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seo Google Visualization API Library now available for Google Web Toolkit 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We're happy to announce the Google Visualization API Library for Google Web Toolkit (GWT). This has been a requested addition to GWT for some time now on the developer forum and we are excited to make it available.

You can now utilize the visualization and reporting capabilities of the Google Visualization API while writing native Java code for your GWT applications and enjoy the best of both worlds. The library includes wrappers for many of Google's visualizations, such as Bar Chart, Annotated Time Line, Map, Motion Chart, Organizational Chart and many others. We have marked all the visualizations that are currently supported by this library in the Visualization Gallery.

The library also includes classes that enable you to easily wrap any existing Visualization API-compliant visualization in GWT so that you can access it from Java complied by the GWT compiler. So if you want to wrap your own visualization or the nifty Piles of Money visualization, you can easily do so.

Lastly, the library includes a class that makes it easy to write new visualizations in GWT-compiled Java and make it available as JS for general use in the Visualization API. This is cool if you've been itching to contribute new visualizations but prefer coding in Java.

Here is example code that draws the well known Annotated Time Line chart in Java using the new Visualization API Library:

UPDATE: Changed the code font size to fit on one line so you can copy & paste

package com.blogpost.client;

import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.AjaxLoader;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.DataTable;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.Query;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.QueryResponse;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.Query.Callback;
import com.google.gwt.visualization.client.visualizations.AnnotatedTimeLine;

public class BlogPost implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
AjaxLoader.loadVisualizationApi(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
Query query =
query.send(new Callback(){

public void onResponse(QueryResponse response) {
if (response.isError()) {
Window.alert("An error occured: " + response.getDetailedMessage());

DataTable data = response.getDataTable();
AnnotatedTimeLine.Options options = AnnotatedTimeLine.Options.create();
RootPanel.get().add(new AnnotatedTimeLine(data, options, "800px", "400px"));
}}, AnnotatedTimeLine.PACKAGE);

This code draws the same visualization that can be seen in the example for Annotated Time Line in the Visualization Gadget Gallery. Both get their data from Google Spreadsheets, only this code does so in Java instead of Javascript or as a Gadget.

Enjoy!2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Analytics Launches Asynchronous Tracking 2013

Seo Master present to you: Today we're excited to announce our new Google Analytics Asynchronous Tracking Code snippet as an alternative way to track your websites! It provides the following benefits:
  • Faster tracking code load times for your web pages due to improved browser execution
  • Enhanced data collection & accuracy
  • Elimination of tracking errors from dependencies when the JavaScript hasn't fully loaded
Here is the JavaScript source of the new tracking snippet:
<script type="text/javascript">

var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X']);

(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script');
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' :
'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
ga.setAttribute('async', 'true');

The first part of the asynchronous tracking code snippet assigns the _gaq variable to a JavaScript array. After that, two tracking API calls (encoded as arrays) are pushed onto _gaq. When the tracking code initializes, it transforms the _gaq object from a standard array into a new object and executes all the tracking API calls initially collected in the array. With this feature, you can immediately store all necessary tracking calls even before the Google Analytics tracking code is downloaded! No more worrying about race conditions or dependency issues on the ga.js tracking code.

The second half of the snippet provides the logic that loads the tracking code in parallel with other scripts on the page. It executes an anonymous function that dynamically creates a <script> element and sets the source with the proper protocol. As a result, most browsers will load the tracking code in parallel with other scripts on the page, thus reducing the web page load time. Note here the forward-looking use of the new HTML5 "async" attribute in this part of the snippet. While it creates the same effect as adding a <script> element to the DOM, it officially tells browsers that this script can be loaded asynchronously. Firefox 3.6 is the first browser to officially offer support for this new feature. If you're curious, here are more details on the official HTML5 async specification.

Once loaded, the tracking code, transforms the _gaq array into an Analytics _gaq object. This object acts as a wrapper for the underlying _gat object and executes all the commands, sending data to your Google Analytics account. Your page code can ignore this fact though, because the _gaq.push syntax can be used at any time. See the Asynchronous Tracking Usage Guide for more details.

The new tracking code is now in Beta and available to all Google Analytics users. Keep in mind that use of the code is also optional: all your existing Google Analytics code will continue to work as-is should you decide not to adopt the new tracking method. But if you want to improve the speed of your website and the increase accuracy of your Analytics data, then we think you'll love this new option.

Learn more about this new tracking code in our Google Code developer docs and get started with our migration guide.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Additional functionality for Google Chrome's Developer Tools 2013

Seo Master present to you: The last few weeks, Google Chrome's developer tools have become much more useful. Besides benefiting from the work the WebKit team has done to improve Web Inspector (our developer tools are partially based on Web Inspector), we also recently released the heap profiler and the timeline tab in Google Chrome's Developer Channel.

With the heap profiler you can now take a snapshot of the JavaScript heap at any point in time. A heap snapshot helps you understand memory usage, and by comparing snapshots you can also follow memory usage over time. You will find the heap profiler in the profiles tab along with the sample-based CPU profiler.

The new timeline view gives you a complete overview of where time is spent when loading a web app. All events -- ranging from loading resources over parsing and executing JavaScript to calculating styles and repainting -- are plotted on a timeline.

Besides these product improvements, we've tried to make the Google Chrome Developer tools easier to find and understand by putting together mini site with tutorials and videos.

To take our newest release for a spin, get Google Chrome from the Developer Channel and you'll automatically be brought up to date. We welcome your feedback and your contributions to improve developer tools in WebKit and Google Chrome even more.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo JavaScript Client Library for Google APIs Alpha version released 2013

Seo Master present to you:
author photo
author photo
By Brendan O’Brien and Antonio Fuentes, Google Developer Team

Today we reached another milestone in our efforts to provide infrastructure and tools to make it easier for developers to use Google APIs: we have released the Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript in Alpha. This client library is the latest addition to our suite of client libraries, which already includes Python, PHP, and Java.

This compact and efficient client library provides access to all the Google APIs that are listed in the APIs Explorer. The client library is also flexible, supporting multiple browser environments including Chrome 8+, Firefox 3.5+, Internet Explorer 8+, Safari 4+, and Opera 11+. In addition, the JavaScript client library supports OAuth 2.0 authorization methods.

You can load the client library using the following script tag:

<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=CALLBACK"></script>

Loading an API and making a request is as easy as executing:

gapi.client.load('API_NAME', 'API_VERSION', CALLBACK);

// Returns a request object which can then be executed.
// METHOD_NAME is only available once CALLBACK runs.

var request = gapi.client.METHOD_NAME(PARAMETERS_OBJECT);

You can use the APIs Explorer to check all the methods available for an API, as well as the parameters for each method. For instance, use the above syntax with the plus.activities.search method of the Google+ API to query activities:

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <script type="text/javascript">

function init() {

 // Load your API key from the Developer Console

 // Load the API
 gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1', function() {
     var request = gapi.client.plus.activities.search({
         'query': 'Google+',
           'orderby': 'best'

     request.execute(function(resp) {
         // Output title
         var heading = document.createElement('h4');
         var content = document.getElementById('content');

         // Output content of the response
         if (!resp.items) {
'No results found.'));
         } else {
           for (var i = 0; i < resp.items.length; i++) {
             var entry = document.createElement('p');
   <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=init"></script>

   <div id="content"></div>

To try this yourself, sign up in the Google APIs console or refer to the documentation on acquiring and using a developer key in the Google+ API.

The Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript is currently in Alpha, which means that we are actively developing it, but wanted to get the library in your hands as soon as possible, and we welcome any feedback to make the code better. While you can use the current library to start writing code, you should use caution when writing production code as library code changes may break your application. We are working hard to upgrade this release to Beta and beyond soon, and to release even more client libraries.

To get started, visit the JavaScript Client Library documentation page. We also welcome your feedback, which you can provide using the JavaScript client group.

Brendan O'Brien is a Software Engineer for the Browser Client group at Google. Prior to working on JavaScript APIs he was a frontend engineer for iGoogle. He is passionate about JavaScript and enjoys building web applications.

Antonio Fuentes is a Product Manager for the Google API Infrastructure group. He has experience launching products in the cloud computing, infrastructure, and virtualization space.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Instant Previews: Under the hood 2013

Seo Master present to you:

If you’ve used Google Search recently, you may have noticed a new feature that we’re calling Instant Previews. By clicking on the (sprited) magnifying glass icon next to a search result you see a preview of that page, often with the relevant content highlighted. Once activated, you can mouse over the rest of the results and quickly (instantly!) see previews of those search results, too.

Adding this feature to Google Search involved a lot of client-side Javascript. Being Google, we had to make sure we could deliver this feature without slowing down the page. We know our users want their results fast. So we thought we’d share some techniques involved in making this new feature fast.

JavaScript compilation

This is nothing new for Google Search: all our Javascript is compiled to make it as small as possible. We use the open-sourced Closure Compiler. In addition to minimizing the Javascript code, it also re-writes expressions, reuses variables, and prunes out code that is not being used. The Javascript on the search results page is deferred, and also cached very aggressively on the client side so that it’s not downloaded more than once per version.

On-demand JSONP

When you activate Instant Previews, the result previews are requested by your web browser.There are several ways to fetch the data we need using Javascript. The most popular techniques are XmlHttpRequest (XHR) and JSONP. XHR generally gives you better control and error-handling, but it has two drawbacks: browsers caching tends to be less reliable, and only same-origin requests are permitted (this is starting to change with modern browsers and cross-origin resource sharing, though). With JSONP, on the other hand, the requested script returns the desired data as a JSON object wrapped in a Javascript callback function, which in our case looks something like


Although error handling with JSONP is a bit harder to do compared to XHR (not all browsers support onerror events), JSONP can be cached aggressively by the browser, and is not subject to same-origin restrictions. This last point is important for Instant Previews because web browsers restrict the number of concurrent requests that they send to any one host. Using a different host for the preview requests means that we don’t block other requests in the page.

There are a couple of tricks when using JSONP that are worth noting:

  • If you insert the script tag directly, e.g. using document.createElement, some browsers will show the page as still “loading” until all script requests are finished. To avoid that, make your DOM call to insert the script tag inside a window.setTimeout call.
  • After your requests come back and your callbacks are done, it’s a good idea to set your script src to null, and remove the tag. On some browsers, allowing too many script tags to accumulate over time may slow everything down.

Data URIs

At this point you are probably curious as to what we’re returning in our JSONP calls, and in particular, why we are using JSON and not just plain images. Perhaps you even used Firebug or your browser’s Developer Tools to examine the Instant Previews requests. If so, you will have noticed that we send back the image data as sets of data URIs. Data URIs are base64 encodings of image data, that modern browsers (IE8+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc) can use to display images, instead of loading them from a server as usual.

To show previews, we need the image, and the relevant content of the page for the particular query, with bounding boxes that we draw on top of the image to show where that content appears on the page. If we used static images, we’d need to make one request for the content and one request for the image; using JSONP with data URIs, we make just one request. Data URIs are limited to 32K on IE8, so we send “slices” that are all under that limit, and then use Javascript to generate the necessary image tags to display them. And even though base64 encoding adds about 33% to the size of the image, our tests showed that gzip-compressed data URIs are comparable in size to the original JPEGs.

We use caching throughout our implementation, but it’s important to not forget about client-side caching as well. By using JSONP and data URIs, we limit the number of requests made, and also make sure that the browser will cache the data, so that if you refresh a page or redo a query, you should get the previews, well... instantly!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Introducing Closure Tools 2013

Seo Master present to you: Millions of Google users worldwide use JavaScript-intensive applications such as Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Maps. Like developers everywhere, Googlers want great web apps to be easier to create, so we've built many tools to help us develop these (and many other) apps. We're happy to announce the open sourcing of these tools, and proud to make them available to the web development community.

Closure Compiler
Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizer that compiles web apps down into compact, high-performance JavaScript code. The compiler removes dead code, then rewrites and minimizes what's left so that it will run fast on browsers' JavaScript engines. The compiler also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about other common JavaScript pitfalls. These checks and optimizations help you write apps that are less buggy and easier to maintain. You can use the compiler with Closure Inspector, a Firebug extension that makes debugging the obfuscated code almost as easy as debugging the human-readable source.

Because JavaScript developers are a diverse bunch, we've set up a number of ways to run the Closure Compiler. We've open-sourced a command-line tool. We've created a web application that accepts your code for compilation through a text box or a RESTful API. We are also offering a Firefox extension that you can use with Page Speed to conveniently see the performance benefits for your web pages.

Closure Library
Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. Web developers can pull just what they need from a wide set of reusable UI widgets and controls, as well as lower-level utilities for the DOM, server communication, animation, data structures, unit testing, rich-text editing, and much, much more. (Seriously. Check the docs.)

JavaScript lacks a standard class library like the STL or JDK. At Google, Closure Library serves as our "standard JavaScript library" for creating large, complex web applications. It's purposely server-agnostic and intended for use with the Closure Compiler. You can make your project big and complex (with namespacing and type checking), yet small and fast over the wire (with compilation). The Closure Library provides clean utilities for common tasks so that you spend your time writing your app rather than writing utilities and browser abstractions.

Closure Templates
Closure Templates grew out of a desire for web templates that are precompiled to efficient JavaScript.  Closure Templates have a simple syntax that is natural for programmers.  Unlike traditional templating systems, you can think of Closure Templates as small components that you compose to form your user interface, instead of having to create one big template per page.

Closure Templates are implemented for both JavaScript and Java, so you can use the same templates both on the server and client side.

Closure Compiler, Closure Library, Closure Templates, and Closure Inspector all started as 20% projects and hundreds of Googlers have contributed thousands of patches. Today, each Closure Tool has grown to be a key part of the JavaScript infrastructure behind web apps at Google.  That's why we're particularly excited (and humbled) to open source them to encourage and support web development outside Google. We want to hear what you think, but more importantly, we want to see what you make. So have at it and have fun!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Blogger GData JavaScript client library released with offline Blogger client example 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Near the end of September we announced the release of a new GData JavaScript client library that allowed you to do full read-write access to Google Calendar from JavaScript.

We now have another service for you to have at. A GData JavaScript client for Blogger has been released, which means that you can now do richer mashups with blog content.

We sat down with Ryan Boyd and Pamela Fox to discuss the release and delved into some of the sample applications that have already been written. They include:

  • A tool that takes your upcoming Calendar entries and creates blog posts of the events
  • A code snippet that you can add to your website that enables visitors to your site to click on a link to comment on your content on their own blog
  • Code that allows you to search blogs on various topics, find entries, and again allow users to comment on their own blog

Pamela also worked on Blog.gears, a Blogger client that works offline using Google Gears. She took some time to take a peak at the architecture behind the application, and then walked us through the application itself.

If you have ever wished that you could do writable Blogger mashups without the need of proxy code on your own server, take a peak at the new client library, and listen in:

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series: CSS Transforms and Floaty Bars 2013

Seo Master present to you: On April 7th, Google launched a new version of Gmail for mobile for iPhone and Android-powered devices. We shared the behind-the-scenes story through this blog and decided to share more of what we've learned in a brief series of follow-up blog posts. This week, I'll talk about different ways to animate the floaty bar.

Even from the earliest brainstorming days for our new version of Gmail for iPhone and Android-powered devices, we knew we wanted to try something novel with menu actions: a context-sensitive, always-accessible UI element that follows conveniently as a user scrolls. Thus, the "floaty bar" was born! It took us a surprisingly long time, experimenting with different techniques and interactions, to converge on the design you see today. Let's look under the covers to see how the animation is achieved. You may be surprised to find that the logic is actually quite simple!

Screenshots of the floaty bar in action

top: -50px; /* start off the screen, so it slides in nicely */
-webkit-transition: top 0.2s ease-out;
In JavaScript:
// Constructor for the floaty bar
gmail.FloatyBar = function() {
this.menuDiv = document.createElement('div');
this.menuDiv.className = CSS_FLOATY_BAR;

// Called when it's time for the floaty bar to move
gmail.FloatyBar.prototype.setTop = function() {
this.menuDiv.style.top = window.scrollY + 'px';

// Called when the floaty bar menu is dismissed
gmail.FloatyBar.prototype.hideOffScreen = function() {
this.menuDiv.style.top = '-50px';

gmail.floatyBar = new gmail.FloatyBar();

// Listen for scroll events on the top level window
window.onscroll = function() {
The essence here is that when the viewport scrolls, the floaty bar 'top' is set to the new viewport offset. The -webkit-transition rule specifies the animation parameters. (The 'top' property is to be animated, over 0.2s, using the ease-out timing function.) This is the animation behavior we had at launch, and it works just fine on Android and mobile Safari browsers.

However, there's actually a better way to achieve the same effect, and the improvement is particularly evident on mobile Safari. The trick is to use "CSS transforms". CSS transforms is a mechanism for applying different types of affine transformations to page elements, specified via CSS. We're going to use a simple one which is translateY. Here's the same logic, updated to use CSS transforms.

top: -50px; /* start off the screen, so it slides in nicely */
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out;
In JavaScript:
// Called when it's time for the floaty bar to move
gmail.FloatyBar.prototype.setTop = function() {
var translate = window.scrollY - (-50);
this.menuDiv.style['-webkit-transform'] = 'translateY(' + translate + 'px)';

// Called when the floaty bar menu is dismissed
gmail.FloatyBar.prototype.hideOffScreen = function() {
this.menuDiv.style['-webkit-transform'] = 'translateY(0px)';
Upon every scroll event, the floaty bar is translated vertically to the new viewport offset (modulo the offscreen offset which is important to the floaty bar's initial appearance). And, why exactly is this such an improvement? Even though the logic is equivalent, iPhone OS's implementation of CSS transforms is "performance enhanced", whilst our first iteration (animating the 'top' property) is performed by the OS in software. That's why the experience was unfortunately somewhat chunky at times, depending on the speed of the iPhone hardware.

You'll see smoother looking floaty bars coming very soon to an iPhone near you. This is just the first in a series of improvements we're planning for the mobile Gmail floaty bar. Watch for them in our iterative webapp, rolling out over the next couple of weeks and months!

Previous posts from Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series:
HTML5 and Webkit pave the way for mobile web applications
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 1
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 2
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 3
A Common API for Web Storage
Suggestions for better performance
Cache pattern for offline HTML5 web application
Using timers effectively
Autogrowing Textareas
Reducing Startup Latency
2013, By: Seo Master

seo New GData JavaScript library enables full read and write access for your mashups 2013

Seo Master present to you:

I am really excited to see the release of the GData JavaScript Client Library for Calendar that allows you to do a lot more with Calendar GData mashups.

Developers have been able to work with our GData feeds from JavaScript for over a year, but only in a read-only capacity. There are plenty of mashups that can be done that way, but what if you want an application that ties into personal content? What if you would like to write an Ajax client that can create, update, or delete entries as well as read it?

Now you can. This release allows you full read-write access to Google Calendar from JavaScript. Instead of requiring server-side proxies to do this for you, AuthSub is fully supported from within the pure JavaScript client.

You can login by doing something similar to:
function logMeIn() {
scope = "http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds";
var token = google.accounts.user.login(scope);

function setupMyService() {
var myService =
new google.gdata.calendar.CalendarService('exampleCo-exampleApp-1');
return myService;
I got to sit down with Jun Yang, who worked on this code, and got his take on the new library:

Armed with this new functionality, I can only imagine how the mashups will become richer. I can't wait to see them!2013, By: Seo Master

seo Google Relaunches Instantiations Developer Tools - Now Available for Free 2013

Seo Master present to you:

(Cross-posted from the Google Web Toolkit blog)

In early August, Google acquired Instantiations, a company known for its focus on Eclipse Java developer tools, including GWT Designer. We're happy to announce today that we're relaunching the following former Instantiations products under the Google name and making them available to all developers at no charge:

  • GWT Designer
    Powerful Eclipse-based development tools that enable Java developers to quickly create Ajax user interfaces using Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

  • CodePro AnalytiX
    Comprehensive automated software code quality and security analysis tools to improve software quality, reliability, and maintainability

  • WindowBuilder Pro
    Java graphical user interface designer for Swing, SWT, GWT, RCP, and XWT UI frameworks

  • WindowTester Pro
    Test GUI interactions within Java client rich applications for the SWT and Swing UI frameworks

Now that these products are available again, we hope you’ll start using them within your GWT projects. Meanwhile, our next step is to more deeply unify them into the GWT family of tools by blending the fantastic Instantiations technology into the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE). So, there’s much more to come, including things we’re pretty sure you’ll like, such as UiBinder support in GWT Designer.

You can download any of the tools from the GWT download page. If you have questions or comments we’d love to hear from you. The best place to discuss the tools above is at http://forums.instantiations.com. As always, continue to discuss GWT and GPE at the main GWT Group.

We would love to stay in better touch with you as we have more news about how we are integrating the Instantiations products into the Google Web Toolkit suite. Sign up if you’d like to receive email updates on these products and other developer tools.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Six strategies for building a great Chrome extension 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
This guest post was written by , CTO of Ecquire

Even though the words "browser extension" connote a one-trick feature, today’s browser extensions allow developers to accomplish some pretty amazing things. Entire companies are being funded and sold as extensions and providing serious value to users.

Here’s how you can make your browser extension a formidable product.

1. Use Your Superpowers

Developing an extension gives you advantages you may not have been aware of. Think of your extension as an abnormally powerful front end. I'll name a few features we've especially enjoyed:
  • Let your users install very slickly directly from your home website to increase conversions.
  • List on the Chrome Web Store for tens of thousands of free impressions. (Tip: For maximum exposure and traffic, invest time in beautiful graphic assets.)
  • Use localStorage as a super-easy store. Unlike in regular web applications, localStorage for extensions remains untouched even if users clear their cookies. (For more structured, asynchronous, client-side storage of large amounts of objects, take a look at IndexedDB.)
  • Let Chrome sync your extension across devices, including data you store in chrome.storage.sync.
Extensions are your chance to hack with any site you've wanted to improve beyond the limits of their API. There are many more very powerful advantages browser extensions have - these are just the lesser known ones.

Check out examples and look at what other apps (even silly ones) have done. If you find yourself asking “how did they do that?”, check out the source code.

2. Know What's Going On Inside Your App

Because extensions are front ends on steroids, you have your pick of almost any web analytics software you choose. We recommend choosing an event-based, not a page view-based model because the definition of a page view is hard to interpret in most extensions. Instead, track specific interactions.

We chose Mixpanel, but there's an official Chrome tutorial on using Google Analytics in an extension. The principles of implementation are the same no matter what you choose.

Solid analytics help you answer questions about what's going on inside your app using hard data instead of intuition and opinions. It will also undoubtedly reveal a few unexpected surprises about user behavior.

3. Connect to Third-Party APIs

Good apps avoid reinventing the wheel, and great apps connect users to the services they already like using. Extensions can request permission to connect with any domain. Just because you're an extension doesn't mean you can't use OAuth to authorize those requests.

If your extension has a server backend, then fantastic, you have plenty of resources to help you. If you want to directly make requests from the user's computer, that is completely possible. The initial handshake and exchange of access token is done from a light server, but after that you can save the tokens locally. This allows your extension to run all of its interactions client-side if you'd like to keep things simple.

4. Make Money

Accepting credit cards and making financial transactions via an extension can be just as ironclad and secure as anywhere else. There's no shortage of billing management services that provide hosted payment pages and APIs.

Simply direct users to secure hosted payment pages to accept credit card information, letting the billing service deal with compliance. We use Recurly, which conveniently allows our users to use coupon codes, receive invoices by email, and manage their billing info directly, saving us even more development time and headache.

Hosted payment pages may be simple to implement, but they are pretty powerful (see also Chargify and CheddarGetter). They allow very specific management of your paying customers. Hosted payment pages can make your extension aware of the user's subscription status, to deactivate or activate as appropriate. Your customers’ payment statuses can be accessed with APIs behind the scenes throughout the lifetime of your extensions.

If you prefer a super-streamlined flow for your customers - one where they potentially do not need to enter their credit card information - using a hosted payment page from Paypal or the recently announced Google Wallet for digital goods are your best bets for maximum coverage and quickest checkout.

Using hosted payment systems affords maximum functionality with the least amount of coding and testing - or any server-side billing logic. Most importantly, you have peace of mind that your customer's financial information is secure and compliant. No compromises.

5. Use Frontend Frameworks

Anywhere there's JavaScript, you can use JQuery, BackboneJS and CoffeeScript: any JS library or plugin you love. This applies across the extension architecture, from injected UI in content scripts to any background code. The entire platform is web frontend - you can run anything you would use in a web application.

6. Test All the Freaking Time

Okay, I admit it's a more fun motto to say than to do, but if you're a TATFTer, I have good news for you. Adrian Unger provides a how-to on using Jasmine BDD in browser extensions even in the sub-cockles of your content scripts, even in the context of a live, logged-in webpage.

Peace of mind about your code is important, but it's even more crucial in extensions where you don't control the webpages you may be injecting into. You can use Jasmine to assert that the DOM of your target web sites hasn't changed too much and that your code is still valid out in the wild web.

In summary, just when you thought you knew everything you could do on the web, new doors open up. This is just a small taste of our lessons learned about what puts browser extensions in the league of extraordinary platforms. Like any new platform, I can’t even imagine the innovation that has yet to launch.

is the CTO of Ecquire, a maker of CRM workflow automation software. Capture contacts from anywhere and Ecquire puts it in the right account for you. Read Tal’s guides on Chrome development and startup experiences on the Ecquire blog.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Let's make the web faster 2013

Seo Master present to you: From building data centers in different parts of the world to designing highly efficient user interfaces, we at Google always strive to make our services faster. We focus on speed as a key requirement in product and infrastructure development, because our research indicates that people prefer faster, more responsive apps. Over the years, through continuous experimentation, we've identified some performance best practices that we'd like to share with the web community on code.google.com/speed, a new site for web developers, with tutorials, tips and performance tools.

We are excited to discuss what we've learned about web performance with the Internet community. However, to optimize the speed of web applications and make browsing the web as fast as turning the pages of a magazine, we need to work together as a community, to tackle some larger challenges that keep the web slow and prevent it from delivering its full potential:
  • Many protocols that power the Internet and the web were developed when broadband and rich interactive web apps were in their infancy. Networks have become much faster in the past 20 years, and by collaborating to update protocols such as HTML and TCP/IP we can create a better web experience for everyone. A great example of the community working together is HTML5. With HTML5 features such as AppCache, developers are now able to write JavaScript-heavy web apps that run instantly and work and feel like desktop applications.

  • In the last decade, we have seen close to a 100x improvement in JavaScript speed. Browser developers and the communities around them need to maintain this recent focus on performance improvement in order for the browser to become the platform of choice for more feature-rich and computationally-complex applications.

  • Many websites can become faster with little effort, and collective attention to performance can speed up the entire web. Tools such as Yahoo!'s YSlow and our own recently launched Page Speed help web developers create faster, more responsive web apps. As a community, we need to invest further in developing a new generation of tools for performance measurement, diagnostics, and optimization that work at the click of a button.

  • While there are now more than 400 million broadband subscribers worldwide, broadband penetration is still relatively low in many areas of the world. Steps have been taken to bring the benefits of broadband to more people, such as the FCC's decision to open up the white spaces spectrum, for which the Internet community, including Google, was a strong champion. Bringing the benefits of cheap reliable broadband access around the world should be one of the primary goals of our industry.
To find out what Googlers think about making the web faster, see the video below. If you have ideas on how to speed up the web, please share them with the rest of the community. Let's all work together to make the web faster!

(Cross-posted on the Official Google Blog, and the Google Webmaster Central Blog)2013, By: Seo Master
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