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seo How To Make Your Own Facebook Number Magic Trick For Facebook Profiles And Pages 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Friends, This is a new  trick to Promote your pages and profiles  like number mode. Some time we are see this code in Facebook. But we don’t know how to make this code . Now i share a  tutorial to make this code easly. Follow this post.


  • First  Log in your Facebook account and go to your page or profile.


For Non-Customized Facebook Profile URL



  • Check Url look like something like this:


Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hansika-Motwani/301917289922417

Profile Link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001850525777

  • Copy the Red Color from Url . This is your Id.


  • Now replace numeric Id  with your Page Id or Profile Id.

@[numeric id:0:]   = @[301917289922417:0:]

  • Paste this code to facebook page. Its working. If you want to share this code to your friends via Facebook,  Add a ’+’ simbol like this.

@+[301917289922417:0:]   Share this via facebook.




For Customized Facebook Profile URL



  • Check Url look like something like this:


Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/masterhacksindia

Profile Link: https://www.facebook.com/arun.j.casanovva


  • Now we are trouble to find our Id. How we find that ?. Go to below link and replace YOURNAME with Your Page Or Profile name. Click on Go To button In web browser.


Go to: http://graph.facebook.com/YOURNAME


Example for page: http://graph.facebook.com/masterhacksindia

Example for profile: http://graph.facebook.com/arun.j.casanovva



  • You will see the code like below



Page Code

   "about": "It is a simple Blog , contain some tricks about  Internet, blogs and Hackings. Include PC Computer Tips and Computer Tricks to Improve Computer Performance",
   "is_published": true,
   "talking_about_count": 0,
   "username": "masterhacksindia",
   "website": "https://plus.google.com/u/0/109278971237541628404 http://www.matrixar.com/ http://feeds.feedburner.com/entertainer001 http://www.entertainer001.wordpress.com",
   "were_here_count": 0,
   "category": "Personal blog",
   "id": "493521880682045",
   "name": "Master Hacks",
   "link": "https://www.facebook.com/masterhacksindia",
   "likes": 66,
   "cover": {
      "cover_id": 498321223535444,
      "source": "http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/523447_498321223535444_957131887_n.png",
      "offset_y": 0


Profile Code

   "id": "100001076794179",
   "name": "Arun Johnson Casanovva",
   "first_name": "Arun",
   "middle_name": "Johnson",
   "last_name": "Casanovva",
   "username": "arun.j.casanovva",
   "gender": "male",
   "locale": "en_US"


  • Now replace numeric Id  with your Page Id or Profile Id.

@[numeric id:0:]   = @[493521880682045:0:]

  • Paste this code to facebook page. Its working. If you want to share this code to your friends via Facebook,  Add a ’+’ simbol like this.

@+[493521880682045:0:]   Share this via facebook.




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2013, By: Seo Master

seo Hasil Eksperimen Google Plus One Club 2013

Hasil Eksperimen Google Plus One Club baru bisa saya umumkan hari ini. Soalnya setelah liburan agak lama pekerjaan menumpuk. Jadi baru hari libur ini ada waktu untuk mengetik hasilnya. Secara garis besar eksperimen ini memang memperlihatkan hasil yang positif, tapi dari segi partisipasi pesertanya masih negatif.

Sebelumnya saya telah melempar undangan untuk teman-teman blogger yang

seo Memasang SEO Quake - Tool SEO untuk Pemula 2013

Memasang SEO Quake - Tool SEO untuk Pemula - Beberapa teman blogger pernah menanyakan apakah ada tool yang bisa digunakan dengan cukup mudah. Sebenarnya saya sudah lama mau menuliskan tentang masalah ini tapi baru ada waktu sekarang.

Setelah mempertimbangkan beberapa hal, maka saya memutuskan bahwa tool yang bisa saya rekomendasikan adalah SEO Quake. Ada beberapa alasan saya merekomendasikan

seo Open Source Developers @ Google Speaker Series: Mike Pinkerton 2013

Seo Master present to you: On Wednesday, January 10th, we'll be welcoming Mike Pinkerton for the third instance of the Open Source Developers @ Google Speaker Series.  Mike, lead developer for Camino, will discuss the past, present & future of the project, as well as lessons learned from Mozilla and the community.

Please feel free to join us at our Corporate Headquarters in Mountain View, CA at 7:00 PM for Mike's talk. Doors open at 6:30 PM, and refreshments will be served; please plan to sign in at Building 41 reception when you arrive. We hope to see you there!

For those unable to attend the December 2006 session, you can check out the video of Angela Byron, Hannes Papenberg and Laurens Vandeput presenting on Drupal, Joomla! and Google Summer of Code. The presentation contains great material on GSoC from the student perspective, which will be valuable for potential mentors and students alike.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Find Serial Number Of All Software From Website 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Friends Now i share a list of serial number finding websites. This is only main software  finding website list. You can take your favorite software’s serial number directly from here. Enter your software name and  Hit on search button ,You will get serial number if available.



find serial number from master hacks





















Are you happy now???…………………………….

2013, By: Seo Master

seo The Three Best Website Traffic Sources 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Not a day goes by that any serious website owner doesn't wonder how to get more traffic to their site.

This intense desire to generate more clicks makes virtually any online entrepreneur easy prey to many of the traffic schemes and scams that pervade the Internet like conmen on a carnival midway.

Promises of fast traffic and big bucks often separate even the most savvy business person from their money because they want to believe the promises made by these traffic hucksters.

However, rather than thinking "complicated equals better" in the traffic game, the best website traffic sources rate extremely easy to separate from the useless garbage traffic.
Fact: "Good Traffic" equals "Targeted Traffic!
That means the visitors come as a result of desire to find out more on a specific, niche topic, not as a result of "exit" traffic or membership in a "safe" list where members simply pitch each other in an incestuous spam fest.

Good traffic comes from people clicking links on topics targeted to their interests and getting directed to a website containing information they want and expect as a result of clicking the link.

Bottom line, when you get right down to it, the best, most dependable sources of targeted traffic come from links that people click.

So, next time you're considering spending money on a traffic source, understand that unless it involves a targeted link that a targeted visitor can click to get to your website, think twice before opening up your wallet.

To my knowledge, only three ways exist to get a link to your site:
  • Buy it
  • Voodoo it
  • Grow it

** Buy Links** 

Buying links actually rates the fastest way to get traffic to your website.

You simply sign up for Google AdWords at Google.com or you open an account with Overture.com.

You then run ads with a link on those sites and any time someone clicks the link, you pay for the click through a relatively straightforward bidding process based on the popularity of the keyword.

You can also buy links in ezines, newsletters, and on other people's website either on a per-click basis, for a period of time (a week or month), or in exchange for paying them a commission if a sale gets made as a result of a click on the link.

** Linking "VoodDoo" **

Linking "voodoo" refers to attempting to manipulate the search engines into displaying links to your website.

You can find a large number of automated software programs online at any given time that will claim to help you get more search engine traffic.

Depending on the intensity of competition in a specific market and the fact that search engines change their rules frequently, pursuing search engine links this way can quickly turn into the online equivalent of Alice chasing the rabbit down the hole.

** Grow Links ** 

I personally prefer this method to get links to my websites: growing them.

The best type of link to get involves one person telling another person, either explicitly or implicitly, they should click the link and visit the site at the other end.

One way to do this is simply to exchange links with another site which targets the same audience as your site.

You can manage this process manually or use one of the many software packages that will mange the process for you.

A search on Google for "reciprocal link manager software" yields a good start.

The easiest way to grow a link is through using articles other people post on their websites which link back to your website.

The reason articles work so well for "growing" links involves the numerous ways in which articles get distributed online, each of which can create dozens, hundreds, even thousands of different links back to your website by publishing a single article.

In fact, the following represent only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the places you can grow links by publishing articles online.

Your articles can not only appear on your own blog, but get posted by others on their blogs with surprising ease.

The links in these articles can point directly back to your website.

Article Directories:
Submit your articles on the Article Directories.

They not only provide an easy way to display your articles to allow others to pick them up for posting on their websites, but also in and of themselves attract readers searching for content.

OPS (Other People's Sites):
Popular websites like WebProNews.com attract repeat visitors by offering targeted content to their readers.

Since they can't produce all the content themselves, they publish articles created by others. Links from these sites can bring a steady stream of targeted visitors by giving you targeted exposure.

By getting your articles published in other people's ezines, you can get a link on the most valuable real estate online, a targeted prospect's email "inbox."

Many ezine publishers run articles written by others to their targeted readers, and your link in the resource box can bring you a veritable avalanche of targeted site visitors when hundreds, even thousands of people receive your article at the same time.

**Final Thoughts**

Whether you choose to buy them, "voodoo" them, or grow them, getting targeted links to your site posted on the Internet represents the absolute best way to get steady traffic to your site.

Though not as fast as buying them or as exciting as trying to manipulate the search engines, growing links with articles gives you a long-term, dependable presence online.

Author Bio:
             Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and co-author of an amazing program that teaches you how to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website, affiliate links, or blogs... without spending a dime on advertising! Click Here.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Submit Website และ Sitemap ง่ายๆ กับ Yahoo 2013

Seo Master present to you:

ขั้นตอนแรก ขั้นตอนคล้ายๆกับของ Google นะครับ คือเราต้อง Upload ไฟล์ sitemap.xml และ sitemap.xml.qz ของเราไปไว้ที่ Host ของ Website เราซะก่อน จากนั้นให้เราไปที่ http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit จากนั้นในช่อง Submit Your Site ให้คลิ๊ก Submit Site Feed ให้เรากรอก URL ของ Website ของเราและตามหลังด้วย /sitemap.xml ตัวอย่าง http://www.yoursite.com/sitemap.xml จากนั้นคลิ๊ก Submit Feed

ขั้นตอนที่สอง ให้เรากรอก Yahoo Account ของเรา ถ้าไม่มีก็ทำำการสมัครเลย จากนั้นตรงช่อง Site Explorer ให้เรา Click ที่ My Site จะมีชื่อ Website ของเราที่กรอกในตอนแรกขึ้นมา

ขั้นตอนที่สาม จะเป็นขั้นตอนในการ Verify เว็บไซต์ หรือขั้นตอนของการยืนยันในการเป็นเจ้าของเว็บไซต์ของเรา ทางด้านซ้ายมือในช่อง Site Explorer จะมีคำสั่ง Authentication ให้ Click จากนั้นให้เลือกวิธีการยืนยันของเราในที่นี้ให้เลือก By adding a META tag to my home page คลิ๊ก จากนั้น Copy ในส่วนของ <META name...............> ไปไว้ที่ index.php หรือ index.html ที่เป็นไฟล์หน้าแรกของเรา ในส่วนระหว่าง <head> และ <title> จากนั้น Click Save และกลับมาที่หน้า Submit คลิ๊ก Ready to Authentication

ขั้นตอนที่สี่ จากนั้นทางด้านซ้ายมือตรงช่อง Site Explorer ให้เราเลือก My Site และเลือก Website ที่จะทำการ Submit จากนั้นคลิ๊กทางด้านซ้ายมือตรงช่อง Site Explorer ให้เลือก Feed บริเวณตรงกลางจะมี URL ของ Website ที่เราจะ Submit ทางด้านหลังให้พิมพ์ sitemap.xml.qz คลิ๊ก Add Feed เป็นอันเสร็จเรียบร้อยครับ

ถ้ายังไม่เข้าใจหรือยังสับสนอยู่ให้ลองดู Video สอนการ Submit Sitemap กับ Yahoo สำหรับ Blogger ประกอบก็ได้ครับวิธีคล้ายๆกัน

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Facebook Like Bot 100% Working– For Unlimited Like And Comment 2013

Seo Master present to you:

This is a new software  for Facebook. It help to automatic like and comments in Facebook  at one click. Try it and enjoy with Master Hacks.




Download Facebook Like Bot: Click here(Alternate Link) OR Click here







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2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tips To Avoid "Bad" Manners While Blogging 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Tips To Avoid "Bad" Manners While Blogging

Blogging, the hottest trend in online publishing right now, is currently spreading like wildfire across the Internet.

A cross between an online journal and a bulletin board, everyone from rock starts, politicians, business leaders and your average "Joe" or "Jane" can instantly become a center of influence online using blogs.

But, as with any social interaction, certain rules apply (my grandma calls them manners) in order to be viewed as behaving "properly".

One of the things that gives blogging such strong appeal as an online publishing method revolves around "comments".

Blogs that allow "comments" enable readers to respond and elaborate on the information posted by the blog owner.

These comments and the free exchange of information, opinions, links, and new ideas creates the dynamic and growing content that makes blogging such a popular online activity for both publishers and readers.

However, rules and unwritten customs about the proper use of "comments" on a specific blog are also where most of the problems and controversy will arise.

Since a successful blog eventually becomes a community of people (albeit in cyberspace), proper social behavior is critical to be an effective and accepted member of the community.

Keep these basic rules in mind when approaching a new blog that allows commenting by readers so you won't find yourself on the wrong end of a scolding by people who operate with a different set of rules than you.

As with any social circle, violating the group's rules and customs will instantly cause a negative backlash.

Keep It Relevant:

Stay on topic with the post you're commenting about in a blog.

Nothing will earn you the wrath and disdain of your fellow posters and the blog owner faster than posting an off-topic comment.

Watch What Others Do:

Different blogs operate under different rules. What rates acceptable in one blog would earn you a verbal thrashing in another.

Before posting (especially if you have not posted to a specific blog before), look to see the types and quality of posts others make regularly.

  • Are they long or short?
  • Do they contain a link to the person's website?
  • Is there a "signature" under their name?

Be Polite:

It's fine to disagree with people when making a comment, whether it's the blog's author or a comment made by another reader.

It is not, however, acceptable to launch a personal attack on anyone or make nasty comments in someone else's blog.

If you feel the need to do so, do it in your own blog.

It's the same principle of you can say whatever you want in your own house, but when you're in someone else's house, you act right (and better than you do at home).

You Can't Respond To Everyone:

If you operate a blog and someone asks a question, try to respond, but both sides should understand that you can't respond 100% of the time.

We all get busy and a blog, unless it maintains a paid membership, is often supported as a labor of love.

Author Bio:
               Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links... Click Here for more information on "Turn Words Into Traffic" at http://www.turnwordsintotraffic.com
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Download Photo Filtre Studio X 10.6.2 With Registration Number 2013

Seo Master present to you:

PhotoFiltre Studio is a complete image retouching program. It allows you to do simple or advanced adjustments to an image and apply a vast range of filters on it. It is simple and intuitive to use, and  has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives PhotoFiltre Studio a robust look. PhotoFiltre Studio also has layer manager (with Alphachannel), advanced brushes, nozzles (or tubes), red eye corrector, batch module and lot of other powerful tools.


PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.6.2 with seial number from master hacks



Download PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.6.2: Click here (Alternate Link)



Registration Name: PSPIREBYTE


Serial Number:  74B57-6537C-8C4A7-FB57A  SERIESBYTE  7DB57-C5275-8C4A7-FB57A





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2013, By: Seo Master
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