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Seo Master present to you: Bingung mau posting apaan tentang belajar seo, lagi ngejar target alexa rank biar cepat tembus angka dibawah sejuta. Posting yang teratur dan sering emang bisa meningkatkan alexa rank. Coba-coba googling nyari ide buat postingan. Oke deh Hups Aku coba nulis Tips Anchor Text - Mengefektifkan Blogwalking untuk memperoleh backlink dan mendatangkan trafik.

Bagi kamu yang belum tahu, Anchor text adalah text yang ngelink ke blog kamu, Coba deh kamu sorot text berikut dengan mouse:

Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa

Kamu lihat dibagian pojok kiri bawah browser kamu muncul tulisan link http://www.matrixar.com/2009/07/bagaimana-mengembalikan-jati-diri.html
Nah tulisan Mengembalikan jati diri bangsa itulah yang disebut anchor text, Faham kan?

Tips Mengefektifkan Anchor Text

Bagi kamu memiliki blog, Jika kamu blogwalking dan meninggalkan komentar pada blog orang lain, gunakanlah selalu Name & Url pada profil kamu sebagi anchor text, penggunaan anchor text ini sangat penting untuk menarik pengunjung atau untuk Optimasi Search Engine. Berikut Tips Membuat Anchor Text:

  • Pada kolom NAMA menuliskan Kata kunci yang berkaitan dengan blog atau postingan lebih bagus dibanding menulisa nama sendiri. Misal jika postingan tentang tips menembus top 10 google, maka Anchor text "Top 10 Google" lebih bagus daripada anchor text "Bang Jay". Karena Text "Top 10 Google" lebih menarik perhatian daripada text "Bang Jay"

  • Pada kolom URL lebih baik kamu isi Url yang ngelink ke salah satu postingan kamu, bukan ke url blog kamu. contoh dengan anchor text "Tips Backlink" akan lebih bagus kalo urlnya langsung ke
    dimana artikel tentang tips Baclink itu berada. daripada ke
    sebab dengan itu pengunung yang penasaran dengan anchor text akan dibawa langsung ke halaman yang berkaitan dengan anchor text tersebut.
Nah itu tadi Tips Anchor Text - Mengefektifkan Blogwalking dengan memilih anchor text yang tepat. Selamat Mencoba!

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

All of the videos, slides, and other materials used during our first "Powered by YouTube" developer event are now online and available for mass consumption:


We had ~100 developers come and hang out with us at YouTube HQ. It was a full day, with talks ranging from best practices to the history of scaling up YouTube infrastructure and, of course, cookies, lunch and t-shirts. There were also some good discussions in our Office Hours lounge. If you're interested, the one-sheet Code Labs we had for working with the Data APIs in JSON and PHP are also available online.

Thanks to everyone for coming out, learning about the APIs, and sharing your feedback and questions with us. Special thanks goes to Slide, Qik, Animoto, Gaia Online, and Helio for speaking about their experiences working with our APIs and even walking through some code snippets.

As a bonus, here's a bunch of us (Jochen, Jeff, myself) with Steve Mesa, the top poster in our discussion forum :)2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy John Huang, Software Engineer

Cross-posted from the Google Analytics Blog

Measuring how marketing efforts influence conversions can be difficult, especially when your customers interact with multiple marketing channels over time before converting. Last fall, we launched Multi-Channel Funnels in Google Analytics, a new set of reports that help shed light on the full path users follow to conversion, rather than just the last click. One request we’ve had since the beginning was to make this data available via an API to allow developers to extend and automate use cases with the data. So today we’re releasing the new Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API.

The API allows you to query for metrics like Assisted Conversions, First Interactions Conversions, and Last Interaction conversions, as well as Top Paths, Path Length and Time Lag, to incorporate conversion path data into your applications. Key use cases we’ve seen so far involve combining this conversion path data with other data sources, such as cost data, creating new visualizations, as well as using this data to automate processes such as bidding.

For example, Cardinal Path used the new Multi-Channel Funnels API, Analytics Canvas ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and Tableau Software to help their client, C3 Presents, uncover how time and channels affected Lollapalooza ticket sales in an analysis dubbed “MCF DNA.” The outcome was a new visualization, similar to a DNA graph, that helped shed light on how channels appeared throughout the conversion funnel.

MCF DNA Visualization in Tableu Software

In another case, Mazeberry, an analytics company from France, helped their client 123Fleurs decrease customer acquisition costs by 20% by integrating data from the Multi-Channel Funnels API into a new reporting framework. Their application, Mazeberry Express, combines media cost and full conversion path data to provide new Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) and Return on Investment (ROI) metrics that provide a more complete understanding of how online channels are working together to influence conversions.

Mazeberry Express Screenshot - Focus on a Channel

Please note that this functionality only works with the new v3.0 API libraries, so you should upgrade now if you haven’t already (see our migration guide). We look forward to seeing how you make use of this new data source.

John Huang is a Software Engineer working on Google Analytics. John is interested in all things analytics, mobile, and photography.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master
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