Les nouveautés et Tutoriels de Votre Codeur | SEO | Création de site web | Création de logiciel

Seo Master present to you:
Artikel ini di khususkan untuk para pemula, yang dah jago jangan di hina yah! tulisan bertujuan untuk berbagi pengalaman kepada para blogger pemula saja. Yaitu tentang cara ganti template di blogger atau yang biasa di sebut layout. Berikut cara-caranya:

Sebelum proses mengganti template anda perseiapkan terlebih dahulu template yang ingin anda gunakan selanjutnya, nah untuku itu silahkan anda download dan klik di sini kumpulan template untuk blogger gratis dan keren untuk blog anda.

Langkah alternatif pertama:

Setelah selesai download, silahkan extrack file zip tersebut dan buka dengan program notepad.

1. Masuk ke blogger > klik tab TATA LETAK > Edit HTML
2. Kemudian akan ada code HTML yang banyak n rumit :)
4. Hapus code HTML tersebut lalu paste hasil copy dari file wordpad di atas!
5. Simpan template anda

Langkah alternatif ke dua

1. Masuk ke blogger > klik tab TATA LETAK > Edit HTML
2. Kemudian akan ada code HTML yang banyak n rumit :)
4. Diatas tulisan expan template widget ada tulisan BROWSE dan UPLOAD
5. Silahkan klik browse dan cari file bola2.xml yang sudah anda download dan extract tadi.
6. Kemudian klik upload
7. Lalu simplan template anda

Nah saya kira itu saja tutorial ganti layout blog di blogger kali ini, lebih dan kurang silahkan ditambahkan si komentar. Goodluck!
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
In this session i am going to show you a cool trick to make your pc to talk whatever you type by copying the below code and pasting it in notepad.

Steps to follow:

1.) Open Notepad
2.) Paste the following code

Dim Message, Speak
Message=InputBox("Enter Text to Talk o","Speak")
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak Message

3.) Save the file, give it any name, but make sure you also type .VBS after the name. Also, for the Save as type: box, choose All files instead of the default Text Documents.

4. Now double click the .vbs file and you should see the window as show below

5.) Type what ever you want and click on OK . That’s it , your computer will speak what ever you typed in the default voice

If you want to make your computer repeat the words then add a loop. Here is the code :

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("Enter the text you want spoken","speak this")
set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
For i=1 to 10
sapi. Speak message

It will repeat the same word a ten times.

That's It!

Feel free to hit Like, Share or Comment if you like this post.

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Hi friend, I’m showing a new trick to find the location of a person.This works on Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Myspace etc. But this works done only on chatting with that person. First login Social network and close all other tab.

  • Now, Click Start -> select Run -> type “CMD
  • Now chat with your friend.
  • and in CMD write “NETSTAT “ and hit enter button.
  • It will show all the IP address connected with your IP address.
  • Find location click here and enter IP address you will get location details. 

That’s all …………………………………….

Leave your comments…………………………………
2013, By: Seo Master
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