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seo Aplikasi Waktu 2013

Seo Master present to you: Aplikasi Waktu - Ada pepatah yang mengatakan "Time is Money atau waktu adalah uang", memang benar sekali, jika kita menyia-nyiakan waktu, maka uang tidak akan kita dapatkan. hehehe. Maksudnya waktu untuk bekerja dan beribadah, jangan sampai disia-siakan, karena sedetik sangatlah menentukan untuk usaha kita.

Didalam Qur'an pun juga dijelaskan, jika orang yang rugi adalah orang yang menyia-nyiakan waktunya, agar Anda tidak bisa sedikitpun punya kesempatan untuk menyia-nyiakan waktu, gunakan Aplikasi Waktu. Apa fungsi aplikasi waktu ini, yaitu untuk mencatat jadwal penting Anda atau menjadwal apa saja yang akan Anda lakukan setiap harinya. - Time Application

Aplikasi Waktu

Aplikasi waktu ini membantu Anda agar bisa memaksimalkan waktu Anda, seperti layaknya asisten pengingat waktu, sehingga Anda bisa ingat dan ingat apa yang harus Anda kerjakan hari ini, kapan istirahat dan kapan untuk bersantai. Banyak sekali orang yang membuang-buang waktunya yaitu orang yang tidak bisa berpikir ke arah depan, sehingga yang didapat hanyalah penyelasan diakhir.

Oleh sebab itu, rancanglah jadwal kerjaan Anda dan download APLIKASI WAKTU agar bisa mengingatkan Anda disaat lupa. Semoga aplikasi waktu ini bermanfaat bagi Anda semua.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Aplikasi Sosial Media 2013

Seo Master present to you: Aplikasi Sosial Media - Sosial media kini menjadi hal yang dibutuhkan oleh semua pengguna online. Mengapa dibutuhkan? yakni selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hati agar tetap senang juga dalam hal memenuhi dalam bidang bisnis. Dimana sosial media menjadi trend didunia maya saat ini.

Hampir semua orang memiliki akun sosial media, baik berupa facebook, twitter atau sosial media yang lain, namun ada saja yang kurang puas dengan sosial media dari segi tampilan yang hanya itu-itu saja. Kadang tidak sesuai warna kesukaan atau kadang kesulitan untuk bisa mengubah tampilan menjadi apa yang kita inginkan. Namun semua itu terpatahkan karena adanya Aplikasi Sosial Media.

Aplikasi Sosial Media

Apa itu aplikasi sosial media? yaitu sebuah aplikasi yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengubah tampilan akun sosmed, baik facebook ataupun twitter, sehingga tampilannya bisa diubah sesuai kebutuhan. Karena aplikasi ini hanya untuk kesenangan pribadi, sudah tentu penampakan akun sosmed yang sudah di rombak hanya bisa dilihat oleh kita sendiri atau di PC kita sendiri.

Yang paling jos dalam aplikasi sosial media ini terletak pada..... bisa digunakan didalam handphone smart, seperti android. Jadi Anda bisa mengubah tampilan sosial media melalui handphone digenggaman Anda. dan Anda pun bisa memiliki aplikasi ini dengan gratis hanya satu KLIK >> APLIKASI SOSIAL MEDIA.

Semoga aplikasi sosial media bisa memberikan manfaat bagi Anda, tentunya untuk bersenang-senang serta mengembangkan kreatifitas dalam hal edit mengedit tampilan.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Aplikasi Foto 2013

Seo Master present to you: Aplikasi Foto - Siapa yang tidak ingin narsis, siapa yang tidak ingin gaya, dan siapa yang tidak ingin tampil keren. Semua itu bisa diaplikasikan melalui foto. Foto adalah alat yang dapat mencetak benda aslinya, namun tidak semua alat foto memiliki pengaturan editing yaitu untuk mengedit gambar agar lebih menarik. Jika Anda menginginkan editing yang bagus, gunakan saja Aplikasi Foto.

Aplikasi foto merupakan aplikasi yang memiliki multifungsional, yang gunanya untuk mengedit gambar atau foto menjadi lebih bagus lagi, atau bisa menambah dan mengurangi gambar yang Anda inginkan. Aplikasi Photografi ini dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan online, sehingga data atau gambar yang disimpan selalu tetap aman.

Aplikasi Foto

Ketika Anda mencetak foto di kertas dari aplikasi ini, dan cetakan itu rusak, Anda bisa saja langsung ambil gambarnya lagi yang tersimpan di aplikasi foto, gambar tetap bagus dan tidak ada perubahan sedikitpun. Ada yang menarik pada aplikasi untuk photografer ini, yakni bisa digunakan pada Handphone, baik pada blackberry ataupun pada android.

Jadi, Anda tidak susah lagi edit foto melalui PC, bisa langsung satu klik saja melalui genggaman Anda. Jika Anda inginkan Aplikasi versi gratis ini, bisa langsung Klik >> APLIKASI FOTO. Semoga bisa membuat Anda lebih kreatif lagi dalam mengubah dan mengedit foto agar nampak indah nan memukau, semoga artikel review tentang aplikasi foto bisa bermanfaat bagi Anda semua.2013, By: Seo Master

seo How To Add Facebook Comment Box To Your Blogger/Blogspot / 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Facebook added new functionality of commenting on Websites with Facebook account.

1. Log in to your blogger account and disable blogger default comment.

Settings > Comments

Choose Hide and save your setting.

This is optional though, it depends on whether you intend to have two comment forms on your blog.

2. Next is creating your facebook application. Click here to create a facebook application.

Creat New Application

Then Popup a window like below

Click Continue

Now Save Your App id in Notepad.

Then go to Website option and write your Site Domain as " Blogspot.com "

 Click on " Save "


Sign in Blogger Account

Click on " Template "

Click on " Edit Html " and Proceed it.

Check Mark on " Expand Widget Templates

Press Ctrl + F and Search This


Now past the following code below it:
(Now just press Ctrl+ F and find " Your App id " and replace it with the App ID you had saved before. After that save it.)

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<p align='left'><img alt='' class='icon-action' src='http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-HvqNmNXhkzY/TjATfsEVeSI/AAAAAAAAAjc/yMCvjARROZk/Screenshot.png'/></p>
<div id='fb-root'/>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
FB.init({appId: &#39;Your App Id&#39;, status: true, cookie: true,
xfbml: true});
(function() {
var e = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); e.async = true;
e.src = document.location.protocol +
e.async = true;

Save Template.................................

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Building voice, instant messaging and Twitter applications in the cloud 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. This guest post is written by Adam Kalsey, Developer Evangelist at Voxeo Developer Network, who will be demoing as part of the Developer Sandbox.

Connecting to your customers via voice, SMS, or even IM allows you to reach them when they aren't at their desks. These real-time communications mediums are skyrocketing in usage and ubiquity, as what is more ubiquitous than the phone? Building an application that works over the phone or instant messaging is easier than you think.

Telephony has traditionally required complicated hardware and software or specialized programming languages. In recent years, however, web programming tools and models ranging from VoiceXML to web services APIs have made it easy for any developer to create communications services.

Companies for years have been providing customer self-service applications as Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems as a way of boosting customer satisfaction while cutting service costs. These techniques and tools are starting to make their way into other mediums and at the same time are coming down in price, making them accessible to a whole new class of developers. This is leading to some great innovation as developers find creative ways to weave phones and text into their applications.

It's not just voice. A rising percentage of the population is just as likely to communicate over text messaging, IM, and social networks as they are to pick up the phone. APIs and customer-self service systems must adapt to the preferences of the customers they want to help. Over the next decade, 50% of the automated communications that today happens over the telephone will shift to other mediums. It's important for the applications you develop to serve your customers to
be available on the networks they choose to use.

Here's how an IVR application might work over instant messaging. Your company provides a Jabber IM address for people to contact you. Any of your customers using Google Talk can strike up a conversation. Your code intercepts their message and routes it to the right department based on the keywords used in the chat. Perhaps you even respond off hours letting people know when your agents are available or answer common questions automatically from a knowledge base.

Have you ever wanted your Google Talk number to be answered by your code? When your friends call, you'd like to pick it up, and when telemarketers call, you’d like it to go straight to voicemail. In addition to accepting calls, your application can make calls, sending appointment reminders or triggering alerts using only a few lines of code. You can even set the caller ID of the outbound call to your Google Voice number so that return calls come to you.

To demonstrate how easy it is for a developer to weave voice and text into their application, lets look at a sample application running on our Tropo cloud communications platform.

We've created a mashup for the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) schedules so you can see when the next train is due to arrive at the station of your choice. Call or SMS (407) 374-9954 or send an IM to bartdemo@tropo.im with Google Talk to try it. You can even talk to @tropobart on Twitter. Tropo treats Twitter as an IM network, sending all @mentions to your application just like an instant message would be.

Tropo works by converting phone calls, IMs, and text messages to API calls that your code works with. An incoming call or message is delivered to your code and your code tells Tropo what to say back.

The code behind this can sit in our cloud or on the web server of your choice, including Google App Engine. Other sample applications are available covering everything from simple games to directory assistance, to checking into Foursquare.

Real-time communications APIs for voice allow you to give instructions to the phone system and IM networks to answer or make calls, accept text messages, interact with your users using speech synthesis and speech recognition, set up conferences, or just about anything else you can think of and mash it up with Google technologies, like this Wave robot that adds conference calls to any Wave.

To learn more about building voice and text applications and the real-time communications APIs that are available to you, visit Voxeo in the Google I/O Developer Sandbox or visit the Voxeo blog and Tropo blog.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Aplikasi Note 2013

Seo Master present to you: Aplikasi Note - Aplikasi Notes merupakan sebuah aplikasi writing dalam tempat yang kecil dengan kecepatan tinggi, dan memiliki fungsi untuk mencatat sebuah kalimat pengingat (remember) atau catatan kecil lainnya dengan mudah dan simpel. Aplikasi Note ini bisa digunakan baik didalam handphone atauapun PC.

Tak hanya itu, dengan menggunakan aplikasi note, data yang Anda simpan akan lebih aman dan mudah disimpan dengan layanan online juga. Sehingga, Anda tidak perlu repot-repot membawa buku kecil seperti yang Anda punya, cukup dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, sudah cukup. Dimanapun Anda pergi, tinggal buka handphone atau PC dan melihat catatan kecil Anda yang sudah tersimpan didalam aplikasi note ini.

Aplikasi Note

Banyak macam-macam aplikasi note yang bisa Anda gunakan, berbagai variasi, ada yang simpel, standart dan juga ada yang memiliki motif tertentu, sehingga pengunaannya bisa lebih interface dan friendly. Bukan hanya dari segi variasi, melainkan dari segi harga pun juga bermacam-macam, ada yang harga murah dan ada yang harga mahal.

Namun jangan khawatir, masih ada yang Gratis, bukankah itu yang Anda inginkan? Jika iya, langsung saja unduh aplikasinya dengan Klik tulisan >> APLIKASI NOTE. Demikian yang bisa saya sampaikan mengenai aplikasi kecil nan mungil ini (Aplikasi Notes), namun memiliki khasiat yang luar biasa menjadi tempat Anda mengeluarkan catatan ataupun pengingat lainnya. Semoga bermanfaat. :)2013, By: Seo Master

seo What Would Happen If There Was No Google? 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Google History

Can you believe it was 1996 when Larry Page and Sergey Brin started working on a search engine they initially called "Back Rub"? It was originally a college application working on servers at Standford University. They decided they didn't like the name "Back Rub" and changed it to Google. Google is a play on the word "googol". I know, I never heard of it either, but, googol is a mathematical term. It is used for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros
Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun, wrote a check to get Google started, in a garage in Menlo Park. Does that sound familiar? Didn't Apple start in a garage too? If you don't have a garage, maybe you should get one!
PC Magazine named the new Google to its Top 100 Web Sites for 1998. They were on their way and growing. As they say, the rest is history. To most of us, and I'm sure to the younger generation, it is hard to imagine a world without Google!

A world without Google?

I don't know about you but I use Google for just about everything. From research for writing articles to how to care for my plants. I check facts that I'm not sure about and look for information on different movie stars, actually, the list for me is almost endless. I Google a lot. Judging from Google's popularity, I know I'm not alone.
Sure there was a time when there was no Google, but there were Encyclopedias then. Remember them, encyclopedias? Volumes and volumes of thick books with useful information all in one place. They did, however, have their disadvantages because you had to wait for them to be reprinted and distributed before you could get the latest updates depending on their age, you could be reading not only out of date information but wrong information. You were always a little behind the times.
Blank Monitor

You could catch up on the news in the newspaper, but sometimes they were printed the day before and you weren't getting the latest report. Magazines, well most of them were monthly and a lot could happen in the month between their publication.
Without Google Map

When I thought about this, I had nightmares. A world without Google means a world without Google Maps! Imagine all the stranded travelers, who won't ask for directions, and have lost their way? Really, an eighteenth of an inch on an Atlas map is certainly not the same as "drive 1.5 miles and turn right"!

What about all those Google Images? The ease of finding so many images all in one place. You can use Images to find content related to images and its not just images, its photos, artwork and other images from all over the Web. What a loss that would be! We can only hope someone else would step up to the plate!

Google Chrome has all but knocked Internet Explorer out of the ballpark. Easy to use, with everything in one place, Chrome has become very popular too. Not to even mention Google+.

How Am I Supposed to Live Without You

What would happen if there was no Google?

So, what would happen if there was no Google? Well, library card catalogs would find an increase in usage because people would have to go the library again to get information! Research would take a lot longer because you could no longer do it in your home. Depending on where you live, it could take you anywhere from ten minutes to an hour to get to the nearest library. Heaven forbid, people would have to actually make an effort to get answers.

Okay, so there may still be other search engines. We might have to go back to Yahoo or any other number of search engines, but you wouldn't be able to "Google it"! Would you "Bing It"?
No Google

Wait, what about all the people who work at Google? What about all the companies that advertise on Google? It could be a financial implosion for them and the economy would take another hit.

So many writers and advertisers design their web pages so that the Google search bots will find them, rank them, and help get traffic to them. Could another site do it as well as Google? Well, there are times we want to strangle Google for its unrecognizable changes that affect page rankings, but on a whole we depend on it. In spite of it all, Google does drive traffic to sites it ranks well and that's every writer and web designers goal, more traffic. Remember though Google is not your only traffic source and its never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket.

Okay, if I haven't tweaked your interest yet, what about YouTube? Google owns YouTube. Imagine a world without the ubiquitous YouTube! No more laughing babies, nor more cute little animals, no more ridiculous people doing ridiculous things before your very eyes, no more cultural or theatrical videos, really. I don't know about you, but I'd miss YouTube, even it was just for the laughs and music.

Someone said, "there were smart people before Google and there will be smart people after Google". I like that on many levels. One being people like Thomas Edison and Eli Whitney didn't even have computers, never mind the Internet or Google, and look what they did. Another, because nothing is forever. Once every good home had a complete set of encyclopedias, how many have them now? Once everyone who owned a desktop owned an IBM desktop computer, how many own them now? One people walked around with little transistor radios to listen to music on the go, have some of you ever even heard of transistor radios? Once Yahoo was the search engine of choice, need I say more?

We are in a constantly changing world and even Google could change or go away. So the question "What would happen if there was no Google" is relatively simple to answer, life would go on, another search engine would take over and another company would become the number one go to place on the Internet. What do you think?
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Workflow software for successful business 2013

Seo Master present to you: profit

Have you ever thought about why building up an effective workflow is so important for any business? The key is in the word itself. You design that sequence of connected steps to make work flow seamless and smooth. Creating that kind of workflow is hard to achieve without proper workflow software, and that kind of software is exactly what we are going to talk about in the article.

As it was said, workflow is a sequence of connected steps performed by one person or, which is more usual, by many people. Ideally, workflow should make the process of executing the project as easy and as efficient as possible, and the workflow software should satisfy some basic requirements. First of all, it should be customizable so you could use it according to your needs. For instance, task tracking software provides you with numerous templates that can be easily rearranged for different aspects of your business. Also it’s important to make sure that the software is usable and you won’t have to get IT support team to use it on regular basis. Since one of the main purposes of effective workflow software is saving your money the last thing you need is hiring one more specialist who would handle the program.

In order to make the whole process of assigning task simpler workflow software must have feature that would not only allow creating and assigning tasks, but would also automatize the whole process. That way once the task is completed the system will send a notification to the assignee who is responsible for executing the following task, so manager won’t have to control that process closely.

Another thing you should pay attention to while choosing workflow software is whether the program allows making changes once the process is in motion. If it doesn’t have such feature than you should keep searching. Seasoned project managers know that as soon as you are done building a workflow, something always changes and you have to start all over again. That’s a completely normal process, because every business needs to adapt in order to survive on the competitive market. And with Comindware task tracking software you can make changes in already active workflow without having to start a new one. The system will allow you to update workflow and assign new executors without bothering other members of your team who work on the same project.

Effective workflow software will help you organize your working process more efficiently and will create real-time visibility, which is crucial for preventing and fixing any mistake that may occur while executing the project.


Hi, my name’s Jannet Sparts and I’m working as an editor of Online Issues. I write for several blogs sharing my experience and observations. I have worked as a project manager in several companies. So I have tried different PM tools, collaboration programs, including tracker and task management software solutions. For the moment PM software is my primary field of interest.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Connecting to Google Apps inside and out 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. This guest post is written by Jeremy Glassenberg from Box.net, who will be demoing as part of the Developer Sandbox.

Google's rich platform for developers is matched only by its variety of innovative web services. So when working with Google APIs, why use only one or two Google services?

When launching with the Google Apps Marketplace in March, Box.net could see opportunities in connecting with Google services across the board, from sharing files in Gmail to enhancing collaboration in Google Sites. But how could we connect to half a dozen different services, while making the interaction with a partner completely seamless and easy to use?

Luckily, for those who want to go all-out on the Google platform, Google's diverse APIs provide what you need to code efficiently, and organized to connect everything in a way that makes sense. Here is what we’ve found helpful to help you optimize your development experience:

1. Standards across APIs

By leveraging Google's support for the OpenID and Oauth protocols, we can not only connect Google users to access Box.net easily, but also to make all features of Google accessible from Box. This way, when Google Apps accounts connect to Box, we can automatically connect users to Google Docs, Google Sites, Google Calendar and Gmail through the magic of a secure, centralized single sign-on process.

2. APIs and Gadgets make for a seamless integration

We wanted to make it easy for users to access services like Gmail and Google Docs from within Box. With our OpenBox Developer Platform, we could make those Google services accessible through our simple file menu. Users could right-click on a file, and choose to "Share in Gmail", "Edit with Google Docs", etc. But we wanted to go even further, and integrate "inside and out" - making Google accessible in Box, and Box accessible in Google's services. This was made possible with Google Gadgets.

By adjusting gadgets we made for OpenSocial partners such as LinkedIn, we could easily create Box.net gadgets that also work with iGoogle, Google Sites, and even Gmail Labs and Google Calendar Labs. These "Box.net inside Google" gadgets became surprisingly popular among new users.

We even found it possible to connect Google services together more deeply through these two-way integrations. By making our OpenBox features available in our Google Gadgets, our users could edit a document from Box in Google Docs, or share a file into Google Sites, from within the Gmail sidebar.

3. Focus on user experience

With multiple connections to Google services in Box, and the placement of Box.net inside four Google services via Google Gadgets, this became an exciting engineering project. But we couldn't forget that everything needed to work in a straightforward, easy-to-use manner for businesses in Google Apps. Luckily, Google Apps' design and installation process for the Marketplace helps to bring just about everything together for the user.

The installation process enables you to obtain the OpenID information for a Google Apps administrator, access rights to various Google APIs, and connect users in the same Google Apps domains automatically. This sounds great for your code, but pay attention to the user experience. Google Apps administrators need to understand what they're about to make accessible to their users. Sub-users of the Apps account need to be able to sign up easily as well.

Users and administrators will also want to choose which services to use. In our case, some users wanted to edit Google Docs in Box.net, while others just want to access Box.net from within Gmail or Google Sites. Thus, just like within Google Apps' administrative console, Box.net made individual components easy to enable and disable. We also provided detailed instructions for adding and using each piece of the integration.


At Box, we look forward to continuing work with Google, integrating even more deeply as Box.net and Google both expand our platforms.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo The Cyber Grinches Who Stole Data 2013

Seo Master present to you: INFOGRAPHIC

The data industry seems to be in a real pickle if we look at the situation from the angle of data protection. We are now approaching the end of the year, and when we look back in retrospect, we realize that there has been nothing but data breaches all year round. Whoever is responsible seems to be a henchman of the Grinch, all bent on making sure that by the time Christmas comes round, everyone is super miserable. And there is certainly more than one such online Grinch hanging around. These advanced virtual nuisances have an army of malware and spyware up their sleeve to terrorize internet users of al kinds. The Data Breach investigations report documents the year’s data breaches in an easy to read pictorial representation. Take a look.

Get the embed code for this infographic2013, By: Seo Master

seo Who's @ Google I/O - spotlight on the Social Web 2013

Seo Master present to you: Google is making the web a more sociable place by contributing to new standards and releasing new products that make it easy to integrate your website with the social web. We've invited a few friends that are helping build the social web to Google I/O so you can learn what's coming next and what it means for you.

Learn from successful developers
Social apps can grow up fast, and some have attracted tens of millions of users. We're planning sessions to help you understand the business side of social apps, and we'll have a panel where you can pick the brains of some of the biggest social app developers in the world.

Make some new friends
There's more to a successful social app than just a creative idea. From analytics to payment processing, there's a lot of code to write beyond the core functionality of an app. Luckily, companies have been springing up to fill the needs of this ecosystem. You can meet some of these new companies in the Developer Sandbox and see how their products can make your app better (and your life easier).

Meet the containers
One of the key benefits of OpenSocial is the incredible distribution it provides to app developers. Building your app on OpenSocial makes it possible to reach hundred of millions of users around the world. We've got sessions planned to let you meet the folks building OpenSocial platforms and learn more about what kind of apps work well in different social environments.

The next generation
IBM, Salesforce.com, Oracle, eXoPlatform, SAP, Atlassian - not who you'd expect to be speaking on an OpenSocial session. Speakers from these companies will come together to talk about how the enterprise software development community is bringing social concepts and technology like OpenSocial into the enterprise.

To see all the sessions we've got planned to help you learn about the social web, go to http://code.google.com/events/io/sessions.html, and search for 'social'.

*Keep up with the latest I/O updates: @googleio.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Dito Directory - Matching Customer Demand with Google Cloud Technology 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. This guest post is written by Jim McNelis, co-founder and principal of Dito, who will be demoing as part of the Developer Sandbox.

As an early Google Apps Authorized Resellers, Dito, an IT services company I co-founded in 2007, has become a trusted advisor to a diverse group of organizations using Google Apps. We’ve established strong relationships with each of our customers and are a go-to source for information on specific features and functionality, best practices, and work flow processes. This gives us a unique insight into end-users’ needs as they ramp up on Google Apps, and we continually work to improve our service offerings and our customers’ experiences.

Over time, we compiled feedback from our clients and noticed an interesting trend - customers wanted a better way to manage their shared contacts within Google Apps. Out of the box, Google Apps handles shared contact management via API’s, as opposed to a Graphical User Interface (GUI) which is most common. Many small organizations don’t have the resources to develop a solution to interface with API’s. So, we decided to develop one for them that could easily integrate with Google Apps to allow administrators to manage, and end-users to browse and search, shared contacts within their domain.

We appreciate the reliability and scalability of cloud-based solutions and wanted our application to live “in the cloud” as well. After extensive research, we determined that Google App Engine was the right platform for our application since it works seamlessly with other products and tools within the Google ecosystem like Google Web Toolkit and the Google Apps APIs. From there, we set out to develop our app: Dito Directory for Google Apps.

Dito Directory represented Dito’s first foray into the development business. Sure, our developers had years of experience, but our team was new and we were preparing to develop apps on the bleeding edge of technology. In years prior, developing an application with this functionality and accessibility would have been an expensive and exhaustive process which would have required client-side application development and everything that goes with it.

Google App Engine and the Google Apps Marketplace erased these challenges and provide us with a simple yet elegant platform and distribution channel to deliver our application to the masses. From concept to delivery, the application took two developers less than four months to complete - just in time for the launch of the Google Apps Marketplace.

Since then, almost 1000 Google Apps admins have installed Dito Directory on their domain resulting in numerous happy admins and end-users. I hate to say it, but it wasn’t hard to get 1000 people to install our app either. We basically relied on our existing customer base and the popularity of the Google Apps Marketplace to advertise our apps. There has been not been a significant marketing push or advertising dollar spent...we simply developed the application, launched it on the marketplace, and now watch about 15 domains install Dito Directory every day.

With all of the installs, we received great feedback from our customers, and our team continues to improve the functionality and performance of the app. As a result, Directory continues to evolve to meet customers needs. We don’t have to guess what users want, we simply listen to what they have to say and iterate accordingly. And since our app is cloud-based, upgrades are easy. There is no additional software to install. After we release new features, simply refresh your browser and the app is updated.

During Google I/O this week, our team will showcase Dito Directory in the Enterprise pod at the Developer Sandbox. If you’re attending the conference, please stop by to chat about our app, give us feedback, or just say hello. We’ll also be giving away the paid version of our app to 10 lucky winners at the conference, and other exciting prizes. I hope to see you there.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Weekly Google Code Roundup for May 14-18th 2013

Seo Master present to you:

We have found that there is a lot of news around the web dispersed on various
Google blogs, forums, and press releases. As fantastic as this all is, we want
to try to give you a weekly round-up containing news that was of interest to us.
The goal is that if you had time to read one Google related post a week, this
would keep you up to date on the big items.

Our roundups will cover news and events surrounding our APIs, products, and
items from the community at large.

Let's get started for this week, May 14-18th, 2007.

Google Developer Podcasts

We are excited to launch the new Google Developer Podcast. In the first episode we interviewed Bob Lee of the Google Guice project. In the future you will see interviews with Googlers on many different topics, and we hope that it keeps you in touch. Please contact us if you have any requests for the show, and check out episode one.

We also have a new podcast series around the ever-popular Google Summer of Code series.

Google Developer Day

The buzz is growing around the worldwide event that is Google Developer Day, May 31st, 2007.

We have launched a new developer day site that will allow you to keep up to date on the event. You may want to check out the sessions that are planned for your location. Simply choose your location from the front page and click on sessions.

Make sure to check your location, as demand has required that some sites are having to move to new, larger space. Here in California we have announced that the sessions are going to be held in the San Jose Convention Center.

We are only a couple of weeks away, and then we will witness the community gathering around the world. We have some fantastic content to showcase, but more importantly, we get a chance to listen and learn from you all.

JavaOne Roundup

JavaOne was as busy as usual this year, especially for Googlers, who gave at least 14 presentations on a variety of topics. At the booth we found a lot of interest in discussing our technologies, especially GWT, Guice, and various APIs.

We also produced an article on A Java Developer's Guide to Google Technologies that gives you a taste for what was on offer.

The Java community is an important one for us, and we would love to hear from you on what you would like to see from us in the future.

Fun in AJAX API Land

The AJAX API team has followed up on the AJAX Feed API launch by building useful components that use the feed API under the scenes.

The AJAX Feed API FeedControl allows you to build a flexible blog roll component in seconds, and the AJAX Feed API Slide Show Control will create a slide show on top of any feed that uses Media RSS (e.g. Photobucket, Flickr, Picasa Web Albums). At the same time, the Picassa team created a Flash component that works with their service.

Universal Search Launches

There was big news in search this week. At Searchology, we announced our first
phase of Universal Search which ties various search products together to give you an answer that makes sense across books, music, video, news, and good old web pages.

We published a little behind the scenes coverage for those who want to dig a little.

Google Code Projects of the Week

GWT Maven Support

If you are a maven user, it is hard to go back to any other way for building your Java applications. The GWT Maven project allows you to weave your nice dependency magic with your GWT projects.

Hey, What's That?

This Google Maps mashup allows you to get a profile on what you could see from a given point. This is normally most interesting from a point that is high up, so the interface gives you a list of mountains to choose from.

For extra bonus points, you can read up on the technical side for how
they work it all out

In other news...

YouTube API Blog: YouTube has just created a new API blog, so we should expect some interesting content around the APIs that Youtube has available to developers.

Real-time quotes for free: If you work in the financial sector, you will know that access to real-time quotes is very important indeed. It is great to see that we are going to be offering them for free, across our properties.

Viewing your collections with Google Maps: Check out the new maps view feature in 3D Warehouse.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Creating Rich Experiences In The Browser With HTML5 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. This guest post is written by Ryan Massie, Product Manager at Clicker.com who will be demoing as part of the Developer Sandbox.

Over the years, the technical gap between engineering for the Web and engineering for an operating system has continued to narrow. Third party plug-ins led the way in this progression, until their services eventually became standardized and built into the browser itself. Now, using HTML5, we're outgrowing many of the limitations that came with developing for a specific OS or device, enabling us to create next generation user-experiences that bring more utility to more platforms than ever before.

In general, building for the Web enables us to be more agile. By establishing implementation guidelines for video, animation, audio and storage, HTML5 further reduces the level of fragmentation across the Web, empowering developers to efficiently build rich, browser-based experiences of superior quality.

For us here at Clicker, that means opportunities to create more unique and immersive experiences that guide users to the premium-quality TV shows, movies, music videos and Web originals available to watch online. Using HTML5, we’re able to offer more innovative in-browser experiences with movement and reflections while providing a faster performance.

One reason the Web is an amazing platform is because changes made to a given website are instantaneous and can be viewed by anyone in the world with an Internet connection. By creating browser-based utilities, optimized for various screens and devices, we can continue to create consistent, reliable and scalable experiences that push the boundaries of what people can do online, making the Web an increasingly more interesting place. And as developers, it's important to make the Open Web a success. HTML5 and other advancements give us more opportunities to stretch the boundaries of what we can enable people to do. And, without the hindrance of downloads and the added benefit of increased browser speed, consumers will increasingly expect rich, browser-based experiences. This end-user demand will continue to spur the overall pace of innovation and development on the Open Web.

We look forward to meeting fellow developers and continuing the conversation in person at I/O this week!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Ignite Google I/O speakers announced 2013

Seo Master present to you: As mentioned before, I will be hosting an Ignite at Google I/O on Wednesday, May 27 from 4:15-5:15pm at Moscone West in San Francisco. I'm happy to announce the following nine speakers who will be joining me onstage. In no particular order, here they are - as well as a preview of what they'll be presenting during their five minutes in the hot seat:
  • Leo Dirac - Transhumanism Morality
    Why only geeks and hippies can save the world.

  • Michael Driscoll - Hacking Big Data with the Force of Open Source
    The world is streaming billions of data points per minute. This is Big Data ? capital B, capital D. But capturing data isn't enough. We need tools to make sense of it, to help us better understand -- and predict -- what we click and consume. We want to make hypotheses about the world. And to test hypotheses, we need statistics. We need R.

  • Pamela Fox - My Dad, the Computer Scientist: Growing up Geek

  • Tim Ferriss - The Case for Just Enough: Minimalism Metrics
    Looking at how removing options and elements gets better conversions, etc., looking at screenshots of start-ups I'm working with and real numbers. Some humor (I hope) and fun, both philosophical and tactical.

  • Nitin Borwankar - Law of Gravity for Scaling
    Why did Twitter have scaling problems? I spent 6 months thinking deeply about this and derived a simple formula that a high school student would understand. It demonstrates where the center of gravity is moving in the "Next Web" and why this aggregation of CPU's is even bigger than Google's. And oh yes, it explains how to build a service that scales to 100 million CPU's.

  • Kevin Marks - Why are we bigoted about Social networks?

  • Andrew Hatton - Coding against Cholera
    I'll examine what IT life is like on the front line with Oxfam, a humanitarian agency, and how good code can make a real difference to people's lives in all sorts of ways..some of them surprising..

  • Robin Sloan - How to Predict the Future
    OK, back in 2004 I made a video called "EPIC 2014," predicting the future of media (and Google). It turned out to be 100% CORRECT. No, just kidding. But it made a lot of people think, which is really the point of talking about the future. Turns out there's a whole professional discipline of future forecasting. And there are certain ways you can think about the future that will give you better odds of being right than others.

  • Kathy Sierra - Become Awesome

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Fridaygram: email journey, humans and robots, special space launch 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author PhotoBy Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor

This week we launched Story of Send, a new site that shows you what happens to your email after you click (or tap) Send. The site is meant for everyone, so you can share it with your [insert favorite non-nerdy reference person here].

story of send screen shot

Even though Story of Send is designed for all viewers, there are great features inside for us nerds. These appear not just in the text and animation, but also in the form of photos and videos. In particular, take a look at the video At the data center, which you’ll find on the Safe and Secure page, for a rare look inside a Google data center.

We’re used to great technology in our computers and mobile devices. More rarely, we get to see amazing tech that truly transforms lives. Thanks to research in robotics and neuroscience, two paralyzed people have controlled a robotic arm with their thoughts via a tiny injected sensor. One participant used the robot arm to grab a bottle and bring it to her so she could drink from it. This woman has been paralyzed for 15 years. After the successful experiment, one of the researchers was quoted as saying "She had a smile on her face that I and the research team will never forget".

Finally, space fans might want to make time this weekend to watch the May 19 launch of the private SpaceX Dragon spacecraft from Cape Canaveral on its way to the International Space Station. Depending on where you are on the planet, the launch is scheduled for morning, afternoon, or evening on Saturday. Those of us here on the west coast of North America and in Hawaii can just plan to drink a lot of coffee and stay up late tonight.

Each week we publish Fridaygram, featuring stuff from Google and beyond that you might have missed during the week. Fridaygram items aren't necessarily related to developer topics; they’re just interesting to us nerds. This week we’re wondering if Zefram Cochrane would be interested in the SpaceX launch.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Gmail contextual gadgets, now available to all developers 2013

Seo Master present to you: Following the sneak preview of Gmail contextual gadgets during the launch of the Google Apps Marketplace, we announced a limited trusted tester period for those who couldn’t wait to get started. We were pleased with the overwhelming interest in the API, and were able to invite a select group of developers to participate.

We are happy to announce that the Gmail contextual gadgets API is available to all Google Apps Marketplace developers today. For more on how to get started, check out the documentation and read the full announcement on the Google Enterprise Blog.

For anyone interested in a deep-dive on Gmail contextual gadgets, make sure to check out my session at Google I/O!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Why Static Is Your Enemy When Building A Computer 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Why Static Is Your Enemy When Building A Computer
License: Creative Commons image source
Have you ever reached out to open a door or even gone to shake another person's hand and been unexpectedly zapped by static electricity? In these instances it can be annoying, slightly embarrassing and a little bit sore, but generally harmless. However, for those thinking about building their own PC, it can be quite dangerous.

While it won't really do any damage to you, it could ruin the interior components to your PC, which it is so important to remove any threat of it before you even think about touching your PC. You may have heard people say that you have to 'ground' yourself before you go to build a PC or touch any of its inner workings. Well, this is true and it can really pay dividends, as the last thing you want to do is to be doing the final tweaks to your PC build only to ruin everything with a static charge!

But exactly why can static be so damaging to computers? Well, it's because you may not even realise that you have transmitted a static charge. You and I only notice it when you experience that familiar jolt of electricity, but this only occurs when it reaches over 3500-4000 volts. Anything below this is not felt, but it can still transfer to your PC and do damage.

For weeks or even months your PC may work perfectly, so you will be happy that your new PC built has gone swimmingly. Then, one day, a programme may freeze or a component may cause strange things to happen with your computer. You could put this down to a faulty part, but in actual fact it is much more likely that it has been caused by a static charge.

So, how can you prevent this from happening? Here are just a few solutions to this issue:

1.) Invest in antistatic products

When working on your PC build you may want to use an antistatic pad that you can lay your PC case or any components on. This will keep everything grounded so there is no risk of static building up, whether it goes above or remains below the threshold. You can find these products online now.

2.) Wear an antistatic wrist strap

Even the best in the business will tell you that antistatic wrist straps can be a real godsend to anyone looking to build their own PC. They can take the worry of static related issues off the table altogether and can make things much easier for you.

3.) Work in a prepared area

You should never work on your PC in an area that is conducive to static, as this will only cause problems. Instead, work on a bare surface with no items that can build up static. A wooden table is ideal for this, and you should ensure that plastic items and metallic products have all been removed from the area. It can also be best to stand up when working on your computer, as chair (especially rolling chairs) can be great conductors for static electricity.

Do you know of any other ways to limit the risk of a static charge when working on your PC?

Author Bio:
Guest post contributed by Simon Belfield, a small business blogger who loves building PCs. Looking forward to his next build with dabs external hard drives.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo A full ERP in the cloud with GWT and the Google Apps Marketplace 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. This guest post is written by myERP.com’s Francois Nadal (CEO) and Thomas Ricard (CTO) who will be demoing as part of the Developer Sandbox.

myERP.com is a full ERP solution that has been available in the Google Apps Marketplace since its launch in early March.

Our all-in-one business suite includes all the functions a company needs to run their business from CRM to accounting to supply chain management. We've gotten a tremendous response from customers: in less than 3 weeks, we signed up more than 3,000 new small and medium customers.

Getting started was not easy. First, we had to convert our Java application to the cloud, using Google Web Toolkit (GWT). It was a task that took us nearly 2 years to complete we launched the first released of our ERP in the cloud in late 2008. It attracted the interest of Google engineers who subsequently invited us to present at the Google I/O 2009 developer conference in San Francisco.

To prepare for the Google Apps Marketplace launch, we started modifying our codebase. There were two very separate tasks to achieve. The first one was to OpenID-enable myERP.com, and more specifically SSO-enable it. A Google Apps user should never be asked to enter his or her credentials to login to myERP.com. When you work with Google, you have to focus even more than you are used to on the user experience. The user should never see the underlying technology and just navigate from his Gmail inbox or his Google Calendar to myERP.com as if everything was a single application. That was the toughest part to do, since our application was not ready for it. So, we did a lot of refactoring. We're proud today to use our myERP.com software through our own Google Apps account.

The second part was easier since we were already integrated with Google Contacts and Calendar long before the Google Apps Marketplace. The main change was that we used to ask individual users for their credentials, which was a security risk. Now, we use OAuth. This development took us 2 weeks. We currently use the Google Contacts API to retrieve (import), create, update and delete customers created in myERP.com. We also use the Provisioning API to synchronize accounts in myERP.com with accounts in Google Apps. MyERP.com now lets customers use Gmail and Calendar to manage their Business Actions. Our next Google Apps development will focus on Google Docs: frequently requested features include exporting data to a Google Spreadsheet and putting an invoice in a Google Document.

We will be demoing in the Developer Sandbox at Google I/O, and we look forward to seeing you there!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo 4 Tips to Becoming a Top App in the Google Apps Marketplace 2013

Seo Master present to you: This post is part of the Who's @ Google I/O, a series of blog posts that give a closer look at developers who'll be speaking or demoing at Google I/O. This guest post is written by Amit Kulkarni, Co-Founder and CEO of Manymoon, who will be demoing as part of the Developer Sandbox.

Manymoon is a free social productivity tool that helps teams manage and share projects, tasks and conversations. We became part of the Google Apps Marketplace at launch and have seen tremendous early success. Over 1,000 new businesses sign up each week, making us one of the top apps in the Marketplace. Below are some of our tips for building a successful app:

1. Define the problem - and make sure it's a big one!
For us, that was all the communication that gets lost in email. We thought email is great for notifications and is great ... as of 10 years ago.
But the internet is now social and about communicating for fun and work and both! And Google Apps has 25 million users and is signing up over 3000 new businesses a day.
We realized there was a significant opportunity.

2. Simplicity Sticks
Building a web app is different than building an enterprise app. The premium is on intuitiveness and ease of use. You've lost if the user has to read a manual, FAQ or go through a tutorial. User attention spans are short and it's critical for them to get up to speed in minutes. And that meant starting with something very simple: sharing tasks and projects.

3. Focus on What You're Great At
While in private beta, we had numerous customers asking for the ability to add documents to tasks and projects. The more we discussed with customers the more we realized that they were asking for features outside of our core vision. For example, they were asking for things like version control and co-browsing. This would have taken us months to build and is a whole different startup in fact! Instead, we decided to integrate with the Google Docs APIs. From a technical perspective, it provided us with the features our private beta users needed and it only took us a few weeks to complete! We immediately saw significant traction with users since our daily visits increased by 300%.

As we receive feature requests from users, we always look to see how we can integrate existing Google Apps to provide a better user experience. Another great example is our calendar feature. Customers were asking for a graphical calendar feature that included all necessary project information: open tasks, events and milestones. We were able to use the Google Calendar API and in just a few days provide this feature to users. We did this by using the API to automate multiple steps: create a calendar, share it with people and seamlessly update it with the latest project information.

4. Re-Use and Drive Engagement
One major benefit of using Google APIs was the way it reduced the friction to get users engaged. We did this by re-using each user's existing data in Manymoon! Specifically, a user can use Manymoon for tasks and projects that immediately work with their existing Google Docs, Google Calendars, Google Sites and Google Accounts (including OpenID). This dramatically reduces the barrier to the user trying a new app and increases relevance (since their existing data is available within the app).

We're presenting at Google I/O next week where we'll share more tips on this topic in our session, Reach new customers fast: Learn how to sell your cloud app on the Google Apps Marketplace. We’ll also be in the Developer Sandbox and would love for you to stop by our station and share any questions, tips or tricks.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Remember to tune in to live-streamed Google I/O keynotes 2013

Seo Master present to you: For those not attending Google I/O, remember to tune in to http://youtube.com/GoogleDevelopers on Wednesday, May 19, and Thursday, May 20, to watch the Google I/O keynote presentations live.

Keynote times:
Wednesday, May 19: 9:00am - 10:30am PDT
Thursday, May 20: 8:30am - 10:00am PDT

To stay up to date on I/O news, follow us on Twitter or Buzz — and to go one level deeper on I/O session content, live wave with us.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Perbedaan DOFOLLOW dan NOFOLLOW 2013

Perbedaan DOFOLLOW dan NOFOLLOW - Perbedaan yang paling mendasar dari link yang Dofollow dan Nofollow adalah dari kemampuan meneruskan poin halaman. Halaman yang Nofollow tidak akan meneruskan poin halaman kepada link halaman yang dirujuknya. Sedangkan halaman yang Dofollow akan meneruskan poin halaman kepada halaman yang dirujuknya.

Jadi, singkat kata, Nofollow tidak meneruskan poin halaman

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
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العلامة البشير الابراهيمي (صور نادرة) بواسطة بن خضرة مراد سامح بن خضرة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

العلامة البشير الابراهيمي (صور نادرة) بواسطة بن خضرة مراد سامح 14 بن خضرة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

العلامة البشير الابراهيمي (صور نادرة) بواسطة بن خضرة مراد سامح 11 بن خضرة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
المصدر: المصفوفة

العلامة البشير الابراهيمي (صور نادرة) بواسطة بن خضرة مراد سامح 12 بن خضرة

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خلفيات وصور رائعة hd wallpapers
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