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Seo Master present to you: Today, we're excited to announce several new features for Google Friend Connect that make it possible for website owners to get to know their users, encourage users to get to know each other, and match their site content (including Google ads) to visitors' interests. Check out the Google Social Web Blog for an overview of these new features.

We also want to point out that there are APIs for developers who want to play with the interests data programmatically. With the new interest data described on the Social Web Blog, developers can write custom polls and access the interests data directly. Friend Connect provides API level access to both individual interests information as well as aggregate information for all users of a site. Interests information can be added programmatically for the signed-in user or via the poll gadget, and it can be accessed via both the JavaScript API and the OpenSocial REST API. The Guitar Universe example site should give you an idea of some of the things that are possible with this new launch.

As always, feel free to ask technical questions related to the Friend Connect APIs in the developer forum.

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:

Blogger default recent post widget is boring for all Blog users. This is new stylish auto scrolling recent post widget. Install it,  and leave a comment below.


recent post widget for blogger



Log in to your Blogger account.


  • Go to Layout.


  • Select Add a Gadget.


  • Select HTML / Javascript.


  • Copy and Paste the codes below:




Find (Ctrl+F) and Change Red Color values.Make your Widget better.

var numposts = 20;


var showpostthumbnails = true;

var displaymore = true;


var showpostdate = true;

var showpostsummary = true;

speed: 550,

pause: 5500,

showItems: 4,


mousePause: true,

direction: 'up'

<script src='http://YOUR BLOG.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?


  • Save Widget .





Leave your comments below……………

2013, By: Seo Master

Perbedaan Inline dan External Javascript tentu saja terletak pada cara penempatannya. Inline javascript itu adalah kode yang diletakkan di antara tag dan ditaruh pada kode template. Lazimnya kode seperti ini biasanya bisa kita temukan tepat di atas dan kode ini dibuat untuk menghasilkan efek yang cenderung lebih atraktif dari css biasa.

Berbeda dengan Inline,
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