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seo how to change 404 not found page of your Blogger blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:

i have share so many Articles on Facebook Tips and tricks Today i will be teaching How to change  404 not found page of your Blogger blog

how to change '404 not found' page of your Blogger blog. ?

How to start blogging Complete guideline in my previous article 404 Not found is the error which occurs when you try to visit page which does not occur
default 404 page of BLOGGER is not that well
how to change 404 not found page of your Blogger blog
This will allow to keep visitors or traffic of blog engage on your blog for little longer and decrease bounce rate.

Here we go.
1-go to Blogger Dashboard settings and then click on Search preferences
2-click on Edit in front of custom page not found.
3-now in this area Paste this whole thing.

<!-- MBW 404 Page -->
<div class='MBW-404-box'>
  <p style='line-height: 1.6em'><strong>
<font color='red' size='6'>
</font> <font color='#666666'>
 <!-- http://www.mylatesttricks.com !-->
Looks like you are trying to access page that does not exist or has been deleted. Please do any of the followings:
  <ol style='line-height: 25px'>
    <li><a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>&#171; Go Back</a> </li>
    <li>Report the Problem By <a href='http://www.mylatesttricks.com'>Clicking Here</a>&#160;&#160;&#160; (<i>This will help us serve you better</i>) </li>
    <li>Go To Homepage by <a href='http://www.mylatesttricks.com/contact'>Clicking Here</a>
  <p><br><br></p><p align='center'><font color='#159b24' style='font-size: 135px'><strong>404</strong></font></p>
  <p align='center'><font size='5'>Error Page Not Found</font></p>

4- Replace first url in this ^ whole with your blog link
5-replace second url with your blog contact section or you facebook account url
6-save the changes.
7-click dashboard then template and then on edit html
8-click anywhere inside that big BOX containing your HTML 
9-press CTRL+F collectively
11-Paste this whole code under 
]]></b:skin> .<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;error_page&quot;'>

<style type='text/css'>
.status-msg-wrap {
    font-size: 100%;
    margin: none;
    position: static;
    width: 100%;
.status-msg-border {
.status-msg-body {
    padding: none;
    position: static;
    text-align: inherit;
    width: 100%;
    z-index: auto;
.status-msg-wrap a {
    padding: none;
    text-decoration: inherit;
.MBW-404-box {
  margin:10px 0px;
  padding:15px 15px;
  border:1px solid #b9b6b6;
  box-shadow: 6px 6px 6px #e3e3e3;

12-save changings in template and you are done.
13-now check if it is working fine just open your website like

so i have share about blogging IN SHA ALLAH in my next article i will sharing a article on How to Recover WordPress Blog
if you have any problem you feel free to ask us comment below 
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Compute Engine is now open to all 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Navneet Joneja, Product Manager

Cross-posted from the Google Cloud Platform Blog

Last year we announced Google Compute Engine to enable any business or developer to use Google’s infrastructure for their applications. Now we’re taking the next step: Google Compute Engine is open to everyone in preview, and you can sign up online now.

Over the past year, we’ve launched several features and made significant improvements behind the scenes. We’re now announcing several new capabilities that make it easier and more economical to use Compute Engine for a broader set of applications.

  • Sub-Hour Billing: We heard feedback from our early users who wanted more granular billing increments so they could run short-lived workloads. Now all instances are charged for in one-minute increments with a ten-minute minimum, so you don’t pay for compute minutes that you don’t use.
  • New shared-core instance types: Compute Engine’s new micro and small instance types are designed as a cost-effective option for running small workloads that don’t need a lot of CPU power, like development and test workloads.
  • Larger Persistent Disks: We’re increasing the size of Persistent Disks that can be attached to instances by up to 8,000%. You can now attach up to 10 terabytes of persistent disk to a Compute Engine virtual machine, giving you plenty of persistent storage for a wide variety of applications.
  • Advanced Routing Capabilities: Compute Engine now supports software-defined routing capabilities based on our broad SDN innovation. These capabilities are designed to handle your advanced network routing needs like configuring instances to function as gateways, configuring VPN servers and building applications that span your local network and Google’s cloud.
  • ISO 27001 Certification: We’ve also completed ISO 27001:2005 certification for Compute Engine, App Engine, and Cloud Storage to demonstrate that these products meet the international standard for managing information security.

To get started, go to the Google Cloud Console, select Compute Engine and click the “New Instance” button.

Fill out the required information and click “Create” on the right hand side. Your new virtual machine will be ready to use in about a minute.

To all of our customers who helped us evolve the product over the past months, thank you; your feedback has helped shape Compute Engine. To those of you who have been eager to try Compute Engine, the wait is over and you can sign up for Compute Engine online today.

Navneet Joneja loves being at the forefront of the next generation of simple and reliable software infrastructure, the foundation on which next-generation technology is being built. When not working, he can usually be found dreaming up new ways to entertain his intensely curious three-year-old.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Joomla!Day USA West at Google 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Last weekend, Google hosted the first Joomla!Day to be held in the United States. Nearly 100 Joomla! developers and users came together in true unconference style, as participants led small group discussions based on attendee feedback prior to and the beginning day of the conference. Topics ranged from migrating a website from the CMS' 1.0 to 1.5 release to effective template creation. On Sunday afternoon, we had a lot of fun with our speed-geeking session, where attendees shared knowledge with one another about anything and everything, like using Joomla! to power non-profit websites to ergonomics to keep you coding for life. We ended the day Sunday with a group photo and plans in the works to start a Bay Area based Joomla! Users Group.

For those who weren't able to make it to Joomla!Day USA West, we've heard you can expect news about other Joomla!Days coming sometime later this year in Austin, Texas and New York, New York.

Many thanks to all of our guests for joining us, sharing their collective knowledge and making the weekend a useful and inspiring experience!

Photo Credit: T. J. Baker2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cross-Platform SSO technology 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Tim Bray, Google Identity Team

During the Android portion of the Google I/O keynote, we showed Cross-Platform Single Sign-On; the effect was that for Wallet and Google+ users, signing in to a Web browser resulted in automatic download of, and sign-in to, an Android app.

To support this, we have introduced general-purpose API tools which allow developers to achieve cross-client authentication and authorization, in particular between Android and Web apps.

Not having to sign in repeatedly feels so natural for users that they don’t even notice it. But as more and more apps deploy this sort of magic, you don’t want to be the hold-out that’s pestering users for passwords on Web sites or, worse, on tiny mobile-device keyboards.

On the Android side, client libraries like PlusClient, GamesClient, and WalletClient have “connect” methods that take care of this as automatically as possible; they check whether any of the accounts on the phone have already been authorized for access to the service in question, conduct sign-in if necessary but avoid it if possible, and when they return to your code, everything’s all set up.

If you’re writing server-side code and using libraries like Google+ Sign-In, once again, all the right things happen automatically; when you start accessing the service, the software imposes the minimum necessary pain on the user, ideally zero, and lets you get to work.

Of course, some people want less automation, and finer control over how things work. If you want to access our services at the HTTP level rather than via a library, or to deal with multiple accounts on an Android device in a customized way, you can do these things and in most cases still deliver the no-sign-in magic.

Of course, this involves working with HTTP message flows, validating tokens, and securing shared secrets. This may sound intimidating but will be straightforward for one well-versed in HTTP-level Web programming. If you’re one of those, check out the low-level protocols and APIs that support this, in “Cross-Client Identity”.

The time is now to start moving your apps towards a sign-in-free future.

Tim says: By day, I help in the struggle against passwords on the Internet.
The rest of my life is fully documented on my blog.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Ushering in the next generation of computing at Google I/O 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Urs Hölzle, Senior Vice President, Technical Infrastructure, and Google Fellow

Cross-posted from the Google Cloud Platform Blog

Watch the video of the Cloud track kickoff.

Over the last fourteen years we have been developing some of the best infrastructure in the world to power Google’s global-scale services. With Google Cloud Platform, our goal is to open that infrastructure and make it available to any business or developer anywhere. Today, we are introducing improvements to the platform and making Google Compute Engine available for anyone to use.

Google Compute Engine - now available for everyone

Google Compute Engine provides a fast, consistently high-performance environment for running virtual machines. Later today, you’ll be able to go online to cloud.google.com and start using Compute Engine.

In addition, we’re introducing new Compute Engine features:

  • Sub-hour billing charges for instances in one-minute increments with a ten-minute minimum, so you don’t pay for compute minutes that you don’t use
  • Shared-core instances provide smaller instance shapes for low-intensity workloads
  • Advanced Routing features help you create gateways and VPN servers, and enable you to build applications that span your local network and Google’s cloud
  • Large persistent disks support up to 10 terabytes per volume, which translates to 10X the industry standard

We’ve also completed ISO 27001:2005 international security certification for Compute Engine, Google App Engine, and Google Cloud Storage.

Google App Engine adds the PHP runtime

App Engine 1.8.0 is now available and includes a Limited Preview of the PHP runtime - your top requested feature. We’re bringing one of the most popular web programming languages to App Engine so that you can run open source apps like WordPress. It also offers deep integration with other parts of Cloud Platform including Google Cloud SQL and Cloud Storage.

We’ve also heard that we need to make building modularized applications on App Engine easier. We are introducing the ability to partition apps into components with separate scaling, deployments, versioning and performance settings.

Introducing Google Cloud Datastore

Google Cloud Datastore is a fully managed and schemaless solution for storing non-relational data. Based on the popular App Engine High Replication Datastore, Cloud Datastore is a standalone service that features automatic scalability and high availability while still providing powerful capabilities such as ACID transactions, SQL-like queries, indexes and more.

Over the last year we have continued our focus on feature enhancement and developer experience across App Engine, Compute Engine, Google BigQuery, Cloud Storage and Cloud SQL. We also introduced Google Cloud Endpoints and Google Cloud Console.

With these improvements, we have seen increased usage with over 3 million applications and over 300,000 unique developers using Cloud Platform in a given month. Our developers inspire us everyday, and we can’t wait to see what you build next.

Urs Hölzle is Senior Vice President of Technical Infrastructure and Google Fellow. As one of Google's first ten employees and its first VP of Engineering, he has shaped much of Google's development processes and infrastructure.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Top 5 Search Engine Optimization Tips & Techniques 2013

Seo Master present to you:

There are certain organic search engines optimization techniques that enable your website to be ranked among the top. These techniques are usually put in place to ensure that you have as many visitors on your website as possible. This means that, if you utilize these techniques well, you are assured of profiting from them.
 The top 5 search engines optimization tips include;


1.       Ensure that you practice a user friendly way of programming. The main purpose of the various search engines is usually to generate as many clicks as possible because more clicks equal to more money. This clicks do not automatically generate themselves, however, they are made by people who visit your website. Therefore, organic search engines optimizationhelp many people to visit your website; thus generating many clicks which translate to more money as your website climbs up the ranking ladder. Ways of ensuring this includes; using texts rather that images on your website. Although images should also be there to satisfy the visitor’s eyes, what you write is what will determine if the visitor will click on your link. Also ensure that you include keywords on your titles to make it easier for the visitor to get what they want.

2.      Ensure that you site navigation is as good as possible. This is because a majority of the search engines track the amount of time a visitor spends on a particular page on the website. This means that if a visitor sends more time on a certain page, it means that they have found relevant information that they had been looking for. This will increase the rankings of your website as it shows that your articles are helpful to its users. Therefore, ensure that you navigation is very helpful to the user and that it helps them move easily through your website.

3.     Have exciting page titles. Page titles are the key features that determine whether a visitor will visit your website or not. This means that if you use the same title for a majority of the articles on your website, you are prone to loosing potential customers as your website becomes boring. The best titles are those that sre easy to understand. They should not have complex words that will force a user to get help from the dictionary. This will ensure that your website is amongst the most preferred by the internet users.

4.       Your page descriptions should be of high quality. This can be done by the use of meta-tags. Meta-tags give you website an upper hand as they make it easier for users to access any information they are searching for. Therefore, your descriptions should be enticing and enable you to control the message that you will be giving to the visitor while boosting your target keywords too.

5.      Focus on content that has been optimized. One of the fastest ways of increasing your ratings on any search engines ranking is by developing quality content. Ensure that ball the content on your website is high quality so that it can keep your regular clients glued to your website while attracting visitors.

Follow these Search Engine Optimization Tips and Search Engine Optimization Techniques and You cant't go wrong with SEO. Guaranteed! 
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing Google Play game services 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Greg Hartrell, Lead Product Manager

We love to talk about games at Google. Especially the old ones, like Pac-man, Pitfall and Frogger. Since those classics, games have changed a lot. They’ve moved from that clunky box in your living room to the screen that you carry with you in your pocket wherever you go. They’re mobile, they’re social, and they’re an important part of Google Play.

Today, we’re launching Google Play game services, a core part of building a gaming platform for the next generation of games. These services help you make your games more social, with achievements, leaderboards, and multiplayer, as well as more powerful, storing game saves and settings in the cloud. They are available on Android, and many on iOS or any other connected device. By building on Google’s strengths in mobile and cloud services, you can focus on what you’re good at as game developers: creating great gaming experiences for your users.

With game services, you can incorporate:
  • Achievements that increase engagement and promote different styles of play.
  • Social and public leaderboards that seamlessly use Google+ circles to track high scores across friends and across the world.
  • Cloud saves that provide a simple and streamlined storage API to store game saves and settings. Now players never have to replay Level 1 again.
  • Real-time multiplayer for easy addition of cooperative or competitive game play on Android devices. Using Google+ Circles, a game can have up to 4 simultaneous friends or auto-matched players in a game session together with support for additional players coming soon.

Several great Android games are already using these new game services, including World of Goo, Super Stickman Golf 2, Beach Buggy Blitz, Kingdom Rush, Eternity Warriors 2, and Osmos.

And many more titles launch today as well:

Google Play game services are available today through an SDK for Android, and a native iOS SDK for iPhone and iPad games. Web and other platform developers will also find corresponding REST APIs, with libraries for JavaScript, Java, Python, Go, Dart, PHP, and more.

We’re excited to see what games will do with these new services and experiences, and this is only the beginning. Wait until you get to the boss battle... er.. Check out our developer site to get started: https://developers.google.com/games/.

Greg Hartrell is Lead Product Manager on Google Play game services, devoted to helping developers make incredible games through Google Play. In his spare time, he enjoys jumping from platform to platform, boss battles and matching objects in threes.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Top Travel Apps For Android Mobile Phones 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Top Travel Apps For Android Mobile Phones
Credit: ddpavumba / Freedigital photos
In the last few years, we have seen how the Android OS has literally taken over the smartphone industry. There are numerous apps designed especially for this operating system. In this post we will look at some of the best travel apps for Android powered smartphones. Although most of the apps are for free, there are a few of them that come with nominal price tags.

Why use apps while travelling?

Well, the apps give you all the latest information about the new places you visit. It is always better to make informed choices, especially while travelling to new places. You can get all the information on weather conditions, availability of tickets, making hotel reservations, booking cars, traffic updates, and currency exchange rates. Get these apps today if you are planning on travelling anytime soon.


This is a free Android app, which helps in booking hotels and finding information on available accommodation facilities in a new place. Airbnb will help you in making all the bookings at any given location while traveling.

XE Currency

This is a currency converter Android based app. It will help you in finding the most updated currency exchange rates. You could save money during your travel if you have the latest information on the exchange rates.


This one is identified as one of the finest travel apps. It is simple to use and it helps you in managing your travel itinerary perfectly. You can take help of the app and book your hotel room or flights. Worldmate is surely a must have app for all travelers.

Wi-Fi finder

Use this app to find Wi-Fi spots wherever you are. Download Wi-Fi finder and use it to locate internet connections on your portable devices. Of course, you will have to ask for network passwords with the connection owners.


We all use Skype to communicate with people living across the globe. It is a very reliable app that helps you stay connected with your workplace and family members while you are traveling. To get started, just download Skype on your mobile phone, and start talking to your loved ones. It also comes with call conferencing feature.


This app assists you while driving. It alerts you about traffic jams, road accidents, police checking, etc. With the help of this app, you can avoid the high traffic roads and reach your travel destinations on time.


Businessmen can easily manage their busy travel schedules by using Tripit. It helps in making travel arrangements efficiently. Any businessperson will benefit from this particular app. Booking, reservation, meeting details, and all other information can be saved and managed efficiently.


This app is available online for free, and it gives weather updates while traveling. It is always a wish thing to check the weather conditions before you plan your trip. It allows you to be prepared for bad weather conditions.

These travel apps enhance your travel experiences, so why not use them.

Author Bio:

Alex has written this article. I have been writing a lot of posts about traveling to Florida. If you are looking for good deals on all inclusive resorts in Florida, then you will get the listings on the website, http://allinclusiveresortsin.net/
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Closing the Loop - Version Control and Issue Tracker Integration 2013

Seo Master present to you: If you are a developer on an open source project hosted on Google Code, and you are committing a change that fixes a known defect or adds a requested enhancement, you will want to update the associated issue. You could do that by first committing the change, and then using the web UI to update the issue. But, now there is a more convenient way to close the loop: you can update an issue by putting an issue tracker command in your commit-log message.

There are commit-log commands to:
  • Easily set an issue's status to Fixed.
  • Update any aspect of the issue, and add a comment.
  • Enter a new issue.
  • Request a code review.
The most common case is to close the issue as Fixed. For example, your commit-log message might be:

Now, your commit links to the issues, the issues are closed, and a back-link is added from each issue to the revision.

Updating an issue, without closing it, can be useful when a commit partially resolves the issue. And, opening a new issue is useful when you know that follow-up work will be needed. For more information and examples, see our issue tracker documentation.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Bagaimana Cara Artikel Terindeks Lebih Cepat? 2013

Bagaimana cara agar blog terindeks oleh Google dengan sangat cepat? Kenapa penting bagi blog untuk terindeks dengan sangat cepat? Bagi anda yang mengandalkan berita-berita yang sedang trend untuk mendapatkan traffic, terindeks dengan sangat cepat akan memberikan keuntungan tersendiri. Trik berikut ini akan membantu blog anda terindeks dengan sangat cepat.

1. Gunakan Google Webmaster Tool

seo Download Free MP3 Joiner 5.5.1 (freeware) 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Friends,This is a software to  join your Mp3 file without quality loss. This also a free software. You can use anytime this software without license key. You can also purchase advanced version from official site. Download it and enjoy with master hacks.

Free MP3 Joiner 5.5.1 Full (www.masterhacksindia.blogspot


Download Free MP3 Joiner 5.5.1 (Freeware): Click here  OR Official Download


Key Features

  • MP3 Joiner is an easy and efficient FREE MP3 Joiner.
  • Combine, merge and Join MP3 files into one big file.
  • It uses the latest Lame MP3 encoder which is generally believed as the the bestMP3 encoder.
  • The last but not the least, MP3 Joiner is Windows Vista compatible and works with Windows 7 (64-bit and 32-bit).
  • It can copy & save audio tag from the source files to the destination ones, MP3Joiner is capable of writing ID3v1, ID3v2 and APE MP3 tag.
  • It supports batch mode and can cut hundreds of MP3 files at once.
  • It is incredibly fast and fully optimized for SSE/Hyper thread technology and you can get extra speed boost if you have multi-core CPU.
  • MP3 Joiner supports on-the-fly converting, in other words, it does not generate temporary files during the conversion process.
  • It is fairly intuitive to use with its Windows Explorer-Style user interface.
  • It supports drag & drop.
  • MP3 Joiner can effortlessly search, add and manage the MP3 files to be converted.


Official Site: mp3-joiner


Leave a comment ………………………..below………….

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing Twitter #Music App 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Are you a Pandora guy? Love it or hate it, some seem to think music discovery services available today aren’t enough- or up to par. It is the folks behind Twitter who’ve step up to make amends this time. Their solution is Twitter #Music, a music discovery service like Pandora, though with a different approach. Why Twitter? Why now? Well, they have data, lots of them. Think of millions of followers popular artists have on the platform. Lady Gaga alone has 25 million. Justine Bieber seemingly has overtaken her now. People love music. And they love Twitter. Why not take this relationship to the next level? Twitter Music launch isn’t a big surprise after all. The social media giant had acquired ‘We Are Hunted’ last year, a start-up company recommending music from Rdio, iTunes and Spotify based on Twitter followers. Had you observed closely, you would’ve seen it coming.


Services like Pandora make recommendations on music tracks based on previous tracks you’ve listened to. Twitter #Music instead recommends you music based on Twitter follower data. For instance, through the new service you can discover new artists and bands your friends have been following, yet you’ve never ever heard of. Or you can discover what your favorite artists listen to apart from their own music. It is a new way of discovering music. The app enables you to listen to a preview of the song up to 30 seconds. Options to buy the title off iTunes or listen to the full track via Rdio or Spotify are provided as well. For the latter you need to be a paid subscriber for Rdio or Spotify.

The Music App offers music recommendations under several tabs. For instance there is a ‘Popular’ list based on trending activities on Twitter. ‘Suggested’ tab lists artists similar to ones you are following. The app interface is simple, initiative and is a pleasure to use. However, that is not to say it is perfect. There are also some missing features most users would’ve loved to see. For instance there are no options to follow artists only from within the #music app, or tag them for listening at a later time. It has only been weeks since launch and hopefully it would get better over time.


Folks behind Twitter #Music have decided to start big and expand. That could be one of the reasons why they chose Good Morning America, a show with huge viewership to announce their new service. Along with the announcement they released a dedicated iOS app to access the service. It was speculated earlier that 300 million Twitter fans could see to the success of the new service. It was also highlighted as good news for Spotify and Rdio, since they get to expand their reach. It is still too early to comment on the success of the new service which in fact is limited to few countries yet. However its iOS app seemingly has hit few bumps just days after launch. Accordingly Twitter #Music app has lost its place among the top 100 free apps on US showing a decline in popularity. The service has also received positive reviews for its ability to recommend music based on followers’ data. It is also a great way to discover music interests of your favorite artists and bands, something you couldn’t do with Pandora. Twitter #Music isn’t the best thing out there, yet. It needs to work on refining existing features and adding new ones to be a game changer, but that’s not to say it isn’t useful at the moment either. Overall, it has the potential to become a great music discovery service, and hopefully we would see it expanding over many other countries as well.

Author Bio:

This post was provided by James Weaser. He is software developer of IQmango team. Now they are working on IQmango Music converter project.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo iPhone 6: what new features will there be? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
American business history may recall Apple as one of the most successful marketers ever. With iPhone, the company has performed a remarkable magic trick: Making the late-starting mobile seem ready to take over the world. The first generation of iPhone was released on June 29, 2007 and the most recent iPhone, the sixth-generation iPhone 5, on September 21, 2012.

It is rumored that the next iPhone is to come out in 2014. There's even word that Steve Jobs left instructions for the iPhone 6 before he passed away, making it possibly the last iPhone he played a role in. It seems that while the iPhone 5S is a short-term prize, the latest iPhone 6 rumors point to a phone that will be well worth the wait for iPhone users. Here, we take a look at what new features will there be that deserve our expectations.

Many Apple fans and smartphone consumers have been waiting for Apple to follow the likes of HTC and Samsung and release an iPhone model that features a larger display. In a world dominated by beautiful apps, video, and the web, large screen phones, say, Galaxy Note, are undoubtedly welcome to users. It is said that a larger display, possibly 4.8 inches, will be equipped on iPhone 6.

A new DigiTimes report claims that the Apple is working on integrating wireless charging, alongside Nokia. Wireless charging is a new trend of how you juice up your device. It is said that Apple will follow the trend and develop a true wireless charging in which there is no involvement of wires during the charging process. And the charging mat should have electric current storing capability allowing it to be used wire-free during charging.

Another surprising improvement that will take iPhone to a whole new level of mobile security is the thumb scanning technology. You may set a password to prevent unknown access to your phone and also, just like in Windows 7, you have to recover Windows 7 password when you forget the login password, in previous iPhones, forgetting password is a rather troublesome thing. While, with the thumb scanning technology, you can then unlock your iPhone by placing your thumb on screen to allow iPhone to recognize your thumb patterns.

With more smartphones gaining momentum for better camera specs, it seems that analysts and reports are also hopeful about the future iPhone 6. It will surely be good news for photo lovers. iPhone 6 is said to possibly have imaging sensors for 1080 videos, involving 2-megapixels and 60 frames per second for its FaceTime camera.

We can see that more and more phones tend to have waterproof and bendable technology integrated in them. According to the reports from FashionStyle.com, the iPhone 6 will be waterproof and bendable. And the iPhone 6 may be able to survive 12m drops as well as 10m depth underwater.

Though whether these new features will really be added to the new iPhone still needs more confirmations, let's look forward to the iPhone 6 and its extraordinary improvements to be unveiled in 2014.

Charles Anderson is now a system manager for an international IT comapny. He is also a senior writer on IT products, say, Windows operation system, iPhones and iPad, Android smartphones, etc. You can also see some software or applications recommendations in his articles like tools to recover password Windows 8.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Aplikasi Video Online 2013

Seo Master present to you: Aplikasi Video Online - Kadang susah banget jika dalam perjalanan entah itu mau berangkat kerja, berangkat sekolah ataupun saat liburan, jika tidak ada hiburan. Apalagi disaat perjalanan jauh, sungguh sangat menjenuhkan jika tidak ada hiburan sama sekali, yang ada hanyalah rasa capek dan lelah karena kebanyakan duduk.

Nah, namun jangan khawatir, selama ada handphone digenggaman Anda, handphone android atau blackberry bisa mencoba hiburan yang satu ini, yaitu hiburan menonton video online. Tetapi agar video lebih cepat ditonton, harus menggunakan aplikasi video online, mengapa? karena aplikasi video ini bisa memberikan loading cepat ketika Anda menonton video melalui handphone.

Aplikasi Video Online

Aplikasi video online ini bisa digunakan dengan mudah dan cepat, bahkan gratis lho? selain mendukung berbagai file video, aplikasi video online ini juga mendukung atau memberikan kecepatan browsing Anda dalam melihat video, tidak hanya itu, aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan pilihan video favorit disaat ini.

Oleh sebab itu, buruan dapatkan aplikasinya sekarang juga di >> APLIKASI VIDEO ONLINE. Semoga aplikasi video online dapat memberikan kesenangan kepada Anda semua. Dan bisa memberikan kenyamanan serta kepuasan untuk Anda semua.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Aplikasi Materi 2013

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