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seo Best Premium Blogger Templates Freebies 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Top 10 Pentium Blogger Templates FreebiesBlogger Templates btemplates. Free Blogger Templates for your Blog. Blogger Templates for free and direct download in xml. Layouts with 1, 2 or 3 columns. 3 Columns - 2 Columns - Magazine Free Blogger Templates | DeluxeTemplates Free Blogger Templates for your blog. By Duy Templates Blogger

1. Free 3979 Blogger Templates

Free 3979 Blogger templates


2. Newspress Blogger Template - Wordpress theme

Newspress Blogger Template


3. News Canyon Blogger Template - Wordpress Templates

News Canyon Blogger Template - Wordpress Templates


4. News Blogger Template

News Blogger Template


5. Cars template for blogger

Cars template for blogger


6. Cute Dog - Blogger Template

Cute Dog - Blogger Template


7. CNET Download Blogger Templates

CNET Download Blogger Templates


8. Cars Concept Design - Template Blogger

Cars Concept Design - Template Blogger


9. Standee Blogger Templates

Standee Blogger Templates


10. Tutorial Duy Blogger Templates

Tutorial Duy Blogger Templates


11. Cars Sport Blogger Templates 

The Cars Blogger Template is a car racing style design. It is a three columns with right and left sidebars. This template has 3 footer columns. Cars, Template, 2 Sidebar, 3 Column, Blogger,
High Quality Templates For Blogger | Top Templates · Champagne template name: Champagne (XML). Sample ... template name: Auto blog II (XML). Sample

Cars Sport Blogger Templates


12. DUY TEMPLATES Blogger 001



13. DUY TEMPLATES Blogger 001

Template type : 1 Sidebar, 2 Column, Adapted from WordPress, Elegant, Featured Section, Fixed width, Fresh, Magazine, Orange, Premium, Right Sidebar, Slider, Tabbed widget, Top Navigation Bar, Web 2.0, White

Blogger Template


14. New Cars, Used Cars, Car rental 
Cars Blogger Template, Cars blogspot template. 2 column, right sidebar, 3 Column footer, Auto, WordPress for blogger. Fixed width, Slide Show, Magazine, Black colors, 2 menu bar, Web 2.0. TheCars is a Free blogspot Template for cars and magazine blogs.Learn How To Create a CSS3 Animated Flyout Social Menu. Social Follower CSS3 fo blogger

New Cars, Used Cars, Car rental

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google allowed to tag friends from Google+ right in your post 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Google allowed to tag friends from Google+ right in your postRecently Blogger updated continuously with extremely worthwhile to make it a better blogging platform. Google had also integrated Google+ into Blogger, today Google Buzz has announced that Blogger has allowed you to tag friends from Google+ right in your post/article. Basically this feature is very similar to tag Facebook friends.

This new update features makes the interaction between the Blogger is very pleasant and approachable. In the post editor when you want to inform or remind someone you just add a plus sign '+' in front of their profile name. Blogger automatically inserts a link directly to the Google+ page mentioned. Not just only that, once you publish an article with you tag your friend in it they'll be notify immediately and automatically.  

Google allowed to tag friends from Google+ right in your post
Figure above illustrates the "Tag" your friends or even a community page. Blogger will automatically lists your friends and you just click to select who you want to tag in. Thanks to +Tan Nguyen  +Hồng Hòa Vi 

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Create 404 error page motion with CSS3 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Create 404 error page motion with CSS3
One of Google's new update features to customize 404 error page. 404 (404 error) is a very common error messages, to inform the user when a web address is not found. Failure to find the things you want is an angry, to avoid annoying when readers get a message 404 dry sites often create a custom error page is beautiful or funny. This article Hong Hoa Vi will guide create a simple error page with an animation entirely in CSS3.

Be sure to check out the demo before you started to work offline
How do
1. Upgrade to a new type of interface, go to Settings / Search preferences and find a Custom Page Not Found   click Edit. Click to enlarge offline
2. Copy the code below into the window that appears and click the Save is complete

<div class="box"><div class="cover_pan"></div></div>
<style type='text/css'>
.box{background:url(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/--Spv9VuEKYE/T3WIVthTICI/AAAAAAAAC3E/o1Ng-OEp5SA/s1600/rect2996.png) no-repeat 0 0;height:486px}
.cover_pan{background:#fff url(https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/--KGP4XXtrTM/T3WIWNH6-bI/AAAAAAAAC3I/zaRC49pVYf8/s1600/image2993.png) repeat 1055px bottom;height:486px;margin-left:1px;overflow:hidden;position:relative;width:99.5%;z-index:-1;-moz-animation-name:pan;-moz-animation-duration:40s;-moz-animation-iteration-count:infinite;-moz-animation-timing-function:linear;-webkit-animation-name:pan;-webkit-animation-duration:40s;-webkit-animation-iteration-count:infinite;-webkit-animation-timing-function:linear}
@-moz-keyframes pan{0%{background-position:1338px bottom}
100%{background-position:left bottom}
@-webkit-keyframes pan{0%{background-position:1338px bottom}
100%{background-position:left bottom}

Guide customization
If you do not like customization, it is enough but if you are "vóc doctor" and want to edit something, follow the instructions below. The idea here is to create two classes, a class photo on the mask (classbox ) and the background image layer motion (class cover_pan ).
1. Dimensions
You can completely customize the size of the class box and class cover_pan depending on the size of the image and the size of your blog.
2. Photo
In the above code has 2 photos, a class box background image and a background image of classcover_pan . Currently, both of these two images 800px size match the size Blog Design but you can also change the second photo.
For class photo box is required gif or png opacity necessary to mask the cover. Photos classarbitrary cover_pan , you can select any image as long as the size matches.
2. Speed
Here we give the background horizontal run continuously with endless loop. Movement speed is 40s.There are many things you can change, but I raised this discovery for you. Try to learn a little about CSS3 and seek Google directions!
I wish you success 
Source by: Hong Hoa Vi

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Add snow and Christmas tree For Blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Bring snow and Christmas tree Blogger
Bring snow and Christmas tree blog. Christmas atmosphere began on the streets, you are decorating the house to pick up a new Christmas season? Do not forget to virtual house on Blogger also need to be decorated. This article will help you to bring snow and Christmas tree for your blog.

Add the following code the following <body> in your template.
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.write('<style type="text/css">body{background:#d20001;padding-bottom:150px}</style><img style="position:fixed;z-index:9999;top:0;left:0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEje5K5-BwVhZZl4vBgq4SjmcuLU2p5bEQWtg2lvk1tuoj-THSKsDHkjFDMh0Ql0WQEeBD0ABahLl6n4Vx3o7ji07o1Y4K6OpflDD8b7Fla6fo-jaAHmpOz8s-qwe_ZpOI9q49TAoPQwC-U/s150/top-left.png"/><img style="position:fixed;z-index:9999;top:0;right:0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEioZnYL0Hq6PPVIkDcK7i3GKv2JlVAAoUE2hsfQ3cQQV5Ytn7VWNeZoWnMV2K5FHHzBuVR-rgwgmOUGZzZ3gyjw4qTJvxykReHOungtRAZkiqwoRVMocNF3UioliTETgIm0ibQlLaxbw64/s150/top-right.png"/><div style="position:fixed;z-index:9999;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:104px;background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjqztZQJZoOvDQXXx-hFcZZ0G9OPMN2UGP9_wn7y-a9yZ8MY3pjKX46oIGpxsKWNfGNMemxc6qg7cMbrehyphenhyphenq-bmqz5YM7x5yFo3twJ6KmF39U80rxD4jy6XKhUuOHJpUj8_HJSs7Sz0KCM/s1600/footer.png) repeat-x bottom left;"></div><a href="http://www.matrixar.com/2012/12/add-snow-and-christmas-tree-for-blogger.html" target="_blank"><img style="position:fixed;z-index:9999;bottom:30px;left:30px" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhtJJoC-NT2qVofqBn4yAZ78thqqenooJJegSzdFB-hDoYffIrigu3hMmwgqQPMLmqclp_f-FQUGIqoWVjYV4AWkvprd8Vtt60qsCOtGekMXEvY0Szl0xPMA1A-VL-MPtTMSy_LCkKyQEk/s180/bottom-left.png"/>');var no=100;var hidesnowtime=0;var snowdistance='pageheight';var ie4up=(document.all)?1:0;var ns6up=(document.getElementById&&!document.all)?1:0;function iecompattest(){return(document.compatMode&&document.compatMode!='BackCompat')?document.documentElement:document.body}var dx,xp,yp;var am,stx,sty;var i,doc_width=800,doc_height=600;if(ns6up){doc_width=self.innerWidth;doc_height=self.innerHeight}else if(ie4up){doc_width=iecompattest().clientWidth;doc_height=iecompattest().clientHeight}dx=new Array();xp=new Array();yp=new Array();am=new Array();stx=new Array();sty=new Array();for(i=0;i<no;++i){dx[i]=0;xp[i]=Math.random()*(doc_width-50);yp[i]=Math.random()*doc_height;am[i]=Math.random()*20;stx[i]=0.02+Math.random()/10; sty[i]=0.7+Math.random();if(ie4up||ns6up){document.write('<div id="dot'+i+'" style="POSITION:absolute;Z-INDEX:'+i+';VISIBILITY:visible;TOP:15px;LEFT:15px;"><span style="font-size:18px;color:#fff">*</span><\/div>')}}function snowIE_NS6(){doc_width=ns6up?window.innerWidth-10:iecompattest().clientWidth-10;doc_height=(window.innerHeight&&snowdistance=='windowheight')?window.innerHeight:(ie4up&&snowdistance=='windowheight')?iecompattest().clientHeight:(ie4up&&!window.opera&&snowdistance=='pageheight')?iecompattest().scrollHeight:iecompattest().offsetHeight;for(i=0;i<no;++i){yp[i]+=sty[i];if(yp[i]>doc_height-50){xp[i]=Math.random()*(doc_width-am[i]-30);yp[i]=0;stx[i]=0.02+Math.random()/10;sty[i]=0.7+Math.random()}dx[i]+=stx[i];document.getElementById('dot'+i).style.top=yp[i]+'px';document.getElementById('dot'+i).style.left=xp[i]+am[i]*Math.sin(dx[i])+'px'}snowtimer=setTimeout('snowIE_NS6()',10)}function hidesnow(){if(window.snowtimer){clearTimeout(snowtimer)}for(i=0;i<no;i++)document.getElementById('dot'+i).style.visibility='hidden'}if(ie4up||ns6up){snowIE_NS6();if(hidesnowtime>0)setTimeout('hidesnow()',hidesnowtime*1000)}

Source: http://blog.duypham.info.

Wish you a Merry Christmas and happy season!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Top 10 High Paying Google Adsense Alternatives 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Top 10 High Paying Google Adsense AlternativesThere are a lot of top advertising publishing sites existing in this online marketing field. But still Google Adsense is leading all other marketing companies. Many famous website owners and blog users are using  Adsense to gain from their own original contents as it is best than other marketing sites. Adsense will present some sensitive advertisement codes for website owners to show it in homepage or with their inventive contents. Then these codes will mechanically start displaying good related ads together with their creative title and contents. Adsense will offer two kinds of ads image and text, ad users can put those ads to their websites in good ad placing positions to get high returns.


Infolinks is the top online advertising company available on the web these days. They display ads for mouse hover on particular keywords. Infolinks will not support you if you have a low traffic, your Infolinks earnings might raise high and high as your site traffic goes high and high. Only select this alternative if you have a very good traffic otherwise it is not for you. Infolinks provides you the payout through your paypal account or your bank wire.


Chitika is considered as one of the best alternatives for Google adsense. During the establishment of Chitika advertisement a lot of people thought that it will be the best Google adsense alternative. But it does not keep pace with Google adsense, however when exploring the existing alternatives of Google adsense, Chitika is the best.  Chitika also approves request from low traffic sites.
Chitika also hold a lot of advertising companies in their hand which offer profesional advertisements. They offer both text and image advertisement. It also shows ads based on displayed keywords, which boosts the click rate. As well as referral program is offered.


It is one of the most admired and oldest advertisement networks that permit you to gain money from your blog or web site. Unlike other related advertising companies, AdBrite is focused to sell ads on your web site by showing a banner advertisement on your website. The user who wants to place an ad on your website can simply show his advertisement. It is very simple to use for every person, and it’s absolutely free.

4.Technorati Media:

Technorati Media is also considered as one of the top alternatives of Google adsense, these days. They have the major social media marketing network. They offer outcome to their users and make a relationship with them. They pay well but it is hard to get the account activated. The advertisement types are generally Image based. However, at times you can see Google Adsense ads on Technorati Media Ads.


BuySellAds is a further ad network where users come together for selling and buying marketing spaces. Instantly you present your blog to BuySellAds network, your blog information will be obtained mechanically. To join BuySellAds and get activated, you need to have some good amount of page views and traffic. Once your request gets accepted, you can set up an area for BSA on your blog and then stay for advertisers to bid for the ads. You must have good Alexa rank to get approve.


This is one of the top in the income sharing advertisement companies wherein they focus small-scale business and autonomous individual blogs to make a huge amount on the number of registered clients. This is one of the most elegant advertisement revenue sharing networks with fascinating ads with the similar ease that you generally get from adsense and therefore is highly suggested for novices.


Luminate Inc. is an online advertising network and presently the market leader in making the images more relative, providing World’s former platform for image application. At present, it serves more than 30 billion page views a year and 150 million users for each month. This primary platform gets functional when a user mouse-over’s an image, showing the relevant information and products to that user. It considers the keywords that have been labeled with an image and then show the related ads consequently. The payout can be received through Standard cheque or on a PayPal account.


Another in-text marketing program with the alternative of selling text links and getting activated is again simple. In order to get satisfactory money from this program you require higher page-rank and good traffic for better back-link price.


Bidvertiser is exceptional in that they not merely pay for clicks, but pay an added bonus for alterations. They also provide a toolbar option. On an eCPM basis, it is greatly out-performing any of the programs.


Kontera is an in-text marketing network program that underlines the keywords in the website. It makes irritating to some users as ads are presented in a pop-up window. It is best for the content affluent blogs. Kontera is very easy in organizing ads code. If you have blog then it is even simple to include the widgets to your blog. Pays are made through PayPal, Wire-transfer and Check.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Working better together: Protecting against invalid activity 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Protecting against invalid activityPublishers are the lifeblood of the Internet, and we’re committed to helping you grow your businesses. Last year alone, we shared $6.5 billion with our AdSense publishers. We also invest immense amounts of time and millions of dollars in systems (including sophisticated algorithms and human reviews) that keep
bad ads from appearing on your sites and prevent advertisers from being fraudulently charged for bad clicks. When everything is working well, advertisers trust our network and continue to invest in it, which generates revenue for you the publisher, ultimately funding the free content users love. But we’ve also heard the stories: publishers finding their accounts suspended or even disabled for “invalid activity” without a clear understanding of why or how to fix it. We know this can be an intensely frustrating, even scary experience. So why does this happen?

While the vast majority of publishers who sign up for AdSense do so in good faith, unfortunately there are some bad actors out there.  As you can imagine, we can’t reveal all the tools we use to keep bad sites and bad traffic out of our network.  But sometimes these tools result in good publishers who become a source of invalid activity having their accounts disabled without much recourse.  We’re making some changes we think will help fix this:
  • We are considering tenure more actively when responding to detected invalid activity. For example, some trusted publishers will now have their accounts suspended instead of terminated, and over time we hope to work directly with more publishers to resolve invalid traffic issues without needing to disable the account at all. (As always, we’ll continue to credit advertisers for any invalid activity.)
  • We’ve given publishers tools to submit more informative appeals via a new form, which may help resolve issues more quickly.
  • We’re providing more details on invalid activity’s causes. If we’ve detected a violation of our policies you’ll receive an email and a notification to your account with further information and instructions. And you can read all about the causes of invalid activity at our Ad Traffic Quality Resource Center, which is now available in most languages supported by AdSense, such as German, French, Polish and Arabic.
  • Whether you’re looking for a refresher or just creating your first ad unit, you can review the do’s and don'ts of ad traffic in our expanded AdSense Academy
  • In order to help publishers avoid common pitfalls, we’re kicking off a video series that explains why some of our policies exist and how you can make sure you’re working with them. Our first looks specifically at invalid traffic.

    We want to work with our publisher partners to keep the AdSense network strong -- keeping good publishers’ accounts in good standing, while also protecting advertisers and users from fraudulent activity. This is why we’re making changes, like the ones discussed today, to provide more help when things go wrong. We’ll be making even more changes as the year goes on so look for continued updates on this blog.

    Posted by Jonathan Bellack - Product Management Director

    We want to hear from you. Let’s continue the conversation -- submit your questions to us about the topics discussed in this post via Google Moderator. We’ll be holding a Google Hangout in January with members of our Product Quality Operations team for the first time to address your questions. Please note that for privacy reasons, we won’t be able to respond to account-specific questions.

    Source: http://adsense.blogspot.com2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Blogger How 4 - SEO Techniques For Your Blogger 2013

    Seo Master present to you: Blogger How is Blogger Tutorial Series from How We Blog. In this series, I will guide you step by step building your first blog with Blogger, spread it to the world, and then you can earn money from it.

    Part 4 of this series:

    Blogger How 4 - SEO Techniques For Your Blogger

    This post contains the most important and basic SEO Techniques that you need to apply to your blog. It mainly talk about how to optimize your blog and your posts, what needed to set any blog viral on all major search engines. That's about how to setting mega tag, about content optimization,... and yes, about everything you can do with your blog. The goal is to get as much as visitors from search engine possible.
    Please be patient until BH6 is published, more SEO tactics with social network will be revealed.

    1. Setting for a SEO-friendly Blog

    1.1 Basic Settings:

    At Blogger Dashboard, click on your blog name, then click Settings at left sidebar. And then you can edit your Title and Description. Make sure it's relevant and included your core keyword. Check "Yes" at both questions Add your blog to our listing? and Let search engines find your blog? Don't forget to click Save changes.
    Basic Setting for SEO
    Basic Setting for SEO
    Read more »2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Related Posts Widget With Thumbnail For Blogger 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    Related PostsDisplaying  related posts at the bottom of each post is a best way to keep to visitor busy and increase your page views.The related posts widget with thumbnails lists a selected number of posts with image thumbnail from each post.
    How To Add Related Posts With Thumbnail To Blogger
    Related Posts
    Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.
    Download a copy of your template first.
    Tick  "Expand Widget Templates" checkbox.
    Now search for below tag in your template



    Just above it paste below code
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <style type='text/css'>
    #related-posts {
    float: center;
    text-transform: none;
    height: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;
    padding-top: 5px;
    padding-left: 5px;

    #related-posts h2 {
    font-size: 1.6em;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: black;
    font-family: Georgia, &#8220;
    Times New Roman&#8221;, Times, serif; margin-bottom: 0.75em;
    margin-top: 0em;
    padding-top: 0em;

    #related-posts a {
    color: black;

    #related-posts a:hover {
    color: black;

    #related-posts a:hover {
    background-color: #6E6E6E;
    color: #ffffff;
    <script type='text/javascript'> var defaultnoimage=&quot;http://www.matrixar.com/_u4gySN2ZgqE/SosvnavWq0I/AAAAAAAAArk/yL95WlyTqr0/s400/noimage.png&quot;; var maxresults=6; var splittercolor=&quot;#d4eaf2&quot;; var relatedpoststitle=&quot;&quot;; </script>
    <script src='http://dtb-blogger.googlecode.com/files/related-posts.js' type='text/javascript'/>
    Now search for below code in your template

    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'/>

    Now place below code snippet just before of above line.
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <div id='related-posts'><h2 style='background-color: nonee; color: #444444; font-family: arial, lucinda, verdana, geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt; font-weight: 400; line-height: 16px; list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center;'>
    <u style='list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: initial;'><span style='color: #00aeef; list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;'>You may also Download</span></u></h2>

    <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'></b:if>
    <script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + data:label.name + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels_thumbs&amp;max-results=7&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:loop> <script type='text/javascript'> removeRelatedDuplicates_thumbs(); printRelatedLabels_thumbs(&quot;<data:post.url/>&quot;); </script>
    <div style='clear:both'/>
    <!-- remove -->
    </b:if><b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'><b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'><a href='http://www.matrixar.com/2012/11/related-posts-widget-with-thumbnail-for.html'><img alt='Related Posts Widget For Blogger with Thumbnails' src='http://www.matrixar.com/-Zoid9H0p4d0/UNO6E4JFBCI/AAAAAAAAE6U/YvukJkDAzeY/s1600/ico.png' style='border: 0'/></a><a href='http://duytemplates.tintucmoivn.com/'><img alt='Blogger Templates' src='http://www.matrixar.com/-Zoid9H0p4d0/UNO6E4JFBCI/AAAAAAAAE6U/YvukJkDAzeY/s1600/ico.png' style='border: 0'/></a></b:if></b:if>
    Now save your template and go to your blog,you will watch this widget just below of your posts.

    To change the title of widget find the Related Posts in 2nd code.
    To change the number of posts to display find this var maxresults=6; code in 2nd code.
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo 20 Great Resources for Blogger Users 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    Add descriptions to LabelsIf you just getting started with Blogger platform , these are some great blogs to include in your reading list. Each one of them is full of unique tutorials and pro tips that can keep you hooked for days together. Every blog in the list has a different focus , with some focussing on Tips and Tricks while other writing about Widget Creation and Tutorials. Nonetheless each resource is full of quality stuff that will help you with various aspects Blogger platform

    1. Spice Up Your Blog 

    spice up your blog

    Has one of the biggest collection of Tutorials , Tips and Widgets. Established in mid-2009 , it has been going strong since then with updates being posted on a weekly or daily basis.

    2. Way2Blogging 

    way 2 blogging

    Best resource for Widgets and Templates. Updates are arbitrary in nature but each and every one of them is of highest quality

    3. Blogger Plugins

    blogger widgets

    One of the Oldest blog dedicated to Blogger known for its Blogger API widgets and In-depth Tutorials.

    4. Blogger Sentral 

    blogger sentral

    It has some of the best tutorials related to integrating various services into Blogger. Also known for its simplicity and directness .

    5. Blogger Buster 

    blogger buster

    The oldest resource dedicated to Blogger with the best tutorials , tips and templates. Founded in late 2006 its been updated since then on a regular basis.

    6. Blogger Items

    blogger items

    New to Blogger but known for its unique and awesome Widgets which can't be found anywhere else on the internet.

    7. The Real Blogger Status

    the real blogger status

    Keeps you up to date with all the latest happening in the Blogger Forum and Blogger as a whole. Updated on a daily basis

    8. Simplex Design

    simplex design

    A source for Blogger tutorials and Tips

    9. Mayura4Ever 

    mayura 4 ever

    Relatively new but covers up that with its in-depth tutorial and simplicity 

    10. My Blogger Tricks

    my blogger tricks

    Most Active among all , its updated daily and is full of Tutorials , tips and Tricks for Blogger as well as Smart money making techniques

    11. Abu Farhan

    abu farhan

    Its one of the earliest resources for Blogger, even though its not updated much now still the tutorials available in it are useful till today

    12. Blogger Xpertise 

    blogger xpertise

    Fairly new resource but the tutorials and tips are covered in it are downright awesome and useful to say the least

    13. 54Blogger

    54 blogger

    A mix of Blogger Tutorials and Web Design Tips. Each tutorial provides a new insight and has freshness to it. Not updated much these days.

    14. Blogger Bin

    blogger bin

    New on the block , but the variety and quality of tutorials and tips is really professional.

    15. Nymphont


    Updated arbitrarily but the Templates created by them are a class apart

    16. Helper Blogger 

    helper for blogger

    Just 9 months old but the tutorials and tips are really great

    17. Southern Speakers 

    southern speakers

    One of the biggest resource for Blogger Dynamic View tutorials and tricks

    18. My Blogger Lab

    my blogger lab

    Creates amazing widgets for Blogger as well as occasional tips and tricks related to blogging

    19. Bloggerzbible 

    bloggerz bible

    Creates templates which have unmatched quality and also shares Tips and Tutorials

    20. Stylify Your Blog ( us !)

    stylify Your blog

    Hope you found these blogs useful. There are so many quality resources out there , that I might have missed some , so feel free to share them in the comments below so that I can expand this list .

    Source: By Prayag Verma
    A blogger and wannabe Web Developer + Designer currently in college learning about computers. A CSS Lover , Blogger Template Designer , Manga Fan , Geeky Nerd , Music Addict and Yogaholic ! Get more from Prayag on  and Twitter

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Grow your audience with the Google+ followers gadget 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    Connecting your blog to Google+ is a great way to attract new readers, as well as build lasting relationships with your followers. For example, you can easily share your posts in the Google+ stream, as well as enable blog visitors to recommend your stuff in a single click. Today we're excited to offer another Google+ perk: the followers gadget.

    The Google+ followers gadget highlights your total Google+ audience (both its size and some friendly faces), and offers visitors the chance to follow you on Google+. As a result, you can grow your readership across the web, and reach them either in the Google+ stream, or through your blog.
    To get started, just connect your blog to Google+, visit the "Layout" tab of the Blogger dashboard, and select "Add a Gadget." You can also read a bit more about today's update in our Help Center.

    Happy blogging!

    p.s. Those of you with the Google Friend Connect followers gadget can keep using it, if you like. We retired most of Friend Connect earlier this year, but we'll keep it running on Blogger for the foreseeable future.

    Source: http://buzz.blogger.com/2012/11/grow-your-audience-with-google.html
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Blogger How 3 - Change, Backup and Customize Template 2013

    Seo Master present to you: Blogger How is Blogger Tutorial Series from How We Blog. In this series, I will guide you step by step building your first blog with Blogger, spread it to the world, and then you can earn money from it.
    Part 3 of this series:

    Blogger How 3 - Change, Backup and Customize Template

    If you want your blogger have a better look, this is an essential article for you. You will learn how to back up a template before change it, customize it in your way and much more. Of course everything will be very basic to understand and follow.

    Find Free Blogger Templates:

    Some places that you can find and download good blogger templates for free:
    Templates are downloaded under .xml or .zip format. With archive format, you need to extract it and get .xml file (some templates are included images, instruction and script that you can hosted your self).

    Which Template is Good for Me?

    You can choose whatever template which one you like most and suit your business, just remember simple is the best. But if you're asking me what kind of template is the best then I will answer this is 2 columns template with content on the left and right sidebar.
    Why? Because they are simple, users and SEO-friendly, easy for Search Engine Spider to crawl your main content first and sidebar content later. You can see, most of popular bloggers choose that kind of templates for their blog

      2 Ways to Change Blogger Template

      Change and Backup / Restore Blogger Template
      Change and Backup / Restore Blogger Template

      Read more »2013, By: Seo Master
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