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Seo Master present to you:
Kalian tau (Playstation 2) kan? Nah Kali ini Seo-Xp Akan memberikan Software Gratis dan 100%Work Yaitu Pcsx 9.8 Bersama Biosnya.
Memang sih sudah ada Pcsx yang 9.0 dan 10.0 tetapi terlalu ribet untuk menggunakannya dan terlalu sulit mengkonfigurasinya beda sama dengan Pcsx2 9.8 yang ga ribet.
Pcsx2 9.8 saya gabungkan dengan Pcsx2 9.5 dan Pcsx2 9.6 dengan cara di edit Pluginnya Dengan Biosnya dan Jadilah Pcsx2 9.8

Pcsx adalah software yang bisa digunakan untuk bermain Game PS1 dan PS2, tetapi yang banyak dan susah dicari adalah PCSX 2 untuk bermain di PC maupun di Laptop, Sebab di Playstation 2 itu banyak game game yang seru, menantang dan heboh jadi saya Share deh..
Software ini Sangat langka dan susah dicari, Pcsx2 9.8 ini bisa memainkan game game yang bergrafik besar Termasuk Naruto Ultimate Ninja 5, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasi XII, Burnout 4, dan lain lain..

Cara Menggunakannya :

1. Download Softwarenya Disini (Hanya 19MB)
2. Kemudian Extrack rarnya (Tanpa Password)
3. Double Klik Programnya yang bernama "pcsx2-0.9.8-r4600-setup.exe"
4. Klik Next (Jangan ada yang dirubah)
5. Klik Instal (Tunggu Beberapa Menit sampai Instalasi Berhasil)
6. Klik Close Untuk Menyelesaikan Instalasi
7. Buka Programnya Double Klik (Lihat Di Desktop)
8. Setelah Dibuka akan muncul Tab Baru di PCSX2 9.8, Klik Apply terus Klik import
9. Jika muncul Seperti Gambar di bawah jangan coba coba di ubah semuanya sudah saya atur, Klik Saja Next
10. Kemudian Unceklist "Use Default Setting" kemudian cari "Browse" Dimana kalian simpan BIOSnya.
11. Kemudian Pilihlah Bios yang "USA v02.00(14/06/2004) Console"
12. Kemudian Masukan Cd/Dvd Playstation 2nya dan Pilihlah Menu "System" kemudian pilihlah "Boot CDVD (Full)
 13. Selamat Bermain

Semoga Bermanfaat Artikel sama Softwarenya.
Jika Software mengalami eror atau apa, komen ajah ntar saya kasih tau info selanjutnya.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: The Rollover effect is one in which an image web object changes (swaps itself) on mouse over to another web object (called rollovers) and reverts back to the original image on mouse out. Rollover images are preloaded into the page when it is loading, this ensures that the rollovers are displayed quickly. The onMouseOver and onMouseOut attributes of the link tag are used to make this functional.

Demo:  Place your mouse over the image below to see its rollover effect

Making Rollover Effect Image

You have the following code:

<a href="URL ADDRESS"><img src="URL OF THE FIRST IMAGE GOES HERE" onmouseover="this.src='URL OF THE SECOND IMAGE GOES HERE'" onmouseout="this.src='URL OF THE FIRST IMAGE GOES HERE'" /></a>

Change the colored texts as it follows:


This is the address where somebody will be sent when clicks on the image.
Example, my blog address: http://www.www.matrixar.com


Replace the orange text (two times) with the URL address of the image which will appear before you hover over it.

Replace the text in blue with the url of  the image that will appear when the cursor hovers over it.

Now you can paste your image inside a blog gadget, going to Layout > click on Add a Gadget link (right side) > Select HTML/JavaScript from the pop-up window, then add it to your sidebar.

You can also add it inside your post by going to New Post > Switch to HTML tab and then paste the code in the empty box.

That's it. Enjoy ;)

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Backup restore new Blogger Template easily
Here i'm saying about an important topic that i had posted early " How to Backup/Restore Blogger Template? ". But i'm going to show you How to Backup/Restore  Blogger Template in New Blogger Template . Now a days Blogger default interface is Upgraded New Blogger Interface. Backup/Restore Template is so important,So don't take this as a silly matter.
Read Following see How to backup template in New Blogger Interface..

How to Backup/Restore Template

  • Go to Blogger Account
  • Select Template [as shown in fig.]
Backup restore new Blogger Template easilyBackup restore new Blogger Template easily
  • Click on the Button Backup/Restore  in Left top .
  •  A box appears [as shown in fig.]

Backup restore new Blogger Template easily
  • As shown in the above fig. 
  • Click on Download Full Template to download Template.Save it
  • Click on the Browse to Restore the early downloaded Template.
  • That's all ..Enjoy with us...

Check out other Blogger Tricks HERE and Blogger jquery Widget Generators HERE

2013, By: Seo Master
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