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seo Keyword Analysis to advantage your website 2013

Seo Master present to you:

7 tips to use Keyword Analytics to Your Advantage to Website

1.       Trend to inside the minds of searchers
Often we as marketers think we know a lot about how people search. The truth is, there are a lot of different ways to search and it varies by industry and from one individual to another. By analyzing the keywords and phrases that are driving traffic and sales to your website, you can find out how your customers search to find your site. What adjectives or other modifiers do potential customers search on? What order do they search?

2.       Which keyword are  working for organic search
If your site is showing up on the first page for some of those keywords, how much traffic are you getting from those organic listings? More importantly, how many leads or sales are you getting from those keywords? You will sometimes be surprised at which keywords drive the most traffic. Often it’s not the keywords you think will be best, and that’s why you have to watch your keyword referral reports to see which keywords are working.

3.       Calculate  which keywords are not driving users
If you’re on the first page of Google and you get zero clicks, it’s time to find some new keywords. Stick with the keywords that drive sales and ditch the keywords that don’t work. There is a huge difference in click through rates depending on the position your site is listed in, but if your site is anywhere on the first page of Google, you should expect some level of traffic, or you’re not targeting the right keyword.

4.       Searching  keywords which works in PPC that can be used for SEO
The nice thing about PPC search advertising is that you can choose exactly which keywords your ad shows up for. The thing that sucks about PPC is that you have to pay for every click. So why not take what you’ve learned from your PPC campaign and make sure you’re focusing your SEO efforts on the right keywords? You’ll usually find that a first page organic listing for the same keyword will send a lot more traffic than a paid listing for the same phrase, and the price per click is way better.

5.       Searching keywords which works  for SEO that can be used for PPC lunching

The same idea for taking PPC keywords into your SEO campaign works the other way, too. Organic search listings will bring people to your site for all kinds of different keywords–including tons of keyword combinations that you never would have thought to include in your PPC campaign. If you notice a particular phrase that drives a lot of sales from a unique organic search keyword, you should try it out in your PPC ads. You’ll usually see a similar conversion rate, or maybe even better conversion from PPC on the same keyword!
6.       Select  keywords to insert  as negative matches
Negative matching with PPC campaigns is when you tell the search engines to not show your ad when certain words are included in the search query. This can come in handy when you’re doing broad matching on keywords that have multiple meanings or connotations. They can also help you eliminate keywords that are driving a lot of traffic without resulting in sales. By watching your conversion metrics on a keyword level, you can identify keywords that drive traffic without sales and add those keywords to your campaigns as negative matches. You can even save yourself some money by looking at irrelevant, under-performing keywords from your organic search that should be excluded from your PPC campaigns before you even spend a penny on PPC ads.

7.       More ideas to get for new content and products

You’ll start to notice that people find your site for all kinds of different, sometimes strange, keywords. Watch the keyword list for new ideas for topics you can write about on your blog or even a new product you can add to meet the needs of your customers. If you’re getting significant traffic on keywords that you don’t have content about, it’s a good indicator that traffic would flow to your site if you create content to match what people are looking for.

2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: Hard facts about comment spam 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: Beginner

It has probably happened to you: you're reading articles or watching videos on the web, and you come across some unrelated, gibberish comments. You may wonder what this is all about. Some webmasters abuse other sites by exploiting their comment fields, posting tons of links that point back to the poster's site in an attempt to boost their site's ranking. Others might tweak this approach a bit by posting a generic comment (like "Nice site!") with a commercial user name linking to their site.

Why is it bad?

FACT: Abusing comment fields of innocent sites is a bad and risky way of getting links to your site. If you choose to do so, you are tarnishing other people's hard work and lowering the quality of the web, transforming a potentially good resource of additional information into a list of nonsense keywords.

FACT: Comment spammers are often trying to improve their site's organic search ranking by creating dubious inbound links to their site. Google has an understanding of the link graph of the web, and has algorithmic ways of discovering those alterations and tackling them. At best, a link spammer might spend hours doing spammy linkdrops which would count for little or nothing because Google is pretty good at devaluing these types of links. Think of all the more productive things one could do with that time and energy that would provide much more value for one's site in the long run.

Promote your site without comment spam

If you want to improve your site's visibility in the search results, spamming comments is definitely not the way to go. Instead, think about whether your site offers what people are looking for, such as useful information and tools.

FACT: Having original and useful content and making your site search engine friendly is the best strategy for better ranking. With an appealing site, you'll be recognized by the web community as a reliable source and links to your site will build naturally.

Moreover, Google provides a list of advice in order to improve the crawlability and indexability of your site. Check out our Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.

What can I do to avoid spam on my site?

Comments can be a really good source of information and an efficient way of engaging a site's users in discussions. This valuable content should not be replaced by gibberish nonsense keywords and links. For this reason there are many ways of securing your application and disincentivizing spammers.
  • Disallow anonymous posting.
  • Use CAPTCHAs and other methods to prevent automated comment spamming.
  • Turn on comment moderation.
  • Use the "nofollow" attribute for links in the comment field.
  • Disallow hyperlinks in comments.
  • Block comment pages using robots.txt or meta tags.
For detailed information about these topics, check out our Help Center document on comment spam.

My site is full of comment spam, what should I do?

It's never too late! Don't let spammers ruin the experience for others. Adopt security measures discussed above to stop the spam activity, then invest some time to clean up the spammy comments and ban the spammers from your site. Depending on you site's system, you may be able to save time by banning spammers and removing their comments all at once, rather than one by one.

If I spammed comment fields of third party sites, what should I do?

If you used this approach in the past and you want to solve this issue, you should have a look at your incoming links in Webmaster Tools. To do so, go to the Your site on the web section and click on Links to your site. If you see suspicious links coming from blogs or other platforms allowing comments, you should check these URLs. If you see a spammy link you created, try to delete it, else contact the webmaster to ask to remove the link. Once you've cleared the spammy inbound links you made, you can file a reconsideration request.

For more information about this topic and to discuss it with others, join us in the Webmaster Help Forum. (But don't leave spammy comments!)

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Free online seminar: The Google Trifecta 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: A quick word about Googlebombs 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Co-written with Ryan Moulton and Kendra Carattini

We wanted to give a quick update about "Googlebombs." By improving our analysis of the link structure of the web, Google has begun minimizing the impact of many Googlebombs. Now we will typically return commentary, discussions, and articles about the Googlebombs instead. The actual scale of this change is pretty small (there are under a hundred well-known Googlebombs), but if you'd like to get more details about this topic, read on.

First off, let's back up and give some background. Unless you read all about search engines all day, you might wonder "What is a Googlebomb?" Technically, a "Googlebomb" (sometimes called a "linkbomb" since they're not specific to Google) refers to a prank where people attempt to cause someone else's site to rank for an obscure or meaningless query. Googlebombs very rarely happen for common queries, because the lack of any relevant results for that phrase is part of why a Googlebomb can work. One of the earliest Googlebombs was for the phrase "talentless hack," for example.

People have asked about how we feel about Googlebombs, and we have talked about them in the past. Because these pranks are normally for phrases that are well off the beaten path, they haven't been a very high priority for us. But over time, we've seen more people assume that they are Google's opinion, or that Google has hand-coded the results for these Googlebombed queries. That's not true, and it seemed like it was worth trying to correct that misperception. So a few of us who work here got together and came up with an algorithm that minimizes the impact of many Googlebombs.

The next natural question to ask is "Why doesn't Google just edit these search results by hand?" To answer that, you need to know a little bit about how Google works. When we're faced with a bad search result or a relevance problem, our first instinct is to look for an automatic way to solve the problem instead of trying to fix a particular search by hand. Algorithms are great because they scale well: computers can process lots of data very fast, and robust algorithms often work well in many different languages. That's what we did in this case, and the extra effort to find a good algorithm helps detect Googlebombs in many different languages. We wouldn't claim that this change handles every prank that someone has attempted. But if you are aware of other potential Googlebombs, we are happy to hear feedback in our Google Web Search Help Group.

Again, the impact of this new algorithm is very limited in scope and impact, but we hope that the affected queries are more relevant for searchers.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series : Cache Pattern For Offline HTML5 Web Applications 2013

Seo Master present to you: On April 7th, Google launched a new version of Gmail for mobile for iPhone and Android-powered devices. We shared the behind-the-scenes story through this blog and decided to share more of our learnings in a brief series of follow-up blog posts. This week, I'll talk about the cache pattern for building offline-capable web applications.

I recently gave a talk (preserved YouTube here) about the cache pattern and the Web Storage Portability Layer (WSPL) at Google I/O. It was exciting getting to give a talk at the Moscone Center as previously I had only ever been one of the audience members. The conference seemed to go by in a blur for me as I was sleep-deprived from getting the WSPL to "just good enough" to actually be released. (And some ofyou have already pointed out that I missed several bugs.) In my talk, I provided a general overview of the cache pattern and this post expands on the handling of hit determination and merging server and local changes.

The cache pattern is a design pattern for building an offline-capable web application. We implemented the cache pattern to make Gmail for Mobile tolerant of flaky wireless connections but the approach is generally applicable. Here's how it works. Consider a typical AJAX application. As shown in the diagram, we have a web application with a local model, view and controllers. The user interacts with theapplication and the controller dispatches XmlHttpRequests (XHRs for short) to the server. The server sends asynchronous requests to the application which it inserts into the model.

As shown in this next diagram, in the cache pattern, we insert a cache between the application and the server. Having done so, many requests that would otherwise require a round-trip to the network.

A software cache like this one shares a great deal conceptually with hardware caches. When designing the cache used in Gmail for mobile, we used this similarity to guide our design. For example, to keep our cache as simple as possible, we implemented a software equivalent to a write-through cache with early forwarding and LRU eviction. The cache pattern in general (and consequently our implementation) has four important data flows as shown in the diagram.

  • Cached content bound for the UI.
  • Changes made to the cache by the user in the UI. These need to be both reliably sent to the server and updated locally in the cache so that reads from the cache for UI updates show the state including user changes.
  • The changes recorded in the cache need to be sent upstream to the server as the network connection is available.
  • Changes made to the server (like email delivery in the case of Gmail) need to be merged into the contents of the cache.
As shown in the diagram we also need a place to actually write the data. We use the WSPL library to write a cache implementation portable across both Gears and HTML5 databases.

To actually implement these four data flows, we need to decide on a hit determination mechanism, a coherency strategy and a refresh approach.

Hit Determination

At its heart, a cache is a mapping from keys to values: the UI invokes the cache with a key and the cache returns the corresponding element. While this sounds pretty simple, there is an additional source of complexity if the application wants to provide the user with summary listings of some subset of all values available from the server. To provide this feature, the cache needs to contain not only "real" data values but additional "index" values that list the keys (and possibly user-visible summaries) for "data" values. For example, in Gmail for mobile, the cache stores conversations as its "real" data values and lists of conversations (such as the Inbox in Gmail for Mobile) as its "index" values. Keys for index values are computed specially to record what subset of the complete index is cached locally. For example, in Gmail for Mobile, while a user's Inbox may contain thousands of conversations, the cache might contain an index entry whose data values lists metadata for only conversations 1000 through 1100. Consequently, Gmail for Mobile's cache extends keys with the cached range so that a request for metadata for conversations 1101 through1110 would be considered a cache miss.

Coherency and Refresh

Perhaps the most complex aspect of the cache implementation is deciding how to get updated content from the server and how to merge server updates with changes made locally. A traditional hardware cache resolves this problem by only letting one processor modify its a cache at a time and have the memory broadcast any changes to all the other caches in the system. This approach cannot work here because the Gmail server can't connect to all of its clients and update their state. Instead, the approach we took for Gmail for Mobile was for the client device regularly poll the server for alterations.

Polling the server for changes such as new email or the archiving of email by the same user from a different device implies a mechanism for merging local changes with server side changes. As mentioned above, Gmail for Mobile is a write-through cache. By keeping all of the modifications to the cache in a separate queue until they have been acknowledged, they can be played back against updates delivered from the server so that the cache contains the merge of changes from the server and the local user. The following diagram shows the basic idea:

The green box in the diagram shows the contents of the cache's write buffer changing over time and the cloud corresponds to the requests in-flight to the server with time advancing from left to right in the diagram. The function names shown in the diagram are from the simplenotes.js
example file in the Web Storage Portability Layer distribution. Here, the user has applied some change [1] and the cache has written it to the write buffer and has then requested new content resulting in query [Q]. The cache prefixes the outstanding actions from the write buffer to the query. Action [1] is marked as needing a resend on some sort of network failure.

Later, the user makes change [2] to the UI which causes the cache to append it to the write buffer in the applyUIChange call. Later still, another query is made and so, the cache sends [1][2][Q] to the server. In the mean time, the user makes yet another change [3]. This is written to the write buffer. Once changes [1] and [2] are acknowledged by the server along with the new cache contents for query [Q], changes [1] and [2] are removed from the write buffer. However, to keep the cache's state reflecting the user's changes, change [3] is applied (again) over top of the result for [Q].

Simplifying the implementation of this reapplication stage is the most important benefit of implementing a write-through cache. By separating the changes from the state, it becomes much easier to reapply the changes to the cache once the server has delivered new content to the cache. As discussed in a previous post, the use of SQL triggers can greatly improve database performance. Whether updating or re-updating, triggers are a great way to make the application of changes to the cache much more efficient.

Cached Content To the UI

The first of the four data flows is delivering content to the UI is reasonably easy: query the cache for the desired content and when the query completes, forward the request to the UI. If you look at the getNoteList_ function from the simplenotes.js example code included in the WSPL distribution, you'll see that the delivering cached content to the UI has the following basic steps:
perform hit determination: deciding if the requested cache contents are actually in the cache.
  • create a database transaction, and while in the transaction
    • query the database for the desired key
    • accumulate the results
  • then outside of the transaction, return the result to the UI.
Changes From The UI

The second flow (applyUiChange) is recording changes made by the user to the write buffer. It has a very similar structure
  • create a database transaction, and while in the transacation
    • write the change to the write buffer
    • wait for a trigger to update the state of the cache.

Updates Bound For The Server

As discussed above, once the changes have been written to the write buffer, they still have to be sent to the server. This happens by prepending them to queries bound for the server. The fetchFromServer from the example is responsible for this. As might be familiar by now, the flow is

  • create a database transaction and while in the transaction
    • query the write buffer for all the entries that need to be sent to the server
    • accumulate the entries
  • then outside the transaction, send the combination of changes and query to the server

Changes From The Server

Finally, we need to merge the changes from the server into the cache as is done in the insertUpdate method from the example. Here the flow is as follows:

  • create a database transaction and while in the transaction
    • update the directory
    • write the new content into the cache
    • touch the changes in the write buffer that need to be re-applied to the cache
    • wait for the trigger to complete its update
  • then, outside of the transaction, send the response to the UI if it was satisfying a cache miss.
That's a brief intro to the cache architecture as found in Gmail for mobile. We're continuing to improve our implementation of this basic architecture to improve both the performance and robustness of Gmail for mobile. Please stay tuned for follow on blog posts.

Previous posts from Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series
HTML5 and Webkit pave the way for mobile web applications
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 1
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 2
Using AppCache to launch offline - Part 3
A Common API for Web Storage
Suggestions for better performance

Robert Kroeger, Software Engineer, Google Mobile Team2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: Website clinic: Call for submissions 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Webmaster Level: Beginner

Cross-posted on the Google Grants Blog

Googlers often participate in live site clinics at conferences, giving advice about real-world sites and allowing webmasters to learn by example. Now Google’s Search Quality team is excited to host an online site clinic right here on this blog. In future posts, we’ll be looking at some user-submitted examples and offering broad advice that you can apply to your site.

This site clinic will focus on non-profit organizations, but chances are that our advice will benefit small business and government sites as well. If you work for a non-profit and would like us to consider your site, read on for submission instructions.

How to Submit Your Site:
To register your site for our clinic, fill in the information requested on our form. From there, we will determine trends and share corresponding best practices to improve site quality and user experience. Our analysis will be available in a follow-up post, and will adhere to public standards of webmaster guidance. Please note that by submitting your site, you permit us to use your site as an example in our follow-up site clinic posts.

We have a few guidelines:
  1. Your site must belong to an officially registered non-profit organization.
  2. In order to ensure that you’re the site owner, you must verify ownership of your site in Google Webmaster Tools. You can do that (for free) here.
  3. To the best of your ability, make sure your site meets our webmaster quality guidelines. We will be using the same principles as a basis for our analysis.
All set? Submit your site for consideration here.

The site clinic goes live today, and submissions will be accepted until Monday, November 8, 2010. Stay tuned for some useful webmaster tips when we review the sites.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Update to Top Search Queries data 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster level: All

Starting today, we’re updating our Top Search Queries feature to make it better match expectations about search engine rankings. Previously we reported the average position of all URLs from your site for a given query. As of today, we’ll instead average only the top position that a URL from your site appeared in.

An example
Let’s say Nick searched for [bacon] and URLs from your site appeared in positions 3, 6, and 12. Jane also searched for [bacon] and URLs from your site appeared in positions 5 and 9. Previously, we would have averaged all these positions together and shown an Average Position of 7. Going forward, we’ll only average the highest position your site appeared in for each search (3 for Nick’s search and 5 for Jane’s search), for an Average Position of 4.

We anticipate that this new method of calculation will more accurately match your expectations about how a link's position in Google Search results should be reported.

How will this affect my Top Search Queries data?
This change will affect your Top Search Queries data going forward. Historical data will not change. Note that the change in calculation means that the Average Position metric will usually stay the same or decrease, as we will no longer be averaging in lower-ranking URLs.

Check out the updated Top Search Queries data in the Your site on the web section of Webmaster Tools. And remember, you can also download Top Search Queries data programmatically!

We look forward to providing you a more representative picture of your Google Search data. Let us know what you think in our Webmaster Forum.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: A new opt-out tool 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Webmasters have several ways to keep their sites' content out of Google's search results. Today, as promised, we're providing a way for websites to opt out of having their content that Google has crawled appear on Google Shopping, Advisor, Flights, Hotels, and Google+ Local search.

Webmasters can now choose this option through our Webmaster Tools, and crawled content currently being displayed on Shopping, Advisor, Flights, Hotels, or Google+ Local search pages will be removed within 30 days.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Google News now crawling with Googlebot 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: intermediate

(Cross-posted on the Google News Blog)

Google News recently updated our infrastructure to crawl with Google’s primary user-agent, Googlebot. What does this mean? Very little to most publishers. Any news organizations that wish to opt out of Google News can continue to do so: Google News will still respect the robots.txt entry for Googlebot-News, our former user-agent, if it is more restrictive than the robots.txt entry for Googlebot.

Our Help Center provides detailed guidance on using the robots exclusion protocol for Google News, and publishers can contact the Google News Support Team if they have any questions, but we wanted to first clarify the following:
  • Although you’ll now only see the Googlebot user-agent in your site’s logs, no need to worry: the appearance of Googlebot instead of Googlebot-News is independent of our inclusion policies. (You can always check whether your site is included in Google News by searching with the “site:” operator. For instance, enter “site:yournewssite.com” in the search field for Google News, and if you see results then we are currently indexing your news site.)

  • Your analytics tool will still be able to differentiate user traffic coming to your website from Google Search and traffic coming from Google News, so you should see no changes there. The main difference is that you will no longer see occasional automated visits to your site from the Googlebot-news crawler.

  • If you’re currently respecting our guidelines for Googlebot, you will not need to make any code changes to your site. Sites that have implemented subscriptions using a metered model or who have implemented First Click Free will not experience any changes. For sites which require registration, payment or login prior to reading any full article, Google News will only be able to crawl and index the title and snippet that you show all users who visit your page. Our Webmaster Guidelines provide additional information about “cloaking” (i.e., showing a bot a different version than what users experience). Learn more about Google News and subscription publishers in this Help Center article.

  • Rest assured, your Sitemap will still be crawled. This change does not affect how we crawl News Sitemaps. If you are a News publisher who hasn’t yet set up a News Sitemap and are interested in getting started, please follow this link.

  • For any publishers that wish to opt out of Google News and stay in Google Search, you can simply disallow Googlebot-news and allow Googlebot. For more information on how to do this, consult our Help Center.

As with any website, from time to time we need to make updates to our infrastructure. At the same time, we want to continue to provide as much control as possible to news web sites. We hope we have answered any questions you might have about this update. If you have additional questions, please check out our Help Center.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Using named anchors to identify sections on your pages 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: We just announced a couple of new features on the Official Google Blog that enable users to get to the information they want faster. Both features provide additional links in the result block, which allow users to jump directly to parts of a larger page. This is useful when a user has a specific interest in mind that is almost entirely covered in a single section of a page. Now they can navigate directly to the relevant section instead of scrolling through the page looking for their information.

We generate these deep links completely algorithmically, based on page structure, so they could be displayed for any site (and of course money isn't involved in any way, so you can't pay to get these links). There are a few things you can do to increase the chances that they might appear on your pages. First, ensure that long, multi-topic pages on your site are well-structured and broken into distinct logical sections. Second, ensure that each section has an associated anchor with a descriptive name (i.e., not just "Section 2.1"), and that your page includes a "table of contents" which links to the individual anchors. The new in-snippet links only appear for relevant queries, so you won't see it on the results all the time — only when we think that a link to a section would be highly useful for a particular query.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Making more tools available with just a click 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Last July, we launched our Webmaster Tools Access Provider Program and it's been a huge hit. Hundreds of providers have signed up, and thousands of users now access Webmaster Tools via their provider's control panel.

Today we are launching the Google Services for Websites Access Provider Program which enables providers to offer the following features to site owners:
  • Enhance their site with Custom Search or Google Site Search
  • Monetize with AdSense
  • Optimize for search with Webmaster Tools
How can you get in on this?

Webmasters: Watch to see if your provider join this program, so the next time you manage your site, everything will be all set for you. Better yet, send your provider a link to this post and tell them we're here to help them help you.

Providers: Check out the Google Services for Websites site and sign up today!

And in case you're wondering, providers that have signed up for the Webmaster Tools Access Provider program will automatically be upgraded to the new program. Also, no worries for developers -- the backend Webmaster Tools APIs remain unchanged.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Making form-filling faster, easier and smarter 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: Webmaster Level: Intermediate

One of the biggest bottlenecks on any conversion funnel is filling out an online form – shopping and registration flows all rely on forms as a crucial and demanding step in accomplishing the goals of your site. For many users, online forms mean repeatedly typing common information like our names and addresses on different sites across the web – a tedious task that causes many to give up and abandon the flow entirely.

Chrome’s Autofill and other form-filling providers help to break down this barrier by remembering common profile information and pre-populating the form with those values. Unfortunately, up to now it has been difficult for webmasters to ensure that Chrome and other form-filling providers can parse their form correctly. Some standards exist; but they put onerous burdens on the implementation of the website, so they’re not used much in practice.

Today we’re pleased to announce support in Chrome for an experimental new “autocomplete type” attribute for form fields that allows web developers to unambiguously label text and select fields with common data types such as ‘full-name’ or ‘street-address’. With this attribute, web developers can drive conversions on their sites by marking their forms for auto-completion without changing the user interface or the backend.

Just add an attribute to the input element, for example an email address field might look like:

<input type=”text” name=”field1” x-autocompletetype=”email” />

We’ve been working on this design in collaboration with several other autofill vendors. Like any early stage proposal we expect this will change and evolve as the web standards community provides feedback, but we believe this will serve as a good starting point for the discussion on how to best support autofillable forms in the HTML5 spec. For now, this new attribute is implemented in Chrome as x-autocompletetype to indicate that this is still experimental and not yet a standard, similar to the webkitspeech attribute we released last summer.

For more information, you can read the full text of the proposed specification, ask questions on the Webmaster help forum, or you can share your feedback in the standardization discussion!

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Cara mengetahui blog yang do follow 2013

Seo Master present to you: Blog milik sendiri :

1. Templates Standar (belum dimodifikasi), maka dipastikan BELUM Do Follow.
2. Templates Modifikasi, maka yang harus dilakukan adalah melakukan cara yang saya sebutkan diatas sesuai dengan Hosting Blog-nya masing-masing. Kesimpulannya adalah mudah saja. Jika masih ada attribute rel="nofollow", maka BELUM Do Follow. Dan jika sebaliknya, jika setelah melakukan cara diatas tidak ditemukan attribute rel="nofollow", maka Blog kita SUDAH Do Follow. That's it :)

Blog milik orang lain :

1. Tentu cara terbaik adalah dengan bertanya kepada pemiliknya, atau dengan melihat apakah di Blognya tertera semacam isyarat -dengan banner misalnya, bahwa blog tersebut DO Follow.
2. Dengan melihat source code pada blog tersebut. Lihat pada Halaman POSTING yang SUDAH BERISI KOMENTAR, bukan pada halaman utama. Tujuannya tentu saja, apakah komentar tersebut di beri backlink atau tidak. Jika menggunakan FireFox, kawan-kawan bisa 'klik kanan' pada badan blog, pilih View Page Source. Lalu telusuri terus kebawah sampai menemukan letak kode URL Alamat pemberi komentar. Jika tertulis seperti berikut, maka Blog tersebut Do Follow :
<a href='URL-pemberi-komentar'>NAMA-pemberi-komentar</a>
Dan jika seperti berikut maka blog tersebut belum Do Follow :
<a href='URL-pemberi-komentar' rel='nofollow'>NAMA-pemberi-komentar</a>
Pemberian Backlink oleh blog Do Follow, hanya jika komentar diberi identitas Alamat/URL Blog. Namun jika dengan Akun Blogger, maka Backlink tidak akan sampai pada Blog, tetapi pada halaman Profil kita.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Cara membuat dofollow di blogger 2013

Seo Master present to you: Pada Blogger atau Blogspot terdapat 2 (dua) attribute rel="nofollow" pada body HTMLnya. Pertama adalah pada kolom komentar, dan kedua ada pada Kolom Backlink. Untuk menjadikan Blog kita "You Comment I Follow" atau Do Follow, hanya dibutuhkan penghilangan pada satu tempat saja, yaitu pada kolom komentar. Karena inti yang ingin diraih adalah memberi Backlink, pada pemberi komentar.
Cara menghilangkan Attribute rel="nofollow" pada kolom komentar :

1. Setelah Sign-in dan masuk ke Dashboard, Klik Layout > Edit HTML, lalu beri tanda centang(thick) di "Expand Widget Templates". BACKUP templates kawan-kawan, Lalu cari kode berikut

<dl id='comments-block'>
<b:loop values='data:post.comments'var='comment'>
<dt class='comment-author'expr:id='"comment-" + data:comment.id'>
<a expr:name='"comment-" +data:comment.id'/>
<b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'>
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><data:comment.author/></a>
Untuk masuk ke "Daftar Blog Do Follow" diatas, kawan-kawan hanya perlu melakukan penghilangan attribute rel="nofollow" pada kolom komentar saja.

2. Kemudian hapus kode rel='nofollow', lalu "save template". Selesai, Sekarang Blog kita Do Follow :) dan berhenti sampai disini juga SUDAH CUKUP.

Berikut adalah cara untuk menhilangkan attribut rel="nofollow" pada kolom BACKLINK/TRACKBACK. Metode kedua ini TIDAK wajib.. Kolom Backlink/trackback adalah kolom yang disediakan untuk membuat track jika ada yang melakukan Link terhadap Posting tulisan kita. Sekali lagi, kolom ini boleh dibiarkan dan tidak di buat do follow.

1. Setelah Sign-in dan masuk ke Dashboard, Klik Layout > Edit HTML, lalu beri tanda centang(thick) di "Expand Widget Templates". BACKUP templates kawan-kawan, Lalu cari kode berikut
<b:includable id='backlinks' var='post'>
<a name='links'/><h4><data:post.backlinksLabel/></h4>
<b:if cond='data:post.numBacklinks != 0'>
<dl class='comments-block' id='comments-block'>
<b:loop values='data:post.backlinks' var='backlink'>
<div class='collapsed-backlink backlink-control'>
<dt class='comment-title'>
<span class='backlink-toggle-zippy'> </span>
<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'><data:backlink.title/></a>
<b:include data='backlink' name='backlinkDeleteIcon'/>
2. Hapus kode rel='nofollow', lalu "save template". Selesai

Untuk masuk ke "Daftar Blog Do Follow" diatas, kawan-kawan hanya perlu melakukan penghilangan attribute rel="nofollow" pada kolom komentar saja.2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: Taking advantage of universal search, part 2 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Universal search and personalized search were two of the hot topics at SMX West last month. Many webmasters wanted to know how these evolutions in search influence the way their content appears in search results, and how they can use these features to gain more relevant search traffic. We posted several recommendations on how to take advantage of universal search last year. Here are a few additional tips:
  1. Local search: Help nearby searchers find your business.
    Of the various search verticals, local search was the one we heard the most questions about. Here are a few tips to help business owners get the most out of local search:
  2. Video search: Enhance your video results.
    Several site owners asked whether they could specify a preferred thumbnail image for videos when they appear in search results. Good news: our Video Sitemaps protocol lets you suggest a thumbnail for each video.
  3. Personalized search basics
    A few observations from Googler Phil McDonnell:
    • Personalization of search results is usually accomplished through subtle ranking changes, rather than a drastic rearrangement of results. You shouldn't worry about personalization radically altering your site's ranking for a particular query.
    • Targeting a niche, or filling a very specific need, may be a good way to stand out in personalized results. For example, rather than creating a site about "music," you could create a site about the musical history of Haiti. Or about musicians who recorded with Elton John between 1969-1979.
    • Some personalization is based on the geographic location of the searcher; for example, a user searching for [needle] in Seattle is more likely to get search results about the Space Needle than, say, a searcher in Florida. Take advantage of features like Local Business Center and geographic targeting to let us know whether your website is especially relevant to searchers in a particular location.
    • As always, create interesting, unique and compelling content or tools.
  4. Image search: Increase your visibility.
    One panelist presented a case study in which a client's images were being filtered out of search results by SafeSearch because they had been classified as explicit. If you find yourself in this situation and believe your site should not be filtered by SafeSearch, use this contact form to let us know. Select the Report a problem > Inappropriate or irrelevant search results option and describe your situation.
Feel free to leave a comment if you have other tips to share!this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Mengapa blog ini dofollow 2013

Seo Master present to you: Terlalu banyak uraian yang akan bisa dijelaskan jika ingin merunut semua alasan. Mendukung atau tidak, terkadang masih saja dipermasalahkan. Untuk pertanyaan ini, saya ingin sekali bisa bekata se-obyektif mungkin, tapi juga tidak akan bisa dipungkiri, bahwa saya pribadi melakukan Do Follow semata-mata karena alasan Subyektif. Saya tidak bisa memaksa siapapun untuk mengikuti sebuah pergerakan yang mungkin sudah cukup banyak "pengikutnya". Begitu banyaknya argumentasi yang meluncur, bisa-bisa membuat kita malah lupa dengan tujuan awal Blogging.

Sebelum membahas kenapa Do Follow, maka kita akan coba dulu menjawab, kenapa Blog kita pada settingan standar, diberi "tag" NoFollow.

Berikut adalah salah satu saran Google (diambil sebagai sample Search Engine) yang saya kutip dari Official Blog-nya yang kemudian di-amini oleh blogspot (-anggap kita lupa bahwa blogspot juga milik Google :)
If you're a blogger (or a blog reader), you're painfully familiar with people who try to raise their own websites' search engine rankings by submitting linked blog comments like "Visit my discount pharmaceuticals site." This is called comment spam, we don't like it either, and we've been testing a new tag that blocks it. From now on, when Google sees the attribute (rel="nofollow") on hyperlinks, those links won't get any credit when we rank websites in our search results. This isn't a negative vote for the site where the comment was posted; it's just a way to make sure that spammers get no benefit from abusing public areas like blog comments, trackbacks, and referrer lists.
Sejauh yang bisa kita pahami, jadi cuma satu alasan. Search Engine TIDAK menyukai SPAM, begitu pula kita. Ini adalah sebuah tindakan preventif yang bisa dilakukan untuk menghentikan usaha SPAMMING. Dengan adanya "tag" ini, seperti sudah sebut diatas, secara teknis, link menuju situs SPAM tersebut, tidak akan di"anggap" oleh Search Engine.

Saya ingatkan untuk jangan dulu membabi-buta mendefinisikan SPAM pada setiap yang berkomentar. Coba cari referensi dan pahami dulu Apa itu SPAM.

Lalu apa dampak adanya SPAM di Blog kita :

1. Karena Search Engine tidak menyukai SPAM, maka Search Engine juga tidak menyukai Blog yang menjadi Gudang SPAM.
2. Pagerank (untuk SE Google) juga akan berpengaruh (biasanya turun), mengingat jumlah halaman blog kita yang diindeks juga akan semakin sedikit.
3. Mengganggu kenyamanan karena setiap saat disibukkan dengan "iklan" yang tidak kita mau.

Mengingat perihal diatas, maka saya pribadi hanya sanggup mengutarakan sebab kenapa Blog ini mendukung Do Follow :

1. Do follow memberi semacam timbal balik yang setimpal atas siapapun yang berkenan menanggapi tulisan lewat komentar. Setidaknya, ini menghindarkan saya terhadap sifat lupa untuk berterimakasih.
2. Apapun tujuan setiap yang berkomentar, setidaknya telah ikut juga diindeks oleh search engine, jika tulisan di blog tersebut telah diindeks oleh search engine.
3. Terdapat harapan bahwa nantinya akan muncul sebuah lingkup kepercayaan antara pembaca (yang juga penulis), dengan penulis (yang juga pembaca) :)
4. Jika suatu saat Blogroll sudah terlalu panjang, kesempatan untuk memberi Backlink kepada blogger lain, masih dimungkinkan, yaitu cukup dengan berkomentar.
5. Saya tidak peduli dengan naik turunnya pagerank Blog saya.

Selebihnya, semuanya tergantung kawan-kawan. Apakah ingin menebar Backlink bagi siapapun yang berkenan komentar, sementara tetap waspada pada SPAM. Jika Ya jawabannya silahkan Do Follow-kan Blog kawan-kawan.2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: Indexar o seu site 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Após o registo de um domínio e criação de um site, a maioria dos webmasters quer ver o seu site indexado e aparecer nas primeiras posições no Google. Desde que iniciámos o suporte a webmasters de língua Portuguesa em 2006, vimos grande especulação acerca da forma como o Google indexa e avalia os sites. O mercado de língua Portuguesa, ainda numa fase de desenvolvimento em relação a SEO, é um dos maiores geradores de conteúdo na internet, por isso decidimos clarificar algumas das questões mais pertinentes.

Notámos como prática comum entre webmasters de língua Portuguesa a tendência para entrar em esquemas massivos de troca de links e a implementação de páginas única e exclusivamente para este fim, sem terem em consideração a qualidade dos links, a origem ou o impacto que estes terão nos seus sites a longo termo; outros temas populares englobam também uma preocupação excessiva com o PageRank ou a regularidade com que o Google acede aos seus sites.
Geralmente, o nosso conselho para quem pretende criar um site é começar por considerar aquilo que têm para oferecer antes de criar qualquer site ou blog. A receita para um site de sucesso é conteúdo original, onde os utilizadores possam encontrar informação de qualidade e actualizada correspondendo às suas necessidades.

Para clarificar alguns destes temas, compilámos algumas dicas para webmasters de língua Portuguesa:

  • Ser considerado autoridade no assunto. Ser experiente num tema guiará de forma natural ao seu site utilizadores que procuram informação especificamente relacionada com o assunto do site. Não se preocupe demasiado com back-links ou PageRank, ambos irão surgir de forma natural acompanhando a importância e relevância do seu site. Se os utilizadores considerarem a sua informação útil e de qualidade, eles voltarão a visitar, recomendarão o seu site a outros utilizadores e criarão links para o mesmo. Isto tem também influência na relevância do seu site para o Google – se é relevante para os utilizadores, certamente será relevante para o Google na mesma proporção.
  • Submeta o seu conteúdo no Google e mantenha-o actualizado frequentemente. Este é outro ponto chave que influencia a frequência com que o seu site é acedido pelo Google. Se o seu conteúdo não é actualizado ou se o seu site não é relevante, o mais certo é o Google não aceder ao seu site com a mesma frequência que você deseja. Se acha que o Google não acede ao seu site de uma forma constante, talvez isto seja uma dica para que actualize o site mais frequentemente. Além disso na Central do Webmaster o Google disponibiliza as Ferramentas para Webmasters, ferramentas úteis que o ajudarão na indexação.
  • Evite puras afiliações. Na América Latina há uma quantidade massiva de sites criados apenas para pura afiliação, tais como as lojas afiliadas do mercadolivre. Não há problema em ser afiliado desde que crie conteúdo original e de qualidade para os utilizadores, um bom exemplo é a inclusão de avaliação e críticas de produtos de forma a ajudar o utilizador na decisão da compra.
  • Não entre em esquemas de troca de links. Os esquemas de troca de links ou negócios que prometem aumentar a visibilidade do seu site com o mínimo de esforço, podem levar a um processo de correcção por parte do Google. As nossas Directrizes de Ajuda do Webmaster mencionam claramente esta prática na secção "Directrizes de Qualidade – princípios básicos". Evite entrar neste tipo de esquemas e não crie páginas apenas para troca de links. Tenha em mente que não é o número de links que apontam para o seu site que conta, mas a qualidade e relevância desses links.
  • Use o AdSense de forma correcta. Monetizar conteúdo original e de qualidade levará a uma melhor experiência com o AdSense comparado com directórios sem qualquer tipo de qualidade ou conteúdo original. Sites sem qualquer tipo de valor levam os utilizadores a abandoná-los antes mesmo de estes clicarem em qualquer anúncio.
    Lembre-se que o processo de indexação e de acesso ao seu site pelo Google engloba muitas variáveis e em muitos casos o seu site não aparecerá no índice tão depressa quanto esperava. Se não está seguro acerca de um problema particular, considere visitar as Directrizes de Ajuda do Webmaster ou peça ajuda na sua comunidade. Na maioria dos casos encontrará a resposta que procura de outros utilizadores mais experientes. Um dos sítios recomendados para começar é o Grupo de Discussão de Ajuda a Webmasters que monitorizamos regularmente.

Getting your site indexed

After registering a domain and creating a website, the next thing almost everybody wants is to get it indexed in Google and rank high. Since we started supporting webmasters in the Portuguese language market in 2006, we saw a growing speculation about how Google indexes and ranks websites. The Portuguese language market is one of the biggest web content generators and it's still in development regarding SEO, so we decided to shed some light into the main debated questions.

We have noticed that it is very popular among Portuguese webmasters to engage in massive link exchange schemes and to build partner pages exclusively for the sake of cross-linking, disregarding the quality of the links, the sources, and the long-term impact it will have on their sites; other popular issues involve an over-concern with PageRank and how often Google crawls their websites.

Generally, our advice is to consider what you have to offer, before you create your own website or blog. The recipe for a good and successful site is unique and original content where users find valuable and updated information corresponding to their needs.

To address some of these concerns, we have compiled some hints for Portuguese webmasters:

  • Be an authority on the subject. Being experienced in the subject you are writing about will naturally drive users to your site who search for that specific subject. Don't be too concerned about back-links and PageRank, both will grow naturally as your site becomes a reference. If users find your site useful and of good quality, they will most likely link to your site, return to it and/or recommend your site to other users. This has also an influence on how relevant your site will be to Google — if it's relevant for the users, than it's likely that it is relevant to Google as well.
  • Submit your content to Google and update it on a frequent basis. This is another key factor for the frequency with which your site will be crawled. If your content is not frequently updated or if your site is not relevant to the subject, most likely you will not be crawled as often as you would like to be. If you wonder why Google doesn't crawl your sites on a frequent or constant basis, then maybe this is a hint and you should look into updating your site more often. Apart from that in the Webmasters Central we offer Webmaster tools to help you get your site crawled.
  • Don't engage in link exchange schemes. Be aware that link exchange programs or deals that promise to boost your site visibility with a minimum effort might entail some corrective action from Google. Our Google Webmasters Guidelines clearly address this issue under "Quality Guidelines – basic principles". Avoid engaging in these kind of schemes and don't build pages specifically for exchanging links. Bear in mind that it is not the number of links you have pointing to your site that matters, but the quality and relevance of those links.
  • Avoid pure affiliations. In the Latin America market there is a massive number of sites created just for pure affiliation purposes such as pure mercadolivre catalogs. There is no problem in being an affiliate as long as you create some added value for your users and produce valuable content that a user can't find anywhere else like product reviews and ratings.
  • Use AdSense wisely. Monetizing original and valuable content will generate you more revenue from AdSense compared to directories with no added value. Be aware that sites without added value will turn away users from your site before they will ever click on an AdSense ad.

You should bear in mind that the process of indexing and how Google crawls your site includes many variables and in many cases your site won't come up as quickly in the SERPs as you expected. If you are not sure about some particular issue, consider visiting the Google Webmasters Guidelines or seek guidance in your community. In most cases you will get good advice and positive feedback from more experienced users. One of the recommended places to start is the Google discussion group for webmasters (in English) as well as the recently launched Portuguese discussion group for webmasters which we will monitor on a regular basis.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Pejelasan tentang blog Do Follow dan NoFolow ? 2013

Seo Master present to you: Terlebih dahulu kita harus paham apa maksud Do Follow dan NoNofollow ini. Kata "tag" selalu diberi tanda kutip karena sebenarnya yang sedang kita bicarakan ini bukan tag melainkan attributes dalam bahasa pemrograman HTML sejauh saya tahu.

Sebagai salah satu fitur web yang membutuhkan interaksi antar pengguna, blog akan menciptakan suasana "komunitas", dimana didalamnya kita mengenal sebuah proses "Komentar" sebagai bentuk interaksi tadi. Pada prosesnya, pemberi komentar akan disediakan sebuah ruang untuk memberi tanggapan pada setiap tulisan, disertai dengan identitas. Utamanya adalah URL/Alamat Blog Si pemberi komentar itu sendiri.

Contoh URL/Alamat yang akan kita inputkan adalah :

Pada intinya, identitas tersebut juga dijadikan sebagai Link/tautan ke alamat yang dimaksud. Yang kemudian dialih-bahasakan ke HTML menjadi :
<a href="http://www.namablog.com/">http://www.namablog.com</a>
Pada dasarnya seluruh Link/Tautan ke alamat tertentu akan mempunyai format seperti diatas. Akan tetapi, pada system blog, baik wordpress, blogger(blogspot), blogsome atau yang lainnya format standard tersebut dengan sendirinya (oleh blogger disebut automagically) berubah menjadi :
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.namablog.com/">http://www.namablog.com</a>
Apa yang berbeda? ya, yaitu munculnya attribute rel="nofollow".
Jadi sudah jelas, sebenarnya untuk membuat Blog kita Do Follow adalah dengan cara menghilangkan attribute rel="nofollow" tersebut.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Tune in to I/O Live at 9:30 a.m. PDT on June 27 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Mike Winton, Director of Developer Relations

Cross-posted with the Official Google Blog

Google I/O, our annual developer conference, begins in just two days, and this year, we’re bringing you more than 130 technical sessions, 20 code labs and 155 Sandbox partners. If you’re not here in San Francisco, you can still sign up for one of our 350+ I/O Extended events around the world or tune in to I/O Live to watch the live stream from wherever you are. This year’s conference kicks off on June 27 with the first day’s keynote at 9:30 a.m. PDT and the second day’s keynote on June 28 at 10:00 a.m. PDT, so tune in early at developers.google.com/io to avoid missing the action!

Bookmark developers.google.com/io to watch I/O Live from your desktop, or download the Google I/O mobile app to access the live stream from your phone or tablet. For the truly entrepreneurial, check our liveblogging gadget, which lets you add your commentary and the live video feed from the Google I/O keynotes to your blog.

More than 40 sessions on Android, Chrome, Google+ and your favorite APIs will be streamed live with captions, and all remaining session videos will be recorded and available shortly after the conference on Google Developers Live and the conference website. Between sessions, we’ll bring you behind-the-scenes footage featuring interviews with Googlers and attendees, tours of the Sandbox and more. The stream will also continue through our After Hours party (June 27 starting at 7:00 p.m. PDT), where we've teamed up with top entertainers, inventors, artists, educators and visionaries from all over the world for an amazing evening.

Mike Winton founded and leads Google's global Developer Relations organization. He also enjoys spending time with his family and DJing electronic music.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: Dealing with Sitemap cross-submissions 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:

Since the launch of Sitemaps, webmasters have been asking if they could submit their Sitemaps for multiple hosts on a single dedicated host. A fair question -- and now you can!

Why would someone want to do this? Let's say that you own www.example.com and mysite.google.com and you have Sitemaps for both hosts, e.g. sitemap-example.xml and sitemap-mysite.xml. Until today, you would have to store each Sitemap on its respective host. If you tried to place sitemap-mysite.xml on www.example.com, you would get an error because, for security reasons, a Sitemap on www.example.com can only contains URLs from www.example.com. So how do we solve this? Well, if you can "prove" that you own or control both of these hosts, then either one can host a Sitemap containing URLs for the other. Just follow the normal verification process in Google Webmaster Tools and any verified site in your account will be able to host Sitemaps for any other verified site in the same account.

Here is an example showing both sites verified:

And now, from a single host, you can submit Sitemaps for both sites without any errors. sitemap-example.xml contains URLs from www.example.com and sitemap-mysite.xml contains URLs from mysite.google.com but both now reside on www.example.com:
We've also added more information on handling cross-submits in our Webmaster Help Center.
For those of you wondering how this affects the other search engines that support the Sitemap Protocol, rest assured that we're talking to them about how to make cross-submissions work seamlessly across all of them. Until then, this specific solution will work only for users of Google Webmaster Tools.this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Are You Using The Internet Efficiently Time-Wise? 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Are You Using The Internet Efficiently Time-Wise?
Creative Commons image source.
If you’re reading this, you’re most likely sitting on your computer and looking for things to do. A few years ago, Nielsen and the Pew Center released a graphic to show how people use the internet and for the most part, internet users spent their time viewing content. Fourty-Two percent of their time was spent viewing text, images and video. In second, came email and commerce with 36%. Finally, in third place was social networking at 22%. Now if we were talking about today, with the emergence of social media as a must-stop for most internet users, the percentage of time spent using social media has most likely gone up.

Given these numbers, some may question whether or not we’re using our time as wisely as we should be. The Internet offers people a number of things to do, and sometimes those things can actually be useful. While social media can certainly provide quality information, many of us sometimes go through a social media rabbit hole. You go on to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest and seemingly lose track of time as you go through all of your friends’ profiles. Then you look up at the clock and realize you’ve spent hours on your computer. Wouldn’t you like to use the internet to learn a skill you’ve always wanted? Here are some of the many options out there:

Teach yourself code in 8 weeks:

While you might not be able to work for Facebook as a senior programmer, Lifehacker does show you that it’s possible to learn basic coding in as little as 8 weeks. In this particular post, the author gives the reader a step by step guide for what he did to learn Python. Google offers a free class with detailed instructions and video as well as exercises to get the basics down. From there, there are a variety of courses and guides you can use to build your very own prototype.

Teach yourself guitar without ever leaving the house:

If you have a fear of meeting with an instructor in person, but you still want to learn the guitar for your own personal endeavors, it’s possible to learn to play the guitar online. Look into live music tutors who guide you through the basics and will be there each step of the way as you improve on your instrument of choice. Even if you’re a beginner who just wants a working knowledge of playing the guitar or you’re an experienced guitarist who just wants to learn a new song, a live music tutor can help. And the best part is: all you need is a webcam and WIFI connection.

Go to Yale without paying the tuition:

If you love to learn for learning’s sake to expand your mind, Yale University offers a few free courses as part of its Open Yale Courses program. You can access these courses online through iTunes, YouTube or Yale’s website; and there are a variety of courses to choose from, including Milton, the American Novel-Post 1945, and a philosophical look on Death.

Author Bio:
Kay Kissinger is a writer who stronger believes we can benefit from the interenet.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Download Free Binder Software (Disable Antivirus Detection) Full Version 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Binder is a software used to bind or combine two or more files in one file under one name and extension. The files to be binded can have any extension or icon. The user has choice to select the name, icon and various attributes of binded file. If binded file contains an application (in our case - RAT or keylogger), the application is also run when the actual binded file is run.thus Binder is used to bypass antivirus detection.

1. Download Binder software: Click here

2. Unzip password: Click here

3. Install software on your computer to see:

4. Now, click on "Select File #1" and select the keylogger or RAT you wanna bind to avoid its antivirus detection.

5. Click on "Select File #2" and select the normal file with which you wanna bind our Trojan, RAT or Keylogger.

6. Simply, hit on "Bind" to obtain the binded keylogger or Trojan file. Now, simply send this file to victim whom this file will appear normal (Trojan is hidden due to binding).

7. Remember to check both "Execute"options and you can use "EXE Pump" to increase your file size to desired value.


    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Download Free Ardamax Keylogger With Registration Key 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    Basically Keylogger is a spy software that is installed on a Victims computer without his knowing, this Keylogger software simply keeps on recording the Key strokes typed by the victim and sends them to your mailbox. No doubt, these keystrokes contain the victim’s Email passwords and All such important information.Hence you can hack your friends Email accountpasswords and various other passwords.

    Ardamax keylogger : Download from here ( with Regisrtation key) 

    Unzip Password : Download from here

    Alternative link Click here 

     Password: @hackaholic


    Downloading Links:

    1. http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7033971/Ardamax.Keylogger.v3.9-Lz0

    2. http://kat.ph/ardamax-keylogger-v3-9-rar-t6210926.html

    3. From official site- http://www.ardamax.com/keylogger/13.html

    Registration Name: Popescu Marian    Serial Number: 083A-E649-5E15

    Registration Name: h3d1und 3r1k  Serial Number: 206B-2A3B-91A2

    Registration Name: Luiz Ricardo P Oliveira  Serial Number: 3F1A-54F8-032C

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