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Seo Master present to you:
YouTube Embed Magic Tool
The IFrame player API lets you embed a YouTube video player on your website and control the player using JavaScript. Unlike the Flash and JavaScript player APIs, which both involve embedding a Flash object on your web page, the IFrame API posts content to an <iframe> tag on your page. This approach provides more flexibility than the previously available APIs since it allows YouTube to serve an HTML5 player rather than a Flash player for mobile devices that do not support Flash.

Using the API's JavaScript functions, you can queue videos for playback; play, pause, or stop those videos; adjust the player volume; or retrieve information about the video being played. You can also add event listeners that will execute in response to certain player events, such as a player state change or a video playback quality change.

This guide explains how to use the IFrame API. It identifies the different types of events that the API can send and explains how to write event listeners to respond to those events. It also details the different JavaScript functions that you can call to control the video player as well as the player parameters you can use to further customize the player.

The end user must be using a browser that supports the HTML5 postMessage feature. Most modern browsers support postMessage, though Internet Explorer 7 does not support it.

To allow room for critical player functionality, players must be at least 200px by 200px.

Any web page that uses the IFrame API must also implement the following JavaScript function:

onYouTubeIframeAPIReady – The API will call this function when the page has finished downloading the JavaScript for the player API, which enables you to then use the API on your page. Thus, this function might create the player objects that you want to display when the page loads.

Getting started
The sample HTML page below creates an embedded player that will load a video, play it for six seconds, and then stop the playback. The numbered comments in the HTML are explained in the list below the example. Tool by : http://blogger-templates.blogspot.com

Width:   Height:

HD is On (when possible), No Searchbar, No Annotations!
2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Note: This is a guest post from Ismail Elshareef, who is the Principal Architect at Edmunds.com. Thanks for the post and for making the web faster Ismail!

In the Fall of 2008, we embarked on a complete redesign of our car enthusiast site, insideline.com. One of the main redesign objectives was to deliver the fastest page load possible to our consumers. Leading up to that point, we have been closely following and implementing the performance best practices championed by Google's Make the Web Faster team and others. We understood the impact performance has on user experience and the bottom line.

Some of the many performance-enhancing features that have been implemented on insideline.com (and now on our beta.edmunds.com) are:
  1. Reducing the number of HTTP requests: We combined CSS and JavaScript files as necessary as well as using sprites and data URIs when appropriate. We have also reduced the number of blocking requests as much as possible to make the pages "feel" faster
  2. Serving static content from different domains: This helped maximize the browser parallel download capacity and made the request payload faster since no cookies were sent over the wire to those domains
  3. Using Expires headers: Caching static files in the client's browser to eliminate unnecessary, redundant requests to our servers
  4. Lazy-loading Page Modules: Render the bare minimum page components first so that the user sees something on the page, and then go through the modules and load them in order of priority. We developed a JavaScript Loader component to help us accomplish that which you can read more on the Edmunds technology blog.
  5. Managing 3rd-party components: iFrame components could be lazy-loaded without a problem. JavaScript components, on the other hand, need to be loaded onto the page before the onLoad event fires. That had the potential of slowing down our pages. The solution we devised was to delay the calling of those components until we initiate the lazy-loading of modules and right before the onLoad event fires
  6. Using non-blocking calls: With the browser being a single thread process, we optimized ways of including resources on the page without affecting page rendering so that the page is perceived to be fast by the user.

The results on insideline.com have been incredbile. Page load time went from 9 seconds on average on the old site to 1.5 seconds on average on the new one, and that's with loading in much richer content onto the page (measured with WebPageTest). We have also seen a 3% increase in ad revenue. On the beta.edmunds.com, which will replace our legacy site fully in December 2010, we have seen a 17% increase in page views and a 2% reduction in the bounce rate for our landing pages in a controlled experiment.

Although we have a long way to go in making our pages and services faster, we are very pleased of the progress we’ve made so far. Working with Google to make the web faster has been an exciting adventure that will continue with more improvements and innovations for both our sites and the web as a whole. Get more details on the Edmunds technology blog and try these enhancements on your site today.

2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Cara Cepat Blog Terindeks Oleh Google. Dengan tips di dalam artikel ini, artikel di blog anda bisa terindeks dalam waktu 1-2 hari. Tapi banyak yang tidak puas dengan kecepatan segitu, dan maunya terindeks seketika saja.

Mungkin ini adalah akibat dari berubahnya algoritma Google secara dramatis dalam 1 tahun terakhir ini. Jadi tips kali ini harus mengikuti perkembangan terbaru. Jika anda ingin tahu cara rahasia agar blog anda sangat cepat terindeks Google, maka rahasianya ada pada pengunjung anda. Ya, rahasia blog terindeks sangat cepat ada pada pengunjung anda.

Google memperbaharui algoritmanya untuk menekankan kesegaran sebuah blog berdasarkan pengalaman para pengunjung di suatu blog. Bagaimana Google bisa mengetahui pengalaman seseorang di suatu blog? Mudah saja, Google memantau berapa lama orang tersebut berada di blog kita, dan berapa banyak artikel yang mereka baca.
Anda bisa mengamati aktifitas pengunjung blog anda dengan menggunakan Google Analytic.
Jadi lama waktu kunjungan dan jumlah page view untuk setiap kunjungan; itu yang sangat mempengaruhi kesiagaan Googlebot untuk melakukan refresh indeksnya demi blog saudara. Jika blog anda tidak menunjukkan pengalaman berkunjung yang baik dari para pengguna Google, maka sulit berharap mendapat perlakuan istimewa indeks seketika.
Jadi bagaimana agar pengunjung mempunyai waktu kunjungan yang lama? Tentunya bergantung kepada artikel saudara. Buatlah penjelasan pada artikel saudara sedetil mungkin, sehingga pengunjung butuh waktu lebih lama untuk membaca. Tapi harap bedakan antara penjelasan detil dengan penjelasan bertele-tele. Selain itu saudara bisa juga menggunakan judul yang provokatif agar pengunjung tertarik untuk membaca artikel lain yang saudara tulis.
Inilah cara blog sangat cepat terindeks Google. Jadi ke depannya mungkin bisa lebih fokus untuk memperhatikan faktor waktu per kunjungan dan bounce rate dari para pengunjung blog anda. Berikan mereka perhatian, maka Google akan memperhatikan blog anda dengan lebih serius.

Berikut Tips Untuk Cepatnya Terindeks

Daftarkan ke feedburner
Mengingat feedburner adalah terintegrasi dengan Google, maka setiap membuat blog baru, agan biasakan untuk mendaftarkan blog itu ke feedburner. Selain itu, feedburner sudah terintegrasi dengan twitter jadi setiap ada postingan baru akan otomatis terkirim ke akun twitter juga.
Submit Ke Social Bookmarking
Dengan mendaftarkan postingan terbaru ke social bookmarking, biasanya membantu cepat terindex google, karena secara teori, situs-situs social bookmarking selalu didatangi oleh crawl google. Nah, dengan demikian biasanya Google crawl akan mengikuti pula ke blog kita, walaupun kebanyakan blog social bookmarking ini nofollow. Tapi, usahakan Anda tidak terjebak dengan mitos dofollow & nofollow ini.
Lakukan Ping
Jika menggunakan WordPress.org,  ping bisa dilakukan dengan sendirinya. Malah bisa ditambahkan sendiri daftar service untuk ping. Tapi bagi pengguna wordpress.com atau blogspot, tentu saja proses ping harus dilakukan manual, dan yang bisa agan gunakan adalah pingomatic.com. Ping cukup lakukan 1 hari 1x saja, dan jangan terlalu berlebihan karena proses ini bukan satu-satunya faktor mempercepat terindex google.
Submit ke Google
Pasti sudah tahu cara untuk mendaftarkan blog ke google, bukan? Kalau belum tahu caranya, cukup melalui link ini http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
Submit ke Google Webmaster Tools  
Sebetulnya ini cuma untuk mempermudah saja dalam memeriksa keadaan blog dan biasanya yang menjadi penyebab susah terindex google karena adanya broken link/page not found. Nah, dengan melalui Webmaster Tools ini,  kita bisa dengan mudah mengetahuinya jika ada masalah dengan link dalam blog.
Mencari Backlink
Mencari Backlink adalah salah satu proses yang paling penting untuk mempercepat terindex google. Dalam mencari linkmasuk (backlink) kali ini, agan bisa lakukan hanya dengan berkomentar. Untuk memperoleh hasil maksimal, sebaiknya cari blog yang memiliki kredibilitas (reputasi) bagus, dan jangan cuma cari blog dofollow tapi jarang update. Untuk tutorial mencari backlink.

Terima kasih sudah membaca artikel Cara Cepat Blog Terindeks Oleh Google, semoga bermanfaat bagi para pembaca semua. 2013, By: Seo Master
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