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seo Working better together: Protecting against invalid activity 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Protecting against invalid activityPublishers are the lifeblood of the Internet, and we’re committed to helping you grow your businesses. Last year alone, we shared $6.5 billion with our AdSense publishers. We also invest immense amounts of time and millions of dollars in systems (including sophisticated algorithms and human reviews) that keep
bad ads from appearing on your sites and prevent advertisers from being fraudulently charged for bad clicks. When everything is working well, advertisers trust our network and continue to invest in it, which generates revenue for you the publisher, ultimately funding the free content users love. But we’ve also heard the stories: publishers finding their accounts suspended or even disabled for “invalid activity” without a clear understanding of why or how to fix it. We know this can be an intensely frustrating, even scary experience. So why does this happen?

While the vast majority of publishers who sign up for AdSense do so in good faith, unfortunately there are some bad actors out there.  As you can imagine, we can’t reveal all the tools we use to keep bad sites and bad traffic out of our network.  But sometimes these tools result in good publishers who become a source of invalid activity having their accounts disabled without much recourse.  We’re making some changes we think will help fix this:
  • We are considering tenure more actively when responding to detected invalid activity. For example, some trusted publishers will now have their accounts suspended instead of terminated, and over time we hope to work directly with more publishers to resolve invalid traffic issues without needing to disable the account at all. (As always, we’ll continue to credit advertisers for any invalid activity.)
  • We’ve given publishers tools to submit more informative appeals via a new form, which may help resolve issues more quickly.
  • We’re providing more details on invalid activity’s causes. If we’ve detected a violation of our policies you’ll receive an email and a notification to your account with further information and instructions. And you can read all about the causes of invalid activity at our Ad Traffic Quality Resource Center, which is now available in most languages supported by AdSense, such as German, French, Polish and Arabic.
  • Whether you’re looking for a refresher or just creating your first ad unit, you can review the do’s and don'ts of ad traffic in our expanded AdSense Academy
  • In order to help publishers avoid common pitfalls, we’re kicking off a video series that explains why some of our policies exist and how you can make sure you’re working with them. Our first looks specifically at invalid traffic.

    We want to work with our publisher partners to keep the AdSense network strong -- keeping good publishers’ accounts in good standing, while also protecting advertisers and users from fraudulent activity. This is why we’re making changes, like the ones discussed today, to provide more help when things go wrong. We’ll be making even more changes as the year goes on so look for continued updates on this blog.

    Posted by Jonathan Bellack - Product Management Director

    We want to hear from you. Let’s continue the conversation -- submit your questions to us about the topics discussed in this post via Google Moderator. We’ll be holding a Google Hangout in January with members of our Product Quality Operations team for the first time to address your questions. Please note that for privacy reasons, we won’t be able to respond to account-specific questions.

    Source: http://adsense.blogspot.com2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Ad placement options for banner 468x60 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    Ad placement options for banner 468x60 How To Apply This Ad placement options for banner for Blogger. Here are tips of Duy Pham, Banner 468x60 pixels is one of the commonly used banner ads on weblog, normally it is placed in the header. To attract attention to your readers will guide insert it in two places in between the first and second article 2 when browsing the index and type at the top of the article while browsing the item type.
    How to Add Google Advertisements (Google AdSense) to Your Blogger?

    Step 1 : Create a function to display ads. Find <b:includable cards id='main' var='top'> and prepend it to the code below:

    <b:includable id='adsblogger' var='posts'>
     <div style='clear:both'/>
     <div style = 'background: # FFF; padding: 10px 0; text-align: center; line-height : 0 '>
     Code Ads

    Replace Code Ads with the address of the website to be advertised address of banner ads. Step 2 : Call the function in the position to insert ads. Adsense Code Converter

    In between the first and second article two when browsing index types:
    At the top of the article while browsing the item type:

    Find <b:include cards data='post' name='post'/> and prepend it to the code below:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
     <b:include data='post' name='adsblogger'/>
    </ b: if>
    <b:include cards data='post' name='post'/>

    Find <b:include cards data='post' name='post'/> and add to it the following code:

    <b:include cards data='post' name='post'/>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
     <b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost == "true"'>
      <b: include data = 'post' name = 'adsblogger' />
     </ b: if>
    </ b: if>

    Enjoy !
    you have done?
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo How to Add Adsense Below Post Titles ? 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    Insert Adsense ads code in Blogger Posts following will guide the you how to insert quảng cáo code củaGoogle Adsensevào Blogger , how is and apply with a number of quảng cáo khác like Adnet.vn, Bidvertiser ...Google Adsense is the most popular ad network on the planet. A lot of Blogger users also use it. It's an endless discussion where to place these ads on your blog for maximum exposure. The best ad places are around the header or above the posts or below the post titles. You can easily add adsense in your sidebar as a gadget. But Blogger doesn't allows us to directly place the ads below post titles. The ads below post titles have proven to be one of the most successful money making positions.

    Before pasting the ad code in Blogger, we must make it compatible with Blogger format. So go to http://duytemplates.tintucmoivn.com/p/adsense-code-converter.html paste the ad code and convert it. You'll find the converted ad code in the bottom box there. Copy the converted ad code.
    Open your Blogger account and go to Design then Edit HTML tab and checkExpand Widget Templates option.
    Press Ctrl + f & find <data:post.body/> you'll see some code like this:
    <div class='post-body entry-content'>
    <div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->
    Paste the converted ad code just before the above code. The result would look something like this:
    Code Ads
    <div class='post-body entry-content'>
    <div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->
    Click the PREVIEW button to see the result. Thought you might not see ads below post titles instantly because sometimes Adsense ads take some time to display.
    After that save your template by clicking the SAVE TEMPLATE button.

    Tip: Make Ads Appear Only on Post Pages

    Usually, users don't like to see too many ads on a single page. So, we can hide the ads under post titles on main page. These ads will appear only when users will click the post title and go to the post page. To do that follow the steps above but after step 8 you have the converted ad code. Ad some more code in that converted code so that it should look like this:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    Code Ads

    What I did here is that I've added an if condition to make the ads appear only on post pages. After that, follow the steps above to complete the tutorial.
    1 / Insert on the top and bottom post title but under the blog title In Design - Edit HTML - Click Expand Widget Templates Find the line (Ctrl + F): <div class='post-header-line-1'/> Insert to just below it the following code:
     <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <p class='ads'> Adsense code converter </p> </b:if>
    2 / Insert into the bottom of each post In Design - Edit HTML - Click Expand Widget Templates Find the line (Ctrl + F): the same code <div class='post-body entry-content'> <p> <data:post.body/> </ p> <div style='clear: both;'/> </ div> 
     Inserted just below it the following code: 
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <p class='ads'> Adsense code converter </p> </b:if> 
    3 / time advertising to the left of each post In Design - Edit HTML - Click Expand Widget Templates Find the line (Ctrl + F): <div class='post-header-line-1'/> 
    Insert to just below it the following code: 
     <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <p class='ads' style='float:left'> Adsense code converter </p> </b:if> 
    4 / The right of each ad post In Design - Edit HTML - Click Expand Widget Templates Find the line (Ctrl + F): <div class='post-header-line-1'/> Insert to just below it the following code:
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <p class='ads' style='float:right'> Adsense code converter </p> </b:if>
    Source: http://blogger.lambanghieu.net and http://www.betatemplates.com2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Add descriptions to Labels 2013

    Seo Master present to you:

    Add descriptions to LabelsThis was a query that I got over email and I when I saw her implement it on her blog, it looked cool and I thought this might be useful for others as well. This won’t look that great with Blogger’s Label Cloud. So this trick is only for those who use the list view in the Label Gadget. To do this, you will have to modify your Label Gadget with some custom code. You will have to add a small code snippet for each label of yours.

    This is how the Gadget will look like after applying the code changes
    Add descriptions to Blogger Label Gadget
    If you want to go ahead and do the same on your blog, then follow these instructions.
    1. Build the modified Gadget Code.
    <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
    <b:includable id='main'>
    <b:if cond='data:title'>
    <div expr:class='&quot;widget-content &quot; + data:display + &quot;-label-widget-content&quot;'>
    <b:if cond='data:display == &quot;list&quot;'>
    <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>
    <span expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'><data:label.name/></span>
    <a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><data:label.name/></a>
    <b:if cond='data:showFreqNumbers'>
    <span dir='ltr'>(<data:label.count/>)</span>
    <!-- Label Description Start -->
    <b:if cond='data:label.name == "firstlabelname"'>
    <span class="labeldesc"> - This is a label1 desc</span>

    <b:if cond='data:label.name == "secondlabelname"'>
    <span class="labeldesc"> - This is label2 desc</span>

    <b:if cond='data:label.name == "thirdlabelname"'>
    <span class="labeldesc"> - This is label3 desc</span>

    <!-- Label Description End-->
    <b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
    <span expr:class='&quot;label-size label-size-&quot; + data:label.cssSize'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>
    <span expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'><data:label.name/></span>
    <a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><data:label.name/></a>
    <b:if cond='data:showFreqNumbers'>
    <span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(<data:label.count/>)</span>
    <b:include name='quickedit'/>
    This is the modified gadget code. You will have to edit it appropriately and will have to add one <b:if/> condition per label. You have to edit the label name and description. Once you have done this, your modified Gadget Code is ready.
    2. Now it’s time to apply these changes to your Template. I’m assuming that you have already added the label gadget to your blog.(Add it if you have not).
    Go to Template > Edit HTML and look for the line which looks like ( DO NOT Expand your Widget Templates when you do this or you are gonna be in trouble)
    <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'/>
    Replace this single line with the modified Gadget Code and Save the Template
    3. That’s it. You should now see the label description on each of the Labels on your sidebar.
    If you run into troubles leave a comment and I will try to help you.. :)

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo How to Hide Blogger Sidebar to Display AdSense For Search Results 2013

    Seo Master present to you: When visitors are searching for content on your blog, you have the following options to display the search results: opening the results in the same window, in a new window or within your own site using an iframe.

    But the best option is to display the search results in your own site/blog, mainly because you are not sending people off your blog and when they are taken to a new page of search results, so it could be confusing many times because it doesn't look anything like your site or Google. Therefore, displaying the search results within your site, could look more professional and could also increases your page views and your revenue from the ads on the search page.

    A problem that many bloggers are facing is that the page which displays the AdSense for search results must be at least of 800 px wide, so the posting area must be of minimum 800px and there's nothing like that in most of the blogs.

    So, what we will do in this tutorial is to set up the search results to be displayed in a static page (none of other posts or pages will be affected) where we'll remove the sidebar, so that we'll have enough space to make the post/page section of 800px wide. Also, we will create a static page specially designed for the search results, then create a new AdSense for search in our AdSense account and finally add a small snippet of code top in your Blogger template to hide the sidebar in that specific page.

    Search results span the width of the page with the sidebar hidden:

    Display AdSense For Search Results Within Blogger Page

    Step 1. Create a new static page on your blog, you can give it the title 'Search Results' but leave the content section empty and then Publish the page.

    Step 2. When you publish the page you have the option to add the page to a menu, choose the third option 'No Gadget Link To Pages Manually' click 'Save and Publish'. OR in case this screen will not appear, right click on View Page and select Copy Link Address. We will need this URL of the page when creating the AdSense for search.

    Step 3. Go To Your AdSense account, then go to My ads tab, select the Search option and Create a New custom search engine. Follow the steps until you come to the Search results option.

    Step 4. Select the 3rd method "on my website using an iframe", then Enter the URL of the page you created into the URL field and continue.

    Step 5. Follow the rest of the set up process, at the end you will be given two pieces of code. The first piece of code is for the actual search bar that you can paste into a Html/Javascript gadget in your sidebar or wherever you want it. The second piece of code you must copy and paste into a new HTML/JavaScript gadget and after clicked on Save - drag it above the Blog Posts area

     Now that you have your page set up with the search results code and your search bar code in your sidebar, it is time to add a snippet of code to your template to remove the sidebar.

    Adding The Code In Blogger To Change the Results Page Layout

    Step 1. In Your Blogger Dashboard, go to Template > Edit HTML - then click Proceed 

    Step 2. Select the "Expand widget templates" box

    Step 3. Find (CTRL + F) the following piece of code


    Step 4. Just below it, paste this code:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == &quot;PAGE-URL-HERE&quot;'>
    .main-inner .columns {
    padding-left: 0px !important;
    padding-right: 0px !important;
    .main-inner .fauxcolumn-center-outer {
    left: 0px !important;
    right: 0px !important;
    .main-inner .fauxcolumn-left-outer, .main-inner .fauxcolumn-right-outer, .main-inner .column-left-outer, .main-inner .column-right-outer {
    display: none !important;

    Note: Replace PAGE-URL-HERE with the url address of the page where the search results will be displayed (the one you have added at the step 4)

    Step 5. Now Save Template and you're done!

    This simple trick allows you not only to hide the sidebar in the search results page, you can, as well, hide it in any page you want... just create your page and follow the same steps. It is also good to hide the sidebar in Privacy Policy Pages, Contact Pages and in all the non-content-based pages with little content or no content at all.

    Make sure to check out other interesting AdSense Tutorials.
    If you need more help, leave your comments below.

    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo 10 Places to put Adsense ads in Blogger 2013

    Seo Master present to you: This article will discuss about the more common 10 places on our blog where we can place ads and about how to implement them and also which are the most suitable formats based on those available in our AdSense account.


    In the Sidebar

    adsense, ads, add adsense blogger

    How to implement.

    This is one of the easiest places to place AdSense. Just go to the page elements (layout), click on the "Add a Gadget" link and add an HTML/Javascript widget with your ad code inside it or add directly an AdSense widget.

    Recommended formats: 125 × 125, 120 × 600 and 160 × 600

    Between posts

    blogger posts, blogger tricks, adsense ads

    Implementation. You can implement AdSense ads between your posts: go to Layout, click on the "Edit" link below the Blog Posts section, then check the "Show Ads Between Posts" option.

    Recommended formats: 468 × 60, 300 × 250 and 336 × 280

    Under the header

    blogger header, blogger tips, adsense


    Firstly, convert your AdSense ad code. You can use this converter here:
    AdSense Ad Converter

    Then, go to your Blogger Template (from your Dashboard, click on Template and press the Edit HTML button) and search for:

    <div id='header-wrapper'>

    Then paste the converted code right after it.

    Recommended formats: 728 × 90 and 728 × 15

    Above the blog posts

    make money, adsense, blogger tutorials


    Convert your ad code and search for <div id='main-wrapper'> in your template.

    Paste the converted code right after it.

    Recommended formats: 460 × 68, 468 × 15 and 336 × 280

    Under the title of the post (this will be visible on all the pages)

    money online, blogger tricks, how to blogger

    Convert your AdSense ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

    <div class='post-header-line-1'/>

    Note: if you can't find it, search it without the ending slash /

    Paste the converted code right after it.

    Recommended formats: 468 × 68 and 468 × 15

    Under the post title (visible only on the posts pages)


    Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

    <div class='post-header-line-1'/>

    Note: if you can't find it, search it without the trailing slash /

    Paste the converted code, following this example:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

    <!-- Here your ad code -->


    Recommended formats: 468x68 and 468x15

    In the posts' footer

    post footer, adsense, blogger blogspot


    Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

    <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

    Note: if you can't find it, search it without the trailing slash /

    Paste the converted code right after this line.

    Recommended formats: 468x68 and 468x15

    In the post's body (it will be visible on all pages)

    adsense how to, blogger tricks, gadgets


    Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:
    <div class='post-body entry-content'>

    Note: in case you don't fint this code, search only for <div class='post-body'>

    And paste the converted code, following this example:

    <div style='float:right'>

    <!-- Here ad code -->


    Recommended formats: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240 and 200x200

    In the post's body (visible only in post pages)

    Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

    <div class='post-body entry-content'>

    Note: in case you don't fint this code, search only for <div class='post-body'> 

    And paste the converted code, following this example:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <div style='float:right'>

    <!-- Here your ad code -->


    Recommended formats: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240 and 200x200

    Between post and comments (visible only on posts pages)


    Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

    <b:includable id='commentDeleteIcon' var='comment'>

    Paste the converted code just above it, following this example:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

    <!-- Here comes your ad code -->


    Recommended formats: 468x60, 300x250 and 336x280

    In the blog's footer

    blogger footer, adsense ads, make money online


    Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, Expand Widget Templates and look for:

    <div id='footer-wrapper'>

    Paste the converted code right after it.

    Recommended formats: 728x90 and 728x15


    I anticipated some questions likely to arise:

    I can't find the codes, what should I do?
    Always check the "Expand Widget Templates" checkbox. These are the default codes of Blogger and should be found in all the templates unless they have been changed by a hack or the template designer.

    Why should I convert my AdSense code?
    The Blogger's Template reads it as text and not as code and it is good to avoid any errors when trying to save it.

    The ads are not displaying properly, why is that?
    The ads could be affected by the styles (CSS) selectors (divs) containing them and some templates could be wrong designed, then you should consider modifying these styles, look for another relevant place or in extreme cases, change the template.

    Can I put the all 10 codes on my blog?
    No, you should choose just one of the places where you want to put the ads considering that AdSense have some limits on the number of ads that could be displayed. Try to make a balance with your content.

    Why we there should be only 3 ads displayed on the main page?
    Is due to the limit set by the AdSense. Combine the type of ads (text, rich media ads and link units) to be able to show the number of ads you want.

    Hopefully, this will be useful to those of you wanting to display AdSense ads on your blog.2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Google adsense optimization tips 2013

    Seo Master present to you: adsense, what is google adsense, earn with adsenseWhat is Google AdSense? 

    Google AdSense is a free program run by Google that allows you to display Google adverts on your blog/website and pays you everytime someone clicks on one of these ads. Just submit your blog to Google for approval and after your content has been approved, you are ready to place AdSense ads on your website.  But beware, Google AdSense doesn't approve any sites! According to AdSense policy you are not allowed to do the following things:

    1) Do not click on your own AdSense ads by any way.
    2) Do not increase AdSense ad impressions with some automating tools.
    3) Don’t ask others to click on your ads.
    4) Don’t alter the AdSense code other than fonts and colors.
    5) Don’t put AdSense code on adult or prohibited content.

    Some basic optimization tips can double your AdSense revenue, so i've added a list of some of the best Google Adsense Tips and Tricks for making more money from the Google Adsense program.

    Tips to Increase Google AdSense Earnings

    1) Place the Adsense ads above the main fold that user can see your ad units without scrolling down on your site. This will increase your Ads Click Through Rate (CTR)

    Because browsers and screen sizes vary, Google has created a nice tool that allows you to enter any URL, and check whether you've implemented your ads above the fold.

    2) The best performing ad units for AdSense are:

    250×250 Square
    160×600 wide skyscraper
    336×280 large rectangle
    300×250 medium rectangle

    Use them wisely. I suggest you to place 250 x 250 size ad units at the top of every post and align it at the right or left side of the post content. The 160×600 ad format can easily fit in the sidebar of your blogger blog.

    3) You can use the following “heat map” provided by Google to analyze other top performing ad placement slots. You should concentrate on the areas with darker orange color which represents the hot spots of the ads slots. (see in the image below)

    blogger blog, what is adsense, google analytics

    4) Text ads are good for the first Google Ad unit. I also recommend you to place a 300×250 unit in the sidebar (or somewhere below the fold) – these generally serve CPM based ads and will help you monetize visits from places like Digg and StumbleUpon.

    5) Ads placed in-between the content can also perform well. If you have small posts then put ads at the top of the page content. If you have big post then ad units placed at the bottom or middle of the post.

    6) Do not use borders to your text ads or use them wisely.

    7) To blend, choose the colors that match with the colors of your website: for example if your site background is black, you will put the same background for your Adsense ads. If your links are blue, then select the color blue for Adsense links. If your titles are red, then make your Adsense block titles red.

    8) To complement, use colors that already exist on your site, but don't match the background and borders exactly where the ads are placed.

    9) To contrast, choose colors that stand out against the background of your site. Contrasting is recommended only for sites with dark background, so we suggest using an ad style with white background, white borders, and blue titles. (google hints)

    10) Use link units near the site navigation bar. The main advantages of this placement, are that they can perform well and you don't need too much Ad space on your site. This way, your site looks clean and also, your visitors will be annoyed.

    11) Study your keywords and the target ads to these keywords. Usually, Google Adsense crawler searches for the first or second paragraph to target ads to that page so don't forget to add your page-targeted keywords at the beginning of your post.

    12) MFA (made for AdSense) sites are websites created around AdSense keywords, and often, these are poor quality sites with little or no original content. Use Allow and block ads feature to block low paying or irrelevant ads showing on your site. And be careful when you're doing this, sometimes one ad unit can give you $0.01 in one country and $1 in other country.

    13) Use Google Adsense ad preview tool to view what ads are showing on your site.

    14) Many times you can earn you more AdSense revenue from Image search engines than with the regular web traffic. Upload good quality images and use text captions with alt tags to make sure that blog images rank good in Image Search results.

    15) Add a search box at the top left region of your blog and use the word "search" in the submit button otherwise visitors might be confused and might not notice it. If you use a second search box, put it at the bottom of your pages.

    If you have any other suggestions, write a comment below.
    Good luck!2013, By: Seo Master

    seo AdSense optimization tips straight from Google 2013

    Seo Master present to you: Do you use Google AdSense to monetize your site? Then check out these top 5 optimization tips straight from Google!

    Top AdSense Optimization Tips

    1. Maximize your AdSense coverage
    In order to maximize your earnings, place three AdSense ad units and three link units on each of your pages. The more ads you display, the more opportunities you have for your users to engage with them.

    Also, because some ads are paid on a cost-per-impression (CPM) basis, you will often be paid just for displaying the ads, regardless whether a user clicks on them.

    2. Place your ads above the fold
    Ads that appear higher on the page perform the best. Place your ads so users can see them without scrolling down the page. The more a user has to scroll before finding your ads, the less likely they are to see them and to click on them.

    3. Use the best performing ad units
    Our advertisers’ preferred ad units are the Leaderboard (728×90), the Medium Rectangle (300×250) and the Wide Skyscraper (160×600). By using these popular ad units, you’ll be tapping into a larger pool of competing ads. More ad inventory leads to more competition in the ad auction and ultimately results in higher RPMs for our publishers.

    4. Show text and image ads
    Check your ad units and make sure that you’ve opted-in to displaying text and image ads. By diversifying your ads, you’re able to increase the available inventory for your site. With most text ads paid on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis and most image ads paid on a cost-per-impression (CPM) ad, you can let AdSense determine which ads will maximize your earnings.

    5. Complement your content with your ads
    Your AdSense ads should fit seamlessly within your site to improve your users’ experience. Blend the color of your ads to match the rest of your site and remove the borders around your ad units to help your ads complement your content and enhance your site.

    Bonus Tip: Opt-in to Placement Targeting
    Set up Custom Channels in your AdSense account and opt-in to Placement Targeting. Placement targeting allows our advertisers to bid on a specific ad or group of ad placements on your site. Advertisers are usually willing to bid more for targeted units.

    Have additional questions? Check out http://adsense.google.com/support

    And that’s it. At the end of the day, it's all about testing your ads and monitoring how they perform for you on your site. Good luck!2013, By: Seo Master

    seo AdSense: Your optimization checklist, Part 1 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    AdSenseWith a fresh start to the year, now is a great time to review your AdSense strategy to ensure you’re making the most out of your ads. With that in mind, we’re kicking off a two-part optimization checklist series to help you increase your earning potential. In this first post, we’ll review some oldie-but-goodie tips; take a look, check off the items that you’ve already covered, and see if there’s anything you may have missed.

    1. Increase ad coverage: Placing additional ad units on your site can have a big impact on your earnings. You can put up to three standard AdSense for content ad units (note only one 300x600), three link units and two AdSense for search boxes on each page of your site. Sometimes publishers find it difficult to decide whether an additional ad unit makes sense for their site. Watch this short video to help you make sure you're following best practices, as outlined on Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, when placing new ad units on your site. As always, it’s important to consider the amount of ads in relation to the quality content on your site.
    2. Use recommended ad sizes: As a rule of thumb, wider ad sizes tend to outperform their taller counterparts, due to their reader-friendly format. If positioned well, wide ad sizes can increase your earnings significantly. The sizes we've found to be the most effective are the 728X90 Leaderboard, the 336x280 Large Rectangle, the 300x250 Medium Rectangle, and the 160x600 Wide Skyscraper. Keep in mind that while these ad sizes typically perform well, you should use the size that best complements your pages.
    3. Show both text and image ads: Image ads compete in the same auction for your ad space that text ads do. So, choosing to display both text and image ads increases the competition for ads to appear on your site, and may help you earn more. Check this case study to see how displaying both text and image ads helped one publisher. You can also find instructions how to enable image ads in our Help Center.
    4. Experiment with ad color combinations: Choosing the right ad styles can mean the difference between ads your users will notice -- and click -- and ads they'll skip right over. There are three techniques you can use to design ad styles that will be successful for your site: blend, compliment and contrast.  Experiment with ad color combinations to find the best fit for your site. See this Help Center article for additional information.
    5. Ensure optimal ad placement: The placement of your ads plays a big role in revenue earning potential and user experience. While we often recommend placing an ad above the fold, it’s also important that users can easily find the content they are looking for. Check out this resource for more tips on ad placement, and see our heat map for even more information.
    6. Add a search box (or two): As mentioned in #1, you can put up two AdSense for search boxes (along with three standard AdSense for content ad units and three link units) on each page of your site.  AdSense for search is a free product that lets you place a Custom Search Engine on your site to provide users with web search. You'll also earn revenue from relevant ads on the search results page.
    We hope you find these tips useful. If you have additional tips to share, or would like to let us know about your experience with using an optimization tip, leave a comment on our AdSense +page. Stay tuned for our second part of the series, where we’ll cover some advanced optimization tips.

    Posted by Jamie Firkus - Inside AdSense Team
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo Google AdSense - A look back at 2012 highlights 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    Google AdSenseTime sure flies! We’re coming up on another year end and, with that, we’d like to take a step back to review our AdSense highlights of 2012.
    With your feedback in mind, we made updates to the AdSense interface including a refresh to the Ad review center and the ability to add multiple users to your account. We also introduced more reporting features, a new look to Performance reports, and enabled you to manage your account and block ads directly from your site with the new Publisher Toolbar.
    You asked for more tips to help increase your revenue, so we showed ways to improve your site by using social tools, going mobile, making user experience changes, and using DoubleClick for Publishers Small Business. Many of you reported revenue uplift (up to 400% for some!) after implementing specific changes recommended through an email or the AdSense interface.


    We had the opportunity to connect with many of you through our AdSense in Your City events (now called Learn with Google for Publishers), and through our newly created AdSense +page. We’d love to continue these interactions, so be sure to opt in to receive special offers, and follow our AdSense +page for the latest updates and Hangouts.
    You let us know that you value hearing from other publishers, so we highlighted publisher stories throughout the year, including Philip Martin, who became an artist with the help of AdSense.
    We made the payments process easier by updating the look of the Payments page in the AdSense interface and by extending payment options in Southeast Asia.
    We introduced changes to ad formats to provide you more options and increase your earning potential.
    You also told us that improved communication around the AdSense policies are important to you. We reviewed policy resources, provided some tips and announced ways we can work better together.
    And finally, following our annual tradition, we’re happy to reveal our most visited blog post of the year: the announcement of AdSense availability in Indonesian. Please keep +1’ing our posts to let us know when you like them and also +1 our blog in the upper right-hand corner if you’re a fan.

    It was a busy and fulfilling year working with you, our dedicated publishers. Stay tuned for updates on future improvements. Happy New Year 2013!

    Source: Adsense.blogspot.com and Google AdSense
    2013, By: Seo Master

    seo 70 High Google Adsense High Paying Keywords 2013 2013

    Seo Master present to you:
    70 High Google Adsense High Paying Keywords 2013The strategic direction for the blogger if you intend to earn extra income from your blog. I've tried to collect and share would receive comments from you. 70 High Paying Google Adsense Keywords Of 2013, The following keywords are Google adsense highest paying keywords .

    DONATE CARS IN MA ($125.58)
    SELL ANNUITY PAYMENT ( $ 107.46 )
    ASBESTOS LAWYERS ( $ 105.84 )
    NUNAVUT CULTURE ($99.52)
    ONLINECLASSES ($95.06)
    PSYCHIC FOR FREE ($94.61)
    MET AUTO ($93.70)
    NEUSON ($92.89)
    WEBEX COSTS ($92.38)
    CAR DONATE ($ 88.26 )
    VIRTUAL DATA ROOMS ($ 83.18 )
    DATA RECOVERY RAID ( $ 73.22)
    INJURY LAWYERS ($60.79)

    Insurance, Treatment, Loans, Attorney, Mortgage, Hosting, Rehab, Classes, Transfer,Recovery,
    Software, Claim, Trading, Lawyer,Donate, Credit, Conference Call, Degree, Gas/ Electricity, Cord Blood
    Top 20 Google Adsense High Paying Keywords 2012

    Wish you success, thanks 
    2013, By: Seo Master
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