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seo Benarkan situs web jangan-dibuka.com itu ada? 2013

Seo Master present to you: Situs Jangan dibuka.com saat ini cukup ramai dibicarakan warga dunia maya. Benarkah situs ini mampu meprediksi kematian seseorang ?
Gambar Jangan Dibuka.com
Kalau menurut penulusuran yang didapat, semua berawal dari sebuah tayangan yang diputar di Trans TV pada tangal 14 Desember 2012 pukul 20:00 WIB. Film dengan judul www.jangan-dibuka.com ini  menceritaka tentang sekelompok kawan yang mati satu per satu setelah mengakses situs yang sama seperti judul film ini.

Hmm… kalau kedengerannya hampir sama seperti film Final Destination ya. Bedanya, kalau dalam film FF salah satu karakter mendapatkan vision bisa melihat masa depan kematian teman-temannya, tapi kalau di film jangan dibuka.com ini sekawanan ini mati berdasarkan referensi dari situs tersebut.

Setelah tayangan itu, ternyata banyak juga yang mencoba mengakses situs jangan-dibuka.com dan ternyata situs tersebut ada! Apakah situs ini sengaja dibuat untuk mendramatisir film tersebut ? atau seseorang langsung mendaftarkan nama domain tersebut setelah menonton film ini. Sebab apabila dicheck domain tersebut terdaftar pada tanggal yang sama dengan penayangan film, 14 Desember 2013.
Well, walaupun belum diketahui jawabannya, namun nampaknya situs ini cukup menarik minat banyak orang. Tak heboh mesin pencarian google menunjukan grafik peningkatan yang meledak untuk keyword jangan dibuka.com

Berdasarkan informasi pada situs itu, ditulis bahwa kamu dapat mengetahui bagaimana cara kamu mengalami kematian yang akan menghampirimu. Setelah melakukan registrasi berupa nama, FOTO, alamat email, dan pesan, kamu akan mendapatkan email balasan tentang bagaimana nantinya kamu akan mati. WHAT?!
Cukup kontroversi memang, banyak yang tidak mempercayai kebenaran prediksi situs ini jika dikaitkan dengan kepercayaan, dimana hanya Tuhan yang tahu takdir seseorang. Namun tak sedikit juga yang penasaran dan ingin mencoba mengetahui bagaimana cara mereka mati.

Apapun itu, berhati-hatilah terhadap kemungkinan situs berbau “scam”. Kamu disini diminta untuk memasukan email, dan anehnya lagi foto juga diminta ? Apapun itu, perlu untuk kamu waspadai sebab maksud dan tujuan situs itu dengan data-data kita tidak jelas dan kurang bisa dipercaya.

Dari segi teknikal situs ini dibuat dalam baris code html yang sangat sederhana, anak SMA pun bisa membuatnya.
Sebagai saran saja, jika kamu Cuma iseng-iseng mencoba situs jangan dibuka.com, jangan menggunakan email utama yang bisa kamu gunakan, dan foto, sangat tidak disarankan!2013, By: Seo Master

seo Easy Way To Type Malayalam Language 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Just type english words, it convert english word to malayalam language (It also convert into any language)


link: http://www.google.com/transliterate/Malayalam

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Become Your Own "One Way Link Building Service" 2013

Seo Master present to you:
A one way link building service can be extremely expensive when you're launching a new site or trying to get your blog to the top of the search engines. However, with the right backlink building software you will be able to build one way links back to your website without having to pay somebody.

One of the biggest reasons that you should consider investing in backlink building software packages is the fact that you can have complete control over the content that you post and where you post your links to.

By turning yourself into your own one way link building service you will easily be able to launch your blog posts and articles into the search engines to save money while making money. Here are some of the backlink building software suites that I use to get my blogs and websites ranked.

1. Ultimate Niche Finder

Ultimate Niche Finder is one of the best keyword research tools I have ever used, and I have used a lot of them. Although I love Traffic Travis for website auditing, Ultimate Niche Finder is an amazing piece of software for very little money.

When you're starting out with optimization, the first thing that you want to do is find out what keywords are going to bring in buyers, not readers. If you're a newbie or even a veteran of the IM world and you have not used Ultimate Niche Finder, you have to take it for a spin.

This things is great for exact match domains also so all you website flippers shell out the cash. You won't be disappointed. Scrape keywords based on a seed keyword, click a button and the money keywords are highlighted in green. Configure blog posts around these keywords and you will start to rank without having to buy a one way link building service.

2. SENuke XCR

SENuke XCR is like having your very own SEO company with you. This piece of software is a one way link building service that can deliver very high PR backlinks with just a couple of clicks. Now, I like to have a lot of control over the content that is being posted so I do every campaign manually.

However, there are a lot of people that use the Campaign Wizard and get incredible results. This backlink building software package will create accounts on thousands of high PR websites and submit high quality articles that are original for you. Buying backlinks is not something that I would ever endorse, but buying backlink building software that will do this for you no matter the niche is one of the best Internet marketing investments you could ever make.

Get your keywords from Ultimate Niche Finder and plug them into SENuke XCR, scrape content based on your keywords and build links around the web to boost your ranking for instant web traffic.

3. No Hands SEO

Alright, so even though I gush about SENuke XCR all the time as the best backlink building software on the market, there is one thing that it can't do: blog commenting. If you're even the slightest bit familiar with the Internet marketing world you have heard of Scrapebox.

Yes, I have tried it and no, I don't like it. I am so much more a fan of No Hands SEO because of the simplicity it gives you. First of all, NHS is going to scrape your entire website and pull every page. Then the software is going to submit all of your website's pages to Whois sites for indexing.

Once you set up blog commenting, No Hands SEO is going to scrape the web for blog based on your website's keywords and put dofollow links on them. The best thing about this software is that it is always searching for new blogs once they are indexed so you never run out of new links to post.

4. Magic Submitter

Magic Submitter is a one way link building service in itself. While you do not have the creativity or the freedom associated with SENuke, you will be able to post your links and articles on some of the most powerful websites on the Internet.

Magic Submitter automatically creates accounts on Web 2.0 sites, micro blogging sites, forums, PR sites, RSS directories and article directories.

Once you have set up the software, you can simply add a spun article and blast away. This backlink building software is great for 1st tier sites as long as you use readable content.

People make the mistake of using rehashed articles that aren't readable or original and wind up getting their website penalized. If you're going to use this software for your own one way link building service, make sure that you are using original content. Once you have written and spun an article, blast away and watch your website rise in the ranks!2013, By: Seo Master

seo Best Resume Writing Tips and Technique 2013

Seo Master present to you: Resume/Curriculum Vitae Writing Tips:

  • Resume arrangements differ widely, but the following procedures are general:
  •  Logically arrange information on:
  • Education (institutions, dates, degrees, major field)
  • Experience (dates, places, firms/companies, duties, accomplishments);
  • Personal details (memberships, interests, achievements – but not religion, race, sex);
  • Special information (achievements, qualifications, capabilities.
  • Construct a heading for the entire resume and sub-headings for the parts.
  • Include other vital information such as objectives and contact information. 
  •  Arrange the data for best eye appeal – making the resume balanced – not crowded.
Thinks Should be considered while writing a resume:

Selecting background facts
1. Begin by reviewing the background facts you have assembled and see what is really required that will help your reader.
Arranging the facts into groups
2. Sort out the facts by groups – like: job functions, dates or a combination.
3. Also consider groups such as achievements and qualifications
4. Write headings for the resume and its parts using topic headings that are most common.
5. Make your headings look as if they are talking to   your reader – in saying “please read me”.
6. Distinguish your headings by using different FONTS/SIZES. 

Contact Information
7. Display your contact information prominently.
Objective Statement
8. Consider your OBJECTIVE statement.
9. The statement should cover the job you are looking for.
Presenting the information
10. List the facts under the headings.
11. When writing about work experience, in the least include dates, places, companies and responsibilities.
12. When appropriate show achievements.
13. Use action verbs to strengthen appeal.
14. For education, include institutions, dates, degrees, and areas of study.
15. For legal reasons, some personal information (on race, religion, sex) should probably not be included.
16. Information on activities and interests tells about one’s personal qualities.
17.List references but make sure you request permission from the person whose name you will use as a reference.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Learn Spoken English 2013

Seo Master present to you: মনের ভাব পরিপূর্ণভাবে প্রকাশ করার একমাত্র উপায় ভাষা। ভিন্ন ভিন্ন গোত্র, গোষ্ঠির ভাষাও ভিন্ন ভিন্ন। স্ব স্ব গোষ্ঠির মানুষ নিজেদের মধ্যে ভাব আদান প্রদানের জন্য তাদের মাতৃভাষা ব্যবহার করে থাকে। কিন্তু বিপত্তি বাঁধে তখনই যখন ভিন্ন জাতি গোষ্ঠির মধ্যে ভাব আদান প্রদান করতে হয়। এই সমস্যা সমাধানের লক্ষ্যেই ইংরেজিকে গ্লোবাল ল্যাংগুয়েজ করা হয়। তাই সভ্য জাতি হিসেবে ইংরেজি শেখাটা বাঞ্ছনীয়।
মাতৃভাষা ব্যতিত অন্য ভাষা আয়ত্তে আনা চারটি খানি কথা নয়। প্রয়োজন সেই ভাষা শেখার ধৈর্য্য, সেই ভাষার প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা আর সাধনা। ইচ্ছা থাকলে তা কখনই অসম্ভব নয়।
ইংরেজি ভাষা শেখানো আমাদের জাতীয় পাঠ্যনীতির অন্তর্ভূক্ত। ইংরেজি ভাষা শেখার আদর্শ সময় হচ্ছে মাধ্যমিক পর্যায় পর্যন্ত। কিন্তু যারা আমার মতো মফস্বল শহর থেকে লেখাপড়া করেছেন, স্কুল ফাঁকি আর দুরন্তপানার যাঁতাকলে সেই সময়টাকে মধুর জলাঞ্জলী দিয়েছেন তারা ভালো করেই জানেন ইংরেজি ভীতি কি? তাদের অধিকাংশেরই শেষ পরিণতি হয় সময়ের অভাবে ভালো কোন প্রতিষ্ঠানে গিয়ে ইংরেজি শিখতে না পারাটা। যার ফলশ্রুতিতে মাশুল গুনতে হয় সারা জীবন। আর আফসোস করতে থাকেন জীবন থেকে হারিয়ে যাওয়া সময়গুলোর জন্য। কিন্তু তারাই হয়তো একটু দিক নির্দেশনা পেলে তাদের সেই ভুলগুলোকে শুধরাতে পারেন। আর পারেন মাথানত জীবনের অবসান ঘটাতে।
উল্লিখিত কথাগুলো আমার ক্ষেত্রেও সত্য। তাই ইংরেজি শেখার মানষিকতা নিয়ে খোঁজ করতে থাকি ভালো একটি বইয়ের। আর মোটামুটি ভালো একটা বই পেয়েও যাই। তাই দুই দিন কষ্ট করে টাইপ করে ব্লগ আকারে বইটির একটি অনলাইন ভার্সন তৈরি করি। ভাবলাম যদি অন্য কারো উপকারে লাগে। আর জানানোর উদ্দেশ্যে বাংলা ভাষাভাষিদের সবচেয়ে বড় প্লাটফর্ম হিসেবে বেছে নিলাম টেকটিউনসকে।

সাইটটির কিছু বৈশিষ্ট্য:

১. বইটি সাইফুর স্যার রচিত। নাম Elementary Spoken.
2. সহজভাবে লেখা যা দুই মাস সময়ে মোট ২৪টি লেসনের মাধ্যমে শেষ হবে।
৩. কিভাবে প্রাকটিস করবেন তা সিলেবাস ভিত্তিক নির্ধারন করে দেওয়া।
সাইটটির লিংক হচ্ছে: ‍Spoken BD2013, By: Seo Master

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seo Automatically Tweet Your Blog Post On Twitter 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Twitter Feed
Twitter is a huge social media platform to share your blog post to increase traffic to your blog. You can generate large amount of traffic from twitter. More frequently you tweet about your blog more is the visitors you will generate. But it is annoying to tweet everytime you post a new article on your blog. In this post i will teach you a simple way to auto tweet your new blog post on twitter easily using Twitter Feed.

   1. Go to TwitterFeed.
   2. Create a New account by clicking on Register Now.
   3. Then enter your blog name in Feed Name and your blog url in url field as shown in below image.
Twitter Feed

   4. Then click on Advance setting and change setting as shown below.

twitterf eed

    5. Then click on continue to next step.
    6. Choose Twitter from Available Services (You can also Choose Facebook and LinkedIn if  you like).
  7.Authenticate your twitter account by clicking on Twitter and entering your twitter username and password.
  8. Then click on Create Service. Now whenever you publish new post on your blog it will be automatically tweeted on your twitter account.

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2013, By: Seo Master

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seo Latest 2013 Recover | Hack | Bypass Window Password With Konboot free 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Latest 2013 Recover | Hack | Bypass Window Password With Konboot free

Today i am sharing lit bit interesting trick that How To Hack or Bypass Window Login Password for window 7 | XP | Vista | 8 Free. Some time you forget your password and you don’t have any idea to bypass a password. So most of the internet user o member not aware of this trick .so when you access someone or your own computer so then you cannot easily bypass the login window password. Some time we can go to a forget window password to recover the old password but its lit bit difficult. 

Recover Hack Bypass Window Password With Konboot

So this is my new tutorial for the beginner and I will try to show you that how to hack o bypass window password. It’s working on the all kind of the window’s operating system like Vista, XP, 7 and 8.so here is just simple and very easy trick to bypass the window login password. Some of the most difficult software to bypass the window login password .so let’s start with the just simple tricks and there are some following steps below.

STEP # 01:

Download the simple n easy software kon boot v1.1 software Download

STEP # 02:

Then simple you can enter a USB into your computer USB HUB then format it with the fat32 option and ticked quick format during the format. Like below

how to recover window password

STEP # 03:

 Enter the USB thumb device and the open Directory 1. Konbot 1.1/ Konbot 1.1/konusb like below and then you can see in the image like below run the file 2. konbootinstall   then finally command prompt open . Then Give your usb disk drive like picture below is 3. H. 
Bypass Window Password With Konboot

STEP # 04:

Then open your USB and check that the software is installing or not like below 

crack windows 7 password and crack windows password

STEP # 05:

 Now finally shutdowns the laptop o computer you want to bypass the login password and then open a boot option on a startup with USB.

STEP # 06:

 Then you will be sending the by laptop or computer to the login page where user put the password and username its bypass easily finally you done.

Important Note: 

Don’t try to hack or bypass any computer. It’s just for the Educational purpose or if you forget the password then how to recover your password .
2013, By: Seo Master

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seo Staying up to date with Google Code 2013

Seo Master present to you:

As the number of developers and projects have grown on Google Code, we've started thinking about how to get projects to learn from and work with each other. Today, we're happy to announce that we have made a few steps towards that goal.

First, we've added user update streams to make it easy to see what a particular user has been doing across Project hosting on Google Code. As an example, take a look at Ben Collins-Sussman's activities on his profile page. Ben works on Google Code, but it's obvious that he has other interests as well.

In addition, tracking open source projects and other developers is as easy as starring a project or a developer profile. Starring a project or developer adds a link in your new "Starred Projects" and "Starred Developers" section of your profile page, making it really easy to find those projects or developers again. Starred projects are also added to the new "My projects" drop-down, which makes it easy to navigate to a project from anywhere on the site.

Once a project or a developer is starred, all updates from starred projects and developers can be tracked by looking at your personalized updates.
For those that prefer to use their feed reader, use the following new feeds:
  • Updates for a user - http://code.google.com/feeds/u/{username}/updates/user/basic
  • Developers a user is tracking - http://code.google.com/feeds/u/{username}/updates/projects/basic
  • Projects a user is tracking - http://code.google.com/feeds/u/{username}/updates/developers/basic
As always, we look forward to your feedback.2013, By: Seo Master

seo What Is Shareware, Freeware, Adware, Demo, Commercial, Malware & Spyware Softwares 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Shareware/Trial Software:

            The software available for free downloads on the net is licensed in a number of different ways. "Shareware" licensed programs (sometimes referred to as "Free To Try", "Free Trial" or "Try Before You Buy") offer you a fully functional trial for a limited period of time (typically 30 days). Since you've tried a shareware program, you know whether it will meet your needs before you pay for it. If you like a shareware program and want to continue using it after the end of a trial period, you have to purchase the full unrestricted version. If on the other hand you do not wish to keep the software, you can just uninstall it.

Freeware/Free Software:

           Freeware programs are completely free to use and keep. They are either distributed for the love of humanity, for fame, or as stripped down versions of programs that do cost money. Always check the license agreement if you consider using the freeware application for anything than your personal use.


           Adware (advertising supported software) is a product that does not require any payments but in exchange displays ads on your PC. Instead of you having to pay for the software, the company creates revenue by bundling ads in the software product.

Demo Software:

           Demo programs are usually meant to give you a small taste of a large program. They usually contain only selected parts of the program while giving you ample functionality, allowing you to decide if its fully functional version (usually provided as a separate download that can be accessed after purchasing the software) will suit your needs.

Commercial Software:

          Commercial software is software being developed by a business which aims to make money from the use of the software. In most of cases it is a demonstrational copy released by the manufacturer to entice customers to buy their product. A commercial demo will usually only work for a short period of time and/or have certain functions disabled.


            Spyware is software that hides itself somewhere on your computer monitoring the behaviour of your activity on the web and passing this information on to advertisers. Spyware is often installed onto your PC when you download and install other software published as "Freeware" or as "Adware". It is strongly recommend that you read the end-user license agreement very carefully before you install any program. Often buried in the licence agreement will be a disclaimer saying that information about you and your browsing habits will be sent to third party advertising company.


          Malware (for "malicious software", syn. "Badware") is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent. It includes computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware, intrusive adware, and other unwanted software. Malware should not be confused with defective software, that is, software which has a legitimate purpose but contains harmful bugs.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Free iPad Apps for Kids - Keep Your Little Ones Busy with These Interesting Apps 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Kids love spending time with gadgets like iPads, laptops, and mobiles. There are many iPad apps that are specifically developed to make your child’s learning process simpler. While using these apps, they will gain knowledge and develop creative thinking.

Most of the kids love the Squiggles app. This app gives them a drawing playground, where they can paint with their fingers. They will be instructed on how to draw pictures. Your child might be asked to paint a zebra, lion, car, or any other thing they choose. Once they complete it, you could save the picture of your child’s creation.

Bugs and Numbers is a popular math app, which is designed to develop the math skills in toddlers. 18 mini games included in this app will help them learn different mathematics skills in an interesting way. As the player crosses different levels, the difficulty level will automatically increase.

Some of the skills that the player could easily learn include:
  • Fractions
  • Subtractions
  • Telling time
  • Addition
  • Division

Face iMake:

           Developed by Right Brain Creativity, this app is specially designed for kids of 4 years or more. Here, the player will get the chance to play with household items, food, and other accessories virtually. They will be given a blank canvas, which has to be filled with pots, pans, foodstuffs, and other things. Your child could use creativity to design a masterpiece. They can rotate the pictures and resize them, drag them, and do much more.

Play your favorite game on iPad:

          The Angry Birds app has become a favorite game among people of all age groups. A new version of the game, namely Star Wars Angry Birds has been introduced in the market. Every time you cross a level, your difficulty level will automatically increase and the game will become more complicated. This app has proved to be the best entertainment for kids.

Learn how to prepare cupcakes:

           Cupcake Maker app is loved by kids of all age groups. It allows your dear ones to prepare good cupcakes virtually. To prepare the cupcakes, they need to virtually mix water, eggs and other ingredients. Once they have prepared the batter, they need to put it inside the virtual oven. To complete the game, they could decorate cupcakes with icings, toppings, candles and other stuff. This app is ideal to enhance the creativity of your child.

Many of you might desire to tell your child the importance of healthy eating. Awesome Eating tool will make your task simpler. It explains kids of age 6 and above on how to select healthy food. The player will be provided with different virtual food stuffs like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, cookies and much more. They will be asked to drag and drop a particular food in the correct box. The 32 levels in this app will keep your kids busy. While playing, the tool will display useful information about good nutrition for the kids to read.

Author Bio:
          This post is written by Alex. As a blogger, I like to write about smartphone apps and their features. If you are looking to buy iTunes gift card online, feel free to visit my web site today.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Zynga closing three game 2013

Seo Master present to you: Zynga has revealed plans to close three titles: The Friend Game, Party Place, and CityVille 2.

On a positive note, Zynga said FarmVille 2 is exceeding expectations by 100% last quarter and generating $100 million in gross bookings since launch.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Why Does a Laptop Crash? The Top 9 Reasons 2013

Seo Master present to you:
A crash includes things like blue screens, random reboots and just randomly shutting down without a warning. It’s very disgusting for a laptop owner when his laptop refuses to work. There are several factors that lead to a laptop crash.


Viruses are one of the main causes of laptops crashes. The first sign of virus infection is system instability. Some viruses erase the boot sector data or even install themselves there. They can do serious damage to your laptop. So, make sure that you have installed an anti-virus on your system. A high quality antivirus can identify and remove a high percentage of viruses.

Faulty Hard Drive

Sometimes hard drive begins to breakdown due to defect or prolonged use, a laptop will crash and in few cases it may not start again. So, laptop owners must keep back up of their important data. Once they notice problems with their hard drive, they should have the part replaced with a new one.


Hard disk drives

 The information on the drives starts to become fragmented within few weeks. It is good to defragment a drive every week to prevent the screen freezes or slow speed. Use can use Windows’ Disk Defragmenter to defragment the information. It may take a long time depending on the amount of information on the drives.


CPUs are equipped with fans to keep them cool. If the fans fails to cool the CPU if may crash due to overheating. You can get better fans for your PC. So, that it does not over heat.

 Bad Programs

A common cause of a crash is bad-installed or faulty software. You can cure it by uninstalling the software and then reinstalling it. You can use CCleaner to uninstall the software and even remove the references in the system registry. You can also use CCleaner to clear useless data and even errors in system registry.

Dirt and Dust 

Make sure that your laptop is free of dirt and dust and all the fans are working properly because dirt and dust does not allow your computer to take up heavy tasks. You can clear the dirt and dust yourself by opening the machine.

Hardware Conflicts

Laptops can crash if it is receiving conflicting information. It’s not harmfully every time but can cause crashes. You can see if there’s a hardware conflict by opening the Device Manager. If a device has a problem a yellow ‘!’appears next to its description in the Device Manager.

Corrupt Drivers

If a driver has an error, it commands the hardware what to do. If they are not working properly, they can show up blue screen. These blue screens usually carry an error message. Once you find the corrupted driver you can search for an updated driver and install it.

Bad Memory or Motherboard

Some crashes that result in a blue screen of death (BSODS) occur because of memory or motherboard issue. It happens because the data that should be stored in memory could not be retrieved. You can test memory with a utility like Memtest86 and a built-in motherboard diagnostic tool.


 This list should provide you some insight why your laptop crashes. I hope this article has helped you.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Maxis Mobile Ltd brings affordable tablet 2013

Seo Master present to you: Maxis Mobile Ltd has launched its new Android Tablet in Bangladesh market.
The Maxis Android Tablet interface is designed to place their users in the center of social media revolution supporting popular social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Social networking services are best experienced with enhanced multimedia capabilities in a compact form.
The Tablet comes with a 7inch Gorilla LCD and a 5 point capacitive touch screen, Cortex A13 with 1.5 GHz processor and runs on Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich.
The Tablet is also 2G and 3G enabled modem supported and has Wi-Fi. It also features 1.5GB built-in memory which is expandable up to 32GB. It also has a front camera for video conferencing with preloaded Skype.
The tablet has a price tag of Tk 6, 500. 2013, By: Seo Master

seo HP business tablet Review 2013

Seo Master present to you:

http://www.thedailystar.net/photo/2013/02/01/2013-02-01__it03.jpgHP has introduced the HP ElitePad 900, a tablet that balances a beautiful design with enterprise-grade features, functionality, serviceability and support.
Designed for business and governments, it features the optional HP ElitePad Smart Jackets, (1) which add connectivity options and an additional ultra-slim battery for longer runtime along with specific add-ons that customize the tablet for specialized uses.
The HP ElitePad is an ultrathin, lightweight tablet designed for Windows 8.
Ergonomically shaped to fit comfortably in the hand, the HP ElitePad offers a 10.1-inch diagonal display, weighs just 0.68-kilos and measures 9.2 mm thin. The 16-by-10 aspect ratio maximises the display area for ideal viewing of traditional business applications, as well as video content. Precision crafted, with an eye toward fit and finish, the HP ElitePad uses stylish, premium materials such as CNC-machined aluminum and Corning Gorilla Glass 2.
Powered by next-generation Intel mobile processors, the ElitePad delivers PC productivity for those on the go and Intel x86 compatibility for existing business application support. It is optimised for Windows 8 and supports touch- and pen- input.
The HP ElitePad tablet has 1080p front-facing video camera and 8MP rear camera with an LED flash and its CyberLink YouCam software help users easily communicate face to face, create high-definition web videos or record training videos without high production costs.
The Pad will be available in the market by this month and the starting price of the ElitePad is USD $ 799.
The Pad also provides power efficiency and smartphone-style convenience with compatibility for familiar Windows applications, as well as easy integration into existing IT environments.
It offers the full serviceability, enhanced security and manageability found in HP Elite PCs, and military-grade durability for drops, vibration, dust, temperature extremes and high altitude.
“Businesses used to face a tough purchase decision: How to find a product that delights employees and help them more productive, while also making sure IT can secure and manage it,” said Christian Edmond Reyes, category manager, Printing and Personal Systems, HP AEC.
“The HP ElitePad meets all those tests. It combines the great style and user experience consumers demand with the features IT requires.” 2013, By: Seo Master
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