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seo Simple Template Blogger SEO Blogspot 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Thesis Seo Blogger Template 

Simple Template Blogger SEO Blogspot -  Beberapa dari Template yang saya share, mungkin yang ini bisa lebih banyak yang memakai dan mendownload. Template yang begitu keren dan menawan ini sangat banyak peminatnya, Desain template ini sangat simpel dengan 1 header dan sidebar kanan serta halaman posting. Kecepatan? untuk kecepatan tidak perlu di ragukan lagi karen template ini sangat minimalis dalam penggunaan gambar atau Image, jadi kecepatan penuh

Kelebihan dari Template Ini :
  • Fast Loading
  • Simple
  • Read More otomatis
  • Komentar yang simpel
  • Widget Search Box
Oh iya, panduan buat mengedit  blog ini sudah tertera di Notepad. :)
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Template Blogger By Bamz.us Version 0-5 2013

    Seo Master present to you: Template Blogger By Bamz.us  - Kali ini saya akan berbagi Template gratis dari Bamz.us. Sebenarnya template ini bisa jadi 1 versi, cuma biar ga bingung mau download yang mana, jadi saya bedakan versinya. Tapi untuk fitur atau tampilan mungkin hampir sama. Yang membedakan hanyalah tata letak sidebar. Ada yang menggunakan 1 sidebar kanan, ada yang 2 sidebar juga bahkan ada yang saya buat sidebar tersebut berada di kanan dan kiri. 3 Template Seo Friendly ini tidak banyak menggunakan gambar dan loading sudah maximal untuk sebuah blog personal. Oh yah lebar widget sudah di sesuaikan untuk anda yang ingin memasang iklan. Berhubung sekarang google adsense sudah support bahasa indonesia, jadi tidak ada salahnya template ini sudah tersedia ruang untuk penempatan iklan google.

    Susunan mulai dari header, menu, sidebar, content dan footer saya buat serapi mungkin. Dan mungkin ini juga bisa membantu agar bot google tidak kebingungan menjelajahi situs atau blog sobat. Insyaallah pagerank dan sitelink google akan menemani pengguna template ini wkkwkw.

    Ok's sobat, buat yang berminat bisa langsung download templatenya di bawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat dan sukses dengan blognya.

    Template B-Seo Versi 0

    Bamz Style Blogger Template

    Template B-Seo Versi 1

    Seo Elite Blogger Template

    Template B-Seo Versi 2

    Thesis Seo Blogger Template

    Template B-Seo Versi 3

    B-Seo Versi 3 Blogger Template Seo Friendly
    Template ini didesain 2 kolom dan tidak ada perubahan banyak pada template ini dari template sebelumnya yaitu B-Seo Versi 2. Adapun perubahannya hanya susunan HTML seperti yang saya jelaskan di atas.

    Template B-Seo Versi 4

    B-Seo Versi 4 Blogger Template Seo Friendly
    Pada template ini ada sedikit perubahan yaitu penambahan sidebar di bagian kanan, sehingga menjadi 3 kolom. Dan content sedikit di persempit, tapi all hasil masih cocok untuk blog yang senang dengan ruang untuk iklan.

    Template B-Seo Versi 5

    B-Seo Versi 5 Blogger Template Seo Friendly
    Nah kalau template yang versi ini di desain menjadi 3 kolum dengan penempatan sidebar di kanan dan kiri. Ruang untuk iklan lebih bagus dan menarik. Oh yah kotak pencarian juga sudah tersedia di semua versi. Jadi sobat tidak perlu membuat atau kebingungan untuk membuatnya sendiri.

    Menurut saya pribadi ke 3 template di atas sudah cukup tepat untuk para blogger sekarang yang sudah bisa membuat blognya menjadi ladang penghasilan, yaitu dengan pemasaran baik periklanan (dari Google) maupun pribadi.

    Untuk sobat yang sudah menggunakan template ini, saya ingin mendapatkan feedback atau komentar entah kritik atau saran. Sehingga nanti bisa tercipta lagi template dengan versi baru dan tentunya dengan fitur atau manfaat yang lebih baik dari sekarang. Terima kasih untuk sobat yang tetap menghargai karya dengan tetap membiarkan link kredit melekat di blog sobat. Hal itu juga menambah semangat buat saya untuk selalu berkarya dan bisa bermanfaat untuk anda semua. 2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Three new APIs for Google Apps Script 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    By Jacob Moshenko and Gustavo Moura, Software Engineers

    In January of this year we launched BigQuery integration with Google Apps Script. What we didn’t mention was that we were building this on top of our Google APIs Discovery Service. Thanks to the ease and flexibility of writing clients based on this API, today we’re announcing integration with three more APIs, and revamping our BigQuery support.

    As of now, we have also integrated the Tasks API, Prediction API, and URL Shortener API in addition to the BigQuery API. You can now include these APIs in your scripts, apps, and sites pages. As with other Apps Script services, we handle all of the server communications as well as authorization, which makes this a great way to build mashups and workflows using our APIs.

    To get started, simply enable the APIs you’re interested in from the "Use Google API services" menu in the script editor.

    Using this feature will prompt you to save your script. Once you have done so, the Google APIs Services dialog will appear and you can choose which APIs to use, which versions to use, and what name to use when referencing them from your scripts.

    After you complete this step, the API methods will be automatically populated as you type using the standard Apps Script autocomplete mechanism. For detailed information about each API, visit our reference documentation. We have also created a tutorial with a simple, fun application to help you get started using scripts.

    As we iron out this new technology and listen to your feedback we plan to aggressively integrate even more APIs. If you have any questions or experience any problems let us know on our support forum.

    Jacob Moshenko is a Software Engineer working on the Google APIs developer experience. He believes that Google APIs should be easy to use, especially from Google platforms.

    Gustavo Moura has been a Software Engineer at Google since 2007. He has been part of the Google Docs team since 2009. Prior to that, he worked on AdWords.

    Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Retiring the Google Documents List API v3 2013

    Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Ali Afshar, Tech Lead, Google Drive Developer Relations

    Cross-posted from the Google Apps Developer Blog

    With the arrival of the new Google Drive API v2, we are deprecating the Google Documents List API v3. We are confident that the Google Drive API covers all the functionality of the Documents List API, in addition to adding many improvements, including Drive UI Integration, a finer grained security model, and a better client library experience.

    What does this mean for your app?

    The Documents List API v3 will remain in action for more than a year, as per our deprecation policy, so there’s no rush, but we encourage you to migrate your code to the new platform. Documentation is available with samples in multiple languages and a migration guide outlining some of the major transition points.

    If you have any questions or issues, please ask them on StackOverflow.com, where our team is waiting to hear from you.

    Ali Afshar is an eternal open source advocate. He contributes to a number of open source applications, and is the author of the PIDA Python IDE. Once an intensive care physician, he has a special interest in all aspects of technology for healthcare.

    Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Registration Opens for fall 2009 Google Developer Days 2013

    Seo Master present to you: We are excited to open registration for our second round of Google Developer Day events this year:
    Both events will offer opportunities to learn the latest about our APIs and developer tools, including Android, Google Chrome, Google Wave, App Engine, AJAX APIs and more. There will also be time for developers to socialize - whether at "office hours" or the "after hours".  You'll be able to chat about your latest project or discuss that brain-busting question with fellow developers and Google engineers.

    Similar to our Google I/O event in the US, the Developer Days will host a developer sandbox area, highlighting partners who have used Google developer products to build their own unique applications.  You can also take the opportunity to share a project or coding experience during our lightning talks. We look forward to seeing what developers bring to the table this year!

    Space is limited so register soon!

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Google Developer Day Registration Now Open for Brazil 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    As promised, registration for our Sao Paulo Google Developer Day is now open. Developer Day in Brazil takes place on October 29, 2010. More details on sessions and speaker bios are now available on the site.

    Follow @googledevbr (hashtag: #gddbr) to stay updated on developer news in Brazil.

    UPDATE: Registration closes on Sep 28, 2010.

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Getting started on the Google+ API 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    By Chris Chabot, Google+ Developer Relations

    Cross-posted with the Google+ Platform Blog

    The Google+ project brings the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to software. The Google+ platform brings that nuance and richness to all of the web. We started with Google’s own products, added the +1 button for site owners and content publishers, and introduced games from a handful of partners. That’s just the beginning though — we want every one of you who builds applications to be able to include rich sharing, identity, and conversations in your app. Today, we’re taking the next step on that journey by launching the first of the Google+ APIs.

    Let's Go Public

    Google+ gives users full control over their information, supporting everything from intimate conversations with family to public showcases and debates. This initial API release is focused on public data only — it lets you read information that people have shared publicly on Google+. For example, if you want to get my profile information, you can use the people.get method by sending the following HTTP request:

    GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/108189587050871927619?key=yourAPIKey

    which returns the following JSON encoded output (excerpted for brevity):
    "kind": "plus#person",
    "id": "108189587050871927619",
    "displayName": "Chris Chabot",
    "image": {
    "url": "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-cQNLOQzkGpE/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAEjo/M9_pXL-ra4Q/photo.jpg"
    "organizations": [
    "name": "Google+ Developer Relations",
    "title": "Developer Advocate & Manager",
    "type": "work"
    Similarly, you can get a list of my most recent public posts by using the activities.list method:

    GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/108189587050871927619/activities/public?key=yourAPIKey

    Because we’re starting with public data only, you simply need to register your app before making requests. And if you aren't yet sure which Google+ user is running your app (for example, because they're installing it for the first time), then you can use the new plus.me OAuth2 scope to ask the user who they are.

    After your application has requested this scope, you can use the special “me” identifier rather than the long numeric identifier:

    GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me

    On The Shoulders of Giants

    We love the way the programmable web has evolved, so we’re using existing standards and best practices wherever we can:
    • Our API methods are RESTful HTTP requests which return JSON responses.
    • Our payload formats use standard syntax (e.g. PoCo for people info, ActivityStrea.ms for activities).
    • We use OAuth 2 for secure trusted access to user data.
    In addition, since most of us no longer write raw HTTP requests these days, we provide libraries for your favorite language: Java, GWT, Python, Ruby, PHP, Objective-C, and .NET. These libraries are all open source, so we’d love to have your feedback and help with them.


    You can find more information about the Google+ platform, including today’s new APIs to public data, at developers.google.com/+ on our new Google Developers site. This site will be the place to go for access to documentation, terms and policies, discussions with other developers, tools that make development on the +Platform easier and more fun and, of course, the place where announcements concerning new releases will be made.

    Included in our policies are three simple guidelines that we aspire to in our own products, and that we’d like all applications built on the Google+ platform to follow also: put the user first, be transparent, and respect user data. The goal behind these guidelines, as with all of the features and fine print, is to work together to build products that our users will love.

    And now …

    For all of you developers who have been asking for a Google+ API, this is the start. Experiment with it. Build apps on it. Give us your feedback and ideas. This is just the beginning; the Google+ platform will grow and we value your input as we move Google+ forward.

    Follow the conversation on Google+.

    Chris Chabot is a Developer Advocate on the Google+ Team.

    Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Prediction API: Make smart apps even smarter 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    Since its announcement at Google I/O, the Google Prediction API has seen an outstanding response from the developer community. Developers participating in the Prediction API preview are already using it to identify spam, categorize news, and more.

    Today we’re adding new features to the Prediction API to make your apps even smarter:

    Multi-category prediction: Imagine you’re writing a news aggregator that suggests articles based on the kinds of stories the user has read before. Previously, using the Prediction API, each article could only be tagged with one label - the most pertinent one. For example, an article about a new truck might be labeled as “truck,” but not “roomy” or “quiet.” Now articles can be tagged with all of those labels, with the labels ranked by pertinence, enabling your app to make better recommendations.

    Continuous Output: You’d like to create a wine recommendation app. Matching a wine to personal preferences is a tricky task, dependent on many factors, including origin, grape, age, growing environment, and flavor presence. Previously, your app could only label wine as “good,” “decent,” “bad,” or some other set of pre-defined values. Using the new continuous output option, your app can provide a fine-grained ranking of wines based on how well they fit the user’s preferences.

    Mixed Inputs: You’re creating an automatic moderator for your blog. You could already classify incoming posts automatically based on comment text and the username of the poster (text inputs), but not the number of times they’ve posted before or the number of users that have liked their posts (numeric inputs). We’ve now added support for mixed inputs, so both numeric and text data can be incorporated in your moderation helper, greatly improving accuracy and letting you get back to making content rather than managing it.

    Combining Continuous Output with Mixed Inputs: To further enhance your automatic moderator, you can use continuous output to set thresholds for automatic posting, automatic rejection and manual moderation, further reducing your workload.

    You can get all the details about these and other new features on the Prediction API website. We are continuing to offer the Prediction API as a preview to a limited number of developers. There is no charge for using the service during the preview. To learn more and sign up for an invitation, please join the waitlist.

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Registration opens for Google Developer Day Tel Aviv 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    By Amir Shevat, Developer Relations

    Registration for Google Developer Day in Tel Aviv is now open! To sign up, visit the GDD Tel Aviv webpage , click Register Now, and fill out the form. We hope to see you at GDD 2011 in Israel.

    Amir Shevat is a Developer Relations Program Manager for Google. He is an Open Source developer at heart and fully licensed geek.

    Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo HTML LESSON 03 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    For write any thing italic you can write code as:

    My Page
    welcome on <i>Futurelearning4u</i>.blogspot.com

    For write any thing underline in html you can write as:

    My Page
    welcome on <u>Futurelearning4u</u>.blogspot.com


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    2013, By: Seo Master
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