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Seo Master present to you: Making your blog Twitter friendly has become kind of indispensable unless you want to ignore a significant way of publicizing your posts. There are nifty plug-ins that do all the work for you. Let's go over some of the more popular ones first.

1. Twittar

Twittar can track emails of commentators and insert Twitter avatars or Gravatars or a default image beside their names. This makes the comments section look lively other than making it easy for you to know who on Twitter is interested in your post.

2. WP-Twittip ID

This plug-in will add a field to the comments section for the Tweeter handle of the commentator. This creates automatic links to each commentator's Tweeter profile.

3. Tweetmeme

This one makes it super easy for your readers to tweet your article. They are presented with the title of your post along with a shortened url and they only have to click to tweet. There is a counter included that updates itself with each unique tweet. TwitThis is a similar plug-in also quite popular.

4. Twitter Tools

This one works with your Wordpress blog. You can set it up so that your tweets are published in the form of an article at set intervals. It also inserts a widget to your sidebar to show your most recent tweets in real time.

5. Tweetbacks

Want to show off to your visitors? When your posts get tweeted, this software automatically inserts them into the comments section of your blog. You can also keep a separate section in which to display them.

However, plug-ins and software alone cannot ensure that your content is shared effectively or at all. Certain other details are important if you want really good results.

Make your headlines Twitter friendly

When someone tweets your post, they will include the title and the url. Their own Twitter handle is included by default. Hopefully, you will have retweets. With each retweet, anew handle is added until your post title begins to make no sense because it got curtailed to accommodate the 140 character limit for tweets. Keeping titles under 80 characters is good practice.

Also, there is a difference between vague and intriguing. You are likely to draw more tweets with the humble 'Salsa in Three Weeks' than 'Be the Mistress of the Floor in Twenty One Days'.

Be clever with long titles

Always ensure that titles make sense even when truncated. 'Relevance of Backlinks after Penguin and Panda : A Complete Guide to Google Friendly SEO' will continue to draw attention even after losing half its characters. 'The Magic of Making Up: A Totally Irreverent Way of Looking at Lovers' Spats', however, loses much of its unique appeal when the tag line is clipped.

Do not confuse your fans

There is the 'follow me' button, and then there is the 'tweet this' option. Not everyone is web savvy, and you must spell out certain things to make them work in your favor. Keep the follow button in a prominent position on your blog where your visitors can see it. The usual placement is top right along with subscribing options that include the RSS icon. The tweeting option must be placed at the beginning or end of each post (maybe even at both ends) to be effective.

Remember the keyword factor

The final step to making your blog Twitter friendly is to pay particular attention to placement of keywords. This, again, is part of the technique where you add a tweet-worthy title to your posts, but with a difference. Here, we further ensure that those multiple retweets actually happen.

The trick is to let the first 10 - 20 characters of the title include or simply be, the keyword or phrase. Make sure this does not clash with the rule that the title must make sense even when curtailed. This should not be too difficult, and in any case, you would be using this technique with select posts.

A final word on making your blog Twitter friendly: don't try too hard. Twitter is only one (albeit very important) way of making a buzz. You must strike a balance so that your blog makes sense to begin with. A natural way of writing is often the best. Add to that a bit of care that makes it convenient for your visitors to share your stuff on Twitter, and you have yourself a winner.

Jason Smith is an online manager for Superior Notary Services. He is an expert on SEO & PPC tactics and in his free times likes to read and understand about mobile notary services.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you: Many SEO professionals and webmasters know how Google algorithm updates might affect their page rankings. Once in a while, the search engine giant would change its ranking algorithm in order to get rid of spam and remove or penalize duplicate content. This will eliminate the weak websites from getting top ranks with content that is not of high quality. The new updates focus more on better SEO techniques and keep garbage content or underhanded tricks on backlinking. You can find out why Google updates help SEO professionals by rewarding them for quality content.

Content over SEO tricks

Google has improved its latent semantic indexing. This is bad news for those who do not know how to write quality content. The algorithm updates allow the search engine to weed out badly spun content that is submitted. On top of this, backlinking shortcuts can no longer be used. Google will look into how websites get their link juice. The quality of backlinks will be scrutinized, making quick and easy backlinking useless and maybe even quite dangerous. Your reputation and the quality of your website will definitely matter now, don't rely on sheer backlinking.

Bigger demand for great SEO professionals

The great thing about the constant Google algorithm updates is that the demand for SEO professionals will increase. Getting top rank is hard as it is. With the regular updates in algorithms, only professionals will be able to aggressively overcome each new challenge in the system. People who are involved in online businesses will see the growing need for SEO professionals. They will need to hire people who are experienced in search engine optimization in order for them to stay on top. Those who are struggling with their online business and are trying to handle their SEO without hiring professionals will not be able to keep their page on top or follow certain guidelines. They will see the need for a dedicated professional in order for their page to be seen.

Brings stability to SEO

Many people believe that the SEO bubble will burst very soon. With the algorithm updates in Google, SEO is here to stay. The new challenges posed by the updates allow the SEO community to keep going. The fact that there is a need for the tweaks in algorithms and duplicate content penalties means that search engine optimization is something that people need. Google and other search engines would not bother creating updates for something that is already dead. The new updates will keep everyone on their toes and will bring stability to the world of search engine optimization.

Tips on new updates

Tricky methods in order to bypass the updates that Google has made will not work. The updates encourage SEO professionals to improve their practices and create only quality content. Websites which have content that is close to garbage will be weeded out. This is great news for those who stick to natural strategies in order to get quality backlinks. Many clients who wanted fast, cheap and easy solutions for backlinking have found themselves at the bottom of the ranks. If you want to stay on top, it is best to avoid over optimization. There are now penalties for the same anchor texts that are found all over the web. For you not to be penalized, you need to mix your backlinks. You can even try to make URLS out of them instead of spamming your website with keywords. Establish relationships with other professionals by guest blogging. This can help you drive more traffic to your website. Google's new update has given room for social media platforms to play a huge part in ranking websites. Keep your social media page updated and you'll be rewarded by Google. This is also a great way to interact with your audience.

Better opportunities

There are a number of opportunities opening up for those who are making money from content writing. You need to keep yourself up to date with the changes that Google is implementing on their search engine optimization guidelines. These new and more challenging guidelines that include penalties do not have to hit your website negatively. If you are on top of your game, you can use the changes to your advantage. Find out why Google updates help SEO professionals by learning about new strategies that you can use in order to drive natural and organic traffic to your quality website.

Jason Smith consults companies on online marketing, product development, and strategy. During his free time he enjoys reading about research papers on grey water.2013, By: Seo Master
Seo Master present to you:
Ciri-Ciri Kata Kunci (keyword) Yang Tepat  - Dalam dunia ngeblog, dan agar blog atau tulisan kita mudah dicari dan ditemui oleh onliners, maka yang harus diperhatikan adalah memiliki kata kunci yang tepat. Kata kunci yang bagus tidak selamanya tepat, tetapi kata kunci yang tepat adalah kata kunci yang otomatis bagus, mengapa yang tepat itu bagus? sebab untuk mendapatkan kata kunci yang tepat dan bagus ciri-cirinya adalah:

- Kata kunci unik: yaitu kata kuncinya tidak hanya satu atau sampai 3 kata saja, melainkan kata kunci yang ditambahi dengan kata-kata lain. misalkan kata kunci "Kucing Cantik", keyword tersebut adalah keyword bagus, tetapi apakah blog kita mudah ditemukan dengan kata kunci tersebut? tentu sulit? lebih baik ditambahi seperti "kucing cantik itu mulutnya lucu" ataupun yang lainnya.

- Sedikit Persaingan: kata kunci yang tepat, adalah yang memiliki sedikit persaingan di mesin pencari, tentu saja tulisan kita akan lebih mudah ditemukan orang.

- Populer and time, maksudnya begini, untuk mendapatkan kata kunci yang tepat sebaiknya harus bisa menerwang terlebih dahulu untuk membuat topik populer pada esoknya, siapkan sekarang untuk posting kata kunci yang besok menjadi booming. Intinya, mengejar keyword yang belum terjadi esoknya. misalkan saja berita yang sedang booming adalah "Nikita Mirzani Melaporkan Raffi" nah sekarang kita buat, "Nikita Mirzani Di Tuntut Balik oleh blabla..." (misalkan saja lho ya..)

Yang paling penting untuk mendapatkan keyword atau kata kunci yang tepat, diperhatikan ciri-ciri tersebut. Semoga "Ciri-Ciri Kata Kunci (keyword) Yang Tepat" bermanfaat.2013, By: Seo Master
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