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seo How to get more twitter followers 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Some of the pro bloggers accept that Twitter plays a huge part in driving traffic to their blogs. Twitter can be the best place for marketing topics and getting viral on Twitter can result in huge traffic to your blog. The only condition is you have to increase your fan base. You have to increase your twitter followers. There are several parties selling followers to you, but chances are that none of the bought followers are going to engage with you. So, what steps should be taken to get followers? Here are some. 

  • Keep your profile real. Put your original picture and an attractive bio of yours. Placing your pic ensures your authenticity and chances are more of you getting followed. Include your blog address in your bio and use hashtags so that people may discover you in twitter search. Twitter bio is limited to only 160 characters, so you have to manage it very precisely. Including hash tags while introducing yourself is good idea. 'I am a blogger' can be replaced by 'I am a #blogger'. In this way, you are actually asking twitter to enlist you in searches of the word 'blogger'. People always search others in their niche, and you have a chance of getting discovered. 

  • Follow and get followed. Old school trick but still very efficient. If you follow someone, chances are that you will be followed back. Follow people related to your niche, search them over twitter or search them in followers/following list of people already in your connection. Keep in mind those people which are average. Anyone with 100k followers or following will never notice your tweets unless you are a celebrity. Choose people who seems genuine and individual. Look for their profile pic and bio. 

  • Tweet often. Tweet regularly. Let your followers know your presence. Even if you have nothing to tweet about your blog or articles, put up some jokes, or whatever you feel like. Only tweeting links is also a bad idea. Ask questions, share some news, jokes or anything. You can even tweet an article more than once with some other text description.  However, don't over do it. Keep in control the number of tweets you do. 

  • Retweet and mentions. Mention people in your tweets. Take time to read others tweet and if you find anything interesting re-tweet. Its a give and take relationship. The more you build it, the more it will help you. Let your presence be felt by mentioning people, using hash tags, or re-tweeting others. 

  • Include twitter gadgets on your blog. Putting a twitter follow gadgets on your blog will increase your number of followers. If your blog visitors finds your blogs interesting and informative, you will surely get a follower. For once, ask your already established friend circle on social media accounts like Google+ and Facebook networks to join you. You can leave an invitation personally to people who are in in same niche to you or update your timeline with a request to add you on twitter. There are various committee on Google Plus which helps you in promoting yourself. Put your twitter username there asking people to join with a short and brief description of your blog. 

2013, By: Seo Master

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