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seo What to expect in SEO in the coming months 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Bear in mind that this is a very rough estimate, because priorities, projects, and timing can change based on a lot of different factors. But I hope this gives folks a ballpark idea of what to expect in the coming months as far as what my team is working on.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo list of free classified sites in usa 2013

Seo Master present to you:

USA classified sites | free usa classified 

  1. http://www.usfreeads.com/
  2. http://www.craiglist.org/
  3. http://www.backpage.com/
  4. http://www.ablewise.com/
  5. http://www.bestwayclassifieds.com/?affid=129529
  6. http://www.adlandpro.com/Default.aspx?rep=cosmos11
  7. http://epage.com/js/epmain.jsp
  8. http://cosmos11.adpost.com/
  9. http://www.buysellcommunity.com/
  10. http://www.adsinusa.com/
  11. http://www.porkypost.com/
  12. http://www.free2postads.com/
  13. http://www.classifieds.org/
  14. http://walmart.oodle.com/
  15. http://www.gosasa.com/
  16. http://www.locanto.com/
  17. http://www.ezclassifieds.com/
  18. http://www.ebayclassifieds.com/
  19. http://www.adquest3d.com/main.cfm?brd=1
  20. http://www.domesticsale.com/
  21. http://www.adsglobe.com/
  22. http://www.abadoo.org/
  23. http://www.freeclassifiedsonline.net/
  24. http://classifieds.projectvisionary.com/
  25. http://www.targro.com/
  26. http://www.classifiedads.com/alabama-r138.html
  27. http://www.qmetro.com/
  28. http://www.classifiedsforfree.com/
  29. http://migpro.1-family.com/
  30. http://www.freeadscity.com/
  31. http://www.salespider.com/
  32. http://www.stumblehere.com/
  33. http://www.adoos.com/
  34. http://www.recycler.com/
  35. http://www.oodle.com/
  36. http://www.beatyourprice.com/
  37. http://www.adeex.us/
  38. http://www.freeadlists.com/
  39. http://www.ajcclassifieds.com/
  40. http://www.webcosmo.com/
  41. http://www.denversale.com/
  42. http://diggclassifieds.com/
  43. http://www.50statesclassifieds.com/
  44. http://www.supershopper.org/
  45. http://www.supershopper.org/
  46. http://www.mytownads.com/
  47. http://www.patsula.com/smallbizportal/classifieds/
  48. http://www.zikbay.com/
  49. http://www.adjingo.com/
  50. http://www.treidr.com/
  51. http://www.wildfireclassifieds.com/
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Meet your technical writers at I/O 2013

Seo Master present to you:

The Google technical writers who write for code.google.com and developer.android.com will be attending Google I/O—and we’re eager to meet the developers who use Google APIs. Look out for us at Google I/O. We’ll be wearing spiffy colorful T-shirts that say “I can explain Google to you.”

Stop us in the hallways or drop by one of our office hour sessions for a chat. We want to hear how you learn about an API, what’s missing from our docs, and how we can help you code faster and smarter. See you at I/O!

posted by the Google EngDocs writing team2013, By: Seo Master

seo Keynote and session videos from Google I/O now live 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Mike Winton, Director of Developer Relations

With Google I/O 2011 just two days behind us, we wanted to thank the nearly one million developers who joined us at Moscone Center, attended I/O Extended events, and watched online via I/O Live from 161 countries around the world. In addition to the announcements made at the keynote presentations, we had more than 30 announcements in our 110 sessions. HD recordings of all these sessions are now available online. Here are some of the announcements:
Highlights from this year’s event are posted at www.google.com/io, where we are featuring photos, announcements, and the latest videos. Also, stay tuned for a feature on “Backstage at Google I/O” where we will highlight the developers and artists who helped to make the event possible this year.

Google I/O kicks off the year as our biggest developer event--but we’re only getting started. As of today, we are announcing locations for our eight Google Developer Days (GDDs), which will take place all over the world with more than a few DevFests in between. Stay tuned for more info on the 2011 event details, but we’ll look forward to seeing you in Brazil, Argentina, Prague, Moscow, Tokyo, Sydney, Israel and Germany for our Google Developer Team world tour.

Mike Winton founded and leads Google's global Developer Relations organization. He also enjoys spending time with his family and DJing electronic music.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Updates To .NET Library For The Google Analytics API 2013

Seo Master present to you: We’re incredibly proud of the diversity of applications and tools making use of the Google Analytics Export API. We also know that several of you have been asking about our .NET client library and requesting sample code.

So we’re happy to announce we’ve updated the .NET Google Data client library to support all our recent features.

In addition, we’ve added 2 reference examples for both the Account Feed and Data Feed which show how to pull advanced segment, custom variable, and goal data from the API. As you can see from the examples, this client library makes pulling data from the Export API incredibly easy.

Now that the .NET developers among you have this library, what will you use it for? Fancy visualizations? Automated reporting? Extreme data mining? Let us know in the comments, or bounce a few ideas off your peers in the Google Analytics Data Export API group!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Contextual Discovery: The Next Generation of Location-Based Services 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. This guest post is written by Aloqa’s Head of Client Development Matthias Schicker who will be demoing as part of the Developer Sandbox.

In the last few years, the mobile industry has overcome several infrastructure hurdles that location-based services (LBS) have historically faced -- cheap, small GPS receivers have become ubiquitous, CellID / Wifi positioning has become available on platforms like Android and iPhone, and some carriers have even started to make location information available. Not surprisingly, a wave of LBSs has been unleashed in the market. Yet LBS has still not lived up to its much vaunted promise.

The reason, we believe, is that most location services are still "reactive" -- they treat the phone like a PC. The user is required to launch an application that returns information based on the user's location. While these "finder" services are certainly useful, with Aloqa, we believe we are striking at the core of three things that are fundamentally wrong with mobile LBS today:

1. Mobile phones shouldn't have to be used as browsers. A phone is an interrupt-based device that is intended to alert you - ring when someone calls or buzz when an SMS comes in. It should "proactively notify" you, as obtrusively or unobtrusively as you'd like, of content, people, and places in your surroundings. So you never miss an opportunity to socialize, play, work, shop, watch a show, or just grab a coffee with a friend.

2. Location is only one part of a user's current "context". Historically, "location" has been used a little too simplistically by mobile apps. The canonical LBS example is to walk by a Starbucks and get a coupon sent to your phone. Even ignoring the fact that Starbucks doesn't even have coupons, if all we got all day from mobile apps is aggressive ads of various kinds, of course we would hate "LBS" too.

Location is just one component of a user's context. Who the user is, what they like, the time of day, their social graph - these are all important inputs to context as well. Your phone can be trained in a much smarter way to know you and therefore is a perfect device to give you "Context Based Services".

3. Point applications are good but it's getting beaten to death by a thousand apps. Restaurants, toilets, bars, music, events, even friend finders - why have separate apps for them? This information should just be available to users at their fingertips and at once, and without having to launch individual applications and type into them.

Aloqa is a mobile service that proactively notifies you of a variety of interesting opportunities around you: places, events, bargains, friends and activities. A kind of universal "context based inbox" for all the world's location relevant content and services.
  • Instead of having to search, you can just look at your phone and see your local hotspots, events of interest, and recommended bargains.
  • Users can customize Aloqa and decide which Aloqa "channels" they want from our "channel store".
  • Using our API, publishers can create a channel and use our universal inbox for context relevant notifications, be it for biking trails, or popular bars where Pittsburgh Steelers fans congregate.

If you have an Android phone, you can download Aloqa through the Android Market or scan this QR code to the left. To try our dev tools, go to http://dev.aloqa.com. We’d love to hear your feedback, and if you’re going to I/O, be sure to stop by the Developer Sandbox to see our demo!

posted by Matthias Schicker, Head of Client Development at Aloqa2013, By: Seo Master

seo Gmail for mobile HTML5 Series - Part 3: Using AppCache to Launch Offline 2013

Seo Master present to you: On April 7th, Google launched a new version of Gmail for mobile for iPhone and Android-powered devices built on HTML5. We shared the behind-the-scenes story through this blog and decided to share more of our learnings in a brief series of follow up blog posts. In the last two posts, we covered everything you need to know in order to make effective use of AppCache. This week, we'll be having some fun and trying to disect the inner workings of AppCache by looking at the database it uses to store its resources. Before we start though, I'd like to point out one tip that can be useful while debugging AppCache related problems on the iPhone: how to clear your Application Cache.

There are two steps involved here:
  1. Go to Settings->Safari and tap "Clear Cache".
  2. Open Safari and terminate it by holding down the home screen button for 10 seconds.
The first step is pretty intuative. The problem is that the browser does not immediately notice that the cache has been cleared, and so needs to be restarted.

Now onto the fun stuff! There is no way to inspect the application cache from within the browser. However, if you are using the iPhone Simulator to develop your webapp, you can find all of the Application Cache resources and metadata in a SQLite3 database located at:

~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Library/Caches/com.apple.WebAppCache/ApplicationCache.db

Let's have a look at what is contained within this database.

$ sqlite3 ApplicationCache.db
SQLite version 3.4.0
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .tables
CacheEntries CacheResourceData CacheWhitelistURLs FallbackURLs
CacheGroups CacheResources Caches SchemaVersion
sqlite> select * from CacheGroups;
id manifestHostHash manifestURL newestCache
---------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------- -----------
1 906983082 http://mail.google.com/mail/s/?v=ma&name=sm 1

The CacheGroups table holds an overview of what manifests exist. A manifest is identified by its URL and the manifestHostHash is used to track when the contents of a manifest changes.

sqlite> select * from Caches;
id cacheGroup
---------- ----------
1 1

Here you can see that I have only one cache in my database. If the Application Cache was in the middle of updating the cache, there would be a second entry listed here for the cache currently being downloaded.

sqlite> select * from CacheEntries limit 1;
cache type resource
---------- ---------- ----------
1 2 1

The CacheEntries table holds a one-to-many relationship between a cache and resources within it.

sqlite> select * from CacheResources where id=1;
id url statusCode responseURL
---------- ------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------------------
1 http://mail.google.com/mail/s/?v=ma&name=sm 200 http://mail.google.c...

mimeType textEncodingName headers data
------------------- ---------------- --------------
text/cache-manifest utf-8

sqlite> .schema CacheResourceData

This shows what information is stored for each resources listed in a manifest. As you can see the CacheResources and CacheResourceData tables contain everything that is needed in order to simulate a network response to a request for a resource. Let's see exactly what is stored in the database for Mobile Gmail's database.

sqlite> select type,url,mimeType,statusCode from CacheEntries,CacheResources where resource=id;
type url mimeType statusCode
---------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------
2 http://mail.google.com/mail/s/?v=ma&name=sm text/cache-manifest 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/xls.gif image/gif 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/pdf.gif image/gif 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/ppt.gif image/gif 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/sound.gif image/gif 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/doc.gif image/gif 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/graphic.gif image/gif 200
1 http://mail.google.com/mail/s text/html 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/generic.gif image/gif 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/zip.gif image/gif 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/html2.gif image/gif 200
4 http://mail.google.com/mail/images/txt.gif image/gif 200

From this list, it is fairly easy to see what the meaning of the type field is. A host page has type 1, a manifest has type 2, and a normal resource has type 4. In order to know whether or not to load a page using AppCache, the browser checks this list to see if there is a URL of type 1 within it.

This concudes our three-part series on HTML5's Application Cache. Stay tuned for the next post where we will explore other areas of how we use HTML5 in Gmail. And just another reminder that we'll be at Google I/O, May 27-28 in San Francisco presenting a session on how we use HTML5. We'll also be available at the Developer Sandbox, looking forward to meeting you in person.

The HTML5 working draft: http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html

Apple's MobileSafari documentation: http://developer.apple.com/webapps/docs/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariJSRef/DOMApplicationCache/DOMApplicationCache.html

Webkit Source Code: http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebCore/loader/appcache

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Dreams in 3D: a WebGL experience for the modern browser 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Ricardo Cabello (aka Mr.doob), Google Data Arts Team

Last August, we released “The Wilderness Downtown”, a music experience that brought together HTML5 and JavaScript, as well as the Google Maps and Street View APIs. Today, we’re excited to introduce our newest project, “3 Dreams of Black”, made with WebGL, HTML5 and JavaScript, and designed for modern browsers like Google Chrome. We previewed this music experience yesterday with web developers at Day 2 of the Google I/O keynote.

“3 Dreams of Black” takes you on a journey through three dream worlds constructed through a combination of rich 2D drawings and animations interwoven with interactive 3D sequences. Throughout various points in these dream worlds, you can grab your mouse and guide the protagonist’s point of view through the experience. This music experience also includes a 3D model creator that allows you to create your own relics and contribute to the shared collective dream. “3 Dreams of Black” is written and directed by Chris Milk, and developed with a few folks here at Google.

In creating “3 Dreams of Black”, we’ve had the opportunity to build many tools, libraries, and models. We’ve fully opened up the source code and made it available for web developers to tinker with us at www.ro.me/tech. In addition to the code, a few other highlights include eight WebGL demos, a fun model viewer for interacting with some of the animals from the web experience, and the Three.js 3D library used for building the experience. In addition, a big part of the project was to define a good pipeline for getting all the animals and environment models right in WebGL -- for this, we extended Blender with custom plugins so we could manipulate and export the data with ease.

“3 Dreams of Black” is set to the song “Black” off the album ROME, presented by Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi, featuring Jack White and Norah Jones on vocals, to be released soon on the record label EMI. Because it’s built in WebGL, it requires a WebGL-supported browser like Chrome, and Windows Vista / Mac OS X 10.6 and above to help ensure that your computer has the necessary and up-to-date graphics drivers. We hope you’ll take a moment to dive into the experience and the developer resources at www.ro.me

Ricardo Cabello is a designer/developer in the Google Data Arts Team. He is the creator of several popular Chrome Experiments, including Google Gravity, Ball Pool, and Harmony.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Announcing Eclipse Labs 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Many of us here at Google, along with the open source community, use the Eclipse IDE when we develop for Android, App Engine, and Google Chrome. We also have a lot of Google engineers that use Eclipse to build our own internal products. So, when the Eclipse Foundation approached us with an idea to encourage the Eclipse ecosystem, we were very happy to help.

Today, we’re excited to announce the result of our collaboration: a Beta version of Eclipse Labs powered by Google Project Hosting, a single place where anyone can start and maintain their open source projects based on the Eclipse platform with just a few clicks.

The goal of Eclipse Labs is to improve the visibility of unofficial add-on projects. We hope that this will help Eclipse users find those projects quickly and that it will help popular projects get on the path to becoming Eclipse Foundation projects. For more information, see the Eclipse Foundation’s blog post.

To get this community started, we’re eager to seed Eclipse Labs with Eclipse add-on projects currently on Google Code. If you have an add-on for Eclipse that you would like to move to Eclipse Labs from Google Code, please let us know by filing a migration request.

Here are a few projects that have already migrated:Let us know what you think in our developer forum and if you’re attending Google I/O, be sure to drop by the Developer Sandbox for Eclipse or visit the Google Project Hosting team during office hours.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Data Sensing Lab at Google I/O 2013: Google Cloud Platform meets the Internet of Things 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Michael Manoochehri, Developer Programs Engineer, Google Cloud Platform

Cross-posted with the Google Cloud Platform Blog

After last year's Google I/O conference, the Google Cloud Platform Developer Relations team started to think about how attendees experienced the event. We wanted to help attendees gain more insight about the conference space and the environment itself. Which developer Sandboxes were the busiest? Which were the loudest locations, and which were the best places to take a quick nap? We think about data problems all the time, and this looked like an interesting big data challenge that we could try to solve. So this year, we decided to try to answer our questions with a project that's a bit different, kind of futuristic, and maybe a little crazy.

Since we love open source hardware hacking as much as we love to share open source code, we decided to team up with the O'Reilly Data Sensing Lab to deploy hundreds of Arduino-based environmental sensors at Google I/O 2013. Using software built with the Google Cloud Platform, we'll be collecting and visualizing ambient data about the conference, such as temperature, humidity, air quality, in real time! Altogether, the sensors network will provide over 4,000 continuous data streams over a ZigBee mesh network managed by Device Cloud by Etherios.

photo of sensors

In addition, our motes will be able to detect fluctuations in noise level, and some will be attached to footstep counters, to understand collective movement around the conference floor. Of course, since a key goal of Google I/O is to promote innovation in the open, the project's Cloud Platform code, the Arduino hardware designs, and even the data collected, will be open source and available online after the conference.

Google Cloud Platform, which provides the software backend for this project, has a variety of features for building applications that collect and process data from a large number of client devices - without having to spend time managing hardware or infrastructure. Google App Engine Datastore, along with Cloud Endpoints, provides a scalable front end API for collecting data from devices. Google Compute Engine is used to process and analyse data with software tools you may already be familiar with, such as R and Hadoop. Google BigQuery provides fast aggregate analysis of terabyte datasets. Finally, App Engine's web application framework is able to surface interactive visualizations to users.

Networked sensor technology is in the early stages of revolutionizing business logistics, city planning, and consumer products. We are looking forward to sharing the Data Sensing Lab with Google I/O attendees, because we want to show how using open hardware together with the Google Cloud Platform can make this technology accessible to anyone.

With the help of the Google Maps DevRel team, we'll be displaying visualizations of interesting trends on several screens around the conference. Members of the Data Sensing Lab will be on hand in the Google I/O Cloud Sandbox to show off prototypes and talk to attendees about open hardware development. Lead software developer Amy Unruh and Kim Cameron from the Cloud Platform Developer Relations team will talk about how we built the software involved in this project in a talk called "Behind the Data Sensing Lab". In case you aren't able to attend Google I/O 2013, this session will be available online after the conference. Learn more about the Google Cloud Platform on our site, and to dive in to building applications, check out our developer documentation.

Michael Manoochehri is a Developer Programs Engineer supporting the Google Cloud Platform. He is passionate about making cloud computing and data analysis universally accessible and useful.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Here's Exactly How Your IPhone Can Save You Money Around The House 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Who doesn’t want an excellent deal on everything? In today’s world of smartphones and amazing applications associated with them, your iPhone can be a gateway to an entire world of saving on every sort of services and products imaginable. All you need to do is gain some information on the applications that can prove to be effective in saving your money.

We have outlined below some incredible iPhone applications that have proven over time that money can be saved with little effort. The apps discussed below are chosen from a variety of different categories in order to help you save on almost everything from fancy shoes to hotels.

1.) Pushpins (Immediate Grocery Savings)

Price: Free

Clipping different grocery coupons is not easy and highly time-consuming. For one thing, you need to sort them through your newspaper and junk mail. Then you need to browse through all the coupons and decide what you need to purchase. And finally, you spend hours and hours cutting them out and arranging them according to your requirements for the next trip to the grocery store.

The Pushpins app has made it much easier for you buy groceries at a discounted price. All you need to do is go to the grocery store and scan the items you want to buy. The saving coupon, if available, is automatically added to the shopper card. The app applied the coupon to the register for you. Are you ready to ditch those annoying pair of scissors? Check out Pushpins!!!

2.) Groupon

Price: Free

Groupon has proved to be one of the most popular iPhone applications so far. It has been a huge hit with all the iPhone owners. Did you know that Groupon has been among the most discussed saving applications last year? The basic idea of this application is to find and buy great deals in your vicinity. Buying a coupon might seen unusual and a little strange to your at first, but the savings that comes with are normally obvious enough to make you realize whether or not you are getting an excellent deal.

A typical Groupon deal might include 20 USD in food at any local restaurant for just 10 USD, which is incredible when you plan to eat out often. Although it is an amazing saving application, it might not work very well for the areas that are not highly populated. However, if you live in a metro city, you would definitely be benefiting from it, and you are highly recommended to download Groupon app for iPhone right away…

3.) Coupons.com

Price: Free

Whoever loves to save their hard earned money loves on coupon.com. This website gives you loads of printable coupons that can easily be applied to your shopper card. This app might fall a little short of the entire website, but if you are interested in coupons immediately, it is the only way to do so. It is a free iPhone app that makes even more desirable. If you are a big fan of coupons, we recommend you to download this app immediately.

4.) GasBuddy (Makes it easier for you to find cheap gas prices)

Price: 2.99 USD

Who doesn’t hate overpaying at the gas station? As the gas prices soar higher than before, you have incentive to look around and find an ideal deal before filling up your tank. Fuel Finder, formerly known as GasBuddy, is an amazing iPhone application that makes it easier to save cash every time the gauge hits E.

Although GasBuddy.com offers you a free official app now, many users still prefer Fuel finder’s robust features and slick interface. Fuel Finder not only shows you the cheapest gas place, but also tells you about the cheapest stations in your area. It also comes with a customized savings calculator that helps you save money on your car. Above all, if you fail to make it to the specified gas station, this iPhone application connects you to roadside assistance. Also, it enables you to get in touch with your account at the website, which allows you to get the finest of both worlds.

5.) Scandit

Price: Free

The idea behind this application is very simple: you are in the store thinking about purchasing a particular product. The product can be anything from a television to a book. You wonder if the store you are standing in is giving you the best deal in the town as they claim. All you need to do is whip your iPhone out and snap a shot of the barcode. It will show you the prices of the same product at other stores near you plus the costs offered by the online retailers.

There are a great number of applications with similar functionality available on the App store, but his particular iPhone app is both popular and free. With tons of positive ratings from thousands of satisfied customers, Scandit is one of the finest in this category. If you want to be a savvy shopper, it is time for you to download this app!

6.) Happy Hours

Price: Free

Whether you are family man searching for a suitable place to take your family or kids or a causal drinker looking for places to hand out, Happy Hours app is going to cater you well. It provides you with all the necessary information related to the restaurant in your area. Far beyond special deals on drinks, Happy Hours app normally comes with finest deals on delicious desserts and classy appetizers.

With this awesome iPhone app, it is incredibly simple to find specials in your neighborhood. It also comes with a filter that lets you know about the venues with specialized amenities like live entertainment and free Wi-Fi service.

7.) SalesCast

Price: Free

Do you have a little more sophisticated interested than groceries and cheap gas stations? SalesCast is the app to download! It helps you find discounted offers on many online retailing websites that specialize in high-end fashion, such as Billion Dollar Babes, HauteLook, Rue La La, Ideeli, and Candy’s Swirl.

Author Bio:
Matt Grant is a veteran freelance writer who is passionate about technology and its daily usefulness. He has also worked for many businesses like Steel-Line among others.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Make A Banner To Your Website With html Code 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Basic code

I would first suggest you set it up so that you can run your banner off of their site. If your banner is being run on their pages, from your server, there are a ton of things that can go wrong. But if you are running your banner on their pages, off of their server, there are still things that can go wrong, just not as many.

Don't get fancy with the code. Don't try to run an applet or any fancy image flip deals. Simple is easiest. Here's the basic code. I feel this is sufficient.


<A HREF="www.yoursite.com/yourpage.html">
<IMG SRC="banner.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" ALT="Come to my page!">


But a lot of people like the onMouseOver look where text pops up in the status bar. I think it's a bit much and might cause problems, but here it is before you ask.


<A HREF="www.yoursite.com/yourpage.html" onMouseOver="window.status='TEXT IN STATUS BAR'; return true">
<IMG SRC="banner.gif" BORDER="0" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" ALT="Come to my page!"></A>



Create free banners online

Create free banners online easily for your Myspace, Youtube, or just about any otherwebsite! Make your own banner and get the html code to display it on other ...

Click Here

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
Copy this code to your website to display my banner!



Follow the instruction and save the html code. It can be used for promotion of your website.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Social Media Places Greater Emphasis On Password Security 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Social Media Places Greater Emphasis On Password Security
Social media websites like Facebook are often populated by hackers and scammers. 
Social media websites like Facebook and Twitter are accessed by millions of people each day, making them a prime target for scammers and hackers alike. Some consumers have already experienced the unsettling feeling of having their accounts breached, while others may undergo similar events in the future.

The key for anyone who accesses social media websites and other online accounts is to have proper security in place. Business2Community's Andrea Eldridge recently indicated that people should have effective passwords to protect their various interests. These credentials should be between seven and 10 characters and include different punctuation, numbers and symbols to make them more complex.

Consumers should avoid using identical phrases for all of their respective accounts, because if a malicious party gains access to someone's Facebook password, they may try to access banking and shopping data with this information, Eldridge explained.

Eldridge also noted that a password manager is another way to keep sensitive credentials safe from hackers. These solutions make it possible for people to stop worrying about remembering potentially dozens of different phrases for their accounts. Instead, these tools use advanced algorithms to generate complex passwords for a person's email, banking information and other sensitive material, ensuring safe browsing anywhere.

Facebook in particular can be a breeding ground for scammers. Eldridge explained that criminals often entice users to click malicious links with the promise of prizes like iPads if they install a certain application. Such false promises can result in exposed account information if people are not careful. Social media is a platform that can connect people with their family, friends and colleagues. However, with so many people participating in such activity, hackers and scammers will continue to use the same services, but with malicious intent.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Five Free Traffic Generation Strategies To Increase Your Online Traffic 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Five Free Traffic Generation Strategies
There are basically a multitude of 100 % free increasing visitor count methods out there. Unless you are going to do some freelancing, you won't be able to apply all of them. With that said, if you are doing the increasing visitor count all by yourself, you need to concentrate only on the methods that are efficient and have confirmed themselves. Below are five of the most beneficial methods in producing 100 % free web visitors. These are the methods you should be using if you want excellent visitors to circulation towards your web page. These are more than enough to get the type of visitors stage you are trying to engage in.
  1. Search engine optimization - By far, SEO is the best among the 100 % free increasing visitor count techniques described in this record. Why? Because SEO draws visitors that are very extremely focused. Individuals who come from google are particularly looking for something which could be a item or a assistance. That indicates that they are prepared to buy. They just have to discover what they are looking for.
  1. Social media marketing - It's very easy to see the power of public networking websites when it comes to internet promotion. Individuals like Facebook or myspace and Twitter have millions of customers. The purpose of public networking is to tap into these customers by utilizing the various tools and features that these public websites have.

  1. Article marketing - By circulating your content to several content submission sites, you get more visibility and visitors for your web page. As you develop the variety of content that you have in the web, the visitors to your web page will also develop proportionately.

  1. Email marketing - This is one of the techniques that has the biggest transformation rate. This implies that you can get more purchasing clients via marketing via e-mail. This is because you will be straight interacting with the clients.

  1. Video marketing - So many people these days would rather watch videos clip of something than read an article about it. This is the essence that drives online movie marketing. Additionally, movie clips have more chances of going viral. And last but not the least, movie clips rank really in the google.

Ask anybody who had experience in internet marketing and he or she will tell you that the 100 % free visitors generation strategies mentioned above are the most effective in driving website visitors. You just have to get the right period of time and apply your time and effort in applying them. They are 100 % free so you really have nothing to neither lose nor risk.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Add Facebook Pop Up Like Box To Your Blogger Blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Hey Friends,

Today It's Post About Widgets Of Blog, Here I Am Going To Share Facebook Pop Up Like Box For Blogger Blog. Facebook Is A Best Way To Promote Your Blog In Social Networks And It's Also Simple To Invite And Attract Peoples To Your Blog Via Facebook. This Widget Will Help You To Increase Your Facebook Page Liker And From This You Can Get Good Traffic Day By Day. This Type Of Pop Up Box Will Open When Any Visitor Come To Your Blog Then It's Appear First Like Above Picture. There Are Many Ways For Facebook Sharing Like Facebook Groups, Facebook Pages, Facebook Applications And Many More, This All Can Help Us For Increasing Value And Attract People To Your Blog. In This Facebook Pop Up Like Box You Can Easily And You Can Change Or Customize Manually.

Here Below Steps For Add Facebook Pop Up Like Box In Blogger Blog :

Step 1 :- Go To Blogger.com.

Step 2 :- Open Your Blog Dashboard And Go To "Layout".

Step 3 :- Click "Add A Gadget" And Scroll To "HTML-JAVASCRIPT" And Click "+" Icon To Add It.

Step 4 :- Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It In This HTML-JAVASCRIPT Box With Below Changes.

<script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script src="https://facebookpopup2.googlecode.com/files/jquery.cbt-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.cookie.indexOf('visited=true') == -1)
var fifteenDays = 1000*60*60*24*29;
var expires = new Date((new Date()).valueOf() + fifteenDays);
document.cookie = "visited=true;expires=" + expires.toUTCString();
$.colorbox({width:"399px", inline:true, href:"#exestylepopups"});
<style type="text/css">
ght:99%;display:block;border:1}#cboxOverlay{background:#001;opacity:0.5 !important}#colorbox{box-shadow:0 0 14px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);-moz-box-shadow:0 0 14px 
rgba(0,0,0,0.4);-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 14px 
) no-repeat 0 0}#cboxTopCenter{height:15px;background:url(http://goo.gl/O9QP9) repeat-x top 
no-repeat -36px 
0}#cboxBottomLeft{width:15px;height:44px;background:url(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Oonf3hVB8Vk/UUVyfEEnnEI/AAAAAAAABBU/ymAdg3uHHkM/h120/controls.png) no-repeat 
0 -32px}#cboxBottomCenter{height:44px;background:url(http://goo.gl/O9QP9) repeat-x bottom 
no-repeat -36px -32px}#cboxMiddleLeft{width:15px;background:url(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Oonf3hVB8Vk/UUVyfEEnnEI/AAAAAAAABBU/ymAdg3uHHkM/h120/controls.png) 
repeat-y -175px 0}#cboxMiddleRight{width:15px;background:url(https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Oonf3hVB8Vk/UUVyfEEnnEI/AAAAAAAABBU/ymAdg3uHHkM/h120/controls.png) 
repeat-y -211px 0}#cboxContent{background:#ffe;overflow:visible}#cboxLoadedContent{margin-bottom:6px}#cboxLoadingOverlay{background:url(http://goo.gl/seJqH) no-repeat 
center center}#cboxLoadingGraphic{http://goo.gl/u3upJ) no-repeat center 
nf3hVB8Vk/UUVyfEEnnEI/AAAAAAAABBU/ymAdg3uHHkM/h120/controls.png) no-repeat 0px 
0px;width:24px;height:24px;text-indent:-9999px}#cboxPrevious{left:0px;background-position:-50px -24px}#cboxPrevious.hover{background-position:-50px 
0px}#cboxNext{left:27px;background-position:-74px -24px}#cboxNext.hover{background-position:-74px 0px}#cboxClose{right:0;background-position:-99px 
-24px}#cboxClose.hover{background-position:-99px 0px}.cboxSlideshow_on #cboxSlideshow{background-position:-124px 0px;right:26px}.cboxSlideshow_on 
#cboxSlideshow.hover{background-position:-150px 0px}.cboxSlideshow_off #cboxSlideshow{background-position:-149px -26px;right:26px}.cboxSlideshow_off 
#cboxSlideshow.hover{background-position:-124px 0px}#mdfb{font:12px/1.2 Arial,Helvetica,san-serif;color:#5c5757}#mdfb a,#mdfb a:hover,#mdfb 
a:visited{text-decoration:none}.mdbox-title{background:#000;color:#ffff;font-size:21px !important;font-weight:bold;margin:9px 0;border:19px solid 
#ddd;-moz-border-radius:6px;-webkit-border-radius:6px;border-radius:6px;box-shadow:5px 5px 5px #CCC;padding:10px;line-height:24px;font-family:arial !important}
<div style='display:none'>
<div id='exestylepopups' style='padding:10px; background:#ffff;'>
<center><h3 class="mdbox-title">Receive updates via Facebook. Click the Like Button Below...</h3></center><center>
src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F seooptimizationschool &amp;width=299&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;border_colo
r=%23ffffff&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=257" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:299px; height:257px;" 
</center><p style=" float:right; margin-right:34px; font-size:10px;" >Powered By <a style=" font-size:10px; color:#397ad4; text-decoration:none;" 
href="http://www.matrixar.com/"> Seooptimizationschool </a></p>

Customization :-

  1. Replace Seooptimizationschool With Your Facebook Username.
  2. If You Want To Appear This Widget On Every Reload Of Your Visitor In All Pages Then, Just Change True To False.
  3. This Widget Will Again POPUP On Your Visitor's Desktop After 30 Day If He Is Clearing His Browser Cookies, If You Want To Minimize Or Maximize This Time, Just Change *30 From The Above Code To Your Desire Day In 1 To 30.
  4. It Will Not POP Up Again And Again On Every Reload. To View The Widget Just Delete Your Browser Cookies Then Reload.
  5. You Can Also Change The Text In Blue Text.

Step 5 :- Save It. . .  All Is Done. .

This Is How Facebook Pop Up Appear In Blogger Blog They Have Many Versions Means New Designs And Features.
If You Like This Then Share With Your Friends. .
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Create Google Targeted Traffic For Your Website or Blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:

One of the critical mistakes that internet promoters fall short to do and can be the hug of loss of life is hanging out doing keyword and key phrase research. Through the natural process of natural queries through keywords and words and keywords and words that is what draws our "Google Focused Traffic" and helps to place the highlight on all our on the internet strategies. The end result of market and keyphrase research is to find a keyword and key phrase with somewhat low competitors and most people searching for that particular keyword and key phrase The taken information that comes from the "paid-for" resources like Market Samurai and Jeet gives information that is way more precise than the Free Search engines keyword and key phrase device. However, the Search engines keyword and key phrase device will still provide a common overall image All of this taken information is important especially if you are going to range up your internet companies.
"Google Targeted Traffic" is what all online marketer's want. I don't mean to be disrespectful but the targeted traffic is actually people. These are the people who visit my blogs, and websites and respond to my offers and links. And if my content is extremely boring or not at all of interest to them then I have lost them - They won't want to join my mailing list, or friend me on Facebook or Tweet to their friends about me. So my content has to be exciting, trendy, enthralling and captivating or they will be like smoke here today gone tomorrow with no trace of them ever having been here. I believe sometimes as online marketers we become forgetful of the human factor of traffic. That those statistics and data are comprised of human beings with feelings and emotions. That is what is important to apprehend the value of this "Google Targeted Traffic" and how to manage them. As I said earlier if all your content is boring, dull and lifeless then expect nothing and no traffic. So the question is how to create the Exceptional exciting content to capture the "Google Targeted Traffic"?
Search phrases are key in the first and major headline and having some copywriting abilities would be beneficial in the area of writing headings that will persuade individuals to study them. So much so that they can't prevent their sight away but must complete studying the title! Individuals natural fascination and intuition love the "How to" headings as well as "7 Guidelines to" headline. How to create these highly effective headings and learn copywriting abilities are easy just "Google it" and you will find many services that provide training online on what performs and what doesn't. Just keep in mind that you could have the most nicest material but the headline is the hook! So individuals have to be baited into studying further... Being attractive to the sight is important as well so have your material in small segments split up so as not to frighten individuals off with lots of information just pushed at the front side of their experience with no passage smashes. My recommendation is BREVITY. Powerful informative terms in brief phrases and brief sections.
Graphics are always appealing and serve to break up the paragraphs of words as well. More than ever today, using videos helps traffic to lead into conversions as well. Videos help the "Google Targeted Traffic" to see you as a human being too and breaks the ice and reveals that there is someone human behind all of this too. There are so many courses out there to help with learning how to create attractive videos to attract volumes of "Google Targeted Traffic".
In another content I had written about Visitor Material and how that really allows to bring customers back to your web page, weblog, item, solutions. It is a win-win for everyone engaged as they get unique, free content and you get more site visitors. It is a success and a great partnership that could change into a regular upcoming business agreement.
In another content that I had written I describe the energy of taking part on Weblogs and Boards as they usually let you keep a weblink in your trademark that will backlink to your web page. And the other advantage is if that other weblog is within your own industry market you will be able to take a position out as an energy in your industry market and begin gaining even more guests to your web page, weblog, item, and assistance. I believe in publishing my hyperlinks in various public networking and social bookmarking websites as well. The more the better and the more visibility.
My favorite is writing and creating articles and submitting to article directories. I have always gotten consistent traffic from my articles and they last a while as long as they are on display on the internet and that can be a while. The importance of these back links from them is so important to my business as I have seen it work some time to time again. Whenever I need exposure for a campaign I write articles and it never fails to bring me "Google Targeted Traffic" There are thousands of article marketing directories who always want and need original creative quality content too. From each article directory you submit your article to it equals a back link and imagine thousands of those back links equals a paying customer.
Plus Search engines decides your position on the amount of backlinks to position and catalog your web page. As well as, the included reward of visitors, studying your whole content and simply clicking the weblink in your writer source box thus finishing up at your web page,offer, item, and service. Thus creating additional "Google Targeted Traffic" which is the whole intent of completing all these actions in the first place.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo How Can You Increase Visitors to your Website? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
How Can You Increase Visitors to YourWebsite?While researching some ways to build traffic to my site I began to ponder how to increase visitors to my website. I began to realize the necessity to get traffic to my website and became somewhat frustrated very quickly. The truth was that I needed to get more traffic to my blog but did not even have a clue how to proceed to get it.
Getting more visitors to your site requires some work but it can be done in time with a little patience. You are going to have to be able to put in some time doing keyword research and writing articles. So,in order to get more visitors to my site I had learned that I was going to have to get in there and really go to work and there really was going to be no other way. Each one of the traffic methods here will require some work on your part but, are absolutely free and doable if you set your mind to it.
Video Marketing
Video marketing is a great way of getting more visitors to your site. Drive traffic to your website by creating a video showcasing the content on your website and upload it to YouTube or the other sites, such as Flickr or Vimeo, for example. Be sure and put your website's link there so that those who visit your video can find their way back to your site. Video marketing can go viral quickly and will boost your traffic tremendously. Be sure and use the YouTube keyword tool to help you with your video title and tags.

Keyword Research
I use keyword research to get more traffic to my blog. Using a free keyword tool to find the keywords with low competition and just the right amount of monthly searches can greatly increase your visibility on the search engines. With the correct keyword research technique you can get your page ranked and even take the number one spot.
Learning keyword research should be number one on your list before you even choose your domain name because you should include your best keyword in your title and in your domain name as well when at all possible. I quickly learned that keyword research is vital to get more visitors to my site.
Article Marketing
How can I increase visitors to my website has always been a looming question on my mind. And article marketing seems to be the most popular answer by far. Article marketing is an inexpensive way of driving traffic to your site.
You can write them yourself or outsource your writing and then submit those articles to a number of directories. This builds back links and increases visibility of you site as well. Since you leave your website URL in the article resource box of all the different directories and/or e-zines this creates a viral action that just screams authority for your site.
Some ways to build traffic to my site are easier than article marketing but none are as effective because articles create an avenue for the search engines to index your website. Those searching are able to find your site much easier and this makes your keywords stand out in with the search engines.
How can I increase visitors to my website has become a less challenging question in my endeavors to get more visitors to my site since I have discovered the vast importance of proper keyword research and significance of article writing.
This has been just some ways to build traffic to my site that I have shared with you here that unquestionably helped me to get more traffic to my blog and will help you to be getting more visitors to your site if you will use them to your best advantage.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Advantages of Blogging for your Businesses 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Originally, weblogs were only used by individuals to show their personal emotions and concepts on the internet. However, these days, writing a weblog has become a very essential way of providing individuals with information and information about your company. A weblog, when it began was used mainly as a journal or publication by most individuals to put down their ideas and concepts and discuss it with others. However, these days it is being used by most companies to discuss essential up-dates and information about their company. Business weblogs are becoming more and more well-known and are being used by many individuals to propagate attention among individuals about their items and services. This content speaks about some of the key benefits of company weblogs.

It Is Fast and Easy to Start Blogs
A weblog is much simpler to begin in comparison to creating a web page. Since most people consider it to be an casual system, the overall tone of your material can also be casual. Your company weblog should also have the same company identification and marketing like your website. But originally, when you begin it, you can also use the variety of layouts that are available.

A Blog Can Easily Be Integrated Into a Website
A business blog can be very easily integrated into your already existing website. This will also add a new dimension to your site. It can be added as either a sub domain of your site or as a completely different part of the site.

Opportunity for Marketing and Communication
The weblog can be used to promote and connect important info about your business to people in and outside your company. It can be used for any type of material like a concept from the CEO, a achievements tale of a group participant or details about a new products or services.

Business Blogs Are Flexible
Business weblogs provide you with the versatility of putting across any kind of concept to your customers and customers. You need not worry about the type and tone of your content while upgrading your blog. Besides interacting to individuals outside your company, it can also be used and provides individuals inside your company information about improvements and up-dates.

Helpful in Establishing Thought Leadership
A blog can become the face of your organization if it is well maintained. It can be very helpful in building thought leadership among your clients, employees, customers and investors.

Business Blog Can Help You With the SEO of Your Site
Your writing will get a lot of guests from different google if it has top quality material and is well maintained. If written well, it can also become one of the top outcomes in google when people finder for search phrases related to your company. It is much easier to make your web page position for search phrases that your web page may not position for easily. If your web page ranks well and gets new guests, these can be redirected to your web page. This will in turn improve the individuals awareness of your site and its existence and will increase individuals interest in your company.

Blogs have become a significant part of promotion your online company and making your presence felt. However, it is not easy to make your web page position in google look for. It is important to have top quality material on your web page that is updated regularly. It may not be practical for you to spend time thinking about ways to deal with your websites when you have a lot of other things to think about in your company. It will be helpful if you can hire a custom web style company that understands SEO as well to deal with your web page and manage its style and internet promotion.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo 10 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Now that everyone and his little sis have a weblog, it is definitely time to determine how to move visitors to YOURS. With so many different weblogs to choose from, it is easy for your common, run-of-the-mill weblog to become a hook in a haystack. How can you make your website the seaside football in the haystack? Study on to discover 10 ways to get visitors to your website (if only there were another word for weblog, weblog, weblog...).

1. Create content individuals desire to understand. Although this seems apparent, taking a quick look around many weblogs you will discover countless numbers upon countless numbers with too much private details and not enough useful details. Do individuals really want to understand about your cat? Or better yet, do you really want to entice the kind of individuals who want to understand about your cat? Create amazing, speaking content about appropriate subjects. Consider what you would want to understand that!

2. Become THE professional on your subject. Research and stay current on your blog's subject. If visitors believe you have details and musings on technology, they will come to you first. People do not want old news spun. They want to be advised of something new and cutting-edge.

3. Utilize Look for Motor Marketing. Learn all you can about SEO, and use it for your website much like you would use it to improve a website. This means, position search phrases in the URL to your website, the headline of your publish, the body of your publish, and within your publish backlinks.

4. Don't make your weblogs too much like an marketing. Readers feel used and misused when they check out a site thinking they will discover useful details only to discover they are studying a apparent marketing for some products or services. By making yourself an professional and offering careful and thorough details, you are going to optimum the interest of visitors and make them WANT to explore your item.

5. Create some dilemma, debate, and BUZZ. People like conflicts of words, some debate here and there. It makes desired buzz and produces visitors who will return to your website just to see if anything is preparing. Always allow feedback on your weblogs, and publish feedback on other weblogs that will cause visitors to want to check out your website to see what you are all about.

6. Deliver alert of blog-updates via e-mail. For those potential visitors who are not going to search for out a writing, e-mail is a great way to fishing baitcasting reel them in. Use a free weblog assistance or an auto responder to encourage visitors and handle people list.

7. Of course, publish your website to every search engine!

8. Ensure that the backlink to your website is on every piece of written interaction you signal. Include the weblink in your updates, catalogues, cards, in your e-mail trademark, and in every publish you make on various boards.

9. Turn your website into an content. Create weblog records that can be easily tailored into articles, and position them in online content submission sites along with the backlink to your website.

10. Blog often. You want individuals to know they can expect a weblog from you daily or every week. If you are unreliable or hardly ever publish a weblog, it is difficult to create a reader-base. Set a goal for your writing and adhere to it.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Classified Business Rising as a Million Dollar Dealing in India 2013

Seo Master present to you:
In a globe full of strife’s and discords, each one of us wishes to get a magnificent and wonderful lifestyle. All of us on the globe have a same intuition for staying in an enhanced and innovative milieu and oil up our performance of lifestyle. Hence, for this desire, and to achieve all the requirements with euphoria and happiness, the globe wide web provides its users with an at any time and anywhere bit of support. It is suitable for all reasons like, connections, connections, company, traveling, shopping, social media and much more. Thus, it is at the moment the best resource of attaining public in a single go.

Therefore, it’s the perfect a chance to opt for this useful resource as a new way for earning cash, on the internet. Business of Web developing and growth is well-known for its fast growth these days. Operating from the convenience of your home, is a very simple and convenient job. One of the most well-known and accessible company on on the internet is categorized ads growth company.

Almost every one considers that the categorized companies are one of the most successful and effective methods to gain attention of a huge variety of individuals, to boost up the amount of visitors for websites and enhance on the internet companies. Only in Indian, the company of publishing categorized ads con the globe wide web is a company of more than Rs. 800 crores. The quick and fast growth or organization of a variety of small-scale sectors in Indian, the company of publishing categorized on web also seems to flourish at a fast rate. All the categorized ads that were set up worldwide became the most growing and flourishing in Indian.

Further, one of the reasons behind the achievements of categorized ads is that as opposed to other means of advertising like tv and radio; on the internet classified listings don’t break the bank. Therefore, a much larger variety of little company proprietors are turning towards this new tool of the modern millennia; as it is not only affordable, but provides results as well. Furthermore, with the increase in the variety of individuals spending a longer period connected in front of their computer than the traditional tv screen has made it crucial to target customers where it actually issues.

Hence, the categorized company is growing as one of the most successful and income generating companies in Indian. Whether it’s for building a good reputation, increasing visitors, company marketing, buy and sale activities, or to make an event well-known among the public, etc, most of individuals or entrepreneurs go for these categorized website. The categorized company is best for all solutions, whether it’s for the country as a whole or for a specific city for example, classified listings Delhi. The categorized company is the most easiest and affordable form for individuals to advertise their company and profit. Hence, at the moment the solutions and services offered by categorized companies in Indian for everyone is the primary reason for its achievements and growth.
2013, By: Seo Master
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