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seo Cara Buat Kode Warna dalam Blog 2013

Seo Master present to you: Kebetulan ada yang tanya tentang bagaimana cara membuat kode warna dalam blog? Tapi kamu jangan heran apabila kodenya bejibun, bro... Sebab SEO belum menguasai script java yang dihostkan untuk menyingkat kode dalam template blogger. Posting trik blogger ini didedikasikan untuk teman-teman yang pada haus sama yang namanya widget. Dan SEO tidak menjamin kalau loading blog kamu nantinya akan tambah lelet. Rekomendasinya, lebih baik widget atau gadget ini diletakkan dalam postingan kamu supaya loading blog dapat diminimalisir. Kemudian buat link khusus ke postingan kode warna.

Daripada nyerocos melulu, yuk kita mulai trik memasang kode warna dalam blog.

* Login dulu ke account blogger kamu.
* Pilih tab Tata Letak --> Edit HTML.

Tips : Sebelum melakukan edit template, sebaiknya simpan dulu template kamu yang ada dengan meng-klik tulisan Download Template Lengkap. Kemudian simpan dalam harddisk atau media penyimpanan lainnya, sehingga jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan kamu sudah memiliki back-up untuk mengembalikannya seperti semula.

* Silakan copas script berikut di atas kode </head>

<script language='javascript'>
function Barva(koda)
function BarvaDruga(koda)

<script type='text/javascript'>

var hue;
var picker;
//var gLogger;
var dd1, dd2;
var r, g, b;

function init() {
if (typeof(ygLogger) != "undefined")
//ddcolorposter.fillcolorbox("colorfield1", "colorbox1") //PREFILL "colorbox1" with hex value from "colorfield1"
//ddcolorposter.fillcolorbox("colorfield2", "colorbox2") //PREFILL "colorbox1" with hex value from "colorfield1"

// Picker ---------------------------------------------------------

function pickerInit() {
hue = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getVertSlider("hueBg", "hueThumb", 0, 180);
hue.onChange = function(newVal) { hueUpdate(newVal); };

picker = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getSliderRegion("pickerDiv", "selector", 0, 180, 0, 180);
picker.onChange = function(newX, newY) { pickerUpdate(newX, newY); };


dd1 = new YAHOO.util.DD("pickerPanel");
dd1.endDrag = function(e) {
// picker.thumb.resetConstraints();
// hue.thumb.resetConstraints();


function pickerUpdate(newX, newY) {

function hueUpdate(newVal) {

var h = (180 - hue.getValue()) / 180;
if (h == 1) { h = 0; }

var a = YAHOO.util.Color.hsv2rgb( h, 1, 1);

document.getElementById("pickerDiv").style.backgroundColor =
"rgb(" + a[0] + ", " + a[1] + ", " + a[2] + ")";


function pickerSwatchUpdate() {
var h = (180 - hue.getValue());
if (h == 180) { h = 0; }
document.getElementById("pickerhval").value = (h*2);

h = h / 180;

var s = picker.getXValue() / 180;
document.getElementById("pickersval").value = Math.round(s * 100);

var v = (180 - picker.getYValue()) / 180;
document.getElementById("pickervval").value = Math.round(v * 100);

var a = YAHOO.util.Color.hsv2rgb( h, s, v );

document.getElementById("pickerSwatch").style.backgroundColor =
"rgb(" + a[0] + ", " + a[1] + ", " + a[2] + ")";

document.getElementById("pickerrval").value = a[0];
document.getElementById("pickergval").value = a[1];
document.getElementById("pickerbval").value = a[2];
var hexvalue = document.getElementById("pickerhexval").value ='#'+
YAHOO.util.Color.rgb2hex(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
ddcolorposter.initialize(a[0], a[1], a[2], hexvalue)
if (hexvalue!="#FFFFFF") document.getElementById("pickerhexval").select();

</script><!--[if gte IE 5.5000]>
<script type="text/javascript">

function correctPNG() // correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 or higher.
for(var i=0; i<document.images.length; i++)
var img = document.images[i]
var imgName = img.src.toUpperCase()
if (imgName.substring(imgName.length-3, imgName.length) == "PNG")
var imgID = (img.id) ? "id='" + img.id + "' " : ""
var imgClass = (img.className) ? "class='" + img.className + "' " : ""
var imgTitle = (img.title) ? "title='" + img.title + "' " : "title='" + img.alt + "' "
var imgStyle = "display:inline-block;" + img.style.cssText
if (img.align == "left") imgStyle = "float:left;" + imgStyle
if (img.align == "right") imgStyle = "float:right;" + imgStyle
if (img.parentElement.href) imgStyle = "cursor:hand;" + imgStyle
var strNewHTML = "<span " + imgID + imgClass + imgTitle
+ " style=\"" + "width:" + img.width + "px; height:" + img.height + "px;" + imgStyle + ";"
+ "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader"
+ "(src=\'" + img.src + "\', sizingMethod='scale');\"></span>"
img.outerHTML = strNewHTML
i = i-1

YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", correctPNG);


* Simpan template kamu.

Cara I menambahkan dalam postingan.

1. Buat Posting --> Copas kode warna.
2. Berikan judul posting kamu, ex: Kode Warna.
3. Tambahkan label yang sesuai.
4. Terbitkan Entri.

Cara II menambahkan dalam elemen blog kamu :

1. Tata Letak --> Element Halaman --> Tambah Gadget.
2. Tambahkan "HTML/Javascript" --> Copas kode warna.

Kode warna :

<center><form name="hcc" id="hcc">
<table style="border-collapse: collapse;" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#cccccc" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="375"><tbody><tr height="24"><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#190707">
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</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#610b0b">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#8a0808">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#b40404">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#df0101">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#ff0000">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#fe2e2e">
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</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#0b243b">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#0b3861">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#084b8a">
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</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#58acfa">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#81bef7">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#a9d0f5">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#cee3f6">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#e0ecf8">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#eff5fb">
</td></tr><tr height="24"><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#070719">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#0a0a2a">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#0b0b3b">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#0b0b61">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#08088a">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#0404b4">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#0101df">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#0000ff">
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</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#efeffb">
</td></tr><tr height="24"><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#100719">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#1b0a2a">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#240b3b">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#380b61">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#4b088a">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#5f04b4">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#7401df">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#8000ff">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#9a2efe">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#ac58fa">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#be81f7">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#d0a9f5">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#e3cef6">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#ece0f8">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f5effb">
</td></tr><tr height="24"> <td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#190718">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#2a0a29">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#3b0b39">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#610b5e">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#8a0886">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#b404ae">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#df01d7">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#ff00ff">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#fe2ef7">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#fa58f4">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f781f3">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f5a9f2">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f6cef5">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f8e0f7">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#fbeffb">
</td></tr><tr height="24"><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#190710">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#2a0a1b">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#3b0b24">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#610b38">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#8a084b">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#b4045f">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#df0174">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#ff0080">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#fe2e9a">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#fa58ac">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f781be">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f5a9d0">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f6cee3">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f8e0ec">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#fbeff5">
</td></tr><tr height="10"><td>
</td></tr><tr height="24"><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#000000">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#0b0b0b">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#151515">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#1c1c1c">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#2e2e2e">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#424242">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#585858">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#6e6e6e">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#848484">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#a4a4a4">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#bdbdbd">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#d8d8d8">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#e6e6e6">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#f2f2f2">
</td><td onclick="Barva(this.bgColor)" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr height="24"><td id="vzorec" height="24" width="24">
</td><td valign="bottom"><p>Kode warna yang terpilih : <input name="barva" id="barva" style="font-weight: bold; font-family: Verdana; height: 16px; width: 74px; font-size: 12px;" maxlength="7" size="9" type="text"></p></td></tr></tbody></table>

Demikian trik dari SEO blogger untuk memasang Kode Warna dalam Blog...

Wacana Yang Berkaitan:
Kode Warna Blog2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: Flash indexing with external resource loading 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
Webmaster Level: All

We just added external resource loading to our Flash indexing capabilities. This means that when a SWF file loads content from some other file—whether it's text, HTML, XML, another SWF, etc.—we can index this external content too, and associate it with the parent SWF file and any documents that embed it.
This new capability improves search quality by allowing relevant content contained in external resources to appear in response to users' queries. For example, this result currently comes up in response to the query [2002 VW Transporter 888]:

Prior to this launch, this result did not appear, because all of the relevant content is contained in an XML file loaded by a SWF file.

To date, when Google encounters SWF files on the web, we can:
  • Index textual content displayed as a user interacts with the file. We click buttons and enter input, just like a user would.
  • Discover links within Flash files.
  • Load external resources and associate the content with the parent file.
  • Support common JavaScript techniques for embedding Flash, such as SWFObject and SWFObject2.
  • Index sites scripted with AS1 and AS2, even if the ActionScript is obfuscated. Update on June 19, 2009: We index sites with AS3 as well. The ActionScript version isn't particularly relevant in our Indexing process, so we support older versions of AS in addition to the latest.
If you don't want your SWF file or any of its external resources crawled by search engines, please use an appropriate robots.txt directive.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

from web contents: Running desktop and mobile versions of your site 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog: (This post was largely translated from our Japanese version of the Webmaster Central Blog )

Recently I introduced several methods to ensure your mobile site is properly indexed by Google. Today I'd like to share information useful for webmasters who manage both desktop and mobile phone versions of a site.

One of the most common problems for webmasters who run both mobile and desktop versions of a site is that the mobile version of the site appears for users on a desktop computer, or that the desktop version of the site appears when someone finds them from a mobile device. In dealing with this scenario, here are two viable options:

Redirect mobile users to the correct version
When a mobile user or crawler (like Googlebot-Mobile) accesses the desktop version of a URL, you can redirect them to the corresponding mobile version of the same page. Google notices the relationship between the two versions of the URL and displays the standard version for searches from desktops and the mobile version for mobile searches.

If you redirect users, please make sure that the content on the corresponding mobile/desktop URL matches as closely as possible. For example, if you run a shopping site and there's an access from a mobile phone to a desktop-version URL, make sure that the user is redirected to the mobile version of the page for the same product, and not to the homepage of the mobile version of the site. We occasionally find sites using this kind of redirect in an attempt to boost their search rankings, but this practice only results in a negative user experience, and so should be avoided at all costs.

On the other hand, when there's an access to a mobile-version URL from a desktop browser or by our web crawler, Googlebot, it's not necessary to redirect them to the desktop-version. For instance, Google doesn't automatically redirect desktop users from their mobile site to their desktop site, instead they include a link on the mobile-version page to the desktop version. These links are especially helpful when a mobile site doesn't provide the full functionality of the desktop version -- users can easily navigate to the desktop-version if they prefer.

Switch content based on User-agent
Some sites have the same URL for both desktop and mobile content, but change their format according to User-agent. In other words, both mobile users and desktop users access the same URL (i.e. no redirects), but the content/format changes slightly according to the User-agent. In this case, the same URL will appear for both mobile search and desktop search, and desktop users can see a desktop version of the content while mobile users can see a mobile version of the content.

However, note that if you fail to configure your site correctly, your site could be considered to be cloaking, which can lead to your site disappearing from our search results. Cloaking refers to an attempt to boost search result rankings by serving different content to Googlebot than to regular users. This causes problems such as less relevant results (pages appear in search results even though their content is actually unrelated to what users see/want), so we take cloaking very seriously.

So what does "the page that the user sees" mean if you provide both versions with a URL? As I mentioned in the previous post, Google uses "Googlebot" for web search and "Googlebot-Mobile" for mobile search. To remain within our guidelines, you should serve the same content to Googlebot as a typical desktop user would see, and the same content to Googlebot-Mobile as you would to the browser on a typical mobile device. It's fine if the contents for Googlebot are different from the one for Googlebot-Mobile.

One example of how you could be unintentionally detected for cloaking is if your site returns a message like "Please access from mobile phones" to desktop browsers, but then returns a full mobile version to both crawlers (so Googlebot receives the mobile version). In this case, the page which web search users see (e.g. "Please access from mobile phones") is different from the page which Googlebot crawls (e.g. "Welcome to my site"). Again, we detect cloaking because we want to serve users the same relevant content that Googlebot or Googlebot-Mobile crawled.

Diagram of serving content from your mobile-enabled site

We're working on a daily basis to improve search results and solve problems, but because the relationship between PC and mobile versions of a web site can be nuanced, we appreciate the cooperation of webmasters. Your help will result in more mobile content being indexed by Google, improving the search results provided to users. Thank you for your cooperation in improving the mobile search user experience.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Kode Warna Blog 2013

Seo Master present to you: Sangat jarang apabila kamu membangun sebuah blog tanpa adanya unsur warna. Karena warna merupakan salah satu dasar agar blog kamu tampil lebih prima dan elegant, sehingga pengunjung akan tertarik untuk menikmati blog kamu. Jadi tidak salah kalau dikatakan bahwa warna adalah salah satu komponen agar blog kamu optimal. Mengoptimalkan blog melalui unsur warna bukan hanya dilakukan pada background blog tetapi lebih banyak lagi fungsi serta manfaat lain yang bisa kamu eksplorasi, seperti : pewarnaan teks, pewarnaan link, highlight, dan sebagainya. Untuk menghapal kode-kode warna mungkin susah dilakukan, namun bagaimana kalau menggunakan alat bantu. Cara kerjanya kamu tinggal meng-klik warna, kemudian kode-nya akan muncul. Dan langkah selanjutnya tinggal copas kode tersebut dalam kode HTML blog kamu [ex : color:#000000 (warna hitam)]. Don't forget this, just klik your color.

Kode warna yang terpilih :

2013, By: Seo Master

from web contents: The Ultimate Fate of Supplemental Results 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
In 2003, Google introduced a "supplemental index" as a way of showing more documents to users. Most webmasters will probably snicker about that statement, since supplemental docs were famous for refreshing less often and showing up in search results less often. But the supplemental index served an important purpose: it stored unusual documents that we would search in more depth for harder or more esoteric queries. For a long time, the alternative was to simply not show those documents at all, but this was always unsatisfying—ideally, we would search all of the documents all of the time, to give users the experience they expect.

This led to a major effort to rethink the entire supplemental index. We improved the crawl frequency and decoupled it from which index a document was stored in, and once these "supplementalization effects" were gone, the "supplemental result" tag itself—which only served to suggest that otherwise good documents were somehow suspect—was eliminated a few months ago. Now we're coming to the next major milestone in the elimination of the artificial difference between indices: rather than searching some part of our index in more depth for obscure queries, we're now searching the whole index for every query.

From a user perspective, this means that you'll be seeing more relevant documents and a much deeper slice of the web, especially for non-English queries. For webmasters, this means that good-quality pages that were less visible in our index are more likely to come up for queries.

Hidden behind this are some truly amazing technical feats; serving this much larger of an index doesn't happen easily, and it took several fundamental innovations to make it possible. At this point it's safe to say that the Google search engine works like nothing else in the world. If you want to know how it actually works, you'll have to come join Google Engineering; as usual, it's all triple-hush-hush secrets.*

* Originally, I was going to give the stock Google answer, "If I told you, I'd have to kill you." However, I've been informed by management that killing people violates our "Don't be evil" policy, so I'm forced to replace that with sounding mysterious and suggesting that good engineers come and join us. Which I'm dead serious about; if you've got the technical chops and want to work on some of the most complex and advanced large-scale software infrastructure in the world, we want you here.
this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Bagaimana cara meningkatkan traffic blog? 2013

Bagaimana cara meningkatkan traffic blog? Ini adalah pertanyaan yang sangat banyak ditemukan di dunia maya. Tentu saja semua blogger ingin bisa meningkatkan traffic blognya hanya saja tidak banyak orang yang mengerti bagaimana cara melakukannya. Saya akan membagikan beberapa hal di sini, mudah-mudahan bisa membantu.

Prinsip dasar meningkatkan traffic blog anda

Pernahkah anda

from web contents: State of the Index: my presentation from PubCon Vegas 2013

salam every one, this is a topic from google web master centrale blog:
It seems like people enjoyed when I recreated my Virtual Blight talk from the Web 2.0 Summit late last year, so we decided to post another video. This video recreates the "State of the Index" talk that I did at PubCon in Las Vegas late last year as well.

Here's the video of the presentation:

and if you'd like to follow along, here are the slides:

You can also access the presentation directly. Thanks again to Wysz for recording this video and splicing the slides into the video.

this is a topic published in 2013... to get contents for your blog or your forum, just contact me at: devnasser@gmail.com

seo Trik Membuat Teks Berjalan (marquee) 2013

Seo Master present to you: Marquee merupakan kumpulan kode HTML yang jika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa web browser akan membentuk suatu animasi berupa teks atau image yang bergerak atau berjalan. Ketika kamu sedang melakukan silaturahim ke blog lain, tidak jarang kamu akan menemui blog yang menggunakan marquee ini. Tentunya hal tersebut mungkin akan menimbulkan satu pertanyaan tentang "bagaimana cara membuatnya?". Karena pokok bahasannya adalah "marquee", maka kode HTML-nya pun ikut-ikutan marquee, yakni<marquee> ... </marquee>.Untuk lebih memahami tentang marquee (teks bergerak atau berjalan), mari bersama-sama kita telusuri trik blogger dengan menggunakan kode HTML marquee tersebut.

Berikut beberapa contoh dan manfaat dari kode teks berjalan (marquee) :

<marquee>Teks ini menggunakan marquee default</marquee>

Teks ini menggunakan marquee default

<marquee direction="right">Teks bergerak ke kanan</marquee>

Teks bergerak ke kanan

Catatan : "direction" merupakan kode yang berfungsi untuk menentukan arah gerakan teks atau image. Atributnya adalah left, right, up, dan down.

<marquee direction="up" height="50" width="50%">Teks berjalan ke atas yang dibatasi area tertentu</marquee>

Teks berjalan ke atas yang dibatasi area tertentu

Catatan : "height" dan "width" berfungsi untuk menentukan tinggi serta lebar area marquee yang digunakan oleh teks, atributnya berupa nilai angka atau prosen (%).

<marquee bg scrolldelay="2000" direction="down" scrollmount="2" height="50" width="75%">Teks di kiri berjalan ke bawah dgn waktu tunda 2 detik, berkecepatan tertentu yang dibatasi area tertentu pula</marquee>

Teks di kiri berjalan ke bawah dgn waktu tunda 2 detik, berkecepatan tertentu yang dibatasi area tertentu pula

Catatan : "scrolldelay" berfungsi mengatur waktu tunda, atributnya adalah angka per-mili detik. Sedangkan "scrollmount" digunakan untuk mengatur kecepatan gerakan teks, atributnya berupa angka. Semakin besar angka, maka semakin cepat gerakannya.

<marquee bgcolor="#cecef6" scrollmount="2">Teks berkecepatan tertentu dengan menggunakan latar warna biru muda</marquee>

Teks berkecepatan tertentu dengan menggunakan latar warna biru muda

Catatan : "bgcolor" mempunyai fungsi memberikan warna latar teks, atributnya adalah kode warna.

<marquee bg loop="4">Teks 4x berjalan, kemudian hilang</marquee>

Teks 4x berjalan, kemudian hilang

<marquee bg loop="4" behavior="slide">Teks 4x berjalan, kemudian berhenti</marquee>

Teks 4x berjalan, kemudian berhenti

Catatan : "loop" mempunyai fungsi mengatur jumlah gerakan, atributnya adalah angka. Semakin besar nilainya, maka semakin banyak pula gerakannya. Biasanya kode loop diikuti dengan kode behavior="slide", agar teks tidak hilang.

<marquee hspace="25" width="25%" bgcolor=yellow><p>Teks berjalan</p>dan berjarak horizontal</marquee>

Teks berjalan

dan berjarak horizontal

<marquee vspace="25" width="25%" bgcolor=yellow><p>Teks berjalan</p>dan berjarak vertikal</marquee>

Teks berjalan

dan berjarak vertikal

Catatan : "hspace" berguna mengatur jarak marquee dengan teks atau tepi elemen secara horizontal, atributnya adalah angka. Sedangkan "vspace" berfungsi untuk mengatur jarak marquee dengan teks atau tepi elemen secara vertikal, atributnya angka juga. Semakin besar nilainya, maka semakin besar jaraknya.

<marquee behavior="alternate">Teks ini akan berjalan bolak-balik</marquee>

Teks ini akan berjalan bolak-balik

Catatan : "behavior" berfungsi untuk mengatur perilaku gerakan teks dgn atribut yang mengikutinya seperti scroll (gerakan default ke kiri), slide (bergerak sekali lalu berhenti), dan alternate (bolak-balik).

Nah, sekarang bagaimana jika kamu ingin memasukkan jenis huruf (font-family) dan warna huruf (color). Kamu tinggal menambahkan kode <span> ... </span> diantara kode marquee, singkat kodenya seperti di bawah ini.

<span >&lt;marquee bgcolor="#f2f5a9" direction="down" behavior="alternate" scrollamount="10" height="100" width="50&">Teks arial warna biru</marquee></span>

Teks arial warna biru

Selain itu terdapat variasi lain yang apabila mouse didekatkan, maka teks akan berhenti. Dan akan bergerak kembali ketika mouse dipindahkan ke area lain.

<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" bgcolor="#cecef6" scrollamount="2" direction="up" width="75%" height="100" align="left">
<a href="http://www.matrixar.com/2009/06/trik-membuat-teks-berjalan-marquee.html">trik-membuat-teks-berjalan</a><br/>


Kalau kamu ingin yang berjalan bukan teks, melainkan image maka tinggal mengganti teks yang berwarna merah dengan alamat penyimpanan file gambar kamu.

<marquee><img src="http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww347/lerry_apriantony/seoblog-1.gif"/></marquee>

Catatan : Kode warna merah merupakan teks yang dimasukkan dalam kode marquee.

Dan masih banyak lagi variasi kode yang dapat kamu optimasi, sehingga sesuai dengan tipe dan karakteristik elemen di blog kamu. Point pentingnya adalah jangan tidak pernah mencoba, karena kamu nanti tidak akan pernah pula tahu arti dan maknanya.

Selamat mencoba marquee menurut versi kamu...

Wacana Yang Berkaitan:
Kode Warna Blog
2013, By: Seo Master

seo OAuth 2.0 Playground and Google Drive API 2013

Seo Master present to you: Author Photo
By Nicolas Garnier, Developer Relations

Last November, we launched the OAuth 2.0 Playground, a tool enabling you to easily experiment with the OAuth 2.0 protocol and APIs that use the protocol. We recently added a convenient way for you to test the newly launched Google Drive API by allowing you to open Drive files with the OAuth 2.0 Playground along with extending the capabilities of the Playground to support file upload and multipart requests.

The Drive API uses a per-file security model. When using the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file scope you will only be able to access the files that your app has created or that were opened through the Google Drive interface with your app. This made it impossible to read any existing Drive files using the OAuth 2.0 Playground by simply authorizing the Drive scope. To make this possible we are providing a way to open files from the Drive UI with the OAuth 2.0 Playground. All you need to do is add the OAuth 2.0 Playground application to Google Drive.

OAuth 2.0 Playground as a Drive app on the Chrome Web Store

To allow you to experiment with the Drive-initiated OAuth 2.0 flow and open existing Drive files using the API we've made the OAuth 2.0 Playground installable as a Drive app from the Chrome Web Store.

OAuth 2.0 Playground listing on the Chrome Web Store

After installing the OAuth 2.0 Playground you will be able to open files directly from Drive using the OAuth 2.0 Playground by simply right clicking on a file in Drive > Open with > OAuth 2.0 Playground.

Right click on a file in Drive > Open with > OAuth 2.0 Playground

This makes sure the Playground is granted access to the file and then redirects the user to the Playground after initiating an OAuth flow. The Playground will have the auth code and the file metadata URL pre-filled so you'll then be able to conveniently finish the OAuth flow and fetch the file's metadata.

"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "0B9-4449Da_xrQlIzdG1TcUJDaTQ",
"etag": "\"apVthTUIHAT9tjL_sIEpc--sy_s/MTMzOTY4MDk…
"title": "drive_logo.png",
"mimeType": "image/png",
"labels": {
 "starred": false,
 "hidden": false,
 "trashed": false
"createdDate": "2012-06-14T13:36:29.054Z",
"modifiedDate": "2012-06-14T13:36:29.054Z",
"modifiedByMeDate": "2012-06-14T13:36:28.905Z",
"lastViewedDate": "2012-06-14T15:53:18.150Z",
"parentsCollection": [
  "id": "0AN-4449Da_xrUk9PVA",

Drive file’s metadata fetched by the OAuth 2.0 Playground

Specify file content as request body

Along with manually specifying text, you can now choose to send file content as part of the request body with the Playground. To do that, simply select a file in the Request Body.

In the case where you choose to specify both some manually entered text and a file as the request body, we will automatically convert your request to a multipart request as shown below.

POST /upload/drive/v1/files?uploadType=multipart HTTP/1.1
Host: www.googleapis.com
Content-length: 1759
Content-type: multipart/related; boundary="===============736

Authorization: OAuth ya29.1234567890
Content-type: application/json

"title": "drive_logo.png",
"mimeType": "image/png"
Content-type: image/png

<BINARY DATA - 1526 Bytes>

A multipart request sent from the OAuth 2.0 Playground

This allows you, for instance, to create new files on Drive with one single request to the Drive API file upload endpoint by sending both the metadata of the file and the file’s content.

We hope the OAuth 2.0 Playground Drive application and the new file upload features will help you during the development of Drive-enabled web applications. If you have any questions regarding the Drive API don’t hesitate to ask us on Stack Overflow and if you’d like to reach out to the OAuth 2.0 Playground team please do so on our Google Group.

Nicolas Garnier joined Google’s Developer Relations in 2008 and lives in Zurich. He is a Developer Advocate focusing on Google Apps and Web APIs. Before joining Google, Nicolas worked at Airbus and at the French Space Agency where he built web applications for scientific researchers.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor

2013, By: Seo Master
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