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seo License Evolution and Hosting Projects on Code.Google.Com 2013

Seo Master present to you:
Nearly 6 years ago when we first started thinking about doing project hosting on code.google.com we noticed something particular about the other open source project hosting sites. They either accepted all Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved licenses, like Sourceforge, or they only accepted one, like the Free Software Foundation's Savannah project, which only accepted GPL'd projects.

In our day-to-day work looking after open source licensing, we lamented the proliferation of licenses and decided that we would split the difference and only offer a very limited subset of the approved OSI licenses choices to our users as a stand against the proliferation of the same. You see, we felt then and still feel now that the excessive number of open source licenses presents a problem for open source developers and those that adopt that software. Thus when we launched project hosting on code.google.com, we only launched with a small subset of licenses.

This was hardly a barrier to adoption. While there were some complaints from some corners, in the intervening 5+ years since then, we've grown to become one of the largest hosts while allowing that ethic behind license choice to persist.

What's changing and why change now?

We've added an option to the license selector to allow any project to use an OSI approved license. Simply select “other open source” and indicate in your LICENSING, COPYING or similar file which license you are using.

Public domain projects are still only allowed on a case by case basis, as true public domain projects are quite rare and, in some countries, impossible. We encourage those that want to truly ship public domain to look at how D. Richard Hipp does things around SQLite and emulate his style. Email google-code-hosting@googlegroups.com if you’d like to request that license be applied to your project.

(Please note: we will continue to hunt down and kill non-open source projects or other projects using Google Code as a generic file-hosting service.)

Why change now? The TL;DR version is that we think we've made our point and that this new way of doing things is a better fit to our goal of supporting open source software developers.

The longer form of the reason why is that we never really liked turning away projects that were under real, compatible licenses like the zlib or other permissive licenses, nor did we really like turning away projects under licenses that serve a truly new function, like the AGPL. We also think that there were inconsistencies in how we handled multi-licensed projects (for instance: a project that is under an Apache license, but has a zlib component.)

To rectify this, we decided to add an additional option to the license selector that would accommodate some flexibility around open source licenses. We hope you find it useful and look forward to seeing how you use the site!

2013, By: Seo Master

seo Meningkatkan Trafik Dengan Menjadi Dofollow 2013

Seo Master present to you:
(Update 20 Oktober 2012)
Setelah dipikir-pikir akhirnya aku putuskan untuk men-Dofollow-kan blog ini, tak lain dan tak bukan selain berbagi buat sesama blogger juga dalam rangka meningkatkan trafik blog. tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa kita lebih menyukai berkunjung ke blog dofollow daripada ke blog nofollow. Memang ada resiko yang harus dibayar seperti sulitnya meningkatkan page rank atau kemungkinan sulit menembus halaman pertama google. Tapi ga apa-apalah toh niat awal blog ini dibuat dalam rangka berbagi sesama blogger. lagi pula blog ini sudah berhasil masuk top 10 google untuk puluhan keyword dan ratusan long tail keyword, mudah-mudahan saja rankingnya ga jadi melorot.

Blog Dofollow "katanya" kurang disukai search engine, tapi lebih disukai blogger. mana yang dipilih? tentu pengennya dua-duanya seo friendly dan disukai blogger. tapi kalo harus milih salah satu tentu lebih milih disukai blogger (lha wong pengunjung blog ini blogger semua tul.. ga..). mudah-mudahan ada persahabatan yang bisa terjalin sesama blogger.

Blog belajar seo untuk pemula ini sendiri adalah blog pertama yang aku buat dengan
serius, maksudnya sekalian belajar seo sekalian belajar blog pula, jadilah membuat blog tentang seo. Kenapa milih tema Seo? soalnya Seo merupakan senjata paling ampuh bagi yang hendak berbisnis internet.

Kembali ke soal Dofollow tadi, pada akhirnya aku mengucapkan selamat kepada yang sudah berkomentar di blog ini karena Kamu telah mendapatkan backlink secara cuma-cuma. Buat pengunjung baru silahkan berkomentar di postingan blog ini untuk mendapatkan backlink sekaligus trafik dari pengunjung lainnya. buatlah komentar yang baik dan berkualitas karena komentar yang asal apalagi nyepam akan aku hapus. Sementara ini aku masih make open comment yaitu setiap komentar yang dimasukkan akan langsung tampil. Tapi jika banyak komentar yang nyepam maka boleh jadi kebijakannya akan berubah.

Nah.. Kamu sendiri pilih Dofollow atau Nofollow?
2013, By: Seo Master
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