolltop=jQuery(window).scrollTop() if (!this.cssfixedsupport) this.keepfixed() this.state.shouldvisible=(scrolltop>=this.setting.startline)? true : false if (this.state.shouldvisible && !this.state.isvisible){ this.$control.stop().animate({opacity:1}, this.setting.fadeduration[0]) this.state.isvisible=true } else if (this.state.shouldvisible==false && this.state.isvisible){ this.$control.stop().animate({opacity:0}, this.setting.fadeduration[1]) this.state.isvisible=false } }, init:function(){ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var mainobj=scrolltotop var iebrws=document.all mainobj.cssfixedsupport=!iebrws || iebrws && document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat" && window.XMLHttpRequest //not IE or IE7+ browsers in standards mode mainobj.$body=(window.opera)? (document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat"? $('html') : $('body')) : $('html,body') mainobj.$control=$('<div id="topcontrol">'+mainobj.controlHTML+'</div>') .css({position:mainobj.cssfixedsupport? 'fixed' : 'absolute', bottom:mainobj.controlattrs.offsety, right:mainobj.controlattrs.offsetx, opacity:0, cursor:'pointer'}) .attr({title:'Scroll Back to Top'}) .click(function(){mainobj.scrollup(); return false}) .appendTo('body') if (document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest && mainobj.$control.text()!='') //loose check for IE6 and below, plus whether control contains any text mainobj.$control.css({width:mainobj.$control.width()}) //IE6- seems to require an explicit width on a DIV containing text mainobj.togglecontrol() $('a[href="' + mainobj.anchorkeyword +'"]').click(function(){ mainobj.scrollup() return false }) $(window).bind('scroll resize', function(e){ mainobj.togglecontrol() }) }) } } scrolltotop.init() </script>

  • Now Click On Save and that's it.
So What's Up:- This is just an extra Widget for Blog,many Bloggers search for this,therefore i add it into my tutorials,this widget has no effect on Blog Loading Speed,Drop your Comments Below,Stay Blessed,Happy Blogging.
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

WonderFox Video to GIF Converter is an simple and quick video to GIF software on Windows, capable of converting all popular formats of video to animated GIF, let you play video in GIF image. Support import video formats includes AVI, MPEG, MP4, MKV, WMV, MOV, 3GP, etc.The animated GIF is a strange form of expression, completely devoid of sound, repeating in an endless loop. Yet there is something intoxicating about an animated.Creating your own animated GIF from a video can be a lot of fun. Animated GIF images can be used as an avatar on a website or distributed among your friends. Please see the converted GIF animation file on the left.

Variety of special effects will bring more fun on the video to GIF conversion process, the better is everybody able to make special effects by one click. And, it will not extend the time of conversion process.The special effects including: black and white, gray scale, emboss, invert, blue, sharpen, noise, brighten, etc.

WonderFox Video to GIF Converter 1.1 Full Version With Serial (www.www.matrixar.com)


WonderFox Video to GIF Converter 1.1 With Serial Key: Click here (Alternate Link) OR Click here OR Official Site



Registration Key: 9027EBEAF5C724F0F4F7


  • Convert video file to GIF animation
  • Support all popular video formats such as AVI, MP4, MPG, WMV, MKV, MOV, DVD, etc.
  • Special efficacy available during video to GIF
  • Keep quality and frame rate as same as original video file



Website: WonderFox

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2013, By: Seo Master
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